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Reasons: Taking down games that we worked hard on, and a geek from AA
General Info:
Name- Tyler Jason Rossi
General Location- Harrison Township, MI 48045
Address (Simple)- 37349 Pocahontas Dr
Address (full)- 37349 Pocahontas Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48036
Phone- (586) 840-7668
Wifi Provider- AT&T CORP.
Mother Name- Geraldine J Rossi
Mother Wifi Provider- AT&T CORP.
Mother Address- 37349 Pocahontas Dr, Clinton Township, MI 48036 
Mother Phone- (586) 840-7668
Mother General Location- Harrison Township, MI 48045
Father Name- George David Chevalier
Father Address- 1219 Roslyn Rd, Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236
Father General Location- Michigan
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