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                   /           #-_            _-~#  # .     #.
                  .       -._     "-.      +:._________....--'
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                  ! \           _-#`+'   \                           #-----'
                   \ \     ,-_-#    |     \                .-#~-_
                    \ `.  _-7_)     |      \              |  -._ `.                          Satelite found a new target.
#~-._    _--._    ,+-\  `.          |       !             !\    #<>`.                        Target found : User: sheluvsthal..
     #~-#     #~# l| l`.  "-.       "       ' ~-._..-+~#~  \`. ,' !                          Dox loaded enjoy.
       l \ \_`-_  "-._          /               j`.`.  !  | +~#~+-..
- - - -.- - - -.-  \_\_____#~-.__#~--.__.-"-.- - - -.- -.- \\_`-.+._.' - - -_-.
 . `      #       .   LJLJLI  ,     .    +     ' _ _.. .  ,'l\l\  -_ =  ~##.
      .,     `'    _-#l\  |l`.  _"__. ---  ~"# __. -- ~# %~+-g-~#%  .         -
   *     +      _-#_..l \| l._\  _. --- ~"##          *      #          #
 _ __. --- ~"# .@##~~~---%--~~##@.      .
         __. - !_!      | |    !_!  .,
    - ~#    .,     *    `-'   ..       _*@*  4r did this :* 
                                                ║ → 0x10 | Intro.................................. ║
                                                ║ → 0x20 | Personal Information................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x30 | Family................................. ║
    ⛧0x10 - Intro
Today i will be leaking a user known as sheluvsthal or thal.
The reason i have doxxed this dickhead is for being a bitch he also scams and the list goes on and on.
Hope you enjoy :)
     ⛧0x20 - Personal Information
Real Name: Thalais Watts
PC User: ave_m
Windows Version: Microsoft Windows 10 Home
Product Key: 48FNB-V2KCD-6DX96-6HKHP-GQ7X3

Hostname: Unknown
Country Code: TT (TTO)
Country: TT Trinidad and Tobago
Region: Chaguanas
City: Chaguanas
Postal Code / zip: Unknown
ISP: Digicel Trinidad and Tobago Ltd.
Organization: Digicel Trinidad and Tobago Ltd.
ASN: AS27800
Continent: NA North America
Timezone: America/Port_of_Spain (Fri, 02 Dec 2022 15:32:20 -0400)

Language spoken: en-US
Phone : +18684847601
Email : thalaiswattsyt@gmail.com , thalais.watts@bajs.edu.tt , ave.mel20@gmail.com
 ⛧0x30 - Family/More info
Father: Philips Watts
Mother: N/A ( Shes dead :skull: )

Tax Invoice Number: 01688055

Company Owned : Sphinx Construction Limited (LTD)

Company Informantion:
 Username : sphinxhdc
 Company Name : Sphinx Construction Limited
 Registration/When the company started : October 22, 2021, 10:31 am
 Contact : (868) 663-3056
 Email : sphinxconstructionltd@gmail.com
 Company Location : 106 West Dr Champs Fleurs

Electricity Company: Trinidad & Tobago Electricity Commission
Account Number:	1140500-292344
Numbers :
Billing Number : (868) 663-3056
Contact : (868) 735-3156
CC Holders Number : (868) 796-1303
LED Bulb Distribution Number : (868) 663-3056

Balance on card : $4,448.16
                |\_______________ (_____\\______________
(bang bang)  HH======#H###############H#################            He is only 15 so i wont be leaking much.
               ' ~""""""""""""""`##(_))#H\"""""Y########            This is just a little warning of what you get so thalais i suggest you stop.
                                 ))    \#H\       `"Y###            -4r
                                 "      }#H)