*Personal Information:
Full Name: Almog peretz {אלמוג פרץ}
Birthday date: 15.1.2006
Phone number: 0543835586
*Some pics of this ugly monkey
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1063075115023208509/1125019849412845608/IMG_3661.png (A family of monkeys)
Son of a bitch, did you really think I wouldn't find you?
I swear to God if you don't quit TGI by the end of July, I will post a full doX with your entire family and your address.

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣰⣿⣿⠿⠛⠉⠉⠁⠀⠀⠀⠹⡄⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⢹⡇⠀⠀⠀                  YOU CAN RUN AWAY, BUT NOT HIDE.      