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Long story short, James Robert rallison,

is an American YouTube animator and makes storytime animations and what not,  but ever since  the video of "Table Top Games", he's been one of those stereotypical  YouTubers that  come up with the merchandise, and makes their own fucking board game.  But a little more recent than that, TheOdd1sOut came out with a video about scams that should be illegal.

In that video he first of all talks about mobile games. But literally a year later, he goes on to say that he made his own mobile game, and then bragged about how it was number 3 trending on YouTube.

Some people even say that his most recent videos going from the videos, "Strangers Trying to Sell You Stuff,  to the clothes video" 

????????????????: Robert James Rallison 
Age:25   DOB: May 14, 1996

????????????????????????????:  1082 E Canyon Way, Chandler, AZ

???????????????????????? ????????????????????(????):

Youtube.......... https://www.youtube.com/c/theodd1sout
Twitter........... https://twitter.com/theodd1sout?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
Furry Reddit:.......https://www.reddit.com/user/theodd1sout/