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|. [=] Intro: Im doxxing this asian because she's racist and a pedophile. She has said the n-word on multiple occasions and always tries getting with little boys under the age of 13.
|.  One of her victims, soursourgummybear, has spoken up about this situation and given us more proof and information about terra, concerning the fact that she tried to groom him.
|. [=] Reasons: Pedophile, racist, homoesexual
|. [=] Anyways, enjoy this dox and terra I hope you learn from your mistakes and do better. 

|. → Name: Terra Sanchez Lu
|. → Age: 19
|. → Height: 4'9 
|. → Weight: 190 lbs
|. → Race: Mexican and Korean                                                                                                                     
|. → Blood type: B-
|. → Address: 127 Cottage Rd, Sydney, NS B1P 2E3, Canada 
|. → Sport: Bowling and Golf
|. → Favorite rappers: Lil tay and Woah Vicky, Bhad Babbie
|. → Phone number: 217-610-3468
|.   >>Carrier: Virgin Mobile
|. → Job: Kindergarten · 45 Maillard St (Applied there to babysit little children and touch them... How sad.)
|. → Roblox Profile: https://www.roblox.com/users/708597304/profile

|  [=] Social Media: 
|  → Tiktok: disnotangela 
|  Password: Ihateblackpeople992
|  → Instagram: play.boibilly
|  Password: Ihateblack22
|  → Discord: duybuoi#0127
|  Password: TerraLu87
|  → Email: TerraS_Lu@yahoo.com
|  Password: LolOL33
|  [=] Old locations:
|  → 500 Birch Hill Dr, Sydney, NS B1P 3V9, Canada
|  +19025640431
|  4RPM+MX Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada
|  [=] Schools:
|  → Sydney Academy
|  School · 49 Terrace St
|  → Brookland Elementary School 
|  Elementary school · 153 Cottage Rd
|  +1 902-562-0768
| [=] Family
|  → Mother: Xing Pao Lang
|   Age: 25
|  → Father: Chi Mun Sanchez Lu
|   Age: 86
|  → Sister: Ling pu Sanchez Lu
|   Age: 5
|  → Dog: Dead, she ate it.

|  → https://i.imgur.com/eQAT0Rl.jpg
|  → https://i.imgur.com/QWgTqsA.png
|  → https://i.imgur.com/TUuxsUZ.png
|  → https://i.imgur.com/Qlyqwws.png
|  → extra: hand pic → https://imgur.com/VzjgCJF