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│ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- │

▌                      ThatOneKid#8686 Dox                         ▌
▌      (1|1)  Introduction.............................          ▌
▌      (2|2)  Personal Information.....................          ▌
▌      (3|3)  Social Media Accounts....................          ▌
▌      (4|4)  IP Information...........................          ▌
▌      (5|5)  Proof....................                          ▌
▌                      (1|1)  Introduction                      ▌
ThatOnekid is an addict roblox deepwoken and strucid player that goes by the name of {8kunshu} he is prooven to rage quit every time numb beats
him in aba using ts luffy or pts ichigo. Hes bad at every game he plays but he dosent like to admin it. His reputation comes from beiing
{Not Numb#001} and it has been prooven that mega is better than him and hes scared to 1v1.

Honestly screw this guy he dosent want to grind for my account on aba and im tired of it.

This guy fell for a grabify link called (https:/becomebetteratm1comboingatanimebattlearenaforfree.com) this man is sad. Anyways here is his info
              ___     |    `
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▌                  (2|2)  Personal Information                  ▌

---FULL NAME--- Jimiel Broomfield {aka} mr.broomfield
--- Age --- 16
---Email--- wannaplayphantomforces@gmail.com
---Picture(s)--- https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/914257420077903943/916867899581411348/Screenshot_20210602-061147_Discord.png
---Phone--- Samsung Galaxy J7 star ultra max pro
---Religion--- Shrek
---Gender--- NumbOnTop
---Country--- India
--- City ---Bhopal

▌                  3|3  Social Media Accounts                  ▌

---Instagram--- @numbfat1234
---Snapchat--- ladyhunter21936 & Broken_But_Beautiful17

▌                      (4|4)  IP/Location Information                     ▌
-IP Address:
-ISP: Jio
-Location: Hinotiya Jageer, Huzur, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, 462101, IND
-Latitude/Longitude: 23.2487/77.4066
-Postal Code: 462101
-State/Region: Madhya Pradesh

▌                      (5|5)  Proof (Screenshots and Video)                ▌

(this is an image of thatonekid after he got nitro classic for the first time.).

(him admitting mega is better than him on aba).

(him admitting numb is his father)

__________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________  __________

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  |             | [/]     []| |_  |                  |              
  |             | [\]     []|___) |                  |  btw if you are reading this numb has your ip now ;) (Created by Doxxer Numb)          