Full name: Elias Bravin
Home address: Tendergatan 7, 722 33 Västerås, Sweden
Home photos: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1172279730544840798/1200107667109199932/SpyHouse.png, https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1172279730544840798/1200110552022790224/Screenshot_20240125-171038_Instagram.jpg, https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1172279730544840798/1200110552362532915/Screenshot_20240125-171047_Instagram.jpg, 
Birth date: 27/01/2008
Emails: ebibas.bravin@gmail.com, treeforcelol2@gmail.com
Old face picture: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1172279730544840798/1200087242761326662/OldSpy.PNG
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@08BB_
Other YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@BM_The_Spy
Old YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@BM_The_Spy_Old
Roblox username: 08BiggestBrother
Discord: 08_bb (ID: 1176919415044964405)
Twitter: https://x.com/BravinElias
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/eliasbravin
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/elias-bravin
Mom name: Maria Erika Schrewelius Viklund
Mom address: Tendergatan 7, 722 33 Västerås, Sweden
Mom birth date: 11/12/1984
Mom phone number: +46769114199
Mom face picture: https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/C4D03AQHEwVeJ49Iwxg/profile-displayphoto-shrink_200_200/0/1588682332962?e=2147483647&v=beta&t=4YjQRJxWH41q3D-RLBz32-UNG-R0LABtejFUqIbOxGA
Mom LinkedIn: https://se.linkedin.com/in/maria-schrewelius-viklund-057a39aa
Mom Instagram: https://instagram.com/@plumziz

Dad name: Jimmy André Christoffer Bravin
Dad address: Tendergatan 7, 722 33 Västerås, Sweden
Dad birth date: 19/01/1985
Dad phone number: +46734119645
Dad face picture: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1172279730544840798/1200104622275186698/Screenshot_20240125-164708_Instagram.jpg
Dad Instagram: https://instagram.com/@patinaleathercraft_andre
Dad Facebook: https://facebook.com/PatinaLeathercraft
Dad email: andre_bravin@hotmail.com
(Great man, but degenerate kids)

Siblings: Kevin Bravin, Hera Bravin, Alexander Bravin, Daro Bravin, Tristan Bravin
Dox by LethalLiquid & Mazov from UAF
- Betrayed us and left without a word to pursue his dream to jack off to digital anime women and play Genshit Impact
- Used to be the only sane one, went down the path of Kevin Bravin, also known as "CatKingGarfield" (Kevin was the first one to leave us to love some hentai shit)
SIDE NOTE from Mazov
Although I still respect him for what he did with us and for making UAF possible, I just can't forgive him for what he is doing today's time. We hope he returns as normal or atleast stops with the anime trash.