 |	                                                                                                     |
 |	   |''||''| '||              '||''|.    ||          '||      '||''|.  '||'  '|' '||''|.              |
 |	      ||     || ..     ....   ||   ||  ...  ... ..   ||  ..   ||   ||  '|.  .'   ||   ||             |
 |            ||     ||' ||  .|...||  ||    ||  ||   ||' ''  || .'    ||...|'   ||  |    ||...|'             |
 |	      ||     ||  ||  ||       ||    ||  ||   ||      ||'|.    ||         |||     ||                  |
 |	     .||.   .||. ||.  '|...' .||...|'  .||. .||.    .||. ||. .||.         |     .||.                 |
 |    	                                                                                                     |
 |                            _______	DDDDDDDDDDDDD             OOOOOOOOO     XXXXXXX       XXXXXXX        |
 |                           | ___  o|	D::::::::::::DDD        OO:::::::::OO   X:::::X       X:::::X        |
 |                           |[_-_]_ |	D:::::::::::::::DD    OO:::::::::::::OO X:::::X       X:::::X        |
 |        ______________     |[_____]|	DDD:::::DDDDD:::::D  O:::::::OOO:::::::OX::::::X     X::::::X        |
 |       |.------------.|    |[_____]|	  D:::::D    D:::::D O::::::O   O::::::OXXX:::::X   X:::::XXX        |
 |       ||TheDirkPVP: ||    |[====o]|	  D:::::D     D:::::DO:::::O     O:::::O   X:::::X X:::::X           |
 |       ||Ill hit u   ||    |[_.--_]|	  D:::::D     D:::::DO:::::O     O:::::O    X:::::X:::::X            |
 |       ||Offline!!!  ||    |[_____]|	  D:::::D     D:::::DO:::::O     O:::::O     X:::::::::X             |
 |       ||            ||    |      :|	  D:::::D     D:::::DO:::::O     O:::::O     X:::::::::X             |
 |       ||____________||    |      :|	  D:::::D     D:::::DO:::::O     O:::::O    X:::::X:::::X            |
 |   .==.|""  ......    |.==.|      :|	  D:::::D     D:::::DO:::::O     O:::::O   X:::::X X:::::X           |
 |   |::| '-.________.-' |::||      :|	  D:::::D    D:::::D O::::::O   O::::::OXXX:::::X   X:::::XXX        |
 |   |''|  (__________)-.|''||______:|	DDD:::::DDDDD:::::D  O:::::::OOO:::::::OX::::::X     X::::::X        |
 |   `""`                `""`           D:::::::::::::::DD    OO:::::::::::::OO X:::::X       X:::::X        |
 |                                      D::::::::::::DDD        OO:::::::::OO   X:::::X       X:::::X        |
 |                                      DDDDDDDDDDDDD             OOOOOOOOO     XXXXXXX       XXXXXXX        |
 |                                                                                                           |
 |                                                                                                           |
 |  dirk-dox-directory	                                                                                     |
 |    ⌙ title-page.txt                 /^v^\                                                                 |
 |    ⌙ index.txt                                                                                            | 
 |    ⌙ summary.txt                   /^v^\           _/|       |\_         /^v^\                            |
 |    ⌙ offences                        /^v^\        /  |       |  \                      /^v^\              |
 |      ⌙ scamming.txt                              |    \     /    |           /^v^\                        |
 |      ⌙ discord-botting.txt                       |  \ /     \ /  |                                        |
 |	⌙ ddos-threats.txt                          | \  |     |  / |                        /^v^\           |
 |      ⌙ toxic.txt                                 | \  |     |  / |                   /^v^\                |
 |      ⌙ rape-shaming.txt            /^v^\         | \ _\_/^\_/_ / |      /^v^\                             |
 |      ⌙ ip-farming.txt                            |    --\//--    |                                        |
 |	⌙ mc-skid.txt                                \_  \     /  _/                                         |
 |    ⌙ information                                    \__  |  __/                                           |
 |      ⌙ ip.txt                                          \ _ /                                              |
 |      ⌙ school.txt          /^v^\                      _/   \_                                             |
 |      ⌙ emails.txt                                    / _/|\_ \                                            |
 |      ⌙ accounts.txt                                   /  |  \                                             |
 |      ⌙ known-passwords.txt                             / v \                                              |
 |      ⌙ personal.txt                                                                                       |
 |      ⌙ parents.txt                                                                                    |
 |    	                                                                                                     |
 |                                                                                                           |
 |              .d8888b  888  888 88888b.d88b.  88888b.d88b.  8888b.  888d888 888  888                       |
 |              88K      888  888 888 "888 "88b 888 "888 "88b    "88b 888P"   888  888                       | 
 |              "Y8888b. 888  888 888  888  888 888  888  888 .d88888 8888    888  888   .d88b.              | 
 |                   X88 Y88bd888 888  888  888 888  888  888 888  88 8888    Y88b 888   888888              | 
 |               88888P'  "Y88Y"  888  888  888 888  888  888 "Y88888 8888     "Y88888   'Y88Y'              | 
 |                                                                                 888                       |
 |                                                                            Y8b d88Y                       |
 |                                                                             "Y88P"                        |
 |                                                                                                           |
 | Dirk is a skid known for threatening to hit people offline, he has scammed developers for premium cores,  |
 | and he uses his discord with 300+ fake accounts to gain advantages and leverage over others in the        |
 | community.                                                                                                |
 |                                                                                                           |
 | He has threatened to hit people offline regularly and has leaked peoples IPs, he previously set up his    |
 | MC server to farm IPs so that he could blackmail people. His insane toxicity has caused staff and other   |
 | noteable people in his community to turn on him.                                                          |
 |                                                                                                           |
 | He acts like he has power, when really he is harmless. We are here to teach him that actions have         |
 | consequences. We are here to avenge for the pain he has caused.                                           |
 |                                                                                                           |
 |                                                                                                           |
 |                                                                                                           |
 | (\                                                                                                        |
 | \'\                            ...     .-:::::'.-:::::'.,:::::::::.    :::.  .,-::::: .,:::::: .::::::.   |
 |  \'\     __________         .;;;;;;;.  ;;;'''' ;;;'''' ;;;;''''`;;;;,  `;;;,;;;'````' ;;;;'''';;;`    `   |
 |  / '|   ()_________)       ,[[     \[[,[[[,,== [[[,,==  [[cccc   [[[[[. '[[[[[         [[cccc '[==/[[[[,  |
 |  \ '/    \ Offences \      $$$,     $$$`$$$"`` `$$$"``  $$""""   $$$ "Y$c$$$$$         $$""""   '''    $  |
 |    \       \ of Dirk  \    "888,_ _,88P 888     888     888oo,__ 888    Y88`88bo,__,o, 888oo,__88b    dP  |
 |    ==).      \__________\    "YMMMMMP"  "MM,    "MM,    """"YUMMMMMM     YM  "YUMMMMMP"""""YUMMM"YMmMY"   |
 |   (__)       ()__________)                                                                                |
 |                                                                                                           |
 |                                                                                                           | 
 |                                                                                                           |
 | / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \_ |
 |/ /  \ \SCAMMING!\ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \__ |
 |\ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / _ |
 | \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  |
 |Dirk is known to scam, he does this to gain access to private data/code and plugins. He also does this for |
 |a variety of other reasons. We currently have no screenshots of him scamming but it is widely known that   |
 |he regularly does this.                                                                                    |
 | / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \_ |
 |/ /  \ \DISCORD BOTTING!/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \__ |
 |\ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / _ |
 | \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  |
 |350+ members in under 8 days? I think not! Before Dirk's MC server got ETBed, it had upwards of 800        |
 |users... Within 8 days of the new server, he had gained over 300 members of which the offline percentage   |
 |is on average %72. It is likely that most of the users, that he uses as leverage for discounts and to      |
 |gain power, are bots.                                                                                      |
 | / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \_ |
 |/ /  \ \DDoS THREATS!___/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \__ |
 |\ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / _ |
 | \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  |
 |This little dutch guy is most publicaly known for threatening to hit people offline and DDoSing people.    |
 |In reality, Dirk is harmless and couldn't hit someone off if he tried. He acts like some NSA Hackerman     |
 |when in reality he is just a skid in denial.                                                               |
 |                                                                                                           |
 |Proofs:                                                                                                    |
 |                                                                                                           |
 |He threatened to hit an ex-staff member offline for resigning from LyberiaHQ                               |
 |- https://gyazo.com/14a888171b997248603020189a7d24cc                                                       |
 |- https://gyazo.com/af355dcba56962463f0b4508bd362aa9                                                       |
 |- https://gyazo.com/510e4fcf64f9d20e97e50f2ed7bfa896                                                       |
 | / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \_ |
 |/ /  \ \TOXICITY!\ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \__ |
 |\ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / _ |
 | \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  |
 |Dirk. Is. Toxic.                                                                                           |
 |There is no doubt about it, he is one of the most toxic users that you can find when roaming the desolate  |
 |wasteland that is the shitty wannabe large network community.                                              |
 |                                                                                                           |
 |Proofs:                                                                                                    |
 |                                                                                                           |
 |He is a toxic lil rat.                                                                                     |
 |- https://gyazo.com/af355dcba56962463f0b4508bd362aa9                                                       |
 |- https://gyazo.com/9d7c2345e54a73249c6c37887100d723                                                       |
 |- https://gyazo.com/14a888171b997248603020189a7d24cc                                                       |
 | / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \_ |
 |/ /  \ \RAPE SHAMING!___/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \__ |
 |\ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / _ |
 | \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  |
 |Dirk made fun of a rape victim as well as some other horrible bullshit.                                    |
 |                                                                                                           |
 |- http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=46287729119138441128                                        |
 | / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \_ |
 |/ /  \ \IP FARMING!\____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \__ |
 |\ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / _ |
 | \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  |
 |Setup LyberiaHQ as a shitty IP farm for blackmail.                                                         |
 |                                                                                                           |
 |- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdu7R9_u8y8                                                              |
 | / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \_ |
 |/ /  \ \MC SKIDDY! \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \__ |
 |\ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / __ \ \__/ / _ |
 | \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  \ \____/ /  |
 |Dirk is just a flat out MC skid, renames leaked plugins and claims credit, acts like he knows java when    |
 |really, he has no fucking clue.                                                                            |
 |                ~*                            |                  *                                  *      |
 |    .-.,="``"=.        _        __          - o -                        .     ^              ,            |
 |    '=/_       \      (_)      / _|           |      .       #                < >      _                   |
 |     |  '=._    |      _ _ __ | |_ ___  *                            .---.     V        "-.          *     |
 |  *   \     `=./`,    | | '_ \|  _/ _ \       *                  ..."     "...              0              |
 |       '=.__.=' `='   | | | | | || (_) |               *     .  '..:.......:..'                            |
 |             `        |_|_| |_|_| \___/                             '.....'          `                     |
 |     *                                           .                                              *          |
 |               +                                                                 .                         |
                                      | Dirk's IP:                      |
                                      |                                 |
                                      | IP:                |
                                      | Netname: Telfort                |
                                      | Hostname: "static.kpn.net"      |
                                      | Loc: "52.2985,5.6209"           |
                                      |                                 |
                                      |      (VERIFIED IP - NO VPN)     |
                                      |_______________   _______________|
                                      | Dirk's School:                  |
                                      | [removed by phoenix]            |
                                      | You can find the school through |
                                      | his .edu email.                 |
                                      |_______________   _______________|
 | Emails: TheDirkPvP@gmail.com - LyberiaHQ@gmail.com - 14742@edu.groevenbeek.nl                             |
 | Accounts:                                                                                                 |
 |  Discord:                                                                                                 |
 |   TheDirkPvp#6156                                                                                         |
 |  Twitch:                                                                                                  |
 |   ItzDirk                                                                                                 |
 |   - https://www.twitch.tv/itzdirk                                                                         |
 |  Youtube:                                                                                                 |
 |   TheDirkPvP                                                                                              |
 |   - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGRYbAAlbRhpx7kQ5d7hggw                                              |
 |  Minecraft:                                                                                               |
 |   TheDirkPvP:                                                                                             |
 |    - https://namemc.com/profile/TheDirkPvp.1                                                              |
 |   TheBartPvP/Atacking:                                                                                    |
 |    - https://namemc.com/profile/Atacking.2                                                                |
 |   GhostLiights:                                                                                           |
 |    - https://namemc.com/profile/GhostLiights.2                                                            |
 |  Spotify:                                                                                                 |
 |   Dirk                                                                                                    |
 |   - https://open.spotify.com/user/tfkbxue0a7nt3d0h3m7rhlg0h                                               |
 |  Instagram-(Outdated):                                                                                    |
 |   @only_dirk                                                                                              |
 |   - https://www.instagram.com/only_dirk/                                                                  |
 |                                                                                                           |
 | Known Passwords: Negative123 - sample12@A (AVAILABLE ON LEAKED DATABASES)                                 |
      (  (                                                                                           (  (
       )  )                                                                                           )  )
      (  (                                                                                           (  (
       )  )                                                                                           )  )
 | Other Information:                                                                                        |
 | Name: Dirk                                                                                                |
 | Age: 15 - 2/May/2003                                                                                      |
 | Race: Greek                                                                                               |

 | Sports: [removed by phoenix]                                                                              |
 |  _____                     _                                                                              |
 | |  __ \                   | |                                                                             |
 | | |__) |_ _ _ __ ___ _ __ | |_ ___                                                                        |
 | |  ___/ _` | '__/ _ \ '_ \| __/ __|                                                                       |
 | | |  | (_| | | |  __/ | | | |_\__ \                                                                       |
 | |_|   \__,_|_|  \___|_| |_|\__|___/                                                                       |
 | Mother:                                                                                                   |
 | [removed by phoenix]                                                                                      |
 | Father:                                                                                                   |
 | [removed by phoenix]                                                                                      |

    ·▄▄▄▄       ▐▄• ▄ ▐▄• ▄ ▄▄▄ .·▄▄▄▄      ▄▄▄▄·  ▄· ▄▌
     ██▪ ██▪      █▌█▌▪ █▌█▌▪▀▄.▀·██▪ ██     ▐█ ▀█▪▐█▪██▌
     ▐█· ▐█▌▄█▀▄  ·██·  ·██· ▐▀▀▪▄▐█· ▐█▌    ▐█▀▀█▄▐█▌▐█▪
     ██. ██▐█▌.▐▌▪▐█·█▌▪▐█·█▌▐█▄▄▌██. ██     ██▄▪▐█ ▐█▀·.
    ▀▀▀▀▀• ▀█▄▀▪•▀▀ ▀▀•▀▀ ▀▀ ▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀•     ·▀▀▀▀   ▀ • 
        ________  ___  ___  ________  _______   ________   ___     ___    ___ 
       |\   __  \|\  \|\  \|\   __  \|\  ___ \ |\   ___  \|\  \   |\  \  /  /|
       \ \  \|\  \ \  \\\  \ \  \|\  \ \   __/|\ \  \\ \  \ \  \  \ \  \/  / /
        \ \   ____\ \   __  \ \  \\\  \ \  \_|/_\ \  \\ \  \ \  \  \ \    / / 
         \ \  \___|\ \  \ \  \ \  \\\  \ \  \_|\ \ \  \\ \  \ \  \  /     \/  
          \ \__\    \ \__\ \__\ \_______\ \_______\ \__\\ \__\ \__\/  /\   \  
           \|__|     \|__|\|__|\|_______|\|_______|\|__| \|__|\|__/__/ /\ __\ 
                                                                  |__|/ \|__| 