By Nobelia, Push, Akashi
Well again someone Got Fucked! 
When will they learn it?
Dont act like you are everything bro!
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Well lets start this nice dox!
Name: Nina Smit
Username"s": TheBlackKnight_
E-mail: -
Home Address: Op De Graaf 3
City: Oirsbeek
Zip/Postal: 6438 JA
State/Province: Limburg
Country: The Netherlands
Phone number: +31 6 15 17 58 05
Home Phone Number: 
Birth date: 14/12/2005
Family Members: Mother and Dad
Name of Mother: Melanie Smit
Name of Father: Martijn smit
IP address: -
ISP: Vodafone Libertel BV
Operating System: Windows 10
Website: -
First Name: Nina
Middle Name: -
Last Name: Smit
Born: 14th of December, 2005
Ethnicity: Dutch
Sex: Female
Job: - 
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Eye Color: Blue/Green
Height: -
Weight: -
Age: 16y
Hair Color: Blond
Date of Birth: 14/12/2005
Education: VWO+
School: Sint-Janscollege (Amstenraderweg 122, 6431 EN Hoensbroek, Nederland)
History Education: Havo 
Timezone: GMT+2 
Religious Views: -
Noticeable Features: probably suffering from depression because people all eboys leave her.
Relationship: TheBlueKnight_
Online Information
ISP: Vodafone Libertel BV
IP Assignment: Dynamic IP
Minecraft Account: TheBlackKnight_
Discord Account: Black_#6425
Instagram Account: @jaditboeitmeniet_ (
Snapchat: ninasxo4
Tiktoks of her she is the right

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