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                           D O X
|                      Table of contents                        | 
|      0x01  Introduction.............................          |
|      0x02  Personal Information.....................          |
|      0x03  Social Media Accounts....................          |
|      0x04  IP Information...........................          |
|      0x05  Family Members Information...............          |
|      0x06  House Information........................          |
|      0x07  Chat Logs................................          |
|      0x08  The Speech...............................          |
|                      0x01  Introduction                       |
Derek Graziano, known to the Internet as @derekgraz, is a Kick "secret" streamer who goes on Tinder dates in his house and streams the girls without them knowing.
One victim was understandably scared for her privacy though, and she is the main reason for this dox. When she first was introduced to the 1,000 viewer stream,
she expressed to Derek her fear that the camera he was using to stream was on. It was, but he lied and says that it wasn't. During the stream, she took her shirt off,
right after asking Derek to turn around, which he then proceeds to open the stream on his phone and react to chat seeing the victim undress herself amd put on a long
tee. A little further through the stream, Derek decided to steal the girl's credit card and proceeded to charge over $300 with it. The reason this is a problem is not 
only because of the girls, but because Derek is getting away with it using his connections to TrainwrecksTV, the owner of Kick. He thinks he is untouchable but he is 
not. Paranormic decided it was time for him to reap his reprocussions. This is the full dox of Derek Graz. #weareparanormic
|                  0x02  Personal Information                   |
Name.................... Derek Graz
Mugshot................. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1226247401271201855/1226602733822545970/image.png?ex=66255dd0&is=6612e8d0&hm=41eb3b0d2b12ca4307ca7c073ca047f9304831c822d81a952c535b8f31742def&
Occupation.............. Degenerate
City of birth........... Conneticut 
Race.................... White
Ethnicity............... American
Gender.................. Male
Sexuality............... Sraight
Relationship Status..... Dating
D.O.B................... November 18, 2004
Age..................... 19
Mobile Phone Number..... 212-873-9876
Email................... Derekkgrazbusiness@gmail.com
Home Phone Number....... 212-873-9876
Direct Address.......... 325 Lexington Avenue #27-B 
Country................. United States
State................... New York
City.................... NYC
ZIP..................... 10016
|                  0x03  Social Media Accounts                  |
Online Alias............ derekkgraz
Snapchat................ https://www.snapchat.com/add/derekkgraz
E-mail.................. Derekkgrazbusiness@gmail.com
Twitter................. https://twitter.com/derekkgraz
Youtube................. https://www.youtube.com/c/DerekGraz
Twitch.................. https://www.twitch.tv/derekkgraz
Kick.................... https://kick.com/derekgraz
TikTok.................. https://tiktok.com/@derekkgraz
Instagram............... https://www.instagram.com/derekgraz/
Gmail................... Derekkgrazbusiness@gmail.com
|                      0x04  IP Information                     |
-IP Address-
IP Address..............
Hostname................ Comcast
Reverse DNS............. c-73-137-205-183.hsd1.ga.comcast.net
ASN number.............. AS7725 Comcast Cable Communications, LLC
ISP..................... Comcast Cable Communications
District................ Fulton County
|               0x05  Family Members Information                |
NAME.................... Laura Wilson
AGE/D.O.B............... Uknown
ADDRESS................. 22 Warner Rd, Newton, New Jersey 07860
HOME PHONE NUMBER....... 212-873-9876
|                    0x06  House Information                    |
Direct Address.......... 325 Lexington Avenue #27-B, NewYorkCity, NY 10016 
Country................. United States
State................... New York
City.................... NYC
Floors.................. 33
Rooms................... 1
Area (sqft)............. 794 sqft
Bedroom................. 1
Kitchen................. 1
Bathroom................ 1
Rent (pcm).............. $10,189 
Buy..................... $1,350,000
Tax..................... $1,000
|                        0x07  Chat Logs                        |
-Reddit-.............. https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/15imn1f/nsfw_this_dude_is_livestreaming_girls_without/?rdt=51450

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