_____             .____________.__                  .____                  __          ._.
  /     \ _____    __| _\______   |  |   _______  ___  |    |    ____ _____  |  | __ _____| |
 /  \ /  \\__  \  / __ | |    |  _|  |  /  _ \  \/  /  |    |  _/ __ \\__  \ |  |/ //  ___| |
/    Y    \/ __ \/ /_/ | |    |   |  |_(  <_> >    <   |    |__\  ___/ / __ \|    < \___ \ \|
\____|__  (____  \____ | |______  |____/\____/__/\_ \  |_______ \___  (____  |__|_ /____  >__
        \/     \/     \/        \/                 \/          \/   \/     \/     \/    \/ \/
These leaks are copyrighted by The Numnuts. Nounblox, you're next. Hahaha! We made it look like you did this, when it was actually us, The Numnuts.

  ____             _        _                   
 |  _ \           | |      | |                  
 | |_) | __ _  ___| | _____| |_ ___  _ __ _   _ 
 |  _ < / _` |/ __| |/ / __| __/ _ \| '__| | | |
 | |_) | (_| | (__|   <\__ | || (_) | |  | |_| |
 |____/ \__,_|\___|_|\_|___/\__\___/|_|   \__, |
                                           __/ |
March 4th, 2023. User "AppleSalt" discovers an XSS vulnerability within MadBlox's place page. They DM me (guy1770), telling me all about the vulnerability. 
I form a group with myself and 9 others.

* Me
* AppleSalt
* Canada
* Reflexrobyou
* 8702
* FireGurl
* nolanwhy
* MadBlox "Numbers"
* Slovakia
* BeccaZZ

AppleSalt makes several keys and gives us admin. He also spams games with a hidden IP logger. Lots of MadBlox IPs were pulled, and some even got DDoSed.
These IPs will be included in this document, as well as everything else we have.

The next day (which is today, March 5th), Canada goes into the admin panel and starts changing alerts. MadBlox staff are alerted by this and try disabling
announcements. Then, Canada spam clicks the link that gives everyone 1 free MadBux, causing the economy to go in shambles. We change all alerts to the
invite for our MadBlox "Numbers" server, and many people join. In there, we leak an export of the MadBlox staff GC, as well as a few IPs. Someone gets

8702, an admin in MadBlox's Discord server, gives everyone admin. The nuke begins. We all have a quick talk in our group chat and decided to frame Nounblox,
because we hate them and we wanted Yomi to think they were responsible for this.

Nicknames get changed to NounBlox's server invite. The server name and icon as well. Every channel gets deleted, then spam channels saying to join Nounblox
fill the server up. Eventually, nolanwhy banned everyone.

A new MadBlox server was made, and the site was back up. It was time for round 2. MadBlox "Numbers" gave everyone maximum MadBux, and even changed account 1's name
to MadBlox "Numbers". MadBlox admins took notice and put the site in maintenance again, stating it will be rewritten. After all of this, newuser, who was not in the
group, but part of MadBlox, turned against NiceYomi and leaked the source and database. Now, with all that aside...


 _____ ______   _      _____   ___   _   __ _____ 
|_   _|| ___ \ | |    |  ___| / _ \ | | / //  ___|
  | |  | |_/ / | |    | |__  / /_\ \| |/ / \ `--. 
  | |  |  __/  | |    |  __| |  _  ||    \  `--. \
 _| |_ | |     | |____| |___ | | | || |\  \/\__/ /
 \___/ \_|     \_____/\____/ \_| |_/\_| \_/\____/ 

Notice: We have way more IPs than this, but we are only showing a few as a teaser. If this gets enough comments, we will release every IP.
IP - | Provider - iFiber Communications Corp) | Location - Wenatchee, United States | Using - Edge, on Windows

IP - | Provider - Superonline Iletisim Hizmetleri | Location - Kartal, Turkey | Using - Opera, on Windows

 _____  _____  _   _ ______  _____  _____   _      _____   ___   _   __
/  ___||  _  || | | || ___ \/  __ \|  ___| | |    |  ___| / _ \ | | / /
\ `--. | | | || | | || |_/ /| /  \/| |__   | |    | |__  / /_\ \| |/ / 
 `--. \| | | || | | ||    / | |    |  __|  | |    |  __| |  _  ||    \ 
/\__/ /\ \_/ /| |_| || |\ \ | \__/\| |___  | |____| |___ | | | || |\  \
\____/  \___/  \___/ \_| \_| \____/\____/  \_____/\____/ \_| |_/\_| \_/

______   ___   _____   ___  ______   ___   _____  _____   _      _____   ___   _   __ _____ 
|  _  \ / _ \ |_   _| / _ \ | ___ \ / _ \ /  ___||  ___| | |    |  ___| / _ \ | | / //  ___|
| | | |/ /_\ \  | |  / /_\ \| |_/ // /_\ \\ `--. | |__   | |    | |__  / /_\ \| |/ / \ `--. 
| | | ||  _  |  | |  |  _  || ___ \|  _  | `--. \|  __|  | |    |  __| |  _  ||    \  `--. \
| |/ / | | | |  | |  | | | || |_/ /| | | |/\__/ /| |___  | |____| |___ | | | || |\  \/\__/ /
|___/  \_| |_/  \_/  \_| |_/\____/ \_| |_/\____/ \____/  \_____/\____/ \_| |_/\_| \_/\____/ 



 _____  _____   ___  ______ ______   _____  _____   _____ __   ________  _____ ______  _____ 
/  ___||_   _| / _ \ |  ___||  ___| |  __ \/  __ \ |  ___|\ \ / /| ___ \|  _  || ___ \|_   _|
\ `--.   | |  / /_\ \| |_   | |_    | |  \/| /  \/ | |__   \ V / | |_/ /| | | || |_/ /  | |  
 `--. \  | |  |  _  ||  _|  |  _|   | | __ | |     |  __|  /   \ |  __/ | | | ||    /   | |  
/\__/ /  | |  | | | || |    | |     | |_\ \| \__/\ | |___ / /^\ \| |    \ \_/ /| |\ \   | |  
\____/   \_/  \_| |_/\_|    \_|      \____/ \____/ \____/ \/   \/\_|     \___/ \_| \_|  \_/  


  ___   _____  _____  _____  _   _  _   _  _____   _____  _   _ ______  _____ 
 / _ \ /  __ \/  __ \|  _  || | | || \ | ||_   _| |_   _|| \ | ||  ___||  _  |
/ /_\ \| /  \/| /  \/| | | || | | ||  \| |  | |     | |  |  \| || |_   | | | |
|  _  || |    | |    | | | || | | || . ` |  | |     | |  | . ` ||  _|  | | | |
| | | || \__/\| \__/\\ \_/ /| |_| || |\  |  | |    _| |_ | |\  || |    \ \_/ /
\_| |_/ \____/ \____/ \___/  \___/ \_| \_/  \_/    \___/ \_| \_/\_|     \___/ 
DATABASE USERNAME: m32690_madblox

Use pma.ct8.pl to edit the database!

FTP Username: f32690_madblxx_ga
Port : 21
Password: Mhamed098123
Host: s1.ct8.pl

Notice: This FTP no longer exists.

This document will be updated frequently. For any questions, contact us at discord.gg/s9QwBghAEW.