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					By: Dripfm

					Reason: I met tempted back in 2017. We became friends, and he was really chill. I then realized
                                                that he is just a manipulative, backstabbing, piece of shit. He swats people for money
                                                and swats innocent people because he's broke. Most of this information is confirmed, I got
                                                most it just by knowing him for such a long time, and because he would
                                                show his address by accident sometimes. I didn't think it'd ever come to me dropping
                                                a big ass dox on him, but I've had enough of his stupid bullshit. He constantly
                                                disappears out of nowhere, and threatens to swat me. Zach, if you're reading this
                                                fuck you. 
_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 

	Personal Information:
Name: Zachary Jayden Lofgren

Street: 733 Louray Dr

City: Baton Rouge

State: Louisiana

School: Baton Rouge Magnet High School

Phone Number: 504-452-8211
Carrier: AT&T

IP Address:

	Parents Information:
Fathers Name: Lucas Lofgren
- Address: 733 Louray Dr, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
- Number: 225-934-6199
- Age: 47
- Profession: Basketball Coach

Mothers Name: Anita Lofgren
- Address: 733 Louray Dr, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
- Number: 504-584-3918
- Age: 43
- Profession: Doctor

	Sibling Information:
Sisters Name: Britney Lofgren
- Address: 733 Louray Dr, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

	Online Information:
Discord: tempted.#0001
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tempted
Minecraft: https://namemc.com/profile/tempting.2
	(pretty sure his egirl uses his twitter)

- Dripfm