Pedophiles, Zoophiles, Child molesters bragging about their interests and convictions.

There is a public telegram channel where pedophiles go to expose themselves 
for sexual gratification. Myself and other users have reported to law enforcement 
every post that is technically illegal, but as always, law enforcement is expected 
to fall short and do nothing of the users who have tried to sneak around admitting their
 ownership and distrubution of child sexual abuse material. There aren't many other places 
to go, so it will be posted here in the hopes that someone reading this is in the mood for 
exposing child molesters, rapists, and cp distributors. 

This team is strictly involved in gathering usernames and reporting to law enforcement 
what we can. This thread will be checked at a later date to provide more 
information if/where possible. 

Aside from child or animal abuse and abuse material,
we will report nothing. We only want child and animal abusers to see justice.
This post, site, or users, will never be included in a report to law enforcement.

Telegram chat name 


@hornybitch18 (In direct contact with group owner or is group owner)
@Filthyslut ("dumb lil' diaper fag")
@Carlaluvsu123 (Pedo/Zoophile)
@PupHuskyBear (Zoophile)
@owi_whasbi (Pedo/Zoophile)
@FaeArgyle (Pedo/Zoophile)
@Naryk_2 (Pedophile, registered sex offender, posesses cp, father of 3 "cute kids")
@Stargazer2007 (Pedo, might have plans to rape minor at upcoming convetion)
@May_1265 (Pedo/Zoophile diaper)
@AlexFox7B (Pedo/Zoophile admits to owning and distributing CP)
@CubFuckingFoxxx (Pedo/Zoo/Necrophile)
@Amythemonster (Pedo/Zoophile) 
@Dakoda0 (Pedo/Zoophile wants to rape "lil kiddos")
@Crazyasfuck666 (Pedo/Zoo/Necrophile and rapes their dog)
@OneWithTheGrapes (Pedo/Zoophile plans to rape his little sister)
Note: Group owner added "This one is deliciously twisted. I also thrive on the hatred 
of others and indulging in taboo and I hope you get to throat fuck as many kids 
and dogs as you can @Onewiththegrapes"
@woofwoofmf (Pedo/Zoophile)

These are only the posted usernames, there are currently almost 300 users in the chat.
 A fair portion are probably likeminded individuals archiving this data for
 law enforcement or other reasons. Again, we are only watching pedophiles or zoophiles here.

Certainly more to come as time progresses, the group and post rate has grown rapidly.

This group is connected to "Cub with captions"
Which is another pedophile cesspool full of usernames.

Law enforcement has been and will continue to be notified where possible for what can be 
reported, but no trust is placed in law enforcement because of their continuous failure
 to do their job. If you've got the time and energy, have a good time. 
Try not to blow the lid on it all too soon, the more people who admit the better.