Originally posted as "tehWongz" on 12/30/2011 at 06:37:00:

    TehWongZ ReAl DoX --- 11/08/2011  
 ----LEADER OF CSLSEC----    https://twitter.com/#!/cslsec
    Name: Charlie Floate
    Dob - 25 april 1996
    He stays at nans most school nights because its closer to school
    Location: (Nans Address) 6 Starbold Crescent, Knowle, Solihull, West Midlands, UK, B93 9JX
    (FACT) - Now Attending - Arden School, Solihull, West Midlands B93 0PT                     ###
    He went to -  Knowle C of E Primary School -   http://www.knowle.solihull.sch.uk/           ###
    Facebook - http://facebook.com/charlie.floate1                               ###
    Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/themagicstation1#p/u/2/McjfxwSdLz8          ###
    Skype - IshCharlie
    justin.tv - http://www.justin.tv/charriewong/b/290481957?                    ###
    Twitter - https://twitter.com/#!/TehWongZ                                    ###
    Family -
    Philip E Floate
    Charlotte A Floate
    Janet A Floate
    Lucy Jane Floate
    His Mother lives in Wolverhampton
    Mothers Boyfriend known by nickname Con
    HIS REAL DAD -  Leigh Foxall / https://www.facebook.com/foxxman              ###
    Lives - Birmingham, United Kingdom
    Originaly from - Olton, Solihull, United Kingdom - Born on 07 August
    Used to work at  Lola Logistica Ltd  (Managing director) - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lola-Logistica-Ltd/213202148692071?sk=info   ###                                    
    School - Tudor Grange School / School year 1987
    Engaged to Nikee Ward - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=712042315   ###
    Daughter / Charlies half sister: Lola Foxall                                    
    Pictures -
    http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/827/16293447369727878877790.jpg/              ###
    http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/23/65777473709853788777903.jpg/               ###
    http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/6/16642847369927378877790.jpg/                ###
    http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/854/16286247369978878877790.jpg/              ###
    http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/191/22773721587116510813410.jpg/              ###
    http://i.imgur.com/cvhdE.jpg   HIS PICTURE FOR THE FBI
    http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/8489/charrie.jpg // Passport photo. Added 12/30/11 - staff

    Video of prank call to FBI - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YRUq8soBbY            ###
    Facebook Chums he speaks to the most:
    Tony Cantone <<< He uses this guys profile pic for his twitter
    https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000336217831               ###
    Tony Cantone's IP - - from Bristol
    Niall Jimbob Jones Gallacher
    https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000818896965               ###
    Phone Number: 01564 200532  (prob his Nans)                      
    Aliases: TehWongZ, Charrie Wong, Charliehax, SC2ish,
    (alternative address for his nan) Flat 6, Starbold Court Starbold Crescent, Knowle, Solihull, B93 9LB
    ..Must be logged into Facebook to view some links..

- Prologue -
First of all, I.d like to introduce myself, I.m known online as .Charrie Wong. but my true and .real. name is Charlton George, I.m a 15 year old boy, from England, UK. I started hacking well at the time if you can call it .hacking. when I was just 12 yr.s of age. I spent around a month DDoS.ing small sites .til my video game addiction kicked in and I started playing that uptil the age of my 15th Birthday where I started see.ing anonymous on the new more. I was just on/off visiting the AnonNews.org IRC for a few months until around mid-april when I started actually speaking to people about where to learn etc. of course my first ever .hack. was just a simple LOIC attack on a certain target at the time, I believe it was a Asian news website. I started growing a huge interest for hacking and would spend upto 7 hours a day reading eBook.s, tutorial.s, forum post.s and watching youtube videos. I bought a hard hitting shell booter and found I could hit easy targets offline and then starting being a freelance web designer where I earned a couple $100/Month making basic PHP/HTML websites for my family, friends and people online. I then started learning SQLi and produced my first deface on a website which was pretty damn easy. I continued watching video.s and reading tutorials until I knew how to code and setup a shell booter and solid botnet, at this point I started developing my booter (which has been known for developing attacks) and my team .The WongZ. I set about gathering people and working on a stream prank calling the FBI and other known organizations to viewers around the world, I got a good couple of donations from that and bought a VPS and domain for my booter instead of hosting it off my crappy old PC which I had converted into a server. I then worked with my tram, setting up a twitter, youtube etc and earned money by DoX.ing a HackForums.net member who had requested a paid DDoS of a targeted company, I then went on to hack medium sized websites to gain shells and buy VPS.s etc from my stockpile of around $2,000, I also had income from my pocket money each week of around 10 GBP per week roughly $15 - $18 at the time. I also invested in advertising and other things such as stocks etc, which some I still hold and are growing today (all under my mother.s name of course who had no clue at the time.) In mid-may I got caught.. after I had hacked into my school.s website and they had some how traced my IP, got the phone number from Virgin Media and proceeded to call my house where my 9 year old brother picked up and of course, gave my name away.. I got a police referral order for 6 months, where they would regularly check my PC.. BUT I had a laptop, netbook and other people.s/family.s computers at my disposal, I carried on to learn XSS and LFI which I then did my 1 day of LulZ in dedication of lulzsec, which targeted high priority targets for 1 day (the 8th of August) I had a small following at the time and I rememberd a quote from earlier form Sabu: .To control the media lie, troll or ignore them all together. . so I released a FBI lie which was a simple trick I had found on the website, which then got me a lot of recognition and almost doubled my twitter following in a day. I then released the .Actual Hacks. I had done, on PBS, BBC, GoodYear etc... which got me .in. with the crowd I am now affiliated with today.


Originally posted as "ThisIsGame0ver" on 09/03/2013 at 00:30:25:


THIS DOX IS A C/P FROM - http://pastebin.com/T8gEgmnP

I just wanted to release this because, I knew GameOver was TehWongz / D4rkH4ck1ng / D4rksVader for a long time &amp; knew that his dox was released on his old alias. Since his dox was released, he decided to run away from the skid scene &amp; decided to start a new skid named, &quot;Game Over&quot;. It was a successful fail. I want to end this &quot;hackers&quot; career; oh wait he never had a hacking 'career'. 

Also, if you look closely into his 'hacks' you can see 90% of his hacks are SQL Injection &amp; not even trivial. There just GET SQLi &amp; every site he cant hack he just #TangoDown's the site(fag). 

Just some quick examples: 
http://masehri.com.pk/fur_products.php?id=3'&amp;name=Living Room 
and much more...

He also put a interesting status - https://twitter.com/ThisIsGame0ver/status/324297619541213184/ 
saying, &quot;Fuck with the best, die like the rest&quot; and he ddos'd a site &amp; added #TangoDown on the status; but I dont get it? The best ddos sites? 

D4rkH4ck1ng / D4rksVader / Wongz / DnXTitanium / ThisIsGame0ver / Game Over / Charlie Floate
&quot;We do not Tolerate ignorant skids diminishing real work&quot; - You took the words out of my mouth.
I guess it's #GameOver Charlie

Full Name: Charlie Floate
Date of Birth:?25th of April 1996 
Age: 16 - 17
Address: ?Flat 6, Starbold Crescent, Knowle, Solihull, B93 9LB, GB (Nan's house)
? ?96 Starbold Crescent, Knowle, Solihull, B939LA, GB (Parents' House most likely)
Phone Numbers: ?+44.01564200532 , +44.07791154957
Photos: ?http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/827/16293447369727878877790.jpg
?http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/8489/charrie.jpg (Passport Photo)
Secondary School: ?Arden School, Solihull, West Midlands B93 0PT, UK 
Secondary School Website: ?arden.solihull.sch.uk/ad/home
Primary School: ?Knowle C of E Primary School, Kixley Lane, Knowle, Solihull, West Midlands B93 0JE, UK 
Primary School Website: ?knowle.solihull.sch.uk
Websites: titanium-designs.com, d4rkh4ck1ng.byethost31.com , d4rkh4ck1ng.no-ip.org, aplusmarket.org, thegameisover.tk, jollyroger.zqlz.us, dawongz.blogspot.com, ishgaming.com, alpha-stock.net, theonlinearena.com
HF Account: ?http://www.hackforums.net/member.php?action=profile&amp;uid=1140590
Other HF Account:?http://www.hackforums.net/member.php?action=profile&amp;uid=831783
Twitter: TehWongZ, GAlad33n, P3doHunterS, GameOverVirus, SC2ish, cslsec
Youtube: D4rkHacking, anonisjohnny, Char1iesChannel, TheW0ngZ, themagicstation1, TheK1DGamer
Co-Owner of MMOwnage: ?http://www.youtube.com/user/mm0wange
Emails: charrie4lyfe@hotmail.co.uk, charrielong@gmail.com,  c?g@hotmail.com (charlielong@hotmail.com?), contact@titanium-designs.com, thewongz@hotmail.co.uk, charliefloate@gmail.com, sc2ish@gmail.com
Skypes: D4rkV01D, IshCharlie, charrielong, sc2ish, gadgy-tronix, odesk.help, ukwebsolutions
Facebook: ?https://www.facebook.com/charlie.floate1
Myspace: ?http://www.myspace.com/472421567/
LinkedIn: ?http://uk.linkedin.com/in/charliefloate
DeviantArt: ?http://titaniumdesign.deviantart.com/
Twitch: ?http://www.twitch.tv/titaniumdesigns
Pastebin: ?http://pastebin.com/u/charriewong
TinyChat: ?http://tinychat.com/charriewongf
Blogger: ?http://www.blogger.com/profile/06816419281842860969

Girlfriend: ?http://www.hackforums.net/showthread.php?tid=2858461
Pictures: ?http://i.imgur.com/udjCr.jpg

Mother: Janet A Floate, ?http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/janet-floate/23/817/432
Father: Philip E Floate.?https://www.facebook.com/philip.floate, http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/philip-floate/11/723/9b5
Charlotte A Floate?https://www.facebook.com/charlotte.floate
Lucy Jane Floate

His Mother lives in Wolverhampton
Mothers Boyfriend known by nickname Con

Biological Father: Leigh Foxall  ?https://www.facebook.com/foxxman
Engaged to Nikee Ward - ?https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=712042315
Lives in Birmingham, United Kingdom
Originally from Olton, Solihull, United Kingdom 
Engaged to Nikee Ward - ?https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=712042315
Daughter / Charlies half sister: Lola Foxall

Proof Of DOX: 

Openly admits to being GameOver on skidforums... 
and much more...


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Originally posted as "D4rkH4ck1ng_Wongz_Charlie_Floate" on 02/13/2013 at 22:36:48: 

"We do not Tolerate ignorant skids diminishing real work" - You took the words out of my mouth.
I guess it's #GameOver Charlie

I had this dox made already. When I saw your HackBB Thread I had to post it
Starting a blackhat group. LOL, oh you...
And now for the dox
Name: Charlie Floate

Date of Birth: 25th of April 1996

Flat 6, Starbold Crescent, Knowle, Solihull, B93 9LB, GB (Nan's house)
96 Starbold Crescent, Knowle, Solihull, B939LA, GB (Parents' House most likely)

Phone Numbers: +44.01564200532 , +44.07791154957


Secondary School: Arden School, Solihull, West Midlands B93 0PT, UK 
Secondary School Website: arden.solihull.sch.uk/ad/home

Primary School: Knowle C of E Primary School, Kixley Lane, Knowle, Solihull, West Midlands B93 0JE, UK 
Primary School Website: knowle.solihull.sch.uk

Websites: titanium-designs.com, d4rkh4ck1ng.byethost31.com , d4rkh4ck1ng.no-ip.org, aplusmarket.org, jollyroger.evils.in, jollyroger.zqlz.us, dawongz.blogspot.com, ishgaming.com, alpha-stock.net, theonlinearena.com

HF Account: http://www.hackforums.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=1140590
Other HF Account: http://www.hackforums.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=831783

Twitter: TehWongZ, GAlad33n, P3doHunterS, GameOverVirus, SC2ish, cslsec

Youtube: D4rkHacking, anonisjohnny, Char1iesChannel, TheW0ngZ, themagicstation1, TheK1DGamer

Co-Owner of MMOwnage: http://www.youtube.com/user/mm0wange

Emails: charrie4lyfe@hotmail.co.uk, charrielong@gmail.com,  c•••••••••g@hotmail.com (charlielong@hotmail.com?), contact@titanium-designs.com, thewongz@hotmail.co.uk, charliefloate@gmail.com, sc2ish@gmail.com

Skypes: D4rkV01D, IshCharlie, charrielong, sc2ish, gadgy-tronix, odesk.help, ukwebsolutions

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/charlie.floate1

Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/472421567/

LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/charliefloate

DeviantArt: http://titaniumdesign.deviantart.com/

Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/thebakersboy, http://www.twitch.tv/titaniumdesigns

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/u/charriewong, http://pastebin.com/u/CSLSecurity

TinyChat: http://tinychat.com/charriewongf

Blogger: http://www.blogger.com/profile/06816419281842860969

Girlfriend (supposedly): 


Mother: Janet A Floate	

Father: Philip E Floate	

Charlotte A Floate			

Lucy Jane Floate

His Mother lives in Wolverhampton
Mothers Boyfriend known by nickname Con

Biological Father: Leigh Foxall  https://www.facebook.com/foxxman
Engaged to Nikee Ward - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=712042315
Lives in Birmingham, United Kingdom
Originaly from Olton, Solihull, United Kingdom 
Daughter / Charlies half sister: Lola Foxall



First up, his timeline:

138401250688499712 2011-11-20 15:40:04 PST <TehWongZ> @RalliasUbernerd yeh sure, thanks :)
138401278802931712 2011-11-20 15:40:10 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce LOL!
138415012187348993 2011-11-20 16:34:45 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce WUT? I wud &lt;3 that power, you could just sell skittles all day and wear gloves :)
138415052259737600 2011-11-20 16:34:54 PST <TehWongZ> RT @MLG: It's Leenock vs. NaNiWa! Get ready! #MLGProvidence #SC2
138415684689461248 2011-11-20 16:37:25 PST <TehWongZ> @YourAnonNews What we need is a 1%'er to buy us loadsa servers to dee doos the USA's face.
138415721846816768 2011-11-20 16:37:34 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Sinikle: Just heard soldiers threw gas into the protestors FIRST AID tent .             cold - blooded animals doing this to their own people.
138415825970413568 2011-11-20 16:37:59 PST <TehWongZ> @Shirokucraft @opticalforce GLOVES MADE OUT OF OBSIDIAN!
138439875694305281 2011-11-20 18:13:33 PST <TehWongZ> RT @MLG: 16-year old #Leenock is about to accept his 2011 #MLG Championship trophy! Not to mention $50K! #SC2
138467071259443201 2011-11-20 20:01:37 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @__spin erm... Do u mind getting the fuck away from my crew? We all hate u equally.
138467333072105472 2011-11-20 20:02:39 PST <TehWongZ> RT @MLG: And here are you #MLGProvidence #SC2 Top 32! http://t.co/MXfjhAB6
138467743312789504 2011-11-20 20:04:17 PST <TehWongZ> Gawd I'm hungry, where's #OpRobinHood when u need it?!
138468146511216640 2011-11-20 20:05:53 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken hey I'm Occupying my bedroom... Ur welcome in if you can get me sum pizza? #OpRobinHood
138473916187426818 2011-11-20 20:28:49 PST <TehWongZ> RT @THIEFofCookies: It could be worse.. http://t.co/lWYvgquD @MsBecker @AnonyOps @CabinCr3w @TehWongZ
138526218382344192 2011-11-20 23:56:38 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @__spin no, no they dont.
138526303543504896 2011-11-20 23:56:59 PST <TehWongZ> RT @r3d4ct3d: @TPB_Stun this pisses me off... the part of the cops chasing the homeless around. grrrrr
138664450893946880 2011-11-21 09:05:56 PST <TehWongZ> @yetiite @KieshuZykova @__spin yetiite got it alll rite nigga
138899903714820096 2011-11-22 00:41:32 PST <TehWongZ> @b00b4net ?
138899991149285376 2011-11-22 00:41:53 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce @shirokucraft lol
139040218819985410 2011-11-22 09:59:06 PST <TehWongZ> Tee Hee, go Martini, Xbox live pishing KING
139046074580090880 2011-11-22 10:22:22 PST <TehWongZ> @Shirokucraft Can't don't actually have a steam forum account xd
139108230138822656 2011-11-22 14:29:21 PST <TehWongZ> RT @ioerror: This is probably the most hilarious #antisec pastebin I've ever seen: http://t.co/nIu698Uq
139136029876682752 2011-11-22 16:19:49 PST <TehWongZ> RT @TehWangZ: @TehWongZ  Hey blo, miss me?  Sarry's askin' about you again. She has that "look" in her eyes. Kinda creeps me out. #IbinBizzy
139136125334847488 2011-11-22 16:20:11 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags NM, but seriously @Shibby2142 Y U Noo giz SHOUTOUT :o :(
139136303747956736 2011-11-22 16:20:54 PST <TehWongZ> @FXOLeenock &lt;3
139144416874070016 2011-11-22 16:53:08 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter I know, I be famoose nigga xD
139179166993088513 2011-11-22 19:11:13 PST <TehWongZ> RT @wikileaks: Bribane Nov 25: Rally for Julian Assange 5-7PM http://t.co/B9fixywT #WikiLeaks
139179583948861440 2011-11-22 19:12:53 PST <TehWongZ> The Internet is a wonderful place because you can say Nigga on here and not get chased then stabbed by angry black youths...
139253961621389313 2011-11-23 00:08:26 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags no lol
139398710575628288 2011-11-23 09:43:37 PST <TehWongZ> #OpHorizon http://t.co/YxSChp0q
139443008541163521 2011-11-23 12:39:38 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @CalebNewz :D
139485427840196608 2011-11-23 15:28:12 PST <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 I don't have 1 ATM dude :/
139490249817595905 2011-11-23 15:47:21 PST <TehWongZ> Feds, I've decided it's time. I'm going to embarrass you on a WHOLE new level. You better v& me quick. If you can.
139490381564870656 2011-11-23 15:47:53 PST <TehWongZ> @Lyricistjinn I'm up 4 it. #FuckTheFeda
139491477049974784 2011-11-23 15:52:14 PST <TehWongZ> @Lyricistjinn I don't believe in god. Too much scientific and theoretical proof that he's not real. Think... #Palestine
139497856066265089 2011-11-23 16:17:35 PST <TehWongZ> Would you guys like to see more prank calls on my channel? I have a few ideas, and if any of you do hacks/defaces @ me I'll call the site :)
139497896306417664 2011-11-23 16:17:44 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Sinikle: Israel need to leave, its that simple, that is THE ONLY solution.
139510915723837440 2011-11-23 17:09:28 PST <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 msg'd u bak but ur not following
139511132716154880 2011-11-23 17:10:20 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @vinceinthebay @calebnewz I can't :( I can on weekends, ask Vince if we can guest host his shitty show :P
139511166685818882 2011-11-23 17:10:28 PST <TehWongZ> RT @HuffingtonPost: 17-year-old earns $140,000 to be a caddie http://t.co/1yqxYx70
139523728378826752 2011-11-23 18:00:23 PST <TehWongZ> @anonops who does your video editing? It's nice :-)
139523826651365377 2011-11-23 18:00:47 PST <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 sent
139524453662064640 2011-11-23 18:03:16 PST <TehWongZ> The UK Government have taken NO action against these corporate thief's so let me kick things off. http://t.co/IC628CBr EXPECT ME.
139526641687855104 2011-11-23 18:11:58 PST <TehWongZ> @eastdakota so how long until you handle the same as Google?
139526697300148224 2011-11-23 18:12:11 PST <TehWongZ> RT @EndClassWar: #WrongSongsToPlayInPrison Time - Pink Flloyd
139526729566912512 2011-11-23 18:12:19 PST <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 replied
139528244155260928 2011-11-23 18:18:20 PST <TehWongZ> RT @eastdakota: @TehWongZ a while still. But we're growing faster than they did.
139528416134311937 2011-11-23 18:19:01 PST <TehWongZ> @eastdakota :o nice :-) but I'm still confused how you make money, I understand the $20 thing.. And do you give info to gov/police?
139544616440569856 2011-11-23 19:23:23 PST <TehWongZ> @nateryan7182 @dustinslaughter @korgasm_ @anonymously37 @not_me U2, but I'm English xD
139545569583575041 2011-11-23 19:27:11 PST <TehWongZ> “@ApplesRBlue: @TehWongZ h0w 4b0ut th1s 1 (212) 384-1000 http://t.co/ddP2GU0N” &lt; psch... FBI is lightweight shit man...
139547033232097280 2011-11-23 19:33:00 PST <TehWongZ> @dignitasSeleCT haven't seen much out of you lately, where you been hiding? :)
139547430160039936 2011-11-23 19:34:34 PST <TehWongZ> @FishStix Hey, TwitchTV still doing sponsorship deals for 2012? I might Skype you :-)
139548328412196864 2011-11-23 19:38:08 PST <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 msg'd u
139548681841016832 2011-11-23 19:39:33 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzPirate you don't learn do you -.- Anthony your mother might get a phone call. And dude GET YOUR OWN PROF PIC & KEEP IT.
139548873923366914 2011-11-23 19:40:18 PST <TehWongZ> http://t.co/IDrFDa6k
139550789189386240 2011-11-23 19:47:55 PST <TehWongZ> Barclays hold £7.2 Billion worth of Shares in Arms dealing companies. It's time for #Anonymous to take out the banks. #FreePalestine
139550832193572864 2011-11-23 19:48:05 PST <TehWongZ> @eastdakota touché salesman.
139551517622534144 2011-11-23 19:50:49 PST <TehWongZ> @RBS_MediaTeam Royal Bank of Scotland's Account Access Terminals IP Address: - 1 by 1 I'm coming for the corporate pigs.
139552560393633795 2011-11-23 19:54:57 PST <TehWongZ> oh did I tell you that RBS use a DataCentre run by the Dept. of Defence? &lt;
139552895203934208 2011-11-23 19:56:17 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Rorroh: Help us reach 2.5 million twitter accounts to help children recover from trauma. Give a Tweet! http://t.co/mgqXuZWF  #DT @operationSAFE
139737394055352320 2011-11-24 08:09:25 PST <TehWongZ> The ride has been fun and the boat was great joy, but I'm said to say. The ride of a life time is over.
139774642788384769 2011-11-24 10:37:26 PST <TehWongZ> The time has come guys, they took it all, I have nothing to fight back now... Accept they broke there warrant terms :)
139778593260716032 2011-11-24 10:53:08 PST <TehWongZ> @P0wd3r_ yup guys I got raided, I was still at skwl at the time :/
139895604263399424 2011-11-24 18:38:05 PST <TehWongZ> @P0wd3r_ took my computer, laptop and my nan's PC BUT the warrant says to take computer equipment, they took my Guy Fawkes Masks &lt; broken it
139895740787990528 2011-11-24 18:38:38 PST <TehWongZ> @BinarySheep I was at school, and I have my phone still :)
139896802144030720 2011-11-24 18:42:51 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur Feds raided me yesterday :/ luckily i only had 1 incriminating file on my PC from @_f0rsaken
139901228950884353 2011-11-24 19:00:26 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken I DM'd u
139901904904912896 2011-11-24 19:03:08 PST <TehWongZ> So on the warrant it said they could take: Computer Equipment & matters of Interest to do with fraud. - They took my Guy Fawkes Masks? WTF?!
139902633828814848 2011-11-24 19:06:01 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News dude, I'm 15, so Underage and max I'll get is like 10-20 hours of Community service with my lawyer's skills ;-)
139902809402384384 2011-11-24 19:06:43 PST <TehWongZ> @SamBianchetto yup, the Warrant was issued 2 weeks ago but only came yesterday, they were VERY dis-organised TBH
139903548531019776 2011-11-24 19:09:39 PST <TehWongZ> @SamBianchetto they didn't... On the warrant it says it's to do with Fraud, so not to sure WTF that's all about xD
139903579984117760 2011-11-24 19:09:47 PST <TehWongZ> @Hoggecipher yup :/
139903625450356737 2011-11-24 19:09:58 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Juppelbow: A 15 year old girl who is terminal with cancer has made a bucket list. One of her wishes is to trend on Twitter. Give  RT #alicebucketlist
139903657482272768 2011-11-24 19:10:05 PST <TehWongZ> #alicebucketlist
139908205621952513 2011-11-24 19:28:10 PST <TehWongZ> @Hoggecipher I got y phone and they took my guy Fawkes masks which is breaking there warrant terms
139908230095699969 2011-11-24 19:28:16 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonJippo I'm fine lol
139908450929999872 2011-11-24 19:29:08 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonLoLs didn't get v& they thought I was like 20 something & I've gotta go in 4 a interview
139909018293501953 2011-11-24 19:31:24 PST <TehWongZ> Any1 wna phone Anon Lawyers 4 me? &lt;3
139910407216308224 2011-11-24 19:36:55 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 yeh, they confiscated my computer equipment.. As well as non-computer items (which breaks there warrant terms)
139910588028567553 2011-11-24 19:37:38 PST <TehWongZ> RT @leec85: You gotta know the law to break the law. #anonymous #protip
139911548540952576 2011-11-24 19:41:27 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 I did xD Som1 at my school probably grassed me up, because I was selling laptops n shit there 4 like £100 instead of £500 xD
139911614274084864 2011-11-24 19:41:42 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonLoLs not sure yet but read the tweet b4 this 1 ;)
139911787452706816 2011-11-24 19:42:24 PST <TehWongZ> RT @leec85: @TehWongZ Honestly, I would be proud of that if I were you. You can add that to your resume, seriously.
139914093787226112 2011-11-24 19:51:34 PST <TehWongZ> RT @leec85: @TehWongZ Go to the public library if you wanna do basic illegal stuff on the intranetz. But don't worry, at your age you'll be fine.
139914157112832000 2011-11-24 19:51:49 PST <TehWongZ> @MotormouthNews Im just the v& club bruda
139914797616599040 2011-11-24 19:54:21 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonLoLs well not my friends but probably som1 who doesn't like me...
139915497356541953 2011-11-24 19:57:09 PST <TehWongZ> My Warrant BITCHES http://t.co/3hMevH9t
139916843266736128 2011-11-24 20:02:29 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 haha I'm not even a man yet :P
139916850082480129 2011-11-24 20:02:31 PST <TehWongZ> RT @leec85: @TehWongZ You must be a dangerous man, hahaha. This type of thing makes me laugh. These laws didn't use to exist when I was younger.
139917107562422272 2011-11-24 20:03:32 PST <TehWongZ> RT @leec85: If they seized my Dev rig, I would go ape shit on a mother fucker. I can break you with any computer, I'd come after you if ya took my comp.
139917233026629632 2011-11-24 20:04:02 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 idiots didn't even do a proper search lol, I still got a Netbook & 4 USB stix xD
139917315344056320 2011-11-24 20:04:22 PST <TehWongZ> @TechHomeBacon go 4 it, I'm already doing a Interview :-) xD
139918479640903680 2011-11-24 20:08:59 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 they raided my gran at 9am & she was in the shower, so she went ape shit at them, followed them round the house saying DON'T TOUCH
139918558741278720 2011-11-24 20:09:18 PST <TehWongZ> @CalebNewz bit late Caleb
139918748072161280 2011-11-24 20:10:03 PST <TehWongZ> I'm considering recording the interview, of they can get a record of it, why can't I?
139919074976202753 2011-11-24 20:11:21 PST <TehWongZ> HD Version of my Warrant, I do things classy yo! http://t.co/z5Vle2Vf
139919372578856960 2011-11-24 20:12:32 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News well I don't wna be recorded.
139919605547286528 2011-11-24 20:13:28 PST <TehWongZ> @_St0rm dude I did hack the Gibson, hacked it from my mommies womb
139919839883042816 2011-11-24 20:14:24 PST <TehWongZ> @skydivefreak @discordianon Nah I had nothing on there in the first place, AcuteNix n stuff. But all my files are on VPS's xD
139920073073766401 2011-11-24 20:15:19 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News LOL! You reckon I could start making strange noises during the interview? There just like: are you TehWongz I say: BEHEDOFO
139920665728925697 2011-11-24 20:17:40 PST <TehWongZ> Bitches of you want a Interview wid me, better @ me 4 a DM quick :D
139920694766075904 2011-11-24 20:17:47 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Cyber_War_News: @TehWongZ Lol..... ask them for a computer for communication are you dnt understand them speaking :P
139921145230147584 2011-11-24 20:19:35 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News shit, I do actually have a porno on the HDD
139922102479360001 2011-11-24 20:23:23 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 @cyber_war_news LOL! But this was for the PedoBears trap xD it wasn't child but it was incest related xD #OpDarkNet
139922155407282176 2011-11-24 20:23:36 PST <TehWongZ> RT @leec85: @TehWongZ @cyber_war_news I've got over 16 TBs between all my servers and comps. Just 1 porn? I have ~400 in my google cloud, haha.
139922551353769984 2011-11-24 20:25:10 PST <TehWongZ> @yetiite Nope
139925328373092354 2011-11-24 20:36:12 PST <TehWongZ> I think @th3j35t3r is a insane person, he thinks his world is a playground off sorts, yet he doesn't get that there's more to this world.
139925582690529280 2011-11-24 20:37:13 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 @skydivefreak @cyber_war_news lol! Well I was using a video to post online to catch pedo bears xD
139928689877065728 2011-11-24 20:49:34 PST <TehWongZ> @C1TYofFL1NT LOL no :)
139928863554797569 2011-11-24 20:50:15 PST <TehWongZ> “@AnonymousCenter: The best hackers stay hidden.” psch.. I'm da best yet u don't see me stayin hidden xD
139929081385988096 2011-11-24 20:51:07 PST <TehWongZ> @_TeaMp0isoN Nigga I got raided :o u got da wrong person still, I'll prove it later (in bed ATM)
139929670312402944 2011-11-24 20:53:27 PST <TehWongZ> @ap0calypse_ &lt; when you join TP? TeamP0ison is filling up, that's not a good thing.
139929723294855168 2011-11-24 20:53:40 PST <TehWongZ> RT @HuffingtonPost: Body of alleged mafia boss found in river http://t.co/mZ99puSW
139931141552619520 2011-11-24 20:59:18 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 @anonymouscenter dude that it? I had my own pro-gaming clan which went to LANs, we came top 3 in a few, sponsored by Intel/Alienware
139931711692746752 2011-11-24 21:01:34 PST <TehWongZ> ok, so 3 grown men stole £3 million from CC's and for 4 years in Prison this year. I'm 15 & am getting "done 4 fraud" bring it.
139932955899465728 2011-11-24 21:06:31 PST <TehWongZ> @anon2world &?
139933125529706496 2011-11-24 21:07:11 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 @anonymouscenter lol! Dude. My team won IGN's Pro League and has Commentators casting/streaming the biggest events
139933655534538752 2011-11-24 21:09:17 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 @anonymouscenter no, but I wish these white hat money making web app developers would put down the cheque books for once.
139933705824247808 2011-11-24 21:09:29 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Rorroh: Eight months since the tsunami in Japan and people still need help. http://t.co/pxOCgTji\nhttp://t.co/IZLI6PCe #DT @operationSAFE
139933944400449536 2011-11-24 21:10:26 PST <TehWongZ> LOL! Feds took ma bank statement and ma homework.. Oh btw my coursework 4 skwl was on my computer, was supposed to hand that in today xD
139978216881397760 2011-11-25 00:06:22 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter haha I'll take a pic of the name and house on the warrant ;-)
139978285995130880 2011-11-25 00:06:38 PST <TehWongZ> @kevinklinkmuler nah xD
139981368930213888 2011-11-25 00:18:53 PST <TehWongZ> @kevinklinkmuler done that on Skype but I forgot my twitter password :D
139996980922417153 2011-11-25 01:20:55 PST <TehWongZ> @SamBianchetto kwl
140048304095502337 2011-11-25 04:44:52 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur yeh and they seized 3 of my computers, my anonymous masks and loads of my homework and my school stuff
140068157246283776 2011-11-25 06:03:45 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur that phone is pay as you go, I got rid of it yesterday. I'll call you ;)
140068246203273216 2011-11-25 06:04:06 PST <TehWongZ> @EisMC2 :D I jus am XD
140068257213329408 2011-11-25 06:04:09 PST <TehWongZ> RT @JackalAnon: I'm not saying you're a slut, but if your pussy had a password it would be "1234"
140096734335483906 2011-11-25 07:57:18 PST <TehWongZ> RT @CrappyAirBags: @Tehwongz is the essence of the #LULZ.  God Bless Charrie Wongz!
140097396519608321 2011-11-25 07:59:56 PST <TehWongZ> Yao :D I'm just a be w8ing xD
140103886311657472 2011-11-25 08:25:44 PST <TehWongZ> @JxToF No, but im not allowed to use computers at school...
140103917764751361 2011-11-25 08:25:51 PST <TehWongZ> @_sergh :D it is ;-)
140103982206033920 2011-11-25 08:26:07 PST <TehWongZ> @anon2world @testeux1 @cabincr3w yeh I never was :-)
140104064611528704 2011-11-25 08:26:26 PST <TehWongZ> RT @CabinCr3w: Dear @AnonO_o, @CalebNewz wants to marry you.
140105282188619776 2011-11-25 08:31:16 PST <TehWongZ> If they do arrest me, I'll tweet the phone number of the police station, everyone MAKE sure 2 chek my tweets & share the phone number round.
140115672037457920 2011-11-25 09:12:34 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce yeh 3 of them
140115692400816129 2011-11-25 09:12:38 PST <TehWongZ> RT @CrappyAirBags: I dont care what Jesus would do.  What would @TehWongz do: WWTD?
140115729281335296 2011-11-25 09:12:47 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter not yet
140118123830448128 2011-11-25 09:22:18 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce nothing, they haven't got anything on me :-)
140118207062224896 2011-11-25 09:22:38 PST <TehWongZ> @sl1mmer @opticalforce sl1mmer don't worry Im going to tell them all about you :-)
140118241304514560 2011-11-25 09:22:46 PST <TehWongZ> RT @eastdakota: Starting my Thanksgiving weekend CloudFlare customer service shift. Be gentle.
140118822442123264 2011-11-25 09:25:05 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce @sl1mmer sl1mmer hates me so I'll give them EVERYTHING he has done & the Skype convos :-)
140119084732915712 2011-11-25 09:26:07 PST <TehWongZ> @SamBianchetto it's been 8-9 hours :o
140123140541005824 2011-11-25 09:42:14 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce hehe will do ;-)
140123272699330560 2011-11-25 09:42:46 PST <TehWongZ> @sl1mmer @opticalforce lol?! Feds guna come bust down your door, you know u been a norty boi.
140123311974776833 2011-11-25 09:42:55 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AnoNLG: "Intellectual property crimes are not victimless”- Eric Holder as Feds Seize 130+ Domain Names in Mass Crackdown http://t.co/Og9WOiT9”
140123428140236800 2011-11-25 09:43:23 PST <TehWongZ> @AnoNLG Yo, I got raided but they broke the warrant terms (I'm in England) how do I contact you,
140134887452717056 2011-11-25 10:28:55 PST <TehWongZ> @BinarySheep @anonlg they took my guy Fawkes masks when the warrant only said: Computer Equipment & suspicious fraudulent items - masks? Lol
140136335880101888 2011-11-25 10:34:40 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AnonyOps: This video journalist resists against police's incorrect interpretation of law. http://t.co/H5K7uhCb
140136378867519488 2011-11-25 10:34:50 PST <TehWongZ> RT @LulzInvasion: I wish I could live in another country and laugh at all the stupid stuiff that happens in America. WAIT. i already DOoooooOOOOooooOOOOO!
140136526964203521 2011-11-25 10:35:26 PST <TehWongZ> @HuffingtonPost ok... So your not guna report on all the police brutality at #OWS yet you report on a FUCKING KITTEN?
140137973713879041 2011-11-25 10:41:11 PST <TehWongZ> RT @RWWWB: Interesting. US and Russian warships in Syrian waters. Both on elevated alert status. Nothing good can come of this.
140138456973189120 2011-11-25 10:43:06 PST <TehWongZ> Kinda ironic how Sony are making a film called: Anonymous
140140921395232768 2011-11-25 10:52:54 PST <TehWongZ> @iiBonKeRsS teehee :D
140191402972823552 2011-11-25 14:13:29 PST <TehWongZ> @iiBonKeRsS not much xD
140191441321332736 2011-11-25 14:13:38 PST <TehWongZ> RT @JxToF: @TehWongZ that ducks.  They expect you to compile code with pencil and paper?  Lol.
140191989810466816 2011-11-25 14:15:49 PST <TehWongZ> A Interview I did: http://t.co/kk0WKNOK - yesterday xD
140199453125644288 2011-11-25 14:45:29 PST <TehWongZ> @iiBonKeRsS let's say Birmingham :P
140199514698027008 2011-11-25 14:45:43 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce :D I'll try xD
140202969659473921 2011-11-25 14:59:27 PST <TehWongZ> @fr0stcr4g ;) I always deliver
140214122892627969 2011-11-25 15:43:46 PST <TehWongZ> @iiBonKeRsS Not guna tell u that :P
140214160758808576 2011-11-25 15:43:55 PST <TehWongZ> @fr0stcr4g indeed.
140253896370159616 2011-11-25 18:21:49 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousMPR it was the morning :) and my mum let them in at about 10am
140253922139979776 2011-11-25 18:21:55 PST <TehWongZ> @iiBonKeRsS all :P
140254471228895232 2011-11-25 18:24:06 PST <TehWongZ> FREAKIN OSSUM! http://t.co/xuR8m6zB
140260338095501313 2011-11-25 18:47:25 PST <TehWongZ> RT @CrappyAirBags: @fr0stcr4g @TehWongZ the wongz has been 15 for 2 years.  he is the PeterPan of hacking!
140260469662416896 2011-11-25 18:47:56 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @fr0stcr4g lol dude I've been haxin 4 bout 8 months :P
140260950094778369 2011-11-25 18:49:51 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags set my alarm, I'll get an hours sleep first xD
140264847702106112 2011-11-25 19:05:20 PST <TehWongZ> BTW, if you think American Police Brutality is bad, watch this & nothing EVER happened to these Feds. http://t.co/Oxb6q4ID
140266589416202240 2011-11-25 19:12:15 PST <TehWongZ> The UK Government are shutting down PressTV on Sky, Censorship? Well OBVIOUSLY, they also are "investigating" Russia Today &lt;3 2 Alyona...
140269650779975680 2011-11-25 19:24:25 PST <TehWongZ> “@GiveMeMind: An Interview With A Hacker http://t.co/RARA8UES” &lt; tis me :D
140272909351518208 2011-11-25 19:37:22 PST <TehWongZ> @anon_refundable @givememind or: Dongles (pay-as-you-go/unlimited) - Library - Cyber Cafe (with no cameras) - 3G Mobile Phone's ;-)
140273047591587840 2011-11-25 19:37:55 PST <TehWongZ> http://t.co/796GY3zv - This is when I'm proud to not be an American Citizen, but my government are licking the US's asshole.
140273715526107137 2011-11-25 19:40:34 PST <TehWongZ> @anon_refundable @givememind say: Dongle - in a Scottish accent, funniest word EVER!
140274209875165184 2011-11-25 19:42:32 PST <TehWongZ> Hmmm... If it comes 2 it, I've researched all the right phone numbers & saved a draft tweet, you guys may hav 2 do the calls 4 once.
140274932658601984 2011-11-25 19:45:24 PST <TehWongZ> @YourAnonNews stop unfollowing me I need to DM u
140274978435252224 2011-11-25 19:45:35 PST <TehWongZ> RT @6O57: Pepper-Spray Cop's Money Troubles, John Pike could no longer afford his mortgage, after the housing market crashed http://t.co/mSzQa947 #OWS
140275401539862528 2011-11-25 19:47:16 PST <TehWongZ> RT @skaicue: @TehWongZ  we love u,Charrie.U r just too humble tho.
140275523719921665 2011-11-25 19:47:45 PST <TehWongZ> @MotormouthNews @youranonnews yeh, Jackal better get his sticky fingers outta @EisMC2 & get on his deck of tweeting lulz.
140394971034419201 2011-11-26 03:42:24 PST <TehWongZ> @Chocochip95 :P
140395147962761216 2011-11-26 03:43:06 PST <TehWongZ> @iiBonKeRsS Online Forums, there's people who do paid lessons & books, learn JavaScript coding & you will be able to hack most sites :P
140395604869263360 2011-11-26 03:44:55 PST <TehWongZ> @d_starman yeh I'm kinda confused with this whole Iran thing...
140395636607553536 2011-11-26 03:45:02 PST <TehWongZ> @ewek5 ;)
140395712381857792 2011-11-26 03:45:20 PST <TehWongZ> @EisMC2 @motormouthnews @youranonnews indeed
140395812038508544 2011-11-26 03:45:44 PST <TehWongZ> RT @83LeeJ: 3hrs+ of dubstep.....no cops yet :)
140402127230087168 2011-11-26 04:10:50 PST <TehWongZ> @83LeeJ haha nope :P Feds take TIME!!
140404207034449921 2011-11-26 04:19:06 PST <TehWongZ> #OWS #OccupyTheWorld #Anonymous http://t.co/MNVP0TTS
140404417458487297 2011-11-26 04:19:56 PST <TehWongZ> @YmahTrolking :)
140404686284001281 2011-11-26 04:21:00 PST <TehWongZ> Som1 Skyped me a video a while ago where it shows a police officer firing a rubber bullet at a protestors head & sayin: Boom Headshot
140447247547633664 2011-11-26 07:10:07 PST <TehWongZ> RT @SlowSpark: @TehWongZ I lol'd so hard at your comment haha! 'probably :D' you sir, just made my day:')
140463381739077632 2011-11-26 08:14:14 PST <TehWongZ> I'm not Affiliated with Press TV, but the UK Government could of censored ME!
140463480988897280 2011-11-26 08:14:38 PST <TehWongZ> @krank5766 HTML coding then JavaScript then C++ or Python ;)
140472826623819776 2011-11-26 08:51:46 PST <TehWongZ> @D0ct0rd0c lol! Learning JavaScript is probably the easiest way to learn how to hack ;-) ill show u when I get my PC bak
140480352648052737 2011-11-26 09:21:40 PST <TehWongZ> @Chocochip95 more like 3 months & I'm a VERY fast learner :)
140480414069440513 2011-11-26 09:21:55 PST <TehWongZ> @CyanideL huh? + that info was false :)
140480487272624128 2011-11-26 09:22:12 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzInvasion ur a bit late xD
140500975688486912 2011-11-26 10:43:37 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzBus cus I did :) not v& but raided
140501111768498176 2011-11-26 10:44:10 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter and to think, this Australian hatred started from me :D #OpFuckAustralia xD
140512785976147968 2011-11-26 11:30:33 PST <TehWongZ> @Chocochip95 done
140512823326425089 2011-11-26 11:30:42 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Chocochip95: @TehWongZ  The funny thing is, i'm a year older than you and can't hack to save my life T.T
140545590621769728 2011-11-26 13:40:54 PST <TehWongZ> @Airsumoo :P not telling ;)
140545671148224512 2011-11-26 13:41:13 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 @iibonkerss go on then lee :)
140547733789478912 2011-11-26 13:49:25 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 @iibonkerss Twitter doesnt let gov into our shit & I change all my account PW's whilst they were taking my shit...
140548041626230785 2011-11-26 13:50:39 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 but my twitter... I forgot the PW 2 so I cudnt change that.. :/
140551507752910848 2011-11-26 14:04:25 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 bitch me u n @__SPiN should make a company = best people on the interwebz :D
140551819721060352 2011-11-26 14:05:39 PST <TehWongZ> Girl: where's the eggs? Boy: Oohhh... I thought you said Call of Duty MW3 Girl: Give it here, I'll play. You make dinner. BITCH!
140558324952350720 2011-11-26 14:31:30 PST <TehWongZ> RT @6O57: Koppla VPN Services Banned for User Torrent Activity http://t.co/ll7FnLw3 #p2p #filesharing #censorship #privacy
140565531127328769 2011-11-26 15:00:08 PST <TehWongZ> RT @LondonCrime: Man with bucket on head shouting vile abuse at pigeons outside the Lidl in Peckham. It's always a Lidl.
140570223597203458 2011-11-26 15:18:47 PST <TehWongZ> @D0ct0rd0c don't have MSN on ma phone
140593441125044225 2011-11-26 16:51:03 PST <TehWongZ> @D0ct0rd0c CBA
140596669237575680 2011-11-26 17:03:52 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonOpsUS dude I'll giv ya some tips I'm the deface king
140604119781093377 2011-11-26 17:33:29 PST <TehWongZ> @exphin1ty dude u n @AnonOpsUS seriously need someone like me to advise you, your defaces cud be so much better.
140604390229815296 2011-11-26 17:34:33 PST <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas why don't you pull the trigger then, or are you a pussy like the rest of them.
140604493623599105 2011-11-26 17:34:58 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonOpsUS @exphin1ty well u seem I be working in co-ordination & ur wasting site defaces...
140605282924494848 2011-11-26 17:38:06 PST <TehWongZ> @Shibby2142 u answer but no talky!
140605445495730176 2011-11-26 17:38:45 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 @anonopsus @exphin1ty or Lee, they seem to be breaking the admin panels, u shud upload a shell onto the same & replace the site code
140605464147800064 2011-11-26 17:38:49 PST <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas @crappyairbags @x25_princess haha.
140606338479824899 2011-11-26 17:42:18 PST <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas @crappyairbags @x25_princess oh sheet Abby be crackin out the 12yo mw3 insults :o
140606532592214016 2011-11-26 17:43:04 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 @anonopsus @exphin1ty plz nigga I am da king of shells.
140608335559933952 2011-11-26 17:50:14 PST <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas @leec85 @anonopsus @exphin1ty oh no Abbey is mad bcus he can't "bash" his keyboard with his weak body, come @ me in real life.
140609124814692352 2011-11-26 17:53:22 PST <TehWongZ> @KateWarne @abhaxas @leec85 @anonopsus @exphin1ty LOL! I'm mixed race BIATCH, I ain't no pasty white kid
140609837036879872 2011-11-26 17:56:12 PST <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas @leec85 @anonopsus @exphin1ty psch go tracert Abby
140610408250753024 2011-11-26 17:58:28 PST <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas @leec85 @anonopsus @exphin1ty haha. U can use the command tracert idiot... U Made me lol & I use Win7, Win8 Developer, Linux & iOS
140610669442646016 2011-11-26 17:59:30 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 @abhaxas @katewarne @anonopsus @exphin1ty OOOH LEE JUST PWNED, ROUND 2 ABBEY's Turn. Epic Yo Mama Fights off HISTORY!
140610836891828224 2011-11-26 18:00:10 PST <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas @leec85 @anonopsus @exphin1ty haha press: Win Key + R then run: cmd then type in: tracert google.com &lt; scrub.
140610928419946496 2011-11-26 18:00:32 PST <TehWongZ> @K4rNaj @abhaxas @leec85 @anonopsus @exphin1ty bitch I on iOS now yoa
140611538993168384 2011-11-26 18:02:57 PST <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas @leec85 @anonopsus @exphin1ty then your on Linux & are a Windows noob. Jeez go learn the most used OS System.
140611772351655936 2011-11-26 18:03:53 PST <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas @leec85 @anonopsus @exphin1ty yeh cus it was the noobiest eat question ever. Yet u still cudnt get it rite.
140611959073677312 2011-11-26 18:04:38 PST <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas @leec85 @anonopsus @exphin1ty I use Windows for gaming as I'm a PC Gamer. I use Linux for coding & I use Mac for graphics stuff
140612215152713729 2011-11-26 18:05:39 PST <TehWongZ> @K4rNaj @abhaxas @leec85 @anonopsus @exphin1ty Abby I'd be careful or I'll crack my iPhone & put the LOIC app on then hit ur IP bitch.
140612585497174019 2011-11-26 18:07:07 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @abhaxas @leec85 @anonopsus @exphin1ty I do also use Mac for coding, when I'm doing Web App Development shit
140612968089001985 2011-11-26 18:08:38 PST <TehWongZ> @K4rNaj @abhaxas @leec85 @anonopsus @exphin1ty K4 dno if u get jokes or ur social inactive.
140613570797903872 2011-11-26 18:11:02 PST <TehWongZ> @K4rNaj @abhaxas @leec85 @anonopsus @exphin1ty yeh it's jailbreaking it but I forgot the word. And you can't respond to my question bcus u r
140614267937366016 2011-11-26 18:13:48 PST <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas @k4rnaj @leec85 @anonopsus @exphin1ty websites, iPhone apps, deface pages etc... Wateva needs doing I do.
140614443032784897 2011-11-26 18:14:30 PST <TehWongZ> @K4rNaj @abhaxas I'm not poor with the English language I use text speech (my generations new form of language)
140614939911012352 2011-11-26 18:16:28 PST <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas @leec85 @k4rnaj @anonopsus @exphin1ty Abbey at 15 I broke into Google, eBay and Sony servers then used them to DDoS sites.
140615003387592706 2011-11-26 18:16:43 PST <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: Bullying Principal Karl Krawitz Shawnee HS and owes @emmakate988 an apology http://t.co/roz0Dlim or eakrawit@smsd.org
140615681371684864 2011-11-26 18:19:25 PST <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas @leec85 @k4rnaj @anonopsus @exphin1ty Abby, don't believe me... Check the @CSLSec attacks that were done by ME nigga.
140615782156611584 2011-11-26 18:19:49 PST <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas @leec85 @k4rnaj @anonopsus @exphin1ty anyways it's 2:20am & I have a life. So I'm going to bed.
140616331803377664 2011-11-26 18:22:00 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 :O even about girls parts? :o
140616397691686912 2011-11-26 18:22:16 PST <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas @leec85 @k4rnaj @anonopsus @exphin1ty @cslsec sorry guys, ABBEY's just bitchy bcus it's her time of the month.
140622288088342528 2011-11-26 18:45:40 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 u seem like a keen graphics editor to, I'll teach u the ways of the adobe softwares.
140622456636440576 2011-11-26 18:46:20 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @x25_princess princess I'd be careful, AirBags got busted in #OpDarkNet along with @KieshuZykova
140626124488192001 2011-11-26 19:00:55 PST <TehWongZ> @TheLibertyLamp fine :)
140626454793822208 2011-11-26 19:02:14 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @x25_princess @katewarne Princess btw I'm not concerned about your well being, I just don't wna c another victim fall...
140626517041491969 2011-11-26 19:02:29 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @x25_princess @katewarne and FYI I'm not dark chocolate I'm HERRO YERRO BIATCHES
140626733081694209 2011-11-26 19:03:20 PST <TehWongZ> @TheLibertyLamp yeh, haven't heard bak from the police :/ bastards got ma skwl coursework & I need to hand it in soon :/
140627045729304576 2011-11-26 19:04:35 PST <TehWongZ> @x25_princess Erm... I'm 15, so ur 30 and @CrappyAirBags is a monster w8ing to go on a rampage. &lt; in your vagina.
140627695238254592 2011-11-26 19:07:09 PST <TehWongZ> @x25_princess haha @CrappyAirBags will tell u I'm not a skiddie & ur day was EZ shit now-a-days I gotta get past billion dollar shit
140627740146667520 2011-11-26 19:07:20 PST <TehWongZ> RT @SydneyHomeless: Join me in the sun @ #occupysydney with music from #OccupyBrisbane & people from #occupymelbourne #osyd #omel
140628490834808832 2011-11-26 19:10:19 PST <TehWongZ> @x25_princess no I have an EXACT idea who I'm talking to. Another WRITER. Som1 who will never get anywher writings 4 pussys like @CalebNewz
140628668803330048 2011-11-26 19:11:02 PST <TehWongZ> @Daggl3 @x25_princess @crappyairbags I'm not old enough to go to prison. LOL.
140628847065432065 2011-11-26 19:11:44 PST <TehWongZ> @Daggl3 @x25_princess @crappyairbags and BTW dude, I'm not on US Soil nor will the UK let a MINOR be extradited, I'm friends with the media.
140629133960024065 2011-11-26 19:12:52 PST <TehWongZ> @Daggl3 @x25_princess @crappyairbags first offence, minor & I have 1 of the best solicitors. All I can say is, you don't know shit.
140629485476265984 2011-11-26 19:14:16 PST <TehWongZ> @x25_princess I can't legally go into a bar. Come to me & do it, then I'll double up pimp slap u hoe
140629600383418368 2011-11-26 19:14:44 PST <TehWongZ> @K4rNaj @x25_princess I CBA & I'm going to sleep now.
140629830654885889 2011-11-26 19:15:39 PST <TehWongZ> @x25_princess and FYI "princess" (far from it) I never started this argument. I simply was trolling @CrappyAirBags (like I always do).
140630030698024960 2011-11-26 19:16:26 PST <TehWongZ> @K4rNaj @x25_princess haha I'd like to see her try, im 5,11 - sprinter and do pseudo
140630295283109888 2011-11-26 19:17:29 PST <TehWongZ> @Bitchiest @x25_princess @crappyairbags hay princess, come to UK, we bear knuckle fight k huney?
140630963758698496 2011-11-26 19:20:09 PST <TehWongZ> @K4rNaj @x25_princess pseudo is street fighting, you learn to block weapons, counter act people's weight against them etc.. Beat um up ezily
140631366017622016 2011-11-26 19:21:45 PST <TehWongZ> @x25_princess give me a YouTube link, I can't be arsed to find shit myself. I'll show u shit u ain't never seen b4 #GoGoPowerRangers!
140631600105930752 2011-11-26 19:22:40 PST <TehWongZ> @K4rNaj @x25_princess no Pseudo They have contests in the UK which the Gov are trying to ban bcus people have died or been seriously injured
140631758575112193 2011-11-26 19:23:18 PST <TehWongZ> @x25_princess LOL! You'd have to catch me first, 100m in 12 seconds and I can jump 4.7ft just standing and jumping.
140631947641765888 2011-11-26 19:24:03 PST <TehWongZ> @K4rNaj @bitchiest @x25_princess I dont practice it, I'm not allowed in the contests until I'm 17 but I do fight at skwl occasionally.
140632468129726464 2011-11-26 19:26:07 PST <TehWongZ> @x25_princess thats kinky bullshit, we learn to block several knife attackers & to get black belt you have to be shot at by an air rifle...
140632587503808512 2011-11-26 19:26:36 PST <TehWongZ> @x25_princess and dodge 4 out of the 5 rounds being fired at you by a marksman. &lt; I'm not guna do that though.
140632768777428993 2011-11-26 19:27:19 PST <TehWongZ> @Bitchiest @k4rnaj @x25_princess Bitchiest its a: Tee not a: T.. Dumbass
140632969797844993 2011-11-26 19:28:07 PST <TehWongZ> @x25_princess I have air rifles n shit but England has no gun faggot laws so you'll have to come naked paintballing with me...
140633062554869760 2011-11-26 19:28:29 PST <TehWongZ> @Bitchiest @k4rnaj @x25_princess haha what with your dumb uneducated head?
140633301294645248 2011-11-26 19:29:26 PST <TehWongZ> @Bannontine @x25_princess no, u gotta dodge 4 rounds of the 5 shot at you... The guy who trains me still as scars from where he failed...
140633520396701696 2011-11-26 19:30:18 PST <TehWongZ> @x25_princess this is my last tweet to you, I'm going to sleep. http://t.co/v44Od5KP
140633732997582848 2011-11-26 19:31:09 PST <TehWongZ> @Bitchiest @k4rnaj @x25_princess erm... If I was v& why wud I be tweeting... Idiot. It was Lee that got v& at 13
140634471329312768 2011-11-26 19:34:05 PST <TehWongZ> @Bitchiest @k4rnaj @x25_princess there's a difference, Feds raided my house yes but not just 4 my shit they did 19 raids on the same day...
140639353268482048 2011-11-26 19:53:29 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @crappyairbags @x25_princess erm... LOL! I was saying how u were a pedo sexual predator. PEDO BEAR IS WANTING ME IN VAN
140824784278786049 2011-11-27 08:10:19 PST <TehWongZ> @2complex2know @iibonkerss @leec85 @cabincr3w and Lee, I defaced from my home but it wasn't traceable properly bcus I used remote PC's :)
140873184919556096 2011-11-27 11:22:39 PST <TehWongZ> @kekeondatrack same as u but I know them all quite well
140873255828471808 2011-11-27 11:22:56 PST <TehWongZ> @BinarySheep nope and I kno :/
140873295716290560 2011-11-27 11:23:05 PST <TehWongZ> RT @leec85: Knowledge is free. Share it and spread it. You'd be amazed at how satisfying teaching somebody something that they want to learn. #anonymous
140926770969968641 2011-11-27 14:55:35 PST <TehWongZ> @legionofshroom I'm from Birmingham be it, Birmingham town, birminhams where we're smashin it down.
140944661022900225 2011-11-27 16:06:40 PST <TehWongZ> “@legionofshroom: @TehWongZ pas alors?  Pour la dispersion, amateur baise” &lt; this guy doesn't believe I'm English :D chek my prank call vids
140945703521361921 2011-11-27 16:10:49 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova bit to late with the ReTweet there, but I understand your an uneducated idiot.
140945760769421312 2011-11-27 16:11:02 PST <TehWongZ> RT @LulzInvasion: If we rendered the internet the way you people render your photos, would you start rendering them normally?
140945936858873856 2011-11-27 16:11:44 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzInvasion Well I render HD Porn Pics of Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber getting DOWN - is that "normal"?
140946635466358784 2011-11-27 16:14:31 PST <TehWongZ> @JackalAnon @eismc2 IM TELLING MY MOMMY PEOPLE ARE BEING RUDE ON TWITTER!
140946751803768832 2011-11-27 16:14:58 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @x25_princess erm.. Look up the definition of scum, I'm much further away then you honey.
140946789539909632 2011-11-27 16:15:07 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken @lulzinvasion :P
140947034856361985 2011-11-27 16:16:06 PST <TehWongZ> @goosecreamsoup can u upload a picture of urself? I wna c wut u look like.
140947384090894336 2011-11-27 16:17:29 PST <TehWongZ> @TheLibertyLamp @kieshuzykova @x25_princess or I could rip Kieshu's ugly ass nose of and shove it where the son don't shine.
140947672726118400 2011-11-27 16:18:38 PST <TehWongZ> @EisMC2 @jackalanon haha... She's a weird 1, my mom gets disgusted by the slightest light porn in movies. Let alone shit like that :P
140947805421309952 2011-11-27 16:19:10 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova yet again Kieshu, proving you literate its "a real MAN" get your English skills right first.
140948064620912640 2011-11-27 16:20:11 PST <TehWongZ> @legionofshroom I haven't been arrested or even interviewed yet dumbass.
140948292010917889 2011-11-27 16:21:06 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @x25_princess Kieshu if u know everything & are so "rich" come to my house & I'll show u 32 ways to remove a womens nipple.
140948519992299520 2011-11-27 16:22:00 PST <TehWongZ> @EisMC2 @jackalanon so people who are disgusted by rape want to be raped, by pedo's want their kids touched & by death want 2 be killed?
140948937099059200 2011-11-27 16:23:39 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova I'm not even going to bother with an illiterate waste of human resources. Come 2 England or GTFO.
140949091835314177 2011-11-27 16:24:16 PST <TehWongZ> @EisMC2 hmm... I'll come 2 America in 2.4 years & take up your offer from @VinceintheBay
140961031517249536 2011-11-27 17:11:43 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @x25_princess kk, tell me when ur here n where, I'll get ma lads round :)
140961144360804352 2011-11-27 17:12:10 PST <TehWongZ> @legionofshroom I will but I'm in bed it's 01:15...
140961311889698816 2011-11-27 17:12:50 PST <TehWongZ> @JackalAnon @eismc2 lol the 1 on Vince where u said sumin about showing me true pain/pleasure. I said erm. No ty at the time ;)
141002859008368641 2011-11-27 19:57:55 PST <TehWongZ> RT @danielwolden: How small of a penis must you have to take time from running a fucking state to pick on a high school girl @govsambrownback ?
141002944232427520 2011-11-27 19:58:16 PST <TehWongZ> @danielwolden @govsambrownback what's happened? I must know :)
141003056451031040 2011-11-27 19:58:43 PST <TehWongZ> @EisMC2 I would say more like 3 hours 8 minutes and 17.896 seconds.
141004462151057408 2011-11-27 20:04:18 PST <TehWongZ> 1) this is HILARIOUS 2) the girl isn't even "pretty" for the competition. http://t.co/DW5tb5xd
141014972539998208 2011-11-27 20:46:04 PST <TehWongZ> @x25_princess @violetvaughn @kieshuzykova come to England then, I'll get my dogs on all you slits, see how you take em :)
141015132263292928 2011-11-27 20:46:42 PST <TehWongZ> @83LeeJ not w7 but IE yeh it's in the T&C that Microsoft can/does do that..
141015385905430528 2011-11-27 20:47:42 PST <TehWongZ> You think your strong, big & cleverer then us. Bcus we can't fight back. Your supposed to love & look after us not go on the attack. #Abuse
141015461725876224 2011-11-27 20:48:00 PST <TehWongZ> @SamBianchetto yup :D
141015507640926208 2011-11-27 20:48:11 PST <TehWongZ> @SamBianchetto it has 2 for it's new web browsing games thingy ;)
141017668412125184 2011-11-27 20:56:46 PST <TehWongZ> @SamBianchetto @mrniceguy1437 lol dude! Chrome is now a "gaming" browser, they're offering no download games etc :)
141017736624078849 2011-11-27 20:57:03 PST <TehWongZ> I swear to go when #StevenBarker gets out I will avenge #BabyP
141017767259279361 2011-11-27 20:57:10 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AnonyOps: If you're still curious about the HBGary emails, feel free to download them or browse through them here: http://t.co/fr87hfSE
141026393558491136 2011-11-27 21:31:27 PST <TehWongZ> @SamBianchetto @mrniceguy1437 lol yeh F11 has been around for a good few years :p
141026678301409281 2011-11-27 21:32:34 PST <TehWongZ> What's happening with #OpDarkNet now? I did my part but am looking for some more stuff, I'd like to hunt down some UK pedobears & hurt them.
141027331929153536 2011-11-27 21:35:10 PST <TehWongZ> @SamBianchetto @mrniceguy1437 ....Harry Potter Writer wannabe's
141027731864424449 2011-11-27 21:36:46 PST <TehWongZ> @SamBianchetto LOL!
141032355434463233 2011-11-27 21:55:08 PST <TehWongZ> @timez1001 @_chaoticsec where have I seen this site b4?
141033671804190720 2011-11-27 22:00:22 PST <TehWongZ> @cocaine_ @anonyops @anonymousirc ok... So Serco run Britain's nuclear systems... They've just made themselves No 1 targets 4 "terrorists".
141034066639200256 2011-11-27 22:01:56 PST <TehWongZ> “@JusticeAnon: #anonymous” are #MoralFags :P
141037119039741953 2011-11-27 22:14:04 PST <TehWongZ> @83LeeJ OMG! Ur from Australia, the land of BLACK & WHITE CRIMINALS :o Try Hop Hop Hoppin on a VPN LIKE A MUTHA FUKIN KANGAROOOOO
141037904939057152 2011-11-27 22:17:11 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzSecJr @lulzpirate oh lookey lookey Anthony haxed a YT Channel (easy noob is hack forums tutorial reading)
141038399766265856 2011-11-27 22:19:09 PST <TehWongZ> @83LeeJ shouldn't u be curtseying to me? As our Queen does run your country & we haz control of all yo air bases BIATCH'
141038788590845952 2011-11-27 22:20:42 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonSikko @83leej Sikko I'm no baby, I can almost gaurantee I haz moar pubical hairs den you. & I know my ABC's all the way to FU!
141039065112911872 2011-11-27 22:21:48 PST <TehWongZ> I shall sleep 4 1 HOUR!
141103725090582528 2011-11-28 02:38:44 PST <TehWongZ> @x25_princess @violetvaughn @kieshuzykova lol I'm a rich kid not public house
141206988334968832 2011-11-28 09:29:04 PST <TehWongZ> @VioletVaughn @x25_princess @kieshuzykova Violet 1) that's child abuse & you've just admitted it so I've reported ur account 2) bring it.
141430517399699456 2011-11-29 00:17:17 PST <TehWongZ> RT @BreakingNewsUK: Fitch upgrades Australia's credit rating to AAA. It is the first time Australia has been AAA rated by all three major credit agencies - PA
141504279633600512 2011-11-29 05:10:23 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags wut?
144135887054315520 2011-12-06 11:27:28 PST <TehWongZ> @kevinklinkmuler fine & nope :D
144136085998538753 2011-12-06 11:28:15 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @crappyairbags MLT because my vocabulary and use of grammar are immaculate compare to a moron such a yourself.
144136520431964160 2011-12-06 11:29:59 PST <TehWongZ> Shit I think I'm the final member remaining of @LulzSec - btw Sabu was never in dat shit
144136967733514240 2011-12-06 11:31:45 PST <TehWongZ> @DiabloElite @destructivesec @oreillyfactor well done idiot it's still FUNNEH!
144136994526728195 2011-12-06 11:31:52 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: In Dedication of @LulzSec - http://t.co/hGgLAXy7 - @oreillyfactor
144166637644427264 2011-12-06 13:29:39 PST <TehWongZ> @TechHomeBacon I never got arrested lol.. Just computers and work seized..
144166804921647104 2011-12-06 13:30:19 PST <TehWongZ> @DiabloElite @_mlt_ @crappyairbags yeh but iPhone auto correct SUX!
144173416474353664 2011-12-06 13:56:35 PST <TehWongZ> @Shibby2142 I'm from England come chill at my place xd
144173564722032640 2011-12-06 13:57:11 PST <TehWongZ> @paddyhack @_mlt_ @crappyairbags not for people who throw paddies.
144173693193551872 2011-12-06 13:57:41 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @crappyairbags well done your unsociable Sheldon (big bang theory reference) brain cannot handle sarcasm, I know.
144185241727283201 2011-12-06 14:43:35 PST <TehWongZ> RT @CrappyAirBags: @TehWongZ Welcome Back Charrie.  you were sorely missed.  God bless @TehWongz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
144185302855061504 2011-12-06 14:43:49 PST <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: Texas mother denied food stamps shoots kids, kills self -- http://t.co/oAlmiKyl
144185313005277184 2011-12-06 14:43:52 PST <TehWongZ> RT @OpPinkPower: BOMBSHELL: #US Caught Meddling in Russian Elections! - › December 4, 2011 - What would Americans say if they... http://t.co/Q1MaPWRk
144185410485096448 2011-12-06 14:44:15 PST <TehWongZ> @_r3dn3ck @beast1333 no pity.
144186051458633729 2011-12-06 14:46:48 PST <TehWongZ> Apple iPhones are now $0??! AHH thanks apple :) http://t.co/S3tkIoX2
144186097709228032 2011-12-06 14:46:59 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce depends and btw I was never away. ;)
144186586421133312 2011-12-06 14:48:55 PST <TehWongZ> @D0ct0rd0c yup good job I got an i5 in my netbook GO GO GAMING ON 11.7" screen :D
144189404280397824 2011-12-06 15:00:07 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce havent had 1 yet :/
144189558383312896 2011-12-06 15:00:44 PST <TehWongZ> @SamBianchetto no I edited the actual site :) store.apple.com/us &lt; enjoy free iPhones on Charrie :D http://t.co/eERUdRa0
144189832963428352 2011-12-06 15:01:49 PST <TehWongZ> @D0ct0rd0c haha lol I got the new asud netbook &gt; £879 chek it bitch :) and i7, 12gb ram, water cooling, 3gb dedi GTX for my desktop
144189905273241600 2011-12-06 15:02:06 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce ENGLAND :D
144190621182205952 2011-12-06 15:04:57 PST <TehWongZ> #ThingsBlackPeopleSayInArguments "I haz big dick, you white, you haz small dick."
144194275108851712 2011-12-06 15:19:28 PST <TehWongZ> @D0ct0rd0c no that's my desktop specs my netbook only haz 4gn of ram and a 500gb hdd &lt; upgraded that :)
144194313939714048 2011-12-06 15:19:38 PST <TehWongZ> RT @wikileaks: UK Parliament votes for urgent reform of UK extradition system, including in relation to abuses in Assange case http://t.co/UXDyWd8a
144194452817330176 2011-12-06 15:20:11 PST <TehWongZ> store.apple.com/us &lt; Free iPhones on Charrie :D #RT
144202282291036160 2011-12-06 15:51:17 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce yes but click on the page they shud be $199 :) twas 2 EZ ma nigga
144202322296320001 2011-12-06 15:51:27 PST <TehWongZ> RT @GiveMeMind: What the RT @SamBianchetto @TehWongZ ACTUALLY changed the price of iPhones on the US Store - see image. @GiveMeMind. http://t.co/H4DeSxEk
144205118433263616 2011-12-06 16:02:34 PST <TehWongZ> Watching Transformers: Dark Side of the Moon - Got skwl 2moro, I can sleep when I'm OLD or in prison xD
144242293413646336 2011-12-06 18:30:17 PST <TehWongZ> @anon2world what do you think xD
144242361529155584 2011-12-06 18:30:33 PST <TehWongZ> RT @HuffingtonPost: Who owns the word 'iPad'? In China, Apple's not the only one... http://t.co/u4SIZQer
144245001520549890 2011-12-06 18:41:02 PST <TehWongZ> W00T W00T .XXX is live biatches
144245066611953664 2011-12-06 18:41:18 PST <TehWongZ> @CherriBomb88 back?!
144245503356440576 2011-12-06 18:43:02 PST <TehWongZ> @RalliasUbernerd lol! Who the hell are ICM?!
144245759003475968 2011-12-06 18:44:03 PST <TehWongZ> Guys we're working on a new Destructive-Security.com - Foruks, Videos etc... What would you guys like to see? @DestructiveSec
144247637527367680 2011-12-06 18:51:31 PST <TehWongZ> #3wordsthatsummarize2011The Lulz Boat.
144247654598197248 2011-12-06 18:51:35 PST <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: #3wordsthatsummarize2011 We Are Anonymous
144247722491396098 2011-12-06 18:51:51 PST <TehWongZ> RT @qaesar1: #3wordsthatsummarize2011\n\nPEPPER SPRAY SUCKS
144252524776521728 2011-12-06 19:10:56 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter yup and with all these amazing tweets it's time for SLEEP!
144252609241432064 2011-12-06 19:11:16 PST <TehWongZ> #3wordsthatsummarize2011Bill O Reilly.
144252937282138112 2011-12-06 19:12:34 PST <TehWongZ> @imchrislewis I wish I could help but I'm not even in the same country so I've retweeted you :)
144253337443897344 2011-12-06 19:14:10 PST <TehWongZ> @FoxNews can go hang themselves and there stupid ozzy owner.
144253520852430850 2011-12-06 19:14:54 PST <TehWongZ> RT @LulzSec: Someone called Jack Sparrow called blabbing incoherently... something about endless treasure chests and fountains of youth. Must be off now!
144254199763435521 2011-12-06 19:17:35 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Re-Making our website with Forums, Videos etc... We need Ideas from YOU :) what do you wna c?
144255066575077376 2011-12-06 19:21:02 PST <TehWongZ> @CherriBomb88 :-) well "The Yard" haz my computers ATM :/
144255908015378433 2011-12-06 19:24:23 PST <TehWongZ> @AyeshaKazmi Girlfriend Lexie is SOOO hot :) lucky girl...
144256988619079680 2011-12-06 19:28:40 PST <TehWongZ> @CherriBomb88 Read my description then get ur smexy ass on DM, goin to sleep now but I can wake up with ur lovely use of language ;)
144328453615919104 2011-12-07 00:12:39 PST <TehWongZ> @Sunflash93 it's not connected to the server ATM :)
144405499331350528 2011-12-07 05:18:48 PST <TehWongZ> WTF ARE FEMA CAMPS?!
144405682278502400 2011-12-07 05:19:32 PST <TehWongZ> @C0RPS3_TP not with Anarchists like you & myself in it :)
144405770283384832 2011-12-07 05:19:53 PST <TehWongZ> FUCK #illuminati
144406662462193664 2011-12-07 05:23:25 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AnonymouSkullar: @TehWongZ @C0RPS3_TP Yeah but anarchists like us can make a perfect world without government ;)
144406732309938178 2011-12-07 05:23:42 PST <TehWongZ> @bitchasskiss huh?
144408606849241088 2011-12-07 05:31:09 PST <TehWongZ> @bitchasskiss so white tents that UN use?
144444600956891136 2011-12-07 07:54:11 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Rome_Fell: @TehWongZ warnings began in mid 90s massive covert detention centers around the US
144444661434556416 2011-12-07 07:54:25 PST <TehWongZ> RT @NocSuKxrilla: Hey, I don't wanna sound like a queer or nothin', but I think unicorms are kick ass!
144445387749593088 2011-12-07 07:57:18 PST <TehWongZ> NOOOO... Miley Cyrus in hospital, don't leave us MILEY!!!
144448591384158208 2011-12-07 08:10:02 PST <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net LOL! Who ru mr C0rrupt owner man? I still haven't signed up yet, wna reserve my nickname & email me the pass? :D
144448766500544512 2011-12-07 08:10:44 PST <TehWongZ> @Bitchiest dno :( im so sad MILEY DONT DIE I LURV UUUU!!!
144448796594679808 2011-12-07 08:10:51 PST <TehWongZ> RT @HuffingtonPost: Is America a better place because of porn? http://t.co/HUwDoKvY
144449901709901824 2011-12-07 08:15:14 PST <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net I don't know you :D I'll sign up in a bizzle, what's the Forums like? Got any good shit on there? :)
144449991002431488 2011-12-07 08:15:36 PST <TehWongZ> RT @TheHackersNews: DNS cache poisoning attack on Google, Gmail, YouTube, Yahoo, Apple http://t.co/KRgfeZFT via @unix_root #security
144450366036127744 2011-12-07 08:17:05 PST <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net and it's kinda funny how I only just followed you and have never registered on the site yet u follow me :P
144452320351100928 2011-12-07 08:24:51 PST <TehWongZ> @missarahnicole lol You can't get enough of it ;)
144452979188170752 2011-12-07 08:27:28 PST <TehWongZ> RT @lissnup: How Twitter was used to spread – and knock down – rumours during #LondonRiots http://t.co/H5XShSMh v @guardiannews
144453116765540352 2011-12-07 08:28:01 PST <TehWongZ> @fallengryphon haha bit late nigga u need to do some reading, twas me though ;-)
144453149275598849 2011-12-07 08:28:09 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Cyber_War_News: Gang hacks into UN database to gain access to personal information - http://t.co/rFH3Gztr - Now hackers are gangs LOL!!! ffs #geturshitright
144453215889522688 2011-12-07 08:28:25 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News UN been hacked twice in the last 20 days xD
144454685590421505 2011-12-07 08:34:15 PST <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net Kwl :-)
144454743102722050 2011-12-07 08:34:29 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News shows a lack of security :)
144454763499622403 2011-12-07 08:34:34 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonNCarolina2 @missarahnicole :)
144504437715636224 2011-12-07 11:51:57 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @crappyairbags retarded? That made me lol coming from you. What does MLT stand 4? Or is it that your fat & like breakfast MLT's?
144504484679270402 2011-12-07 11:52:08 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AnonyOps: RT @cryptoanarchy Fox news fakes news footage: http://t.co/bj0uegH0  #FuckFox
144505451831246848 2011-12-07 11:55:59 PST <TehWongZ> @fallengryphon yeh :) prepaid visas are the way my friend :)
144505590100664321 2011-12-07 11:56:32 PST <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net yes but as the community grows so will the search results for the site in turn bringing in skids
144512429106274304 2011-12-07 12:23:42 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Up in this dizzle making me rizzle like a frizzle ma nizzle.
144513052887363584 2011-12-07 12:26:11 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Android: Today our 10 Billion app downloads celebration continues with a new set of premium apps for just 10 cents: http://t.co/i4bWEkPC
144513435546296320 2011-12-07 12:27:42 PST <TehWongZ> RT @TrustKnowJuan: good to have you back online Charrie @TehWongZ #lulzMaster
144519290899529728 2011-12-07 12:50:58 PST <TehWongZ> @DiabloElite @_mlt_ @crappyairbags nope the cheesy MLT's that are the hot versions of BLT's :)
144519679875096578 2011-12-07 12:52:31 PST <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook profile hacked  - http://t.co/yJruVcty
144527942704312322 2011-12-07 13:25:21 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @crappyairbags pretending? Nigga you haven't even proven you know basic commands, haven't seen u do shit tbh...
144527962534977537 2011-12-07 13:25:26 PST <TehWongZ> @DiabloElite @_mlt_ @crappyairbags Melt
144540739366428672 2011-12-07 14:16:12 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ nope I'm watching Inside Story on BBC1 and C++, Python & Ruby :)
144540987115585536 2011-12-07 14:17:11 PST <TehWongZ> Inside Story: Storyville &lt; on BBC iPlayer watch that guys :) let's you understand why your fighting for #occupywallstreet
144548351520686080 2011-12-07 14:46:27 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ I would but I got an exam 2moro and need sleep, get TriCk to give u my Skype ID
144548539433885696 2011-12-07 14:47:12 PST <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net @_mlt_ is it a web client? I've only got ma iPhone and the IRC App is shocking...
144548849896271874 2011-12-07 14:48:26 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ haha check where all my tweets are coming from or like I said I'll see you on Skype sometime we can even voice chat nigga
144559695447855104 2011-12-07 15:31:31 PST <TehWongZ> @D0ct0rd0c for what?
144559932778348544 2011-12-07 15:32:28 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @c0rrupt_net I'm not pulsating out I was watching YT vids on my phone & I was simply asking if they had a web client -.- idiot.
144562254929592321 2011-12-07 15:41:42 PST <TehWongZ> @DiabloElite FUCK IPHONE AUTO CORRECT ARGH!!!
144562400425816065 2011-12-07 15:42:16 PST <TehWongZ> Got ma New Snowball microphone, stand and pop filter today :) guna record a few of my mates rapping in share it with you guys :)
144564643376017408 2011-12-07 15:51:11 PST <TehWongZ> RT @MotormouthNews: LAPD Freaked Out That Someone Posted Personal Information of Top Brass -- http://t.co/HTXV89cU via @YourAnonNews
144569955243933696 2011-12-07 16:12:17 PST <TehWongZ> @GreekOphion WORST COLOUR SCHEME EVER!!!
144570079806373888 2011-12-07 16:12:47 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken Yeh but if you were a rich capitalist u wudnt care :P
144582321620795392 2011-12-07 17:01:26 PST <TehWongZ> @GreekOphion a more modern possibly web 2.0 approach to the entire site, I mean dude never use yellow :(
144611522348466176 2011-12-07 18:57:28 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Destructive Security is BACK! - http://t.co/RKs5xJ8Y - and it's time to haz some FUN. @TehWongZ @_f0rsaken @__SPiNE @C0RPS3_TP
144611591629963264 2011-12-07 18:57:44 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Free DDoS Shells: http://t.co/ezqDJL4t - http://t.co/8PfSm3Cw - http://t.co/E6OwfMbM - YOU 2 CAN GET RAIDED BY THE FBI :D
144611647439372289 2011-12-07 18:57:58 PST <TehWongZ> RT @p0isAn0N: Go follow &gt; @DestructiveSec
144612377348947968 2011-12-07 19:00:52 PST <TehWongZ> Setting up a Web Agency, Specialising in new innovative codes & ways to get your site/graphic/video/game MASSIVE! @ me 4 details :-)
144612402091139072 2011-12-07 19:00:58 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: It's only possible if you take time effort and an extremely lulzy mind to it.
144614745650110464 2011-12-07 19:10:16 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N tis true ;-) follow this nigga back @p0isAn0N
144614965603614720 2011-12-07 19:11:09 PST <TehWongZ> @Airsumoo we're working with NodeJS ATM so you can have multiple users on a live window editing it :) like a graffiti wall being sprayed ova
144615103445221377 2011-12-07 19:11:42 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken Send #OpRobinHood too England ROBIN HOOD IS FROM ENGLAND!!! And I'm hungry
144615831760928768 2011-12-07 19:14:35 PST <TehWongZ> I've been busy guys, been bidding on the Stock Market, made bout £700 profit :D Thx Dr Pepper, Abecrombe & Finch + TalkTalk &lt;3
144616308800106496 2011-12-07 19:16:29 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: All our love goes out to the King that is @_f0rsaken Let's have a minute of Silence for his delicious finger lickin good delivery services
144619260528951296 2011-12-07 19:28:13 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter I'm not I invested about £25 xD my shit went up by over £1 each today :) = up by bout £25 total xD
144620488050741248 2011-12-07 19:33:05 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter well I've been doing it for 2 weeks I'm aiming to make into the 10,000's so I can make News cus I'm 15 :-)
144620582212874241 2011-12-07 19:33:28 PST <TehWongZ> “@p0isAn0N: 11 away from 500&lt;3 :D” do go FOLLOW HIM FFS.
144620779647152129 2011-12-07 19:34:15 PST <TehWongZ> RT @TheHackersNews: http://t.co/43wtNmrP Once again Compromised using Sql Flaw http://t.co/tAKZ24aT via @unix_root #security
144622149418749952 2011-12-07 19:39:42 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter thanks, you ever done it b4? :)
144622173246595073 2011-12-07 19:39:47 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N haha U2 brah :)
144741009245483008 2011-12-08 03:32:00 PST <TehWongZ> @garylcarr @discover_police @mmdubya @durhampolice why me?!
144741116644823040 2011-12-08 03:32:26 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @kevinklinkmuler I think your describing yourself there MLT
144785661478711296 2011-12-08 06:29:26 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @_mlt_ @diabloelite I think he rage quit xD and the definition "hacker" means different things 2 different ppl
144785748359520258 2011-12-08 06:29:47 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @_mlt_ @diabloelite but at the end of the day it's all 4 the greater good & MLT u didn't get the Feds on me I know who did :)
144785804454146049 2011-12-08 06:30:00 PST <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: 200 most influential Twitter users during UK summer riots -- http://t.co/n34r9f0o &lt;&lt; We see a few familiar users on there ;)
144786727469449217 2011-12-08 06:33:40 PST <TehWongZ> Any1 got any good songs 4 a drama I'm doing about the UK riots? :)
144786744468979713 2011-12-08 06:33:44 PST <TehWongZ> RT @an0nyc: 'V For Vendetta' Creators To Release Occupy Wall Street Comic Book http://t.co/jc0K94oS
144802199938150400 2011-12-08 07:35:09 PST <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: It seems #LAPD is so scared of hackers that they went and protected their tweets after being d0xed. #lulz
144808126112210944 2011-12-08 07:58:42 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Anonymous_SA: UN website hacked; Obama info leaked: Hackers claiming to be working with hacktivist group #Anonymous broke into ... http://t.co/XwwGN9Pa
144812007391117313 2011-12-08 08:14:07 PST <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: Freedom is precious. It is worth fighting for.
144812083081515009 2011-12-08 08:14:25 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Anonymous_SA: Now that we have the attention of the #LAPD maybe u should look into ways to treat protesters better, WE are humans not garbage.  #Anonymous
144852334130892802 2011-12-08 10:54:22 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @crappyairbags @diabloelite LOL! I don't need screenshots & fknowned never gave me access I GOT ACCESS, ask them.
144855227152080896 2011-12-08 11:05:52 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @crappyairbags @diabloelite No I don't have an VIP account on there, if I do, would you like to show me which 1
144855265987145728 2011-12-08 11:06:01 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @crappyairbags @diabloelite and sure send te screenshots.
144857992582545408 2011-12-08 11:16:51 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @crappyairbags @diabloelite well their lying, the owner trolled me in an IRC so I framed him (got a bit bored)
144858728179568641 2011-12-08 11:19:46 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @crappyairbags @diabloelite care to give me any examples & you haven't explained why they'd give access in the VIP area...
144858849931833346 2011-12-08 11:20:15 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @crappyairbags @diabloelite I've framed a lot of people in the past... I don't crave anything.
144858894370484225 2011-12-08 11:20:26 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Kallisti: Denver Police Apologize For 'Occupy' Text Messages  http://t.co/cf6zMbA6 #OccupyDenver #ows
144859460245012480 2011-12-08 11:22:41 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @crappyairbags @diabloelite yeh... See I was in the servers and I NEVER got SHIT off of fknowned. I like steam but they had it cumin
144859546588954624 2011-12-08 11:23:01 PST <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net lol!
144859759252738048 2011-12-08 11:23:52 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @crappyairbags @diabloelite I get plenty of attention, I work well with particular things & im going 4 dinner, let me see the rest :)
144867318437126144 2011-12-08 11:53:54 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @crappyairbags @diabloelite MLT come @ me in real life then you can say if I'm a pussy or not.
145022635963727872 2011-12-08 22:11:05 PST <TehWongZ> @Airsumoo fire away
145022754771582976 2011-12-08 22:11:33 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @_mlt_ @diabloelite Bitches plz JS is just the start, take a look at NodeJS & then get bak to me ;) it's SICK!
145049165179797504 2011-12-08 23:56:30 PST <TehWongZ> 1 Follower off of 1,200 :) and I am HATING THE MEW TWITTER ON IPHONE :(
145056850054873088 2011-12-09 00:27:02 PST <TehWongZ> @83LeeJ teehee
145069998858186752 2011-12-09 01:19:17 PST <TehWongZ> @83LeeJ nm
145097323029086208 2011-12-09 03:07:52 PST <TehWongZ> @kevinklinkmuler @_mlt_ @crappyairbags @diabloelite personally I reckon MLT doesn't get enough attention & I jealous.
145097769059753984 2011-12-09 03:09:38 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur When u b in Birmingham brah? We got a LOT I shit to talk about :)
145179181666414594 2011-12-09 08:33:08 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @kevinklinkmuler @crappyairbags @diabloelite you do but you DELETE them. Idiot.
145187741049692161 2011-12-09 09:07:09 PST <TehWongZ> RT @BreakingNews: Opposition leader Tshisekedi rejects Congo election result, proclaims himself rightful president, in statement to AFP http://t.co/T0bW9LpZ
145187783663820800 2011-12-09 09:07:19 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Op_Britain: #Anonymous #OpBritain Message to all: http://t.co/2RNODxIy please RT and mirror video thankyou
145188283322863616 2011-12-09 09:09:18 PST <TehWongZ> @Op_Britain YOA! I'm in Britain & 1337 Anonymous H4X0R, Pr4nK C4LL3R & G3n3r4L PwnR :) h0w c4n 1 h31p?
145188444543516672 2011-12-09 09:09:57 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur I dont care but they b3t4 b3 AMAZING.
145188838468358144 2011-12-09 09:11:31 PST <TehWongZ> #NewNewTwitter's App is STUPID!
145190418844360704 2011-12-09 09:17:48 PST <TehWongZ> RT @BreakingNewsUK: Daily Mail censured by UK press watchdog for publishing incorrect verdict in Amanda Knox case - Guardian http://t.co/RZvDdXIk
145190543243223040 2011-12-09 09:18:17 PST <TehWongZ> @BreakingNewsUK @BreakingNews Spelt Censored wrong HAHAHAHA (they spelt it "censured" - idiots)
145190986245611520 2011-12-09 09:20:03 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N wow this guy rly loves me xD
145196875673370624 2011-12-09 09:43:27 PST <TehWongZ> Feds trying to change my account Passwords? Bitch plz, you know I haz control :)
145201839208542211 2011-12-09 10:03:10 PST <TehWongZ> @unusedcrayon exactly.
145201972188938240 2011-12-09 10:03:42 PST <TehWongZ> Anyone a Solicitor/Lawyer or know som1 I can talk to :) preferably for free...
145477829931442176 2011-12-10 04:19:52 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ well then leave lol. GTFO
145477877532606464 2011-12-10 04:20:03 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N @txixmx I didn't get locked out?!
145477951742423040 2011-12-10 04:20:21 PST <TehWongZ> @BinarySheep shame I forgot all my passwords then ;)
145478615755264000 2011-12-10 04:22:59 PST <TehWongZ> #OpRobinHood - Robbing the Rich & Giving to the Poor since 2011 - Courtesy of @_f0rsaken
145481201937940480 2011-12-10 04:33:16 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ you said you had enough, so LEAVE already. And BTW you said you called the Feds, nigha I know who did & 'twas not u. LIAR.
145481443777318913 2011-12-10 04:34:13 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken @twitter LOL! I've never encountered that b4 :( maybe twitter rly does hate #TeaMp0isoN ?
145481544759390208 2011-12-10 04:34:37 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur because everyone wants an iPad.
145482805567168512 2011-12-10 04:39:38 PST <TehWongZ> Where'z @Pixel1001 gone?
145482925306167297 2011-12-10 04:40:06 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ mongoloid? Think you mean monologue?
145482998308028417 2011-12-10 04:40:24 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ and Valve never contacted the feds haha, I know who did :)
145484804362739712 2011-12-10 04:47:34 PST <TehWongZ> @kevinklinkmuler @_mlt_ yep I speak to the other members fine, me n trick don't see eye to eye a lot but meh... Just MLT being a faggot.
145484976853495808 2011-12-10 04:48:16 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N true but the members off the team are allied with other people.
145485860874358785 2011-12-10 04:51:46 PST <TehWongZ> @George15209 good times :) I suggest joining c0rrupt.net to learn some stuff - @c0rrupt_net Turning Skids to 1337 since 2011 :)
145486062104494081 2011-12-10 04:52:34 PST <TehWongZ> @kevinklinkmuler @_mlt_ and c0rps3, hex, phantom &lt; he's really Asian though tbf.
145487976741355520 2011-12-10 05:00:11 PST <TehWongZ> @phantom4life @kevinklinkmuler @_mlt_ I'm not a "retard" that would class me as having both a mental & physical disability.
145488335161405441 2011-12-10 05:01:36 PST <TehWongZ> @phantom4life @kevinklinkmuler @_mlt_ Phantom u no Russian he Asian ma ninja
145488548349485058 2011-12-10 05:02:27 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @phantom4life @kevinklinkmuler 1) I'm on my iPhone & autocorrect hates me, 2) would you like to link me the definition?
145489200437919744 2011-12-10 05:05:03 PST <TehWongZ> “@c0rrupt_net: Join us on IRC! http://t.co/LHgodXcl #c0rrupt” &lt; I'm in there right now! COME JOIN :D
145489449000767488 2011-12-10 05:06:02 PST <TehWongZ> @kevinklinkmuler @_mlt_ @phantom4life tbh it obviously shows that MLT has no life of he replies within 5 minutes of every tweet I send..
145489494206988288 2011-12-10 05:06:13 PST <TehWongZ> @kevinklinkmuler @_mlt_ @phantom4life MLT U HEARD OF FRESH AIR?!
145489905039052801 2011-12-10 05:07:51 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @kevinklinkmuler @phantom4life Hence I don't give a fuck, I'm going to eat (like a normal person) & then go out. CYA.
145489940912930816 2011-12-10 05:07:59 PST <TehWongZ> RT @MotormouthNews: @_MLT_ @TehWongZ charrie and tp are like biggie and tupac. Just saying
145494242964406272 2011-12-10 05:25:05 PST <TehWongZ> @kevinklinkmuler @_mlt_ @phantom4life true which also makes you sad. Nice convo I had with MLT though :)
145494295993004032 2011-12-10 05:25:17 PST <TehWongZ> RT @shaunwalker7: Lots of people leaving now. Riot police massing. Hundreds of them. But no arrests yet http://t.co/pnCHOkYj
145494651674169344 2011-12-10 05:26:42 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @kevinklinkmuler @phantom4life i learnt C & then forgot the basics (9 months will do that to u)
145495713143472128 2011-12-10 05:30:55 PST <TehWongZ> @phantom4life @_mlt_ @kevinklinkmuler C = programming language, I know what it is idiot.
145496750977843202 2011-12-10 05:35:03 PST <TehWongZ> RT @MarkExposito: Must watch video. http://t.co/UKeRnI5U
145510346478718976 2011-12-10 06:29:04 PST <TehWongZ> @phantom4life @_mlt_ @kevinklinkmuler point is MLT/BLT got trolled & he's an idiot. Now GTFO ASIAN N00B.
145513284496404480 2011-12-10 06:40:45 PST <TehWongZ> @kevinklinkmuler @phantom4life @_mlt_ welcome to the Internet xD
145513331678134272 2011-12-10 06:40:56 PST <TehWongZ> RT @CrappyAirBags: @MotormouthNews @_MLT_ @TehWongZ They should have a broadway musical with charrie and TP.  #jussayin.
145516290105294848 2011-12-10 06:52:41 PST <TehWongZ> @D0ct0rd0c yup.
145516461635547136 2011-12-10 06:53:22 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @phantom4life @kevinklinkmuler MLT you've just spent the last 3 days replying to som1 u seem to hate, that's trolling. IDC BOUT U
145516621040074753 2011-12-10 06:54:00 PST <TehWongZ> RT @charlesarthur: RT @usqure: #iPad is the first real tablet and has brand loyalty but #iPhone is not many people's first experience of a phone. &lt;-- true
145516860497076225 2011-12-10 06:54:57 PST <TehWongZ> @D0ct0rd0c I can't im on 3G :) safeguard is on for my phone & 4 sum reason Orange hasn't turned it off yet (
145516967942557696 2011-12-10 06:55:23 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @phantom4life @kevinklinkmuler Mo but replying to som1 bcus I made up loads of shit to annoy you, yes.
145517156606541825 2011-12-10 06:56:08 PST <TehWongZ> @D0ct0rd0c I'm on iPhone & Apple - Adobe HATE EACH OTHER :(
145517204560035840 2011-12-10 06:56:19 PST <TehWongZ> @D0ct0rd0c I'm not at home.
145518387580256257 2011-12-10 07:01:01 PST <TehWongZ> @kevinklinkmuler @_mlt_ @phantom4life 1) how did I make shit up about stuff? I've coded shit & showed it to everyone from sites to apps.
145518443393859585 2011-12-10 07:01:15 PST <TehWongZ> @kevinklinkmuler @_mlt_ @phantom4life 2) MLT you haven't actually shown you can do ANYTHING.
145518572381286402 2011-12-10 07:01:45 PST <TehWongZ> @kevinklinkmuler @_mlt_ @phantom4life 3) MLT you obviously have no life otherwise u wudnt be at home sitting on ur comp all day every day.
145518951756087296 2011-12-10 07:03:16 PST <TehWongZ> @kevinklinkmuler @_mlt_ @phantom4life 4) like I said I have a life & I'm in cinema, films about to start so CYA :)
145519094018486273 2011-12-10 07:03:50 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @kevinklinkmuler @phantom4life why don't u tell me what you've done first considering your the 1 asking.
145552345927913473 2011-12-10 09:15:58 PST <TehWongZ> RT @MotormouthNews: New hash everyone, lets see how creative you can be... Come up with Broadway show names for these ppl ---&gt; #CharrieTPonBroadway
145552456665931776 2011-12-10 09:16:24 PST <TehWongZ> The Rise & Fall of FaceFuck - #CharrieTPonBroadway
145555576519262209 2011-12-10 09:28:48 PST <TehWongZ> RT @c0rrupt_net: Tomorrow I'm having spacecake for breakfast &lt;3
145555837237207042 2011-12-10 09:29:50 PST <TehWongZ> @HoodieAllen you can thank us at @DestructiveSec for over 23,000 views to your "Your not a Robot" video on YouTube :) We did it via Deface
145561741273739264 2011-12-10 09:53:18 PST <TehWongZ> @VinceintheBay what's happening in #OpKanye ?!
145564771855503361 2011-12-10 10:05:20 PST <TehWongZ> @jailbr3aker ;)
145564794869653505 2011-12-10 10:05:26 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AnonyOps: Palestinians attack Gingrich comment on 'invented' people http://t.co/GQpogx9D
145564959873581057 2011-12-10 10:06:05 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @crappyairbags @motormouthnews MLT talks out his arse sometimes tbh.
145567284298121216 2011-12-10 10:15:19 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @crappyairbags @motormouthnews you attack people verbally without even accomplishing anything with evidence GTFO or say what u've dun
145579678185435137 2011-12-10 11:04:34 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @mikednieves @crappyairbags @motormouthnews KThxBai!
145585409987051520 2011-12-10 11:27:21 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @mikednieves @crappyairbags @motormouthnews nope I g2g (unlike you, I have a life) you never seem to be offline, vampire?!
145589878502068226 2011-12-10 11:45:06 PST <TehWongZ> Go Go #GooglePanda :-)
145590627961290752 2011-12-10 11:48:05 PST <TehWongZ> RT @geoffwking: FBI: "Oops, sorry, we probably do have files on #OccupySF. Our bad." http://t.co/96iQU2i5
145592996426022912 2011-12-10 11:57:29 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @mikednieves @crappyairbags @motormouthnews I admit I must tweet about 10 times a day but I'm on the move, your NOT.
145602521598132224 2011-12-10 12:35:21 PST <TehWongZ> @timez1001 oh rly? Ask @_MLT_ & if u want I got a pic of the warrant here ya go: http://t.co/x4l9pCyb
145602576669360128 2011-12-10 12:35:34 PST <TehWongZ> @_sergh same :) tis good!
145602637683884033 2011-12-10 12:35:48 PST <TehWongZ> @phantom4life lol!
145603454302294017 2011-12-10 12:39:03 PST <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: Oakland Burger King Supports The 99 Percent - http://t.co/WGwihxs7
145606285067423744 2011-12-10 12:50:18 PST <TehWongZ> We were #Over9000 Now we're over 99%.
145612146397548545 2011-12-10 13:13:35 PST <TehWongZ> @timez1001 @_mlt_ you obviously don't watch stuff do you?! Never heard of @CSLSec or the other shit I've done...
145613277710397440 2011-12-10 13:18:05 PST <TehWongZ> Wii is for mums & kids, PS3 for idiots, Xbox for 12 year old annoying American kids & PC Gaming for people who like free stuff.
145629593905274880 2011-12-10 14:22:55 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @timez1001 @cslsec erm... So MasterCard, eBay, UK Prime Minister, Met Police etc were random sites?!
145629621424107520 2011-12-10 14:23:02 PST <TehWongZ> RT @p0isAn0N: #TeamOccupyYourMom will have to walk barefoot, in 20ft of snow, uphill if you dont help them! http://t.co/3s6BueTm please help &lt;3 #ows
145629663593639937 2011-12-10 14:23:12 PST <TehWongZ> RT @mikko: I've just changed the name of my Wi-Fi to '5.99€/minute'. Let's see how many connect to it.
145629870494449664 2011-12-10 14:24:01 PST <TehWongZ> @LexiiiFBaby is that a NIPPLE?!
145650739375644673 2011-12-10 15:46:56 PST <TehWongZ> Merry #LulzXmas - May the New Year come with Great Entertainment, Humanity & Courageous Acts for Freedom & Man. I am #Anonymous #ExpectUs
145650850222710784 2011-12-10 15:47:23 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @timez1001 @cslsec only a few of those were DDoS & how you think I got the power to ddos?! Idiot.
145651461659963392 2011-12-10 15:49:49 PST <TehWongZ> BTW People who are saying in my DoX "Confirmed by MySpace" I've never EVER used MySpace, it's POINTLESS.
145651613221142529 2011-12-10 15:50:25 PST <TehWongZ> @awinee LOL! How did the Cops expect me? They obviously didn't otherwise they would off secured 3 of the sites I'd hit...
145652052796768257 2011-12-10 15:52:10 PST <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas is a complete moron. I'm sorry but he claims to have this & that but has done FUCK ALL. Get a life Fail Trololol.
145654072412868608 2011-12-10 16:00:11 PST <TehWongZ> I'm really wanting to do some Videos & Prank Calls once I get my computers back :) what/who would you guys like to see me do/call? :)
145654166864396288 2011-12-10 16:00:34 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Op_Britain: #Congo protest leads to over 100 arrests after trouble in #London http://t.co/DMcZlQdd Property was damaged and members of public threatened
145654645585481728 2011-12-10 16:02:28 PST <TehWongZ> @George15209 But let's be honest, it's true :)
145654688623235072 2011-12-10 16:02:38 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce I SHALL TRY!
145654727139528704 2011-12-10 16:02:47 PST <TehWongZ> @dubslikerobots That's a good one :)
145654996929740801 2011-12-10 16:03:52 PST <TehWongZ> @RandalSilvey why you steel @_f0rsaken profile pic?!
145655263767171072 2011-12-10 16:04:55 PST <TehWongZ> @dubslikerobots I'll phone them Over 9000 times and make a Montage &lt; not a 12 yr old CoD fag...
145655366716362752 2011-12-10 16:05:20 PST <TehWongZ> “@p0isAn0N: If you've Google'd the term "Anonymous"  #youmightbeaterrorist” I am a terrorist?! SHIT.
145655630227718144 2011-12-10 16:06:23 PST <TehWongZ> @George15209 Now go learn HaXing & I'll buy you a cookie.
145655945521926145 2011-12-10 16:07:38 PST <TehWongZ> @George15209 I only follow people in interested in xD
145656064686305280 2011-12-10 16:08:06 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N Oh Sheet I Tewwowist Longer Time then George Crooney!
145656212854276096 2011-12-10 16:08:41 PST <TehWongZ> @EisMC2 CALM DOWN WITH THE RETWEETS OR I JUST MAY HAVE 2 UNFOLLOW UZZZ.
145656455595442176 2011-12-10 16:09:39 PST <TehWongZ> @dubslikerobots I Dee Dews Bomb is incoming on the FBI Jobs Area & they Immediately need to evacuate all Traffic!
145656507445424129 2011-12-10 16:09:52 PST <TehWongZ> @George15209 U2 Ninja!!!
145656700328882178 2011-12-10 16:10:38 PST <TehWongZ> @DBZNappa has over 131,000 tweets of "WHAT?! OVER 9000?!"
145657037035028480 2011-12-10 16:11:58 PST <TehWongZ> To Sleep I shall go as I haz Go Karting in the Morning. Fare Well & Good Moro to all my fans, haters, friends, enemies, 1%, 99% & YOU.
145657256715878400 2011-12-10 16:12:50 PST <TehWongZ> If this hash tag is not trending #youmightbeaterrorist
145657488707039232 2011-12-10 16:13:46 PST <TehWongZ> RT @johnguilfoil: Several swat SUVs just arrived. Bpd still keeping its distance for the most part #occupyboston
145658480718643200 2011-12-10 16:17:42 PST <TehWongZ> @EisMC2 You caught me ofc I wud never disband the 1 women lulz boat that is Emmi :)
145658649023483904 2011-12-10 16:18:22 PST <TehWongZ> Knowledge is Power, but what happens once that Knowledge Source is taken & put into the "wrong" hands? - #OpRobinHood
145660184558182401 2011-12-10 16:24:28 PST <TehWongZ> http://t.co/qtYxOGKu - Together, #WeAreLegion
145661550571692032 2011-12-10 16:29:54 PST <TehWongZ> @timez1001 why you gotta hate ninja? You be part of ma culture & pride, remember, we are The Hacker Generation.
145661651742494721 2011-12-10 16:30:18 PST <TehWongZ> RT @anonops: VIDEO: #Anonymous' LulzXmas &gt;&gt; http://t.co/1n3dtp43
145669108556496897 2011-12-10 16:59:56 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AnonymousCenter: @TehWongZ Lol yea when you get your computer back with government backdoors and shit on your computer hidden in every file. Dban them.
145669208909414400 2011-12-10 17:00:20 PST <TehWongZ> @highjack1337 is the most amazing person I ever did meet in a random IRC join.
145669468851421184 2011-12-10 17:01:22 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce Scotland Yard :/ gotta travel to London me thinks.
145673060173881345 2011-12-10 17:15:38 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce haha address? :P
145673093212405761 2011-12-10 17:15:46 PST <TehWongZ> @Norwack_ @highjack1337 I won't xD
145673369763840000 2011-12-10 17:16:52 PST <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas I know enough to say your an absolute Ra-Tard
145673426856706048 2011-12-10 17:17:06 PST <TehWongZ> @JusticeAnon what you debating & against who?
145673482481577984 2011-12-10 17:17:19 PST <TehWongZ> Personally I would call a police interview a debate.
145673540891443200 2011-12-10 17:17:33 PST <TehWongZ> @highjack1337 @norwack_ :D
145673823067455488 2011-12-10 17:18:40 PST <TehWongZ> THEM APPLE BOTTOM JEANS & THE BOOTS WITH THE FUR, THE WHOLE LULZ BOAT WAS LOOKIN AT HER, SHE WAS LIKE @lolspoon @lolspoon @lolspoon
145674528025083904 2011-12-10 17:21:28 PST <TehWongZ> Blizzard - We're like Apple, but we don't want your souls, just your money. http://t.co/L8nYRwLd
145674840249090048 2011-12-10 17:22:43 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken I can see the dark side in this one.
145674947178676224 2011-12-10 17:23:08 PST <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas How bout you go back under the bridge, bitch.
145675427850096640 2011-12-10 17:25:03 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken Only day dream. I lied.
145675479062544384 2011-12-10 17:25:15 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce :D
145675611166359552 2011-12-10 17:25:46 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @timez1001 @cslsec ok, got any proof that I haz bought these mystical, I believe you say "Shell Booters"
145675743542788097 2011-12-10 17:26:18 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @timez1001 @cslsec and btw your saying I managed to hit MasterCard, Visa, FBI etc offline with a couple $? Wow.
145675804922228736 2011-12-10 17:26:33 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzOwn WOW! Where have you been.
145676206388420608 2011-12-10 17:28:08 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: We are kings above the rest. @__SPiNE @_f0rsaken @TehWongZ @C0RPS3_TP  NOW BOW BITCHEZ!
145676295374778369 2011-12-10 17:28:30 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzOwn :P you are only truly educated when you can learn for yourself.
145676378388439040 2011-12-10 17:28:49 PST <TehWongZ> To bed I shall go, farewell my crew.
145676507979857921 2011-12-10 17:29:20 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken I'd be happy to post videos on YouTube which would get OVER 9000 VIEWS!!!
145676600598470656 2011-12-10 17:29:42 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AnonymousCenter: Ever have the feeling that the government is watching you? Cause they probably are.
145679666420781056 2011-12-10 17:41:53 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @timez1001 @cslsec is that why members off TP & C0RPS3 were there live watching it? Idiot.
145679737937854465 2011-12-10 17:42:10 PST <TehWongZ> @JusticeAnon Are you in it or just watching? :)
145679868326199296 2011-12-10 17:42:41 PST <TehWongZ> Wonder how long it will take me to get so many followers that every tweet I send gets Retweeted?
145680799004499968 2011-12-10 17:46:23 PST <TehWongZ> @ArtByAlida It does, look at: Kayne West, Ashton Kutcher, BBC News etc... They all get auto-retweeted as soo. As they tweet.
145681068928933888 2011-12-10 17:47:28 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @timez1001 @cslsec haha ask @C0RPS3_TP I was in a live chat with him when we were hitting MasterCard & other sites offline
145809156740354048 2011-12-11 02:16:26 PST <TehWongZ> @RandalSilvey @_f0rsaken oh I apologise :)
145810396371107840 2011-12-11 02:21:22 PST <TehWongZ> We are Legion.\nWe do not Forgive.\nWe do not Forget.\n#ExpectUs
145815282563301376 2011-12-11 02:40:47 PST <TehWongZ> 1,200 Followers KThxBai :P
145848870868488193 2011-12-11 04:54:15 PST <TehWongZ> Just been Go Karting... FUCKING EPIC :D
145865910337548289 2011-12-11 06:01:57 PST <TehWongZ> @testeux1 @hackerscanthide I never had a trail
145866308775460865 2011-12-11 06:03:32 PST <TehWongZ> @jabbaslant No because they are 90 CC and go 80MPH :)
145870411014475776 2011-12-11 06:19:50 PST <TehWongZ> @awinee @testeux1 @hackerscanthide that's bcus I TOLD EVERYONE IM 15 IDIOT.
145870504442609665 2011-12-11 06:20:13 PST <TehWongZ> @awinee @testeux1 @hackerscanthide and I've never been arrested, get your facts right.
145891526365552640 2011-12-11 07:43:45 PST <TehWongZ> @RandalSilvey nice and yes
145898012948967424 2011-12-11 08:09:31 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AnonCircle: Cyber wars and hacking create new industry http://t.co/4j54gxOd #Anonymous #LulzSec #AntiSec
145901814913568768 2011-12-11 08:24:38 PST <TehWongZ> RT @ariannahuff: This week, Obama correctly identified inequality as the\rdefining issue of our time. If only he'd said it 2 yrs ago.\rhttp://t.co/9qkMvdvl
145902019528491008 2011-12-11 08:25:26 PST <TehWongZ> Ryan Cleary hung himself yet?
145906059385634817 2011-12-11 08:41:30 PST <TehWongZ> @George15209 yup
145906093925736448 2011-12-11 08:41:38 PST <TehWongZ> RT @HuffingtonPost: Sesame Street debuts in Afghanistan, minus Oscar the Grouch http://t.co/HyYwoK48
145911592113020928 2011-12-11 09:03:29 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: New Member of Destructive Security - @lulzfunny - ALL GO FOLLOW HIM BIOTCHES :D
145919200861495296 2011-12-11 09:33:43 PST <TehWongZ> RT @PlRATES: I dare police to pepper spray Bear Grylls, you will end up in a puddle of his piss before you know it.
145952989436317696 2011-12-11 11:47:59 PST <TehWongZ> RT @forksofpower: I gave @TehWongZ +K about Hacking on @klout http://t.co/RyxKFUak
145963944685731840 2011-12-11 12:31:30 PST <TehWongZ> RT @MK_Ultra_Hacker: A government afraid of its citizens is a Democracy. Citizens afraid of government is tyranny!
145964029217751040 2011-12-11 12:31:51 PST <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net Hay will you be on IRC soon? :)
145967143412965376 2011-12-11 12:44:13 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Our New Slogan: "Blowing Shit up since the Uterus."
145967721266429953 2011-12-11 12:46:31 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur I was thinking of going to the US Xfactor auditions and singing AntiSec by YTCracker.
145967839524831232 2011-12-11 12:46:59 PST <TehWongZ> All go follow @lulzfunny newest member of the Almighty @DestructiveSec
145967944558592000 2011-12-11 12:47:24 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur haha :D dude u don't get the joke? :(
145968063165112320 2011-12-11 12:47:52 PST <TehWongZ> @Nj0lima I did it within the first day, check @DestructiveSec twitter feed for the pastebin link :)
145968264143581186 2011-12-11 12:48:40 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur First hack LulzSec did was on X Factor US, AntiSec by YT Cracker, get it now? XD
145968377788239872 2011-12-11 12:49:07 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N @lulzfunny and what's not done may not be worth doing.
145968607715790849 2011-12-11 12:50:02 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur think of cats that look like hitler going cross eyed. &lt; any more help?
145969953139470336 2011-12-11 12:55:23 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur I dno why Sabu hates u so much ur a funny guy...
145970170119192577 2011-12-11 12:56:15 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur o'rly?
145970293515616256 2011-12-11 12:56:44 PST <TehWongZ> @lulzfunny DM'd u bud :(
145972278847471617 2011-12-11 13:04:37 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: We're Giving away a 8GB, 1TB HDD VPS - As soon as we hit 1,000 Followers :) - Just #RT & Email: charriegamer@hotmail.co.uk Your twitter name
145972670423511040 2011-12-11 13:06:11 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur Hacking Team Giving Away Free servers? :) http://t.co/asOVBSGX - #OpRobinHood
145973060321816576 2011-12-11 13:07:44 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: We'll be giving away a LOAD more of VPS, Dedi Servers and Domains to all you guys at home :-) GO GO #OpRobinHood
145975385337765888 2011-12-11 13:16:58 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken mr Saken :) @DestructiveSec is getting in on the #OpRobinHood action, giving away Free Servers :)
145975472734482433 2011-12-11 13:17:19 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News check @DestructiveSec we're giving away free servers :)
145976262186373120 2011-12-11 13:20:27 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Giving away a 8GB of Ram VPS once we hit 1,000 Followers, also giving away: Domains, Servers, SSL Certificates, Software & IRC Set-Ups :)
145979410435149824 2011-12-11 13:32:58 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Guys & Girls, what would you like to see us order YOU? We're giving back to the 99% :-)
145992545892188160 2011-12-11 14:25:10 PST <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net btw I'm DestructiveSec's twitter dude, I'll come on your IRC now, gimme a sec ;)
145994960376832000 2011-12-11 14:34:45 PST <TehWongZ> DM'ing you @lulzfunny :)
145995262249275393 2011-12-11 14:35:57 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Thanks to all out New Followers, our 750th will get a Free Pizza :D
145995345485246464 2011-12-11 14:36:17 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur hey, you want a free pizza? Or take out? :)
145995690089267201 2011-12-11 14:37:39 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur kk :) well, tell ya what, I'll get a new MacBook Air shipped over? 7 days and it'll be all good ;)
146000272060203008 2011-12-11 14:55:52 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur :P u sure there's nothing I can hook u up with? :)
146000551870607360 2011-12-11 14:56:58 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: So, it's Christmas soon & most of us are strapped for Cash... So @DestructiveSec are offering to buy Xmas presents for you :) just EMAIL US
146001755065421824 2011-12-11 15:01:45 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce Merry LulzXmas, indeed we are at @DestructiveSec
146002214639501312 2011-12-11 15:03:35 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Email us at charriegamer@hotmail.co.uk and tell us what you want :)
146002289348448257 2011-12-11 15:03:53 PST <TehWongZ> RT @p0isAn0N: Add &gt; @DestructiveSec if you want christmas presents :)
146002411486593024 2011-12-11 15:04:22 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken we'd love to give you a gift this #LulzXmas for all your hard work, another Mac sound good? :)
146002990107590656 2011-12-11 15:06:40 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce email: charriegamer@hotmail.co.uk :) or @DestructiveSec ;-)
146003179497205760 2011-12-11 15:07:25 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur Charles baby :) make a report about @DestructiveSec ? We're giving people presents in memory of #LulzXmas PLZ :D
146009919756316672 2011-12-11 15:34:12 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Replied to all the emails, please post about us on blogs & sites :) also send the story in to news agencies lets make this #LulzXmas BIG!
146016405219848193 2011-12-11 15:59:58 PST <TehWongZ> @YourAnonNews DUDE your missing out on #LulzXmas at @DestructiveSec :) we're giving away Xmas presents :)
146016424551387137 2011-12-11 16:00:03 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: #LulzXmas gifts brought to you by @lulzfunny & @TehWongZ :)
146019219392311296 2011-12-11 16:11:09 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: In the last hour of #LulzXmas mayhem we've taken over $2,500 from the 1% & Given to the 99% :)
146027003412361216 2011-12-11 16:42:05 PST <TehWongZ> @LetMeGet_aToke fine man :) he's now 10 pounds and poopin like a trooper ;-)
146027020663537664 2011-12-11 16:42:09 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: If anyone knows of a poor family that could use some #LulzXmas Magic please email us :)
146031296836141056 2011-12-11 16:59:08 PST <TehWongZ> RT @p0isAn0N: For christmas presents email charriegamer@hotmail.co.uk or omzlulzfunny@gmail.com & Follow @lulzfunny @DestructiveSec @TehWongZ  #LulzXmas
146033046477475840 2011-12-11 17:06:06 PST <TehWongZ> @anonymouSabu Sabu we're doing something special this year #LulzXmas from @DestructiveSec plz help us with a tweet :)
146033506630381568 2011-12-11 17:07:55 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: We're sending a new iPhone 4S and $1,500 worth of Jewellery to a elderly lady who's son & mother recently died... There's more to come :)
146034434750156801 2011-12-11 17:11:37 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: I don't wna be cheeky or anything but could we ask Santa for 1,000 Followers? We've given so much already :)
146041084169039872 2011-12-11 17:38:02 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Jack_Finn: @TehWongZ @p0isAn0N @lulzfunny #LulzXmas is going to be the most epic thing ever. I hope i get my snapback!! Its like we are 1 big family
146041153752543233 2011-12-11 17:38:19 PST <TehWongZ> @halfbakedsg why the 1% of course )
146041176292720640 2011-12-11 17:38:24 PST <TehWongZ> RT @LetMeGet_aToke: @TehWongZ good to hear bro, glad to see ya guys are growing :D
146044545119952896 2011-12-11 17:51:47 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: We've made a #LulzXmas List guys :) We're putting priority over percentage so don't hate us if you don't receive a gift :-)
146047316833484800 2011-12-11 18:02:48 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Can you guys get this tweet as a "Top Tweet" on #LulzXmas - PLEASE TRY, We're giving away FREE STUFF THIS XMAS, Good Tidings.
146047364287840256 2011-12-11 18:02:59 PST <TehWongZ> @_Hybridize_ replied :)
146048642044792832 2011-12-11 18:08:04 PST <TehWongZ> @YourAnonNews DUDE! C'mon report on the massive onslaught of free gifts we're giving out @DestructiveSec for #LulzXmas FREE XMAS GIFT to 99%
146051608705368065 2011-12-11 18:19:51 PST <TehWongZ> @EisMC2 would you mind telling your Hubby to write on his Tumblr about us? :)
146052267894784002 2011-12-11 18:22:28 PST <TehWongZ> @EisMC2 :D ur the woman?
146052286874009600 2011-12-11 18:22:33 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: If you guys want a Free VPS please put the email Subject as "VPS PWEEZ" or for a Pizza "Pizza Italiano PWEEZ" &lt; with address & topping ;)
146052720128823296 2011-12-11 18:24:16 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Please ReTweet and Favourite: http://t.co/jgyUersb - we wna get TOP TWEET PEOPLE :D
146053279359578113 2011-12-11 18:26:29 PST <TehWongZ> @cliffpotts @EisMC2 actually we can help you :-) whatcha want for #LulzXmas brah? -&gt; @DestructiveSec
146054935954464768 2011-12-11 18:33:04 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Right guys, bed time, we'll check your tweets in the morning ;-) and do the orders by night, good tidings from\n@TehWongZ \n&\n@lulzfunny :-)
146056595900612609 2011-12-11 18:39:40 PST <TehWongZ> I'm drained, nearly 4 hours of replying to 100's of tweets, emails & IRC messages all from my iPhone for the 99% Merry #LulzXmas
146057746700181504 2011-12-11 18:44:15 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Konquerer: @TehWongZ Rock on! #LulzXmas is undoubtably an awesome thing!
146138383859720192 2011-12-12 00:04:40 PST <TehWongZ> RT @tamazetram: @p0isAn0N @TehWongZ @MissRevolution_ +every1else in antisec+ occupy movement,ur opening eyes+making better people out of all of us,THANKYOU
146138476314755072 2011-12-12 00:05:02 PST <TehWongZ> The Lines have re-opened merry #LulzXmas :-)
146142135979212800 2011-12-12 00:19:35 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: We're Giving Santa a Rest for this #LulzXmas :-)
146262507252744192 2011-12-12 08:17:53 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Guys im back :-) @lulzfunny will be back in 2 hours & we'll be ordering everything, as well as sorting through the emails :) #BigList is BIG
147989581101404160 2011-12-17 02:40:40 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonSystem @lulzfunny @p0isan0n @doxcak3 @_teamp0ison erm... I didn't post that..
148002823345418240 2011-12-17 03:33:17 PST <TehWongZ> RT @OPinkslip: send @robportman a tweet asking him why he accepted $272,853 to pass #NDAA - #Anonymous #OpAccountable #RuinRobPortman
148029029402947584 2011-12-17 05:17:25 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News y u noo report on #LulzXmas via @DestructiveSec ?!
148029410509979648 2011-12-17 05:18:56 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News u wnt me to DM te info? :)
148029627317751808 2011-12-17 05:19:48 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News Done ;-)
148029915177037824 2011-12-17 05:20:56 PST <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net but I beat u on dis account :D muhahaha
148029997783851009 2011-12-17 05:21:16 PST <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net &lt; ALL GO FOLLOW NOW OR FACE YOUR INEVITABLE DOOM!
148070263194525696 2011-12-17 08:01:16 PST <TehWongZ> @sambowne @cyber_war_news HAY! U can thank me and @lulzfunny JEEZ...
148071329827000321 2011-12-17 08:05:30 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: http://t.co/kjKvOWOh &lt; @Cyber_War_News Reports on us & our #LulzXmas Operation :) #RT
148089892809875456 2011-12-17 09:19:16 PST <TehWongZ> @wesleypipes12 lol, I'm not guna squeal bitch, parent + solicitor has to be in the room if they wna speak to a minor BIATCH.
148098011904483328 2011-12-17 09:51:32 PST <TehWongZ> @MotormouthNews DM me :D
148144292051943425 2011-12-17 12:55:26 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: http://t.co/RCfK45PI THIS CUNT DOESN'T BELIEVE WE HAVE ALL HIS BASES, PHONE HIM NOW!
148144304194453504 2011-12-17 12:55:29 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: http://t.co/RCfK45PI &lt; Girlfriends name is Felicia, he may not Answer bcus of the sheer amount of calls he's getting :)
148399156640223232 2011-12-18 05:48:10 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Cyber_War_News: FBI dox document surfaced http://t.co/0tPUhX80
148452579901313025 2011-12-18 09:20:27 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: YO! We need Video and Graphics people :D plz Help :( email: charrie4lyfe@hotmail.co.uk NOW! :)
148477431471284224 2011-12-18 10:59:12 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Expect the Unexpected.
148480654315761664 2011-12-18 11:12:01 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: http://t.co/X2uUU8aT &lt; We exploited the site, Pay with SagePay & get as many Masks as you want for 1p (total, not each :D)
148507484074676224 2011-12-18 12:58:37 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Give em a call: +1 (787) 279-1912   - http://t.co/XarhGqCx - enjoi & plz wish them a Merry LulzXmas + Record it :) #RT :-)
148514570753945601 2011-12-18 13:26:47 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Looking for a Rapper/Singer now as well :-) willing to pay upto $600 in stuff or money &lt; not via PayPal though :)
148514862186766337 2011-12-18 13:27:57 PST <TehWongZ> @YourAnonNews what's this about a #LulzXmasCharity ? :)
148518692056084481 2011-12-18 13:43:10 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News HERRO
148701357317177344 2011-12-19 01:49:00 PST <TehWongZ> RT @sharifkouddous: Protester with bloodied hand holds up shell casing of 9mm bullet #occupycabinet http://t.co/QGtwmmPw
148701560111759360 2011-12-19 01:49:49 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News erm... We already haxed N Korea's Gov site a whole back :)
148705240227655680 2011-12-19 02:04:26 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News yeh!
148762613470330880 2011-12-19 05:52:25 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Ask Nathan Bryce Anderson +64211657959 why he finds it funny to bully "Speedy" &lt; a GIRL.
148766479838494720 2011-12-19 06:07:47 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Girl called "Speedy" nearly kille herself after being bullied by Nathan Anderson, Phone him: +64 211657959 Speedy, the internet I with you.
148768087624257536 2011-12-19 06:14:10 PST <TehWongZ> Phone Nathan - +64 211657959 - Ask him why he thinks it's ok to bully & abuse a girl "Speedy" . #Anonymous #Anon @YourAnonNews
148774888449118208 2011-12-19 06:41:12 PST <TehWongZ> No our GREAT LEADER IS DEAD!! Go Go #KimJongil
148794184076230656 2011-12-19 07:57:52 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N @crappyairbags He Mexican.
148803975066550273 2011-12-19 08:36:46 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @p0wd3r_ @youranonnews yeh Kieshu, but she's 13 he's 15 and I'm 15, your 24 -,- grow up.
148804164200316930 2011-12-19 08:37:32 PST <TehWongZ> @darkspline DM'd u :)
148804362058215424 2011-12-19 08:38:19 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova and then you can get their passport & put the picture online. Then wipe your HD...
148804863931854849 2011-12-19 08:40:18 PST <TehWongZ> @Lyricistjinn &lt; This dude deserves your Follow guys :)
148822908893007872 2011-12-19 09:52:01 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @p0wd3r_ @youranonnews yeh I'm right... Your literally just wrong.
149553024874979330 2011-12-21 10:13:14 PST <TehWongZ> @CyberFear don't haz it ATM :/ will do in a month or do though
149553703286882304 2011-12-21 10:15:56 PST <TehWongZ> @TehWangZ I am the same 1 but I'm REALLY not v& :d
149557169900097537 2011-12-21 10:29:42 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Quickly! Give us a call on: +1 360-515-3097 - We'll be answering but only for bout 30 minutes MAX! :)
149561994004008960 2011-12-21 10:48:52 PST <TehWongZ> Because I Ching Chang Chong, you listen to my Dong, It make you high like bong BECAUSE I CHARRIE WONG!
149580210327658496 2011-12-21 12:01:15 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Immediate Prank Phone calls need to be done to, Nathan Anderson: +64 21 165 7959 - Bullying a Girl called "Speedy" - He swears a LOT XD
149580259002548224 2011-12-21 12:01:27 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova cus your butthurt.
149640272215687168 2011-12-21 15:59:55 PST <TehWongZ> @YourAnonNews but we already did #LulzXmas DestructiveSec style... We also got a few presents coming up ;)
149652900589731842 2011-12-21 16:50:06 PST <TehWongZ> @AuAnon @youranonnews so what you done? AuOZ seems nothing, haven't heard anything come from Kangaroo land except @Cyber_War_News
149661770758369281 2011-12-21 17:25:21 PST <TehWongZ> @YourAnonNews Dude, @DestructiveSec did #LulzXmas and have $128k of Presents to people... Taking from the Banks giving to the 99%.
149663437792870401 2011-12-21 17:31:58 PST <TehWongZ> @hak_a_tak @youranonnews yes but we also delivered over 100 pizzas to occupy people :)
149668473935634433 2011-12-21 17:51:59 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N and people saying thank you for VPS's and a few pics were sent in, gift cards etc..
149668527601745921 2011-12-21 17:52:12 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter never went to jail xD
149668849216798723 2011-12-21 17:53:29 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzPirate wow. This kid support TeaMp0isoN even though 2 of the members DoX'd his ass.. Idiot. @_TeaMp0isoN
149672110086823936 2011-12-21 18:06:26 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Welcome our Newest and FINAL member, a Me @ElCthulhu - King of all Web App Attacks.
149672230287192066 2011-12-21 18:06:55 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News DUDE WE WUDA GOTTEN U A FREE VPS, We still will if u wnt 1 xD
149674417260212224 2011-12-21 18:15:36 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News Dude! No they don't, we pay 4 it... ;)
149688370442932227 2011-12-21 19:11:03 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News and so does my'n not like we just get given stuff... We gotta hax it first.
149905476878999553 2011-12-22 09:33:45 PST <TehWongZ> @P0wd3r_ that's cus I change Skype accounts like your mum changes gender.
149929555950436352 2011-12-22 11:09:26 PST <TehWongZ> http://t.co/H9L9wBjl &lt; Interview me & @DestructiveSec did :)
149932430650908673 2011-12-22 11:20:51 PST <TehWongZ> @_TeaMp0isoN and fuck teh WongZ? Am I right?
149941433791557633 2011-12-22 11:56:38 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: #OpFireSail - http://t.co/2PMhAK06 - it BEGINS NOW.
149946365659713536 2011-12-22 12:16:14 PST <TehWongZ> @YourAnonNews Y U NOO RT? https://t.co/OXcQJo3T
149949312317665280 2011-12-22 12:27:56 PST <TehWongZ> @EisMC2 @kraddyodaddy it's spelt oral :(
149949336854335490 2011-12-22 12:28:02 PST <TehWongZ> RT @HuffingtonPost: Twins give birth just minutes apart http://t.co/gav9zsxq
149956697799147521 2011-12-22 12:57:17 PST <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net I'm in where u be? :)
149956746138484736 2011-12-22 12:57:28 PST <TehWongZ> RT @LulzGh0st: RT @RT_America Hackers and activists find ways to save the Internet, despite #SOPA http://t.co/HjiRgMap  #Anonymous
149958351789371392 2011-12-22 13:03:51 PST <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net I'm in now :)
149984574594748416 2011-12-22 14:48:03 PST <TehWongZ> @EisMC2 @kraddyodaddy lol... Well in England is oral ;)
149984772519755776 2011-12-22 14:48:51 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @lulzfunny lol... MLT u said u hate him? or was it another TP guy, I get confused there's so many of you now...
149989523386925057 2011-12-22 15:07:43 PST <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ @anonymousabu I'm too young for the antisec movement.
150001149209088000 2011-12-22 15:53:55 PST <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 I'm very confused.
150002407600963584 2011-12-22 15:58:55 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: 51 moar followers to 1.000
150029562011594753 2011-12-22 17:46:49 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: #OpFireSail - UN Vulnerable to SQLi - http://t.co/CGvSxajE - This is just the beginning - http://t.co/GJTEd9pm
150029778135683072 2011-12-22 17:47:41 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzPirate are you being serious?! @TeaMp0isoN_ &lt; read what he just put -.-
150176305990742016 2011-12-23 03:29:56 PST <TehWongZ> RT @pastebin: Moving http://t.co/M9nYG6kW + 60 other domains away from GoDaddy due to them supporting SOPA...
150229316494557184 2011-12-23 07:00:34 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: We're now at 961 Followers. Just 39 til 1.000 :D
150261899227971585 2011-12-23 09:10:03 PST <TehWongZ> @iiBonKeRsS &gt; @c0rrupt_net :)
150297294204440576 2011-12-23 11:30:41 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @p0isan0n DM for me 2?
150300007642300416 2011-12-23 11:41:28 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @p0isan0n I would but Im on my iPhone ;(
150308741613486080 2011-12-23 12:16:11 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @p0isan0n sorry I'm 15, your 30+ with wife Crappy & last time you touched me here, here and here.
150308764606676992 2011-12-23 12:16:16 PST <TehWongZ> RT @GiveMeMind: Hackers Giving Away Apple Products, All In The Name Of LulzXmas http://t.co/SCj5hFcV
150416087022972928 2011-12-23 19:22:44 PST <TehWongZ> RT @CrappyAirBags: @TehWongZ @p0isan0n You have been 15 for 2 years bro.  Your the Peter Pan of #Lulzsec...... LOL
150416149178359808 2011-12-23 19:22:59 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @p0isan0n except I've only been on twitter for 9 months xD
150451380463734784 2011-12-23 21:42:59 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Cyber_War_News: Seriously, other media sites, if you are going to plain copy paste my articles, at least give us credit like we do to others, fair is fair
150451570235031552 2011-12-23 21:43:44 PST <TehWongZ> @TheLibertyLamp @cyber_war_news WOAH! Lee is good & everything but are we forgetting The Onion & Russia Today?!
150451603827212288 2011-12-23 21:43:52 PST <TehWongZ> RT @CyanideL: http://t.co/TDeFDuYH #LulzXmas by @DestructiveSec - Merry Christmas to the 99% #Anonymous #LulzXmas
150453202276466688 2011-12-23 21:50:13 PST <TehWongZ> @TheLibertyLamp @cyber_war_news Look that was an example?! Best News EVA comes from FoxNews..
150453251941220352 2011-12-23 21:50:25 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Anything Corporate, Government or News. This is just the start - #OpFireSail
150463775319928832 2011-12-23 22:32:14 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Its Christmas Eve & we got some EPIC defaces coming your way :)
150499194124238849 2011-12-24 00:52:58 PST <TehWongZ> @BreakingNewsUK @BreakingNews Hope he dies.
150499289045532672 2011-12-24 00:53:21 PST <TehWongZ> @pastebin DNS Poisoning Brah!
150504799257886720 2011-12-24 01:15:15 PST <TehWongZ> @pastebin Loading PURRFUCTLY 4 me :)
150505988749926400 2011-12-24 01:19:58 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: 13 Followers to go and Christmas is right around the Corner c'mon guys let's get 1,000 :)
150562368559136768 2011-12-24 05:04:00 PST <TehWongZ> Everybody PLEASE PLEASE GO FOLLOW: @DestructiveSec :) Just 4 more followers to 1,000
150635734351626243 2011-12-24 09:55:32 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Publicly Uploaded the Video on another Channel :) Please Share/RT & Deface sites with it &lt;3 http://t.co/9e9g6Dq0
150635833806946305 2011-12-24 09:55:56 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @_mlt_ @lulzfunny not all of them & I don't give a shit? No 1 likes you. Lol
150786538589011969 2011-12-24 19:54:46 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: BTW Guys: http://t.co/7GfH8Ice - StickyPaste Owner PedoBear - His Box hosts StickyPaste and CP Sites... Not CLEVER.
150786646915284992 2011-12-24 19:55:12 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: StickyPaste owner has been a VERY BAD BOI. He's soon to be Exposed. #ExpectTheUnExpected.
150794117230772224 2011-12-24 20:24:53 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Call Eric's Home? - (609) 20275-5806 - Say Hi from Destructive Security.
150797855240634368 2011-12-24 20:39:45 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: We've decided to buy: ericchanson.net / .com / and multiple others to hold his DoX 4EVA! :)
150797874689617920 2011-12-24 20:39:49 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Sorry guys, tweeted the Wrong Phone # - (609) 275-5806 - Enjoy :)
150797903366070272 2011-12-24 20:39:56 PST <TehWongZ> RT @1337Media: @TehWongZ OpDarkNet: StickyPaste Owner hosts Underage Pornography Websites! - http://t.co/I0GHB9tn
150797924484390913 2011-12-24 20:40:01 PST <TehWongZ> RT @iBeavo: @TehWongZ Awesome work man, just in time for Christmas!
150808396705169409 2011-12-24 21:21:38 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: http://t.co/R8T8HhNK IS LIVE! Let the Show Begin!
150809162962567168 2011-12-24 21:24:41 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Time to Retire and take a Rest, but don't worry friends for in 2012 we will be at our Best.
150809327840657408 2011-12-24 21:25:20 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News to dude; check it: http://t.co/Qa3byQTx
150809446740795392 2011-12-24 21:25:48 PST <TehWongZ> @daspawnx yeh, but we're setting up a public IRC ;)
150809739557748737 2011-12-24 21:26:58 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News ?! That's fucking StickyPaste's owner getting exposed.. That's not Silly. It's huge in the hacker world bcus SP will go now
150810511968186368 2011-12-24 21:30:02 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News 1) check the IP of interwebdrama's it's on a personal box, with a few other sites (including StickyPaste) enjoi..
150810538098700288 2011-12-24 21:30:08 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: We'd like to wish all our Fans a Merry Christmas. The People: @_f0rsaken - @C0RPS3_TP - @ElCthulhu - @lulzfunny - @TehWongZ - @__SPiNE
150885593872728064 2011-12-25 02:28:23 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Have a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year - DSec out.
151066855258341376 2011-12-25 14:28:39 PST <TehWongZ> @si1ent_ just because I enjoi the occasional buttsex does not make me a fag.. Jeez
151085991468351488 2011-12-25 15:44:42 PST <TehWongZ> @MotormouthNews I didn't block u? LOL
151086035999268865 2011-12-25 15:44:52 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: The Lords of the Internet, it is our Domain now (TeeHee) - @_f0rsaken - @TehWongZ - @lulzfunny - @C0RPS3_TP - @ElCthulhu - @__SPiNE
151087733861924864 2011-12-25 15:51:37 PST <TehWongZ> @YourAnonNews @motormouthnews I didn't? And I never got into a argument with u so y we no talk like housewives & drink tea + eat scones?
151088417600585730 2011-12-25 15:54:20 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonSikko @_f0rsaken @missarahnicole can I be best man? I speak about the time we SE'd a 3rd World Chinese lady on Skype.
151088980421648385 2011-12-25 15:56:34 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Cyber_War_News: Anonymous Hackers Donate To Various Places with STRATFORS Hacked Information http://t.co/wEpHqkO9 #antisec #anonymous #infosec #news
151089060230860800 2011-12-25 15:56:53 PST <TehWongZ> @anon_refundable @youranonnews @motormouthnews tis true dude, I haven't even really been using this account all to much either lol
151089286593253376 2011-12-25 15:57:47 PST <TehWongZ> @anonsikko @_f0rsaken @missarahnicole oh and how we nearly got caught by her lol... And about the time u came on webcam for m... Actually..
151096707772448769 2011-12-25 16:27:17 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Incoming New Destructive Security Website COMING for #lulzxmas :) will be adding more 2 it in New Year &lt;3
151105035021991936 2011-12-25 17:00:22 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzPirate needs to stop claiming others work as his own. Make a New Handle/Twitter & Actually Learn.
151105056291295234 2011-12-25 17:00:27 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: BTW out Website isn't going to be CloudFlare protected. We are THAT confident.
151105078059732993 2011-12-25 17:00:32 PST <TehWongZ> RT @BBCWorld: Hackers hit US security company http://t.co/RciwR3Zo
151105158087061506 2011-12-25 17:00:51 PST <TehWongZ> @BBCWorld #anonymous was here.
151105569443418112 2011-12-25 17:02:29 PST <TehWongZ> @anon_finland Haven't spoken in a while, I'll DM u my new Skype ;)
151116861470277632 2011-12-25 17:47:22 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Website has hit the InteWebZ: http://t.co/3uZWC1tn - We'll be updating the site a LOT so stay tuned &lt;3
151117015149592576 2011-12-25 17:47:58 PST <TehWongZ> @_St0rm You don't know what we do & we don't steal from the 99% maybe if you cared to read our interview you'd know how we get the money.
151119578221654017 2011-12-25 17:58:09 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Moar CloudFlare Pro Accounts given away :D FREE OFC MERRY #Lulzxmas http://t.co/R7I0yigi
151119730680406016 2011-12-25 17:58:46 PST <TehWongZ> @_St0rm yes but we actually took from the banks own accounts not peoples.
151126593845215234 2011-12-25 18:26:02 PST <TehWongZ> @_St0rm Yes they do, where do you think all the Surplus Charges go? Where all the Stoke Brokers get the money to buy stocks from etc..
151129727904649218 2011-12-25 18:38:29 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: First SQLi from an iPhone?! - #OpFireSail - FUCK THE NEWS - http://t.co/GKh3WSwI http://t.co/XZWfdmJO
151129840177778688 2011-12-25 18:38:56 PST <TehWongZ> @_St0rm Your an idiot, go read the fucking interview then come back we explained everything in detail.
151129871723151361 2011-12-25 18:39:03 PST <TehWongZ> @anon_finland Nah just wanted a catch up &lt;3
151139604899184641 2011-12-25 19:17:44 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Hmmm... Shall we do a #OpFireSail & a #lulzxmas release or a few tonight? :)
151142564110671872 2011-12-25 19:29:30 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: You though the StickyPaste/Pedo D0X was good... This is the TRUE start off #OpFireSail - e #ExpectTheUnExpected
151162629153505280 2011-12-25 20:49:13 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: http://t.co/YSeWEFNc &lt; Indian Stock Market Provider. Hacked, Defaced and Complete DB Dump.
151162686774837248 2011-12-25 20:49:27 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: @OpCensorThis_ @1337Media @YourAnonNews - http://t.co/YSeWEFNc - Indian Stock Market Provider Hacked... #lulzxmas #OpFireSail Merry Xmas :-)
151164917934866432 2011-12-25 20:58:19 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: http://t.co/Py2Zj3Ze - ZoneH: http://t.co/vBSP25Rt - Indian Stock Market Provider HACKED. #lulzxmas #OpFireSail - #ExpectTheUnExpected
151166584134696960 2011-12-25 21:04:56 PST <TehWongZ> http://t.co/hF7FoExg &lt; Indian Stock Market Provider Hacked by me + @sl1mmer + @lulzfunny
151168927794335744 2011-12-25 21:14:15 PST <TehWongZ> @CherriBomb @sl1mmer @lulzfunny yup :)
151168962548342784 2011-12-25 21:14:23 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Cyber_War_News: BREAKING: Indian Stockmarket Website hacked, defaced and dataleaked by @DestructiveSec http://t.co/6aimbCHd #infosec #leaks #news #security
151168972681777152 2011-12-25 21:14:26 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AnonNewsSEC: #CyberWarNews: Indian Stock market Website hacked, defaced and dataleaked by @DestructiveSec http://t.co/ftKb4322 #Security #InfoSec
151171065652064256 2011-12-25 21:22:45 PST <TehWongZ> @CherriBomb @sl1mmer @lulzfunny ofc ;) &lt;3
151173818403135489 2011-12-25 21:33:41 PST <TehWongZ> RT @CyanideL: @TehWongZ @sl1mmer @lulzfunny Good job guis! Love it. &lt;3
151173929141149696 2011-12-25 21:34:08 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: @varuntm &lt; Our hack was Confirmed... BY AN ACTUAL INDIAN GUY!!!
151278938348457984 2011-12-26 04:31:24 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Cyber_War_News: BREAKING: Indian Stock Exchange Site, Hacked 2nd time in 24 hours by @DestructiveSec http://t.co/VT8Un30S #lulz #infosec #news #security
151311232039792641 2011-12-26 06:39:43 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: W00T W00T 1,100 Followers :D We've Grown a lot over #lulzxmas - We'll need to be doing some more Releases then :)
151319749257728001 2011-12-26 07:13:34 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: I bet the Indians are pissed that some Teenage kids just lost them millions.
151325647808110593 2011-12-26 07:37:00 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: We have about 100 different Ideas but not enough Skilled People & Time to Carry them out :/
151349759179894784 2011-12-26 09:12:49 PST <TehWongZ> RT @EHackerNews: Indian Stock Market site "bullshouse.com" hacked by @DestructiveSec:\nhttp://t.co/aafnuWmX\n#security #news #hackers #infosec
151349769455935488 2011-12-26 09:12:51 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: A Certain Right Wing bitch needs to Watch her back.
151384194663186432 2011-12-26 11:29:39 PST <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: Indian Stock Exchange Site, Hacked 2nd time in 24 hours by @DestructiveSec - http://t.co/J31gUCJ2
151388555229405185 2011-12-26 11:46:58 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzPirate @LulzSecJr No your not because you can't hack for SHEET!
151450454528761856 2011-12-26 15:52:56 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: No 1 has even managed to scratch the surface of our site... Pathetic :P - http://t.co/CoTrYOIa
151450517195862016 2011-12-26 15:53:11 PST <TehWongZ> twitter.com/JLLLOW/status/118629647494819840 - The Good 'ok Days :)
151450644526538752 2011-12-26 15:53:42 PST <TehWongZ> 1,300 Followers :D must be Xmas... Oh wait xD
151482511300628480 2011-12-26 18:00:19 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: As the Irish would say: Fuckin Giv Destructive Sec Tree Followers or I'll kick ya ass over da fuckin rainbow
151495937871708161 2011-12-26 18:53:40 PST <TehWongZ> @Rorroh Im still alive & kicking here :)
151495962643283968 2011-12-26 18:53:46 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AnonHooker: Follow @DestructiveSec because they are destructively SEC-see!
151496043215847424 2011-12-26 18:54:06 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News Very good, 1 more follower til 1.200 on @DestructiveSec :-)
151505953613824001 2011-12-26 19:33:28 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Did somebody say Over 1.200? Oh wait no it was Over 9.000 DAMN, oh well we haz 1.200 followers now :D &lt;3
151514859887005696 2011-12-26 20:08:52 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: You know it's bad when Windows Task Manager is not responding.
151537831976779776 2011-12-26 21:40:09 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: As you can see, lots of MONIES was sent :) http://t.co/stgRPIz1
151551900108595200 2011-12-26 22:36:03 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: SQLi Vuln on Big ASS Review Site: http://t.co/LlUz3y7n Courtesy of @P0wd3r_ - DB Dump Coming 2moro - #OpFireSail &lt;3
151660844294475776 2011-12-27 05:48:57 PST <TehWongZ> @_St0rm @casevil yeh we are hacking banks.. And?!
151699918229225472 2011-12-27 08:24:13 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonDaily NP, if I was you I'd stay away, she's a crazy bitch.
151699990681620480 2011-12-27 08:24:30 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Look if the UK Gov were after us then don't you think our D0X would off been left on a train?
151750847938826240 2011-12-27 11:46:36 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: A International Bank, Expect is sometime around the next few days :)
151797975864184832 2011-12-27 14:53:52 PST <TehWongZ> @Sanguinarious @anondaily no, she's fugly... I have a IRL GF lol & she cams 4 anyone, daddy issues ;)
151799299053862913 2011-12-27 14:59:07 PST <TehWongZ> @Sanguinarious @anondaily bcus I liked her at one point then I grew up, I'm the first to admit my mistakes.
151803231482281984 2011-12-27 15:14:45 PST <TehWongZ> @Sanguinarious @anondaily dude if I'd known she had all dat baby fat I wuda never even gone near + I'm a minor = Kieshu PedoBear.
151805097817550848 2011-12-27 15:22:10 PST <TehWongZ> @aXioM_TP Nope but I did manage to convert Havij into an iPhone App :) it crashes though, CPU to slow...
151806501932122112 2011-12-27 15:27:45 PST <TehWongZ> @aXioM_TP lol! I used to do Freelance app creation :) thought u wuda known that considering you know "everything"'about me ;-)
151806601651683328 2011-12-27 15:28:08 PST <TehWongZ> @Sanguinarious @anondaily lol! She's 24, gotta kid, fugly, fat and I'm 15.
151809270369894400 2011-12-27 15:38:45 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Des-Sec rap Teaser: Nice hat, wack attack, ill show you how its done.  Should I boondoggle a usb nozle or spearphish them for fun?
151809776018395136 2011-12-27 15:40:45 PST <TehWongZ> @aXioM_TP I'm not, j swear I showed Saken it lol.. Ask him :)
151810713160130560 2011-12-27 15:44:29 PST <TehWongZ> @GeneralSec I never be gone, I shall always be here & no one can stop me :)
151817703697551360 2011-12-27 16:12:15 PST <TehWongZ> @aXioM_TP 1) It's not a complete replication of Havij and it only has the main SQLi tool 2) I took the understanding of how they did it
151817832743702529 2011-12-27 16:12:46 PST <TehWongZ> @aXioM_TP and just write a new script for the app, the main tricky thing was interesting it with the UI & creating the UI Properly..
151857001134174210 2011-12-27 18:48:25 PST <TehWongZ> @aXioM_TP it didn't fail, it just crashes bcus the phone can't handle the amount of data..
151863071114133504 2011-12-27 19:12:32 PST <TehWongZ> @ItsKahuna @axiom_tp yeh but no one ever succeeded without failing some where down the path.
151863608593235968 2011-12-27 19:14:40 PST <TehWongZ> @ItsKahuna @axiom_tp so what languages do u know/what have u done Kahuna, haven't seen fuck all from you.
151864815130910720 2011-12-27 19:19:28 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: This Years Order Statement from a Site via our personal piggy bank xD - Trying to find more sites :-) http://t.co/sD9I65jq - #OpFireSail
151865027148779520 2011-12-27 19:20:18 PST <TehWongZ> @ItsKahuna @axiom_tp ok you can google shit and DoX wow... I've helped hundreds, sent food to homeless shelters, donated 2 charity etc..
151869707656507392 2011-12-27 19:38:54 PST <TehWongZ> @P0wd3r_ y u NOO on Skype?!
152079585276735489 2011-12-28 09:32:53 PST <TehWongZ> @JackalAnon Yeh you just took that from @Hex000101 see, you can't do shit lol...
152082509683896321 2011-12-28 09:44:30 PST <TehWongZ> @JackalAnon @hex000101 haha yeh he already posted that + it's a fake ID... I needed it to pick up a few parcels ;)
152083697846321152 2011-12-28 09:49:13 PST <TehWongZ> @kevinklinkmuler @jackalanon @youranonnews exactly lol... Jackal I got: Steam, Stock Exchange & Other shit under my belt, wut bout u?
152084090273792000 2011-12-28 09:50:47 PST <TehWongZ> @aXioM_TP @jackalanon @hex000101 That's not for the Blizz thing, I set that to myself to show my mate lol.. My mum buys me Blizz games.. Lol
152084251087601665 2011-12-28 09:51:25 PST <TehWongZ> Installing BF3 after getting bored of MW3 within the first 5 hours of playing time..
152085394945605632 2011-12-28 09:55:58 PST <TehWongZ> @aXioM_TP @jackalanon @hex000101 well I'm not old enuff to hav a CC so my mum bought me it lol!
152085873096273920 2011-12-28 09:57:52 PST <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net tweet me once ur bak in IRC & ion answer to ur Q yes I do have experience :)
152088963216191488 2011-12-28 10:10:09 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: We be in ur bases\ndefacing all ur pages\nhacking stock exchanges\nwhile wallstreet be ragin
152109823096389632 2011-12-28 11:33:02 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Destructive Security + Anonymous = Racist Cop, Hacked & PWNED. http://t.co/xcNVaOU2 - Email Login + Phone & Rank.
152123863256412160 2011-12-28 12:28:49 PST <TehWongZ> On 1337 Followers... NO 1 FOLLOW OR UNFOLLOW OR ALL UR BASES BELONG TO ME!
152125297754505216 2011-12-28 12:34:31 PST <TehWongZ> @tommiecheshire say that if that's you in the picture then your a MASSIVE FAGGOT.
152126404404838400 2011-12-28 12:38:55 PST <TehWongZ> @tommiecheshire We're making a DesSec IRC ;-)
152166543852183552 2011-12-28 15:18:25 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: #OpFireSail - http://t.co/TkNNqJgt - New York Times Hacked - We gained access "shortly" to there email server ;-)
152179311431008257 2011-12-28 16:09:09 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Guess who's just add @lulzfunny on Skype. - well none other than the Admin of bullshouse.com xD
152224282506838016 2011-12-28 19:07:51 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Just realised a tweet from a few days ago didn't send. Enjo hundreds of German CC's courtesy of our Piggy Bank: http://t.co/vLaTaSYR
152236242917011456 2011-12-28 19:55:23 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DJiZack: Enjoy near 3000 German CCs, courtesy of @DestructiveSec http://t.co/YRmQ9FR6
152236255193726976 2011-12-28 19:55:26 PST <TehWongZ> RT @KINGRPG: All Go Follow @DestructiveSec - The True GodZ off the Internet. They also control this account :D *ad
152236267554340864 2011-12-28 19:55:29 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: 66.000 Follower account &lt;3's us :D https://t.co/jpmtGmIP
152237503838040064 2011-12-28 20:00:24 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: What you guys think of this song as our Deface song? :) http://t.co/8HnHcbyR
152270539682086912 2011-12-28 22:11:40 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: #OpFreePalestine via our Honorary  member: @_T0x1c - http://t.co/525xyTo5 -
152273335483498496 2011-12-28 22:22:46 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Just used our Online Scheduler to Get 2 tweets from accounts 1) with 660k Followers 2) 101k Followers - Expect Us.
152273376684146688 2011-12-28 22:22:56 PST <TehWongZ> @Rorroh Like me? :)
152283963564621825 2011-12-28 23:05:00 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: @OpCensorThis_ Nice hat, wack attack, ill show you how its done.  Should I boondoggle a usb nozle or spearphish them for fun?
152432051319095296 2011-12-29 08:53:27 PST <TehWongZ> @iiBonKeRsS lol wut?
152438057705021441 2011-12-29 09:17:19 PST <TehWongZ> @iiBonKeRsS What u mean you've seen me?!
152439116733222914 2011-12-29 09:21:32 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: We helped make a Hacker site :) http://t.co/Ao4ThL2Z - Need a site made/Domain & Hosting? Contact us :)
152439201965674496 2011-12-29 09:21:52 PST <TehWongZ> @iiBonKeRsS Come see me then xD
152441093231874048 2011-12-29 09:29:23 PST <TehWongZ> @iiBonKeRsS @ipodrohan Because we Card the domains, they don't get SHIT! :) #SOPA
152499425221156864 2011-12-29 13:21:10 PST <TehWongZ> @iiBonKeRsS Why the fuck wud I giz u my # ?!
152727350918918145 2011-12-30 04:26:52 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: #OpFuckYou - Release of DoD Server Information in response to #NDAA - http://t.co/ehfBbH7v - #FirstAmmendment #BradleyManning #FreeAnons RT!
152730621196767232 2011-12-30 04:39:52 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: If they pass #NDAA we will Magnify that DoD leak by over a Million. We do not Forgive. We do not Forget. #ExpectTheUnExpected
152734067387932673 2011-12-30 04:53:33 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: @_f0rsaken Real Gangstas Have Sleep overs.
152735851770679296 2011-12-30 05:00:39 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: To see what is not there is theoretically beyond Human Capabilities but by the age of 4 We can already See what is not there... Imagination.
152786460876095488 2011-12-30 08:21:45 PST <TehWongZ> RT @6O57: List of Website IPs to get around #SOPA IF it gets enforced you never know. http://t.co/I2XjTD5n #PIPA #OPEN
152923581494472704 2011-12-30 17:26:37 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Expect... The... UnExpected.
152960665181618176 2011-12-30 19:53:59 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Stock Exchange Hacked & Defaced: http://t.co/Itu8XWrF - by @TehWongZ & @sl1mmer1 with our NEW DEFACE PAGE :)
152966188312428544 2011-12-30 20:15:55 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: irc.anonops.li - /msg CharrieWong YO!
152974668062670848 2011-12-30 20:49:37 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AnonymouSkullar: My Dhaka Stock Exchange hacked by @TehWongZ & @sl1mmer1  @DestructiveSec http://t.co/O7sQGrOi #Anonymous
152977524643729408 2011-12-30 21:00:58 PST <TehWongZ> #YouMightBeATerrorist if your a 15 yr old British kid from England hacking from an IPhone.
152979140176392194 2011-12-30 21:07:23 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: #OpFireSail - http://t.co/qdXZ2BpC - 2011, The Hacktivist Evolution, 2012 The Hacktivist Revolution.
152983667491352577 2011-12-30 21:25:23 PST <TehWongZ> @InnerMentalist and your point is?!
153108496043347968 2011-12-31 05:41:24 PST <TehWongZ> @Mr_P4nd4 @innermentalist Indeed I am.
153213082569674753 2011-12-31 12:37:00 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Credit Union, Hacked & Admin DB Info STOLEN. Enjoy: http://t.co/xsrGPaen #TheNewYearsNightmare.
153215288459005952 2011-12-31 12:45:46 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: #TheNewYearsNightmare - We said Obama. Do NOT sign #NDAA - You were warned. http://t.co/4BjlB7xk - Nearly 50MB of Info.
153242644783443968 2011-12-31 14:34:28 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: I thought the US was a Democracy? #NDAA #SOPA
153243192546955264 2011-12-31 14:36:38 PST <TehWongZ> I say it's time. People off the US need to Revolt. #NDAA #NewYearsRiots.
153244085241647104 2011-12-31 14:40:11 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: We need 25,000 Signatures. https://t.co/PgZExEeW - Go Go, Sign it :-)
153247713226526720 2011-12-31 14:54:36 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Sign: https://t.co/PgZExEeW - Even if your not from the US, use a US VPN or Download HotSpot Shield.
153260125275176960 2011-12-31 15:43:55 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Anybody up for making an Anonymous House in a the UK? All US Anons welcome... Considering NDAA is passed I doubt you'll want to stay :-)
153289324916518912 2011-12-31 17:39:57 PST <TehWongZ> @anonymouSabu WTF IS UP WITH UR PROF PIC?! Extremist much?! Idiot your Mexican Drug Cartel ain't a Terrorist Organisation.
153298535566155777 2011-12-31 18:16:33 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: @BarackObama Don't expect ANY votes from my US Family or our US fans/Team Members/Friends or #anonFamily Cunt &lt; Yes twitter I used that word
153332135149834240 2011-12-31 20:30:04 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: BTW Before "for some of you" the Mew Year's Eve is out. We thought we'd take these last moments, The White Houses "true" Fax: 7038402020
153332183602438144 2011-12-31 20:30:16 PST <TehWongZ> RT @anonymouSabu: @TehWongZ I don't know why you rage at me so much (probably because I ignore you) but happy new years kid. Maybe 2012 will be better.
153332333087424512 2011-12-31 20:30:51 PST <TehWongZ> @anonymouSabu haha I wasn't raging I was simply asking why you have an extremist logo when your clearly Mexican/any of the other Lazy Latino
153473213106634752 2012-01-01 05:50:40 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @anonymousabu well I can't grow down.
153475619504656384 2012-01-01 06:00:13 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Sweet 1.600 Followers :D &lt;3
153475830436216832 2012-01-01 06:01:04 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonDaily @cabincr3w that's a pretty shitty first dump tbh was hoping Anon would dump a shit load of CC's again lol :)
153488831172194304 2012-01-01 06:52:43 PST <TehWongZ> @CabinCr3w Good! And FYI No one is Innocent.
153490154848387072 2012-01-01 06:57:59 PST <TehWongZ> “@D0ct0rd0c: @TehWongZ Everyone has blood on their hands.” &lt; Tis True.
153504434020823040 2012-01-01 07:54:43 PST <TehWongZ> RT @BreakingNews: Israeli, Palestinian negotiators to meet in Jordan this week; 1st meeting in more than a year - @AP http://t.co/rZzT4Dda
153504560516829185 2012-01-01 07:55:13 PST <TehWongZ> Maybe #OpFreePalestine has done some good? :) https://t.co/MylThHbS
153536544106496000 2012-01-01 10:02:19 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: DefCon UK? :) @_defcon_
153556357583343616 2012-01-01 11:21:03 PST <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 I meant to say thats our hosting company :) but I'm tired... And watching a film & a bit Ill atm
153556835041939456 2012-01-01 11:22:57 PST <TehWongZ> @ItsKahuna @hex000101 Yes and so what? It's 1 of our MANY VPS's lol.
153562841671139330 2012-01-01 11:46:49 PST <TehWongZ> @jargon7 @d0ct0rd0c @hex000101 I don't even know who Jargon is, d0ct0r I have seen b4 & hex I respect for a coder but not a human being.
153568267779309568 2012-01-01 12:08:22 PST <TehWongZ> @D0ct0rd0c @jargon7 Guys this is the Internet, it's not worth fighting over.. It's worth fighting for. #Anonymous
153677241912528897 2012-01-01 19:21:24 PST <TehWongZ> http://t.co/FVa4LLUV
153678744781987841 2012-01-01 19:27:22 PST <TehWongZ> Also she has a shotgun in the house. @KieshuZykova LOL. http://t.co/LTSib4JX
153705013963784192 2012-01-01 21:11:45 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @cherribomb Make better choices? Hard coming from someone like yourself. lol.
153707896847343616 2012-01-01 21:23:13 PST <TehWongZ> @CherriBomb @kieshuzykova it was a 7 minute call that I recorded then just grabbed all the pics in 1 doc and opened them evenly xD EZ PZ
153707949439725568 2012-01-01 21:23:25 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: @Hex000101 meet @_T0x1c our Newest member and your worst Nightmare :)
153717623941644290 2012-01-01 22:01:52 PST <TehWongZ> RT @XavierRV7: @DestructiveSec #TeamDSec 4ever brother!
153717641922625536 2012-01-01 22:01:56 PST <TehWongZ> RT @_T0x1c: @Hex000101 u fuck with @DestructiveSec again YOUR DONE!
153717664525713408 2012-01-01 22:02:01 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Oh btw @Hex000101 even if PasteBin remove that, we still got a site 4 u :) http://t.co/4HAEZ92T
153717706699456512 2012-01-01 22:02:11 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Hey @Hex000101 - Enjoy :) BTW we haz a few items a day coming @ u ;) http://t.co/a9h3pcU1
153717727268323328 2012-01-01 22:02:16 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: http://t.co/d4SwRX1S &lt; @Hex000101 0WN3D by @_T0x1c We suggest you don't fuck with us. Or bigger shit gets sent. Bad move.
153717745953943553 2012-01-01 22:02:21 PST <TehWongZ> RT @_T0x1c: excuse me @Hex000101 http://t.co/VARRkblf bitch u got pwnt. expect more of me, DOXED! DILDOS ON THERE WAY! BUTT PLUGS ALSO ! PIZZA!!!
153717870910652416 2012-01-01 22:02:51 PST <TehWongZ> @_T0x1c &lt; Why u not Following this guy?!
153720996371763200 2012-01-01 22:15:16 PST <TehWongZ> @moonwalker_7 OFFICIALLY HASSLED BY ME. @Cyber_War_News
153722109712019456 2012-01-01 22:19:41 PST <TehWongZ> @brainoize0_o @cabincr3w Because I am King of the 7 ProxSeas, Ruler of the Great Amethyst Troll Division and the "Real" Sabu.
153845088789868544 2012-01-02 06:28:22 PST <TehWongZ> @P0wd3r_ @cherribomb @kieshuzykova FUCK THE FRENCH.
153897740139626496 2012-01-02 09:57:35 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @p0wd3r_ @cherribomb ahh u mad bro? Seems you don't get the game.
153932936087998464 2012-01-02 12:17:26 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @p0wd3r_ @cherribomb When you reflect on your life?
153987118509723648 2012-01-02 15:52:44 PST <TehWongZ> Me & @_MLT_ guna have a fight Next week. Anyone down to watch it in the UK?
153989752260005889 2012-01-02 16:03:12 PST <TehWongZ> @Sir_Martini_ @_mlt_ IRL ofc :)
154087573524987905 2012-01-02 22:31:54 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonOctopus @_f0rsaken go ahead and DM :)
154087596400717824 2012-01-02 22:32:00 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: "Some Men just want to Watch the World Burn" - Meet: @_T0x1c - @TehWongZ - @lulzfunny - @C0RPS3_TP - @__SPiNE - @_f0rsaken & @ElCthulhu
154087716664000514 2012-01-02 22:32:29 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur Missed ya buddy :)
154087810444443648 2012-01-02 22:32:51 PST <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 U guna now unblock me off Skype? lol.
154088010848272384 2012-01-02 22:33:39 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur Good good, just been owning with ma new crew xD
154088256479305728 2012-01-02 22:34:37 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur all except my desktop &lt; Linux + Gaming Machine -.- cant play ma TF2/SC2 -.-
154088624768548864 2012-01-02 22:36:05 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur Indeed.
154088681345515520 2012-01-02 22:36:19 PST <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 LOL! haha.
154089013807026177 2012-01-02 22:37:38 PST <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 Speak to Saken, already talked to him bout stuff & I see u met Toxic, kinda got 0wn3d.
154089397309014016 2012-01-02 22:39:09 PST <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 Because we decided to phone your mommy :) she's not best pleased.
154089669083136000 2012-01-02 22:40:14 PST <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 anyways I'm tired. I suggest u phone her b4 we go back and start the real shit. Pce.
154090761804193792 2012-01-02 22:44:35 PST <TehWongZ> @ysknabmi @hex000101 he bought my relatives into it. Now we're going to make him the 1 tht wasn't invited for Xmas 2012.
154091329201258497 2012-01-02 22:46:50 PST <TehWongZ> @ysknabmi @hex000101 Nah, I like revenge... So we're going to track EVERY relative this fucker has. Call em and give them some info ;)
154194130778591232 2012-01-03 05:35:20 PST <TehWongZ> @Sanguinarious Nah the server runs cPanel and it auto installs on any site...
154196617262665729 2012-01-03 05:45:13 PST <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 u do know it wasn't me that dox'd me & you don't have shit on toxic that's why u target me lol... Toxic dares u.
154205883730108418 2012-01-03 06:22:02 PST <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 c u can't touch toxic, lol. He says come @ him.
154227913867272192 2012-01-03 07:49:34 PST <TehWongZ> Meh... @Hex000101 and I made up lol... #InternetDrama is FUN :D
154256606157225984 2012-01-03 09:43:35 PST <TehWongZ> @testeux1 @hex000101 testeux ur a fag with no actual capabilities except being able to write pointless twitter messages. #WOW #L33T
154259938867294209 2012-01-03 09:56:50 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: A Wild Pikachu came up 2 his, He was like YOOO U GIVE THIS TO ASH? We THREW IT ON THA GROUND!!!! #FuckTheSystem
154260133688520704 2012-01-03 09:57:36 PST <TehWongZ> @testeux1 @hex000101 lol wut? testeux I'm talkin with Hex now, because I have social skills, it's called communication, know much bout it?
154301432659574784 2012-01-03 12:41:42 PST <TehWongZ> @emilaylays Hey how's Luis?
154302153131950080 2012-01-03 12:44:34 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzPirate oh dude... Dude... Dude... Dude... You have NOT been smart.
154338137584308225 2012-01-03 15:07:34 PST <TehWongZ> @testeux1 @hex000101 Since erm 4eva lol?!
154346296327667712 2012-01-03 15:39:59 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi NO IT'S A DEE DEWS BOMB :D
154410631666208768 2012-01-03 19:55:38 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova Call me.
154411360548167681 2012-01-03 19:58:31 PST <TehWongZ> @P0wd3r_ @testeux1 @hex000101 I know 400 Followers and all he does Is the and pretends he's getting people v& lol.
154445924268122112 2012-01-03 22:15:52 PST <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 0WN3D & Raided by @_t0x1c LOL. http://t.co/DKAjCZ2T
154448033084473345 2012-01-03 22:24:15 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: @Hex000101 0WN3D & Raid3d by @_t0x1c FUKIN LOL! - Bang. End. http://t.co/wedQVsPx
154449794369208320 2012-01-03 22:31:15 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: @p0isAn0N Enjoy: https://t.co/fjLLQ0zA - We were working on that ;)
154451309074972673 2012-01-03 22:37:16 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N DM'd
154542004720771072 2012-01-04 04:37:39 PST <TehWongZ> @testeux1 @p0wd3r_ @hex000101 well I'm dyslexic so yeh Imnot great at reading but I did a course for a month do I'm a LOT better then most
154542927035637760 2012-01-04 04:41:19 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur TBH it doesn't need any more promotion, it's plastered all over the homepage and now even comes Pre-Installed on some makes..
154544166481833984 2012-01-04 04:46:15 PST <TehWongZ> @testeux1 @p0wd3r_ @hex000101 Hay texteux y u h8 Bradley manning? He's hero. Shudnt be locked up. ScumBag Capitalist Facist.
154634493548953600 2012-01-04 10:45:10 PST <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 @testeux1 @p0wd3r_ yeh I can lol.. I'm not epileptic idiot xD
154650478343487488 2012-01-04 11:48:41 PST <TehWongZ> @testeux1 @p0wd3r_ @hex000101 lol wut? I can read fine now haha, your the 1 that's grammar/punctuation makes no sense what so ever.
154712012469977089 2012-01-04 15:53:12 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi @_t0x1c lol wut? U think toxic's v& HAHAHAHA he's at work idiot lol. People have jobs IRL.
154735463146590210 2012-01-04 17:26:23 PST <TehWongZ> @Aurctic NM still morning our great leader ;(
154735596978442241 2012-01-04 17:26:55 PST <TehWongZ> @summerstyrone @aurctic @oadamo @sanguinarious @v0ld4m0rt @_f0rsaken @shadowdxs I really wna troll back or shud I say troll black.
154735634035113984 2012-01-04 17:27:04 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: As so many Moral Fags hated the Primary School Defaces. We have decided.... TO DO EVEN MOAR :D Incoming RoflCopter
154735660723470336 2012-01-04 17:27:11 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: @_T0x1c &lt; New Member of DSec be giving out Free Pizza, Follow + Email his ass YO.
154736820679225344 2012-01-04 17:31:47 PST <TehWongZ> @Aurctic I steal shit at night and I'm yerro not black :D
154737242961743872 2012-01-04 17:33:28 PST <TehWongZ> @_T0x1c &lt; Go Follow :D 8 til 200 &lt;3
154775770600972288 2012-01-04 20:06:33 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi @_t0x1c lol CloudFlare? We ain't even using CloudFlare LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOL FAIL FAG WHO HASN'T DONE SHIT CAN'T DO SHIT XD XD XD
154785749835845633 2012-01-04 20:46:13 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi @_t0x1c WOW! That proves we don't use CLOUDFLARE lol. Idiot.
154785837891059712 2012-01-04 20:46:34 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: @_f0rsaken I tried to pay off the Feds but they payed me.
154789314247659521 2012-01-04 21:00:23 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi @_t0x1c lol I mean out website idiot, u know what LULZ hosting is? lol.
154808672256667649 2012-01-04 22:17:18 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi agh u mad cus u got it wrong LOL.
154825570377674752 2012-01-04 23:24:27 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N Sorry was busy come join me im there now xd
154825703043506176 2012-01-04 23:24:58 PST <TehWongZ> Just Launched our New Hacking Tutorials Site: http://t.co/EQUYrZTS &lt; BTW yes we know, that is a PIMP domain.
154830929100144640 2012-01-04 23:45:44 PST <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: A team of physicists at Cornell University has created a literal "wrinkle in time." | http://t.co/R8IR5RGU
154903598755627009 2012-01-05 04:34:30 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: New SQLi Tutorial via @muldaria48 on Dark-Hacking: http://t.co/zCMsP6lk
154903695891496961 2012-01-05 04:34:53 PST <TehWongZ> RT @enCyde: @TehWongZ nice site soldier
155004035202695168 2012-01-05 11:13:36 PST <TehWongZ> Check out a Fake Email Sender if your Into phishing or just starting in it? :)\nhttp:// - http://t.co/EQUYrZTS
155005872689516545 2012-01-05 11:20:54 PST <TehWongZ> @DJiZack this 1 is a mass mailer :) sends 100's of emails a second to your email list :)
155011755771301889 2012-01-05 11:44:17 PST <TehWongZ> BRB for a few days guys :)
155033548624105475 2012-01-05 13:10:53 PST <TehWongZ> @AdrianChen Just having some time off to sit back & chill ;)
155036723049529345 2012-01-05 13:23:29 PST <TehWongZ> @pastebin If you need any help with securing your stuff give us a shout :) we got some top web developers n stuff :)
155041543672172545 2012-01-05 13:42:39 PST <TehWongZ> @enCyde DM'd
155041556074733568 2012-01-05 13:42:42 PST <TehWongZ> RT @enCyde: Fuck the world and hack the world
155047746070515713 2012-01-05 14:07:17 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Talk Shit. Get Hit. Fuck with the Best.. Get Owned like David Gest.
155049013220098048 2012-01-05 14:12:20 PST <TehWongZ> @VinceintheBay I'm 12, what is this?
155152281195651072 2012-01-05 21:02:41 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: irc.efnet.org - #Pure-Elite - Tis not our server so don't use your Actual IP, Tor, VPN or Tunnel your way here :D
155154167055400960 2012-01-05 21:10:10 PST <TehWongZ> @HoodieAllen I'm to bored to tweet. How goes King of the White Rappers? BTW Eminem has no SHIT on you.
155164614659801088 2012-01-05 21:51:41 PST <TehWongZ> @VinceintheBay I can sleep when I'm old, like you.
155200662324527104 2012-01-06 00:14:56 PST <TehWongZ> @RCarr99 LOL! I don't haz a number # wna DM it so I can lol + those are old shared accounts for YT lol...
155201403869077504 2012-01-06 00:17:52 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Star_Fawkes: Follow @DestructiveSec for mad Lulz. They're muh buddies too &lt;3
155201412505153536 2012-01-06 00:17:54 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Star_Fawkes: @DestructiveSec that means a lot. You all are some of the nicest I've met on here too. Mad &lt;3 fam
155204793680400385 2012-01-06 00:31:21 PST <TehWongZ> @RCarr99 @_t0x1c friend? lol we brothers nigga.
155204934197972992 2012-01-06 00:31:54 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Cyber_War_News: Would seem the Sony hacker, @S3rver_exe has been hacked himself... http://t.co/zXzStOo1
155205057288220672 2012-01-06 00:32:23 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News @s3rver_exe FUKIN LOL, I know the Kid behind s3rver he's AnonNerd from IRC also the guy who flames about CWN :)
155220461448478720 2012-01-06 01:33:36 PST <TehWongZ> @RCarr99 Yo bitch chek ur DM
155221109074182144 2012-01-06 01:36:10 PST <TehWongZ> @RCarr99 @p0isan0n morality isn't good unless you have Morals 4 a Cause. and Being a Moral Fag on the Internet won't get u very far. lol.
155222425582317568 2012-01-06 01:41:24 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter Great.
155222694927941632 2012-01-06 01:42:29 PST <TehWongZ> @jewhax Even though u hate meh nice goin on s3rver_exe lol... Hate the kid behind that.
155239807222685696 2012-01-06 02:50:28 PST <TehWongZ> @s3rver_exe well I hate AnonNerd and of your affiliated with him I dislike U2.
155240150161567746 2012-01-06 02:51:50 PST <TehWongZ> RT @SPEEDSNEED: @TehWongZ Givs fone numba. Givs: http://t.co/MHcJu0EN #Pwn3d
155240168264187904 2012-01-06 02:51:54 PST <TehWongZ> @SPEEDSNEED &lt;3
155241595644547072 2012-01-06 02:57:35 PST <TehWongZ> @s3rver_exe I don't I don't like AnonNerd, so if you working with him both of you can go fuck urself.
155242177591652352 2012-01-06 02:59:54 PST <TehWongZ> @RCarr99 lol u such a fail.. Go back to the Play Ground and let the big boi's show you how it's done, maybe you can join in the fun 1 day..
155242631612469248 2012-01-06 03:01:42 PST <TehWongZ> @s3rver_exe oh.. Well... Then I am sorry, I shall now go FUK myself :P though DM me I wna ask u sumin
155242793562935296 2012-01-06 03:02:20 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: Beauty is in the eye I the BeHolder... We don't glorify ourselves. We let you do that 4 us ;-)
155243740599029760 2012-01-06 03:06:06 PST <TehWongZ> @RCarr99 @speedsneed lol, u seriously gotta make ur own account to make people look like people give a shit about YOU? lol. Fail Fame Whore.
155243808030855169 2012-01-06 03:06:22 PST <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net Good! I was missing my c0rrupt :(
155244615451160576 2012-01-06 03:09:35 PST <TehWongZ> @RCarr99 @speedsneed erm... I have this 1, DSec &lt; Shared, and 2-3 others for gaming or other stuff... Fail much? lol.
155244833500442624 2012-01-06 03:10:27 PST <TehWongZ> @s3rver_exe Follow me do I can DM back :)
155245591746711553 2012-01-06 03:13:28 PST <TehWongZ> @RCarr99 @speedsneed lol wut? I don't need to d0x u... Your not even big, you don't do shit lol. If ur a moral fag go hack 4 a course..
155247094955917312 2012-01-06 03:19:26 PST <TehWongZ> @RCarr99 bitch u don't even know me then, hacked Steam, Stock Exchanges, NYTimes etc Fuck with the Best, get a fukd up face like David Gest.
155247376779575296 2012-01-06 03:20:33 PST <TehWongZ> @hamza_alsbaihi @s3rver_exe bro that made me lol. Unless s3rver was on his own IP he's fine + that Hack was nothing ;)
155248676070109185 2012-01-06 03:25:43 PST <TehWongZ> @RCarr99 Never said I was the best, I know some of the best & if that is really you on Facebook I lol'd.
155248793103777795 2012-01-06 03:26:11 PST <TehWongZ> @hamza_alsbaihi @s3rver_exe lol Don't use a VPN, SSH Tunnelling and Tor :) EZ PZ :-)
155248817137135617 2012-01-06 03:26:17 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Cyber_War_News: BREAKING: Israeli Server Hacks, More Attacks to Come. Another 11k CC's Released http://t.co/vMvu0Hse #infosec #news #security
155251448471502848 2012-01-06 03:36:44 PST <TehWongZ> @RCarr99 look at the picture it's a piss take. lol.
155251485872095232 2012-01-06 03:36:53 PST <TehWongZ> @hamza_alsbaihi @s3rver_exe indeed.
155251675676938240 2012-01-06 03:37:38 PST <TehWongZ> @pastebin what about iPhone? ;-(
155438852390141952 2012-01-06 16:01:24 PST <TehWongZ> RT @machine_3psilon: Nazis ddosed #Anonymous website http://t.co/ZopTO9PG without VPN...not a good idea, Here are their IPs: http://t.co/i1fpRJQS #LULZ
155438915615064065 2012-01-06 16:01:40 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonPipBoy3000 @anon_finland made me lol bcus they probably used LOIC a software Anon mad xD
155438978852601856 2012-01-06 16:01:55 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: @_Norwack Expect us.
155438998922338304 2012-01-06 16:01:59 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DestructiveSec: #FF @ElCthulhu - @lulzfunny - @_t0x1c - @TehWongZ - @C0RPS3_TP - @_f0rsaken - @__SPiN - Follow da Best.
155493383635349504 2012-01-06 19:38:06 PST <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 So... You Skype me ten don't Skype back? XD
155508980272205824 2012-01-06 20:40:04 PST <TehWongZ> RT @JackalAnon: I'm currently making come changes in my life. if you don't hear from me, you're one of them
158537654219190273 2012-01-15 05:14:56 PST <TehWongZ> HAHAHAHA I LIVE 4 EVA NIGGA I NO BE V&? Why u lieing? I ain't no snitch either. Long Live Charrie Wong.
158537941487058944 2012-01-15 05:16:05 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken lol wut? Internet engineer stapled my net cable and none of them are MY EMAILS. lol'd.
158538597983723521 2012-01-15 05:18:41 PST <TehWongZ> RT @itzSNAFU: @TehWongZ whats wong is always right. Long live the wong!
158539494772056064 2012-01-15 05:22:15 PST <TehWongZ> @lulzfunny Skype ninja!
158548528958943234 2012-01-15 05:58:09 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce re-wiring my entire house lol... Staples the cable into the wall etc I'm guna make a vid now :)
158551929721602048 2012-01-15 06:11:40 PST <TehWongZ> A Video Explanation. On how I didn't snitch & how the PasteBin FAILED. http://t.co/2jCOru6z
158577140340764672 2012-01-15 07:51:51 PST <TehWongZ> RT @0x0wtf: @virus @TehWongZ  mike go lick mgrew's ass ... dont mess wit blackhats u fag!
158633875864682496 2012-01-15 11:37:17 PST <TehWongZ> @virus lol ur the biggest fail kid eva. End.
158643867447603200 2012-01-15 12:17:00 PST <TehWongZ> @virus @0x0wtf I wudnt want to touch your pubescent salted peanuts thank you very much.
158644132213030912 2012-01-15 12:18:03 PST <TehWongZ> @Rorroh has grown by not that much even though he tweets like a fucking mad man.
158644196536893441 2012-01-15 12:18:18 PST <TehWongZ> RT @thatsmytrunks: Follow and RT To Win a copy of Dungeon Defenders! Also unrelated, here's my Steam wishlist. #CleverBaitAndSwitch http://t.co/4h2d9atw
158644353508716545 2012-01-15 12:18:56 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter No offence but that's because it's a fucking Nigerian website. lol. Hit Pentagon then I'll be impressed ;)
158681304366460928 2012-01-15 14:45:45 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter alright just chill with the abusive language but that's a SHIT tango down dude...
158681425388912640 2012-01-15 14:46:14 PST <TehWongZ> Prozac. lol.
158681927073804288 2012-01-15 14:48:14 PST <TehWongZ> Ok so WTF is up with the USA/Obama ATM... Seriously? It's borderline Dictatorship.
158682190094405635 2012-01-15 14:49:16 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur @flashboy I have a feeling that Mycroft is real.
158695074077745152 2012-01-15 15:40:28 PST <TehWongZ> @Zayy_FuckinZero NO! Som1 emailed them this fake shit & @lulzfunny was stupid enuf to believe it, check the Info it's FAKE.
158695244089659394 2012-01-15 15:41:09 PST <TehWongZ> @OccupyAllSt that Info is all wrong, IPs are fake, email isn't my'n, the solihull.gov.uk email is a COUNCIL not a police Dpt etc
158695561929826304 2012-01-15 15:42:25 PST <TehWongZ> @lulzfunny @zayy_fuckinzero I ain't assumin anything, I speak the truth. Go lick Obama's asshole or Sumin American pig
158697791139483650 2012-01-15 15:51:16 PST <TehWongZ> @randomposter1 No. Now will u stop with the spam omg -.-
158697921146138625 2012-01-15 15:51:47 PST <TehWongZ> Meh... I give up. Pussies are guna be dicks, IMA go back to CoD. Pce - y'all
158708340900368384 2012-01-15 16:33:11 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzPirate DoX'd - as my last Good Bye. I leave you with the collapse of a Idiot. A thief and a Fame Whore.
159020255878971393 2012-01-16 13:12:38 PST <TehWongZ> RT @techno_id_com: Twit !\n❥༠ི༽\n (     &gt;\n   ) )'\n   ི  ི\n#twitart
159030297655132160 2012-01-16 13:52:32 PST <TehWongZ> Just seen @Lyricistjinn on Channel 4's "Coopers" LOL! "Hiding behind your shields, be a real man and fight!"
159564589892247552 2012-01-18 01:15:37 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzPirate DoX'd - http://t.co/ttRAb0jg - The Collapse of a Thief.
159567007510040576 2012-01-18 01:25:13 PST <TehWongZ> Hey Obama, Mr Big Black Mac Daddy. Don't fuck with the Internet when u don't know a thing about it.
159567149562728448 2012-01-18 01:25:47 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken I'm your + lol... DO IT & SOMEONE RECORD IT!
159587683591655424 2012-01-18 02:47:23 PST <TehWongZ> @CherriBomb yeh but he's been sayin shit about his date nights all over his internetz I don't give a fuck about his life...
159587717951393792 2012-01-18 02:47:31 PST <TehWongZ> RT @benbfranklin: Best quote of the day "Wikipedia.org joins http://t.co/TxFbu999 in providing no information" #sopa #Anonymous
159590578886152192 2012-01-18 02:58:53 PST <TehWongZ> @CherriBomb I can still see the glimmer of hope struggling through the poor, whilst they sit with 1 arm around there cold flat soup.
159594268648931329 2012-01-18 03:13:33 PST <TehWongZ> #SOPAblackout Puts Faith Back into this World.
159594442263773185 2012-01-18 03:14:14 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Wikipedia: English Wikipedia is going dark January 18 in opposition to #SOPA #PIPA.  http://t.co/6Gnb46my #wikipediablackout
159600873536884736 2012-01-18 03:39:48 PST <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: WE TOLD YOU SOPA WASN'T DEAD - House to take up SOPA in February | http://t.co/EwRArdhu #SOPAblackout #KillPIPA #J18
159603009305853952 2012-01-18 03:48:17 PST <TehWongZ> #Grooveshark not working? Use: http://t.co/ulV4l5KB on an UK VPN or Proxy ;-)
159609683290763265 2012-01-18 04:14:48 PST <TehWongZ> Charrie does MAGIC! Round 1! http://t.co/S458ds5Q
159609738458435585 2012-01-18 04:15:01 PST <TehWongZ> Charrie does MAGIC! Round 2! http://t.co/TKIclxCh
159611833450369024 2012-01-18 04:23:21 PST <TehWongZ> Charrie does MAGIC BIATCH! Round 3! http://t.co/xy9Cqf0i
159612443222487041 2012-01-18 04:25:46 PST <TehWongZ> RT @analiensaturn: CIA hacked  http://t.co/wFrktZnh
159679335106748417 2012-01-18 08:51:34 PST <TehWongZ> RT @HuffingtonPost: The ██████ about SOPA http://t.co/jZ1R3CVO
159679382015848448 2012-01-18 08:51:46 PST <TehWongZ> RT @PlRATES: Tomahawk missiles cost 1.2 million each, now how many were used between 1990-2012? - Thousands.
159680976761520128 2012-01-18 08:58:06 PST <TehWongZ> RT @HealthRanger: Senator Brown Says He'll Vote 'No' on Anti-Piracy Bills - West Roxbury, MA Patch #SOPA #blackout
159681154302226432 2012-01-18 08:58:48 PST <TehWongZ> I'm surprised GoDaddy hasn't done #SOPAblackout to add to even more fail advertising.
159696725404172288 2012-01-18 10:00:41 PST <TehWongZ> RT @HoratioPotato: #SOPA has NOT been STOPPED !  Just the debate has been suspended pending future research ! #SOPA  #fail http://t.co/Y64YkDdQ
159701900814581760 2012-01-18 10:21:14 PST <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 lol! :) I'm just a card magician, do it to chat up girls really :P
159921939345965056 2012-01-19 00:55:36 PST <TehWongZ> @DestructiveSec lol that's a visit website xD tourism n BS + U can't have direct contact with a court unless it's bout a trial...
159921972929765377 2012-01-19 00:55:44 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags WUT? :P
160399543396089856 2012-01-20 08:33:25 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags which email?
160405192657993728 2012-01-20 08:55:52 PST <TehWongZ> @DestructiveSec except Cyber Crime = specialist judge = not in a Youth Court.
160444244304203776 2012-01-20 11:31:03 PST <TehWongZ> I'll be re-launching Dark-Hacking on an Official Domain soon... :-)
160446084408287232 2012-01-20 11:38:22 PST <TehWongZ> Dark-Hacking ReLaunched: http://t.co/km8khAO8 - @Dark_Hacking
160448770163748866 2012-01-20 11:49:02 PST <TehWongZ> Working on a New Design for Dark-Hacking but ALL GO FOLLOW: @Dark_Hacking &lt;3
160449993906458624 2012-01-20 11:53:54 PST <TehWongZ> @TheAnonGeist Read my Bio ;) Nothing stops a True Bull.
160450644375908352 2012-01-20 11:56:29 PST <TehWongZ> @virus U say u script kiddie death bringer? Why u no ever DoX anyone or bring shit to dah ceiling fan nigga?!
160450736872898560 2012-01-20 11:56:51 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousIRC OH SHEET CNN. #ExpectUs #ExpectTheUnExpected
160460791970144256 2012-01-20 12:36:48 PST <TehWongZ> Y U NOO FOLLOW @Dark_Hacking ??!!!
160461815082532865 2012-01-20 12:40:52 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Got a Story, Tutorial or Wanting to Give us some Feedback/Do an Interview/Work with us? Email: dark-hacking@hush.ai
160463162263605249 2012-01-20 12:46:13 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: News of the World admits to Hacking Emails - http://t.co/roIo6JYG - #InfoSec #NewsOfTheWorld #Hacking
160466123576459264 2012-01-20 12:57:59 PST <TehWongZ> @Rorroh Doing a new design right did SECOND!
160469015297409025 2012-01-20 13:09:29 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: An Interview with a Pro-Palestine Hacker: http://t.co/lWRr3xVi - @_t0x1c -
160472778636673024 2012-01-20 13:24:26 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: CNN calls Anonymous "Noisy Low-Grade Hackers" - http://t.co/a6XkygQG - #InfoSec #Anonymous
160478919580065793 2012-01-20 13:48:50 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Design FINISHED! Just working on converting the old to the new :D
160488065981349888 2012-01-20 14:25:11 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Whatcha think of our New Design? http://t.co/83PwL0st #InfoSec
160491814959316993 2012-01-20 14:40:05 PST <TehWongZ> @_Norwack A CSS template? and lol?
160491941186912257 2012-01-20 14:40:35 PST <TehWongZ> @_Norwack Never said I coded it myself and we're working on our new forums n shit as well as a proper "Dark" design..
160493898916036608 2012-01-20 14:48:21 PST <TehWongZ> @_Norwack Check the logs 4 swipper &gt; &gt; aka Shared hosting. LOL.
160494575075598336 2012-01-20 14:51:03 PST <TehWongZ> @_Norwack Not taking it down, we're in root NOW. Scanning the directories takes to long 4 ur code. AGH!
160512767118413824 2012-01-20 16:03:20 PST <TehWongZ> @_Norwack it's BS keeps crashing bcus the search contains to much bullshit & yeh we can't go in through the front door (pureftp) do GTFO
160512807366963200 2012-01-20 16:03:30 PST <TehWongZ> @_St0rm I never got banned from DeSec? And I'm not hacking anymore, running ma sites nigga.
160514768191500288 2012-01-20 16:11:17 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzPirate this kid needs to DIE.
160521523118096385 2012-01-20 16:38:08 PST <TehWongZ> @_St0rm What like you not even being able to setup a secure CloudFlare DNS? lol. EZ stuff can't even get done right.
160521751820902400 2012-01-20 16:39:02 PST <TehWongZ> @_Norwack Well 1) that doesn't make sense because a mom = woman a bull = a male cow. FAIL WHALE.
160528912571564033 2012-01-20 17:07:29 PST <TehWongZ> @_St0rm I never tried to hack u? Got any logs proving we did anything to u? All I did was find ur IP then release it. EZ lol CF CONFIG #SKID
160528991369965568 2012-01-20 17:07:48 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter u used to like me lol so don't talk shit xD or I'll get ma logs out on u nigga.
160529050513842176 2012-01-20 17:08:02 PST <TehWongZ> @HoodieAllen Soon we'll all work 4 google.
160529091911630849 2012-01-20 17:08:12 PST <TehWongZ> RT @TheAnonMessage: URGENT EMERGENCY RETWEET: INCOMING MESSAGE FROM ANONYMOUS! http://t.co/b24afcWU #anonymous #SOPA #Megaupload #OpMegaupload #FBI
160530243357130752 2012-01-20 17:12:47 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Utah Chief of Polices Website Hacked: http://t.co/kohExkmb - Credit to: www.deseretnews.com
160539506355867648 2012-01-20 17:49:35 PST <TehWongZ> #FF @P0wd3r_ - @Dark_Hacking - @Cyber_War_News
160539660043567104 2012-01-20 17:50:12 PST <TehWongZ> @Mr_P4nd4 LOIC is a toy indeed. I prefer a big ass p2p cloud botnet :D
160543480152719360 2012-01-20 18:05:23 PST <TehWongZ> RT @transhuman: #SOPA WAS NOTHING COMPARED TO H.R. 1981 LOOK IT UP "protecting children from pornography bill" SOPA WAS A SMOKE SCREEN.
160543541356011520 2012-01-20 18:05:37 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: News: http://t.co/dS5IJcVf is down in the Name of #OpMegaupload & #OpBlackout
160676411139567617 2012-01-21 02:53:36 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News Not much man, working on my new site :) and set-up a news section as well :P
160678577766010880 2012-01-21 03:02:12 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: We'll soon be adding a Forums, Video Tutorials and some more Written tutorials for all you guys out there :D #DarkHacking - #RT -
160697312627277824 2012-01-21 04:16:39 PST <TehWongZ> Anyone here a Web App Developer? And looking to earn a bit a money?
160697328301383681 2012-01-21 04:16:43 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: DreamHost Hacked? Change Passwords NOW! http://t.co/6GmpQ9u1 - Credit to @TheHackersNews
160718486543400960 2012-01-21 05:40:47 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Hackers Steal $6.7 from South African Bank - http://t.co/SOHcm7ov - #InfoSec #RT
160719946769371136 2012-01-21 05:46:36 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce Once we have everything sorted out xD we're working on the Forums & have 3-4 other people working on new tutorials 4 us :)
160745463308496897 2012-01-21 07:27:59 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags I didn't give u a snail mail lol... My'n is charrie4lyfe@hotmail.co.uk
160745650538024960 2012-01-21 07:28:44 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce Dude we're making Video tutorials/written 1s with print screens and video footage etc
160766957463928832 2012-01-21 08:53:24 PST <TehWongZ> If Your not Following @dark_hacking then your not in the Loop ;)
160773351915261952 2012-01-21 09:18:48 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Dept. of Justice and Other Sites DDoS'd/Defaced by Anonymous in Support of #OpMegaUpload - http://t.co/9KOxfGck -
160860115107454976 2012-01-21 15:03:34 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Working on some More Great Tutorials for you guys... Coming within the next 72 Hours &lt;3 :D
160860483170205696 2012-01-21 15:05:02 PST <TehWongZ> @Emma_A In your profile picture I can see down your top #justsayin
160861692023156737 2012-01-21 15:09:50 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonDaily DM'd u &lt;3
160863132267450368 2012-01-21 15:15:34 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce that's cus I haven't been online :P lol
160865211375566848 2012-01-21 15:23:49 PST <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce Yeh they are but they have other things to do as well... lol
160866421033803776 2012-01-21 15:28:38 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonDaily DM'd bak :)
160878913063620608 2012-01-21 16:18:16 PST <TehWongZ> Get @dark_hacking to 100 - #DarkHacking PWEEZ!
160879718550343680 2012-01-21 16:21:28 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonDaily but SOPA is finished, PIPA now ninja ;)
160882637601374209 2012-01-21 16:33:04 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Google Shares TUMBLE by 10% after Estimates Not Reached - http://t.co/K1sqCPB2 - #DarkHacking #InfoSec
160882744971370496 2012-01-21 16:33:30 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonDaily oh lol... I'm in UK so I don't hear about PIPA just SOPA blackouts etc ;)
160882836931489793 2012-01-21 16:33:52 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonDaily I'll host it if u like :) got a BEAST server...
160883972891607040 2012-01-21 16:38:22 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News has grown by 1k Followers in 2 days lol... I've just clicked on 1 of his Google Ads ENJOI MY 2 cents Brah :D
160884131402747904 2012-01-21 16:39:00 PST <TehWongZ> @anonymouSabu @blastfrmthapast so u have more than 2 teams? lol.
160884511410884608 2012-01-21 16:40:31 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonDaily DM'd btw, offered u Sumin kinda nice ;)
160885481343684608 2012-01-21 16:44:22 PST <TehWongZ> @BlastFrmThaPast @anonymousabu :o Bores me tbh... Get a life.. lol
160885656564928513 2012-01-21 16:45:04 PST <TehWongZ> Start to think it could be fidlum now...
160885762332688384 2012-01-21 16:45:29 PST <TehWongZ> @Anontastic Yo check DM ;)
160886774485356545 2012-01-21 16:49:30 PST <TehWongZ> For all of those who think I'm a Snitch, I think releasing a SQLi on Police.uk woulda got me fucked over... http://t.co/jF8FgXmD
160887740035104769 2012-01-21 16:53:21 PST <TehWongZ> I am Scott Olsen. #OccupyOakland
160888322871394304 2012-01-21 16:55:39 PST <TehWongZ> RT @OccupyOakland: Vid of Police ramming young girl with motorcycle, knocking down citizen journos: http://t.co/SunI3Acp #OccupyOakland #OO #OWS #occupy
160898397128232961 2012-01-21 17:35:41 PST <TehWongZ> @anonymouSabu is mad Brah he kicked me from #OpMegaupload cus I got control of Team Tiger :o u mad bro.
160901637496520704 2012-01-21 17:48:34 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Online Reputation Manager Hacked - http://t.co/dI36R3gA - Injecting Illegal Code...
160902191580844032 2012-01-21 17:50:46 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: A Look into Editing our Site from an iPhone :D http://t.co/dDjn1iwW
161062432901570560 2012-01-22 04:27:31 PST <TehWongZ> @anonymouSabu o RLY?
161062481714876416 2012-01-22 04:27:42 PST <TehWongZ> @xklipze Which 1? I can be now lol
161064663407271938 2012-01-22 04:36:22 PST <TehWongZ> Launching @ThaNetwork Soon... Giving YOU what the Internet, Really has to Offer. #RT
161064794953220097 2012-01-22 04:36:54 PST <TehWongZ> @anonymouSabu I don't want ur attention? Why wud I need that? I quit haxin doofus I'm just runnin some site etc :D
161067648724111360 2012-01-22 04:48:14 PST <TehWongZ> @_sergh It's a group of websites including Dark-Hacking, A IRC network & some others :)
161077934185132032 2012-01-22 05:29:06 PST <TehWongZ> @_sergh wudnt mind if I wud do some art work 4 me? DM? ;)
161079284449030144 2012-01-22 05:34:28 PST <TehWongZ> The #UKRiots cost the UK 0.7% of what the Banks did. Who's the real criminal?
161132568127877120 2012-01-22 09:06:12 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: 15 Followers 'til a 100 :-) Plz ReTweet :D
161152874603216896 2012-01-22 10:26:54 PST <TehWongZ> @GreekOphion Yeh I do DM me :)
161152941737263104 2012-01-22 10:27:10 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: For our 100 Followers Extravaganza we Give you The Dark-Hacking Forums: http://t.co/kTzziKTf - Will be updating it soon #InfoSec #RT #Share
161166293846859776 2012-01-22 11:20:13 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: 100 Followers in 2 Days thanks guys :-) Please sign-up for our Forums: http://t.co/cJKbBbi2 &lt; We'll be running some member-only contests :)
161177311520112640 2012-01-22 12:04:00 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Get $100 Google Adwords Voucher for $0.01? + WEB HOSTING?! http://t.co/ng2uL7hm - #DarkHacking #InfoSec
161181767519318017 2012-01-22 12:21:42 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter @_st0rm I do have to admit storm your quite a good writer & I respect your morals but your a total dick 2 me so fuk u.
161183503302664192 2012-01-22 12:28:36 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter @_st0rm IRC is for purely trolling in ma eyes lol but If u were on my Skype list u wud know what I'm really like ;)
161185113600835585 2012-01-22 12:35:00 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags No I didn't snitch lol... Check the IPs in that PasteBin it's faked!
161188581447184384 2012-01-22 12:48:47 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Go Join our Forums for FUN, FUN, FUN! http://t.co/AYqpItgq - We'll be doing some Member only Giveaways ;)
161193670111010816 2012-01-22 13:09:00 PST <TehWongZ> We at @dark_hacking are will be doing Giveaways to our Forum Members :D http://t.co/LCd2gD9M - Games Keys, Software, Hosting etc .D
161193853796360193 2012-01-22 13:09:44 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N Hey, follow 4 DM plz ;)
161194136295317504 2012-01-22 13:10:51 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N DM'd :)
161195302685114369 2012-01-22 13:15:29 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: We Welcome our Newest Writer: @p0isAn0N
161198915759255552 2012-01-22 13:29:51 PST <TehWongZ> RT @ThaNetwork: We'll be Launching a Brand New IRC Network within the Next Few Hours, Improving the Quality of the Web, 1 Step at a Time.
161201870902280192 2012-01-22 13:41:35 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonDaily @atopiary I should be attending the court case along with @charlesarthur :)
161202435237482496 2012-01-22 13:43:50 PST <TehWongZ> @OpCensorThis_ You mean tango down?
161206678119919617 2012-01-22 14:00:41 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Giving away a WoW Cataclysm Key worth $30 to all Forum Members - http://t.co/VWf0gD8M - Signup is Quick and Simple :)
161216995977736192 2012-01-22 14:41:41 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: "The Art of Carding" - http://t.co/GJz1VqDb
161223513611571200 2012-01-22 15:07:35 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: UAE Central Bank Stops Israeli Hackers  in there Tracks - http://t.co/ZpNjwz78
161223910958964736 2012-01-22 15:09:10 PST <TehWongZ> @MR_Boter @netbashers @wl_security @c0rps3_tp @Cyber_War_News Sounds interesting :)
161231602050007040 2012-01-22 15:39:44 PST <TehWongZ> All Go Join: http://t.co/LCd2gD9M
161232615913951232 2012-01-22 15:43:45 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: UFC Website Hacked & Defaces in Support of #AntiSOPA Campaign: http://t.co/XL6m7Bjl
161233567475695616 2012-01-22 15:47:32 PST <TehWongZ> @CyberHaberCom Need to re-think there site design, not spam twitter & produce quality over quantity.
161233881524219904 2012-01-22 15:48:47 PST <TehWongZ> @YourAnonNews You seriously underground bro :P
161237719366909952 2012-01-22 16:04:02 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Join us: http://t.co/zEr2HD6t - Sign up is quick & easy... Then say Hello in the Introductions section :)
161240969889583106 2012-01-22 16:16:57 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: We Finish the 22nd of Jan with over 250 Unique Visits :) http://t.co/QCBjhZDZ
161245062213275648 2012-01-22 16:33:13 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Leaked Stratfor Emails Bash the Occupy Movement - http://t.co/REqwi4mu - Leaked by @GuySoft
161252465201782785 2012-01-22 17:02:38 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Get a 2gb Ram, 2.5 Ghz CPU 100mbps VPS for just $1 - http://t.co/EPuabbxt - Money Saving Tips by #DarkHacking
161253041369133059 2012-01-22 17:04:55 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonyOps Check DM :)
161254170077310977 2012-01-22 17:09:24 PST <TehWongZ> If your not already... Go Follow @dark_hacking for Epic Fun Rainbow Hopping Unicorn Prancing Gleeful Times!
161255410236534785 2012-01-22 17:14:20 PST <TehWongZ> @ArtByAlida Indeed.
161255890152996865 2012-01-22 17:16:14 PST <TehWongZ> @ArtByAlida Because I Ching Chang Chong, you listen to my Dong, it Make you high like Bong, Because I CHARRIE WONG!
161256434196152320 2012-01-22 17:18:24 PST <TehWongZ> Bitches ain't got shit on me running a Site from an iPhone!
161261203014946819 2012-01-22 17:37:21 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter No, I have an iPhone, Netbook, Laptop etc... But iPhone makes your hands faster and more nimble = better coder...
161267044824788994 2012-01-22 18:00:34 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Join us on Facebook: http://t.co/rBsXToKx - #RT #InfoSec
161271661117702144 2012-01-22 18:18:54 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Buying Domains Online Tips & Tricks to get the Best Value for Money: http://t.co/UM96S3he
161360419775184897 2012-01-23 00:11:36 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Kuwaiti Billionaire Gets Hacked by his Own Brother. #RT #InfoSec
161404790826483712 2012-01-23 03:07:55 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: A lot of Social Engineering Tutorials coming tonight, stay tuned.
161404810048962560 2012-01-23 03:08:00 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Sorry guys forgot to include the link: http://t.co/j2Ka4paj - Kuwaiti Billionaire gets Hacked by his Own Brother...
161422256604585985 2012-01-23 04:17:19 PST <TehWongZ> @CyberHaberCom lol well I run a hacking news site & it's doing better then yours lol
161496536029736960 2012-01-23 09:12:29 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonO_o huh? lol. I don't have a Server with a Password that anyone other than myself and set people can access ;)
161498002765258752 2012-01-23 09:18:19 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Win Prizes for just being an Active Member of http://t.co/zEr2HD6t - Prizes such as VIP tutorials, Free 1to1 Tuition & Game Serial Keys :)
161499486353489920 2012-01-23 09:24:12 PST <TehWongZ> An Introduction to me :) http://t.co/InVAkntj
161501522230919168 2012-01-23 09:32:18 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: We'll be Randomly Selecting 1 of our Forum members.. http://t.co/AYqpItgq - and Giving away... Drum Roll PLEASE! A 4gb VPS + .com Domain :)
161502699764985856 2012-01-23 09:36:58 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News DM'd ;)
161506929091424256 2012-01-23 09:53:47 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: City of Rancho Mirage Website Defaced by Anonymous Occupy Supporters: http://t.co/GI7mPXWw
161507061174247426 2012-01-23 09:54:18 PST <TehWongZ> @MotormouthNews Hay! DM DOODE :)
161508414323826689 2012-01-23 09:59:41 PST <TehWongZ> I feel like I should have some form of Intervention about my Twitter usage per day...
161528459036852226 2012-01-23 11:19:20 PST <TehWongZ> @analiensaturn I really doubt it is.. You'd need to target every server on Facebookd grid of multiple located servers around the world.
161579579499220994 2012-01-23 14:42:28 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Ok guys... Forums are ready :D http://t.co/zEr2HD6t - We'll be uploading a new Logo soon ofc ;) Signup & Post for Goodies! :)
161582171511984131 2012-01-23 14:52:46 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: We're 30 Followers off of 200! Go Go Pink Power Ranger!!!
161583721114370051 2012-01-23 14:58:55 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Kim DotCom #Megaupload will Remain in Custody as may "Disappear" if let out on Bail. - http://t.co/g3fMLrAM
161583830556356609 2012-01-23 14:59:21 PST <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 Needs to calm the fuck down with the Tweets YO!
161584162434846720 2012-01-23 15:00:41 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: We have a REALLY Strong Urge to save the #DarkHacking Adsense Money & make a #Anonymous Convention in London, England... But hosting bill :/
161586625439211521 2012-01-23 15:10:28 PST <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 or you could take the high's off life = Get Rich, FIT GIRL, Fast Cars... Man the 99% wish they were the 1% :p
161588177453318146 2012-01-23 15:16:38 PST <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: ✹ If you do ANYTHING today, please go to here, watch the video, and browse the catalog. | http://t.co/1ibscavr
161592622069198849 2012-01-23 15:34:18 PST <TehWongZ> @1lluminat1 btw I'm not going to argue with u on that account, if u wna fail-insult me do it on this 1.
161593739645693953 2012-01-23 15:38:44 PST <TehWongZ> @DestructiveSec @_st0rm @lulzfunny @elcthulhu actually I never even attempted to hack him... I got his Site's IP & got bored of his fail.
161593955602010112 2012-01-23 15:39:35 PST <TehWongZ> @1lluminat1 LOL! Check all of them have Credit, look at the bottom of the article FFS. and I have a real life as well.. This ain't full time
161594754080059393 2012-01-23 15:42:46 PST <TehWongZ> @1lluminat1 lol actually ii added 1 yes :P but the others were there already :) and any posts from CWN/TheHackerNews I give full cred 2
161599817632579584 2012-01-23 16:02:53 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Adding some more content to the Forums :) Come join us :D http://t.co/DATPu9Bn
161602518764359681 2012-01-23 16:13:37 PST <TehWongZ> @OpCensorThis_ thought P0isoN didn't do DDoS?
161603285332131840 2012-01-23 16:16:40 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N Y U NOO BE ON SKYPE?!
161609462937952256 2012-01-23 16:41:13 PST <TehWongZ> RT @ThaNetwork: Tha-Network will be Launching a Global IRC Network this week.. We will Support #Anonymous & #Hacking on it.
161617569885851648 2012-01-23 17:13:26 PST <TehWongZ> A Girlfriend isn't just for Christmas but a SLAP IS IF THEY DON'T GET YOUR TURKEY RIGHT!
161621331190882304 2012-01-23 17:28:22 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Sen. Grassley's Twitter Account Hacked: http://t.co/3xX2WHLz - Written by @p0isAn0N
161631270206586880 2012-01-23 18:07:52 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Discuss ANYTHING on our Forums & Don't think the Gov is watching (They are but they can't get you) http://t.co/zEr2HD6t - #Join #RT #InfoSec
161636911700656128 2012-01-23 18:30:17 PST <TehWongZ> I get that Piracy is bad for the Economy etc but seriously £10+ =$13.50 for 1 DVD, yes you can keep it forever but I want to watch it once.
161638127813926912 2012-01-23 18:35:07 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: #SOPA takes a Leap of the Rainbow to Ireland: http://t.co/WczMyrDk #IrishSOPA
161652036532838401 2012-01-23 19:30:23 PST <TehWongZ> Looking for a Gaming Enthusiast... Email me: dark-hacking@hush.ai or Tweet back :)
161653757535465473 2012-01-23 19:37:13 PST <TehWongZ> @Bernlove All types... You'd have to do Reviews, Write content, Market etc...
161653882785775616 2012-01-23 19:37:43 PST <TehWongZ> @_r3dn3ck Every type, need a content writer, reviews, forums & marketing :)
161653901022609408 2012-01-23 19:37:48 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousMedic New site ;)
161654017636831232 2012-01-23 19:38:15 PST <TehWongZ> @Bernlove Email ;)
161655970777411584 2012-01-23 19:46:01 PST <TehWongZ> @_r3dn3ck It's a New site part of @ThaNetwork to join Dark-Hacking & our Upcoming IRC, there would be 2-3 Content writers :)
161656917364715520 2012-01-23 19:49:47 PST <TehWongZ> @Bernlove Dropped you an email :)
161657026945089536 2012-01-23 19:50:13 PST <TehWongZ> @_r3dn3ck kk, drop me your email\nIf your interested :)
161658328731230208 2012-01-23 19:55:23 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Brand New to Hacking, or a Veteran? Looking for Private Tuition or to be a Tutor? Drop us an email at: dark-hacking @hush.ai
161664055973642240 2012-01-23 20:18:09 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: http://t.co/2NNGsUZF If you like our Content/us please Donate or If you can't send Money click a ad or 2 :-)
161665979099774977 2012-01-23 20:25:47 PST <TehWongZ> RT @anonymouSabu: ~30 minutes for that drop. federal trade commission getting owned for lulz and m4yh3m #antisec
161666037228642308 2012-01-23 20:26:01 PST <TehWongZ> @anonymouSabu Pound AntiSec.
161666273892249600 2012-01-23 20:26:57 PST <TehWongZ> RT @PlRATES: Oh my, @YourAnonNews is about to hit 400,000 followers soon!
161666722837962753 2012-01-23 20:28:45 PST <TehWongZ> Found a way to fuck with my iPhones battery % and clock.. Open app and quickly press the Hole button, do it over & over & they go WACK!
161719180381532160 2012-01-23 23:57:11 PST <TehWongZ> RT @MexicanH: http://t.co/y2ZXLQ53 #HACKED Van 2  :O
161719527204335616 2012-01-23 23:58:34 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter Wonder if there guna Zone-h it :P
161720663177035776 2012-01-24 00:03:05 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Wonder if there going to ZoneH it? - Zone H Hacked - http://t.co/FPLHadWI
161780261674168320 2012-01-24 03:59:54 PST <TehWongZ> @ArsnAkhil phone Facebook support or get SMS if you have fbook mobile :)
161859150144479233 2012-01-24 09:13:23 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: How to Configure CloudFlare... PROPERLY. - http://t.co/HlROBZUc - #DarkHacking #Tutorial #InfoSec #CloudFlare
161871705030148096 2012-01-24 10:03:16 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: #DarkHacking does #DDoS - The Epic Advenute, Begins... Soon ;) #RT #Share #AntiSec
161888876871426050 2012-01-24 11:11:30 PST <TehWongZ> Kid tried to Scam me, ended up with me with $20 + all his Shells & him crying.. lol.
161892930817245184 2012-01-24 11:27:37 PST <TehWongZ> @aamir__mir DDoS/Root Shells on Servers :)
161893019522564096 2012-01-24 11:27:58 PST <TehWongZ> @daspawnx Yeh lol! Scammers don't fuck with CharrieWong, CharrieWong fuck with Scammers!
161901194829238273 2012-01-24 12:00:27 PST <TehWongZ> @aamir__mir He sold me something then never said haha you've been scammed so I DoX'd him. lol.
161901450853761026 2012-01-24 12:01:28 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: 21 Followers off 200 :) Can we hit 200 in 4 hours? :-) #RT #InfoSec #DarkHacking #Share
161902955891666945 2012-01-24 12:07:27 PST <TehWongZ> @aamir__mir which 1? We have a few :)
161905242705895425 2012-01-24 12:16:32 PST <TehWongZ> @aamir__mir SQLi? Sometimes works but you have to find vuln sites via Dorks, XSS &lt; Hard to find but easy when u do etc..
161916052643651584 2012-01-24 12:59:29 PST <TehWongZ> @aamir__mir Yes, then if you get a pop-up its vulnerable :) make sure your on FireFox though ;)
161917870979297281 2012-01-24 13:06:43 PST <TehWongZ> @aamir__mir that's the XSS tutorial lol :)
161924485912600576 2012-01-24 13:33:00 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Just Ordered @ThaNetwork New Dedicated Server: AMD Quad-Core Speed 4 Cores x 2.1 GHz RAM 4 GB DDR2 Hard-disk space 750 GB \n(2 x 750 SATA) :)
161930323507159040 2012-01-24 13:56:12 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: #DarkHacking VIP Services Coming Soon... Including DDoS tool & VIP Tutorials as well as a WHOLE load more :)
161930431133007873 2012-01-24 13:56:37 PST <TehWongZ> If your not already following @dark_hacking GO DO IT NOW!!!
161932014277230593 2012-01-24 14:02:55 PST <TehWongZ> @SamBianchetto @aamir__mir yeh but that often affects awful websites & ' works on a lot of high sites lol
161935792271392768 2012-01-24 14:17:56 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: 9 More Followers 'til 200 COME THE FUCK ON PINK NINJA UNICORN POWER RANGER GO GO GO!!!
161937931584548864 2012-01-24 14:26:26 PST <TehWongZ> @ionV3n0m DM? .)
161941343055261696 2012-01-24 14:39:59 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova Bitch stay the fuck away from DH.
161944966900363264 2012-01-24 14:54:23 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: We Expect to be on 300 Followers or our 100th Tweet & FYI Yes you are our Personal Army :P
161948529550565377 2012-01-24 15:08:32 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova STFU & keep away from my BizNiz.
161948570956738560 2012-01-24 15:08:42 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: For all the New Followers, Like us on Facebook: http://t.co/rBsXToKx - and Check out our site at: http://t.co/ToZwPcAE
161949026286182400 2012-01-24 15:10:31 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @kieshuzykova lol wut? I don't enjoy saggy tits especially not Kieshu's and TBH, Kieshu needs to learn what's good & what's not.
161949297917702144 2012-01-24 15:11:36 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: http://t.co/zEr2HD6t &lt; Remember to Check out our Forums, We do Giveaways each Month & though we are Small, are Growing well :)
161954267811422208 2012-01-24 15:31:21 PST <TehWongZ> Go Go Follow @dark_hacking 8 More Followers 'til 250 :D
161954476121522176 2012-01-24 15:32:10 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @kieshuzykova lol wut? That why I BF'd Steam? Brought down MasterCard, Visa & UK Gov sites? Umm... KThxBai.
161957381272649728 2012-01-24 15:43:43 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @kieshuzykova haha lol u think u can use LOIC (1 Comp) to shutdown a site? Idiot Fail Fag. DDoS isn't skill &?
161957472758808576 2012-01-24 15:44:05 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @kieshuzykova I quit hacking ages ago anyways lol! I'm running my sites which I told Kieshu to GTFO off.
161957533479735296 2012-01-24 15:44:19 PST <TehWongZ> @Anontastic Check DM :)
161969803328888832 2012-01-24 16:33:05 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @anono_o @_protocol Kieshu, DH is my Site idiot.. My twitter & I haven't put ANY info from HF on there lol...
161973182998388736 2012-01-24 16:46:30 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @kieshuzykova @anono_o erm.. LOL no. U even know what Bash is? Except smacking your dumb head on the keyboard.
162085771027824640 2012-01-25 00:13:53 PST <TehWongZ> @_r3dn3ck @opcensorthis_ FFS ik not a snitch that PasteBin was a set-up, try to ping or trace those IPs in that email, they are FAKE!
162088382430855168 2012-01-25 00:24:16 PST <TehWongZ> @mermaidsrcsluts @_r3dn3ck @opcensorthis_ here's proof it's fake: http://t.co/mnBqAgLf - Don't believe everything u c on twitter
162187152841646080 2012-01-25 06:56:45 PST <TehWongZ> Enjoy 4 UK Police Officers Phone Numbers :) - http://t.co/y3tezBSA - #DarkHacking #Anonymous #AntiSec
162248859303690240 2012-01-25 11:01:57 PST <TehWongZ> @AntiSecOp mind if I use the tutorial for our site &gt; @dark_hacking ? :)
162276357554962433 2012-01-25 12:51:13 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: "Fun with Binary" - Basic Binary Tutorial by Joss York (DH Forum Member) - http://t.co/TjNnOIoP - #InfoSec
162280341380399104 2012-01-25 13:07:03 PST <TehWongZ> Joss SUX Cawks 4 Monies!
162285543214948352 2012-01-25 13:27:43 PST <TehWongZ> Wall Street guna be RAGING! I IZ inside yo BANK :D Defooce any1? :D
162285897335840768 2012-01-25 13:29:07 PST <TehWongZ> @wesleypipes12 @anon2world @jeeezelouise @anaanyummiss erm.. I'm not, it was fake, here's the explanation: http://t.co/mnBqAgLf Fake emails
162288548794470401 2012-01-25 13:39:39 PST <TehWongZ> Big #AntiSec Release Coming Up (Hopefully, Gawd I hope this works) - #RT #Share
162314406657658881 2012-01-25 15:22:24 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @antisecop I'm not it's simply to add more quality content to our forums :)
162316313581207553 2012-01-25 15:29:59 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @antisecop lol it was a good tutorial, I know about it but I write a lot & don't have enough time to write everything...
162316753391726593 2012-01-25 15:31:44 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @antisecop erm.. I made the XSS, CloudFlare & SE tutorial. Check them lol. Idiot.
162326377050275840 2012-01-25 16:09:58 PST <TehWongZ> Incoming Transmission... SIR, We should be ready for Deployment in 00:15 hours sir. Get Ready, this looks like a Big RoflCopter.
162330793149087745 2012-01-25 16:27:31 PST <TehWongZ> Uploading Deface NOW! - Incoming, #ExpectUs in 5 Mins ;)
162333610349826049 2012-01-25 16:38:43 PST <TehWongZ> #AntiSec - http://t.co/ZtuPGwG4 - Fidelity Bank Hacked & Defaced. :D I be in YO BASES! #RT #DarkHacking #Share
162335163630620672 2012-01-25 16:44:53 PST <TehWongZ> @RalliasUbernerd Nope, it's the Biggest Bank there and it's actually International, based in NC ;)
162335216243974145 2012-01-25 16:45:06 PST <TehWongZ> http://t.co/P9ZZ5qnT &lt; Hay Admin, UMadBro?
162337085053870080 2012-01-25 16:52:31 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News @YourAnonNews @anonops @anonymouSabu Hay Admin, UMadBro? http://t.co/45lTV81b - Secure ur Shit or Get Hit.
162343208590901251 2012-01-25 17:16:51 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @antisecop I haven't even posted it yet.. CHILL.
162343256389197824 2012-01-25 17:17:03 PST <TehWongZ> @v0ld4m0rt yeh but I didn't Dothan Admin Panel lol..
162348304594776065 2012-01-25 17:37:07 PST <TehWongZ> TeeHee I may of Slightly Helped in Anonymous Being Tango'd Down - @dark_hacking 's Shell Booter FIRED! http://t.co/9yG6hgjB
162349766586535936 2012-01-25 17:42:55 PST <TehWongZ> Yeh I meant Facebook* Lol! I hit it for 10 minutes straight with our Shell Booter lol!
162350412475801600 2012-01-25 17:45:29 PST <TehWongZ> @ItsKahuna It's the #DarkHacking shell booter with over 7.000 Shells spread on servers from 10mbps to 1gbps it hits HARD!
162352708773347329 2012-01-25 17:54:36 PST <TehWongZ> @ItsKahuna Shame why you looking down there anyways? I'm underage. Pedobear.
162355757147357184 2012-01-25 18:06:43 PST <TehWongZ> @ItsKahuna indeed it does. And?
162361692121071616 2012-01-25 18:30:18 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonO_o I said I joined in & hit never said I did it lol!
162364359203500032 2012-01-25 18:40:54 PST <TehWongZ> http://t.co/qDLemvej &lt; #AntiSec Huge List of .gov SQLi Vulnerabilities - Enjoy a Hacking Spree - #DarkHacking @dark_hacking
162365243597651971 2012-01-25 18:44:25 PST <TehWongZ> @ItsKahuna @anono_o lol. http://t.co/qDLemvej - Kahuna enjoy, and read my Bio to see why I did it lol.
162365276728471554 2012-01-25 18:44:33 PST <TehWongZ> @ghetsismau5 @_protocol @antisecop http://t.co/qDLemvej &lt; meh.. Enjoi
162365381380538368 2012-01-25 18:44:58 PST <TehWongZ> @YourAnonNews http://t.co/qDLemvej #AntiSec
162366033196367872 2012-01-25 18:47:33 PST <TehWongZ> @ghetsismau5 No I don't I just choose not to reply to them.
162366065970651137 2012-01-25 18:47:41 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: @TehWongZ leaks over 20 .gov SQLi Errors as Part of #AntiSec & #DarkHacking - http://t.co/JzXZS7wr
162366207360630784 2012-01-25 18:48:15 PST <TehWongZ> @ItsKahuna @anono_o lol nope they're not... Not all of em anyways lol, maybe a few but that's bcus almost every vuln is somewhere out there
162367300375289857 2012-01-25 18:52:35 PST <TehWongZ> @ItsKahuna @anono_o well done guess who VIRUZ is, idiot.. It was my handle on HF, still is lol
162379770645057536 2012-01-25 19:42:08 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @bannontine TBH she isn't cute.. SHE PHAT. U ain't seen the Kieshu Cam Video yet? lol.
162395075178020865 2012-01-25 20:42:57 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: In need of C++ Coders - Read: http://t.co/VMpE6cOa - Paid Job, Over $250.
162402778810023936 2012-01-25 21:13:34 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @bannontine no he showed it me, I posted it & I wasn't taking credit I dox'd + called Feds on u LOL. #KieshuOwned.
162446979660652545 2012-01-26 00:09:12 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova lol I never snitched on no 1, if you were smart enuf to put tracert into a computer I'd explain but I doubt you are.
162447029476401152 2012-01-26 00:09:24 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N I'm on now :D
162598583579844608 2012-01-26 10:11:37 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: http://t.co/aJ729DHV &lt; A Smokey Magic Trick by @TehWongZ
162619016849006592 2012-01-26 11:32:49 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Go Follow: @t3k91 :)
162649792525250560 2012-01-26 13:35:07 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Server Temporarily Down for Maintenance so Site won't be up either :)
162653782486958080 2012-01-26 13:50:58 PST <TehWongZ> @Chriss10011 nothing.. I apparently snitched but the emails/logs were fake & I proved it lol
162653789214605313 2012-01-26 13:50:59 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Offering Online Advertising/Marketing Tips for Donations, email: dark-hacking@hush.ai for More Info :) #WeNeedMonies!
162665930902605824 2012-01-26 14:39:14 PST <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 @kieshuzykova @chriss10011 exactly, Kieshu is a pedo.. I'm 15, she's 24.. She tried to fuck me lol.. #PedoBear much?!
162666333773897728 2012-01-26 14:40:50 PST <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 @kieshuzykova I would go near that fat bitch with a wake board & a 1kg bag of flour.
162666447481470977 2012-01-26 14:41:17 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova shit like what? Telling the truth? *cough* PEDOBEAR *cough*
162666546647408640 2012-01-26 14:41:41 PST <TehWongZ> @g4ryb1 @kieshuzykova wouldnt*
162666711819108353 2012-01-26 14:42:20 PST <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 @kieshuzykova Nah, I'm Surpised Kieshu hasn't blocked me yet & for some reason follows my other accounts lol. She FBI SPI NINJA!
162672278809755648 2012-01-26 15:04:28 PST <TehWongZ> @ItsKahuna @kieshuzykova I don't see why being hated is such a bad thing? In fact it makes me lol when I see witty insults & rage @ me lol.
162674267463483393 2012-01-26 15:12:22 PST <TehWongZ> @Chriss10011 @g4ryb1 @kieshuzykova nothing happened, some fail skid tried to frame me, I proved it wrong & Kieshu tried to fck me. PedoBear!
162681689850658816 2012-01-26 15:41:51 PST <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 Gary she's had her kid for 2+ years now lol.. Not a new mum.. lol.. And she's flat chested lol..
162682132467163136 2012-01-26 15:43:37 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: 25 from 300 :D #RT #Share
162682280953909248 2012-01-26 15:44:12 PST <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 No she won't, she lives on a diet of Alcohol & Junk food.. I doubt she'll look stunning & what exercise? She sits on the net all day
162682835432521730 2012-01-26 15:46:25 PST <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 So do I, in fact I live with a "new mum" and she ain't that fat.. She does exercise though & Kieshu has been a new mum 4 3 yrs lol.
162682969411174400 2012-01-26 15:46:57 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @g4ryb1 @kieshuzykova @chriss10011 and lol CP, my twitter account has only been registered since June 2011 :P (I think)
162683959048806402 2012-01-26 15:50:53 PST <TehWongZ> @Kute_Kat_Klub snitch PasteBin was fake, check the IPs 1 is an web server & the other not even a real IP lol..
162684055761063936 2012-01-26 15:51:16 PST <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 No, I have a girl.. MY AGE ( well a little older of ya know what I mean ;)
162684787000229890 2012-01-26 15:54:10 PST <TehWongZ> @Kute_Kat_Klub erm.. I was dox'd AGES ago & I left for like a week lol.
162686064044150784 2012-01-26 15:59:14 PST <TehWongZ> @RepDanGordon @p0isAn0N wow that's the first time I've seen a politician tweet to an Anon in a "friendly" way.
162689922963226624 2012-01-26 16:14:34 PST <TehWongZ> @RepDanGordon @p0isan0n Touché to you then sir & I'm afraid I cannot though I am now considering moving there.
162690108913483776 2012-01-26 16:15:19 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N Tweeted me twice asking for DM, so I DM'd him twice, tweeted back etc & still NOTHING, Rage Face INTIATE!
162698532275494912 2012-01-26 16:48:47 PST <TehWongZ> I am the True.. PINK POWER RANGER!
162698865571676161 2012-01-26 16:50:07 PST <TehWongZ> I be in yo bases.\nDefacin yo pages.\nHackin Stock Exchanges.\nWhilst Wall Street be Ragin.
162698932441456641 2012-01-26 16:50:22 PST <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net I wouldn't say the best.
162700265680674816 2012-01-26 16:55:40 PST <TehWongZ> @ArtByAlida I was thinking about it, but dno any good rappers, I have a studio microphone & Logic on my Mac :)
162701127706619904 2012-01-26 16:59:06 PST <TehWongZ> @ArtByAlida Nah Logic is better & I dno.. My voice ain't great lol
162701263920840704 2012-01-26 16:59:38 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 I'm 15 & get paid £45/Hour in some of my contracts lol
162704004806230017 2012-01-26 17:10:32 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 Yeh lol! I earn more than my teachers ;£
162810391435550720 2012-01-27 00:13:16 PST <TehWongZ> @jargon7 upgrading the dedi do it's guna be down for "up to 3 days" :(
162842590784405505 2012-01-27 02:21:13 PST <TehWongZ> @D4rkD3viL TY lol! :)
162843474700402688 2012-01-27 02:24:44 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Need a Site/Profile Hacked? Email us: dark-hacking@hush.ai
162910285768835073 2012-01-27 06:50:13 PST <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net I got proven they were fake lol...
162910340840042497 2012-01-27 06:50:26 PST <TehWongZ> @panaceamedia @repdangordon @p0isan0n False lol I got proven it wasn't me
162910355931136000 2012-01-27 06:50:30 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Justin Bieber sang at Michael Jacksons Hand Imprint... Shame he didn't get a chance to Molest him..
162935679662297088 2012-01-27 08:31:07 PST <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net erm.. When did I say u were skids? At what point? lol.
162935771202977792 2012-01-27 08:31:29 PST <TehWongZ> @ItsKahuna @c0rrupt_net yes but it was iPhone auto correct. lol.
162937068924829697 2012-01-27 08:36:39 PST <TehWongZ> @ItsKahuna @c0rrupt_net yes but I meant to put: I already proved they were faked. - but it autocorrected it wrong & I am TIRED!
162996457484464128 2012-01-27 12:32:38 PST <TehWongZ> @aamir__mir Sure :)
163023258952794112 2012-01-27 14:19:08 PST <TehWongZ> @aamir__mir Download and install partition on your laptop & install Linux &gt; Bactrack 5 :) there's a few tutorials on using it to crack wifi
163023954431324160 2012-01-27 14:21:54 PST <TehWongZ> @aamir__mir No.. Unless u get a Administrative user.. Which is quite hard on skwl systems when u don't know the set-up/softwares :/
163023988925276162 2012-01-27 14:22:02 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: 8 More 'til 300 :) - Can we haz that b4 the NIGHT?! :)
163024464429318144 2012-01-27 14:23:55 PST <TehWongZ> @aamir__mir See if you can find the router IP, whatsmyip.org &lt; but a lt of skwl use Remote Desktops or Proxies...
163040705281921024 2012-01-27 15:28:27 PST <TehWongZ> I might just quit all this bullshit.. Think I'm in love and that's more important than a twitter account.
163190030444142592 2012-01-28 01:21:49 PST <TehWongZ> @ghetsismau5 lol wut? I'm going out with her lol
163192391401095169 2012-01-28 01:31:12 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Working on getting the site back online now :) Server is just configuring its new set-up & adding more security :)
163192505184169984 2012-01-28 01:31:39 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N Just another day they want over.
163192917748482048 2012-01-28 01:33:18 PST <TehWongZ> Who likes this logo I made? :) http://t.co/GbU9YZUy
163200761096970241 2012-01-28 02:04:29 PST <TehWongZ> True Shit http://t.co/wnoKxa06
163201853084012544 2012-01-28 02:08:48 PST <TehWongZ> @JxToF Yup :D
163207589893652480 2012-01-28 02:31:36 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: #EveryoneWantsToBe Part of the 1% - You know you do really...
163213683319779328 2012-01-28 02:55:49 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonCalls @krisjenner @_teamp0ison @_f0rsaken "it appears we are using the phone right now" - Left an indecent message
163214108483788800 2012-01-28 02:57:30 PST <TehWongZ> @VinceintheBay on my iPhone &gt; SiP Client :)
163214997147758592 2012-01-28 03:01:02 PST <TehWongZ> This is my first & only #FF @dark_hacking @Cyber_War_News @p0isAn0N @ThaNetwork @CrappyAirBags
163215322915155968 2012-01-28 03:02:20 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N DM'd back :D
163216899281387522 2012-01-28 03:08:35 PST <TehWongZ> The moment when your sending a FBook message 2 someone & they dont reply, you think you've done something wrong but they are on the toilet.
163218091134824451 2012-01-28 03:13:20 PST <TehWongZ> I'm not going to leave 4eva.. I'm just quitting Hacking though I'll still be doing @dark_hacking :)
163233108773187584 2012-01-28 04:13:00 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: 300+ Followers &lt;3
163240916080005121 2012-01-28 04:44:01 PST <TehWongZ> RT @BreakingNewsUK: Police arrest 4 current and former Sun newspaper employees and 1 serving police officer in connection with police bribery inquiry - Sky News
163253258280906753 2012-01-28 05:33:04 PST <TehWongZ> @panaceamedia you got punk'd they made a fake email..
163253269127364608 2012-01-28 05:33:07 PST <TehWongZ> Your not very Anonymous if you wear a mask to conceal your identity then tag yourself in the picture -.-
163255039333367809 2012-01-28 05:40:09 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AnonyOps: Anti #ACTA manifestation à Paris commence http://t.co/JPtMRPmV http://t.co/nEznneus http://t.co/LYDlUGUO suivre @lesnews @alexwaza
163255765707132928 2012-01-28 05:43:02 PST <TehWongZ> If you could have everything & anything you wanted for 10 years but then you had to go to jail for 10 years.. Would you?
163257133008306176 2012-01-28 05:48:28 PST <TehWongZ> RT @6O57: The only thing you need to know about #ACTA http://t.co/6f6diREr #PirateParty #Telecomix #Anonymous
163257167988789248 2012-01-28 05:48:36 PST <TehWongZ> @aamir__mir yeh I wud :)
163257430782918656 2012-01-28 05:49:39 PST <TehWongZ> @aamir__mir @ghetsismau5 yes.. if he's using his skwl computers with no admin access it might be a remote desktop not a straight connection
163260124897615872 2012-01-28 06:00:21 PST <TehWongZ> @aamir__mir @ghetsismau5 check of the IP is a proxy or a router IP..
163269516783140865 2012-01-28 06:37:40 PST <TehWongZ> FBI use Amazon Hosting to hold Seized Websites (MegaUpload: )
163280333205291008 2012-01-28 07:20:39 PST <TehWongZ> @RalliasUbernerd exactly why it wud be easy to hit :)
163280545365766144 2012-01-28 07:21:30 PST <TehWongZ> @s3rverexe Nice job dude :)
163294404851941377 2012-01-28 08:16:34 PST <TehWongZ> @RalliasUbernerd Yeh I use it to lol.. Apache is proper shit.. MasterCard use it to :)
163364618780164096 2012-01-28 12:55:34 PST <TehWongZ> Ya think you can come up to my level?\nBitch please.. I'll hit ya hard then a loop pedal.
163392169674153984 2012-01-28 14:45:03 PST <TehWongZ> @ghetsismau5 @aamir__mir LOL! VPN? SSH Tunnel like a BAUS then path through TOR.. You leave your shit wife open like a FUCKING whore.
163393573499314176 2012-01-28 14:50:38 PST <TehWongZ> Looking for a Rapper for a New Song :) or multiple 1s lol..
163394025120989184 2012-01-28 14:52:25 PST <TehWongZ> @aamir__mir @ghetsismau5 putty.. Google it :)
163394270760415232 2012-01-28 14:53:24 PST <TehWongZ> @Anontastic DM :)
163395066881257473 2012-01-28 14:56:34 PST <TehWongZ> #OccupyOakland just seems to get Worse & Worse... Let's crack out AK's and make the Police Disperse..
163395625185054721 2012-01-28 14:58:47 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown lol wut? I do web design/development, server sec, video editing, graphic design, marketing & charge $45/Hour.. lol.
163395756470968320 2012-01-28 14:59:18 PST <TehWongZ> @OpCensorThis_ @_f0rsaken https://t.co/zFGw6qB7
163397407621660673 2012-01-28 15:05:52 PST <TehWongZ> @Socrates57 oh.. lol.. Sorry man :) thought u were some Fed lovin do gooder
163399217480597504 2012-01-28 15:13:03 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown LOL! That's Caleb now me haha... And I dot have 1.. I'm Freelance.. Do contracts for people etc... And I'm old enough to work
163400658844778497 2012-01-28 15:18:47 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown lol.. That's not me... WOW! Your the worst White Hat EVER! Like 4 serious shit.
163400724355629056 2012-01-28 15:19:03 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: News: http://t.co/j2Ka4paj & Forum: http://t.co/zEr2HD6t - BACK ONLINE :) - Main Site being updated ;)
163415132154769408 2012-01-28 16:16:18 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown that is me u fucktard lol & I owned Caleb.. I've never been "buddies" with him.
163417004362051585 2012-01-28 16:23:44 PST <TehWongZ> @wesleypipes12 @celeb owned him lol.. Hit his router, sent Feds to his house, sent let's say "packages" to his house etc..
163417406709039104 2012-01-28 16:25:20 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown I admitted it ages ago lol.. Ur the worst white hat I've EVER seen lol.. Anyways idiot I quit Hacking this week.
163417831352958976 2012-01-28 16:27:01 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown No I've never been part of Anonymous.. They're moral fags.. And?
163419023017656320 2012-01-28 16:31:45 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown erm.. I didn't spell anything wrong? I use text language because it's my generations Latin.
163419874754961410 2012-01-28 16:35:08 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown I am doing legal activities and working as a middle man within the hacking community... The only reason I quit was a girl ;)
163420069127405569 2012-01-28 16:35:55 PST <TehWongZ> @TiffanyFILO there's a retarded girl in the background with large breasts.
163420402402594816 2012-01-28 16:37:14 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown Yeh.. I'm not.
163420500842905601 2012-01-28 16:37:38 PST <TehWongZ> Be careful or I chop your dick off with 10 ton metal mash potato peeler.
163422151435755522 2012-01-28 16:44:11 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags Dude nothing's real in this fucked up world.
163423426135068672 2012-01-28 16:49:15 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags U2 ma brother :)
163424021055160320 2012-01-28 16:51:37 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Dark-Hacking Site FULLY Back-Up: http://t.co/zyfqM6l5 - Server now on 12gb DDR3 Ram :D
163425896387182593 2012-01-28 16:59:04 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: New iPhone Tutorials Coming this Week :)
163428587406491648 2012-01-28 17:09:46 PST <TehWongZ> As a Final good bye to my epic Defaces, lulzy Releases and General Mayhem.. I will be doing an upcoming deface with @muldaria48
163429629875585024 2012-01-28 17:13:54 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @muldaria48 I will.. But I'm quitting hacking "after this"
163437808621596673 2012-01-28 17:46:24 PST <TehWongZ> RT @CrappyAirBags: @TehWongZ @muldaria48 Good.  You need to write a book and start a clothing line and do radio shows w/ me!!!!!!!
163437975772991488 2012-01-28 17:47:04 PST <TehWongZ> RT @HuffingtonPost: Police using tear gas, flash bang grenades at Occupy Oakland http://t.co/itnYz9jo
163438910549135362 2012-01-28 17:50:47 PST <TehWongZ> Anyone crack this 4 me? 14b6a27473e51e4c20a5541c87b59b54- Got to go to bed :/
163439569621090304 2012-01-28 17:53:24 PST <TehWongZ> Creeps don't come near my bitch or u get a Ching Chong Chang kung fu chop to da BALLS!
163440961618317312 2012-01-28 17:58:56 PST <TehWongZ> ThatAppleBlog.com &lt; A Friends blog :) Do some reading & click an ad or 2.. He lost his job :/
163567718140870656 2012-01-29 02:22:37 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: For all the New Followers.. Check out our Forums: http://t.co/zEr2HD6t - We got tutorials, Marketplace & More :)
163577368068366336 2012-01-29 03:00:58 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N @kieshuzykova you can't see her tits they're that small.. That's why
163577859103932416 2012-01-29 03:02:55 PST <TehWongZ> @dark_hacking Forums at 32 Members... Can we get it to 50? - Good Content already up :) - http://t.co/dBJvONKZ - #InfoSec
163578502279479296 2012-01-29 03:05:28 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken Occupy Oakland Police get worse & worse... Let's crack out our weapons and make the Police Disperse.
163580947726475264 2012-01-29 03:15:11 PST <TehWongZ> @_sergh generic :)
163582596046008321 2012-01-29 03:21:44 PST <TehWongZ> Feds hidin behind walls and watching our every move.. Until #Anonymous comes, fucks em in the ass with no lube.
163584597521743873 2012-01-29 03:29:41 PST <TehWongZ> @_sergh http://t.co/jYyPyJq9
163587392966639617 2012-01-29 03:40:48 PST <TehWongZ> Just Finished all the #Anonymous Rap Lyrics.. Looking for a Rapper to work with.. We can promise at least 5k YT Views :)
163599580699701248 2012-01-29 04:29:14 PST <TehWongZ> Cus this is TehWongZ last goodbye, he's been on the game since 07, blowing shit higher then 9/11.
163623773868797952 2012-01-29 06:05:22 PST <TehWongZ> Recording the #Anonymous & Charrie Wong rap today.. Expect us soon ,)
163656314797568002 2012-01-29 08:14:40 PST <TehWongZ> I'm not the best rapper in the world haha.. But it's coming soon ;)
163662347083329536 2012-01-29 08:38:38 PST <TehWongZ> Anonymous & Charrie Wong Rap - Not the best but I'm not a pro ;) #RT & #Share plz http://t.co/FlcHR8eh
163664342846414848 2012-01-29 08:46:34 PST <TehWongZ> RT @ArtByAlida: @TehWongZ Hey, you did it. Not bad for your first rap. The only part I didn't like was the part about takin' up arms. Did I hear that right?
163664943986651136 2012-01-29 08:48:58 PST <TehWongZ> RT @CharlesJalo: @TehWongZ not too bad, better than a lot of the crap big studios put out
163666416858443776 2012-01-29 08:54:49 PST <TehWongZ> RT @PlRATES: @TehWongZ Best of luck on your endeavors brother. Take care. We are legion.
163671670752690176 2012-01-29 09:15:41 PST <TehWongZ> @ANONconformist it was my first rap EVER & Im not that good lol.. I am a 15 yr old semi-posh kid lol :P
163677431906050048 2012-01-29 09:38:35 PST <TehWongZ> TehWongZ Last Goodbye - Expect the UnExpected. http://t.co/FlcHR8eh
163680635335094272 2012-01-29 09:51:19 PST <TehWongZ> Just to point out that was my last goodbye from hacking -&gt; http://t.co/FlcHR8eh Not from twitter :)
163729893820076032 2012-01-29 13:07:03 PST <TehWongZ> If anyone is actually a good rapper & wants to do an Anon song with me then I've got a load of left over lyrics :)
163733243349319680 2012-01-29 13:20:21 PST <TehWongZ> HBGary, Stratfor and More.. DDoS ain't a crime it's a stupid Law.. Feds guna come burst down your fuckin door.. Legion. The Peaceful Core
163737816566726656 2012-01-29 13:38:32 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AnonymousCenter: American Nazi Party Website defaced By #SolSec | http://t.co/JDHNFZsR
163749087374622720 2012-01-29 14:23:19 PST <TehWongZ> RT @anonops: WE ARE LEGION The Documentary - Turning the internet back on in #Egypt VIDEO &gt;&gt; http://t.co/1n3dtp43
163749312369672194 2012-01-29 14:24:13 PST <TehWongZ> @OpCensorThis_ I would but he was a total dick to me.. Shame I just earnt a load of € as well :)
163751277476581376 2012-01-29 14:32:01 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: There'll be an Interesting Prize for the most HQ member on our Forums - http://t.co/zEr2HD6t - Worth over $100 :)
163762239252332546 2012-01-29 15:15:35 PST <TehWongZ> TBH I'm not even the realist... I just enjoy LULZ :)
163776886751760386 2012-01-29 16:13:47 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N @phantom4life I gave $25.. Even though u hate me.. I have a bit to much money ATM ;)
163786598369083393 2012-01-29 16:52:22 PST <TehWongZ> @anon1213 but it's true lol.. I got a load for doing a big job this lay 3 weeks :)
163786920193822722 2012-01-29 16:53:39 PST <TehWongZ> Any Ideas on Valentines day? I need to SERIOUSLY Impress a VERY hard girl ;)
163801899907289088 2012-01-29 17:53:10 PST <TehWongZ> I'm thinking of Finishing off my books/possibly writing some eBooks on Online Advertising/Marketing - Anyone Interested? :)
163809329835814913 2012-01-29 18:22:42 PST <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 FINALLY!
163809342527770625 2012-01-29 18:22:45 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Having an Issue with the sign-up Activation email for the Forum.. Fixing it soon :)
163821481812434945 2012-01-29 19:10:59 PST <TehWongZ> Check out the Dark-Hacking SuperStore: https://t.co/SmzX3mFy - Everything from Book Pre-Order to Private Tuition. Great Deals :) #RT #Share
163828086687809537 2012-01-29 19:37:14 PST <TehWongZ> RT @SamBianchetto: Hey tweeters go and buy some shit from my friends shop!!!! https://t.co/r2rM5gq6\nYou know you want to!
163829230604533760 2012-01-29 19:41:47 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Check out the Dark-Hacking SuperStore: https://t.co/xEmd95F0 - Everything from Book Pre-Order to Private Tuition. Great Deals :) #RT #Share
163832435711283200 2012-01-29 19:54:31 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown 12 idiot.
163836505620615170 2012-01-29 20:10:41 PST <TehWongZ> &lt;3 to MA Brotha @_f0rsaken - Thanks to him guna be a pretty SCHWEET Valentines day 4 me &lt;3
163839273538301953 2012-01-29 20:21:41 PST <TehWongZ> My Data has been inaccessible from #Megaupload - Due to the US Gov.. Let's Sue those pricks in #OpMegaUpload Style.
163916065812910080 2012-01-30 01:26:50 PST <TehWongZ> @phantom4life @p0isan0n @opcensorthis_ :)
163919436615651329 2012-01-30 01:40:13 PST <TehWongZ> @phantom4life @p0isan0n @opcensorthis_ lol wut? I donated $25 idiot.
163924828724789248 2012-01-30 02:01:39 PST <TehWongZ> @phantom4life @p0isan0n @opcensorthis_ no with money I got from my freelance work.. Ask Saken :)
163980166396248064 2012-01-30 05:41:32 PST <TehWongZ> RT @HoratioPotato: I said id give charlie a shout out @TehWongZ  script kiddy, rapper, and now entrepreneur https://t.co/MG7kKZGi gotta start somewhere right ?
163985113124835330 2012-01-30 06:01:12 PST <TehWongZ> Got bored in class so I crushed 3 tic tacs & sniffed them. http://t.co/0fkTfU9w
163985848847704064 2012-01-30 06:04:07 PST <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 I was in class lol.. Cudnt really do it with coke
163994646991740929 2012-01-30 06:39:05 PST <TehWongZ> @HeidekrautRoxx burns like fuck yeh
163994765451476992 2012-01-30 06:39:33 PST <TehWongZ> @hak_a_tak @g4ryb1 lol... I have secure ass hosting ask Hex ;)
164016942833868801 2012-01-30 08:07:41 PST <TehWongZ> @MyDixie_Wrecked @motormouthnews @phantom4life no.. I made a payment straight from my own pocket.. FFS..
164016980007976960 2012-01-30 08:07:49 PST <TehWongZ> @CharlesJalo Hurt after lol
164017367079333889 2012-01-30 08:09:22 PST <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 @hak_a_tak @hex000101 obviously u have never heard of zf0 or others..
164022222216888322 2012-01-30 08:28:39 PST <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 look up: ac1db1tch3s, ZF0, ZHC etc...
164074118407401472 2012-01-30 11:54:52 PST <TehWongZ> @phantom4life @mydixie_wrecked @motormouthnews NP, you can ask Saken, I didn't card..
164074308883333120 2012-01-30 11:55:38 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 Webfusion are the bet for customer service :) 24/7 Phone, Email & Web Support :) and my server's NEVER gone down...
164074905384665089 2012-01-30 11:58:00 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @g4ryb1 Indeed.. There are some others but those 3 are probably the most respected
164076679277461504 2012-01-30 12:05:03 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 Fair enuff lol.. Webfusion offer cheap VPS's though & they're fast & quality.. That's why I use them haha btw we shud DM bout BizNiz
164076801197477888 2012-01-30 12:05:32 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken So what? Now you can see into the FUTURE? 0_o
164077274830864384 2012-01-30 12:07:25 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 hmm... Sounds interesting :) I have a few other friends that can do the same.. I was thinking off doing a Pen-Testing Company TBH :)
164078003456983042 2012-01-30 12:10:19 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 lol.. Sure :) I also have friends in: Coding, Graphics, Video, Marketing, Web Design/Development, Social Marketing etc :)
164078216674410497 2012-01-30 12:11:09 PST <TehWongZ> @YourAnonNews I have an.. Interesting proposal :) DM?
164078818213101569 2012-01-30 12:13:33 PST <TehWongZ> RT @HuffingtonPost: The origins of hacker-activist collective Anonymous and the war over the Internet http://t.co/EHkijUF8
164083836685262848 2012-01-30 12:33:29 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N Dude WTF? She ain't bad.. Crazy = Crazy Good :)
164085176350146561 2012-01-30 12:38:49 PST <TehWongZ> We are Legion, the Peaceful Core... Infecting the Feds more then a fuckin Whore.. DDoS ain't a Crime it just comes with a stupid Law...
164085179353272320 2012-01-30 12:38:49 PST <TehWongZ> Feds guna come burst down your fucking Door.. Until Charrie Wong comes along & wipes your shit 4eva More..
164085953227522048 2012-01-30 12:41:54 PST <TehWongZ> @ITALIAnonymous I have haha.. It's just not very well sung &gt; YouTube.com/anonisjohnny
164086536617463808 2012-01-30 12:44:13 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @g4ryb1 they can disrupt Governments if they want.
164087059676528640 2012-01-30 12:46:18 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N Grows stronger day by day.. He'll even stop aids for those of you gay.. Downing shit harder then a blunt.. Then fucks a bitches...
164087369845321728 2012-01-30 12:47:32 PST <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 @_protocol @s3rverexe Mot really.. I made a 78gbps DDoS tool at 14... Hit HABBO HOTEL BITCH!
164088019714981888 2012-01-30 12:50:07 PST <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 @_protocol I'll poke you all in the butt hole then fuck ya mum cus that's my #1 Goal.. I don't get trolled I always stay cool.. Fool
164088289337413633 2012-01-30 12:51:11 PST <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 I don't know him lol & IDC lol.. Do wateva my hosting is the shit.. 100% Uptime (unless upgrade)
164093525712056320 2012-01-30 13:11:59 PST <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 @_protocol WTF? No & I got proved not to be a snitch, idiot. FYI I only steal yo mama's cookies bitch
164105242978426880 2012-01-30 13:58:33 PST <TehWongZ> @halfbakedsg You gotta say the first bit slower than the 2nd ;)
164105336737894400 2012-01-30 13:58:55 PST <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 @tehwangz Cholly's my American Counter Part.
164105534625153024 2012-01-30 13:59:43 PST <TehWongZ> RT @HuffPostCrime: Sheriff admits to stuffing the ballot box in an election he feared losing.  http://t.co/mYl99xFG
164116068347035648 2012-01-30 14:41:34 PST <TehWongZ> @HumzaProduction - You make some sick videos... If ya need any help with a site, graphics, video editing etc drop me a tweet DM :)
164116424028196864 2012-01-30 14:42:59 PST <TehWongZ> @ArturasCEO erm.. Feeding the Homeless, DoX'ing out of Control Police, #OpDarkNet & Animal Abusers... Idiot.
164116635668582400 2012-01-30 14:43:49 PST <TehWongZ> @ArturasCEO and 2) remove "reppin the 219" that's for my generation.. Not some middle aged man who sticks his dick in his CD Rom
164117995105435649 2012-01-30 14:49:13 PST <TehWongZ> @ArturasCEO bitch I show who I really am all the fuckin time idiot. If u wna call me a pussy come say it to ma face... Fuckin dick head.
164118769311031298 2012-01-30 14:52:18 PST <TehWongZ> @MotormouthNews Police Violence just seems to get Worse & Worse.. Let's crack out our weapons & make the Police Disperse. #anonymous
164119998602813440 2012-01-30 14:57:11 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken I see some form of Incoming Mass Prank Calls? #OpChanologyReborn
164120182850207745 2012-01-30 14:57:55 PST <TehWongZ> @MotormouthNews I will soon.. Just building my tool to a rather large powah! DM IRC :)
164120767062216704 2012-01-30 15:00:14 PST <TehWongZ> @MotormouthNews just DM me any IRC u want me to go 2 lol...
164121189311188993 2012-01-30 15:01:55 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Jack_ngton: @Gibbo911 @neilthefish @barbara4003 @webbsword As long as we don't get to this stage, http://t.co/X8an4RpE, I'm happy.
164121557873070080 2012-01-30 15:03:23 PST <TehWongZ> &lt;3 Example, Green Day, Skrillex, Christina Perry, Korn, Lowkey etc... I have a wide genre of music :D
164137946600046592 2012-01-30 16:08:30 PST <TehWongZ> @TheAnonPost Nah.. I'll look on YT l8r :)
164138166201225216 2012-01-30 16:09:23 PST <TehWongZ> Guess I scared @ArturasCEO into Privating his account.. Enjoy the phone call? Little Bitch.
164150106545860609 2012-01-30 16:56:49 PST <TehWongZ> @TheAnonPost Yeh I know ;)
164150361748279296 2012-01-30 16:57:50 PST <TehWongZ> We don't Fully Understand how much the Value off life is worth.. Until our very Last Breath. Cherish every Second, Good or Bad.
164158179024965633 2012-01-30 17:28:54 PST <TehWongZ> @anonymouSabu @hard366 Your not the real #AntiSec STFU.
164158608668495872 2012-01-30 17:30:36 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Write tutorials for us & if they make it to the main Homepage we'll give out $$ :) Email - dark-hacking@hush.ai - For More Info/Submit Tuts
164160750678577152 2012-01-30 17:39:07 PST <TehWongZ> If you sit by the River Long enough.. Your enemies bodies will float bye. - Sun Tzu
164172936977203201 2012-01-30 18:27:33 PST <TehWongZ> @AllAnons @anon2world AllAnons your shit's just hit the ceiling fan. Run bitch, run whilst b4 the big bad Anonymous Dog bites your ASS.
164354844885385216 2012-01-31 06:30:23 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @_mlt_ @g4ryb1 lol I just said they were good lol
164386429584158720 2012-01-31 08:35:53 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown @kieshuzykova I didn't it's a fake lol...
164388032370327553 2012-01-31 08:42:15 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @anontangodown o'rly? lol.. Kieshu u cudnt hack a tree.
164389622296756224 2012-01-31 08:48:34 PST <TehWongZ> White Hats getting owned by a Simple Attack.. We'll sniff around your server then hit it like 4gm of crack.
164390955775033345 2012-01-31 08:53:52 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown It's a rap lyric idiot.. lol
164391166559793152 2012-01-31 08:54:43 PST <TehWongZ> @LuLz4u haha lol.. Nice I can't rap lol
164391695146950657 2012-01-31 08:56:49 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown some of the biggest rappers in the game are White.. And I'm not a rapper I did 1 rap lol.. Better than what u can do anyways.
164406920902475776 2012-01-31 09:57:19 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown lol.. I swear u haven't actually done anything to #Anon despite your gay ass name.
164434299007942656 2012-01-31 11:46:06 PST <TehWongZ> @c1rcu1tn1nja @anonymousabu @hard366 Good job I don't listen to old bitches then.
164435814493855745 2012-01-31 11:52:07 PST <TehWongZ> @MLG THORZAIN! &lt;3
164440681136402432 2012-01-31 12:11:28 PST <TehWongZ> Girls that play hard to get are damn annoying.. Just be up front with people -.-
164441422815174656 2012-01-31 12:14:25 PST <TehWongZ> @c1rcu1tn1nja @anonymousabu @hard366 Great.
164442360183390209 2012-01-31 12:18:08 PST <TehWongZ> @teamsilence32 yeh but Girls like to play them, especially with your emotions.
164446771114815488 2012-01-31 12:35:40 PST <TehWongZ> @MotormouthNews Sounds just like a commercial made by Goldman Sachs for some kind of devious advertising ploy.
164448930724192258 2012-01-31 12:44:15 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown @lulz4u like I said I'm not gay idiot & u can't do shit cus ur some idiot FAIL white hat, can't even tango down a Anon site
164449680460230657 2012-01-31 12:47:13 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown @lulz4u lol.. I quit HACKIN 4 a GIRL idiot. And Y U NOO TANGO DOWN MA SITE? Come @ me bro.
164451810512347138 2012-01-31 12:55:41 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown no lol and @dark_hacking &lt; my site, you might actually learn something. FailTroll is FAYUL And I can get girls unlike u
164451939860480000 2012-01-31 12:56:12 PST <TehWongZ> @HumzaProduction If ya want any help with website, videos, graphics etc.. Just tweet me Brah :)
164452561770905600 2012-01-31 12:58:40 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown it's a "basic" tutorial fail fag.. We also have tutorials on the forums & thanks I just got your IP
164452655954014208 2012-01-31 12:59:03 PST <TehWongZ> RT @M1cr0Wav3s: Salt Lake City Police Dept. http://t.co/UNAKBiKo hacked by #Anonymous @CabinCr3w & @ItsKahuna in #OpPiggyBank | Leak: http://t.co/PtgJ60d2
164453445733064704 2012-01-31 13:02:11 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown Coming from the one who's done LOL NOTHING, Literally. At least I know how to do stuff, u can just about Google. #Fail
164456987428532224 2012-01-31 13:16:15 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonTangoDown And how many times have you 0wn3d/Hacked anyone? 0, Zilch, Nada etc..
164457746828230657 2012-01-31 13:19:16 PST <TehWongZ> @ANONYMOUS_UK &lt;3 let's fuck with the UK Gov.. K? :D
164459282744606720 2012-01-31 13:25:23 PST <TehWongZ> @ANONYMOUS_UK U got an IRC? I am a UK Anon after all :D
164460122897252353 2012-01-31 13:28:43 PST <TehWongZ> @pastebin wow.. If u guys need some help in securing yur shit against DDoS I'll lend ya a hand :)
164463770675060737 2012-01-31 13:43:13 PST <TehWongZ> @ItsKahuna I'm not guna say anything bak b4 u hack Interpol & get my address.. PAHAHAHAA
164463857027391488 2012-01-31 13:43:33 PST <TehWongZ> @OpCensorThis_ CUS HE THREW HIM ON THE GROUND!!!
164464669942218752 2012-01-31 13:46:47 PST <TehWongZ> Your guna catch a Cold from the eye's in your soul.
164469484877389824 2012-01-31 14:05:55 PST <TehWongZ> Queen gets Clubbed - Magic Trick by Charrie Wong http://t.co/Eu3PikFu
164472823836983296 2012-01-31 14:19:11 PST <TehWongZ> RT @SamBianchetto: Have a look what iFunBox thinks my iPhone is....lol http://t.co/r3Vt5wik
164472912164814848 2012-01-31 14:19:32 PST <TehWongZ> All go give MA boi @SamBianchetto a Follow!
164487856977489921 2012-01-31 15:18:55 PST <TehWongZ> @KingPMoney Dropped your booking mail an email.. Dno if it went through though...
164496176215883776 2012-01-31 15:51:59 PST <TehWongZ> Why do people think HTML5 is only used as an alternative to Flash? It's SOOO much more then that.
164498423041634304 2012-01-31 16:00:54 PST <TehWongZ> RT @LuLzWarfare: we have blocked @BarackObama and reported him for Spam in protest to the #NDAA #SOPA #PIPA ..etc. Have you? #US #Obama
164505323967758337 2012-01-31 16:28:20 PST <TehWongZ> "Hacker" - A person who uses a Computer to gain Unauthorised access to a System or Data.
164506568841363457 2012-01-31 16:33:17 PST <TehWongZ> @ApplesRBlue lol I got my headphones, speakers & keyboard through SE Brah ;)
164511206852395008 2012-01-31 16:51:42 PST <TehWongZ> @ApplesRBlue lol nah :P though I can get the new kindle fire for $85 instead of 250 via SE XD
164513784977821699 2012-01-31 17:01:57 PST <TehWongZ> @ApplesRBlue I knew Kayla lol.. I win cus I get free stuff, he/she has a mental disfunction & thinks he's a women & has a botnet. wow.
164513906218377216 2012-01-31 17:02:26 PST <TehWongZ> @Anonymous I want your account please. KThxBai.
164514544679522305 2012-01-31 17:04:58 PST <TehWongZ> If anyone has seen The Gibson control room, the short little man with the moustache reminds me of @aaronbarr
164514942517641216 2012-01-31 17:06:33 PST <TehWongZ> @ApplesRBlue used to DM @lolspoon quite a lot lol..
164515033026531328 2012-01-31 17:06:55 PST <TehWongZ> @ANONYMOUS_UK I do believe u mean a "blog".
164516755945963520 2012-01-31 17:13:45 PST <TehWongZ> @ApplesRBlue -.- I said I used to lol.. This was back in Sept/Oct lol
164516780310667268 2012-01-31 17:13:51 PST <TehWongZ> @ANONYMOUS_UK Was that?!
164621670211010560 2012-02-01 00:10:39 PST <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: #Cybercrime boss had a unique method of weeding out undercover cops: he forced recruits to have group sex http://t.co/hYBapUdf
164661162305273856 2012-02-01 02:47:35 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N MUAHAHAHAH I haz MOAR FOLLOWERS :D
164670452449542144 2012-02-01 03:24:29 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken I'm close to 48.000 Brah :D
164679822298193920 2012-02-01 04:01:43 PST <TehWongZ> Dno how the fuck i'm so many followers.. @twitter no ban PLZ :D
164684826702643201 2012-02-01 04:21:37 PST <TehWongZ> @Darkg20 @c0rrupt_net WOAH! Prizes?!
164690574987902976 2012-02-01 04:44:27 PST <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net ask Hex, Saken, MLT - I'm not idiot -.-
164695534706241538 2012-02-01 05:04:10 PST <TehWongZ> 65.5k Followers. Indeed.
164696539934101505 2012-02-01 05:08:09 PST <TehWongZ> @lulzfunny I didn't buy them lol... Dno how I got them
164706275911925761 2012-02-01 05:46:50 PST <TehWongZ> @lulzfunny yeh I didn't buy lol som1 must done it 4 me haha
164709058073477121 2012-02-01 05:57:54 PST <TehWongZ> @lulzfunny erm.. What? I wrote them haha.. Check the CF Print screens it's my domains etc haha.. lol
164710572317872129 2012-02-01 06:03:55 PST <TehWongZ> Adobe Key: 1407-1817-2616-7558-8639 - CS5 Premium - Unlimited see :)
164710677016096770 2012-02-01 06:04:20 PST <TehWongZ> @_Norwack @lulzfunny No I didn't buy them someone else must off.. Why the fuck wud I? Especially when I quit lol
164711898628096000 2012-02-01 06:09:11 PST <TehWongZ> @_Norwack lol that's editing.. My'ns real & works unlimited, no entering
164713692267683840 2012-02-01 06:16:19 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AnonymouSkullar: @TehWongZ Charrie, you have over 65,000 followers that're going to try to register your CS5 now.
164719331295502336 2012-02-01 06:38:43 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 I didn't do it haha
164719842178506752 2012-02-01 06:40:45 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 :) lol
164740014427734016 2012-02-01 08:00:54 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter no.. Dno how lol
164753301819228160 2012-02-01 08:53:42 PST <TehWongZ> @Anarchymous lol it's unlimited uses :)
164760172315688960 2012-02-01 09:21:00 PST <TehWongZ> The Adobe Key is an Enterprise edition = Unlimited uses :)
164792894912335872 2012-02-01 11:31:02 PST <TehWongZ> @Zeldablowslink dno haha :)
164793114211516416 2012-02-01 11:31:54 PST <TehWongZ> Anyone used the Serial Key yet? It's GOOOD! I've used it with: Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Photoshop & Illustrator :) #CharrieWong
164793434224328705 2012-02-01 11:33:11 PST <TehWongZ> All go Follow: @dark_hacking & Learn to be 1337. More Tutorials Coming SOON! :) + News & Forums already Initiated: TheOnlineArena.com #RT
164794247202078720 2012-02-01 11:36:24 PST <TehWongZ> Drop me an email: charrielong@gmail.com #CharrieWong
164796271209615360 2012-02-01 11:44:27 PST <TehWongZ> @Five_292 It's an enterprise key for the Premium Suite just put it into Illustrator & Photoshop.. I know it works with Fireworks :)
164797545699217408 2012-02-01 11:49:32 PST <TehWongZ> ok.. When the FUCK does this ever happen?! http://t.co/E41kgjmI
164797612074086402 2012-02-01 11:49:47 PST <TehWongZ> RT @amnesty: South Korea must release activist charged for retweeting a Kim Jong-il tweet http://t.co/uUguftct #southkorea #freespeech
164798041495314432 2012-02-01 11:51:29 PST <TehWongZ> RT @TheComedyJokes: I"m as bored as a fat kid with a plate of carrots.
164810936673255424 2012-02-01 12:42:44 PST <TehWongZ> @Five_292 https://t.co/sZNDKh2v &lt; already posted it ;)
164834197750562817 2012-02-01 14:15:09 PST <TehWongZ> @Zarathustranon lol wut? Just send via Gmail/Hotmail.. You can't XML Header an IP through them lol
164834655810494464 2012-02-01 14:16:59 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags Dno.. Som1 musta decided to buy me them lol.. I just noticed when I woke up that they were at like 25k lol!
164835668546174977 2012-02-01 14:21:00 PST <TehWongZ> @Zarathustranon ;)
164845712864067585 2012-02-01 15:00:55 PST <TehWongZ> Let's fuck with a Government just for fun.. Then smoke a white hat like a blunt. #anonymous
164847195751854080 2012-02-01 15:06:48 PST <TehWongZ> Big up to MA boi @KingPMoney - Originator - SICK SONG!
164847244141543424 2012-02-01 15:07:00 PST <TehWongZ> @lulzfunny LOL :D
164862034415075328 2012-02-01 16:05:46 PST <TehWongZ> RT @EisMC2: Hey, followers, could everyone go here and help out some of the most amazing people I know, plz? ---&gt; https://t.co/NHyz2heg #TOYM
164873415839322112 2012-02-01 16:51:00 PST <TehWongZ> I say Fuck #Nibiru just some pussy ass Aliens, let's fuck them over with our 1337 skills then screw there planet with a couple Nukes.
164878797848584194 2012-02-01 17:12:23 PST <TehWongZ> #Nibiru with @_f0rsaken is FUNSIES!
164983954766696448 2012-02-02 00:10:14 PST <TehWongZ> Hey.
164986190964072448 2012-02-02 00:19:07 PST <TehWongZ> @PopDawx will do :) just a bit busy ATM ;)
164997794942287872 2012-02-02 01:05:14 PST <TehWongZ> @PopDawx A few different 1s ;)
165051551872860163 2012-02-02 04:38:51 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken @c0rrupt_net @lulzfunny dno...
165051619317268481 2012-02-02 04:39:07 PST <TehWongZ> RT @PlRATES: Harvard vs. MIT: Two colleges. Two pranks. One winner. http://t.co/tIyBTdqp
165053901928804352 2012-02-02 04:48:11 PST <TehWongZ> @Unified_ cost sorry
165053928969486337 2012-02-02 04:48:17 PST <TehWongZ> @9Andree9 @_f0rsaken @c0rrupt_net @lulzfunny lol
165080582102056960 2012-02-02 06:34:12 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: We are as Dark as they come.. Teaching you to hack for fun..
165082030596558848 2012-02-02 06:39:57 PST <TehWongZ> Shout's to my Beautiful Girl :) #RT to Share the &lt;3 :)
165084199836069888 2012-02-02 06:48:35 PST <TehWongZ> This ain't some dumb stupid ass Joke.. I'll make you MA bitch, deep throat til you choke.. Then spank ya mama til she red in the face...
165084280907767809 2012-02-02 06:48:54 PST <TehWongZ> Your an idiot, I'll put you in your place.
165085347749953536 2012-02-02 06:53:08 PST <TehWongZ> I get butterfly's in my tummy when I hear her voice... Shit, just realised how much of a fag I sound when I speak to her -.-
165129592825327616 2012-02-02 09:48:57 PST <TehWongZ> @Five_292 yes :)
165139919042383872 2012-02-02 10:29:59 PST <TehWongZ> @_TehWongZ lol. No haha...
165162243598712832 2012-02-02 11:58:42 PST <TehWongZ> Bank Tip: When Cancelling a Cheque say you lost it, this way you won't get charged for cancelling it :)
165178362556465152 2012-02-02 13:02:45 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N Nah... Me, Saken, c0rrupt & Lulzfunny got mass followed :/
165178405782949888 2012-02-02 13:02:55 PST <TehWongZ> @ItsKahuna Yesterday lol.
165179128184717312 2012-02-02 13:05:47 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N yeh lol.. Y u jelly u no get easter bunny delivering u eggs?
165206661353574402 2012-02-02 14:55:12 PST <TehWongZ> @ItsKahuna like 80k lol
165207045610553344 2012-02-02 14:56:43 PST <TehWongZ> @lulzfunny @p0isan0n @_f0rsaken @c0rrupt_net lol.. I was watching a film & came back to like 35+ notifications lol..
165207082545586176 2012-02-02 14:56:52 PST <TehWongZ> Drive &lt; is 1 sick film.
165207121573576704 2012-02-02 14:57:01 PST <TehWongZ> @SamBianchetto @itskahuna lol :)
165207484871618560 2012-02-02 14:58:28 PST <TehWongZ> And do you think you are? Running around leaving scars, collecting your jar off hearts, tearing love apart.
165207634541150209 2012-02-02 14:59:04 PST <TehWongZ> @christinaperri Would get it. HARD.
165207897192665088 2012-02-02 15:00:06 PST <TehWongZ> @Chongelong Yeh lol.. There's hardly any talking but it's a powerful message lol
165208362219339776 2012-02-02 15:01:57 PST <TehWongZ> RT @MLG: The 2012 MLG Pro Circuit kicks off in exactly 1 hour! Head over to http://t.co/nM0xLvRi for the first day of the #SC2 Online Qualifiers!
165208376001835008 2012-02-02 15:02:00 PST <TehWongZ> @MLG YAY! :D
165208525130313728 2012-02-02 15:02:36 PST <TehWongZ> @EisMC2 Nice.. Erm.. Camera.
165209272924377088 2012-02-02 15:05:34 PST <TehWongZ> @SamBianchetto @itskahuna lol I don't buy them haha c0rrupt, saken, lulzfunny & me all got 1.000's in the same day.. :/
165209682800148481 2012-02-02 15:07:12 PST <TehWongZ> Email: charrielong@gmail.com - MSN: charrie4lyfe@hotmail.co.uk - Enquire about ANYTHING :)
165211507125268480 2012-02-02 15:14:27 PST <TehWongZ> @ItsKahuna Neither do I. Now what's this Fox interview I am being told about?
165211640835481600 2012-02-02 15:14:59 PST <TehWongZ> RT @anonymouSabu: Calling all allied crews/groups/ships. Big releases coming tomorrow. The day of m4yh3m is before us. #FFF #antisec
165211690068221952 2012-02-02 15:15:11 PST <TehWongZ> @anonymouSabu hmmm... Where's the port at?
165212699083538432 2012-02-02 15:19:11 PST <TehWongZ> Anyone interested in making a Live stream 4 #anonymous - Just talk about random shit, haz guest people & maybe upload to YT after? #Bored
165214141341110275 2012-02-02 15:24:55 PST <TehWongZ> @23_BU573DD_23_ xFire + VPN/SSH Tunnel :)
165214272123703296 2012-02-02 15:25:26 PST <TehWongZ> I need some monies to get MA new laptop :/ Custom quote of £1100 :/ around $1600.. Any Ideas? :)
165215097294303236 2012-02-02 15:28:43 PST <TehWongZ> @Anarchymous lol.. The first Anonymous jigalo.
165219286166671360 2012-02-02 15:45:22 PST <TehWongZ> http://t.co/TOqNwkQs &lt; my Résumé - Looking for work, average charge $15-$45/Hour :)
165220766839873537 2012-02-02 15:51:15 PST <TehWongZ> @ApplesRBlue Yes but a lot of people want to learn how to DDoS efficiently :) I can teach that :)
165221959175651329 2012-02-02 15:55:59 PST <TehWongZ> @ApplesRBlue Yep :) Educating isn't a crime.
165225742421082113 2012-02-02 16:11:01 PST <TehWongZ> @faceyet Pablo? WTF ru going on about? I know the law. Yes & I know how to break it.
165235078467825664 2012-02-02 16:48:07 PST <TehWongZ> 88,000 now xD 100k b4 the weekend? @c0rrupt_net @lulzfunny @_f0rsaken
165250556569460736 2012-02-02 17:49:37 PST <TehWongZ> @EisMC2 :P
165250754981007363 2012-02-02 17:50:24 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzPirate AntiSec is long since gone. There is no real AntiSec anymore, Sabu Fag made it into something it is truly not.
165343191397175297 2012-02-02 23:57:43 PST <TehWongZ> 92,000 lol.
165354342940024832 2012-02-03 00:42:02 PST <TehWongZ> @anonymouSabu lol never arrested.
165363827234443265 2012-02-03 01:19:43 PST <TehWongZ> @YDT10 lol I'm UK not USA, no FBI can touch me. Idiot
165376701608628227 2012-02-03 02:10:52 PST <TehWongZ> lol... That ain't any of my voice check the prank calls I've done idiots
165378904314478592 2012-02-03 02:19:38 PST <TehWongZ> FYI Sabu, why wud FBI talk about me? I'm not even US & haven't been arrested. I'm still here ain't I? lolZ
165379547292897281 2012-02-03 02:22:11 PST <TehWongZ> @anonymouSabu lol I haven't heard it yet &lt; iPhone & I haven't got a UK agent lol
165435751855685634 2012-02-03 06:05:31 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Alicia_Nergiz: @TehWongZ i love your madness!
165437632527077377 2012-02-03 06:12:59 PST <TehWongZ> lol.. Still I never got arrested lol
165439137443360768 2012-02-03 06:18:58 PST <TehWongZ> RT @iamTza: @TehWongZ dude, just listened to that leaked FBI conf. Do ur thing!! the non-puppets of the planet support u! #MoralsOverEverything
165485192620933120 2012-02-03 09:21:59 PST <TehWongZ> @DuncanGardham Sorry dude, i got friends in the industry already..
165485245892792322 2012-02-03 09:22:11 PST <TehWongZ> RT @JakeTheftAuto: Haha, check my last RT for the immature FBI discussing @TehWongZ hacking Steam, they have no idea. "Some gaming site, stole 30000 usernames"
165485283217915907 2012-02-03 09:22:20 PST <TehWongZ> RT @NAMOTNTCBoyz: @TehWongZ I knew I shouldn't have bought anything through steam FFFUUU
165485459382865920 2012-02-03 09:23:02 PST <TehWongZ> lol... #FBI & #ScotlandYard UMadBro? haha... Steam aint 32k, try 32mil lol.
165488843011792896 2012-02-03 09:36:29 PST <TehWongZ> @Viraglue yeh
165488941745704962 2012-02-03 09:36:53 PST <TehWongZ> @MustBlaze Nope. Infact my parents wouldn't lay a finger on me. lol.
165488992719085568 2012-02-03 09:37:05 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Revodett4: @TehWongz international media superstar, you should bring out an autobiography and have a miny series now lol ;-D #FFF
165489007965376512 2012-02-03 09:37:08 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Cre8on: @TehWongZ they mad bro :3
165489262588997633 2012-02-03 09:38:09 PST <TehWongZ> Media.. I won't talk to you except for $$$ as stated b4 I want a new laptop :( - Email: charrielong@gmail.com
165490442350243840 2012-02-03 09:42:50 PST <TehWongZ> @kevinmitnick I hear we should do a series together? lol, no GTFO.
165490908496801793 2012-02-03 09:44:41 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Herxode: @TehWongZ lol, nice name you're making dude, may the lulz be with you :p
165491051459649537 2012-02-03 09:45:15 PST <TehWongZ> @leec85 Sweet! I had a good Harddrive but guessing the FBI Bolton Office have it at the moment :/ lol
165496639312773121 2012-02-03 10:07:28 PST <TehWongZ> Sorry mr BBC. No $$$ no Interview & my parents aren't guna giv u consent.. Let's just say I'm 99 for now cheer up ay ;)
165497023297097729 2012-02-03 10:08:59 PST <TehWongZ> BTW - @GrandmaWongz - I told him 2 make a No Homo twitter 4 all u guys... He's as 3D as they get, no glasses needed 4 this dude :P
165500645028270081 2012-02-03 10:23:23 PST <TehWongZ> RT @nogalskisam: @TehWongZ &lt;3
165500726087401472 2012-02-03 10:23:42 PST <TehWongZ> RT @GrandmaWongZ: Thanks for the Welcome, @TehWongZ. :]
165501044305039361 2012-02-03 10:24:58 PST <TehWongZ> RT @GrandmaWongZ: Just listened to that FBI Confrence Call. My Ass didn't think I was that well known! :O #AntiSec
165504987902918656 2012-02-03 10:40:38 PST <TehWongZ> Erm... Mr Telegraph, NoThxBai.
165505179641319424 2012-02-03 10:41:24 PST <TehWongZ> RT @TheSunNewspaper: Call between FBI & Scotland Yard cops intercepted by very people they were discussing - hackers Anonymous  http://t.co/DknQj9Tw #anonymous
165505206388396034 2012-02-03 10:41:30 PST <TehWongZ> @TheSunNewspaper HAY! :D
165507844211347456 2012-02-03 10:51:59 PST <TehWongZ> RT @TheLibertyLamp: @TehWongZ Charrie...Charrie...Charrie...wut r we going 2 do with U? LOL!!!
165507861168922624 2012-02-03 10:52:03 PST <TehWongZ> RT @GrandmaWongZ: @TehWongZ, all this havoc started 6 months ago. #FatCat #RapeCream
165507882471788546 2012-02-03 10:52:08 PST <TehWongZ> RT @HVYSHT: @TehWongZ I dont want to talk to you.. just show you sum respect..
165508290963439618 2012-02-03 10:53:46 PST <TehWongZ> Wait a Minute.. You can pay £100k for a Interview with a random slapper who fucked rooney? All I want is like $1000 4 my laptop :(
165511598562222080 2012-02-03 11:06:54 PST <TehWongZ> RT @GrandmaWongZ: I think we should all donate to @TehWongZ, If 10 Thousand people donated 10c that would be $1k. LAPTOP TIME!
165511804464803840 2012-02-03 11:07:43 PST <TehWongZ> @blazin415 DM.
165512126503452673 2012-02-03 11:09:00 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonyToday Replied.
165512315066793986 2012-02-03 11:09:45 PST <TehWongZ> @DuncanGardham Y U AT MY FAMILY'S HOUSE! Cus my Nan through your card on the GROUND!
165514914339893249 2012-02-03 11:20:05 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur Damn.. I forgot to phone u :( DM? lol
165517545506484225 2012-02-03 11:30:32 PST <TehWongZ> lol reporters close to my house but no cigar bitches.
165518113486553088 2012-02-03 11:32:48 PST <TehWongZ> Reporter. Why u drive so fast? - DEO5 XLZ
165518429384753155 2012-02-03 11:34:03 PST <TehWongZ> @aamir__mir lol.. Got the wrong door mr reporter.. I see u breaking speed limit in yo shitty car though!
165519490585600001 2012-02-03 11:38:16 PST <TehWongZ> RT @PlRATES: My #FF has to go to @TehWongZ his had a rough day with FBI folk talkin about him in the leaked FBI conference call lol http://t.co/b012fJDM
165519541856768001 2012-02-03 11:38:28 PST <TehWongZ> RT @1Kaizen1: @TehWongZ a Vauxhall Astra Design Twinport (5 Door Hatchback),  nice, lulz
165519822589931520 2012-02-03 11:39:35 PST <TehWongZ> Reporters, come with a Brief case of Cash & a dodgy looking moustache. Then it's a deal.
165520380545609728 2012-02-03 11:41:48 PST <TehWongZ> No Reporters past my Bed time PLZ! :P
165522301775908864 2012-02-03 11:49:26 PST <TehWongZ> RT @MattRHale: @TehWongZ You're a legend, check the t-shirt! http://t.co/es0uo3KY
165522861921026048 2012-02-03 11:51:40 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DFADesignsUK: Did you hear about @TehWongZ ? He's in trouble with the FBI y Scotland Yard . Legendary! http://t.co/6DtoaXzj
165522977310515200 2012-02-03 11:52:07 PST <TehWongZ> @DFADesignsUK better giz me some revenue :P usin MA name like that xD
165523822542471168 2012-02-03 11:55:29 PST <TehWongZ> Reporters = Damn SLOW. lol.. FailKids be FAYUL. Where my brief case of monies & dodgy beard?
165523892675416064 2012-02-03 11:55:45 PST <TehWongZ> Well... This 1 will be a good story to tell my kids when I'm in Jail.
165527143424589824 2012-02-03 12:08:40 PST <TehWongZ> Mr Reporters... Tis no use going to people IRL. Gmail: charrielong@gmail.com &lt; U won't get shit otherwise.
165533318438330368 2012-02-03 12:33:13 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Anonymiss314: Charrie @TehWongZ ist now superstar. #media best line up. Dude needs a new laptop. Empty your pockets. #lulz. #FFF
165533488601239553 2012-02-03 12:33:53 PST <TehWongZ> http://t.co/9nmDurGz &lt; I be on Sky? FUCK NEWS CORP!
165556166611582976 2012-02-03 14:04:00 PST <TehWongZ> RT @candiddesign: @TehWongZ Wow...I wish I had your talent now, let alone at 15! Loving your work! #anewlaptopforcharriewong
165556231921090560 2012-02-03 14:04:16 PST <TehWongZ> @Five_292 Yeh :) try & find the owner people!
165556248362754048 2012-02-03 14:04:20 PST <TehWongZ> RT @MiddleEastG: @TehWongZ I'm surprised somebody with your talents has trouble finding work... let alone a quick job
165556491363950593 2012-02-03 14:05:18 PST <TehWongZ> @roddymansfield Scotland yard just mad cus I released an SQLi on there site.
165557202206212096 2012-02-03 14:08:07 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur is the only Reporter I know & respect as a human being.
165560691749699584 2012-02-03 14:21:59 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @charlesarthur I take Charles's advice on board but im not going to take some stupid fake princess camming whores.
165561880826478592 2012-02-03 14:26:43 PST <TehWongZ> https://t.co/4j1Iqfru:( &lt; Donate PWEEZ! I'll do Interviews if u email me Donation Ref Number + How Much :)
165563837913907200 2012-02-03 14:34:29 PST <TehWongZ> RT @OfficialGarwood: @TehWongZ Hey you were mentioned in that leak ^_^ Good going bro!
165564340819333122 2012-02-03 14:36:29 PST <TehWongZ> http://t.co/jDorsh1k &lt; Any donation would be &lt;3'd - Want an interview? Donate + Email Ref & Q's to: charrielong@gmail.com
165565453694017536 2012-02-03 14:40:54 PST <TehWongZ> @CrimeReporter_ Just followed me.. I dislike his profile picture.
165566084982910977 2012-02-03 14:43:25 PST <TehWongZ> If the Feds can't even get how many users Steam has right? How can they get everything else right? lol.
165567157508374528 2012-02-03 14:47:41 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Nexusflame: Yup.. @TehWongZ will forever be known as "a pain in the bum"
165567919475007488 2012-02-03 14:50:42 PST <TehWongZ> @Revodett4 BBC = no $ + they want parental permission.. GTFO.. Sky hasn't yet approached me. lol
165568537652498432 2012-02-03 14:53:10 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Cre8on: @TehWongZ your the official "Pain in the Bum" Congrats :)
165568728728215552 2012-02-03 14:53:55 PST <TehWongZ> If this tweet get's 50+ Retweets - http://t.co/jDorsh1k - I'll do an Interview 4 the BBC... But... I won't be Kind.
165569163937587200 2012-02-03 14:55:39 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Revodett4: @TehWongZ you can have my #BBC licence fee for this year cos you've given me more entertainment than them robbing gits #FuckSky
165569189921296384 2012-02-03 14:55:45 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Chaotic_Soup: @TehWongZ fuck, thats the whole reason i want you to do teh interview, cheers! ;)
165569200465772544 2012-02-03 14:55:48 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Nexusflame: @TehWongZ I'd help out but spent all my income taxes on beefing up my network.  Best of luck to you though.
165570540365561856 2012-02-03 15:01:07 PST <TehWongZ> @JakeMachinima Yep :) & a minor lol
165570976027910144 2012-02-03 15:02:51 PST <TehWongZ> RT @JakeTheftAuto: @TehWongZ They are so pissed xD All their technology and you're just there like yep, I'm better than you.
165571104700764160 2012-02-03 15:03:22 PST <TehWongZ> If I was arrested I'd be on bail, have bail conditions like Cleary & Jake... I haven't been arrested, Tis why I'm still tweeting :P
165571890151297024 2012-02-03 15:06:29 PST <TehWongZ> RT @CrappyAirBags: @TehWongz is a pain in the bum!  &lt;3 you bro!!!!!
165572016894775298 2012-02-03 15:06:59 PST <TehWongZ> 19 RT's so far retweet this ----&gt;&gt;&gt; https://t.co/1IB3YC4p
165572596375633920 2012-02-03 15:09:17 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Alicia_Nergiz: @TehWongz i love you too!
165572668467331075 2012-02-03 15:09:35 PST <TehWongZ> @Patriot_ny I already have lol.
165573367754264576 2012-02-03 15:12:21 PST <TehWongZ> @Patriot_ny lol this kid... Makes me lol.
165573624613453824 2012-02-03 15:13:22 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Nexusflame: @tehwongz tonight, me n' the wife are gonna turn on the fbi phone call, crank the volume and fuck to their incompetence.
165573800644182016 2012-02-03 15:14:04 PST <TehWongZ> Bitches who be calling me "fag" "gay" etc... I left the scene 4 a girl...
165573989203316736 2012-02-03 15:14:49 PST <TehWongZ> Half way there ----&gt;&gt;&gt; https://t.co/1IB3YC4p &lt; Let's get that tweet to 50+
165574864722329600 2012-02-03 15:18:18 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @patriot_ny Crappy is right. And you think Media will like a 15 year old kid getting deported? lol.
165575935561703424 2012-02-03 15:22:33 PST <TehWongZ> @phantom4life No lol... We're all getting it this week :) Twitter &lt;3's Anon.
165576322842759168 2012-02-03 15:24:06 PST <TehWongZ> @phantom4life Yep. Ask Saken/Hex 4 it
165576665559339008 2012-02-03 15:25:27 PST <TehWongZ> @phantom4life DM
165576831980937216 2012-02-03 15:26:07 PST <TehWongZ> @phantom4life I would DM u but twitter doesn't like me lol... Ask Saken :P
165587711955185664 2012-02-03 16:09:21 PST <TehWongZ> RT @PrisonReformMvt: first day back on the interwebs and what do I come back to? The antics of @TehWongZ   & the feds.....hoo boy!!
165587737238450176 2012-02-03 16:09:27 PST <TehWongZ> RT @moxiere: This cat's feed is amazing ----&gt; @TehWongZ He should have his own #reality show
165587772458020865 2012-02-03 16:09:36 PST <TehWongZ> RT @YoImChristian: @tehwongz looks like you're famous.
165587834546294785 2012-02-03 16:09:50 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Stvlucas: Holy shit! Thanx @TehWongZ for making my day! :D full support for you bud &lt;3 #nohomo
165587984400392192 2012-02-03 16:10:26 PST <TehWongZ> Hit 50+ Retweets guys :) I'll be talking to the BBC dude in the morn :)
165589024893968384 2012-02-03 16:14:34 PST <TehWongZ> Is it a good time to now Advertise my website after getting this much Attention? :) &gt; TheOnlineArena.com &lt; Hacking Tuts & Forums :)
165589049829113860 2012-02-03 16:14:40 PST <TehWongZ> RT @xBremMedia: Follow @TehWongZ This guy is a #badass
165591103058362370 2012-02-03 16:22:50 PST <TehWongZ> RT @0ptimusCrim3: I always knew @TehWongZ would make it big.  He's a funny little fucker :D  Make sure to give us all shoutouts on BBC :p
165591187628105728 2012-02-03 16:23:10 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Jerwolfe: @TehWongZ they were just talking about you on channel 4 news ha.
165591199221157889 2012-02-03 16:23:13 PST <TehWongZ> @Jerwolfe Link plz?!
165591267965804544 2012-02-03 16:23:29 PST <TehWongZ> RT @PrisonReformMvt: @Patriot_ny  you wouldnt know TRUTH if it slapped you in the mouth or kicked you in the ass!! #teapartyfag  cc: @TehWongz
165592319008047105 2012-02-03 16:27:40 PST <TehWongZ> @The99Percenters @jerwolfe Channel 4 news? lol.. I can check catch up.. I think lol
165594738240663552 2012-02-03 16:37:16 PST <TehWongZ> @PaulLimerick http://t.co/jDorsh1k &lt; :)
165595015203143680 2012-02-03 16:38:22 PST <TehWongZ> @pil_crow lol dumbass.. Shame none of those work oh & I already gave up a LOAD of steam info :)
165596770003460097 2012-02-03 16:45:21 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AnonCptJack1: @TehWongZ "lolzsec wannabe" haha! Didnt know you where 15 dude! 9 mins in its all about you man http://t.co/d41LREHx #FF
165596808016437249 2012-02-03 16:45:30 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Stvlucas: @Patriot_ny Million dollar oil tycoons such as your beloved George W. Bush can commit crimes against humanity and @TehWongZ is a criminal?
165596881399980033 2012-02-03 16:45:47 PST <TehWongZ> I'm only a Criminal in the eye's of the so called Law.
165597172564377602 2012-02-03 16:46:57 PST <TehWongZ> Got my first donation via @PaulLimerick  - https://t.co/4j1Iqfru:( - 3% on the Way! :D Please Donate Anything you can #RT #Share &lt;3
165598361452421120 2012-02-03 16:51:40 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Jerwolfe: @TehWongZ @The99Percenters the F.B.I. is so dumb, they need the help of the U.K. because they don't understand technology at all. Ha
165600238600593409 2012-02-03 16:59:08 PST <TehWongZ> @pil_crow ;)
165600367239901184 2012-02-03 16:59:38 PST <TehWongZ> @Patriot_ny @stvlucas OMG STFU u ain't a true patriot.. You wouldn't let soldiers die for a few colours & some stars if you were.
165601483050598401 2012-02-03 17:04:05 PST <TehWongZ> The Reason I quit Hacking & my very own #SexyFawkes http://t.co/tdrfg1QP
165602053396242432 2012-02-03 17:06:20 PST <TehWongZ> @VinceintheBay haha lol!
165602720491909120 2012-02-03 17:08:59 PST <TehWongZ> We are all Anonymous. #FF &gt; @GrandmaWongZ & @laneshetron :)
165604429964378112 2012-02-03 17:15:47 PST <TehWongZ> @PaulLimerick lol :) im 15, if the world has taught me 2 things it's that it's a fucked up place & u gotta make your own path.
165605444151291904 2012-02-03 17:19:49 PST <TehWongZ> @PaulLimerick @rstfibernetwork :O! I want dat shit!
165606440701149184 2012-02-03 17:23:46 PST <TehWongZ> @PaulLimerick @rstfibernetwork well.. If ya need a UK/EU Rep :D
165606609387663360 2012-02-03 17:24:27 PST <TehWongZ> Now the #TwitterDrama has died down.. Im going to sleep. TIRED!
165731820384698368 2012-02-04 01:41:59 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N Y U BEIN MEAN!!!
165732294257160193 2012-02-04 01:43:52 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N Juat jelly cus he's only been on 2 news sites & for some fucked up reason I'm on every single one.
165735358775042048 2012-02-04 01:56:03 PST <TehWongZ> Learn to be 1337? -&gt; @dark_hacking -&gt; http://t.co/km8khAO8 &lt; if CloudFlare says tis down, your a "threat" to the site ;)
165737689990180865 2012-02-04 02:05:19 PST <TehWongZ> @_Norwack lol... You can't do shit. That's why you still haven't done anything but make stupid comments over twitter. #FailFag
165739468614152192 2012-02-04 02:12:23 PST <TehWongZ> @xxxXShogunXxxx SC2, TF2, CoD, Orcs must Die, BF3 etc...
165739956533338112 2012-02-04 02:14:19 PST <TehWongZ> Im off 4 a while.. Check out: http://t.co/mvOZzkCh &lt; might be gone 4 a few days ::
165953377338003456 2012-02-04 16:22:23 PST <TehWongZ> I've retired from Hacking... But... Expect me.
165958456300412929 2012-02-04 16:42:34 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur DM
165959219907002370 2012-02-04 16:45:36 PST <TehWongZ> Some men just want to watch the World Burn... others try to put out the Fire.
165960148433649664 2012-02-04 16:49:17 PST <TehWongZ> lol... PS3: charlinator123 &lt; Just got MA new 1... I dislike Sony but I'm not complaining about a Free PS3 :p
165961384935440384 2012-02-04 16:54:12 PST <TehWongZ> About to play #MW3 on #PS3 - add me, I haz Mic: charlinator123
165971035835990016 2012-02-04 17:32:33 PST <TehWongZ> I'm guessing the FBI got stuck in snow... Doors still on the hinges...
165976770657533954 2012-02-04 17:55:20 PST <TehWongZ> Charrie Wong & Associates do not in ANWAY support any fork of Beastiality &gt; http://t.co/ku4iYb5W
165980076138176512 2012-02-04 18:08:28 PST <TehWongZ> @P0wd3r_ I will... But goin to sleep now :p
165980976202252290 2012-02-04 18:12:03 PST <TehWongZ> &lt;3 to Hex.. Enjoying the New Friend/Boss :P
165983431229050880 2012-02-04 18:21:48 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova Nope, we all got hit, Saken, LulFunny, phantom, crappy etc..
165988429706964992 2012-02-04 18:41:40 PST <TehWongZ> @higochoa lol.. /clap - we were getting confused between bash/batch & I was on about Bash commands not the shell -.-
165990948466208770 2012-02-04 18:51:40 PST <TehWongZ> @higochoa :P we were all very confused but I was asking him if he knew basic bash commands lol
165996728888205312 2012-02-04 19:14:38 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova haha check it &gt; @_f0rsaken - @lulzfunny - @CrappyAirBags etc..
166002655674634240 2012-02-04 19:38:11 PST <TehWongZ> RT @wongx: @TehWongZ hi fellow wong your one crazy dude
166002680119046144 2012-02-04 19:38:17 PST <TehWongZ> @wongx Indeed I am.
166017068385316864 2012-02-04 20:35:28 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken @kieshuzykova @lulzfunny @crappyairbags nah just saying that u were hit by follow bots 2 :)
166017192264085505 2012-02-04 20:35:57 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @wongx why wud I talk to Feds 4 fame? The Feds in that interview obviously I didn't talk 2 cus they didn't mention DesSec etc..
166303384343810048 2012-02-05 15:33:11 PST <TehWongZ> None of this RIP BS... Im still here. Just taking a chill pill & having some fun. :)
166303761877303296 2012-02-05 15:34:41 PST <TehWongZ> lol kiddies... Apparently @Hex000101 is getting owned... Im not to sure what I think about this.. He's taught me a lot... Hmmm...
166304044946698240 2012-02-05 15:35:48 PST <TehWongZ> @phantom4life Heard Hex fucked u ova... Me & C0RPS3 had a lengthy Conversation about this... U get the money in the end?
166306547616595968 2012-02-05 15:45:45 PST <TehWongZ> Go Check out ---&gt; @dark_hacking & the site: http://t.co/km8khAO8 &lt; Tutorials, Forums, News (needs updating) & Moar!
166310804235362304 2012-02-05 16:02:40 PST <TehWongZ> Just to update a few people.. Hex apparently stole @phantom4life bail money.. lol
166316120532455425 2012-02-05 16:23:47 PST <TehWongZ> @proverbz Hey man Follow 4 DM plz :)
166320565680996353 2012-02-05 16:41:27 PST <TehWongZ> Now Playing: Showtek - We Speak Music - http://t.co/km8khAO8
166325439642603520 2012-02-05 17:00:49 PST <TehWongZ> That FBI/Met Call gave Sensitive personal information about myself away. Feds have dropped the case, thx @anonymouSabu &lt;3 :)
166332549067571201 2012-02-05 17:29:04 PST <TehWongZ> RT @CrappyAirBags: @TehWongZ @anonymouSabu According to the tape they had no case against u. only looking at u for the steam hax
166338726258163712 2012-02-05 17:53:37 PST <TehWongZ> Hope @P0wd3r_ enjoi's his Beans.
166348059901566976 2012-02-05 18:30:42 PST <TehWongZ> @hak_a_tak @on3iroi @v0ld4m0rt @virus @justinperras OMG! Kiddies, it's a DoS attack.. WOW! What u guna do next some 1337 AOL SCHNIZ?!
166348462298898432 2012-02-05 18:32:18 PST <TehWongZ> I'm off 4 a few days then peeps... Enjoi ya Beans!
166349003863228416 2012-02-05 18:34:27 PST <TehWongZ> @virus @hak_a_tak @on3iroi @v0ld4m0rt @justinperras erm.. Virus dno if u heard but I got proven not to be a snitch by Sabu himself. lol.
166353235794345985 2012-02-05 18:51:16 PST <TehWongZ> @v0ld4m0rt @artbyalida Never snitched as seen by half the world on the Recording, they didn't say bout me giving a statement against ANY ONE
166353375288508417 2012-02-05 18:51:50 PST <TehWongZ> Fuck China, Fuck Russia. Assad could off been Gone. #Love #Syria #SOSHoms
166682787036934144 2012-02-06 16:40:47 PST <TehWongZ> @proverbz Dm
166683164536872960 2012-02-06 16:42:17 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @_norwack lol... Tell p0wd3r to expect Feds.
166684188555214848 2012-02-06 16:46:22 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @_norwack & btw Norwack all that DoX proves is that I can get some & you haz no lyfe... Go back & fuck a 12 yo at 6 LOL
166685047049551873 2012-02-06 16:49:46 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: We Speak Music.
166685220031041536 2012-02-06 16:50:27 PST <TehWongZ> @_TeaMp0isoN @anonymous_n1nja @_f0rsaken Tis a good motto.. But I also fear Mr Long Legged Mack Daddy.
166686746036273152 2012-02-06 16:56:31 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @_f0rsaken @_norwack @p0wd3r_ yeh but your a big girl... She's an innocent.. U did shit, she didn't.
166687363647549442 2012-02-06 16:58:59 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @_f0rsaken @_norwack @p0wd3r_ & Norwack how is it rape if it's consented? Idiot... Obviously was sexually abused as child.
166689763678633984 2012-02-06 17:08:31 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova Nah Kieshu... I have a girl that doesn't have tiny tits & 1 fat spotty ass...
166696228065771520 2012-02-06 17:34:12 PST <TehWongZ> @HWLeaks is back? Interesting.
166696483079454721 2012-02-06 17:35:13 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova what's fake? The plastic cock u ride every night?
166697105770020864 2012-02-06 17:37:41 PST <TehWongZ> RT @HWLeaks: @TehWongZ @@HWLeaks lol, yes we are, nice job having the Feds call you a pain in the ass lol &lt;3
166697245020925953 2012-02-06 17:38:14 PST <TehWongZ> I'll Keep on going. I'll keep on going. Til I find the right one.
166697677608845312 2012-02-06 17:39:58 PST <TehWongZ> Weird how @Hex000101 decides to hack @phantom4life monies then leaves on EXACTLY 999 tweets..
166699022466285568 2012-02-06 17:45:18 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova get a real cock, then again who would wna touch that fat spotty ass? Makes a squelching sound like celery into peanut butter.
166699754095509504 2012-02-06 17:48:13 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova No, stop begging plz for my cock.. Jeez hop off already who're..
166699897372942336 2012-02-06 17:48:47 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzPirate wow... Havij lol.
166705033595994112 2012-02-06 18:09:11 PST <TehWongZ> GTFO @LulzPirate.. Go Havij something & stop stealing others hacks, why don't you actually learn instead of looking 4 others work? lol.
166705237200089088 2012-02-06 18:10:00 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: 1 More Follower off 350, who will it be? :)
166708999843098624 2012-02-06 18:24:57 PST <TehWongZ> Nah Nah Nah Nah.. Can't touch this.
166710935279513600 2012-02-06 18:32:38 PST <TehWongZ> @Anonymously37 Coming from the kid who if that is you in the profile picture looks like a sad molested result of incestuous sex.
166930054008406016 2012-02-07 09:03:20 PST <TehWongZ> Indeed.
167007323833905153 2012-02-07 14:10:23 PST <TehWongZ> @WePay WTF?! Why? :(
167009513071845380 2012-02-07 14:19:05 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AntiS3curityOPS: #TANGO DOWN. http://t.co/J69YBrSM #LulzFinancial. #AntiS3curityOPS. http://t.co/haHhCn0W
167009571389444099 2012-02-07 14:19:19 PST <TehWongZ> What's everyone up to on this fine Day?
167017008255348736 2012-02-07 14:48:52 PST <TehWongZ> @WePay Well if ya need any UK Banking support I have a few family members in the industry :)
167019756401070080 2012-02-07 14:59:47 PST <TehWongZ> RT @ThaNetwork: Working on a New Big site. Expect us.
167023268442804224 2012-02-07 15:13:44 PST <TehWongZ> HERRO!
167023932598255616 2012-02-07 15:16:23 PST <TehWongZ> lol reading the Topix human sexuality posts makes me feel so much more normal.
167032536378261504 2012-02-07 15:50:34 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonWryCaber More then you. Evidently.
167032563972575233 2012-02-07 15:50:41 PST <TehWongZ> @muldaria48 Indeed.
167032700996288514 2012-02-07 15:51:13 PST <TehWongZ> @TerribleAuthor @anonymously37 He has no response bcus he can't think of anything witty to reply with. And I'm the idiot? Don't make me LOL
167032760647696385 2012-02-07 15:51:28 PST <TehWongZ> Next Time. We Eat Beach Sand. @EpicMealTime
167033234717286401 2012-02-07 15:53:21 PST <TehWongZ> @virus @_protocol @_vyus @_t0x1c @p0wd3r_ @_norwack erm... Virus don't know shit & licks Box's cock. Norwack, he's just a idiot. etc
167037477738123265 2012-02-07 16:10:12 PST <TehWongZ> @Anonymously37 @terribleauthor lol wut? Never been v& had MA shit seized that's bout it & I never messed with "real hackers".
167039398704189441 2012-02-07 16:17:50 PST <TehWongZ> @Anonymously37 @terribleauthor at* lol & the DesSec 1 was faked.. What u do? lol ain't seen shit from you, don't say shit when u don't know.
167040420445044736 2012-02-07 16:21:54 PST <TehWongZ> @Anonymously37 @terribleauthor actually. This is a bankers world & I'm 5.11" probably bigger then u.
167043908671516673 2012-02-07 16:35:46 PST <TehWongZ> @ApplesRBlue @anonymously37 @terribleauthor it's 12:35 & why?
167045232855236608 2012-02-07 16:41:01 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: WTF GoDaddy! Y U Like Child Porn?!!! http://t.co/6T9RMXJ2
167048075897090049 2012-02-07 16:52:19 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Talking to my Lawyer. About to launch a Court Case against GoDaddy :) If I get a loada $$$ guna giv half to Charity :)
167056736174342144 2012-02-07 17:26:44 PST <TehWongZ> @TerribleAuthor @applesrblue @anonymously37 Indeed. In fact the call said nothing about the people I'm associated with expect IRL people lol
167066994041032705 2012-02-07 18:07:29 PST <TehWongZ> @TerribleAuthor @anonymousabu There is none. I never did... lol. People say I do then have no evidence or fake shit. lol.
167069515795021824 2012-02-07 18:17:31 PST <TehWongZ> RT @hatesec: So far, my search for evidence of @TehWongZ compliance with authorities is coming up bare. Anybody else got anything toward that end?
167069689158189056 2012-02-07 18:18:12 PST <TehWongZ> @Anonymously37 @terribleauthor @anonymousabu LOL! I don't have a crew.. I quit hacking 3 weeks ago xD
167071433854431232 2012-02-07 18:25:08 PST <TehWongZ> @TerribleAuthor @anonymously37 @anonymousabu OMG.. Both of u have a little twitter war & remove my @bplz
167076606433705984 2012-02-07 18:45:41 PST <TehWongZ> @TerribleAuthor @anonymously37 @anonymousabu lol u think Hex is reliable? He got kicked from TP for Stealing his own friends cash 4 drugs.
167077056482508801 2012-02-07 18:47:29 PST <TehWongZ> "What's the point of living when your living in fear?"
167079184798195712 2012-02-07 18:55:56 PST <TehWongZ> @Anonymously37 @terribleauthor @anonymousabu Great, still not a reliable source + he never actually released shit about me + Feds so I lol'd
167079234760740867 2012-02-07 18:56:08 PST <TehWongZ> RT @cameramansketch: Shot a video today with @KingPMoney & its looking Outrageoussss!! Editing it now with @urbanflash #Rage!!!
167080996041261056 2012-02-07 19:03:08 PST <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: Sigh. George Orwell once lived here - http://t.co/Tp00r5R5
167081771576459265 2012-02-07 19:06:13 PST <TehWongZ> Anonymous makes this 1 of the most watched videos this week. http://t.co/446Xw0ud
167083142933524480 2012-02-07 19:11:40 PST <TehWongZ> Indeed they are. http://t.co/qoD9qpbi
167092376366612482 2012-02-07 19:48:21 PST <TehWongZ> Running an SEO Service if anyones interested OnSite & OffSite - Email: charrielong@gmail.com - $15/Hour - PayPal accepted :)
167108415561285634 2012-02-07 20:52:05 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @haxradio @virus @_vyus @_t0x1c @p0wd3r_ @_norwack never blocked you. I just decide to not reply to people who tweet stupidly.
167110114891927552 2012-02-07 20:58:50 PST <TehWongZ> RT @hatesec: live broadcast talking about @tehwongz at http://t.co/FNEktKVD. #anonymous #policebrutalolity
167110115592384512 2012-02-07 20:58:50 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Email Hi-Jacking (Methods + Uses) Tutorial - http://t.co/XzmVpYvN - #DarkHacking #InfoSec #RT #Share
167111859311362048 2012-02-07 21:05:46 PST <TehWongZ> @TerribleAuthor I may call in. Depends.
167125785172377600 2012-02-07 22:01:06 PST <TehWongZ> Just got my new DDoS tool strapped & booted. Shall we put it to the test? :)
167125966571839488 2012-02-07 22:01:50 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @virus @haxradio @_vyus @_t0x1c @p0wd3r_ @_norwack a simple HTML code? U don't execute HTML, u make it. OMG -.- &lt;/br&gt; ur legs.
167126700990279681 2012-02-07 22:04:45 PST <TehWongZ> @TheAnonGeist Dno how strong it is, I'm just finishing up getting the connections done :)
167130542356176897 2012-02-07 22:20:01 PST <TehWongZ> @St0rmSec @_norwack yeh shame that's VPN IP = Faked lol.. Idiot.
167130637935968257 2012-02-07 22:20:23 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter Erm.. That's a VPN IP lol.. Check it, it's from StrongVPN XD
167130774502510592 2012-02-07 22:20:56 PST <TehWongZ> DDoS tool Operational Commander. Any Suggested Targets? :D
167131660247252992 2012-02-07 22:24:27 PST <TehWongZ> TANGO DOWN! http://t.co/SGpHWuDl - #CharriesAttackIsBack
167132039965978624 2012-02-07 22:25:58 PST <TehWongZ> @Number10gov UMadBro? http://t.co/SGpHWuDl - http://t.co/8cTEDvRH - Tango Down Bro.
167132686358548481 2012-02-07 22:28:32 PST <TehWongZ> Meh... Bored.. Who shall we hit next? Serious Target? Or Lulzy Funsies? :)
167133491522314240 2012-02-07 22:31:44 PST <TehWongZ> http://t.co/SGpHWuDl be STILL Tango Down :D
167134358057136128 2012-02-07 22:35:10 PST <TehWongZ> @CherriBomb MA New LAZOR!
167134433961443328 2012-02-07 22:35:28 PST <TehWongZ> @Zer0VoiD @on3iroi lol I'm DDoS'ing the UK Prime Minister idiot.
167136178355699712 2012-02-07 22:42:24 PST <TehWongZ> @muldaria48 @zer0void @on3iroi indeed it's true. Lower educated people tend to use swear words. Learn to insult without big boi words.
167140227503230976 2012-02-07 22:58:30 PST <TehWongZ> @D0ct0rd0c @_protocol actually d0ct0r u can use &lt;/br&gt; and it quicker to type... Dno why people don't use it lol.
167141227500814337 2012-02-07 23:02:28 PST <TehWongZ> #OpMegaUpload - Fuck the FBI: http://t.co/bNpmXxNz -
167141334304571393 2012-02-07 23:02:54 PST <TehWongZ> @D0ct0rd0c Yeh I know xD but I don't do PHP ;) HTML5 rocks my world :p
167160701054500865 2012-02-08 00:19:51 PST <TehWongZ> @fallengryphon @cherribomb 3-4 gbps.. It's not massive, yet*
167162544186851328 2012-02-08 00:27:10 PST <TehWongZ> @CherriBomb @fallengryphon lol... Cherri if only you were the girl in your profile pic...
167371858755321858 2012-02-08 14:18:55 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzPirate Shame u cudnt hack a fucking tree.
167371908604641280 2012-02-08 14:19:07 PST <TehWongZ> @phantom4life @_f0rsaken Same 4 me to xD
167383088500969473 2012-02-08 15:03:32 PST <TehWongZ> Processor: intel i5 4x 2.7GHz\nMemory: 16GB\nHard Disk: 2TB\nBackup space: 100GB\nBandwith: Unmetered * 100Mbps\nCost / Month: $59.95 Interested?
167385423813943297 2012-02-08 15:12:49 PST <TehWongZ> @Chicago219 is still mad cus he got called out. Fuckin idiot.
167393304458170368 2012-02-08 15:44:08 PST <TehWongZ> @peepsintheattic &lt; has the best profile picture of all time.
167394994968215552 2012-02-08 15:50:51 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N WTF HATE UR NEW PROFILE PICTURE, OLD 1 OR TITS OR GTFO!
167405835469864961 2012-02-08 16:33:56 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Hiring Article Writer - Email: charrielong@gmail.com with Resume + Hourly Rate..
167425076025765888 2012-02-08 17:50:23 PST <TehWongZ> 4 the 2nd Night in a Row... TANGO THE FUCK DOWN. http://t.co/8cTEDvRH
167425478230151168 2012-02-08 17:51:59 PST <TehWongZ> @daspawnx Depends if I like ya music or not ;)
167426571307724800 2012-02-08 17:56:19 PST <TehWongZ> Cus I'm your worst Night MARE! Imagine Charles Manson Crossed with a Care BEAR.
167427689244930048 2012-02-08 18:00:46 PST <TehWongZ> http://t.co/LRWpTSHw - http://t.co/xef2xUH4 - TANGO DOWN! Scotland Yard, am I still a "pain in the ass" ?
167428140120018944 2012-02-08 18:02:33 PST <TehWongZ> police.uk #TangoDown by #CharrieWong - Am I still a "pain in the ass" ? Bahahaha
167428255496929280 2012-02-08 18:03:01 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News To put a big FUCK YOU to Scotland Yard. You heard the phone call. TheyMadBro.
167428847078350848 2012-02-08 18:05:22 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken I do believe police.uk is down :D #TangoDown #CharriesAttackIsBack
167430336429568000 2012-02-08 18:11:17 PST <TehWongZ> @YourAnonNews 500k Followers, NICE! Here's a present: police.uk #TangoDown
167432408541573120 2012-02-08 18:19:31 PST <TehWongZ> Taking Requests. What shall I #TangoDown Next?
167432724381057024 2012-02-08 18:20:46 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N The weapon is finally ready. Tango Down'd - police.uk :D
167437223887773696 2012-02-08 18:38:39 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken Check now ;)
167437270905929728 2012-02-08 18:38:50 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N Hay! DDoS ain't hacking :D
167437716357775361 2012-02-08 18:40:37 PST <TehWongZ> @metpoliceuk Guess I'm a bigger pain in the ass then you though - police.uk - #TangoDown
167446479781367808 2012-02-08 19:15:26 PST <TehWongZ> did @lulzfunny just release a mini DoX of himself?!
167447550864011264 2012-02-08 19:19:41 PST <TehWongZ> Going to Sleep. Police.uk #TangoDown for 1 last time Tonight :) #RT
167542482756833280 2012-02-09 01:36:55 PST <TehWongZ> @Zer0VoiD @_protocol @_vyus @p0wd3r_ @_norwack @virus @haxradio @_t0x1c protocol u cudnt hit a fly. Go whine somewhere else.
167591312663650304 2012-02-09 04:50:57 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Site should be working properly now :) - http://t.co/zyfqM6l5 - Anyone still getting an error? :)
167594917307236353 2012-02-09 05:05:16 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: police.uk #TangoDown Much?
167782560057929728 2012-02-09 17:30:54 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Working on 2 New Tutorials, Should be Released by Tonight #InfoSec :)
167789283741147137 2012-02-09 17:57:37 PST <TehWongZ> @Zer0VoiD @_protocol @_vyus @p0wd3r_ @_norwack @virus @haxradio @_t0x1c lol, erm.. No I can't I can do more & I've got enough.
167789343098929152 2012-02-09 17:57:51 PST <TehWongZ> @Zer0VoiD @_protocol @_vyus @p0wd3r_ @_norwack @virus @haxradio @_t0x1c hey p0wd3r has Manchester Uni?
167789378243018752 2012-02-09 17:57:59 PST <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: Canadian Muslim Who Sends Text Urging His Employees To 'Blow Away' The Competition Arrested As A 'Terror' Suspect | http://t.co/niYqsS0E
167814074854424576 2012-02-09 19:36:07 PST <TehWongZ> @Zer0VoiD @_protocol @_vyus @p0wd3r_ @_norwack @virus @haxradio @_t0x1c web app vulns, SQLi, RFI, XSS, LFI &lt; web hacking basically.
167825428499808257 2012-02-09 20:21:14 PST <TehWongZ> @Zer0VoiD @_protocol @_vyus @p0wd3r_ @_norwack @virus @haxradio @_t0x1c I already have -.- check my releases. lol
167825693105860608 2012-02-09 20:22:17 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: 13 Followers 'til 400 :D #RT #InfoSec #Share #Anonymous #DarkHacking
167833222657490944 2012-02-09 20:52:13 PST <TehWongZ> @Zer0VoiD @_protocol @_vyus @p0wd3r_ @_norwack @virus @haxradio @_t0x1c OMG! U guys r idiots, u haven't seen the defaces/releases? wowFail.
167835343415021568 2012-02-09 21:00:38 PST <TehWongZ> RT @PlRATES: Big Banks are about to get off the hook for Trillions of dollars of Mortgage Fraud. http://t.co/4FNb6J7n
168048633344823297 2012-02-10 11:08:11 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: @_Norwack IP is: - HiJacked your Router bitch, Expect the UnExpected.
168048693235290113 2012-02-10 11:08:25 PST <TehWongZ> RT THE FUCK OUT OF THIS -&gt;&gt; https://t.co/VTcQrrUy
168097992547647490 2012-02-10 14:24:19 PST <TehWongZ> Have u seen @LulzPirate & his stupid lies? - this is what happens when an abortion survives.
168112503069487104 2012-02-10 15:21:58 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Chaotic_Soup: 18-Year-Old Arrested for Touching Himself in Public http://t.co/vRnr9kx6 thats it? just stuck his hand in his pants? you fucking assholes
168117868540596225 2012-02-10 15:43:17 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N I've just lost all respect 4 -.- having LulzPirate in your fucking #FF - SHAME ON YOU! SHAME ON YOU!
168125652250279936 2012-02-10 16:14:13 PST <TehWongZ> http://t.co/QP0hfFBU &lt; dropped a few Rap Bars from a rap battle I just had with a kid in TimyChat lol, he got #Owned 2 sy the least.
168129867039252480 2012-02-10 16:30:58 PST <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: NEW - Emails leaked by #Anonymous show President Assad's office paying for spontaneous pro-govt rallies in advance | http://t.co/yjU47IwQ
168130768911085568 2012-02-10 16:34:33 PST <TehWongZ> http://t.co/QP0hfFBU &lt; FEDDBACK PLZ! Did my first ever Rap Battle against some kid in TinyChat lol. He got 0wn3d.
168134000026722304 2012-02-10 16:47:24 PST <TehWongZ> @kushaze how? I called her a whore then said she was giving me what I wanted when ever lol..
168134009325490176 2012-02-10 16:47:26 PST <TehWongZ> Loading Swag... ████████████████ 100% Complete.
168143643457241089 2012-02-10 17:25:43 PST <TehWongZ> @kushaze it's just a fucking rhyming rap dude lol
168143863880499200 2012-02-10 17:26:35 PST <TehWongZ> RT @CharlesJalo: @TehWongZ epic
168158902226124800 2012-02-10 18:26:21 PST <TehWongZ> If any rappers wna do some work with me email: charrielong@gmail.com &lt; I'm sitting on BARS of Lyrics :D #RT #AnonMuisc
168159195428945921 2012-02-10 18:27:31 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N @_teamp0ison just change ur twitter name then lol..
168171184079376384 2012-02-10 19:15:09 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N alright dude I was just saying its an option :P
168171500141150209 2012-02-10 19:16:24 PST <TehWongZ> RT @ThaNetwork: We'll be soon Launching 2 more Forums &gt; Monetizing/Online Marketing Forum & a Urban Rivals Gaming Forum #ThaNetwork #RT #Share
168339234644697088 2012-02-11 06:22:55 PST <TehWongZ> Playing CoD with some random French kid who's got a K/D ratio of 0.09 lol.. Add me on PSN: Charlinator123
168346685372764160 2012-02-11 06:52:32 PST <TehWongZ> RT @VioletVaughn: @TehWongZ I like the rap song you did, "Sabu doobie doo, where are you" nice jingle. #js
168346863420968960 2012-02-11 06:53:14 PST <TehWongZ> @udontneedtokno2 I also have a Desktop Gaming PC, Gaming Laptop & a Wii :)
168362452537442306 2012-02-11 07:55:11 PST <TehWongZ> @_ANONomatopoeia yeh, and I got them lol :)
168362616576671744 2012-02-11 07:55:50 PST <TehWongZ> @Higgins_RF I have BF3 as well haha :)
168396448398970880 2012-02-11 10:10:16 PST <TehWongZ> RT @ThaNetwork: Just Launched: http://t.co/F8o4Ffxc the #1 UnOfficial #UrbanRivals Forum :) - SignUp & Post Away, Trolls Welcome but will get 0WN3D.
168396626866614272 2012-02-11 10:10:59 PST <TehWongZ> @_ANONomatopoeia No.. lol... I got my laptop from the donations money, my PS3 from a reporter, Wii for Xmas & my Desktop got seized -.-
168425823559364608 2012-02-11 12:07:00 PST <TehWongZ> Bored. Shall we do some LIVE STREAMING? :D
168467134446440448 2012-02-11 14:51:09 PST <TehWongZ> Trying is but to have the Intention to fail.
168504550901284865 2012-02-11 17:19:50 PST <TehWongZ> @ctrevorrow No they didn't haha & I used a fucking SSH Tunnel to Ukraine lol
168504638935547906 2012-02-11 17:20:11 PST <TehWongZ> @woohab @cabincr3w huh? lol
168512192969318400 2012-02-11 17:50:12 PST <TehWongZ> Charlinator123 &lt; PSN
168512856315269121 2012-02-11 17:52:50 PST <TehWongZ> @woohab lol.
168513585713123329 2012-02-11 17:55:44 PST <TehWongZ> RT @cowboy55ie: @TehWongZ RT
168521020335063041 2012-02-11 18:25:16 PST <TehWongZ> Who be likin my WiFi Speed on iPhone? http://t.co/OAIzUfhF
168521081861324800 2012-02-11 18:25:31 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi "you need &gt; to*•
168522119133671424 2012-02-11 18:29:38 PST <TehWongZ> @woohab lol... I am about 2 ;)
168534449233997824 2012-02-11 19:18:38 PST <TehWongZ> Anyone up 4 an #EpicTweetRapBattle? :D
168536410238877697 2012-02-11 19:26:26 PST <TehWongZ> I know @AnonymousCenter he's just a skid, I'll knock him back to 4th grade, cus he's a dumb little kid.
168541885034532864 2012-02-11 19:48:11 PST <TehWongZ> Anyone be seeing @AnonymousCenter & his stupid lies? He's a great example of when an after birth survives.
168542187460640770 2012-02-11 19:49:23 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter is another 1 of those skids too, and I'm the reason your sister is yellower then you.
168542225481994240 2012-02-11 19:49:32 PST <TehWongZ> #EpicTweetRapBattle is Epic...
168547128023597058 2012-02-11 20:09:01 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AnonymousCenter: Lol @TehWongZ you win. I would go all day. GG.
168560036963024896 2012-02-11 21:00:19 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @anonymouscenter at least I'm not an illiterate fool. lol.. Someone got an F in their spelling bee. F for FAIL.
168722037249024000 2012-02-12 07:44:03 PST <TehWongZ> Pay for an eBook on how to get Traffic 4 a Tweet -&gt; http://t.co/XdsGJbo2 &lt;3 #RT #Share #InfoSec
168736049571446784 2012-02-12 08:39:43 PST <TehWongZ> U Just Mad Cus MA ePeen bigger den urs.
168805217276669952 2012-02-12 13:14:34 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dubtweek: Today we are all Greek #opgreece #greekrevolution
168806735698604032 2012-02-12 13:20:37 PST <TehWongZ> @_Norwack aka the Kid who finds it funny to hack Charities. Fucking pussy, go DIE in a WHOLE. #RT http://t.co/9JLMvDhH
168834958717239296 2012-02-12 15:12:45 PST <TehWongZ> Get Free Legit YT views & Subscribers & Help me in the Process :3 http://t.co/g4k0jSWK
168850496910659587 2012-02-12 16:14:30 PST <TehWongZ> @cowboy55ie &lt; Follow if u wna own some random drunk kid in MW3.. aka.. Him. lol.
168885434213072896 2012-02-12 18:33:19 PST <TehWongZ> Me Haxin Combat Arms 4 FUNSIES! + Sub my New Channel: http://t.co/iydpQjMC - #RTPlz
168892422925987840 2012-02-12 19:01:06 PST <TehWongZ> Dubstep + CoD = Good, no? - Sub, Rate & COMMENT! Oh.. & RT if u haz Time :) http://t.co/aO8PHZfR
169082345733881856 2012-02-13 07:35:47 PST <TehWongZ> Earn MONIES! With iPod/iPhone/iPad - DL JunoWallet, Sign-up & get $0.25 starter free when you put this referral code in: CF416700 #RTPlz
169088580533239809 2012-02-13 08:00:33 PST <TehWongZ> How to get Free Giftcards on iPod/iPhone/iPad: http://t.co/8EmKozk2 #RT @SamBianchetto @GiveMeMind
169151693303455744 2012-02-13 12:11:21 PST <TehWongZ> Bitches on MA ASS! http://t.co/H4wmoCXL #CharrieWong
169217542039158786 2012-02-13 16:33:00 PST <TehWongZ> I can't tell if this is just a piss take or he's being godly serious? http://t.co/ep9aFKaL
169222910312062976 2012-02-13 16:54:20 PST <TehWongZ> Hey @anonymouSabu being @LulzSec back plz.. KThxBai.
169224445305688064 2012-02-13 17:00:26 PST <TehWongZ> @Zer0VoiD @anonymousabu @lulzsec FML & AutoCorrect -.-
169228657439678465 2012-02-13 17:17:10 PST <TehWongZ> Hmm... I see @BarretBrownLOL on RT. he true king of AnalMous. http://t.co/8cSVPnIh
169230183755296770 2012-02-13 17:23:14 PST <TehWongZ> I doubt the FBI even have enough Hosting Storage to hold the amount of Data on MegaUpload servers. Or the $$$ to pay for the hosting.
169231053070934016 2012-02-13 17:26:42 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova tryin to be friendly with me :( Here's her "Pussy-Cat". http://t.co/xsYMzVDV
169263009145958400 2012-02-13 19:33:40 PST <TehWongZ> Interview with the "We are Legion" Director - lol'd at: "The thing is, Anonymous are just REALLY FUNNY" http://t.co/RWtFondn
169447785727393792 2012-02-14 07:47:54 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova haha, not to sure about that ;)
169447995698454529 2012-02-14 07:48:45 PST <TehWongZ> RT @PlRATES: Michael Bay, Steven Spielberg, Paramount - Will be making Transformers 4 & 5. Zombies worldwide cant wait to eat popcorn & be docile. #sheep
169448159167254528 2012-02-14 07:49:23 PST <TehWongZ> @PlRATES :( I like transformers! I just stare at the hot girls & like the scenes where they have $$$ thrown away by the Military :/
169472943351537668 2012-02-14 09:27:53 PST <TehWongZ> @Chasenet @kieshuzykova haha, Kieshu u shud make ur own porno site 4 fat spotty ass fetishes maybe chase can be a member.
169543584427675648 2012-02-14 14:08:35 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @chasenet She has soft spots all over, also known as flab.
169545535294943232 2012-02-14 14:16:20 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken we should set-up an elite squad & go break down these camps & the other camps that do the same to kids that are "mis-guided".
169546629647581184 2012-02-14 14:20:41 PST <TehWongZ> The BBC vs Scientology. Skip to 2 minutes to see epic bald guy vs swanky scientologist SCUM. http://t.co/kTsDtGwG
169550927248896000 2012-02-14 14:37:45 PST <TehWongZ> @Redbud702420 @_f0rsaken Indeed. Im thinking of going down to the London Scientology place with my mates & fuckin some shit up?
169552441270996992 2012-02-14 14:43:46 PST <TehWongZ> Scientology Documentary = Spies, Lies & Emotionally abuses &lt; and uses obscene language to staff about victims. http://t.co/kTsDtGwG
169554004106424320 2012-02-14 14:49:59 PST <TehWongZ> The Church of Scientology for forced 2 abortions on a girl, aged 19. Didn't let her even contact the father. http://t.co/kTsDtGwG
169614991228534784 2012-02-14 18:52:19 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @chasenet why would I want a kiss from those thin lips, big ass nose & dyke haircut? lol bitch.. I already have a girl ;)
169615221344837632 2012-02-14 18:53:14 PST <TehWongZ> @TsyNae @_f0rsaken I'll wear a helmet & a neck brace though... Cus I still wna punch the owner of the zombie manor.
169615252839862272 2012-02-14 18:53:22 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Cyber_War_News: 20 away from 8k &lt;3 thanks all
169619057245569025 2012-02-14 19:08:29 PST <TehWongZ> Greatest fucking magic trick EVER! http://t.co/0yUB3ZUx
169619903802904576 2012-02-14 19:11:51 PST <TehWongZ> My girlfriend got me a card from MoonPig, she normally hates it when I call her that.
169621414310195200 2012-02-14 19:17:51 PST <TehWongZ> Scientology. Sum of the fundamentals can & should be shown in modern society but you can't get rid of nut cases wen the church is run by em.
169626331817054208 2012-02-14 19:37:23 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AntiSecOp: Father accused of being #Anonymous' Hacker in a desperate fight http://t.co/93WMLJUZ #OWS #AntiSec http://t.co/ykTzl1qm
169626431238840320 2012-02-14 19:37:47 PST <TehWongZ> @AntiSecOp wow... That's really fuckin gay. #Fathers4Justice
169626616891322369 2012-02-14 19:38:31 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Fathers4Justice: http://t.co/tphn70D4
169631344287170560 2012-02-14 19:57:18 PST <TehWongZ> Launching an IRC Network with @ThaNetwork group Today/Tomorrow :) 100% Illegal FTW.
169647069949202432 2012-02-14 20:59:48 PST <TehWongZ> @DiscordiAnon @providelulz @parallax9 @mywhiteninja @testeux1 @kallisti @comradekristina @joepie91 @paralulz9 there is only 1 me. GTFO
169650659195498497 2012-02-14 21:14:03 PST <TehWongZ> Skype app on iPhone now displays ads for BING! FUCK YOU MICROSOFT!
169650935524622336 2012-02-14 21:15:09 PST <TehWongZ> @Kallisti @discordianon @theanonpost @mywhiteninja @anon2world @paralulz9 @providelulz @parallax9 @testeux1 @comradekristina @joepie91 LEVE!
169657646654291968 2012-02-14 21:41:49 PST <TehWongZ> @PlRATES lol yeh :) I use Google Doc's Excel, granted its pretty bad to but it's better the MC's...
169670540242591744 2012-02-14 22:33:03 PST <TehWongZ> @dubslikerobots ;) cus I make $$$ off my iPhone &lt;3 :)
169673982772121601 2012-02-14 22:46:44 PST <TehWongZ> I'm part of a New Gaming Channel :) Go Sub, Rate, Comment or Hate ;) http://t.co/iebp7PKd
169683378784837632 2012-02-14 23:24:04 PST <TehWongZ> @Chasenet @kieshuzykova haha... Sure, Sure ;) Kiesh, why u be the 1 messaging a kid then? PedoBear'in it up much? lol
169685642215825408 2012-02-14 23:33:04 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @chasenet erm.. When did I fall in love? made me lol.
169685652802256896 2012-02-14 23:33:06 PST <TehWongZ> @GingerBrooksCom Did anyone ever tell you it's not a good idea to put yo shit online? lol.
169686283935944704 2012-02-14 23:35:37 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @chasenet oh and also how can you "help me" - when you don know shit lol...
169686913115103233 2012-02-14 23:38:07 PST <TehWongZ> I would say @Infamous_Anon is a prime example of a person who tries to fuck with Anon, they get anal back.
169687099342196736 2012-02-14 23:38:51 PST <TehWongZ> @_TeaMp0isoN You've promised I'll be in your Zine yet I haven't seen this Zine 4 TIME! :(
169687529057042432 2012-02-14 23:40:34 PST <TehWongZ> @GingerBrooksCom oh I see, how much is your hourly charge? And I hear your services are exquisite?
169687785194786816 2012-02-14 23:41:35 PST <TehWongZ> So many things you can throw on the ground. Like this, this & yes even this!
169687956901216256 2012-02-14 23:42:16 PST <TehWongZ> @GingerBrooksCom shit that's my pocket money... Mind if I get my neighbour skwl boi's? They can pay a $5 each, they're only 11 though..
169691946795794432 2012-02-14 23:58:07 PST <TehWongZ> @GingerBrooksCom AHHHH dang :/ fake IDs still get in right? Kwl beans @Infamous_Anon
169693070449852416 2012-02-15 00:02:35 PST <TehWongZ> @AntiSecOp wait wut? They did wut & are wut? Didn't understand that shitty voice lol.
169693105384206336 2012-02-15 00:02:43 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AntiSecOp: Thank you for the lulz "Team M@trix"\n\n22 year old Exotz from http://t.co/MO8hVrQy d0x coming soon http://t.co/pID34Sjf
169694467241160704 2012-02-15 00:08:08 PST <TehWongZ> @AntiSecOp :D http://t.co/nf2OAzGL
169695953094328321 2012-02-15 00:14:02 PST <TehWongZ> Any .com domain can be seized by Feds, go with domains such as: .ch, .il & .pk etc...
169697225381916672 2012-02-15 00:19:06 PST <TehWongZ> @fl3xu5 lol.
169697710302171136 2012-02-15 00:21:01 PST <TehWongZ> @fl3xu5 also dude, replace the vBulletin logo on your site, find location & replace it with a .png &lt; transparent BG logo :)
169707642191745024 2012-02-15 01:00:29 PST <TehWongZ> @fl3xu5 lol u can do it in PowerPoint or paint if u RLY want haha
169708524140625920 2012-02-15 01:03:59 PST <TehWongZ> wow. @_Norwack insults fail more than his life if he has time to make this shitty video. Made me lol though. http://t.co/hzlEahc2
169709085116207104 2012-02-15 01:06:13 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi @twistednetworx actually it's Up lol...
169709765927239680 2012-02-15 01:08:55 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken here's that Hex prank call :D my 1 got removed :( http://t.co/4MFsyjw2
169710575406948352 2012-02-15 01:12:08 PST <TehWongZ> Imagine a world where there is no war, no hate & pure freedom. Why should we but only imagine it?
169711857932845056 2012-02-15 01:17:14 PST <TehWongZ> That water cannon is dhit, all it did was cool them down on a hot day lol! http://t.co/kcgOCnGw
169715378161852417 2012-02-15 01:31:13 PST <TehWongZ> @JakeMachinima You be big YT partner :D I'm working on a Kwl channel ATM with 2 other people ;) /gaminglively
169721356315934721 2012-02-15 01:54:59 PST <TehWongZ> @JakeMachinima Thanks :) we'll have 2 do a collab sometime cus we givin away some SICK PRIZES! :)
169733612470673408 2012-02-15 02:43:41 PST <TehWongZ> @JakeMachinima @talktalkcare lol! Virgin Media Business Net &lt; my Net Speed on LAN = 150mbps ;)
169739272948162560 2012-02-15 03:06:10 PST <TehWongZ> @JakeMachinima ;)
169739341302743040 2012-02-15 03:06:27 PST <TehWongZ> @_Vyus @_protocol @zer0void @p0wd3r_ @_norwack @virus @haxradio @_t0x1c BF3 FTW MUCH?.
169747551845748736 2012-02-15 03:39:04 PST <TehWongZ> @JakeMachinima :D I have about 25+ Mbps on my wifi when I'm upstairs as well lol... Mum's offices r next door so bizniz Internet ;)
169753605618929664 2012-02-15 04:03:08 PST <TehWongZ> RT @tpb: Megaupload Co-Founder Released On Bail: The co-founder of Megaupload has been freed on bail by a judge in New Ze... http://t.co/lOKW0x7r
169867681628041216 2012-02-15 11:36:25 PST <TehWongZ> Greatest Song of my Generation. Indeed. http://t.co/SHdnMZXp
169868135581749250 2012-02-15 11:38:14 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzFinancial Yo DM I've just made a private IRC Network ;) UnHackable 2 with 100+ Leafs :)
169883362939502592 2012-02-15 12:38:44 PST <TehWongZ> Let's fuck with an Government just for Fun. Then down a White Hat like a Blunt. #Anonymous
169890679672152064 2012-02-15 13:07:49 PST <TehWongZ> Made an IRC Network bitches! But somewhere along the way I fucked up & now registering is disabled -.- working on it though ;) #ExpectUs
169905694877818881 2012-02-15 14:07:29 PST <TehWongZ> Just Launched irc.bucket.ch &lt; Come join us in #Chat - #Anonops - #BlackHat or #WhiteHat - NO LOGS, NO IPs! We h8 the Feds :)
169906378096381952 2012-02-15 14:10:11 PST <TehWongZ> All go follow &gt; @BucketNetwork &lt; The New IRC & soon to be More ;) #100percentBlackHat
169907812938424320 2012-02-15 14:15:53 PST <TehWongZ> RT @BucketNetwork: Working on logo at the moment.
169907832383221761 2012-02-15 14:15:58 PST <TehWongZ> RT @BucketNetwork: Connect to irc://irc.bucket.ch/#Bucket  | It's Up!
169909467679440898 2012-02-15 14:22:28 PST <TehWongZ> #RT THIS &gt; Join irc.bucket.ch | #Bucket & Follow @BucketNetwork NOAW!
169911924530749441 2012-02-15 14:32:14 PST <TehWongZ> @Ben_Darksoft it's not a new group -.- its an IRC Network i run lol...
169913349264510976 2012-02-15 14:37:53 PST <TehWongZ> @anonymouSabu I DON'T BELIEVE U!
169913590491525121 2012-02-15 14:38:51 PST <TehWongZ> @anonymouSabu WHY U RAGE QUIT! NO LAG HERE! U must be tunnelling like a BAUS through Team Tiger or something xD
169914181242458112 2012-02-15 14:41:12 PST <TehWongZ> lol, @BucketNetwork Gettin hit, Shane it's barely even scratching the surface lol. 3gbps? Please bitches.
169914560348827649 2012-02-15 14:42:42 PST <TehWongZ> RT @BucketNetwork: Experiencing a 3 GB/S DDoS attack, but still coping fine : ) --Only slight lag.
169917538917036032 2012-02-15 14:54:32 PST <TehWongZ> @Ben_Darksoft This IRC is doing well haha :) its being attacked & not even scratching, no logs on ANYTHING 100s of leafs etc...
169919270506082304 2012-02-15 15:01:25 PST <TehWongZ> My Rap Videos hit 1.000+ Hits :3 http://t.co/FlcHR8eh
169921705605738496 2012-02-15 15:11:06 PST <TehWongZ> The CIA Planted C4 to Bring the Towers Down.
169921919490072576 2012-02-15 15:11:57 PST <TehWongZ> Here's the truth. We the people have being seeing your attempts & have seen we're the ones you declared wars against.
169924404741021696 2012-02-15 15:21:49 PST <TehWongZ> I get bored to easily. Things just don't plan out the way they are meant to. The world goes 2 shit & you die trying to push it to change.
169963760952414208 2012-02-15 17:58:13 PST <TehWongZ> @Patriot_ny lol u didn't dodgier, check the history books, Russia did a LOT more then you, you gave us little supplies then came @ the end.
169963854636384257 2012-02-15 17:58:35 PST <TehWongZ> @ctrevorrow lol I stopped anyways ;)
169964872010964993 2012-02-15 18:02:37 PST <TehWongZ> I dislike people using stupid insults. We arent 6 any more.. Jeez have some originality.
169973431213887488 2012-02-15 18:36:38 PST <TehWongZ> @ctrevorrow Indeed.
169974078365646848 2012-02-15 18:39:12 PST <TehWongZ> 2 more views til the Minitage Reaches 200 Views &lt;3 http://t.co/rntNdpAu
169977189775835137 2012-02-15 18:51:35 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi @lulzfinancial I managed to knock it off for a few seconds lol... http://t.co/tZOuuSo9
169977755084132352 2012-02-15 18:53:49 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzFinancial @on3iroi it's tough because it sits behind Akami.. Real IP:
169978675234734080 2012-02-15 18:57:28 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi @lulzfinancial bro it's not down lol... Hit the IP I gave you & it should go down but i need more output
169979049156947969 2012-02-15 18:58:58 PST <TehWongZ> gs.com - Server: http://t.co/v7R4xJbB - IP: - Goldman Sachs - #RT #Anonymous
169979318968135681 2012-02-15 19:00:02 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi yeh I know, we need a bigger output though... I've only just got my tool working properly so it's only a few g/sec
169979449633280000 2012-02-15 19:00:33 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzFinancial @on3iroi - irc.bucket.ch #LulzFin PLZ LADS :)
169982053444628480 2012-02-15 19:10:54 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi cus I'm a BAUS! Now come in IRC :) Check DM
169982297280479232 2012-02-15 19:11:52 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzFinancial check DM Bro
169983395579965441 2012-02-15 19:16:14 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzFinancial kk lol... Just thought we could all attack at the exact same time & organise a little better lol
169983787487338496 2012-02-15 19:17:47 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonyOps Fuck Canada! http://t.co/NPQ26Eyg &lt; #TangoDown
169984183765172224 2012-02-15 19:19:22 PST <TehWongZ> #TangoDown - Canada.gc.ca - Don't fuck with our Guy Fawkes Wearability! It's no longer just an idea. IT'S A FASHION STATEMENT.
169985187680227332 2012-02-15 19:23:21 PST <TehWongZ> RT @_AnonymousOne: Before it gets censored. #HowToRobABank\nExposing Bank’s nature\nhttp://t.co/NVGKBrHR\nTrailer http://t.co/Crm3fiSn #ACTA @TehWongZ
169985276268134400 2012-02-15 19:23:42 PST <TehWongZ> @_Cykocurt_ Yeh my server crashed -.- &lt; HTTP Botnet ;)
169985441234296833 2012-02-15 19:24:22 PST <TehWongZ> @HaxRadio and you sir are a fail troll who wants to be a big boi on radio, where he actually sits at home with around 7 listeners FAPLING.
169985529104957441 2012-02-15 19:24:42 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N that looks awful.
169985665365327872 2012-02-15 19:25:15 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi Sorry bro can't get on tiny chat &lt; iPhone :/ IRC is secure bro :) paths through 100s of leafs :)
169985837839286272 2012-02-15 19:25:56 PST <TehWongZ> @LilTruckTires PSN :)
169986983605714944 2012-02-15 19:30:29 PST <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N Touché Salesman. But it really does, it looks like someone has been sick on a plate after eating a can of works & the NDAA bill.
169987080729001986 2012-02-15 19:30:52 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi well I'm goin to sleep soon lol.
170004997545787393 2012-02-15 20:42:04 PST <TehWongZ> @HaxRadio @penisdancing I don't just hit sites offline idiot. GTFO New Fag...
170005023042965504 2012-02-15 20:42:10 PST <TehWongZ> RT @_Cykocurt_: Oh, yea... @TehWongZ  tweeted at me... time for a new VM & IP..... 8DDD #anonymous
170005187753283584 2012-02-15 20:42:49 PST <TehWongZ> @PwnBerryDerrick OMG U IDIOT! Canada is passing a new bill which means you cannot hide your identity.. I dislike that. So GTFO.
170005795914792961 2012-02-15 20:45:14 PST <TehWongZ> @HaxRadio oh and FYI a "hacker" - is defined as a person who gains unauthorised access to a computer system. So don't try & skwl me fag.
170006091822931968 2012-02-15 20:46:25 PST <TehWongZ> @_TeaMp0isoN I'd also say the gun, but debt is a good one..
170006634423259136 2012-02-15 20:48:34 PST <TehWongZ> Gaming Lively & Sharp Gaming Present - PLAY THAT F*CK1NG TRACK http://t.co/G6ZDrHuT
170007633477115904 2012-02-15 20:52:33 PST <TehWongZ> #PM2012 - Expect Us.
170007940399501313 2012-02-15 20:53:46 PST <TehWongZ> @HaxRadio So.. What do you code? Do you write your own 0days? Do you break into Computer systems? NO! So don't flame when you can't do SHIT.
170009342681153536 2012-02-15 20:59:20 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @haxradio Feds? I never snitched Chronicle SU spent hours trying to find evidence I did, found NOTHING! FailKidMuch?
170009583354511360 2012-02-15 21:00:17 PST <TehWongZ> IM TIRED OF THIS BULLSHIT. http://t.co/LRWpTSHw #TangoDown #PM2012 #Anonymous - http://t.co/tgt3XCjz - Fuck You FEDS! #CharrieWong
170010253805621248 2012-02-15 21:02:57 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi @_protocol @haxradio at least I can spell & you talk shit 24/7 your entire tweet history is u flaming people. Go & find mommy.
170011004900605952 2012-02-15 21:05:56 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @on3iroi @haxradio Well no you cannot. You used an extended sentence which is frowned upon in the literature world.
170011125189058561 2012-02-15 21:06:25 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @on3iroi @haxradio See ProtocoL & his trolling lies? This is what happens when an abortion survives.
170011440487469057 2012-02-15 21:07:40 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @on3iroi @haxradio also it would be: "fail, I like to troll" not: "fail and I like to troll" gettin skwled here ProtcoL.
170011927458742272 2012-02-15 21:09:36 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi @_protocol @haxradio &lt;3 Google, at least they try to better the world. Oh.. And they blacked out for AntiSOPA. Facebook didn't -.-
170012243956740096 2012-02-15 21:10:52 PST <TehWongZ> Why have one leader for half a billion people when you can let half a billion be a leader & not have to pay for a big white house?
170012420117504000 2012-02-15 21:11:34 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @on3iroi @haxradio lol wow. 1) It's Havij & 2) Why would I use a hitting tool like LOIC? I got ya mum to slap shit up 4 me.
170013120616595457 2012-02-15 21:14:21 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi @_protocol @haxradio neither I use a C# P2P Botnet bro :)
170013256121974785 2012-02-15 21:14:53 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi @_protocol @haxradio I CAN SEE the SKIDS with L.O.I.C thinking their hacktivists more like depressed teens with cut wrists.
170013940493987841 2012-02-15 21:17:36 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @on3iroi @haxradio No, worked on it with another person you all know ;) ProtocoL u say u like "trolling" I haven't seen anything?
170014130374316032 2012-02-15 21:18:22 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @on3iroi @haxradio u guessed the person I was working on it with lol... Also did a project with him 4 a client on same thing
170014360608063488 2012-02-15 21:19:16 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi @_protocol @haxradio yeh TBF at least on3iroi knows how to do ANYTHING, the most u can do is be a twitter keyboard warrior, OHNOES!
170014599763075072 2012-02-15 21:20:13 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @on3iroi @haxradio yeh it's called putting a middle finger up to the people your hitting, idiot. Though hidden deface &lt;3
170015200026697728 2012-02-15 21:22:37 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @on3iroi @haxradio 1) it's DDoS not DoS. 2) Why would I be a raging cow? Cows can't type unless u haz a BIG ASS KEYBOARD!
170015739066056704 2012-02-15 21:24:45 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @on3iroi @haxradio yes and I'm using a DDoS not a DoS I idiot. That's why I corrected you. wow, you said u were English GUT?
170016452789805056 2012-02-15 21:27:35 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @on3iroi @haxradio because DDoS is a method. So i'm using a method. wow your English really FAILS.
170016857145868288 2012-02-15 21:29:12 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @on3iroi 1) never said I use LOIC 2) Your English is hysterically idiotic 3) Your #DoInItWong
170017145076461568 2012-02-15 21:30:20 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @on3iroi no, I'm doing a DDoS Because it's distributed among computers, it's not a single form of attack.
170017245903339521 2012-02-15 21:30:44 PST <TehWongZ> @Zer0VoiD @on3iroi @_protocol @haxradio Zer0VoiD trying to fail troll and can't even spell "fuckin" lol.
170017404905193472 2012-02-15 21:31:22 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @on3iroi but I don't use LOIC.exe Infact I don't use an OS that runs .exe so that fails. lol.
170017875661303808 2012-02-15 21:33:14 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @on3iroi how is it a stolen booter? 1) it's a HTTP P2P Botnet which uses COMPUTERS not PHP DoS shells. 2) u can't code English.
170018225600471040 2012-02-15 21:34:38 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @on3iroi 1) not a booter 2) I 50% coded it... I did a lot of the HTML5 work but did 20% of the C# work as well...
170018375299371008 2012-02-15 21:35:14 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @on3iroi it was meant to be an insult but obviously you do not understand the meaning of sarcasm. I'll buy you a encyclopaedia.
170018567041978368 2012-02-15 21:35:59 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi I can't remember, my SQL DB are broken ATM so I can only do 1 functionality but it has a lot more...
170018878041243648 2012-02-15 21:37:13 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @_st0rm for the last time, how can I be a cow? Cow's have hooves and they CAN'T TYPE without a BIG ASS KEYBOARD!
170019319508508673 2012-02-15 21:38:59 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi ATM its only got UDP functionality but apache & a few others I'd have to go trough the .txt document I made :)
170019483249946624 2012-02-15 21:39:38 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi @_st0rm you do know perma tango's are just 3-4 Servers on a constant loop attack? lol... No special shit haha
170019817124933633 2012-02-15 21:40:57 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter @_protocol @on3iroi Indeed. Accept ProtocoL thinks he does & can't code English/Doesn't understand the physics of a cow.
170019961182486528 2012-02-15 21:41:32 PST <TehWongZ> @ioerror @AnonyOps Shit what happens if there are riots on Halloween?
170020182364913664 2012-02-15 21:42:24 PST <TehWongZ> @_St0rm @on3iroi Not what jester/jester fan boi said to me in his chan...
170020272735399936 2012-02-15 21:42:46 PST <TehWongZ> @ReagentX @_protocol @on3iroi yup but I couldn't fit it in the tweet ;)
170020290120781826 2012-02-15 21:42:50 PST <TehWongZ> RT @TheAnonPost: http://t.co/yOJLGKn6 HACKED BY D35M0ND142.Found 47 SQLi vuln http://t.co/1iKVyd2j #Anonymous #AntiSec
170020814798864384 2012-02-15 21:44:55 PST <TehWongZ> @ReagentX @_protocol @on3iroi not worth the time.. I shouldn't really even be replying to his tweets but he just fails so much it be FUNNEH!
170020980582907904 2012-02-15 21:45:35 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @reagentx @on3iroi why would I get Feds to raid someone that has done nothing but fail troll & not understand things on twitter?
170021089978744833 2012-02-15 21:46:01 PST <TehWongZ> RT @TheAnonPost: @TehWongZ holy god almighty you of all people follow me, ... WHAAAA this can't be happening! But it says it is! http://t.co/gI3Zdtc5
170021299551350784 2012-02-15 21:46:51 PST <TehWongZ> @_St0rm @on3iroi why? I know what it is. lol. In fact I've already proven I know a lot more than your bum buddy ProtocoL
170021505789468673 2012-02-15 21:47:40 PST <TehWongZ> To Sleep I shall go. Nearly 6am and goin to sleep -.- have a job interview tomorrow as well :/ up in 6 hours lol :/
170021721737396224 2012-02-15 21:48:31 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @reagentx @on3iroi obviously never heard of something called "trolling" or maybe you have, you just don't understand the concept.
170021819598913536 2012-02-15 21:48:55 PST <TehWongZ> The Moral of the Story is: YOU CAN'T TRUST THE SYSTEM!
170022029267959808 2012-02-15 21:49:45 PST <TehWongZ> @CherriBomb lol no I'm not & I'm old enough to work :)
170022242699329536 2012-02-15 21:50:36 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @reagentx @on3iroi actually cows don't rage, that's a bull. Cow's tend to run away like you when your faced with anything.
170022350480351232 2012-02-15 21:51:01 PST <TehWongZ> @HaxRadio erm.. I'm a minor lol? And I'll probably be earning more then you ;)
170022743729897472 2012-02-15 21:52:35 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @reagentx @on3iroi why would I call Feds when I've done more illegal things then your mum has done with me?
170022856040783873 2012-02-15 21:53:02 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @cherribomb yes Kieshu I want a job, I'd rather not end up like you camming for minors on the Internet for $$$.
170023194357534720 2012-02-15 21:54:23 PST <TehWongZ> @CherriBomb @kieshuzykova I'm 15 lol. That's why I think Kieshu still tries to get me, once I hit 18 she'll run back to her PedoBearLair!
170023223247896577 2012-02-15 21:54:29 PST <TehWongZ> RT @PlRATES: @TehWongZ I can only imagine whats on your resumè :P
170023517885177856 2012-02-15 21:55:40 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @reagentx @on3iroi I think you mean "except" - and I would but you seem to react in a emotional dissatisfied way towards them.
170023911080214528 2012-02-15 21:57:13 PST <TehWongZ> @ReagentX @_protocol @on3iroi just noticed it takes ProtocoL 3 minutes to reply to my tweets, takes me about 15 seconds & I still #WINNING
170024293340692480 2012-02-15 21:58:45 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @reagentx @on3iroi why would I want to drop your DoX bomb? I don't need to drop a no body to prove it. You haven't done shit. lol
170024423284412417 2012-02-15 21:59:16 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @reagentx @on3iroi erm.. Your putting me on show? lol.. What's up with your obsession for cows? This kid has a fetish.
170024613240254464 2012-02-15 22:00:01 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @reagentx @on3iroi or he's got repressed child hood memories, I mean cows, cages... WTF is this kids mum on?
170024782107123713 2012-02-15 22:00:41 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @reagentx @on3iroi I'm technically not a man so guess I can't though your mum didn't seem to mind . *Insert Troll Face Here*
170024985216294912 2012-02-15 22:01:30 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @reagentx @on3iroi and now I shall quite happily sleep as I know at least my life is better than ProtocoL's made me lol though.
170025176354926592 2012-02-15 22:02:15 PST <TehWongZ> @TheAnonPost BECAUSE YOUR MINE!
170025297368989696 2012-02-15 22:02:44 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @reagentx @on3iroi not ATM.. After that night of EVERYTHING with her I'm tired, good night.
170025327404396544 2012-02-15 22:02:51 PST <TehWongZ> RT @TheAnonPost: YES! 2200 tweets AND 777 FOLLOWERS! (in two weeks)  http://t.co/qgnq4QR4
170171825916096512 2012-02-16 07:44:59 PST <TehWongZ> lol
170184223725076481 2012-02-16 08:34:15 PST <TehWongZ> RT @AnonyOps: #FBI  keywords: lockdown, bomb, suspicious package, white powder, active shoot, school lock down http://t.co/H1xIAue8 Twitterstorm anyone?
170184668925267968 2012-02-16 08:36:01 PST <TehWongZ> I like to LockDown with that White Powder but a School LockDown would be better & a bomb on a films active shoot next 2 a suspicious package
170203642358530048 2012-02-16 09:51:25 PST <TehWongZ> @ProjDreamTeam lol funny shit xD
170203706804019200 2012-02-16 09:51:40 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymouStun &lt;3
170203819454640128 2012-02-16 09:52:07 PST <TehWongZ> @anonymouSabu :o COME JOIN IRC? We eat cake & drink tea!
170204330144706560 2012-02-16 09:54:09 PST <TehWongZ> Come join us on: irc.bucket.ch - #Bucket - FOR EPIC LULZ!
170206760085372929 2012-02-16 10:03:48 PST <TehWongZ> @BucketNetwork &lt;- The Home of Epic Tom Foolery.
170206847830200320 2012-02-16 10:04:09 PST <TehWongZ> @HumzaProduction actually you need 5.500 bro ;)
170206997214543873 2012-02-16 10:04:45 PST <TehWongZ> @christinaperri :o I'd watch the porno!
170207273577226241 2012-02-16 10:05:50 PST <TehWongZ> RT @TheOnion: Nation Watches In Envy As 15-Year-Old Jots Notes In Margin Of 'To Kill A Mockingbird' http://t.co/LUf1erxD
170207712515338241 2012-02-16 10:07:35 PST <TehWongZ> RT @Dima_Khatib: After 60days of hunger strike in Israeli prison #KhaderIsAlive. After more than 60 years of occupation, Palestine is alive. #KhaderAdnan
170342085772324864 2012-02-16 19:01:32 PST <TehWongZ> @LilTruckTires AE, Vegas Pro & some other pieces 4 audio etc :)
170342190151774208 2012-02-16 19:01:57 PST <TehWongZ> D4rkH4ck1ng - Tweets
170451898250440704 2012-02-17 02:17:54 PST <TehWongZ> @LilTruckTires huh? PVR? As in for recording console gameplay?
170590446567956480 2012-02-17 11:28:26 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: @HackForumsNet Kinda owned much? LOL @TehWongZ http://t.co/mH27Xoei
170959051058970624 2012-02-18 11:53:08 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur huh? lol :D
170959317250478080 2012-02-18 11:54:12 PST <TehWongZ> lolollolololklolololol.
170959894130860032 2012-02-18 11:56:29 PST <TehWongZ> RT @charlesarthur: British Facebook hacker jailed for eight months  http://t.co/RZEgBHKA "Ethical hacking? Don't care, slammer" nb @tehwongz
170972281894486016 2012-02-18 12:45:43 PST <TehWongZ> @LilTruckTires it should be done but I don't have a mac lol
170975582778163200 2012-02-18 12:58:50 PST <TehWongZ> @LilTruckTires my PC lol...
170976509538992128 2012-02-18 13:02:31 PST <TehWongZ> RT @HuffingtonPost: Pastor's daughter accidentally shot at church dies http://t.co/77F0hpmf
171036394934910976 2012-02-18 17:00:28 PST <TehWongZ> @C0RPS3_TP 'twas fun but my WiFi Dropped -.-
171036471619354624 2012-02-18 17:00:47 PST <TehWongZ> RT @J_Salzer: @YourAnonNews #AnonMeans A collection of badasses fighting for our freedoms. I get about 75% of my news from them. They speak the truth.
171036869075804160 2012-02-18 17:02:21 PST <TehWongZ> @_TeaMp0isoN but u do DDoS right? :P
171046249926115329 2012-02-18 17:39:38 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @_teamp0ison DDoS ain't hacking.... It's flood & twas a joke cus I know TriCk hates DDoS lol...
171047211122176000 2012-02-18 17:43:27 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @_teamp0ison I'll have a medal if possible.. 24 carrot gold. I heard bankers love gold.
171047417372868608 2012-02-18 17:44:16 PST <TehWongZ> #HeresTheTruth - FBI be tappin into your Mobile Phones & matching all our Vocal Tones.
171048806060797952 2012-02-18 17:49:47 PST <TehWongZ> #HeresTheTruth - Federal Illuminati Invaded the Skys, to bring the 3rd world with their Lies.
171048965855383552 2012-02-18 17:50:26 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @_teamp0ison yes & I replied with sarcasm. Don't know how you can call me a retard when you dun goof up ya English.
171049259393757185 2012-02-18 17:51:36 PST <TehWongZ> Let's get #HeresTheTruth Trending! Fuck Illuminati, Fuck the FBI, Fuck the Government, Fuck the Bankers, Fuck the current state of the World
171050166248423424 2012-02-18 17:55:12 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @_teamp0ison oh is that why you put "type the different between a joke & clap" &lt; 2 FAIL GRAMMAR BE IN THERE!
171051769131044864 2012-02-18 18:01:34 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @_teamp0ison not really when you said BOTH of those. Which were 2 English grammatical errors. Just own up to it. lol.
171052528883085313 2012-02-18 18:04:35 PST <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL &lt; This kid thinks he's the ultimate troll off the intertubes. Yet he can't even get his grammar right. What is the world coming2?
171054395302223872 2012-02-18 18:12:00 PST <TehWongZ> &lt;3 @JakeMachinima  http://t.co/57euRFwM
171059320128155649 2012-02-18 18:31:34 PST <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter WTF is Tahalb? lol.. Google doesn't show shit
171060148847116290 2012-02-18 18:34:52 PST <TehWongZ> Best Tip for Female Protestors when confronted by Police, scream: "I'm pregnant" - A male police officer will SHIT himself.
171061550109569024 2012-02-18 18:40:26 PST <TehWongZ> Best Video of 2011! #HeresTheTruth http://t.co/ZXEfULU0
171071528048410626 2012-02-18 19:20:05 PST <TehWongZ> BTW just to update you guys :) I got the Job! &lt; Interview I went for 2 days ago lol... So getting MA $$$ for my new Gaming Laptop &lt;3
171080161456947202 2012-02-18 19:54:23 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur check DM
171091458575712258 2012-02-18 20:39:17 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News A daily nudes update off that smexy Lee guy plz!
171092697501794305 2012-02-18 20:44:12 PST <TehWongZ> @anonymouSabu is the true leader of Aonymous peopleZ! FUCK @BarrettBrownLOL
171092832042491904 2012-02-18 20:44:44 PST <TehWongZ> RT @guardian: #Bahrain receives military equipment from UK despite violent crackdown http://t.co/x194PbfY
171096120448139264 2012-02-18 20:57:48 PST <TehWongZ> @JohnTiessen cus u keep commenting on Chroncile/U posts that I'm in!!!
171096354846810112 2012-02-18 20:58:44 PST <TehWongZ> @LulzPirate sorry to crash the 1 man sausage feet party but Syria = not uprisen.. UK & USA haven't changed Govs... Check your sources.
171101510703390720 2012-02-18 21:19:13 PST <TehWongZ> @TheAnonPost MUHAHAH I LOVE PLAYING THESE GANES :P
171110811090161664 2012-02-18 21:56:11 PST <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News and my erection deflated :(
171110891197177857 2012-02-18 21:56:30 PST <TehWongZ> @JohnTiessen Neither am I. It might be the drugs talking.
171315865902514176 2012-02-19 11:30:59 PST <TehWongZ> @JohnTiessen I don't get the point off that picture?
171358814325583872 2012-02-19 14:21:39 PST <TehWongZ> It's True, #TeaMp0isoN lives meh really -&gt; http://t.co/x6nDfNMn
171360429606567936 2012-02-19 14:28:04 PST <TehWongZ> #CharrieWong 4eva! Though I &lt;3 TeaMp0isoN, this was fun: http://t.co/E1EdXidI
171363904813924352 2012-02-19 14:41:54 PST <TehWongZ> Realist Times &gt;&gt; http://t.co/lWqf0AJr
171369538296872960 2012-02-19 15:04:16 PST <TehWongZ> @1Kaizen1 lol I've had it 4 ages but I normally use a hotspot ;£
171377821040648192 2012-02-19 15:37:11 PST <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: UK student who hacked Facebook from his bedroom while on holiday stole src; could have brought down the £31bn empire | http://t.co/ccs5C4ku
171377921603289088 2012-02-19 15:37:35 PST <TehWongZ> I used to be a putrid fucking cunt.. BUT THEN I TOOK AN ARROW TO THE KNE....
171388333161852928 2012-02-19 16:18:57 PST <TehWongZ> I'm downloading "Real Steel" & yes SOPA I paid for it :) &lt; If you support the film & the people. Do the same.
171425015198261251 2012-02-19 18:44:43 PST <TehWongZ> #RealSteel is 1 amazing film. Though they do enjoy there damn product placement, I spotted: bing, HP, coke & a few others lol
171450573445541888 2012-02-19 20:26:16 PST <TehWongZ> Ok... WTF?! O.o http://t.co/e2Fl3MGk
171539321898270720 2012-02-20 02:18:56 PST <TehWongZ> RT @anonops: #Anonymous Promises Regularly Scheduled Friday Attacks &gt;&gt; http://t.co/1n3dtp43
173140264674791424 2012-02-24 12:20:30 PST <TehWongZ> What is it with people & thinking I'm v&? Charrie4Eva Yo!
173241586627518465 2012-02-24 19:03:07 PST <TehWongZ> #HeresTheTruth - We the people have been seeing your attempts and realise we're the ones you declared War against.
173425154469265409 2012-02-25 07:12:34 PST <TehWongZ> I'm liking my botnet :) http://t.co/5TDNiHkc
173482142184124417 2012-02-25 10:59:01 PST <TehWongZ> Been Jacking quite a few FBook accounts today &lt;3 http://t.co/YLaiY7xf
173602159923965952 2012-02-25 18:55:54 PST <TehWongZ> @SkidD0xers ddos ain't hacking ;£
173602195755905025 2012-02-25 18:56:03 PST <TehWongZ> @Bipalicious got bored lol
173602295953633280 2012-02-25 18:56:27 PST <TehWongZ> @Zarathustranon yeh that's 1.. Off MANY ;) got a few #SexyGirls accounts 2 ;)
173602314437931010 2012-02-25 18:56:31 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Check out: http://t.co/jfp8rgyT - The Newest SEO Blog in TOWN!
173602328702763008 2012-02-25 18:56:35 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: US Military sort out there pay HERE: https://t.co/B2H1W44G - hmm.. seems a bit off a dodgy coding job 2 me? #InfoSec
173823747692830720 2012-02-26 09:36:25 PST <TehWongZ> @SkidD0xers touché lol
173824039918383105 2012-02-26 09:37:35 PST <TehWongZ> @P0wd3r_ @zarathustranon @_norwack fail troll? Oh no lol... Norwack is guna own me with his words, oh w8 he can't even get his grammar right
173923247665065984 2012-02-26 16:11:48 PST <TehWongZ> Show some support & love for a Marketing Blog I made: http://t.co/UoFC01It &lt; Click an ad, Post a Comment or just... Read :)
173956719318282242 2012-02-26 18:24:48 PST <TehWongZ> GOD I LOVE #Netflix!!!
174288284447539200 2012-02-27 16:22:19 PST <TehWongZ> wow @_norwack decided to release logs off himself hacking a Charity website... http://t.co/afyBaQd8 - #SCUM #RT #Share #InfoSec
174310943810011137 2012-02-27 17:52:22 PST <TehWongZ> @Patriot_ny @_norwack &lt; is not #Anonymous. He stands for NONE of the ideology that they do.
174641243429670912 2012-02-28 15:44:51 PST <TehWongZ> @OfficialCrusix cus the host failed.. I'm making a new 1 ;)
174772982089129984 2012-02-29 00:28:20 PST <TehWongZ> RT @wikileaks: #GIFiles: Stratfor VP Fred Burton: #Assange needs to be waterboarded to get #WikiLeaks' insurance file passwordhttp:// http://t.co/3O6wRIgg
175008937173712898 2012-02-29 16:05:56 PST <TehWongZ> Indeed.
175009062071701506 2012-02-29 16:06:26 PST <TehWongZ> RT @nyannyancat: NYAN CAT ♥! http://t.co/GuiRzTwP
175009145282506753 2012-02-29 16:06:46 PST <TehWongZ> RT @RensjeFlensje: @nyannyancat Look, I made you into a cupcake! :3 http://t.co/t7jmsm4r
175009385322512385 2012-02-29 16:07:43 PST <TehWongZ> If @nyannyancat retweets me, I have accomplished everything I would like to in life. If it doesn't, I shall go Tango Myself Down.
175528945184284672 2012-03-02 02:32:16 PST <TehWongZ> @OfficialCrusix maybe.. I've got a host sorted need to resolve domain & setup all the shit
175543150637617153 2012-03-02 03:28:43 PST <TehWongZ> This Click keeps tickin like a metronome and my thoughts keep telling me to go back home. But my balls keep telling me to... Oh Oh Oh Oh.
175739939764441089 2012-03-02 16:30:41 PST <TehWongZ> Working on a New eBook -&gt; @RampartReSeller &lt;- Learn 2 Be the ULTIMATE ReSeller - Click Bank, Forums, eBay & More...
175740441973633025 2012-03-02 16:32:41 PST <TehWongZ> Going Paintballing 2moro :D I'll just imagine every mofo on the other team is @KieshuZykova
175754740091715585 2012-03-02 17:29:30 PST <TehWongZ> Oh... Herrooooooooo!
176060090191843328 2012-03-03 13:42:51 PST <TehWongZ> RT @1Kaizen1: @TehWongZ http://t.co/RFpSlpXa -&gt; Tango Down!!??
176061476543537152 2012-03-03 13:48:21 PST <TehWongZ> @edlsupportgroup haha your websites down... UMadBro? #FuckTheEDL \nWe are #Anonymous\nWe do not Forgive.\nWe do not Forget.\nExpect us.
176062689104248834 2012-03-03 13:53:10 PST <TehWongZ> @Rorroh @1kaizen1 Jay, imagine the Neo Nazi Group for England. That's the EDL.
176087451461361664 2012-03-03 15:31:34 PST <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas @plrates erm... I think your forgetting MW3? lol.
176087497078620161 2012-03-03 15:31:45 PST <TehWongZ> @TsyNae @missrevolution no I didn't lol...
176300241321074688 2012-03-04 05:37:07 PST <TehWongZ> @TsyNae they did but that doesn't mean I talked 2 them?
176354228485369856 2012-03-04 09:11:39 PST <TehWongZ> Gay Shopping, News & Videos at http://t.co/fAJEmn3L #PromotedTweet
176415514824937473 2012-03-04 13:15:11 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DannyFranck: @Skrillex fake iOS app "Skrillix Mixer +" hit the app store this weekend.  7 bucks.  You might want to warn folks to stay awy.
176415994502332417 2012-03-04 13:17:05 PST <TehWongZ> Sun Tzu is my Hero.
176427965096280064 2012-03-04 14:04:39 PST <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: Yarr, PSN is offline, down for "scheduled maintenance" til 2AM PT on 5/3 |  http://t.co/a2ngaYGf &lt;&lt; Wonder what THAT is about? ^_^ #memories
176455755183046657 2012-03-04 15:55:05 PST <TehWongZ> I'll crush your sites server like Chuck fucking Norris! \nThen I'll fuck some more, evidentially in your mum's clitoris!
176479318879379457 2012-03-04 17:28:43 PST <TehWongZ> #anonymous finally did something right... http://t.co/QmQf25FW http://t.co/CRbfTPfp
176699623161864193 2012-03-05 08:04:07 PST <TehWongZ> @c0axr Religion is doing what your told... Regardless of what is right.
176771464148692993 2012-03-05 12:49:35 PST <TehWongZ> @D0ct0rd0c erm... No lol... Religions are diverse but they are ALL a set off rules that we "must" follow to be in the cult.
176817371959406593 2012-03-05 15:52:01 PST <TehWongZ> @D0ct0rd0c I'm not I'm simply expressing my views in a form of which may in some people's eyes be seen as hatred.
176817474694692865 2012-03-05 15:52:25 PST <TehWongZ> HERRO Twitrer!
176822699828580352 2012-03-05 16:13:11 PST <TehWongZ> 19,000 Views :D where be my 20k?! http://t.co/FVa4LLUV
176823377812668417 2012-03-05 16:15:53 PST <TehWongZ> AHH, I love looking at the good old days :D http://t.co/G7cui2Zp
176825371025604609 2012-03-05 16:23:48 PST <TehWongZ> RT @TheAnonPost: Why do those flashing red lights on the security cameras that are staring at me blink to my music?!?!
176825886774001664 2012-03-05 16:25:51 PST <TehWongZ> First one to Decrypt my New Name: 查理 王黃 - is #WINNING
176843237242306562 2012-03-05 17:34:48 PST <TehWongZ> The 9 yr old child thinks he's flying threw mid air so he goes WOOSCH!\nReally he's carried away by 3rd world medics because of bombs by Bush
176843515601494016 2012-03-05 17:35:54 PST <TehWongZ> @iLuSioNz_ Nope :D No Google Translate 4 u!
176843921861787649 2012-03-05 17:37:31 PST <TehWongZ> @On3iroi condoms? Chloroform? Ropes? Large brown raincoat?
176844810798379008 2012-03-05 17:41:03 PST <TehWongZ> @Shibby2142 DoX'd - +1 (920) 660-7678 - Fanous YouTuber :D Shall I do some more YT'ers?
177088136596299776 2012-03-06 09:47:56 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags Indeed. I was asleep, reading about it now...\nWait he called me a smith on MULTIPLE occasions? HAHAHHAA
177089038401011713 2012-03-06 09:51:31 PST <TehWongZ> And to the Media.. Sabu wasn't the Leader of LulzSec.. He was the person who brought the group together. Topiary had all the power.
177091349290549248 2012-03-06 10:00:42 PST <TehWongZ> @1Kaizen1 @crappyairbags yeh Kaizen I replied :)
177110220789645312 2012-03-06 11:15:41 PST <TehWongZ> RT @iLuSioNz_: @TehWongZ In related news... http://t.co/qfJF6zNB
177110322082086913 2012-03-06 11:16:05 PST <TehWongZ> Wait... Doesn't Sabu own multiple websites? Shall we have some fun #Anonymous ?
177121922365128705 2012-03-06 12:02:11 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur Not saying he was.. But.. He had more control over the group then Sabu did, Sabu was the creator but soon got overthrown.
177135439466074112 2012-03-06 12:55:54 PST <TehWongZ> America? Isn't that the Brave land of the "Free"?
177138361151135746 2012-03-06 13:07:31 PST <TehWongZ> @CherriBomb lol & I like ya new profile pic lol
177138648041525249 2012-03-06 13:08:39 PST <TehWongZ> @TheAnonIRC He could dude.. He was just VERY bad at it, ik new shit what most http://t.co/oMFfkA4X members know lol.
177139150493974529 2012-03-06 13:10:39 PST <TehWongZ> @CherriBomb Gurl I'm always safe ;)
177139305079255041 2012-03-06 13:11:16 PST <TehWongZ> @_TeaMp0isoN Indeed we are.
177140114487652352 2012-03-06 13:14:29 PST <TehWongZ> Just ReLaunched @Dark_Hacking :D - http://t.co/58DgEk41 - Let's get this Shit RETWEETED! #InfoSec #HackingTutorials #RT #Share
177140390900670465 2012-03-06 13:15:34 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: #DarkHacking is BACK! http://t.co/kKGR7C08
177142878764670978 2012-03-06 13:25:28 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Just ReLaunched & it's already listed in Google &gt; http://t.co/kKGR7C08 &lt; We control the Interwebz! #Anonymous
177144966911492096 2012-03-06 13:33:45 PST <TehWongZ> "There's no known side effects" - Skid gets VIAGRA (alternative) http://t.co/GvwTWkqb
177145899972177924 2012-03-06 13:37:28 PST <TehWongZ> @1lluminat1 @_f0rsaken we're not there to compete with doxsters they are a forum and we are a custom tutorial site, adding higher level soon
177146152133726209 2012-03-06 13:38:28 PST <TehWongZ> @1lluminat1 @_f0rsaken and we're also a source for news, will be adding the news section 2moro :) Sabu shit will be AL OVER DAT!
177146685217185793 2012-03-06 13:40:35 PST <TehWongZ> RT @1lluminat1: "@DiabloAnon: HEADS UP Paragraph 10 of Sabu's information discusses another unnamed informant involved with Internet Feds via @YourAnonNews"
177150659416690689 2012-03-06 13:56:23 PST <TehWongZ> Even if u get arrested 4 hax.. The PoPo can't take yo InterWebZ away!
177150790711001089 2012-03-06 13:56:54 PST <TehWongZ> @JackalAnon He didn't, it was legitimately stolen but the FBI knew it was, they were waiting to see of Sabu would leak it.
177151286922317824 2012-03-06 13:58:52 PST <TehWongZ> @JackalAnon -.- lol... I've been proven to not work with the Feds & in fact they can't work with me &lt; minor = no agreements/deals with Feds
177151348549230592 2012-03-06 13:59:07 PST <TehWongZ> RT @trevortimm: Former LulzSec leader @anonymouSabu was running #FuckFBIFridays from an FBI desk http://t.co/rIfnq3GJ
177151459694100480 2012-03-06 13:59:33 PST <TehWongZ> @whisperednothin @jackalanon lol -.- I already spoke to a number of media people who have spoken I Feds... lol.
177152626113253376 2012-03-06 14:04:12 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @jackalanon @vinceinthebay I would but VITB is on way to early in the morning 4 me...
177152770103709696 2012-03-06 14:04:46 PST <TehWongZ> lol, so when I was flaming Sabu & all yo bitches took his side. I bet you feel silly now! :)
177153430480105473 2012-03-06 14:07:23 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken Yo, DM quick cus I just thought of something involving Sabu :/
177153853559545857 2012-03-06 14:09:04 PST <TehWongZ> @phantom4life Nice case :)
177155302456688641 2012-03-06 14:14:50 PST <TehWongZ> @analogwhitewash nope it got reversed and they apologised :)
177155386850295808 2012-03-06 14:15:10 PST <TehWongZ> RT @iLuSioNz_: @TehWongZ RT? This dog shit needs to go viral, http://t.co/dugIYJBw \nWe will kill the nyan cat.
177155419704274945 2012-03-06 14:15:18 PST <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken DM
177155485626138625 2012-03-06 14:15:33 PST <TehWongZ> @phantom4life @_f0rsaken phantom already DM'd him
177155933816881153 2012-03-06 14:17:20 PST <TehWongZ> RT @DarkChanNet: heres sabu and a fed in cahoots http://t.co/JttIDqI3
177157167395241984 2012-03-06 14:22:14 PST <TehWongZ> RT @1lluminat1: "@mermaidsrcsluts: #ProTip: Once you use the stolen CC's you enter a new realm of charges."
177157329870012417 2012-03-06 14:22:53 PST <TehWongZ> Sabu is really fucking ugly, I swear him & @KieshuZykova made that fuck ugly Kieshu baby..
177159047609466880 2012-03-06 14:29:43 PST <TehWongZ> @mamac_tech @kieshuzykova why? She used to lick his anal cavity 24/7
177165027344777216 2012-03-06 14:53:28 PST <TehWongZ> @Chriss10011 @kieshuzykova lol ur the baby's father? It's a girl not a boy xD
177171851213152256 2012-03-06 15:20:35 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova lol bitch u still coming 2 England? I'll get u v&.. Literally.
177173372420096001 2012-03-06 15:26:38 PST <TehWongZ> @Pornhub Hay, check ur website ;) UMadBro?
177173940505022464 2012-03-06 15:28:54 PST <TehWongZ> I think Pornhub MadBro! They not allowing any category (TeeHee) http://t.co/0GQnZH7M
177174323319148544 2012-03-06 15:30:25 PST <TehWongZ> Oh Noes! PornHub where haz all your Videos goneZ? http://t.co/H9z8yjFw
177180496705486848 2012-03-06 15:54:56 PST <TehWongZ> @Mr_lurks_Moar no importance? Except it's in the top 60 websites in the world & is the largest porn site -.- idiot.
177180569669615617 2012-03-06 15:55:14 PST <TehWongZ> @1Kaizen1 was* and don't do a Sabu u faggot
177180811588681728 2012-03-06 15:56:12 PST <TehWongZ> @_T0x1c ah shit dude... I come over there and I'll cook pancakes every day :) - Best wishes n all pal
177181201067552769 2012-03-06 15:57:44 PST <TehWongZ> RT @_T0x1c: btw status on my wife, she is currently sleeping, doctors say her time is near); i have two kids to watch by myself soon/:
177181451790462977 2012-03-06 15:58:44 PST <TehWongZ> All my love goes out to @_T0x1c and his family... Please pray for him, his wife and his children. God bless you, sir.
177204835010097152 2012-03-06 17:31:39 PST <TehWongZ> @TsyNae @jackalanon nope but they can't have me as an informant if I'm a minor (in the UK anyway) so how can I snitch.. That's be illegal
177205920189779969 2012-03-06 17:35:58 PST <TehWongZ> @YourAnonNews @rt_america But how did this happen I thought Sabu was the true leader of Anonymous?
177309101636849664 2012-03-07 00:25:58 PST <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova your face being one of them?
177328678265552896 2012-03-07 01:43:46 PST <TehWongZ> @4lg0rithm @kieshuzykova @cherribomb lol
177456263515484162 2012-03-07 10:10:44 PST <TehWongZ> RT @ClipperChip: Oh, by the way @Stratfor. How does it feel to get hacked and slaughtered by the FBI? Umad? #GIFiles #Wikileaks
177456551236349952 2012-03-07 10:11:53 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: We'll be uploading a spreading tutorial for you guys soon... Learn how to get 2,000+ bots a DAY! Build a botnet like @LulzSec :)
177457861448843264 2012-03-07 10:17:05 PST <TehWongZ> wow.. Pornhub FINALLY found the vulnerability -.- idiots.. lol
177491416254132224 2012-03-07 12:30:25 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: &lt;3 2 all our new followers... Check out our site -&gt; http://t.co/xnE0dQt9 #DarkHacking #InfoSec
177499126248906753 2012-03-07 13:01:04 PST <TehWongZ> I guarantee I can make u feel sick... http://t.co/ku4iYb5W or in other words @KieshuZykova
177500878515867651 2012-03-07 13:08:01 PST <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 What? Letting Kieshu being publicly seen... I guess not, Feds would see it as indecent exposure.
177665504616513538 2012-03-08 00:02:11 PST <TehWongZ> @CherriBomb @mr_lurks_moar @kieshuzykova why shud I prove myself (again) Chronicle.su did a full report & investigation, found NO EVIDENCE
177707277212585984 2012-03-08 02:48:11 PST <TehWongZ> http:// http://t.co/aX7XCVJv &lt; Learn 2 be 1337! #DarkHacking #InfoSec #RT #Anonymous
177816599212994560 2012-03-08 10:02:35 PST <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Just added the new News section :) will be updating Logo & such soon! - check it out: http://t.co/GCwpVElo
177821782953295875 2012-03-08 10:23:11 PST <TehWongZ> @lulzfunny lol u be bak?!
177821857280561153 2012-03-08 10:23:29 PST <TehWongZ> @mamac_tech I would show u but don't have a picture *yet
177845756483469316 2012-03-08 11:58:27 PST <TehWongZ> $4.95 Domains at Network Solutions®! NEW Customers Only - Use code: NCDISC01AF. Start Now! -http://www.tkqlhce.com/click-5438813-10999288
177875083975598082 2012-03-08 13:54:59 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @vinceinthebay actually it is &lt; Thursday ;)
177875213101441024 2012-03-08 13:55:30 PST <TehWongZ> Just seen the New Guardian advert... Why didn't @charlesarthur Do it... That was 1 of the worst adverts I've seen -.-
177875728975667200 2012-03-08 13:57:33 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur SERIOUSLY?! http://t.co/Z0h27e36
177875901000843264 2012-03-08 13:58:14 PST <TehWongZ> @hostilehoses buy web root security from eBay it's like $5... REALLY GOOD SOFTWARE! :)
177876011441065984 2012-03-08 13:58:40 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur well I think your creativity could of done a bit better.. That was just terrible. Completely pointless lol..
177876143897186305 2012-03-08 13:59:12 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur and I had to watch it, it was on 4od lolZ... I just simply showed how BAD it was & disliked it :)
177876589160304640 2012-03-08 14:00:58 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur I thought the guardian had no money anyways? They don't need to advertise when they're the biggest online news in the UK -.-
177878411581202432 2012-03-08 14:08:12 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur False! If u include mobile & tablet Guardian is :) App is the most downloaded as well dude!
177879942984507392 2012-03-08 14:14:17 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur and the Guardian app is more downloaded on Chrome Web Store 2 :) Mail is 3 points higher on Alexa though.. lol
177880206407778304 2012-03-08 14:15:20 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur + the guardian's site is a lot better & at least the news isn't 100% corporatised...
177880848945778688 2012-03-08 14:17:53 PST <TehWongZ> RT @nyannyancat: NYAN NYAN NYANYAN CAT??? Σ(⊙ □ ⊙ ;) http://t.co/dz8BwTka
177881117813252097 2012-03-08 14:18:58 PST <TehWongZ> @TweTro who cares? They can't stop you bringing a sign 4 such a good cause, just show them the video if they say no :)
177881430364405760 2012-03-08 14:20:12 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur lol, your probably the only reason why Guardian hasn't faced the wrath of Anon's cannons, or r u securing that shit? #1337Bro
177882152866816000 2012-03-08 14:23:04 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur I'll run a few tests in a few days then ;) see how clever these bitches really are...
177890119381032962 2012-03-08 14:54:44 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur is anything I do a "wise idea"?
177892529000292353 2012-03-08 15:04:18 PST <TehWongZ> @DiscordiAnon @parallax9 well it's got 50+ seems a lot of people h8 this kid xD
177893350660255745 2012-03-08 15:07:34 PST <TehWongZ> :D Just found a vuln in OnLive, Free Trials 4 EVER! No 30 minute Bullshit &lt;3 my life...
177920084646440961 2012-03-08 16:53:48 PST <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur lol hope u clicked it :P
177920347604127746 2012-03-08 16:54:51 PST <TehWongZ> @Mr_lurks_Moar @kieshuzykova I wouldn't put my dick in that with a kilo bag of flour & a wet suit.
177921226948362240 2012-03-08 16:58:20 PST <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @jackalanon @vinceinthebay @s0us31s3k1 I think Jackal scared that the FBI cus match his vocal tone to a cell phone? #Rhymes
177921376211046402 2012-03-08 16:58:56 PST <TehWongZ> RT @ClipperChip: Dear FBI, this case will morph into a full blown PR disaster and nightmare for you. You have Sabu, we have more. More lulz to come soon!
177921651671961600 2012-03-08 17:00:02 PST <TehWongZ> Why is it Feds are so bad at PR'ing themselves? Need 2 get some tips from #Anon
177921887689646080 2012-03-08 17:00:58 PST <TehWongZ> lol... Just got an email about #Skylive - wow Microsoft must be desperate, giving me something 4 FREE!!!
178031484542779392 2012-03-09 00:16:28 PST <TehWongZ> Learn how to get over 2,000 Installs a DAY! Grow a MASSIVE Botnet - http://t.co/IjAbk1o5 - #DarkHacking #Tutorial #InfoSec
179599577165475841 2012-03-13 09:07:30 PDT <TehWongZ> Erm... I'm here lol... U shunt expect me all the time ;)
179600168004501504 2012-03-13 09:09:51 PDT <TehWongZ> Damn right! @Beast1333  http://t.co/NE26CPxL
179601020295450624 2012-03-13 09:13:14 PDT <TehWongZ> #whatwouldyoudowithsabu - Send him to Sony's Japanese HQ.
179669163697111040 2012-03-13 13:44:01 PDT <TehWongZ> JFK &amp; Abe Lincoln were both assassinated. They were also both ideologists of Freedom. #Illuminati
179677570374172672 2012-03-13 14:17:25 PDT <TehWongZ> @iLuSioNz_ Not as good as my'n but it's good ;)
179681879375609856 2012-03-13 14:34:33 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @kgosztola: Why "Anonymous" isn't band of cyber-terrorists or "cowards hiding in their parents' basement" http://t.co/hRBmXn24 @BiellaColeman
179683476302336000 2012-03-13 14:40:53 PDT <TehWongZ> @iLuSioNz_ http://t.co/mmed5Dgc my editing skills also HEAVILY out way yours :)
179683575199834113 2012-03-13 14:41:17 PDT <TehWongZ> Wait... So... #Sabu isn't true leader of #Anonymous ?
179703989003235331 2012-03-13 16:02:24 PDT <TehWongZ> Be happy; for what else is there?
179708684794994688 2012-03-13 16:21:03 PDT <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken 88 wives &amp; 42 children... LIKE A BAUS!
179713266656886784 2012-03-13 16:39:16 PDT <TehWongZ> @iLuSioNz_ u on PSN? Don't have PC anymore since Steam banned me xD &amp; broke MA Xboooox
179715334020931584 2012-03-13 16:47:29 PDT <TehWongZ> Fuck Scientology they like to abuse Children, bend em over delete chastity &amp; that's their form of pilgrim.
179716856926576640 2012-03-13 16:53:32 PDT <TehWongZ> @iLuSioNz_ indeed.
179716991911862272 2012-03-13 16:54:04 PDT <TehWongZ> @iLuSioNz_ I'm also banned from TTG... Cus no offence but TTG can go fuck itself...
179717380203745281 2012-03-13 16:55:37 PDT <TehWongZ> When I speak 2 u I lose a brain cell for every letter I type, you act hard.. Man "fam" "init" ain't even words, what's all this "hype"?
179717947638550528 2012-03-13 16:57:52 PDT <TehWongZ> @iLuSioNz_ No I have facts ;) The owner &amp; staff of TTG steal, they helped put Topiary behind bars and left shit unsecured.
179718037409247232 2012-03-13 16:58:13 PDT <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken FUCK THE POLICE (can I haz RT now?)
179718273024262144 2012-03-13 16:59:09 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @bevbrossy: Baldwin Sheriff's Office Prank Called - by Charrie Wong http://t.co/IplsrnP7
179718429618618368 2012-03-13 16:59:47 PDT <TehWongZ> @celliottjones Nope :) I'm not 17 neither have ami from London...
179718575374860288 2012-03-13 17:00:22 PDT <TehWongZ> @iLuSioNz_ that's what 99.9% of the world say when you tell them the truth.
179719798098370560 2012-03-13 17:05:13 PDT <TehWongZ> @iLuSioNz_ basically topiary used to use TTG, owner told Feds on him, he got v&amp; and I took revenge.
179720394637451264 2012-03-13 17:07:35 PDT <TehWongZ> @iLuSioNz_ done.
179720577098067968 2012-03-13 17:08:19 PDT <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas not useless, but he didn't do/know much, your not far of being correct.
179720856644227072 2012-03-13 17:09:25 PDT <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas actually... @lolspoon did 95% off the LulzSec work... He/She may be gender confused but knows shit..
179721101226680321 2012-03-13 17:10:24 PDT <TehWongZ> I need a new profile picture... This 1 is VERY WARN! Twitpic me some suggestions PLOX!
179721967920877570 2012-03-13 17:13:50 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @_T0x1c: 10 RT and ill call the police dept i released yesterday, and tell them i had fun in thar servers
179726032025288704 2012-03-13 17:29:59 PDT <TehWongZ> @EvileFish nope :) I swear I'm the only 1 that hasn't been arrested neither has a criminal record :)
179727559381102592 2012-03-13 17:36:03 PDT <TehWongZ> @Abhaxas lol... I dno... I just knew him as Kayla :)
179728185963970561 2012-03-13 17:38:33 PDT <TehWongZ> @O_internet @whisperednothin whoever wrote that article is also a basement dweller as it is WAY to in-detail.
179728359817871360 2012-03-13 17:39:14 PDT <TehWongZ> Well. Fair Well my good Friends (1.4%), Haters (8.6%) and Bots (90%)
179728502327738368 2012-03-13 17:39:48 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @meegansaysrawr: Its my Nyan Cat cake :D @nyannyancat http://t.co/xG4nzIhC
179729152964968448 2012-03-13 17:42:23 PDT <TehWongZ> @O_internet Indeeeeeeeeeeed.
179842199255658496 2012-03-14 01:11:36 PDT <TehWongZ> Trololol  http://t.co/qmrNDd1V
179918555641413632 2012-03-14 06:15:01 PDT <TehWongZ> I &lt;3 randomly crawling Yahoo Answers xD http://t.co/YKxUVvJY
179976078788530176 2012-03-14 10:03:35 PDT <TehWongZ> @Anon_Team @pongo_dalongo Indeed I am.
179998379219222528 2012-03-14 11:32:12 PDT <TehWongZ> R.I.P Joe Plumb3r, Hit Pedo's &amp; Got snitched on my Sabu. Member of DeSec &amp; Close friend... Your are in our minds &amp; hearts. #AnonFamily
180024473842499585 2012-03-14 13:15:53 PDT <TehWongZ> @wesleypipes12 @the_plumb3r it was that but he lost his account PW :/ he's gone now though...
180024990291341313 2012-03-14 13:17:57 PDT <TehWongZ> THERE GREAT! http://t.co/yy8Iw579
180049479393755137 2012-03-14 14:55:15 PDT <TehWongZ> @wesleypipes12 Nothing, he was a good guy, ran OpDarkNet, had a HUGE cannon &amp; has now Vanished. He might be v&amp; :/
180065009718669312 2012-03-14 15:56:58 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @TheHackersNews: Chinese Trojans Gh0stRAT used to attack pro-Tibet organisations http://t.co/A5ESofaZ #Security #THN #news
180065110272901122 2012-03-14 15:57:22 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: What does a brutal dictator do when he gets bored with ordering massacres? He watches America's Got Talent of course! | http://t.co/Ikp9xeL9
180065791469830144 2012-03-14 16:00:04 PDT <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur the guardian seem to get a lot of "logs" &amp; "emails" - Do you have sources? or do you go shopping on Black Market Forums?
180096329870094336 2012-03-14 18:01:25 PDT <TehWongZ> @charlesarthur lol
180099530535092224 2012-03-14 18:14:08 PDT <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N @anonymouscenter lol... I download Backtrack but don't know how to install &lt; 1337 Anonymous Sabu Rebel!
180099542878912513 2012-03-14 18:14:11 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: Interested in being a Writer for our News Section? Tweet @ us with your email NOW! :)
180323178785144833 2012-03-15 09:02:50 PDT <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 Indeed I am :)
182860704821411840 2012-03-22 09:06:04 PDT <TehWongZ> HERRO!
182973731994468352 2012-03-22 16:35:11 PDT <TehWongZ> @VioletVaughn me? V&amp;? PLZ...
182973965705289728 2012-03-22 16:36:07 PDT <TehWongZ> I'm guessing @YourAnonNews still thinks I'm the Snitch? lol... Sabu.. How could U
182990561765113856 2012-03-22 17:42:04 PDT <TehWongZ> I'm thinking of starting #OpTrollHunter - Fuck the RIP Trolls that disgrace the Guy Fawkes Mask. Anyone with me?
182996279654236161 2012-03-22 18:04:47 PDT <TehWongZ> @CherriBomb google it :/
182996396855660544 2012-03-22 18:05:15 PDT <TehWongZ> @Sanguinarious No not really... I had sex wid yo mum. UMad? Tru Story Bro'
182997306235301888 2012-03-22 18:08:52 PDT <TehWongZ> LOL! #AnonMusic http://t.co/4EqUWIiX
182997686084055040 2012-03-22 18:10:22 PDT <TehWongZ> Oh Hai Mr Police - @t0x1c_  http://t.co/qmrNDd1V
182998765790179329 2012-03-22 18:14:40 PDT <TehWongZ> @On3iroi @t0x1c_ lol and I forgot toxics twitter -.-
183006855411408897 2012-03-22 18:46:49 PDT <TehWongZ> @Sanguinarious I know your mum's a midget but man, why do harsh?
183227704072613888 2012-03-23 09:24:23 PDT <TehWongZ> Help #StuffSnag - http://t.co/KR1aNSmm - ReTweet &amp; Share Plz :)
183231162897014784 2012-03-23 09:38:08 PDT <TehWongZ> This dude is a SERIOUSLY good Social Engineer xD http://t.co/UvFX8nkV
183680175534383105 2012-03-24 15:22:21 PDT <TehWongZ> @SK_MC needs to step up his GAME!
184301298324209664 2012-03-26 08:30:28 PDT <TehWongZ> @Kilgoar @kallisti @anonymousirc @par_anoia yup &amp; he had me named from: West Midlands Police &amp; Manchester Police.. I dno lol
184337949310205953 2012-03-26 10:56:06 PDT <TehWongZ> @Kilgoar @anonymousirc @par_anoia lol :D
184407900943429632 2012-03-26 15:34:04 PDT <TehWongZ> @OpPinkPower yeh... WTF does tht say?
184411561455124480 2012-03-26 15:48:37 PDT <TehWongZ> If you can do one thing today, read this - http://t.co/PO9yta7B #OpTrollHunter - @charlesarthur @RichardpBacon @YourAnonNews @Cyber_War_News
184411866993401857 2012-03-26 15:49:49 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: If you can do one thing today, read this - http://t.co/QA7JAZGy #OpTrollHunter - @charlesarthur @RichardpBacon @YourAnonNews @Cyber_War_News
184425507373326337 2012-03-26 16:44:02 PDT <TehWongZ> @Anon_Team it's not #LULZ when they grief family's who have just lost loved ones...
184425523949215745 2012-03-26 16:44:06 PDT <TehWongZ> @Anon_Team read the WHOLE thing dude
184427542160211968 2012-03-26 16:52:07 PDT <TehWongZ> @FawkesSecurity Needs to calm down bro, sit back, roll up and CHILL...
184427721479307264 2012-03-26 16:52:49 PDT <TehWongZ> @MotorSec @youranonnews @shortyawards I also like how Shorty awards has but 300 more followers :)
184430035493584896 2012-03-26 17:02:01 PDT <TehWongZ> Now I know you might say "Terrorists" invaded us first.\nBut if you take a closer look America invaded them to quench their oil thirst.
184431170308685824 2012-03-26 17:06:32 PDT <TehWongZ> @MotorSec @_r3n3g4d3 WHAT? The best troll award should go to Sabu! He troll'd everyone saying he was Legion bro!
184431637935828992 2012-03-26 17:08:23 PDT <TehWongZ> Love the way the @DestructiveSec account wasn't hacked but rather sold to SwaggSec.. Made me kinda lol...
184431714075021312 2012-03-26 17:08:41 PDT <TehWongZ> @DiscordiAnon because Shorty awards are FUCKED!
184432463198699521 2012-03-26 17:11:40 PDT <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter How much? I didn't sell it, rather another member did but it was a shared amount of $$ between us :) Skids these days...
184432900408750080 2012-03-26 17:13:24 PDT <TehWongZ> @_TeaMp0isoN HAY! I use backtrack :) but only on my laptop 4 WiFi cracking!
184433218710274048 2012-03-26 17:14:40 PDT <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter damn! I can't even give u access anyways, I used a Hushmail email which is now deleted 4 the profile & forgot the PW :)
184433451020193792 2012-03-26 17:15:35 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @AP: Philadelphia journalism student arrested after taking photos of police traffic stop near his house: http://t.co/BH8QN1wn -CJ
184434358508208131 2012-03-26 17:19:12 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @anonymouscenter $1/follower?! It takes what? 3 minutes to make an email and an account.. Apple pays Chinese &lt;$0.50/Hour!
184434845156511744 2012-03-26 17:21:08 PDT <TehWongZ> @YourAnonNews but windows phones are SHITE, Android or iOS will always win...
184435235000299520 2012-03-26 17:22:41 PDT <TehWongZ> I'm sorry but people who fight over religion are DUMB. When are you going 2 learn.. Ain't no god up in dis sizzle! I guna sin right NOAW!
184435436935061504 2012-03-26 17:23:29 PDT <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter @crappyairbags erm.. No! We got egg bombed months ago along with like 20 others though I got around 6-7k REAL 1s :)
184747543131996161 2012-03-27 14:03:41 PDT <TehWongZ> Welcome to Canadia. Go Fuck yourself.
184792903401472000 2012-03-27 17:03:56 PDT <TehWongZ> @Gawker I enjoy your News stories, your like the Russia Today of England.
184792998066917377 2012-03-27 17:04:18 PDT <TehWongZ> @_r3dn3ck Not much... Not much.. All to quiet now Sabu's gone.
184794230345048064 2012-03-27 17:09:12 PDT <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @mamac_tech @allison_is_dope Kieshu if I do remember correctly? Your a Pedobear 2 anyways?
184794548734664704 2012-03-27 17:10:28 PDT <TehWongZ> Now to Sleep I shall go with a dream in mind.\nWhilst peaceful children play and Jews drop bombs, CRITICISE THE HOLOCAUST THEN RE-MAKE IT.
185126905303924736 2012-03-28 15:11:08 PDT <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @mamac_tech @allison_is_dope lol indeed I did :) Bitch plz... Ur shit ain't even close. When u Comin to UK? I wna plan MUHAHA
185127061982154752 2012-03-28 15:11:45 PDT <TehWongZ> @BlastFrmThaPast wow u didn't be getting v&? lol
185266668874907650 2012-03-29 00:26:30 PDT <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova v&? Erm... Whatcha talkin about lol?
185266745706151936 2012-03-29 00:26:48 PDT <TehWongZ> @TheAnonPost Good good :)
185266851717197825 2012-03-29 00:27:14 PDT <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N Damn u! I'm on medication where I can't get drunk now :/ 4 months to sort out my iron count -.-
185372747554230272 2012-03-29 07:28:01 PDT <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova @oadamo shame 4 you I don't want you. And I know u give everyone a chance ur like a whore but not 4 cash... Kinda dumb TBH...
185798000226992129 2012-03-30 11:37:49 PDT <TehWongZ> Hey Jack, FUCK JEWS!
185799608394448897 2012-03-30 11:44:13 PDT <TehWongZ> Phone me -&gt; +44 7714 455867
186193798060179456 2012-03-31 13:50:35 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @CrappyAirBags: Time to kill Zombies whilst my shell booter collects shells.  @TehWongz would be proud.
186200334417399808 2012-03-31 14:16:33 PDT <TehWongZ> @CloudFlare Looks GOOOOD!
186200592929140736 2012-03-31 14:17:35 PDT <TehWongZ> Working on a New Gaming Platform (No Download) - Should be Launched in May... LET'S DO THIS!
186937094126567424 2012-04-02 15:04:11 PDT <TehWongZ> @m1rthcr3w NOPE :) never arrested...
186937216273088512 2012-04-02 15:04:40 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags :( I missed u then ;( also what u mean by "collect shells"? You coded a shell grabber or summon?
187127569265590272 2012-04-03 03:41:03 PDT <TehWongZ> @m1rthcr3w well Sabu released it & your phone # doesn't work!
187318988693446656 2012-04-03 16:21:41 PDT <TehWongZ> £2 BILLION! To let them spy on us? http://t.co/LHQTazPR
187319092728971264 2012-04-03 16:22:06 PDT <TehWongZ> @OpticalForce not v&... I got shit seized no arrest though :)
187327942504873986 2012-04-03 16:57:16 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @dark_hacking: #DarkHacking site is down AGAIN -.- Due to host, yet AGAIN! -.- FFS!
187332084212314112 2012-04-03 17:13:43 PDT <TehWongZ> "Fuck the Rules" - http://t.co/RNqrFLJu - Made a small rap 4 you guys :) - Retweet/Share PWEEZ!
187332167154679811 2012-04-03 17:14:03 PDT <TehWongZ> @LyricistJinn whatcha think? http://t.co/RNqrFLJu
187608696107446273 2012-04-04 11:32:53 PDT <TehWongZ> @Anon_Team TY :)
187713658200133632 2012-04-04 18:29:58 PDT <TehWongZ> Carder DoX'd and Owned... Steal from the 99% get Owned by the 99% -  http://t.co/lyaMyHBq - by #CharrieWong
188386500528963585 2012-04-06 15:03:36 PDT <TehWongZ> Is it just me has it been to long since I've done a deface/leak?
188702182713995266 2012-04-07 11:58:00 PDT <TehWongZ> If this Tweet gets a LOT of retweets I'll deface one of the TOP UK News websites in the World. #RT 4 #Release
188711060906323968 2012-04-07 12:33:17 PDT <TehWongZ> I thought to myself... Why just do 1 deface tonight? - Let's kick things off with a small 1 :) - http://t.co/OFHHE77o -
189467926464692225 2012-04-09 14:40:48 PDT <TehWongZ> I can promise you 1 thing. Tonight will be an EVENTFUL night. First off #TeaMp0isoN Leader DoX'D - http://t.co/d37VrmO8 - TriCk, Enjoi :)
189481085128818688 2012-04-09 15:33:05 PDT <TehWongZ> @phantom4life WOOP WOOP THAT'S THE SOUND OF DA POLICE!
189483394483228672 2012-04-09 15:42:16 PDT <TehWongZ> 2012 for #TeaMp0isoN has resulted in 1 member stealing from another & being kicked, 1 member turning out to be a fed and TriCk's DoX release
189483602164191232 2012-04-09 15:43:05 PDT <TehWongZ> @phantom4life @eismc2 you can't get swatted in the UK, say that im threatening to shoot people, then u can get the ACTUAL "SWAT" team in.
189489518066401281 2012-04-09 16:06:36 PDT <TehWongZ> @EisMC2 @phantom4life can't see shit
189494458226712577 2012-04-09 16:26:14 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @HoratioPotato: @TehWongZ  lol dont believe everything you read on twitter 0_0
189494666004144128 2012-04-09 16:27:03 PDT <TehWongZ> @EisMC2 @phantom4life Nope emmi :)
189547198013382656 2012-04-09 19:55:48 PDT <TehWongZ> @LulzPirate has now stolen @Hex000101 profile pic -.- care to steal anything more?
189555962900779008 2012-04-09 20:30:37 PDT <TehWongZ> I went to sleep and I woke up dead but I change my mind and I want you. http://t.co/U2J0VfDX
189559224840355840 2012-04-09 20:43:35 PDT <TehWongZ> @leec85 :D I'm working on a cloud platform ;) - Doing marketing stuff 4 the Launch :)
189573426082623490 2012-04-09 21:40:01 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @xThe_Suite_Life: @AnonymouStun where's #Netflix ? And #symantec is barely even a company , they sell false security
189573590591602689 2012-04-09 21:40:40 PDT <TehWongZ> Why doesn't Anonymous just take down #Netflix ? - Also, could technically Perma tango down the live streaming servers :)
189573853901627392 2012-04-09 21:41:43 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @6O57: infographic about big corporations who are supporting #CISPA, including world biggest social network #Facebook. http://t.co/JPGipETF
189573926890897408 2012-04-09 21:42:00 PDT <TehWongZ> Stop #CISPA Now!
189575548052312067 2012-04-09 21:48:28 PDT <TehWongZ> I think my twitters dirty :( http://t.co/7FE8ZizZ
189575754919575552 2012-04-09 21:49:16 PDT <TehWongZ> @ejhilbert No, most people doing the DDoS don't know about it and it will cause innocents 2 be put in Jail.
189575974642397184 2012-04-09 21:50:09 PDT <TehWongZ> @_MickyStylez_ @blitchy1 Well 1) Bringing their site down for a WEEK would cause customers to cancel their accounts = losing $$$'
189575991780323328 2012-04-09 21:50:13 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @M3TALH3ADZEF: @TehWongZ Yeah, we're workin on it Charry
189576160013860864 2012-04-09 21:50:53 PDT <TehWongZ> @a_Winston_Smith did I ever say I WOULD DO IT? erm.. No & wouldn't be to hard, stream a film, wireshark the server IP then hit them..
189576227219185664 2012-04-09 21:51:09 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @M3TALH3ADZEF: TOPIARY IS FREE?!!!
189576523710332929 2012-04-09 21:52:20 PDT <TehWongZ> @ejhilbert also E.J. - How many times have the FBI attacked people who are actually innocent when spying on them? OVER 9,000! WHAT?
189576713167060992 2012-04-09 21:53:05 PDT <TehWongZ> @ejhilbert well malware data etc.. Is already shared now when you have a GOOD antivirus software (webroot = LILE A BAUS)
189577005598121985 2012-04-09 21:54:14 PDT <TehWongZ> @atopiary NA NA NA NA CAN'T TOUCH THIS :D #TopiaryIsFree
189577418414112770 2012-04-09 21:55:53 PDT <TehWongZ> @ejhilbert I'm not from USA, that's 1 thing that helps me when I go to sleep. Also "terrorism" in your bio, who are the real terrorists?
189577611683434496 2012-04-09 21:56:39 PDT <TehWongZ> @ejhilbert I mean, security softwares (good ones) share info and patch it, client base = more solutions to malicious attacks...
189577715236601856 2012-04-09 21:57:04 PDT <TehWongZ> @CherriBomb @atopiary He's free, Feds dismissed charges :D
189577737768411136 2012-04-09 21:57:09 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @atopiary: You cannot arrest an idea.
189577847415898112 2012-04-09 21:57:35 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @pr0j3ktm4yh3m: @LulzPirate twitter whore. I bet you thought you were cool on Myspace with a bunch of friends.
189578164832448512 2012-04-09 21:58:51 PDT <TehWongZ> My #FuckinFollow goes to &gt; @_T0x1c for being the Ultimate Troll & 1337 H4X0R! :D &lt;3
189578282461696001 2012-04-09 21:59:19 PDT <TehWongZ> @AnonyrnousIRC haha I will, seems it worked though :)
189578547503960064 2012-04-09 22:00:22 PDT <TehWongZ> @AnonyrnousIRC but just waiting to confirm it, your not the real AnonymousIRC, so you could be a troll still ;)
189578748931223552 2012-04-09 22:01:10 PDT <TehWongZ> @ejhilbert So not Americans killing random people from HIGH above that can't see them as they leave a mosque or shoot at their homes? #Good
189578883589345281 2012-04-09 22:01:42 PDT <TehWongZ> @a_Winston_Smith Try it bro, they won't have security on all their servers & probably pay 2 host them = EZPZ.
189579760102412288 2012-04-09 22:05:11 PDT <TehWongZ> @th3j35t3r I think TeaMp0isoN are mad, TriCk screamed down the phone telling me & @_t0x1c to FUCK OFF ;(
189579934195396608 2012-04-09 22:05:53 PDT <TehWongZ> @ejhilbert like the 23+ corrupt legislators?
189580120808361984 2012-04-09 22:06:37 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @TheAnonNews: @TehWongZ Hey bro, It's the new account for @TheAnonPost ( same ppl new name) give us a refollow and let ppl know of name change?
189580163959357440 2012-04-09 22:06:47 PDT <TehWongZ> @CherriBomb @atopiary ;(
189580393924665344 2012-04-09 22:07:42 PDT <TehWongZ> @ejhilbert @mr_p4nd4 that's why the Feds can't get a LOT of the chat logs so they seize computers, just wipe the tmp files everyday & BINGO!
189580542805688320 2012-04-09 22:08:18 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Zas0r: And still is he trying to talk like he has everything under controle. Just say nothing Trick. You played a game and @th3j35t3r raped you.
189580992703496192 2012-04-09 22:10:05 PDT <TehWongZ> @ejhilbert @mr_p4nd4 and 20% of that $$$ goes to the Government who then spend it on trying to invade our privacy.
189581206617206784 2012-04-09 22:10:56 PDT <TehWongZ> @On3iroi @anonymouscenter but TBF j35t3r pulled a number over on TriCk and it was FUNNEH! Also trick uses windows HAHAHAHA!
189581655768432641 2012-04-09 22:12:43 PDT <TehWongZ> @P0wd3r_ @official_edl alone* and has more followers then you.
189582519199465472 2012-04-09 22:16:09 PDT <TehWongZ> @_TeaMp0isoN just DoX'd it's MLT who apparently got swatted, but you did sorta fail with the print screen o.O - gov can compare time/logs :)
189582676691398656 2012-04-09 22:16:47 PDT <TehWongZ> @ejhilbert @mr_p4nd4 the only reason all these bills are coming up now are to stop Anonymous, the gov has been embarrassed 2 many times...
189709750202662912 2012-04-10 06:41:43 PDT <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter @on3iroi I use windows 4 PC Gaming & work stuff, that's it..
189710550899503106 2012-04-10 06:44:54 PDT <TehWongZ> @St0rmJr @lulzpirate @hex000101 it is not but he seems to steal everyone's profile pics & work as well as be complete retard.
189710916651192321 2012-04-10 06:46:21 PDT <TehWongZ> @MotorSec LET'S FUCKING BURN DOWN STARBUCKS!!!
189843034488324098 2012-04-10 15:31:21 PDT <TehWongZ> What do YOU guys think of MA 1337 GFX skills? http://t.co/zixDJvWN
189901341378879488 2012-04-10 19:23:02 PDT <TehWongZ> @JakeMachinima You just got reverse trolled on your own trolling video xD
189904090556407808 2012-04-10 19:33:58 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @PlRATES: History talks about the Pol Pol regime & the genocide in Cambodia, yet it fails to mention it was the CIA that helped him to power.
189905152315097088 2012-04-10 19:38:11 PDT <TehWongZ> @PlRATES is a DAMN good tweeter..
189905302257283072 2012-04-10 19:38:46 PDT <TehWongZ> Not Sure whether to deface it or just leak the Vulnerability and let people have a field day with a Top Corporate News site?
189912080147685376 2012-04-10 20:05:42 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @nyannyancat: NYAN NYAN CAT CAKE http://t.co/FF6q4zRz http://t.co/Slog7glc
189922555417731072 2012-04-10 20:47:20 PDT <TehWongZ> @akidinthepark dolor sit amet?
189998423032872960 2012-04-11 01:48:48 PDT <TehWongZ> The UK Police use HootSuite. FUCK YOU HOOTSUITE!
190110824256389120 2012-04-11 09:15:27 PDT <TehWongZ> @JakeMachinima called TROLOLOLING :P
190112738557706240 2012-04-11 09:23:03 PDT <TehWongZ> #96 Most Visited Website in the UK - Corporate News - SQLi Vulnerable - Enjoy all my #AnonFamily - http://t.co/KXIcCqBg @charlesarthur
190114728952082433 2012-04-11 09:30:58 PDT <TehWongZ> @JakeMachinima dude I coulda haxed UK's 4th biggest News site :) - http://t.co/KXIcCqBg
190117815536189442 2012-04-11 09:43:14 PDT <TehWongZ> @JakeMachinima haha lol I found it herp derp & now letting whoever the fuck own them with it & it's called an SQLi Vulnerability
190227095765528576 2012-04-11 16:57:28 PDT <TehWongZ> From T0x1c - @_TeaMp0isoN is Rob West NOT Robert don't tr and dilute the facts bitch - - PS Expect Feds - T0x1c
190234754614960129 2012-04-11 17:27:54 PDT <TehWongZ> @th3j35t3r why do you ALWAYS say "Stay Frosty" ? Your the J35t3r not Arny in a big ass blue costume.
190269205948547072 2012-04-11 19:44:48 PDT <TehWongZ> Let's do it like they do it on the Discovery Channel. And this bitch is more than whatcha can handle.
190270584549154816 2012-04-11 19:50:17 PDT <TehWongZ> @_TeaMp0isoN I do have 2 say, the Mi6 Calls are pretty funny... FairPlay.
190270794398568449 2012-04-11 19:51:07 PDT <TehWongZ> @DiscordiAnon @malsecuk @malsecus @malsecro @malsecse @malseccn WTF is MalSec? lol
190274511709536256 2012-04-11 20:05:53 PDT <TehWongZ> Got Java? Want to Print off some Porn in a RAMDOM place? - Put this into google:  inurl:"port_255" -htm\nThen click one and print shit off :)
190283159064166400 2012-04-11 20:40:15 PDT <TehWongZ> It's funny how History Repeats itself. Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Over and Ov
190289244663713792 2012-04-11 21:04:25 PDT <TehWongZ> @DiscordiAnon dude, just use a FUCKING Voice Disguiser I'm so fed up of these stupid robot voices ;)
190289606279823361 2012-04-11 21:05:52 PDT <TehWongZ> @p0isAn0N Wasup MA Cotton Picker?
190317913788526592 2012-04-11 22:58:21 PDT <TehWongZ> TEEHEE Just HaX3D Teh M.I.T. Printers :D http://t.co/7UwYu5uD
190876879065071617 2012-04-13 11:59:28 PDT <TehWongZ> Guess it was TriCk's DoX.. 2nd Person was MLT, we & Toxic gave Feds his IP 2 saw ago :) TeaMp0isoN is 4eva over.
190881550076882945 2012-04-13 12:18:02 PDT <TehWongZ> Same County as me, Hackers seem to be from West Midlands, AmIRite? #TeaMp0isoN0wn3D
190884954866061312 2012-04-13 12:31:34 PDT <TehWongZ> http://t.co/x6nDfNMn &lt; Might wna scroll down a little ;)
190894355245047808 2012-04-13 13:08:55 PDT <TehWongZ> http://t.co/LTTDba84 - What happened @_TeaMp0isoN - @_t0x1c
190915593120124928 2012-04-13 14:33:19 PDT <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ Shame about TriCk, we'll release the call we made ina bit ;)
190915677173972993 2012-04-13 14:33:39 PDT <TehWongZ> @Zeldablowslink @_teamp0ison @_t0x1c yup
190916627817168896 2012-04-13 14:37:25 PDT <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ yeh it was me even though I was tweeting yesterday.. lol
190929963589959681 2012-04-13 15:30:25 PDT <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 we cus there in shame after calling @_t0x1c a Skid lol
190943282853969920 2012-04-13 16:23:20 PDT <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ so is this the end of TeaMp0isoN or how @virus calls it: TeaMp0seR
190968634020069376 2012-04-13 18:04:05 PDT <TehWongZ> @phantom4life @crazylittleowl NO YOUR NOT!
190992795362795522 2012-04-13 19:40:05 PDT <TehWongZ> #FREETRICK NAH! Why would you want to Free som1 you helped put away? What's TeaMp0seRs next move? lol, this ain't Topiary bitch.
190992980067364864 2012-04-13 19:40:49 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @anonymouSabu: The federal government is run by a bunch of fucking cowards. Don't give in to these people. Fight back. Stay strong.
190993012996837376 2012-04-13 19:40:57 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @HuffingtonPost: Child molester laughs at judge, gets nearly 600 years in prison\nhttp://t.co/1HjovK1c
190993217594994689 2012-04-13 19:41:46 PDT <TehWongZ> @OpCensorThis Welcome him home? Bro the UK PoPo are guna give his ass a LONG PRISON SENTENCE, also probably label him a terrorist. Enjoi.
190994020309270528 2012-04-13 19:44:57 PDT <TehWongZ> Is it just me or does anyone else click on stupid adverts just to cost the dumb asses behind it money?
191007197088579584 2012-04-13 20:37:19 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @mattsquickhit: When ya gotta type like this....Its OVA....love the new #FreeTriCk shit.#FuckTriCk #Winning. Must pass out. http://t.co/N2AL8fz9
191007384515248128 2012-04-13 20:38:03 PDT <TehWongZ> Good to see someone else put #FuckTriCk before me haha... #FreeTriCk nah... He's goin down 4 a LONG time.
191008017616089088 2012-04-13 20:40:34 PDT <TehWongZ> I don't see why all these hashtags come up for: Free people... It doesnt work like that. The government don't monitor twitter.. Or do they?
191008371523059712 2012-04-13 20:41:59 PDT <TehWongZ> Love to my boi @_t0x1c - TriCk's in prison? Good job t0x1c, good job.
191008429689675777 2012-04-13 20:42:13 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @_T0x1c: @_TeaMp0isoN why u turn ur phone off! y u rage! btw ur voice sounds liek a girl
191008502792208385 2012-04-13 20:42:30 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @_T0x1c: @_F0rsaken @_Nebraska_Jones @_TeaMp0isoN im a joke? mlt has turned informant and got v& cuz of me then tr1cks dox hits the fan cuz of me
191008546161299456 2012-04-13 20:42:40 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @_T0x1c: Tr1CK i will show u why talking shit about my dead wife will get u fucked, rob west LOL we got u NOT MY DOX but its 100% legit proof comin
191008931559112705 2012-04-13 20:44:12 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @_T0x1c: @_F0rsaken @_Nebraska_Jones @_TeaMp0isoN http://t.co/v9uzt750 and BLT bites the dust!
191009683199373312 2012-04-13 20:47:11 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @6O57: #Anonymous Cyber Marching For General Strike On May 1st! Hack The Day! #M1 #AntiSec #MalSec http://t.co/LbPiNwNK
191010437091954690 2012-04-13 20:50:11 PDT <TehWongZ> What the FUCK is wrong with the Government?
191011907140993025 2012-04-13 20:56:02 PDT <TehWongZ> @_t0x1c single handedly took out @_teamp0ison - thought "No Government could touch you"? - ha.
191012736161951745 2012-04-13 20:59:19 PDT <TehWongZ> @_TeaMp0isoN blocked me (just noticed) - must of seen I had his DoX, UMadBro? - oh shit he's in prison, no WiFi there motherfucker!
191013711534755843 2012-04-13 21:03:12 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: President Obama's tax rate in 2011 was 20.5%, lower than his secretary's | http://t.co/WKVv6TK3
191027022968012800 2012-04-13 21:56:06 PDT <TehWongZ> @roddymansfield @_teamp0ison already did, he got v& because of it xD
191027165985378304 2012-04-13 21:56:40 PDT <TehWongZ> @OpCensorThis the government who are currently holding your beloved leader in Prison, if I was you I'd run, TriCks guna spill EVERYTHING.
191027888802377728 2012-04-13 21:59:32 PDT <TehWongZ> @K4Fr1 @_mlt_ MLT, I think you need to catch up in your maths & geography, maybe going back to special school could help.
191028068758994944 2012-04-13 22:00:15 PDT <TehWongZ> @otok0_ @opcensorthis he's 16, parents pressuring, his whole life ahead, he's in Scotland Yard, prison, family, IRL Friends. He will.
191028111507337216 2012-04-13 22:00:25 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @HuffingtonPost: Cheese declared best in the world auctioned for $8,400 ($350/lb)  http://t.co/Eir0G5io
191028723473055744 2012-04-13 22:02:51 PDT <TehWongZ> @OpCensorThis has also blocked me, is it just me or is TeaMp0isoN mad bro?
191034834439770113 2012-04-13 22:27:08 PDT <TehWongZ> Bitches need 2 watch this video. NOAW! http://t.co/kWvDuGCF
191035196852813824 2012-04-13 22:28:34 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Blackinator101: @TehWongZ http://t.co/WstkWh3W Trololololo!!!!!!
191035340742590464 2012-04-13 22:29:09 PDT <TehWongZ> @TheBlueNavi @opcensorthis 1) it's you jelly and 2) why would I be jelly of people who just lost their leader & 1 is an informant
191035585396346881 2012-04-13 22:30:07 PDT <TehWongZ> @SHG_Nackt @otok0_ @opcensorthis ok, so he can spill & get a reduced sentence or he can STFU & stay in prison 4 longer, either way: 0WN3D.
191035648780677121 2012-04-13 22:30:22 PDT <TehWongZ> @otok0_ @shg_nackt @opcensorthis *waiting
191143285979484160 2012-04-14 05:38:05 PDT <TehWongZ> @OpCensorThis never snitched, never been arrested 2 snitch. #CantTouchThis
191150674858344448 2012-04-14 06:07:26 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @BreakingNews: 4 killed as Syrian forces open fire at a funeral in Aleppo, NGO reports - @AlArabiya_Eng
191167085773201408 2012-04-14 07:12:39 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Mike_EH_52: Help raise $14,800 to put up billboards in Washington, DC to raise awareness about Bradly Manning: \nhttp://t.co/s61mtOLU '@ioerror '@AusFOWL
191167222226493442 2012-04-14 07:13:12 PDT <TehWongZ> "Hacking" - Using technology for more than the purpose it was made for.
191167800897843200 2012-04-14 07:15:30 PDT <TehWongZ> @Jakeula You like like a dirty hippy beard. GTFO.
191217473872334848 2012-04-14 10:32:53 PDT <TehWongZ> Be careful not to drop the soap TriCk!
191242941870780417 2012-04-14 12:14:05 PDT <TehWongZ> @asdfhpsuaidghwa never got arrested & don't work with PoPo :) the crazy bit is right though :)
191246755017404417 2012-04-14 12:29:14 PDT <TehWongZ> @asdfhpsuaidghwa well to work with the Police I would have 2 be arrested unless I had a job, but i don't as I'm underage 4 a job :) #Fail?
191246861061984256 2012-04-14 12:29:39 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @wikileaks: In 6 days time Julian Assange will have been detained and tagged *WITHOUT CHARGE* for 500 days http://t.co/h3BcA4pC #svpol #auspol
191303223297060864 2012-04-14 16:13:37 PDT <TehWongZ> @asdfhpsuaidghwa Not allowed bro... Police aren't allowed to even talk to me without a parent in the room or without arrest.
191303249511464961 2012-04-14 16:13:43 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @1337_Anon: @phantom4life @youranonnews @teamp0ison__ where's the rest of your team? Oh wait...
191303881899261954 2012-04-14 16:16:14 PDT <TehWongZ> @phantom4life @youranonnews @teamp0ison__ who's the new leader then?
191317185862434816 2012-04-14 17:09:06 PDT <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net my eyes will never be the same.
191318198631677952 2012-04-14 17:13:07 PDT <TehWongZ> @Mr_lurks_Moar @_f0rsaken @_teamp0ison @anonymousirc @hex000101 @asherahresearch @_mlt_ LOL! Nice 1 bro
191318644607815681 2012-04-14 17:14:54 PDT <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken nope, it's fear.
191318725436256257 2012-04-14 17:15:13 PDT <TehWongZ> @On3iroi WTF? Bears FTW!
191333470843322369 2012-04-14 18:13:48 PDT <TehWongZ> This kid has it RIGHT! http://t.co/2pn896DS
191335847025573889 2012-04-14 18:23:15 PDT <TehWongZ> Welcome to the World, Now go fuck yourself.
191342850498240512 2012-04-14 18:51:05 PDT <TehWongZ> @Mr_lurks_Moar @_f0rsaken @_teamp0ison @anonymousirc @hex000101 @asherahresearch @_mlt_ your not blocked lol... Never were.
191343007042256896 2012-04-14 18:51:42 PDT <TehWongZ> @JackalAnon what even me?
191343121852940289 2012-04-14 18:52:09 PDT <TehWongZ> #FuckTriCk & #FuckTr1Ck
191343496349745152 2012-04-14 18:53:39 PDT <TehWongZ> @UKAnonymous2012 GCHQ won't go down bro... Well, unless you have a new Facebook botnet?
191343611764424705 2012-04-14 18:54:06 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @BreakingNews: 300 prisoners escape jail in Pakistan after attack by militants, police tell @reuters
191344400629104640 2012-04-14 18:57:14 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @leec85: Time is money. If you buy something that saves you time, its worth the money. Don't save money to waste time, thats just silly.
191344620033159169 2012-04-14 18:58:07 PDT <TehWongZ> @leec85 Going to a tech convention 2moro, guna buy a LOT of things, they will waste time. But it's still worth it :D
191344798710513664 2012-04-14 18:58:49 PDT <TehWongZ> Kindness is Magic. Doesn't matter if your clever, good looking or rich. He kind and you may not always prosper, but you will be happy.
191345427952566272 2012-04-14 19:01:19 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @OpManning: New Leaked Video Shows US Contractors Randomly Killing Civilians http://t.co/rS4rVsGQ #FreeBrad #whistleblower
191345520852217857 2012-04-14 19:01:41 PDT <TehWongZ> @CyanideL I like your boobs.
191355627870765058 2012-04-14 19:41:51 PDT <TehWongZ> LOL http://t.co/K1zlk1KG
191377639309713408 2012-04-14 21:09:19 PDT <TehWongZ> 1) The prank call was actually shit\n2) The guy at the end who says "call them again trick" is Phantom, Russian ;) http://t.co/TjRTP3zv
191378731208679424 2012-04-14 21:13:39 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @leec85: @TehWongZ You don't count. You're ahead of the curve by a lot. You can afford to waste some time, just don't make it a habit and you good :)
191378978496458752 2012-04-14 21:14:38 PDT <TehWongZ> @CyanideL Mot mad, full of compassionate love and lust for my fellow man. Just some I do not particularly enjoy their company over another.
191379011618873345 2012-04-14 21:14:46 PDT <TehWongZ> @Mr_lurks_Moar huh?
191379369623691264 2012-04-14 21:16:12 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @BlastFrmThaPast: @KieshuZykova fucking shut up, god your just saying this, boy was stupid he knew what he was getting into, silly little boy ! #TeaMp0ser
191379702030680064 2012-04-14 21:17:31 PDT <TehWongZ> @martinj_ yeh but it is when it's to a Government agency, Judge will make an example out of TriCk & he ain't Comin out til he's 40+
191379815293648897 2012-04-14 21:17:58 PDT <TehWongZ> @testeux1 for once im liking your tweets.
191380020403503104 2012-04-14 21:18:47 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @the_w33dbroz: Just another #epicfail from #teamp0ser
191380083804602369 2012-04-14 21:19:02 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @the_w33dbroz: And so... #Teamp0ser CRUMBLES
191380335295078400 2012-04-14 21:20:02 PDT <TehWongZ> @mbattistella @leec85 Graphic designer? I'm ahead of the pack when it comes 2 photoshop bullshit... 2 EZ 2 PZ.
191380577872646147 2012-04-14 21:21:00 PDT <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova lol... Kinda makes me laugh to be honest. #teamp0ser is OVER.
191381147442364417 2012-04-14 21:23:15 PDT <TehWongZ> My man is ill.
191381781893742592 2012-04-14 21:25:47 PDT <TehWongZ> iTunes wouldn't allow Plan B to publish this on their platform. Suck UK Government CAWKS much? http://t.co/zVkMhRhl
191382505994190848 2012-04-14 21:28:39 PDT <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova I was never in anything to get over you. #DumbBitchesAreDumb - Guna go visit TriCk for a congilogical visit?
191382624915292161 2012-04-14 21:29:08 PDT <TehWongZ> @melancholywitch Heaven ain't real.
191383137694134272 2012-04-14 21:31:10 PDT <TehWongZ> I've had it with you Politicians. There is no broken Britain. We're just broke in Britain.
191383711290368001 2012-04-14 21:33:27 PDT <TehWongZ> @The_Real_MRE I am in my own country you reject. Go get a unique profile picture, sheep-in it up much?
191384990662139904 2012-04-14 21:38:32 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @quinnnorton: Anons, do not miss this one, @mollycrabapple stole your soul & put it on canvas. http://t.co/MGzLWZvy cc/@YourAnonNews @AnonyOps
191387926159048704 2012-04-14 21:50:12 PDT <TehWongZ> @HuffingtonPost what?
191388123085803520 2012-04-14 21:50:59 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: “Slut.” “Whore.” “Skank.” “Cunt” “Loser.” “Prostitute.” “Slag.” “Weirdo.” “Pig.” “Bitch.” “Freak.” I love u. I love u too! = “Bestfriends”
191462143743365120 2012-04-15 02:45:06 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: . @_f0rsaken is reporting that TriCk of #TeaMp0isoN was arrested.
191464445531267072 2012-04-15 02:54:15 PDT <TehWongZ> weird how at one point @_f0rsaken called TriCk a "sand nigger" - Yet they're blood brothers? - So what does that make you?
191465663745888256 2012-04-15 02:59:06 PDT <TehWongZ> It's been nearly 2 months since @plumb3r was v&, he's still in a police cell with NO CHARGE in Norway. Creator of OpDarkNet, Friend & more.
191851525855916032 2012-04-16 04:32:22 PDT <TehWongZ> @Chongelong @the_plumb3r same person yes..
191851690054520832 2012-04-16 04:33:01 PDT <TehWongZ> @martinj_ If its for "Terrorism" then you can. or they will make an example of you.
191852080703619075 2012-04-16 04:34:35 PDT <TehWongZ> Some Men just like to watch the World burn.
192049469032894465 2012-04-16 17:38:56 PDT <TehWongZ> @martinj_ *cough - computer misuse act *cough = upto 10 years, they haven't even looked at his hard drive yet.. Idiot
192050101324230656 2012-04-16 17:41:26 PDT <TehWongZ> @AnonSarab @plumb3r he was 1 of my own members & his brother is a friend, his brother told me as soon as it happened.
192050366689452032 2012-04-16 17:42:30 PDT <TehWongZ> #teamp0ser are now #p0serdead - Every member DoX'd and owned. It's over you bitches. Nice to know...
192050719904378880 2012-04-16 17:43:54 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @the_w33dbroz: #p0serDEAD\nTHE TASTE OF SWEET, SWEET VICTORY.
192050794852401152 2012-04-16 17:44:12 PDT <TehWongZ> @the_w33dbroz Love to MA brothers
192050819355508736 2012-04-16 17:44:18 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @the_w33dbroz: @_MLT_ I have moar pics of you, Melaine. Reply to me on skype or everything else I have is getting released.
192053331882029058 2012-04-16 17:54:17 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @_Cykocurt_: @TehWongZ *waves* glad you are still around .... (you amuse me)
192053473498513410 2012-04-16 17:54:50 PDT <TehWongZ> @unusedcrayon I can talk :) see the thing is, they have never got my address or done anything 2 me. DoX's are only good if u do stuff.
192053732849090560 2012-04-16 17:55:52 PDT <TehWongZ> I'm just wondering whether to add to the misery of #teamp0ser or not?
192094265382416384 2012-04-16 20:36:56 PDT <TehWongZ> @phantom4life 1 day, no tweets. ByeBye #p0serdead
192094920272654337 2012-04-16 20:39:32 PDT <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken #p0serdead I'll come give ya a visit in Prison Dillon - All the Skype logs of you sending card (including me) sent to FBI + IPs
192095082655121409 2012-04-16 20:40:11 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @the_w33dbroz: #TeaMp0seR is dead. My work here is done.
192095243682848768 2012-04-16 20:40:49 PDT <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ Got some pretty Lulzy logs from ya MLT. Enjoy prison ;)
192095716070535170 2012-04-16 20:42:42 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @EthanDerhy: Quit being a puppet, open your eyes and free yourself. @YourAnonNews http://t.co/TL6DyUeq
192098517785919488 2012-04-16 20:53:50 PDT <TehWongZ> Best, YouTuber, EVER? http://t.co/vnH2ffEB
192099111237984256 2012-04-16 20:56:11 PDT <TehWongZ> @TeaMp0isoN__ so wait, your still going? Yet 2 people been arrested, everyone DoX'd, FBI guna kick down Sakens door & u still Going? IDIOTS.
192099660167512066 2012-04-16 20:58:22 PDT <TehWongZ> @Attain_Ment @teamp0ison__ which court? IMA come and silently "BOOH!" til the court gets PISSED OFF!
192100252747186177 2012-04-16 21:00:44 PDT <TehWongZ> @TeaMp0isoN__ I think the right side of this picture suited it better then the post: http://t.co/xPnn17SP
192100940076163072 2012-04-16 21:03:27 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: ☐ Single. ☐ Taken. ☑ Someone talked about fishes.
192101124390658048 2012-04-16 21:04:11 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: Pregnancy tests should read: You’re Screwed! or Keep Screwing.
192101532865527808 2012-04-16 21:05:49 PDT <TehWongZ> #TeaMp0seR - http://t.co/mezG6609 - FTP is left WIDE open and can also see your IP, 000webhost. Really?
192106776890572800 2012-04-16 21:26:39 PDT <TehWongZ> I'm THINKING of re-opening the #DarkHacking website - I'll put some more tutorials up if I do. Anyone interested in running News/Forums?
192108577413017600 2012-04-16 21:33:48 PDT <TehWongZ> @The_Real_MRE Lol, your guna DDoS my shit? Dude I'm famous for DDoS, moron. Bita port changing & some Nginx fun and you ain't touching SHIT
192108599965782017 2012-04-16 21:33:54 PDT <TehWongZ> @AnonymouSpooN DM
192108796875784192 2012-04-16 21:34:41 PDT <TehWongZ> @enCyde &lt;3 SC:)
192108965612634112 2012-04-16 21:35:21 PDT <TehWongZ> Follow -&gt; @dark_hacking &lt;- Be updates there YO!
192110581816365057 2012-04-16 21:41:46 PDT <TehWongZ> If you Hack a website. Bitch. I'm here to prank call the 0wn3rs!
192125715645333505 2012-04-16 22:41:54 PDT <TehWongZ> @D0ct0rd0c OpCensorThis is there website you moron.
192125834620960769 2012-04-16 22:42:23 PDT <TehWongZ> @thothey where's the HACK! It's gotta be a defooce otherwise it's not a funny call ;(
192125868540313600 2012-04-16 22:42:31 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Laughbook: The grown up version of Tetris is loading a full dishwasher.
192126801429012481 2012-04-16 22:46:13 PDT <TehWongZ> @D0ct0rd0c Yeh, it's maintained by another member of TP -.- TriCk wasn't the only one to have access to the CF/Hosting accounts..
192132299024900096 2012-04-16 23:08:04 PDT <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken sanctuary never touched them :) I may of seen your work but I was smart enuf to know not to use them.. I have money.
192132464762830848 2012-04-16 23:08:43 PDT <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken $8,000 on eBay? WTF ru taking about, plz enlighten me.
192133465184014336 2012-04-16 23:12:42 PDT <TehWongZ> @SHG_Nackt @_f0rsaken lol, f0rsaken. Where's this screenshot? Never heard of something called Photoshop? ;)
192134692559003649 2012-04-16 23:17:35 PDT <TehWongZ> @The_M51 @_f0rsaken 2GB? :O please upload to Mega... OH FFS!
192134790017843200 2012-04-16 23:17:58 PDT <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken https://t.co/X8eTFMjD
192134905323454464 2012-04-16 23:18:25 PDT <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken Learn to give up when the games got you. TP is over. You might as well face the facts.
192135904280838145 2012-04-16 23:22:23 PDT <TehWongZ> @AlQaedaSec @doxbin is that why that phone isn't an actual phone number xD
192137127394418688 2012-04-16 23:27:15 PDT <TehWongZ> @Anonymously37 good job in the UK a minor doesn't get any benefits from co-operating with the police then :)
192138381843632128 2012-04-16 23:32:14 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Laughbook: That mini heart attack when you think you’ve lost something.
192138432707952641 2012-04-16 23:32:26 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: It's funny how some girls run away from the guys who try to make them happy, and fight for the ones that make them cry.
192138919750549505 2012-04-16 23:34:22 PDT <TehWongZ> @Anonymously37 yeh I'm a BOY not a MAN, not yet anyways. I didn't really send anything to the FBI about Saken, it's just Internet trolling..
192139076546211840 2012-04-16 23:35:00 PDT <TehWongZ> @MotorSec when did she get arrested? It only seems like yesterday we were having troll wars in IRC...
192313368433012738 2012-04-17 11:07:34 PDT <TehWongZ> @martinj_ not life, but he'll probably get branded a terrorist or causing harm to the Government, they'll make an example of him.
192313629201285120 2012-04-17 11:08:36 PDT <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ followed me, ahahhahaha lol
192314933579497472 2012-04-17 11:13:47 PDT <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 nope
192314988331937794 2012-04-17 11:14:00 PDT <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ I haz!
192315424887668737 2012-04-17 11:15:45 PDT <TehWongZ> @harris_AFC You cant unless you get it from a link or setup a sting (I prefer that word cus it sounds good but "trap" is another word)
192315470710452224 2012-04-17 11:15:55 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @HoratioPotato: @SiX your car ? defaced by @TehWongZ  how you know ?
192315537437622273 2012-04-17 11:16:11 PDT <TehWongZ> @LyricistJinn Isn't that trolling? Me 2!
192316454337650688 2012-04-17 11:19:50 PDT <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ I just replied...
192389434308702208 2012-04-17 16:09:50 PDT <TehWongZ> First Video in my BackTrack 5 Series :) I'll be doing more soon! From Basics to the advanced Juicy stuff! http://t.co/w4tvUTj1
192389718900621312 2012-04-17 16:10:58 PDT <TehWongZ> @BlastFrmThaPast :o 259? Psch... EZ
192391231953846272 2012-04-17 16:16:58 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: A boyfriend should always send u a good morning & goodnight text even if u don't talk all day, just to let you know that you're on his mind.
192405029779537920 2012-04-17 17:11:48 PDT <TehWongZ> BackTrack 5 Episode 2!!! - How to Install Network Manager & Run a VPN through it :) by MEH! http://t.co/TWM7NgVH
192415280570433537 2012-04-17 17:52:32 PDT <TehWongZ> BackTrack 5 EPISODE 3!!! NMap & Zenmap Basics & Functions - Episode 3 - BY MEH! :D http://t.co/ajaTgjQ7
192418608624836609 2012-04-17 18:05:45 PDT <TehWongZ> @pr0j3ktm4yh3m :P advanced*
192438412043763712 2012-04-17 19:24:27 PDT <TehWongZ> @fr0stcr4g lol I know a LOT about Linux & BT guna make a BIG series on this...
192438665924968448 2012-04-17 19:25:27 PDT <TehWongZ> RU HaX0R N00B/SkiD? - Watch this series :) Will teach you Linux/Backtrack shit from MEH! :) http://t.co/w4tvUTj1
192438892895547392 2012-04-17 19:26:22 PDT <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ DM.
192452649164091392 2012-04-17 20:21:01 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: Six-year-old girl handcuffed and arrested for throwing tantrum at Georgia elementary school | http://t.co/V50DuMsz
192454693182644225 2012-04-17 20:29:09 PDT <TehWongZ> http://t.co/uUdSepZb - Milledgeville Chief of Police DoX'D - http://t.co/IIPJMZSp - I expect some Prank Calls!
192455312752644097 2012-04-17 20:31:36 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @_MLT_: Name: Detective Inspector Evans    Address: 3 Carters Close , Marston Green, Solihull. B37 7AX -  DILDOFLOOD INCOMING #FreeTriCk
192455516973309953 2012-04-17 20:32:25 PDT <TehWongZ> @_MLT_ So, what, no phone number? AHH.. Pathetic..
192481864848650241 2012-04-17 22:17:07 PDT <TehWongZ> @Jakeula enriched, I was simply saying I'll be making more tutorials and if you look at my videos I use Terminal commands not Pre-stuff..
192481964647919616 2012-04-17 22:17:31 PDT <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL you forgot: /
192491004954284033 2012-04-17 22:53:26 PDT <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL 1) I'm not a dog \n2) I do not own a dog, so I do not own a kennel or have ever actually been to a kennel..
192491088634847232 2012-04-17 22:53:46 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @AnonymousCenter: Oh shit, we think #Time is stalling because #Anonymous won the popular vote.
192491257061318656 2012-04-17 22:54:26 PDT <TehWongZ> @TIME Why you stalling? as Charlie Sheen would say. Anonymous. #WINNING
192492419500097537 2012-04-17 22:59:03 PDT <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL IT'S rm -rf / GET IT RIGHT IF YOUR GUNA TROLL.. dipshit
192492506301206528 2012-04-17 22:59:24 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @OpPinkPower: Australian DFAT delays FOI releases on Assange following US gov pressure http://t.co/mUq7GKEY\n #australia #extradition #wikileaks
192493265457659905 2012-04-17 23:02:25 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: PHOTOS: Insanely Expensive Gadgets for the 1% | http://t.co/lBjdfZck #SMH #OWS
192493354452402176 2012-04-17 23:02:46 PDT <TehWongZ> @YourAnonNews holy shit there's a 1TB Swiss Army Knife USB Stick. I WANT 1!
192493588817526784 2012-04-17 23:03:42 PDT <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL grammar mistake? Even though you got it wrong 2 times? Do you have special needs? - How then pretty colours?
192493872755113985 2012-04-17 23:04:50 PDT <TehWongZ> @Jakeula Sure, I have to use some pre-installed stuff as it is a tutorial series but only if people request it or to make the series longer
192493913544732672 2012-04-17 23:05:00 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: Everything happens for a reason, except why I'm in love with you.
192494179815923712 2012-04-17 23:06:03 PDT <TehWongZ> @ejhilbert good, don't think I've got a patch for that :P
192495277561749505 2012-04-17 23:10:25 PDT <TehWongZ> @AnonymousCenter @_protocol I'm not a flamer. What I'm doing is out smarting a probably older man that has a keyboard & a brain deficiency
192495898629128193 2012-04-17 23:12:53 PDT <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @anonymouscenter not really big words, just to big for your brain capacity to accept, such as remembering rm -rf /
192495936025542658 2012-04-17 23:13:02 PDT <TehWongZ> @Jakeula sounds fair.
192497143456608256 2012-04-17 23:17:50 PDT <TehWongZ> @_ProtocoL @anonymouscenter you were the 1 to say you were "confused" by "big words" - I was not. You like dog references, sexual confusion?
192497945260720128 2012-04-17 23:21:01 PDT <TehWongZ> @AlQaedaSec Fuckin stupid name... You need 2 be more creative.
192498013426548736 2012-04-17 23:21:17 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: I'm not a Facebook status; you dont have to like me
192658116599480320 2012-04-18 09:57:29 PDT <TehWongZ> @th3j35t3r blocked me... Lol
192658268659781632 2012-04-18 09:58:05 PDT <TehWongZ> @D0ct0rd0c Mot really.. I teach how to enter terminal commands and how to use Linux/Ubuntu/Backtrack in general. Most ppl don't know that.
192752455891693569 2012-04-18 16:12:21 PDT <TehWongZ> @SiX I'm using BlackBuntu more than anything ATM :) sounds cool though
192752487143440384 2012-04-18 16:12:28 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: A Russian national living in Brooklyn, NY is charged with $1.4 million hacking scam | http://t.co/AAPiPMeq
192781091239755776 2012-04-18 18:06:08 PDT <TehWongZ> @HarryHo0 Disappear? Bitch, Its guna take an awful lota hard work to make that happen.
192901880093999104 2012-04-19 02:06:06 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: Costa Rica Police Investigate Photos Of Their Own In Neo-Nazi Gestures Posted on Facebook | http://t.co/nS43U4Ni
192901915938537472 2012-04-19 02:06:15 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: There will be always that one teacher asking you a question and your friend next to you whispering the answer.
193082215041728512 2012-04-19 14:02:42 PDT <TehWongZ> @josh44regan lol 259 companies this kid hacked via a prebuilt tool. That shots EASY!
193084249161732097 2012-04-19 14:10:46 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @AnonymousWiki: @TehWongZ http://t.co/kfzWGw34 - #TheWikiBoat
193202259344097280 2012-04-19 21:59:42 PDT <TehWongZ> @TeaMp0isoN__ rights to means of Communication is a human right under U.N. law...
193242464507801600 2012-04-20 00:39:28 PDT <TehWongZ> @SHG_Nackt @teamp0ison__ this is true.
193468038106988544 2012-04-20 15:35:49 PDT <TehWongZ> Family Guy speaks the TRUTH!
193864055570694144 2012-04-21 17:49:27 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: #TextsThatGetYouScared Can I ask you something?
193864534279196672 2012-04-21 17:51:21 PDT <TehWongZ> It's funny watching trolls try to... Well troll. Don't realise they're messin with the kid who's got his scopes locked on under the bridge.
193873409661353984 2012-04-21 18:26:37 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @AnonyOps: Our moral code is flawed when we agree that some things are bad, yet allow governments to continue to do them.
193875020106317825 2012-04-21 18:33:01 PDT <TehWongZ> How to make Money from YouTube, without YouTube Partnership! WATCH IT! http://t.co/1Sy0QHmZ
193876342188683264 2012-04-21 18:38:16 PDT <TehWongZ> @youthfed @deepgreenfest @cchhi2012 DEM CHIX ARE F---AAAAAAT
193877385303687169 2012-04-21 18:42:25 PDT <TehWongZ> So, wait? http://t.co/X9jxU7B7 - Mr Long Legged MacDaddy. Marijuana is not addictive (even less so than Alcohol)
193877591873171456 2012-04-21 18:43:14 PDT <TehWongZ> Also Mr long legged MacDaddy, you can use a filterisation machine to remove the "bad" parts of Cannabis & inhale with all the "good" bits.
193895036826550272 2012-04-21 19:52:33 PDT <TehWongZ> Dickhead wasted FOUR HOURS of my time &gt; http://t.co/9O9RevQy\nAny1 up for some trolling & I'm about 45 seconds away from DoX'ing this bitch.
193897775119872001 2012-04-21 20:03:26 PDT <TehWongZ> @Rorroh EWWW... Google & by DoX I\nMeant 1) Get his phone number 2) Post it on 4chan & various other phone harassment agencies.
193936365371654144 2012-04-21 22:36:47 PDT <TehWongZ> @AnonymouSpooN sorry for my late reply, he cried down the phone to me already.. Shuda recorded it :D
193936642724200448 2012-04-21 22:37:53 PDT <TehWongZ> Maaaannnn... FUCK DA PO-LEECE
193937126910476288 2012-04-21 22:39:48 PDT <TehWongZ> How to Rip YouTube Backgrounds (No Downloads) Just Google Chrome :D http://t.co/VxJh5c0r
193937343269437441 2012-04-21 22:40:40 PDT <TehWongZ> If you haven't seen it already. I 0WN3D MIT's Printers, like the little Bitches they are! http://t.co/7UwYu5uD
193941117685870592 2012-04-21 22:55:40 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @GanjamanMoe: My girlfriend is leaving me because of my obsession with Battlefield. It's ok, she wont get far. I set up a claymore by the door.
194167326541758464 2012-04-22 13:54:32 PDT <TehWongZ> True Cloud Gaming... Coming Soon &gt; http://t.co/a9R4z76x #OsirisPlatform
194167984393158656 2012-04-22 13:57:09 PDT <TehWongZ> @LyricistJinn because I'm a BAUS... Not really.. I just wanted to look cool but ended up looking like a gay Arny..
194168837489430528 2012-04-22 14:00:32 PDT <TehWongZ> Playing with emotion is a sick twisted game. Playing with emotion for LULZ is a completely different matter :D
194239931525238786 2012-04-22 18:43:03 PDT <TehWongZ> If Society seems you wrong, your probably doing it right.
194322610467778560 2012-04-23 00:11:35 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @83LeeJ: Revenge porn website http://t.co/LQCZX7Rj shut down after anti-bullying group buys domain...http://j.mp/JqANsd
194337574549073922 2012-04-23 01:11:03 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @ANONYMOUS_UK: Zac Efron is trending! &lt;3 HSM3. Even bought the XB360 game of it. It cost three quid from Cash Convertors, so @zacefron owes us a pint.
194685098489155584 2012-04-24 00:11:59 PDT <TehWongZ> @testeux1 @d0ct0rd0c he deleted his account... lol
194888159346176002 2012-04-24 13:38:52 PDT <TehWongZ> Meh... I'm bored of twitter now, Pce.
199682611709345792 2012-05-07 19:10:19 PDT <TehWongZ> @rabite @anonyops rabite is kinda right but the stupidity of the EU &amp; The European governments is the problem, not the migrants...
200041942141251586 2012-05-08 18:58:10 PDT <TehWongZ> @gsuberland @_protocol @s3rverexe and not a single fuck was given that day.
200042122391470083 2012-05-08 18:58:53 PDT <TehWongZ> Look, just because people fail troll &amp; try to piss me off... Doesn't mean I'm going to leave twitter over it. Trolls pick a fight &amp; get ownd
200042230201860096 2012-05-08 18:59:18 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags me? rage quit? WHY THE FUCK WOULD I RAGE QUIT HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA SABU'S NUTS TASTE GOOD? MUAHAHAHHAA
200042393586761729 2012-05-08 18:59:57 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @lnsaneTweets: I wonder why it's so easy to say "I hate you." and so hard to say "I love you."
200042433541709824 2012-05-08 19:00:07 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @lnsaneTweets: That awkward moment when you're in bed, 'half asleep' &amp; you have a mini spaz attack &amp; you think you're falling.
200043232707612673 2012-05-08 19:03:17 PDT <TehWongZ> @Proj3cTIcaru5 Got a few fail trollers who get hilariously destroyed... As I've stated b4 i camp with my sights locked on under the bridge
200043460231831552 2012-05-08 19:04:12 PDT <TehWongZ> If this Tweet gets 25+ Retweets I'll post some REALLLLLLY rude stuff on Random people's facebook profiles!
200045744663691264 2012-05-08 19:13:16 PDT <TehWongZ> @th3j35t3r Blocked meh.., llol
200047850627940355 2012-05-08 19:21:38 PDT <TehWongZ> @nabelle9o IS A HOTTY!
200733044821331968 2012-05-10 16:44:21 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Mubziii: @TehWongZ you have many followers, I think you should give me a Shoutout :)
200760243389599746 2012-05-10 18:32:26 PDT <TehWongZ> Don't know how people can live like that without striving for better... No one else is going to give you te world.. You've gotta TAKE IT.
200905032089075712 2012-05-11 04:07:46 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @huwaidaarraf: #Israel - END Internment of Palestinians! Photo of #Palhunger solidarity demo in Dublin City Center. #Ireland http://t.co/MpuOK3oB
201485761101574144 2012-05-12 18:35:23 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Blackinator101: @TehWongZ Hmm I think this is Lolz http://t.co/28cM24Ek
201485900432146432 2012-05-12 18:35:56 PDT <TehWongZ> @JakeMachinima Is at nearly 1,000 followers! And use Xsplit for Live streaming bro ;) makes it SMOOTH...
201486127255916544 2012-05-12 18:36:50 PDT <TehWongZ> Is it just me or can the world go fuck itself?
201486191676235776 2012-05-12 18:37:06 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @_T0x1c: @P0wd3r_ you are next. knock knock
201486643960614912 2012-05-12 18:38:54 PDT <TehWongZ> Seems @_T0x1c is guna be like HAAAA-DOUKEN! On @P0wd3r_ 's ass...
201488795353350144 2012-05-12 18:47:26 PDT <TehWongZ> One Day I was EXTREMELY FUCKING BORED -  http://t.co/OFHHE77o
201508156537446400 2012-05-12 20:04:23 PDT <TehWongZ> @unusedcrayon :P
201508179144744962 2012-05-12 20:04:28 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @PH_Lawless: @TehWongZ  My sides hurt when you own like that :D
201821460921200640 2012-05-13 16:49:20 PDT <TehWongZ> @BBC_TopGear Expect me.
201827945436823552 2012-05-13 17:15:06 PDT <TehWongZ> @BBC_TopGear HACKED - Top Gear HACKED - http://t.co/mNlvunP2 #CharrieWong 4 the LULZ!
201829621124169731 2012-05-13 17:21:46 PDT <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News Hacked Top Gear: http://t.co/NDiQqdDH
201834054293798913 2012-05-13 17:39:23 PDT <TehWongZ> @BBC_TopGear U be Mad Bro?\n\nUr Website got Hacked :) http://t.co/mNlvunP2
201881516459040769 2012-05-13 20:47:58 PDT <TehWongZ> @d0ct0rd0c @cyber_war_news utterly pointless? Cough.. Biggest TV series in the world.. Cough.
201981282345955328 2012-05-14 03:24:24 PDT <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News @d0ct0rd0c well the BBC are known for being the governments bitch and broadcasting hate and fake BS...
202087058179756032 2012-05-14 10:24:43 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @topgearclub: The Top Gear Club Daily is out! http://t.co/G1C7OKZG ▸ Top stories today via @tehwongz @brownthecarguy @invoco @snipplesnips @karkeragirish
202108522924748801 2012-05-14 11:50:01 PDT <TehWongZ> @DiscordiAnon @anonymousirc shame the account blocked me hahahahha
202109899331747840 2012-05-14 11:55:29 PDT <TehWongZ> #LulzSec back? There's only 1 member actually LEFT for it to be back.. Not to sure how a 1 man boat is guna sail the seven proxseas.
202235425354559489 2012-05-14 20:14:17 PDT <TehWongZ> @d0ct0rd0c @cyber_war_news I did it because I wanted to do it... Got a problem? I literally don't give a FUCK..
202235969599045632 2012-05-14 20:16:27 PDT <TehWongZ> @LulzPirate Needs to get his ass of twitter, before he gets even deeper then he already is.. Idiots C&amp;P others work..
202460230800519168 2012-05-15 11:07:35 PDT <TehWongZ> @1Kaizen1 Nope... Storm is the only real member left &amp; possibly Joepie but he did nothing except sort out the hosting... lol.
202899309602148352 2012-05-16 16:12:19 PDT <TehWongZ> @_Cykocurt_ here all fucking day Brah!!!
203079389611700224 2012-05-17 04:07:54 PDT <TehWongZ> American Justice System... Manning, Cyntoia and those are but 2 who the entire country has failed. #AmericaFuckNo.
203431934334996482 2012-05-18 03:28:47 PDT <TehWongZ> @HamasSecurity because I care... HAHAHAHA not really but I don't really like Jews blowing up people for no reason...
203432034595643393 2012-05-18 03:29:11 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Anon_Online: The US government is collecting DNA from kids, whether or not they are involved in criminal http://t.co/p6uSp5Gi
203814881663787011 2012-05-19 04:50:29 PDT <TehWongZ> @_f0rsaken Does Not Exist... #TeaMp0seR = OVER.
203817704837226496 2012-05-19 05:01:42 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @MK_Ultra_Hacker: Anyones else  thinks  the FBI  needs to have a better strategy  on how they conduct  Raids in regards to Cyber Criminals lol
203817905790517248 2012-05-19 05:02:30 PDT <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 Indeed... No point in bursting down a 12 yr olds front door with a double barrel shotgun and full riot gear...
203902102563594240 2012-05-19 10:37:04 PDT <TehWongZ> @zer0void @hex000101 no... Double barrel shotgun? This is England motherfucker!
204518283884507137 2012-05-21 03:25:33 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @IBTimesUK: #Anonymous Punishes Chicago Police after Anti-Nato Protests [VIDEO] http://t.co/gyTtYsLa #AntiS3curityOPS #TangoDown @UKAnonymous2012 #nato
204940947073675265 2012-05-22 07:25:04 PDT <TehWongZ> What is the difference between a US Troop &amp; a Suicide Bomber? - A US Troop will kill more.
205487625384116225 2012-05-23 19:37:22 PDT <TehWongZ> @MissAnonFatale lol wut???
210020706522632192 2012-06-05 07:50:13 PDT <TehWongZ> The thing about me is... im unstoppable.. lock me up... i'll be released. Throw away the key, i'll escape... Kill me. I'll live on in spirit
212241663144370176 2012-06-11 10:55:30 PDT <TehWongZ> "Did you kno..." - NO AND GUESS WHAT I DON'T GIVE A SHIT!
213611701902376961 2012-06-15 05:39:33 PDT <TehWongZ> @francis_madison your the 1 who lies "no bullshit here"
218368186666598400 2012-06-28 08:40:07 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @_dantalion @organ1zer Tis True I am 1 funny guy.
218666012621545472 2012-06-29 04:23:34 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @organ1zer depends. I am always around, watching over this fucked up Internet, you will only see me, when I want u to.
218667233801535490 2012-06-29 04:28:25 PDT <TehWongZ> @UG I'd prefer it if you'd said "Once and for all"
219621696041259008 2012-07-01 19:41:07 PDT <TehWongZ> @dShagMeb @crappyairbags Me? Raided? - Why is it people still don't get I'm fucking untouchable ^.^ &lt; cute face = bitches can't touch me.
219622240478699520 2012-07-01 19:43:17 PDT <TehWongZ> It's funny how there is me vs TeaMp0isoN and 2 months ago you would of said they won. FYI Saken didn't used my VPN everyday :)
219945512336506881 2012-07-02 17:07:51 PDT <TehWongZ> @irBreShiE Indeed I do remember you :) TTG has gone 2 shit since we fucked em up :)
219946446890340353 2012-07-02 17:11:34 PDT <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 wwow your a pianist as well as a penis? :P
219946585386266624 2012-07-02 17:12:07 PDT <TehWongZ> @DiscordiAnon @anonymousirc shame AnonymousIRC blocked me :(
219947625120661505 2012-07-02 17:16:14 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @punkboyinsf: So, um, yeah. This just happened. #OccupyPhilly #NatGat http://t.co/6DJ8vVC0
219947765483044867 2012-07-02 17:16:48 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: Guns don't kill ppl...Drug Cartels who were shipped guns from our Government kill ppl.
219947888304857089 2012-07-02 17:17:17 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: Philadelphia Mayor Wants #Occupy National Gathering Participants to Go Thirsty in Heat http://t.co/1ui6alKT #NatGat + Video #PoliceBrutality
219948633213251586 2012-07-02 17:20:15 PDT <TehWongZ> @YourAnonNews who the fuck would a Nutter be Mayor? I mean literally.. Nutter.\nAlso who cares about donors when 99% of voters find out?
219948700527632384 2012-07-02 17:20:31 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @AnonymouSkullar: And you thought #Anonymous was a bunch of overweight nerds in their moms basement http://t.co/79EAvrjX via @SexyFawkes
219948787899174912 2012-07-02 17:20:52 PDT <TehWongZ> @mattminerxvx @anarchymous but she can be.
219948915674464257 2012-07-02 17:21:22 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @BenMcCool: 14 Stories That Prove Animals Have Souls: http://t.co/nHrRzVed
219949043160322048 2012-07-02 17:21:53 PDT <TehWongZ> @DiscordiAnon Me? Has no one realised I'm legitimately untouchable yet?
219949136382935041 2012-07-02 17:22:15 PDT <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 apart from the Feds who watch you every day?
219949254834257920 2012-07-02 17:22:43 PDT <TehWongZ> @asdfhpsuaidghwa @discordianon like My little pony I guess.
219949536632778753 2012-07-02 17:23:50 PDT <TehWongZ> @DiscordiAnon It is quite funny, aye. Also contradicting in the largest and smallest of forms.
219950767103164416 2012-07-02 17:28:44 PDT <TehWongZ> @DiscordiAnon Indeed it was. And WTF DDos Bomb? I think you mean Dee Doooos..
219953618172903425 2012-07-02 17:40:03 PDT <TehWongZ> @pr0j3ktm4yh3m dude what is up with people... Who said I was ever legitimately caught? \nI never left and I never will. Check my Bio 4 moar.
219953687429267457 2012-07-02 17:40:20 PDT <TehWongZ> @pr0j3ktm4yh3m also your about as underground as a cloud.
220224234797019136 2012-07-03 11:35:23 PDT <TehWongZ> @pr0j3ktm4yh3m yes but you have to remember I only say things to get out.
220237942143201282 2012-07-03 12:29:51 PDT <TehWongZ> @irBreShiE I change my Skype pretty much every month bro :)
220238163132686338 2012-07-03 12:30:44 PDT <TehWongZ> @pr0j3ktm4yh3m HAY! Lolspoon is a funny tranny! &lt; like @kieshuZykova\nAnd wtf ru on about?
220238414723817472 2012-07-03 12:31:44 PDT <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova &lt; Marrying Steven Boner (oh sorry Bone) - in the US Army and shares 1 ugly ass child with her.
220294453267673089 2012-07-03 16:14:25 PDT <TehWongZ> @VinceintheBay Hey big boi!\nAh damn, you said a lady :/
220330658835341312 2012-07-03 18:38:17 PDT <TehWongZ> @VinceintheBay yeh, Kieshu blocked me.. Damn Steven Boner must of found out about her fapping to a minor video I PM'd him on Facebook
220330705954144256 2012-07-03 18:38:28 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Rep_DanGordon: Interesting that the cops were parked out in front of my house today, &amp; a retired cop is running is against me. Hmmm. For the record.
220331430998323200 2012-07-03 18:41:21 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Rep_DanGordon: RT, plz----&gt;cops parked in front of my house today, Retired cop is running against me. Blast it out just for the record, please.
220331556424781824 2012-07-03 18:41:51 PDT <TehWongZ> @RepDanGordon He may have Cops on his side... You have the Internet.
220355438254882816 2012-07-03 20:16:45 PDT <TehWongZ> @VinceintheBay Steven Bone, in the Army, pretty fucking ugly and shares that ugly ass Mexican baby with her.
220419134113058817 2012-07-04 00:29:51 PDT <TehWongZ> @VinceintheBay The correct term is: UMadBro?\nAnd Mad?... Nah lol, he looks like the last Mexican Jew.
220433546647584768 2012-07-04 01:27:07 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Anon_Online: #BREAKINGNEWS #RBS #Barclays #HSBC #Lloyds #Bank named under investigation as scandal widens http://t.co/K71ef5Ai RT #Anonymous #WakeUp
220633882909868034 2012-07-04 14:43:11 PDT <TehWongZ> @VinceintheBay @adultcon DAMN! Is Eva Angelina guna be there? :D
221165417681534976 2012-07-06 01:55:19 PDT <TehWongZ> HERRO!
221166390135095296 2012-07-06 01:59:11 PDT <TehWongZ> I am the only 1 left... Don't share anything with anyone, not even your true love. The only thing you should share is information. NO TRUST.
221282340163432449 2012-07-06 09:39:55 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @charlesarthur: @TehWongZ CHARRIE LIVES!
221282521617403905 2012-07-06 09:40:39 PDT <TehWongZ> @3t3rn4l_j0y you can't even spell snitch right do GTFO and 2) Police can't offer communicative deals to minors, only "co-operated"
221543978724626432 2012-07-07 02:59:35 PDT <TehWongZ> @3t3rn4l_j0y No you said snitcher.. Idiot.
221763789949898753 2012-07-07 17:33:02 PDT <TehWongZ> @3t3rn4l_j0y lol'd it's not in the English dictionary (Oxford) do GTFO.
221764066841079808 2012-07-07 17:34:08 PDT <TehWongZ> Disregard Girls, Acquire Currency.
221764304817496064 2012-07-07 17:35:05 PDT <TehWongZ> @HoodieAllen it's weird.. I followed u back close to a year ago.. And now your @ like 100k Followers, GZ BRO :)
221783427190501376 2012-07-07 18:51:04 PDT <TehWongZ> @Mathias317 was never impressed bro.
221783449801990144 2012-07-07 18:51:09 PDT <TehWongZ> @timez1001 here.
221783658544103424 2012-07-07 18:51:59 PDT <TehWongZ> @Mathias317 opressed* xD
221783941886124033 2012-07-07 18:53:06 PDT <TehWongZ> It's funny how I'm the only 1 left in this fucked up world. #TrueHearts are the 1s that survive. I was never any of what you called me. #END
221784215937748992 2012-07-07 18:54:12 PDT <TehWongZ> @Mathias317 Indeed. I am the only relevant thing that ever existed in this world, that's why I'll truly be untoucheable.
221785677325533184 2012-07-07 19:00:00 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Mathias317: @TehWongZ the only reason Im on Twitter is because of you and people similar to you the past months I have been following teenage girls fml
221785967013531648 2012-07-07 19:01:09 PDT <TehWongZ> Freedoms been overthrown by Skull and Key Lunatics, it the home of the supposed Land of the Free, The CIA planted C4 2 bring the towers down
221786176225423362 2012-07-07 19:01:59 PDT <TehWongZ> Here's the truth. We the people have been seeing your attempts and realise we're the 1s you declared war against.
221786391347077122 2012-07-07 19:02:50 PDT <TehWongZ> Illuminated Lineage of Configured Chromosomes, our financial fates now site on your Million Dollar Homes.
221787003719655424 2012-07-07 19:05:16 PDT <TehWongZ> Feds have TriCk's Skype logs.. They got his IP from Skype 2, Skype Resolver via @_T0x1c FTW?
221787605585498113 2012-07-07 19:07:40 PDT <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News @asher_wolf that's just WAY 2 many.
221787884733202434 2012-07-07 19:08:47 PDT <TehWongZ> @timez1001 so.. Nutbashers is back aye? C0rps3 ain't v&amp; btw..
221788277747888128 2012-07-07 19:10:20 PDT <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News @asher_wolf haha! I'm the only 1 who hasn't and will never disappear. I am the truth.
221789280295600128 2012-07-07 19:14:19 PDT <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News Trouble? That's 1 thing I can't resist.
221789718277402624 2012-07-07 19:16:04 PDT <TehWongZ> @On3iroi Seems like your still about.
221790017935249408 2012-07-07 19:17:15 PDT <TehWongZ> @LyricistJinn Guessing you'll be going to the TriCk trials then? haha
221790075925704704 2012-07-07 19:17:29 PDT <TehWongZ> @KingPMoney Blocked me? FoReal?
221798530799501313 2012-07-07 19:51:05 PDT <TehWongZ> @Zeldablowslink yup.. All gone :)
221798735544467457 2012-07-07 19:51:54 PDT <TehWongZ> @3t3rn4l_j0y Oxford is the OFFICIAL English dictionary, none of your Americanised Bullshit please.
221798939140173824 2012-07-07 19:52:42 PDT <TehWongZ> @NaanYum #GoodTimeS
221808265498066944 2012-07-07 20:29:46 PDT <TehWongZ> @VinceintheBay @cyber_war_news @asher_wolf I suppose so, but if I'd been v&amp; they wud of taken my twitter Acc :o
221829968236249088 2012-07-07 21:56:00 PDT <TehWongZ> @The__Freeman @prisonreformmvt @vinceinthebay @cyber_war_news @marymad @crappyairbags @wendigo #CrappyCon2012?
221830182116409345 2012-07-07 21:56:51 PDT <TehWongZ> @TheTimeShifter @timez1001 @mr_boter Maybe Boter wanted it? lol..
221830424412950528 2012-07-07 21:57:49 PDT <TehWongZ> @_r3dn3ck @anonymouspoon Homeless? Bro.. U cud be like that homeless hijacker hero.. He stole starbucks wifi and carded shit :o
221832436613513216 2012-07-07 22:05:48 PDT <TehWongZ> @Hoggecipher Indeed. Welcome to the Show.
221832582332039168 2012-07-07 22:06:23 PDT <TehWongZ> @anonymouSpoon @_r3dn3ck Shame super HerO's off spidermans calibre aren't real :/ I want to be Batman already
221832741132570624 2012-07-07 22:07:01 PDT <TehWongZ> @_r3dn3ck @anonymouspoon DoX might actually help bro! You could piss of blackhats and sell dildos!
221833120721281024 2012-07-07 22:08:32 PDT <TehWongZ> @Hoggecipher I have been on a personal mission to disregard women; gain currency.. I have fulfilled it and am now looking for a "hoe".
221833390456963072 2012-07-07 22:09:36 PDT <TehWongZ> @anonymouSpoon @_r3dn3ck well, you could try.. But my mum would properly bitch slap ur ass and dad kick the shit out of u. #TrampNoob
221834362793115649 2012-07-07 22:13:28 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @OpPinkPower: The girl who silenced the world for 5 minutes http://t.co/ekUrFHW1\n #momentofsilence #un #women
221977228639092737 2012-07-08 07:41:10 PDT <TehWongZ> @KingPMoney quite possibly.
221977409556189184 2012-07-08 07:41:53 PDT <TehWongZ> @blu3shi3ld That's because I never give up.
222101943185719297 2012-07-08 15:56:44 PDT <TehWongZ> Steam Tax Evasion EXPOSED - http://t.co/yRPDXUMf - #SteamRound2
222114497920372736 2012-07-08 16:46:37 PDT <TehWongZ> @3t3rn4l_j0y Like the others? GTFO. There's only 1 me bitch.
222114607903420418 2012-07-08 16:47:03 PDT <TehWongZ> Steam Round 2 - https://t.co/JPoK6APm - Steam seems to be NAUGHTY!
222182166459723778 2012-07-08 21:15:31 PDT <TehWongZ> @KeesKraakman yeh PasteBin is having problems ATM.. Check back or I'll stick it on another site
222182354762993665 2012-07-08 21:16:15 PDT <TehWongZ> @TheTimeShifter @mr_boter @timez1001 Actually I don't think Boter is from the US, so he wouldn't be wearing an orange jump suit.
222182695818625024 2012-07-08 21:17:37 PDT <TehWongZ> @pastebin why does it keep making pastes not show the text? http://t.co/Mc5jplCK click create new version and it shows it.. WTF?
222183855803744256 2012-07-08 21:22:13 PDT <TehWongZ> Steam Tax Evasion: https://t.co/KvFIMXOm - #SteamRound2 - Proof Steam has Evaded Huge Amounts of Tax Payments.
222191500333813764 2012-07-08 21:52:36 PDT <TehWongZ> @VinceintheBay it started out as a much more sinister beginning, trust me ;)
222201199649230850 2012-07-08 22:31:08 PDT <TehWongZ> Indeed. http://t.co/36Our8XU
222552226982412289 2012-07-09 21:46:00 PDT <TehWongZ> @MickyWorthless I decided to.. NOT add you on Twitter.
222552771583426560 2012-07-09 21:48:10 PDT <TehWongZ> @autocorrects That's what the Government says.
222553315727257600 2012-07-09 21:50:19 PDT <TehWongZ> Black don't refer to the colour of these cowards faces.\nTheir powdered paste skin makes them the proudest racists.
222553519301988353 2012-07-09 21:51:08 PDT <TehWongZ> Here's the truth, we the people have been seeing your attempts.\nAnd realise we're the ones you declared war against.
222930045126193154 2012-07-10 22:47:19 PDT <TehWongZ> #TangoDown http://t.co/C2xh85i5
222935117889409027 2012-07-10 23:07:28 PDT <TehWongZ> D4rk DoS, Coming soon.
222945750777208832 2012-07-10 23:49:43 PDT <TehWongZ> http://t.co/KbU3uocV #StillTangoDown - 1 hour and counting. #D4rkDoS #D4rkH4ck1ng
222969280482902016 2012-07-11 01:23:13 PDT <TehWongZ> http://t.co/6oqvbJ2G &lt; The 1st of Many Returns this Week. I'm back, and I'm here to fuck shit UP!
222974466651734019 2012-07-11 01:43:50 PDT <TehWongZ> http://t.co/F8PeSISk - Hacked and Fucked.. #ThisIsJustTheStart
222983659416858624 2012-07-11 02:20:21 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Light_Drizzle: @TehWongZ u go man!
222986862451638272 2012-07-11 02:33:05 PDT <TehWongZ> 3 Hours and Counting - http://t.co/v5rzoeGr
222995448972050432 2012-07-11 03:07:12 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @hamdaz1: @TehWongZ http://t.co/Mx96O1Fn still down, think they noticed yet? rofl, good work :P
222995468001611776 2012-07-11 03:07:17 PDT <TehWongZ> @ColmDooney what?
222999512581550080 2012-07-11 03:23:21 PDT <TehWongZ> http://t.co/C2xh85i5 Still Tango Down - Nearly 4 hours.. Shall we see if we can keep it down for 24? ^^
223022049071857664 2012-07-11 04:52:54 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: #anonymous history fact check http://t.co/sSKddASt
223113814785265664 2012-07-11 10:57:33 PDT <TehWongZ> @ColmDooney well... KThxBai. Oh and FYI IDGAF.
223258543300673538 2012-07-11 20:32:39 PDT <TehWongZ> @CyanideL Yeh I know... I stopped the attack :) I'll do more soon. But still 12+ hours was good :)
223280752211668993 2012-07-11 22:00:54 PDT <TehWongZ> @OpPinkPower it's not a new target... We went after em in OpDarkNet a few months ago and did what the FBI called impossible - bypassed TOR
223423234970890245 2012-07-12 07:27:04 PDT <TehWongZ> @LIFESUCKS_DIE why?
224000157681844224 2012-07-13 21:39:33 PDT <TehWongZ> @Nebraska_J0nes HAWT.
224000817785606147 2012-07-13 21:42:11 PDT <TehWongZ> @Cyber_War_News Indeed, seems moral faggotry is being over moral faggortied.
224000859980312577 2012-07-13 21:42:21 PDT <TehWongZ> @VinceintheBay Who did we lose?
224181132797816833 2012-07-14 09:38:41 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @vinceinthebay that requires effort though.
225145927692853249 2012-07-17 01:32:26 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: That awkward moment when you tell your parents something funny, and they take it too seriously.
225146020181454848 2012-07-17 01:32:48 PDT <TehWongZ> I got a date with Destiny, my heart says yeah but can't convince the rest of me.
225597742725070848 2012-07-18 07:27:47 PDT <TehWongZ> http://t.co/oMFaN043 #TangoDown Repeat #TangoDown
226134138355322880 2012-07-19 18:59:14 PDT <TehWongZ> Batman 2mora YEH!
226244271500570625 2012-07-20 02:16:52 PDT <TehWongZ> @timez1001 RIP? lol he dead???
226245565158133760 2012-07-20 02:22:00 PDT <TehWongZ> @timez1001 I have a feeling t0x1c harassing his little sister had something to do with this...
226257991018627072 2012-07-20 03:11:23 PDT <TehWongZ> @timez1001 yeh.. Well I can't have much remorse as he attack t0x1c's dead wife in a Skype chat..
226258036572958722 2012-07-20 03:11:34 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: Japanese women footballers fly coach while the mens team flies business class | http://t.co/EGYEIpWO
226258218123419648 2012-07-20 03:12:17 PDT <TehWongZ> @YourAnonNews CANADAC
226346466443153408 2012-07-20 09:02:57 PDT <TehWongZ> @sinsec_ @timez1001 he did nothing really.. I don't respect his poor choice of actions throughout my time of knowing him.
226347735731802112 2012-07-20 09:08:00 PDT <TehWongZ> @timez1001 @sinsec_ I do respect his death but he didn't respect others dieing so why should anyone respect his?
226347795752304640 2012-07-20 09:08:14 PDT <TehWongZ> @timez1001 @sinsec_ what comes around. Goes around.
226431001059008512 2012-07-20 14:38:52 PDT <TehWongZ> &lt; #WINNING ?
226432961719967744 2012-07-20 14:46:39 PDT <TehWongZ> http://t.co/dE9LePlf - Anyone like MA amazin GFX 1337 SkillZ?
226474898367840256 2012-07-20 17:33:18 PDT <TehWongZ> BANGARANG! - seems it was just me listening to Skrillex 2.5 years ago, now half the world is.
226475328304979970 2012-07-20 17:35:00 PDT <TehWongZ> @anonymouSpoon Your not forced, tell the nurse to go fuck herself or suck ya dick and she'll soon refuse (though might get suspended)
226475689598136320 2012-07-20 17:36:26 PDT <TehWongZ> @MargieJPhelps Expect.The.UnExpected.
226476191849250816 2012-07-20 17:38:26 PDT <TehWongZ> @anonymouSpoon surgery 4 what? Nigga be diein?
226476360338653185 2012-07-20 17:39:06 PDT <TehWongZ> @NJTheGoddess @whenonkstreet when people stop being retarded and do epic rap battles instead of wars?
226476910820069377 2012-07-20 17:41:17 PDT <TehWongZ> @anonymouSpoon ahhhhh... #Awkward
226480797085995008 2012-07-20 17:56:44 PDT <TehWongZ> Well guys and apparently girls.. I'm off to bed. Peace!
226482098930847746 2012-07-20 18:01:54 PDT <TehWongZ> @Zeldablowslink WELL SORRY MR BIGGEST SONNY MOORE FAN EVA
226624499712393216 2012-07-21 03:27:45 PDT <TehWongZ> @meepkittyfuck @anonymouspoon I believe it's called an ePeen
226624561771343872 2012-07-21 03:28:00 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags am here now...
227551396684263425 2012-07-23 16:50:55 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @vidconworldceo @vinceinthebay if Sabu's making a book I'm going to rob all of the copies I can and video me burning them.
227551543581372416 2012-07-23 16:51:30 PDT <TehWongZ> @LetMeGet_aToke good.
227552629302099968 2012-07-23 16:55:49 PDT <TehWongZ> Fuck Sabu, Fuck Barrett Brown.. Y'all know I'm the true leader of Anonymoose!
227553894987882497 2012-07-23 17:00:50 PDT <TehWongZ> @ApplesRBlue yep in a message that was released by Sabu :) *Herpin that derpin still?*
227554466256285696 2012-07-23 17:03:07 PDT <TehWongZ> @ApplesRBlue Did I say they lied? Nope.. But a lot of the "intel" in that Convo wasn't 100% and I wasn't arrested just seized APPLES R RED!
227555094521061376 2012-07-23 17:05:36 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @OpieRadio: Why did that asshole have to dye his hair red!? - signed every Ginger in the world
227559780816936961 2012-07-23 17:24:14 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @vidconworldceo @vinceinthebay depends on time and shit
227559980096708608 2012-07-23 17:25:01 PDT <TehWongZ> Wish I was a US citizen so I could vote for Ron Paul!
227762590397390848 2012-07-24 06:50:07 PDT <TehWongZ> I guess that this is where we've come to.
227762660689719296 2012-07-24 06:50:24 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: Finland tops 2011/2012 press freedom rankings Reporters Without Borders. Iceland # 6, Sweden 12, UK 28, USA 47, http://t.co/a8Y1ALmX #svpol
227764518493753347 2012-07-24 06:57:47 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: I don't have a dirty mind. I have a sexy imagination.
227764795347202049 2012-07-24 06:58:53 PDT <TehWongZ> @tpb it costs them 25 NZ $s REALLY?
227792464650584064 2012-07-24 08:48:50 PDT <TehWongZ> @_Dantalion HERP derp it's called sarcasm
227935103865741313 2012-07-24 18:15:38 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: Missouri Police Taser Boy With Broken Back 19 Times | http://t.co/5pxw8zj8
227938219394756608 2012-07-24 18:28:01 PDT <TehWongZ> Who do you Protect?
227943793909977088 2012-07-24 18:50:10 PDT <TehWongZ> http://t.co/HFsQefRA - British Cops don't even know what the Law actually is...
227981201116393473 2012-07-24 21:18:48 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: Listening to someone telling a story and thinking to yourself, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie.
228231590784937984 2012-07-25 13:53:46 PDT <TehWongZ> @_Dantalion @shaggytheangel that's because he's tired of making Twitter accounts to battle each other with &amp; try's fail Internet Drama.
228882526679212032 2012-07-27 09:00:21 PDT <TehWongZ> @NetBashers @derpsecnull John? I assume you mean Jack, you don't know history? Yet you can apparently hack. RuneScape is calling so go back.
228883259789045760 2012-07-27 09:03:16 PDT <TehWongZ> @NetBashers @derpsecnull Now don't start rappin about inspect element in google Chrome. Go back to your only friend - you extra chromosome.
228962363573936128 2012-07-27 14:17:36 PDT <TehWongZ> 27 Million for this Bullshit? U Serious Bro?
229046041935216641 2012-07-27 19:50:06 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @OccupyTTIP: Kettle tightened at #criticalmass and now being told to leave at west end. No one clear what's happening. Arrest or freedom?
229047456531374080 2012-07-27 19:55:43 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @d0ct0rd0c: “I am a brain, Watson. The\nrest of me is a mere\nappendix.”
229047830986252288 2012-07-27 19:57:13 PDT <TehWongZ> @MetPoliceEvents I didn't know it was law that you can't go somewhere on public property? #RoastThePigs
229059126616023041 2012-07-27 20:42:06 PDT <TehWongZ> @VinceintheBay @crappyairbags Phone Number?
229077313889918977 2012-07-27 21:54:22 PDT <TehWongZ> @NJTheGoddess @crappyairbags @vinceinthebay dang... NJ looked hot to.
229079878635515905 2012-07-27 22:04:33 PDT <TehWongZ> http://t.co/VLohjvU9
229105045684224000 2012-07-27 23:44:34 PDT <TehWongZ> @Kieshuzykova Stephen Bone, how's marital status?
229107806580637696 2012-07-27 23:55:32 PDT <TehWongZ> @NJTheGoddess You may be hot but your LOUD ass mouth puts people off.
229109727240540160 2012-07-28 00:03:10 PDT <TehWongZ> @KieshuZykova wasn't expecting him 2 call in, wish I was there 2 ask him a few questions :/ how's the CPS?
229317249683570689 2012-07-28 13:47:47 PDT <TehWongZ> @NJTheGoddess @crappyairbags @eismc2 yeh you see she doesn't "hook up with men" = men don't hook up with her.
229318043434643456 2012-07-28 13:50:56 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @eismc2 @njthegoddess I was actually thinking of donating sperm... Speed my power &amp; hatred MUHAHAHAHHA!
229318350940028928 2012-07-28 13:52:10 PDT <TehWongZ> @NJTheGoddess @eismc2 Treat people? U don't know the background story on much of my treating of certain individuals.. Now STFU HOE.
229323666436026368 2012-07-28 14:13:17 PDT <TehWongZ> @EisMC2 @njthegoddess how did what I just say make me butthurt? I said truth and my opinion.. Nothing butthurt about it.
229323843452403712 2012-07-28 14:13:59 PDT <TehWongZ> How to Break Twitter: Kill Kim Kardashian.
229324737095032832 2012-07-28 14:17:32 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @er0tikka: Army base in Idlib province rebels took after 12 hour battle yesterday. Graffiti on walls said: "Damascus, we are coming!" #Syria
229325353049542656 2012-07-28 14:19:59 PDT <TehWongZ> "Some men just want to watch the World Burn"
229511939611574272 2012-07-29 02:41:25 PDT <TehWongZ> @Ginger__Brooks @_dantalion @eismc2 Don't judge a group for a fews actions, it's not right for people to do that to you, but Emi likes that.
229514834750873601 2012-07-29 02:52:55 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Laughbook: Dear girls who take a pic in slutty clothing &amp; glasses &amp; label the caption "nerddd lol" You're not a nerd, you're a whore who found glasses
229515643874070530 2012-07-29 02:56:08 PDT <TehWongZ> The actions of a few do not constitute for the actions of a whole.
229888369495252992 2012-07-30 03:37:13 PDT <TehWongZ> @Ginger__Brooks @crappyairbags @_dantalion @eismc2 1) You've never met me 2 know my personalities is horrible 2) You act more like a child.
230043731120762880 2012-07-30 13:54:34 PDT <TehWongZ> @AsherahResearch @playguitarloud U CALLIN me the Beiber of 1337??
230048078890156032 2012-07-30 14:11:50 PDT <TehWongZ> @PeepNPope @asherahresearch @playguitarloud please do link me it once it's done..
230049228985085953 2012-07-30 14:16:24 PDT <TehWongZ> Only Hate cus u ain't.
230228526077464579 2012-07-31 02:08:52 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @CrappyAirBags: @EisMC2 @_Dantalion @TehWongZ @Ginger__Brooks Immature or not.  Ginger is BAT SHIT CRAZY!
230228561951350784 2012-07-31 02:09:01 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @eismc2 @_dantalion @ginger__brooks This.
230228639516594176 2012-07-31 02:09:19 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @eismc2 @_dantalion @ginger__brooks Also shame... Looks like she just blocked me xD
230269262978220032 2012-07-31 04:50:45 PDT <TehWongZ> #Winning http://t.co/nRWNJMtA
230366400504537088 2012-07-31 11:16:44 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @eismc2 @_dantalion @ginger__brooks @ragecake ok... Shame she's from "Mom Security" emphasise on the MOM.
230366492179431425 2012-07-31 11:17:06 PDT <TehWongZ> Gangnam Style!
230366523926122497 2012-07-31 11:17:13 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE WHORE you're at school, not Jersey Shore. You're a slutty, orange mess PLEASE GO FIND A LONGER DRESS.
230466429739225088 2012-07-31 17:54:13 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @_dantalion @eismc2 @ginger__brooks @ragecake wasn't that my point? XD DM me a pic of her and mb :P
230481022607839232 2012-07-31 18:52:12 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @_dantalion @eismc2 @ginger__brooks @ragecake :P well she knows where I am ;)
230505053285400578 2012-07-31 20:27:41 PDT <TehWongZ> @VinceintheBay @ginger__brooks @crappyairbags @_dantalion @eismc2 @ragecake What? Ginger haz aids now to? #NewRumoursMakeLifeMoreFunny
230694781091721216 2012-08-01 09:01:36 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @vinceinthebay @ginger__brooks @_dantalion @eismc2 @ragecake lol Ginger... Just GTFO already.
230771066199482368 2012-08-01 14:04:44 PDT <TehWongZ> @Ginger__Brooks @crappyairbags @vinceinthebay @_dantalion @eismc2 @ragecake erm.. I didn't? I said u had a loud mouth which u have.
230781021933678593 2012-08-01 14:44:17 PDT <TehWongZ> @Ginger__Brooks No, they have tried to get me "swatted" fortunately they are retarded enough to not actually have my real address.
230823304968171520 2012-08-01 17:32:19 PDT <TehWongZ> @VinceintheBay @_dantalion @ginger__brooks @crappyairbags @eismc2 @ragecake TBH.. I was dumb but not that dumb.
230824118801530880 2012-08-01 17:35:33 PDT <TehWongZ> GANGNAM STYLE! - 10 Million Hits :D
230824501452099584 2012-08-01 17:37:04 PDT <TehWongZ> PETA are all just Gangsters with a Hardon for Nature.
230825538263060480 2012-08-01 17:41:11 PDT <TehWongZ> @_Dantalion @vinceinthebay @ginger__brooks @crappyairbags @eismc2 @ragecake It was funny until you killed it.
230825794665082881 2012-08-01 17:42:12 PDT <TehWongZ> I'm black Jesus with a blunt.\nYour fat hitler with a cunt.
230827062796107777 2012-08-01 17:47:14 PDT <TehWongZ> I'm mad cus my eye's look like sideways egg rolls!\n#ChineseChingChangChong
230827693720084480 2012-08-01 17:49:45 PDT <TehWongZ> @Ginger__Brooks Well I don't think u deserve being attacked but u really are rather loud -.- and annoying...
230828106238283776 2012-08-01 17:51:23 PDT <TehWongZ> Because the Government don't Rikey me bcus I am chinese! They fuck me in the butthole without using vaserine!
230828571113963521 2012-08-01 17:53:14 PDT <TehWongZ> WTF is all this? \nCan't a joke just be heard anymore?\nWhen did the Internet turn into Russia?!
230829671783202816 2012-08-01 17:57:37 PDT <TehWongZ> Hey I just met you!\nNo it's ok I'm Obama.\nSo please don't mace me.\nIt's k cus I'm from Haiti.
230830351763775488 2012-08-01 18:00:19 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: #PornHasTaughtMe: That there's hundreds of girls in my local area willing to chat right now
230830491555737600 2012-08-01 18:00:52 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @ryancmoon: @TehWongZ &gt; I still find you funny, Charrie.. don't worry none, man. =)
230906205424451584 2012-08-01 23:01:44 PDT <TehWongZ> @Ginger__Brooks if YOUR a troll. You are doing it Wong.
230911054840999936 2012-08-01 23:21:00 PDT <TehWongZ> @Ginger__Brooks Bit odd that your still tweeting 2-4 tweets per 1 I send to you.. I know u like me n all but gettin 2 #Stalkerish here.
230931111210012672 2012-08-02 00:40:42 PDT <TehWongZ> @Ginger__Brooks Look IDC. Now GTFO you stupid, annoying arrogant fail troll bitch.
230933789902245888 2012-08-02 00:51:20 PDT <TehWongZ> @MotormouthNews What happened? :(
230943330291290112 2012-08-02 01:29:15 PDT <TehWongZ> @Ginger__Brooks If anyone has mental problems it's you.
231021439438966784 2012-08-02 06:39:37 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @vinceinthebay @ginger__brooks @_dantalion @eismc2 @ragecake it's always bags to start things off isn't it -.-
231668860284186624 2012-08-04 01:32:15 PDT <TehWongZ> TEEHEE!
231763951199854593 2012-08-04 07:50:06 PDT <TehWongZ> Girls are so confusing... Luckily there's plenty to go around :D
231764044837703680 2012-08-04 07:50:28 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Tweetble: Life is so much better when you stop caring about what everyone thinks, and start to actually live for yourself.
231764121769611264 2012-08-04 07:50:47 PDT <TehWongZ> @Ginger__Brooks @crappyairbags @vinceinthebay @_dantalion @eismc2 @ragecake Internet drama.. It never stops.
231825505987481600 2012-08-04 11:54:42 PDT <TehWongZ> Take away thru badge and gun and see how big they are then.
231857142842400768 2012-08-04 14:00:25 PDT <TehWongZ> "Your making him upset! Years are coming out his face! Who do I build ramps for now?!"
231865175614042112 2012-08-04 14:32:20 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @6O57: Hackers hit Reuters, post fake blog on Syria http://t.co/A0MH3IYA #OpSyria #Anonymous
232069987400052736 2012-08-05 04:06:11 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: It's funny how fast you can wake up when you realize you've overslept.
232302195511525376 2012-08-05 19:28:54 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @OpPinkPower: BRAVE FAMILY REFUSES TO PAY BANK http://t.co/2PewgptW\n #banks #netherlands #Occupy #ows #¤
232303370126368768 2012-08-05 19:33:34 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @jfktruther: War is organized murder, and nothing else. ~ Harry Patch (last surviving soldier of WW1)
232303480201687040 2012-08-05 19:34:00 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @andylevy: Once you realize NBC doesn't treat the #Olympics as a sporting event everything about its coverage makes perfect sense.
232303725316829184 2012-08-05 19:34:58 PDT <TehWongZ> May have to say goodbye 2 this life.. I hope what I have done is prove that you don't have 2 be scared, despite who you are.
232339306289721344 2012-08-05 21:56:21 PDT <TehWongZ> Romney wants 2 stop.. PORN?! - Is that a big enough reason 2 not vote 4 the Chick-Fil-A lovin Palestine hatin cunt?
233827965773950976 2012-08-10 00:31:46 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: You think 7 years is bad for breaking a mirror? Try breaking a condom.
233828562740854784 2012-08-10 00:34:08 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @iamfonda: ( . Y . ) breasts...helping men avoid eye contact from the get go! Obviously I am bent from up front!
233828609020817408 2012-08-10 00:34:19 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: My penis just died, can I bury it inside of you?
233918710992236544 2012-08-10 06:32:21 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Mubziii: One thing I don't understand is why is a Muslim mosque controlled by a Jewish army? \n#AlAqsa
233918988680323073 2012-08-10 06:33:27 PDT <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 shame u wouldn't do it then because you can't even spell Awesome xD
234020453230993409 2012-08-10 13:16:38 PDT <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 lol yh :) Old people don't have that skill though, it's a language in itself created by the online generation.
235647869816803328 2012-08-15 01:03:24 PDT <TehWongZ> It's funny... You can't touch this.
236432443769491456 2012-08-17 05:01:01 PDT <TehWongZ> Women...
236502604828524544 2012-08-17 09:39:49 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @vinceinthebay Can't I'm afraid.. Am not in my country.
236522915309441024 2012-08-17 11:00:32 PDT <TehWongZ> @VinceintheBay @crappyairbags lol what NO XD
236582216833069056 2012-08-17 14:56:10 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @vinceinthebay Nope I'm not :) I'm at an undisclosed location.
236582468407402496 2012-08-17 14:57:10 PDT <TehWongZ> Facebook - http://t.co/x6xaNMg9 - TANGO DOWN!
236586515571019777 2012-08-17 15:13:15 PDT <TehWongZ> @Anonymously37 @crappyairbags bitch u can't stop me. No 1 can :)
236587375873105920 2012-08-17 15:16:40 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @vinceintthebay If I had an FBI "handler" - I doubt he'd be able 2 handle me..
236587558371487745 2012-08-17 15:17:24 PDT <TehWongZ> @Anonymously37 @crappyairbags You can't kill something you can't find. #IdeasAreBulletproof
236587587874197505 2012-08-17 15:17:31 PDT <TehWongZ> @Zeldablowslink yeh but not 4 long..
236587791583170561 2012-08-17 15:18:19 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @anonymously37 it's niqqa :P
236590485043568640 2012-08-17 15:29:01 PDT <TehWongZ> @Zeldablowslink @_t0x1c he's not coming back &amp; he's not v&amp; :)
236590638215348224 2012-08-17 15:29:38 PDT <TehWongZ> @Anonymously37 @crappyairbags justifying snitching? o.O plz.. Enlighten me on these so called tweets.
236595768218251264 2012-08-17 15:50:01 PDT <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 don't call it Team Poser and sure
236611561274355713 2012-08-17 16:52:46 PDT <TehWongZ> @Anonymously37 @applesrblue @crappyairbags jester? O.o except I CBA 2 write books every blog post &amp; hate the US gov't.
236612070513188864 2012-08-17 16:54:48 PDT <TehWongZ> @ApplesRBlue @anonymously37 @crappyairbags Who said I was 17? Also plea bargains don't work for offences of a minor :) so. Erm.. GTFO?
236612913769631744 2012-08-17 16:58:09 PDT <TehWongZ> I'm pretty famous.. I'm pretty well known. And if your son don't I bet your daughter knows ;)
236613107588403202 2012-08-17 16:58:55 PDT <TehWongZ> @ApplesRBlue @anonymously37 @crappyairbags lol, technically a minor til 17 and if you commit an offence as a minor u get charged as 1
236613144842207234 2012-08-17 16:59:04 PDT <TehWongZ> @ApplesRBlue @anonymously37 @crappyairbags also I'm not 17.. Duh read my DoX already :)
236613262131728384 2012-08-17 16:59:32 PDT <TehWongZ> Think I'm dead? I've only just begun.
236615078894501888 2012-08-17 17:06:45 PDT <TehWongZ> Seriously? People think I'm a fed -.- how about I go do some more prank calls &amp; a few police site defaces? :)
236616476499509248 2012-08-17 17:12:18 PDT <TehWongZ> “Real gangster-ass Nerdfighters don’t run from nothing… ‘cause real gangster-ass Nerdfighters can’t run fast.” \n― John Green
236736245387100160 2012-08-18 01:08:13 PDT <TehWongZ> @timez1001 yeh
236736311048937472 2012-08-18 01:08:29 PDT <TehWongZ> @Ginger__Brooks lol
236977683358171136 2012-08-18 17:07:37 PDT <TehWongZ> Turns out Pedo's are also idiots who go by the user "Virus69" - Site Hacked, 3 pages of logs sent 2 Feds - http://t.co/Y7nFwukr #OpDarkNet
236980162363793408 2012-08-18 17:17:28 PDT <TehWongZ> #FreeSyria - http://t.co/Mop3p2ne
237149156563623936 2012-08-19 04:28:59 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Anon_Online: #MetPolice out in force with #Media @ the #EcuadorianEmbassy waiting for #Assange speech LIVE @ http://reuters.liv http://t.co/LF9KOt2V
237156167850278913 2012-08-19 04:56:51 PDT <TehWongZ> #Assange Speech - Coming Soon!
237156415591047169 2012-08-19 04:57:50 PDT <TehWongZ> @57UN @vizfosho @yorkshire_edl @anon_online @truthizsexy yeh EDL faggots, enjoyed beating the shit out of u lot in October :)
237321016018362369 2012-08-19 15:51:54 PDT <TehWongZ> @fr0stcr4g grew up? Nigga I'm the internetz Peter pan.
237341904163983360 2012-08-19 17:14:54 PDT <TehWongZ> #Winning.
237351792835444736 2012-08-19 17:54:11 PDT <TehWongZ> 3.1k Views - Good Old' CoD Memories :) http://t.co/rntIFPzA
237356860699725824 2012-08-19 18:14:20 PDT <TehWongZ> Let's fuck with Spotify just 4 fun then wake up to a new dawn.
237358538391949312 2012-08-19 18:21:00 PDT <TehWongZ> Listening to @Nickelback - Wonder if the Internet is guna come hate on me 4 em making better music then most of this Chris Brown bullshit.
237364867479261184 2012-08-19 18:46:09 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: Laptop speakers are too quiet for music, but too loud for porn.
237365383231840257 2012-08-19 18:48:12 PDT <TehWongZ> Go Hard. or don't go 4 it at all. #pussy.
237369215743561728 2012-08-19 19:03:25 PDT <TehWongZ> @r00tbeer_ Hmm..
237606423712899072 2012-08-20 10:46:00 PDT <TehWongZ> @r00tbeer_ Not much.. Just thinking your style reminds me of someone :)
237646796116066304 2012-08-20 13:26:26 PDT <TehWongZ> @r00tbeer_ that depends heavily on weather you want it 2 be known.
237663091716919297 2012-08-20 14:31:11 PDT <TehWongZ> @r00tbeer_ we?
237682100906635265 2012-08-20 15:46:43 PDT <TehWongZ> @r00tbeer_ Hmm.. It would seem you know me/of me &amp; your logic seems 2 be similar of som1 THAT I USED 2 KNOW! mm...
237683287718522880 2012-08-20 15:51:26 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home.
237683386951532544 2012-08-20 15:51:50 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @TheOnion: Commentary by Rep. Todd Akin: I Misspoke—What I Meant To Say Is 'I Am Dumb As Dog Shit And I Am A Terrible Human Being' http://t.co/Cxr5dOtd
237706609332203520 2012-08-20 17:24:06 PDT <TehWongZ> Girl: Your do lovely, but it's over\nMe: I knew that, enjoy your new relationship\nBF: WTF have u been saying 2 her\nMe: O.o
237707379645509632 2012-08-20 17:27:10 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @VinceintheBay: So #Assange is obviously alleged to have committed "legitimate rape" in Sweden. Is sentencing less compared to "illegitimate rape"?
237716482291810304 2012-08-20 18:03:20 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @MK_Ultra_Hacker: Super Leak -&gt; http://t.co/o2fPV1tX  Read
237716777893785600 2012-08-20 18:04:31 PDT <TehWongZ> Let's Fuck with some Governments just for Fun.\nThen smoke out a White Hat like a blunt.
237718843143888896 2012-08-20 18:12:43 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: If I worked in a restaurant... on Valentines Day I would put a fake engagement ring in every girl's drink.
237718949414969344 2012-08-20 18:13:08 PDT <TehWongZ> @autocorrects that'd be 1 expensive joke.
237886150709235713 2012-08-21 05:17:32 PDT <TehWongZ> @SlayerTheHacker lol I released that SQLi and defaced it last year..
237886421136986113 2012-08-21 05:18:37 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Anon_Online: #AnonAssange RT #Anonymous for #FreeJulianAssange http://t.co/jzeXu6YZ
237887845447106561 2012-08-21 05:24:16 PDT <TehWongZ> I may be a Rebel but I Revel in it all.
238028319503831040 2012-08-21 14:42:28 PDT <TehWongZ> @timez1001 ur trying to get service manager to connect to a VPN? Install the applet, I have some tutorials on it I'll link u l8r
238043132443373568 2012-08-21 15:41:20 PDT <TehWongZ> @timez1001 Gangnam Style.
238045562082041857 2012-08-21 15:50:59 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Rep_DanGordon: He's being moved from Randolph to a VA facility in Salem, VA. 3 hrs away. I was lied to, by Randolph. Heads will roll. #FreeBrandonRaub
238052770916204544 2012-08-21 16:19:38 PDT <TehWongZ> @Hex000101 Fuck it up. Fuck it up BIG.
238317866749947904 2012-08-22 09:53:01 PDT <TehWongZ> @1Kaizen1 @hex000101 can't ATM.. Away.
238330099148156928 2012-08-22 10:41:38 PDT <TehWongZ> @Anon_Online @opvendetta2012 @bullring Might be there..
238401477775876097 2012-08-22 15:25:16 PDT <TehWongZ> @Anon_Online @opvendetta2012 @bullring Don't have an anon mask cus Feds seized em xD still dno if I can come, but I'll try..
238402575991468032 2012-08-22 15:29:38 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @JackalAnon: Best thing about New Ben N' Jerry's flavor, Todd Akin's Legitimate Grape, you only get fat if you legitimately like it.
238403213215277058 2012-08-22 15:32:10 PDT <TehWongZ> Victoria Sqaure, Birmingham, UK - 25th of August 1.30PM - #AnonymousLegion
238403927995998210 2012-08-22 15:35:00 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Anon_Online: #OpBirmingham COUNTDOWN http://t.co/xUdcuYaY JOIN us @ https://t.co/7cI0FXZk RT #Anonymous @opVendetta2012 #BullRing @Bullring #ExpectUs
238408964990177281 2012-08-22 15:55:01 PDT <TehWongZ> The UK police use kettleing - is it legal? It should be classed as unlawful detainment due to you not even being arrested or charged.
238410716254699520 2012-08-22 16:01:58 PDT <TehWongZ> Just wondering if I should just turn this into my personal twitter cus every1 knows who I am :D
238709988120489984 2012-08-23 11:51:10 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: A good neighbor is one that does not put a password on their wifi.
238762490090102784 2012-08-23 15:19:48 PDT <TehWongZ> Michael Angelo with the Flow.\nPicasso with the Bars.
238763641166508032 2012-08-23 15:24:22 PDT <TehWongZ> @sophwilkinson they do.. It's just their name is hated so much anything they offer me I no longer touch let alone drop a dime.
238775707159916544 2012-08-23 16:12:19 PDT <TehWongZ> @jenslater_xo Looking quite good in ur picture :) shame IRL :P jks
238775868766449664 2012-08-23 16:12:58 PDT <TehWongZ> Caesar's a little bitch, that's why they named a salad after his pussy ass.
238776597287686144 2012-08-23 16:15:51 PDT <TehWongZ> @SlayerTheHacker yeh.. Btw I don't actually know who u r lol.. Nice 2 see ur following me though.
238779232443068416 2012-08-23 16:26:19 PDT <TehWongZ> @jenslater_xo LAWL :P
238779716801286144 2012-08-23 16:28:15 PDT <TehWongZ> Tired.. 2 sleep I shall go! Good day 2day.. Let's fuck some shit up 4 fun then chill back &amp; smoke a blunt #RT :)
239282820332265472 2012-08-25 01:47:24 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: UK politician site hacked and defaced for #Opvedetta // #Nov5 // http://t.co/Y7Z2i55C
239283683008319488 2012-08-25 01:50:50 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @AnonOpsLegion: Arrest those who commit crime not those who expose them #FreeAssange
239284119685701632 2012-08-25 01:52:34 PDT <TehWongZ> @mofgimmers Actually the Swedish police want to question him.. No charges, no warrant etc.. He has done more good then you have ever done.
239319421594775552 2012-08-25 04:12:51 PDT <TehWongZ> @Anon_Online DM plz :)
239320357159464961 2012-08-25 04:16:34 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Anon_Online: Judt sat outside Bella having a coffee preparing for #OpBirmingham waiting for #Anonymous to turn up. Will be streaming LIVE @ 2pm BST
239321466691256320 2012-08-25 04:20:58 PDT <TehWongZ> Taking the Train 2 #OpBirmingham - Shout WongZ if u wna meet me :P Feds welcome 2 :D
239324338166317057 2012-08-25 04:32:23 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @AnoNLG: Rachel: "Thanks for using that great footage of me on the Brooklyn Bridge! And, for getting the charges dropped." http://t.co/RqXggIQs
239335202973958144 2012-08-25 05:15:33 PDT <TehWongZ> Outside the Council House, waiting 4 every1 &amp; the rain 2 fuck off.. #OccupyBirmingha
239335537486487552 2012-08-25 05:16:53 PDT <TehWongZ> @Anon_Online - Blue Superdry Hoodie.. Come say Hai :D
239388001950638081 2012-08-25 08:45:21 PDT <TehWongZ> Fun @ #OccupyBirmingham with @8_B_I_T_ &amp; @Anon_Online
239758842987155456 2012-08-26 09:18:57 PDT <TehWongZ> @Anon_Online @8_b_i_t_ still wna see this Codename Potato!
239759032020262912 2012-08-26 09:19:42 PDT <TehWongZ> @CharlieChimesy That's because your not a rabbit.
239801115510718464 2012-08-26 12:06:55 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Anon_Online: @TehWongZ Our #Anonymous day out @ Birmingham in the name of NO #PolicePrivitisation
239841580771581952 2012-08-26 14:47:43 PDT <TehWongZ> @AnonWestMidland Jeez.. No 1 ever tells me bout these things, I'll always come out 2 em :D
239845636772597760 2012-08-26 15:03:50 PDT <TehWongZ> @AnonWestMidland Good, Good, followed :)
239867647674707968 2012-08-26 16:31:18 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @tweetAmiracle: THIS IS OUR LAST PUSH FOLKS! LETS LIGHT UP TWITTER!!! GO #RonPaul !! GO #FreedomTeam !! MAKE IT VIRAL http://t.co/QXrpmqFk  #RonPaul2012
239869429347934209 2012-08-26 16:38:23 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @iworkiron: 30,000 Drones Over America - Weaponized Police State: http://t.co/vBrCBPG2 #tcot #RonPaul2012 #Mitt #FreedomTeam #tlot #GOP2012 #Libertarian
239996961523126272 2012-08-27 01:05:09 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Anon_Online: #Anonymous in Birmingham for #OpBirmingham against #Police #Privatisation http://t.co/sfcVScON @TehWongZ @opVendetta2012 PASS it on #Anons
239998143226343424 2012-08-27 01:09:50 PDT <TehWongZ> @Anon_Online @opvendetta2012 Sick!
240063002349555712 2012-08-27 05:27:34 PDT <TehWongZ> @Rogue_Bulldog yeh I saw u.. I said :O PIRATE BAY! :)
240193326022803456 2012-08-27 14:05:26 PDT <TehWongZ> Me chilling on a bull &gt;"@Anon_Online: @TehWongZ #Anonymous on the Bull again @ the #BullRing @ #OpBirmingham http://t.co/WkZoVbBQ RT”
240221209395073025 2012-08-27 15:56:14 PDT <TehWongZ> #OccupyBirmingham - Me on a Bull :) #AnonymousUK http://t.co/wISwWKes
240221448608817152 2012-08-27 15:57:11 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @op_safekids: #Manchester #UK #AnonymousUK - Lets GO... Rape of a young boy. CCTV images have now been released of the 2 men... http://t.co/MwkxU5ag
240591442765025282 2012-08-28 16:27:24 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @AnonUKRadio: @Anon_Online @TehWongZ Anonymous #OpBirmingham 25th Aug 2012 BullRing\nhttp://t.co/FccpxkpA
240593804938317824 2012-08-28 16:36:47 PDT <TehWongZ> @Anon_Online @opvendetta2012 checked over all the media.. No 1 got y face :D
240596920874180608 2012-08-28 16:49:10 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Rep_DanGordon: Troll smack down. #ChallengeCompleted
240604787505242113 2012-08-28 17:20:26 PDT <TehWongZ> Is it just me or is the moon landing 100x better when you say it was in the middle of 69?
240606180743983105 2012-08-28 17:25:58 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @wikileaks: Given the UK police are arresting tall, blond members of the public, for looking like Assange, should there be a 'look like Assange' day?
240606330866520065 2012-08-28 17:26:34 PDT <TehWongZ> @wikileaks I haz idea! 10,000 People join the Look like Assange day! and he can escape amongst the crowd :D
240606689685028866 2012-08-28 17:27:59 PDT <TehWongZ> US: Can you blow my Whistle baby, whistle baby?\n#Manning #Assange #Raub
240607030539333632 2012-08-28 17:29:21 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @wikileaks: US 'withheld' emails on WikiLeaks suspect: defense | AFP http://t.co/zxtK70Uy http://t.co/8X4IidO2 https://t.co/xWcNxCbG
240841804923142145 2012-08-29 09:02:15 PDT <TehWongZ> @_Dantalion Pretty much.
241078717869326336 2012-08-30 00:43:40 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @c0rrupt_net: That awkward moment when @bw0mp removes his twitter yet his dox is still dropped. http://t.co/fHOx0La7 mad nigga? Come at me bro
241131767485050880 2012-08-30 04:14:28 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @HuffingtonPost: Horrific video shows teacher leading violent teen bullying "of epic proportions" http://t.co/nswfo3cV
241494093576929280 2012-08-31 04:14:13 PDT <TehWongZ> @_FaluN @officialnull @benjaltfquatre huh? I'm very confused.
241694321378746368 2012-08-31 17:29:51 PDT <TehWongZ> @IUbro lol.. Oh my days.
241694475410345984 2012-08-31 17:30:28 PDT <TehWongZ> http://t.co/vRAsqVpZ &lt; Check that shit OUT!
241704858716094464 2012-08-31 18:11:43 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @TheHackersNews: Classmate of #Lulzsec Hacker arrested and accused as another Lulzsec… http://t.co/eTRQdUnZ #Security #Infosec
241705368529551361 2012-08-31 18:13:45 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Asher_Wolf: Ex-Marine kills two ppl, then suicides at NJ supermarket http://t.co/0YZjoJP2
241706035788795904 2012-08-31 18:16:24 PDT <TehWongZ> @c0rrupt_net @bw0mp &lt; Does not Exist. Twitter Lies!
241706172900581376 2012-08-31 18:16:56 PDT <TehWongZ> @knappB Where can we watch the full thing? I'll quite happily pay 4 it.
241707689581887488 2012-08-31 18:22:58 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @HuffingtonPost: Romney slams Obama for this?! http://t.co/7yFihsMI
241708356602036225 2012-08-31 18:25:37 PDT <TehWongZ> @manst0rm @netbashers @team_definition DefinitionBashers?
241752702172946433 2012-08-31 21:21:50 PDT <TehWongZ> @GeneralSec @netbashers just mass deface.. Got a bit bored c ;)
241753541675450368 2012-08-31 21:25:10 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @ItsDaws: @TehWongZ  You are #Sexy &lt;3
241753551083302912 2012-08-31 21:25:12 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Zeldablowslink: @NetBashers @TehWongZ runescape lololololololol
241768112188432384 2012-08-31 22:23:04 PDT <TehWongZ> @n1k0n_ &lt; Literally the coolest kid in the world..
241768171537846272 2012-08-31 22:23:18 PDT <TehWongZ> @maybezero huh?
241768334549467136 2012-08-31 22:23:57 PDT <TehWongZ> @maybezero @_king_caesar yeh, it's cus I broke into hostgator.. U think they won't delete it within 30 mins? I.o
241787072413855744 2012-08-31 23:38:24 PDT <TehWongZ> @_king_caesar @maybezero You realise you have no skill, so Idgaf what u say right?
241787295177531392 2012-08-31 23:39:18 PDT <TehWongZ> @meepkittyfuck fake? -.- just bcus they get removed doesn't mean they're fake noob.. And never done a fake DoS or DDoS..
241787351003697152 2012-08-31 23:39:31 PDT <TehWongZ> @meepkittyfuck at least I'm not LulzPirate who just copy/pastes.
241787776637472768 2012-08-31 23:41:12 PDT <TehWongZ> Something Bigs Coming.. @NetBashers &lt; Watch it.
241878155508449280 2012-09-01 05:40:20 PDT <TehWongZ> Aha.. Fun Times with @NetBashers - Fucking with a Whole Ton of Governments in 1 Swift Move.
241901124586729473 2012-09-01 07:11:37 PDT <TehWongZ> @maybezero You'll see soon enuf ;)
242046105834098688 2012-09-01 16:47:43 PDT <TehWongZ> @_Dantalion @netbashers @meepkittyfuck aha! Cus ur noob ass doesn't realise I'm unstoppable bitch.
242061818619629569 2012-09-01 17:50:09 PDT <TehWongZ> @_Dantalion @crappyairbags @meepkittyfuck Good job you get out in a young offenders institute until your 21 in UK. Idiot.
242062149285974016 2012-09-01 17:51:28 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @meepkittyfuck @_dantalion Yeh pressing buttons.. There's 100s of forms of DoS/DDoS, skill is required to exploit attacks.
242062944505036801 2012-09-01 17:54:37 PDT <TehWongZ> @_Dantalion @crappyairbags @meepkittyfuck Why would I not eat when there's 24/7 monitoring &amp; isolated rooms.. No fights idiot -.-
242063130132353024 2012-09-01 17:55:22 PDT <TehWongZ> Awesome Song. http://t.co/9mhvDKHk
242063426187325440 2012-09-01 17:56:32 PDT <TehWongZ> @_Dantalion @crappyairbags @meepkittyfuck You haven't seen even a 1/4 of what I can do. Expect Something Big Soon. NetBashers is HERE.
242064073372618752 2012-09-01 17:59:07 PDT <TehWongZ> @_Dantalion @crappyairbags @meepkittyfuck Bitch I fuck with Feds professionally. I do my job exceptionally.
242064332895166464 2012-09-01 18:00:08 PDT <TehWongZ> Hitting stuff off until they attempt to Mitigate.\nBitch it's Tango'd Down.. You can't stop the WongZ cus it's 2 late.
242065182786990081 2012-09-01 18:03:31 PDT <TehWongZ> @_Dantalion &lt; #1 WongZ FanBoi Guys! He's even got the Tshirt.
242066003285135360 2012-09-01 18:06:47 PDT <TehWongZ> @_Dantalion Bit 2 late now.. If I'm goin out i'm guna set the world on fire first.
242066985377222656 2012-09-01 18:10:41 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @HuffingtonPost: Syrian rebels hit back at Assad's airpower http://t.co/oc24a2F5
242269603865182210 2012-09-02 07:35:49 PDT <TehWongZ> @maybezero @crappyairbags @meepkittyfuck yeh &amp; bring down MasterCard, UK&amp;US Gov Sites, FBI, Visa etc.. Please do show me this proof.
242271457294548992 2012-09-02 07:43:11 PDT <TehWongZ> @maybezero @crappyairbags @meepkittyfuck Ok please do explain to me how you evaluate a target, how reflection, spoofing etc.. works.
242356740807593985 2012-09-02 13:22:04 PDT <TehWongZ> @Shibby2142 I'll call u back, why u never give me SHOUTOUT bro!
242414365725310976 2012-09-02 17:11:03 PDT <TehWongZ> Just thinking whether or not to release @Shibby2142 phone number &amp; personal info.. Hmm..
242420214317342722 2012-09-02 17:34:17 PDT <TehWongZ> @ShmoopTheGod @shibby2142 Not just his phone number ;)
242423923394891777 2012-09-02 17:49:02 PDT <TehWongZ> @1Kaizen1 @shibby2142 does there have 2 be a reason behind everything I do? :)
242425130544934914 2012-09-02 17:53:49 PDT <TehWongZ> I did rather enjoy that.. http://t.co/QoZbuhgI
242436029649399809 2012-09-02 18:37:08 PDT <TehWongZ> All Anonymous should watch this.. It explains the world we live in. http://t.co/xHlRPQLT
242438478183415808 2012-09-02 18:46:52 PDT <TehWongZ> De ja Vu? @UG
242438507879100416 2012-09-02 18:46:59 PDT <TehWongZ> @Proj3cTIcaru5 has blocked me... Just like J35t3r lol
242438852294344704 2012-09-02 18:48:21 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @autocorrects: Only Smart People Will Get This: 2+2= Fish, 3+3= Eight, 7+7= Triangle, 4+4 = Arrow, 8+8 = Butterfly. Retweet if you get it!
242440039911550976 2012-09-02 18:53:04 PDT <TehWongZ> I'm not plastic or fake.\nI take the lies people say &amp; probe it wasn't a mistake.\nYou like pretending your part of the picture, I'll pass.
242440278500323329 2012-09-02 18:54:01 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @tpb: Sweden Ordered Pirate Bay Founder’s Arrest, Cambodia Mulls Options: As reported yesterday, police arrested Pirat... http://t.co/Lll32Mqx
242440311861813250 2012-09-02 18:54:09 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @tpb: Pirate Bay News Round-Up: Arrests, Downtime and Location Reveals: It hasn’t been a good week for The Pirate Bay:... http://t.co/SOLpCLq5
242440727236313088 2012-09-02 18:55:48 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @YourAnonNews: Lawyer for #Assange detained at Heathrow and told she was on a 'secret watch list' - http://t.co/Wlcp8t31
242441891780644864 2012-09-02 19:00:26 PDT <TehWongZ> The US seems to be an enormous trendsetter for Human rights abuse, Police states &amp; privacy invasion.. "Land of the Free" My ARSE!
242442698215268352 2012-09-02 19:03:38 PDT <TehWongZ> @spammaUK ur guna see that I'm not playin\nAnd ask me the names I'm not saying\nBut I'll try not to mention any1 who wants to siphon attention
242443139657375744 2012-09-02 19:05:23 PDT <TehWongZ> I think I've actually found the girl of my dreams :) I'll try not 2 fuck it up..
242445794777636864 2012-09-02 19:15:56 PDT <TehWongZ> @AnonSikko @generalsec Neither does being mean to a issue that doesn't warrant it.
242452983705636865 2012-09-02 19:44:30 PDT <TehWongZ> @GeneralSec @anonsikko Nooe i think your just bi-polar
242453366586896384 2012-09-02 19:46:01 PDT <TehWongZ> @autocorrects pinterest?
242453649484292096 2012-09-02 19:47:09 PDT <TehWongZ> @GeneralSec @anonsikko lol.. Just because croc realise you've broken into their server very fast doesn't mean it's lame.
242454128310235136 2012-09-02 19:49:03 PDT <TehWongZ> Win Here. Win There.. Win Win Everywhere. Cus I'm WINNING!
242454248527384576 2012-09-02 19:49:32 PDT <TehWongZ> @GeneralSec @anonsikko Like I've said before.. I break into shit, I fuck with shit, I get bored. There doesn't have 2 be a reason.
242455200923795456 2012-09-02 19:53:19 PDT <TehWongZ> @GeneralSec I'm not having a go at you.. I'm in a happy mood.. And Caleb? lol dude I made that kid leave the Internet.. He was a moron.
242455370105245696 2012-09-02 19:53:59 PDT <TehWongZ> @GeneralSec TriCk on the other hand was a complete dick who did nothing himself 2 me what do ever.. Hex did &amp; @Hex000101 h8s him now.
242455869554573313 2012-09-02 19:55:58 PDT <TehWongZ> @GeneralSec Indeed. TriCk had no ability. He asked me 4 help on VBnet.. As I always said he was a skid, he had good friends though.
242456171510902785 2012-09-02 19:57:10 PDT <TehWongZ> @GeneralSec @hex000101 @anonsikko anyways I shall be leaving this conversation now. IRL issues.
242456342860816384 2012-09-02 19:57:51 PDT <TehWongZ> @AnonSikko @generalsec motor? Bitch I dildo-bombed his house, sent Feds round &amp; fucked up his servers.
242457411963744256 2012-09-02 20:02:06 PDT <TehWongZ> @GeneralSec @anonsikko read your timeline &amp; tell me -.-
242457636858130433 2012-09-02 20:02:59 PDT <TehWongZ> @AnonSikko @generalsec well it was a bit odd that he left straight after I did all that.. Coincidence or not..
242536178019074048 2012-09-03 01:15:05 PDT <TehWongZ> @_Dantalion Revolution can only happen when those who have power strike back or those with no power joined forced.
242647891016024064 2012-09-03 08:39:00 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @CrappyAirBags: @_Dantalion @meepkittyfuck @TehWongZ Explaining yourself in 3 tweets = U MAD BRO
242647924859871232 2012-09-03 08:39:08 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @AnonyOps: The #TPP is negotiated in secret. This is reason enough to trash it. We need laws explicitly prohibiting "negotiation in secret".
242663662005927936 2012-09-03 09:41:40 PDT <TehWongZ> Calling Church of Scientology 4 TehLulZ @Anon_Online @8_B_I_T_  http://t.co/VNg4ABEm
242750165633597440 2012-09-03 15:25:24 PDT <TehWongZ> @CrappyAirBags @_dantalion @meepkittyfuck He Mad. He madder then Kanye, Codename Potato, Scientology, Kieshu, MasterCard etc..
242751009477255169 2012-09-03 15:28:45 PDT <TehWongZ> Call the Church of Scientology Birmingham: 0121 643 8894 - Anonymous raided their Offices! :D
242751554392834048 2012-09-03 15:30:55 PDT <TehWongZ> @Team_Definition Winning.
242754911559905280 2012-09-03 15:44:15 PDT <TehWongZ> And it was shit xD http://t.co/aJaLTwTS
242762710163529728 2012-09-03 16:15:15 PDT <TehWongZ> @meepkittyfuck @crappyairbags @_dantalion I really don't blame u.. I was almost sick when recording it..
242763869217488897 2012-09-03 16:19:51 PDT <TehWongZ> @_Dantalion @meepkittyfuck @crappyairbags O.o u obviously have not seen this video. I advise you not to as well. Also I have a TeamLiquid 1!
242763913987510272 2012-09-03 16:20:02 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @gullysavant: Spent last night listening to @AnonSikko tell me technology is solution to our problems. Fairly certain he is the future director of Skynet.
242764877897289730 2012-09-03 16:23:51 PDT <TehWongZ> @G_Eazy + @HoodieAllen PLEASE!!
242894799164829696 2012-09-04 01:00:07 PDT <TehWongZ> @D4rk0TheBoss @meepkittyfuck @_dantalion @crappyairbags Hackers are people who use technology for anything other than its purpose.
242986029177520130 2012-09-04 07:02:38 PDT <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 ;)
242994497271783424 2012-09-04 07:36:17 PDT <TehWongZ> @G4RYB1 lol u see paranoid bro :P
243082803238010880 2012-09-04 13:27:11 PDT <TehWongZ> @D4rk0TheBoss @meepkittyfuck @_dantalion @crappyairbags lol.. That's the true definition idiot..
243130523747221505 2012-09-04 16:36:48 PDT <TehWongZ> LAWL! http://t.co/dqsU6mAe
243311365756956672 2012-09-05 04:35:24 PDT <TehWongZ> RT @Mubziii: The best feeling ever....\n#BED
430625807007236097 2014-02-04 00:56:07 PST <TehWongZ> WE CONTROL THE JIMMIES, WE CONTROL THE RUSTLING. #RUSTLELEAGUE #LOL #RIP
430627175541510144 2014-02-04 01:01:33 PST <TehWongZ> #FF #RustleLeague @5hm00p @sticks @meepkittyfuck @OhGeisty @asshurtACKFlags @EpikMani @_fl0ss @_n1k_nak @FuxNet @OhThatViz @CnyR3bel
430628575407255552 2014-02-04 01:07:07 PST <TehWongZ> TERRORISTS WIN #RustleLeague
430629513702432768 2014-02-04 01:10:51 PST <TehWongZ> WE'RE GOING TO NEED YOU TO CALM DOWN AND DRINK A #40OZ, MAM @CassandraRules
430632408829145088 2014-02-04 01:22:21 PST <TehWongZ> #FF @methadonna - a very late welcome back as well. #RustleLeague #40oz
430636517602512897 2014-02-04 01:38:41 PST <TehWongZ> #FF @BLCKMSSH #RustleLeague
430636607532576768 2014-02-04 01:39:02 PST <TehWongZ> tldr #FF everyone Rustle League etc
430640273471705088 2014-02-04 01:53:36 PST <TehWongZ> RT @SuspendedRustle: His name was Jimmy Russells - https://t.co/UET8YDNAKG



339 messages total
Feb 15th 2012 12:16 PM GMT

KieshuZykova : Unblock me on skype dick
Feb 14th 2012 1:33 AM GMT

KieshuZykova : Lol well too bad really I gave you many chances to be friends. Your loss.
Feb 14th 2012 1:24 AM GMT

TehWongZ : But yeh.. Come to UK I'll show u how sorry I am :)
Feb 14th 2012 1:23 AM GMT

TehWongZ : And why wud I say sorry? lol.
Feb 14th 2012 1:23 AM GMT

TehWongZ : lol good 4 u, means it can be over quickly ;)
Feb 14th 2012 1:12 AM GMT

KieshuZykova : But hey at least they are virgins LOL!!
Feb 14th 2012 1:12 AM GMT

KieshuZykova : Lol all you have to.do.is.say.sorry
Feb 14th 2012 1:09 AM GMT

TehWongZ : I never missed you.... So, when u coming to the UK? I'll get me & MA boi's to abduct u then I can sell ur body to creepy virgins @ my skwl
Feb 14th 2012 1:03 AM GMT

KieshuZykova : Lol I Miss you too
Feb 14th 2012 12:53 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Hay, ya slap me, ya get a slap back women.
Feb 14th 2012 12:41 AM GMT

KieshuZykova : Lololololol Okay Just a few good slaps then :-*
Feb 14th 2012 12:10 AM GMT

KieshuZykova : Lololololol Okay Just a few good slaps then :-*
Feb 13th 2012 11:40 PM GMT

TehWongZ : How about we don't do anything to each other. And u GTFO. lol. Cus my balls are precious.
Feb 13th 2012 11:36 PM GMT

KieshuZykova : Well seeing I have been shot three time in my life with real weapons I think I will survive ..but these means I get to knee u in the junklol
Feb 13th 2012 9:04 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Yeh but it will be the first time you've been shot by a paintball gun that fires at 400+ PSI.
Feb 13th 2012 8:35 PM GMT

KieshuZykova : Its not the first time I've been shot with a paintball gun ;-* missed u Kiddo
Feb 13th 2012 3:34 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Sure as long as I can put u in the back of a van & shoot u with my paintball gun a few times.
Feb 13th 2012 7:52 AM GMT

KieshuZykova : So wanna meet when I come to the UK? We can be friends but I get to slap you a few times first LOL
Jan 16th 2012 9:19 PM GMT

KieshuZykova : Lol dude get over it.
Jan 16th 2012 9:10 PM GMT

TehWongZ : lol. No I don't. And I shall never be silenced, especially not by some FAYUL eWhore. Go back to eHarmony...
Jan 16th 2012 8:48 PM GMT

KieshuZykova : Oh hush you know you still care. And I am not e whorin anything. Stfu
Jan 16th 2012 8:10 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Look why do u message me all the time? I don't giv a flying fuck about u, go fail e whore som1 else. KThxBai.
Jan 16th 2012 6:07 PM GMT

KieshuZykova : LOL ok well Just be safe dorkus
Jan 16th 2012 7:46 AM GMT

TehWongZ : lol GTFO. I never snitched FYI... I'm not even legally allowed to email the Feds, they have to speak to my parent not me...
Jan 16th 2012 1:18 AM GMT

KieshuZykova : As much as I hate you , I will always love ya Kiddo. Be safe.
Jan 8th 2012 2:15 AM GMT

KieshuZykova : Dude wtf ?!!!?!?!?!
Jan 4th 2012 9:02 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Indeed. Go lay some of ya eggs and get the whale u fucked to site on em.
Jan 4th 2012 7:59 PM GMT

KieshuZykova : Whatever charrie ...
Jan 4th 2012 7:30 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Go back to ur ugly duckling baby yo.
Jan 4th 2012 7:30 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Nope I don't get the joke about you being pregnant.. haha. Ur so funny.
Jan 4th 2012 7:24 PM GMT

KieshuZykova : Wow you did not get that joke at all.
Jan 4th 2012 10:08 AM GMT

TehWongZ : hahaha u pregnant fat bitch? Go get a job lol.
Jan 4th 2012 6:59 AM GMT

KieshuZykova : See how it feels to act ten years old?
Jan 4th 2012 6:58 AM GMT

KieshuZykova : Yeah that's not cool dude. But Whatever I guess you will never learn. Ps. I'm pregnant you mad bro? Lolol
Jan 4th 2012 6:52 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Me? GOOD? lol. Bitch I just defaced 7 kiddie skwl sites with Pr0n UMadBro?!
Jan 4th 2012 6:45 AM GMT

KieshuZykova : I may not to you but I always will Carr about u and wish u the best yr a good kid I know that.
Jan 4th 2012 6:21 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Nah STFU yo. You dont mean shit lol.
Jan 4th 2012 5:21 AM GMT

KieshuZykova : Look you know I care about you..Just be careful plz
Jan 4th 2012 4:53 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Lol like wut? I can handle shit to.
Jan 4th 2012 4:25 AM GMT

KieshuZykova : Its not important anymore. But yo plz take it easy kiddo I don't wanna see u in anymore shit than u are already in
Jan 4th 2012 4:00 AM GMT

TehWongZ : What's ur # ?
Feb 3rd 2012 6:16 PM GMT

leec85 : I gtg, I have a meeting with a developer. We can talk about this later.
Feb 3rd 2012 6:14 PM GMT

leec85 : If you agree to do the pen testing for me and be legit about it and not just take my laptop and tell me to f off, I think I can do this
Feb 3rd 2012 6:13 PM GMT

leec85 : Well I'm not going to give this to you unless you're going to use it to advance yourself. Cause I could just keep it and sell it.
Feb 3rd 2012 6:11 PM GMT

leec85 : http://t.co/cGDkOSS
Feb 3rd 2012 6:10 PM GMT

leec85 : I don't want any of you're money but if I do this, you do the pen testing for me. Lemme show you a pic
Feb 3rd 2012 6:08 PM GMT

leec85 : 4gb ram
Feb 3rd 2012 6:08 PM GMT

leec85 : AMD Turion X2 Dual Core 64 bit
Feb 3rd 2012 6:07 PM GMT

leec85 : 300gb hard drive
Feb 3rd 2012 6:07 PM GMT

leec85 : ATI radeon 3200
Feb 3rd 2012 6:07 PM GMT

leec85 : Hold up, that text is wrong
Feb 3rd 2012 6:06 PM GMT

leec85 : So you dont
Feb 3rd 2012 6:05 PM GMT

leec85 : Tell me if this will do or not...
Feb 3rd 2012 6:05 PM GMT

leec85 : Ok, I just checked the specs of this one...
Feb 3rd 2012 6:05 PM GMT

leec85 : No, I don't want you paying any money, you're just a 15 year old kid...
Feb 3rd 2012 5:59 PM GMT

leec85 : Well, I have several. I'm trying to sell them all but ebay only lets me sell so many at a time. Lemme ask this, how big of screen do u want?
Feb 3rd 2012 5:56 PM GMT

leec85 : hahhahaa
Feb 3rd 2012 5:56 PM GMT

leec85 : I can show you what I have over Skype. If I do this I can't have the FBI coming after me though, I am giving assets to known cyber threats
Feb 3rd 2012 5:55 PM GMT

leec85 : How much is shipping from Maryland in the US to where ever you are? How do we find this out.
Feb 3rd 2012 5:54 PM GMT

TehWongZ : What's the spec? :)
Feb 3rd 2012 5:54 PM GMT

leec85 : talented.
Feb 3rd 2012 5:54 PM GMT

TehWongZ : $50 probably :/
Feb 3rd 2012 5:53 PM GMT

leec85 : How you gonna do pen testing for me if you ain't even got a computer son? Geez. The only reason I would offer this is because I know you're
Feb 3rd 2012 5:51 PM GMT

leec85 : How much is shipping to the UK? If the shipping is ridiculous I can't do it.
Feb 3rd 2012 5:51 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Gaming laptops? I need a good 1 :/
Feb 3rd 2012 5:50 PM GMT

TehWongZ : :o !!!
Feb 3rd 2012 5:50 PM GMT

leec85 : If you need a laptop, I have about 10 right now.
Jan 30th 2012 8:50 PM GMT

leec85 : I sent you a contact request, I should probably not use my regular account but oh well, people know who I am, I don't care.
Jan 30th 2012 8:38 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Skype: charrielong
Jan 30th 2012 8:35 PM GMT

leec85 : We can talk about this. We could Skype sometime so I don't have twitter log that I'm paying you to cyber attack, hahaha.
Jan 30th 2012 8:32 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Also I had an idea for a CloudFlare style thing but it actually secures your server from attacks & doesn't just stop DDoS/Getting IP
Jan 30th 2012 8:32 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Nah.. But I have 2-3 friends that can do it.. What kind of money were u looking to spend? :)
Jan 30th 2012 8:29 PM GMT

leec85 : So you don't have any equipment now?
Jan 30th 2012 8:25 PM GMT

TehWongZ : And University < US College > Starts at 18-21
Jan 30th 2012 8:25 PM GMT

TehWongZ : At 16 then u do a 1-3 year course...
Jan 30th 2012 8:22 PM GMT

leec85 : When does college start in the UK then? You must of just turned 16, last time I checked you were 15
Jan 30th 2012 8:21 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Yeh :) I'm 16...
Jan 30th 2012 8:19 PM GMT

leec85 : Huh? Wait, so you're technically in middle school right now then?
Jan 30th 2012 8:18 PM GMT

TehWongZ : No.. College in England is High Skwl in the States ;£
Jan 30th 2012 8:17 PM GMT

leec85 : You're going to college early then?
Jan 30th 2012 8:16 PM GMT

TehWongZ : lol! It's 8:15 in UK ;) and I finish skwl completely in May.. Then I go to college in September :)
Jan 30th 2012 8:15 PM GMT

leec85 : you in the school's computer lab again?
Jan 30th 2012 8:15 PM GMT

leec85 : wait a sec, shouldn't you be at school right now?
Jan 30th 2012 8:14 PM GMT

leec85 : They're probably watching you now huh?
Jan 30th 2012 8:14 PM GMT

leec85 : hahaha
Jan 30th 2012 8:13 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Local who seized then gave to Scotland Yard :/
Jan 30th 2012 8:11 PM GMT

leec85 : ?
Jan 30th 2012 8:11 PM GMT

leec85 : hahaha, was it really the feds or just the local police.
Jan 30th 2012 8:10 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Fuckin Feds :/ got my iPhone & a netbook lol
Jan 30th 2012 8:10 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Hey.. So what sort of pay would I be looking at? I have a friend who is GOOOD and he'll do it ATM.. I don't have my equipment :/
Feb 3rd 2012 5:23 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Yeh I'm good lol
Feb 3rd 2012 3:50 PM GMT

darkspline : Dude... you aight?
Dec 28th 2011 8:40 PM GMT

darkspline : Fn twitter app. Excuse repeat.. lol..
Dec 28th 2011 8:39 PM GMT

darkspline : I dont skype. afk atm. Ill be home some time toward the new year. A little well deserved vacation after a sucessful money making few months.
Dec 28th 2011 8:28 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Kwl :) all we need now is the Lulzxmas lyrics ;) we got all the other 1s ;)
Dec 28th 2011 7:29 PM GMT

darkspline : I dont skype. afk atm. Ill be home some time toward he new year. :-/
Dec 27th 2011 10:54 PM GMT

TehWongZ : WOW. That's amazing & Could you maybe put the song together in a PasteBin, add my Skype: charrielong
Dec 27th 2011 10:00 PM GMT

darkspline : hope ur enjoying the holiday.
Dec 27th 2011 9:59 PM GMT

darkspline : Nicw hat, wack attack, ill show you how its done. Should I boondoggle a usb nozle or spearphish them for fun?
Dec 22nd 2011 8:36 PM GMT

darkspline : Security by destruction, master of all functions, watch your back when we strap your website may get shut off.
Dec 22nd 2011 8:35 PM GMT

darkspline : stack smashed boot strapped, higher level like your god saw.
Dec 22nd 2011 8:30 PM GMT

darkspline : Aight! Just listened. We gotta fresh this up a bit.
Dec 22nd 2011 10:49 AM GMT

TehWongZ : He made another song for TeaMp0isoN already
Dec 22nd 2011 10:49 AM GMT

TehWongZ : It's UK Rap dude, search YouTube for: opcensorthis - lyricist jinn
Dec 22nd 2011 3:58 AM GMT

darkspline : Can u href me a youtube track so i know what genre im writing for bro?
Dec 22nd 2011 3:40 AM GMT

TehWongZ : I mean grime but it auto corrected for some reason xD
Dec 22nd 2011 3:38 AM GMT

darkspline : My minds thinks in terms like a rubix cube, color coded mixed with a little bit of fuck the world.
Feb 3rd 2012 3:44 PM GMT

charlesarthur : dude - seems you’re a pain in the bum. Call me - 020 3353 3925.
Feb 3rd 2012 1:04 PM GMT

TehWongZ : lol I dno haha
Feb 3rd 2012 11:29 AM GMT

1Kaizen1 : What's the deal with this #FFF conference leak? Well we know where it come from but wtf?
Jan 30th 2012 1:41 PM GMT

TehWongZ : TY :)
Jan 30th 2012 11:52 AM GMT

1Kaizen1 : Done my friend
Jan 30th 2012 3:16 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Hey, could u tweet this 4 me plz, https://t.co/zvxeClu
Jan 28th 2012 10:43 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Forever? I'm not guna come back & hack unless I know I'm safe & I'm not with her anymore
Jan 28th 2012 9:31 PM GMT

1Kaizen1 : How longs it going to last? Lol
Jan 28th 2012 8:03 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Yeh lol
Jan 28th 2012 5:26 PM GMT

1Kaizen1 : Fair play my friend
Jan 28th 2012 4:17 PM GMT

TehWongZ : I am ATM only being a middle man for hacking.. I'm not doing ANY cus my GF wants me to stop.. And I don't an get cock blocked xD
Jan 28th 2012 3:20 PM GMT

1Kaizen1 : Can you find out anything about this site? Anzen.nl for me pls mate?
Feb 2nd 2012 11:11 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Yeh lol
Feb 2nd 2012 11:10 PM GMT

SamBianchetto : Ahhhh fake accounts lol
Feb 2nd 2012 11:10 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Eggs = bot accounts lol
Feb 2nd 2012 11:07 PM GMT

SamBianchetto : What are they?
Feb 2nd 2012 11:05 PM GMT

TehWongZ : lol some guy gave us random eggs :/
Feb 2nd 2012 11:03 PM GMT

SamBianchetto : how did you snag so many followers? I NEED THAT MANY!
Jan 31st 2012 11:19 PM GMT

TehWongZ : NICE! :)
Jan 31st 2012 10:20 PM GMT

SamBianchetto : Ah it's all good man, im making money off my host now ;$
Jan 31st 2012 10:19 PM GMT

TehWongZ : I forgot to say.. I can host your site 4 u if u want :)
Jan 30th 2012 3:24 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Just tweet saying its your friends shop, I really need some money ATM :/
Jan 30th 2012 3:18 AM GMT

SamBianchetto : What do u want me to say?
Jan 30th 2012 3:16 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Hey, could u tweet this 4 me plz, https://t.co/zvxeClu
Jan 29th 2012 10:17 AM GMT

TehWongZ : kk lol
Jan 29th 2012 3:00 AM GMT

SamBianchetto : Cheers for the shout ;) got a twitter too! Tell em to follow it @ThatAppleBlog ;)
Jan 29th 2012 1:57 AM GMT

TehWongZ : lol.. That's gay :/ just library or something then dude :)
Jan 29th 2012 1:57 AM GMT

SamBianchetto : Haha we can't get Internet or 3G at our house (it's a dead spot) it fcking sucks!
Jan 29th 2012 1:51 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Or just go to local library, Apple store < write on iPhone or comp at home, email & upload :)
Jan 29th 2012 1:51 AM GMT

TehWongZ : oh.. 3G from your iPhone & maybe get Internet like.. erm.. NOW?
Jan 29th 2012 1:50 AM GMT

SamBianchetto : http://t.co/qhUxMUE Yeah but I did all my writing at work. Don't have internet at home:(
Jan 29th 2012 1:46 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Ah what site? And if your losin your job doesn't that mean free time? + I'll give ur site a shout :)
Jan 29th 2012 1:41 AM GMT

SamBianchetto : Maybe man, I won't be able to for a few weeks at least. Losing my job this week, plus I'm running my site and writing for GiveMeMind lol
Jan 29th 2012 12:58 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Hey, I was wondering if you'd like to make some content for Dark-Hacking on iPhone Hacking/tricks ? :)
Jan 23rd 2012 11:33 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Dno lol...
Jan 23rd 2012 11:26 PM GMT

SamBianchetto : Lol funny. Who's running it now?
Jan 23rd 2012 11:25 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Dno... I stopped with it anyways & t0x1c left after me & lulzfunny/SPiN went to white hat jobs lol
Jan 23rd 2012 11:18 PM GMT

SamBianchetto : That's good numbers man! So what happened with dsec?
Jan 23rd 2012 11:17 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Already got 400+ Unique Views a day :)
Jan 23rd 2012 11:17 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Well I hve cus that's the last hack I'll do unless it's for a video for the site ;) but the site launched 2 days ago (Dark-Hacking) and has
Jan 23rd 2012 11:10 PM GMT

SamBianchetto : Ahhhh so you haven't changed THAT much lol. But good on you.
Jan 23rd 2012 11:09 PM GMT

TehWongZ : But I'm launching (soon) a IRC Network, which I've hacked like 10k servers and mass converted into leafs for the IRC teehee :D
Jan 23rd 2012 11:08 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Yeh :) just running websites now ;) got myself a 12gb Ram, dual Xeon, quad 250gb SSD Dedi Server :) so I'm hosting a LOAD of sites
Jan 23rd 2012 11:06 PM GMT

SamBianchetto : So you've left the life of crime hey? Good for you lol!
Feb 2nd 2012 5:49 PM GMT

TehWongZ : I'd have to teach u
Feb 2nd 2012 2:59 PM GMT

Vereinfachen : Well before exploiting them. What are the basics?
Feb 2nd 2012 2:52 PM GMT

TehWongZ : What server exploits u got? U need to know the basics of a server first b4 u try to exploit them..
Feb 2nd 2012 2:51 PM GMT

TehWongZ : lol CMS = content manager system (ie Wordpress, Joomla)
Feb 2nd 2012 2:50 PM GMT

Vereinfachen : Whats CMS? >_> Server exploits.
Feb 2nd 2012 2:32 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Depends what kind of exploits... CMS, Server, DDoS what?
Feb 2nd 2012 2:01 PM GMT

Vereinfachen : I just want to learn how to use exploits. Like hmm there public exploit but i don't know how to use them. That wouldn't take long would it?
Feb 2nd 2012 1:45 PM GMT

TehWongZ : I can teach anything really haha.. And no 15/Hour is my usual charge for doing everything :)
Feb 2nd 2012 12:53 PM GMT

Vereinfachen : >_> 15 and hour?Thats a bit costly no? And what are you able to teach?
Feb 2nd 2012 12:51 PM GMT

TehWongZ : $15/Hour & what u wna learn?
Jan 30th 2012 5:01 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : merely interested lol you are funny 0_0
Jan 30th 2012 4:58 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : my platform is going to be the dogs danglies....will be first port of call for all scriptkiddies on the planet. watch this space !
Jan 30th 2012 4:58 PM GMT

TehWongZ : kk w/e lol im merely interested.
Jan 30th 2012 4:57 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : ...its all good 0_0
Jan 30th 2012 4:57 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : i cant reveal much about my plans regarding scriptkiddies because id have to kill you. however you are included in my plans !
Jan 30th 2012 4:08 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Well no because I have a lot of things im working on than that.. I'll help you with that though lol.. Kinda confused what its actually about
Jan 30th 2012 2:45 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : would you like to have a bet ? £100 that my site becomes more popular than yours this year ?
Jan 30th 2012 2:41 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : wont be as big as scriptkiddies charlie 0_-
Jan 30th 2012 2:40 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Sorry I've got Dark-Hacking to run :)
Jan 30th 2012 2:25 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : ...similar to what your trying to acheive now...however with a better platform which i am working on .
Jan 30th 2012 2:25 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : ...and youd get paid for it 0_0
Jan 30th 2012 2:24 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : would be great if you could recruit every script kiddy on the interwebz.......i have a plan. youd be the boss teaching newbies.
Jan 30th 2012 2:14 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : dont tell anyone just yet.
Jan 30th 2012 2:14 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : hey charlie get your account 10k followers then you and me will work on scriptkiddies dot co dot uk (will be a paid partnership) TOP SECRET
Jan 30th 2012 3:16 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Hey, could u tweet this 4 me plz, https://t.co/zvxeClu
Jan 16th 2012 8:34 PM GMT

TehWongZ : k
Jan 16th 2012 8:34 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : hey charlie, ive things todo, it was just to let you know, id like you to be involved in the project .just have a think about it. chat soon.
Jan 16th 2012 8:33 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : lol who said i was ?
Jan 16th 2012 8:33 PM GMT

TehWongZ : And script kiddies want free stuff... Easy to download & easy to learn..
Jan 16th 2012 8:32 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : do they want educating black hat white hat ? or do they want to know how to use free hacking tools ?
Jan 16th 2012 8:32 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Ok... So how are YOU going to get into the UK Gov sites? And also direct.gov.uk wud be the biggest 1, it's the most visited UK Gov site
Jan 16th 2012 8:31 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : ......something differet to whats available now, what would you like to see on one website ? what do the script kiddies want to watch ?
Jan 16th 2012 8:29 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : my skills are irelivent, other than i will develop the project !its going to take me a month to put the site together , a community platform
Jan 16th 2012 8:26 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Hmm... And your skills are? I know: SQLi, XSS, RFI, Web App Vulnerabilities, general server stuff & have a lot of people who know more...
Jan 16th 2012 8:23 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : Thats the plan .Have a think about it .
Jan 16th 2012 8:23 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : defacing british gov sites gaining recognition by targetting those in power UK ! it would raise your profile *hypothetically of course
Jan 16th 2012 8:19 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : You have a lot of followers,which would be great for my project dont worry about the snitch thing, it was a lame pastebin dox !
Jan 16th 2012 8:18 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : ...have a think about it. 0_0
Jan 16th 2012 8:18 PM GMT

HoratioPotato : the plan is consider yourself a role with scriptkiddies dot co dot uk website once developed ? keep to yourself for now ! Top secret
Jan 16th 2012 8:10 PM GMT

TehWongZ : What's this plan? :)
Jan 30th 2012 4:43 PM GMT

_sergh : Alright then :D
Jan 30th 2012 4:42 PM GMT

TehWongZ : PERFECT! :)
Jan 30th 2012 4:36 PM GMT

_sergh : And http://t.co/rqG3XmZ is the svg for the random ideas thing. Text can be fixed with any svg editor, anything monospace should work.
Jan 30th 2012 4:33 PM GMT

_sergh : Speaking of which, http://t.co/6tnwu8l svg for it, don't look at the text, just change the font to something more monospace and it'll work
Jan 30th 2012 4:31 PM GMT

_sergh : http://t.co/yGUfZxK something like this?
Jan 30th 2012 4:28 PM GMT

TehWongZ : :) NP just finish the design & we can upload to the site :)
Jan 30th 2012 4:24 PM GMT

_sergh : Alright, one sec
Jan 30th 2012 4:23 PM GMT

TehWongZ : oh kk lol sorrey
Jan 30th 2012 4:22 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Yeh the actually white 1 lol
Jan 30th 2012 4:21 PM GMT

_sergh : Also, which white guy? whitest of all of them?
Jan 30th 2012 4:20 PM GMT

_sergh : And upload it somewhere else, that's not my private address but not one i'd like to get much PR
Jan 30th 2012 4:20 PM GMT

_sergh : Hey there, please delete tweet asap
Jan 30th 2012 4:17 PM GMT

TehWongZ : I like the white guy.. Could u make him with a transparent png background and the 2nd picture text on the right side? Plz
Jan 30th 2012 4:16 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Use it like it is.. Well I've given to my biz partner to look at so might need the svg later :)
Jan 30th 2012 4:15 PM GMT

_sergh : Some stuff probably will need to be moved around, based of the design of the page
Jan 30th 2012 4:15 PM GMT

_sergh : Alright :) Should I send you the .svg for it or you'll use it like it is?
Jan 30th 2012 4:09 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Looks NICE! Man :) I think I'll use the 2nd 1 :D
Jan 29th 2012 4:43 PM GMT

_sergh : Hey there, ideas so far: http://t.co/XzooRfJ
Jan 24th 2012 4:03 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Yeh sure man :)
Jan 24th 2012 3:48 PM GMT

_sergh : Though I'm really busy in the past few days, won't be able to do this normally until at least the weekend. Is that OK?
Jan 24th 2012 3:48 PM GMT

_sergh : Could be, I'll work on it
Jan 23rd 2012 5:16 PM GMT

TehWongZ : In the shade with a hat on and Dark-Hacking on the right side off him?
Jan 23rd 2012 5:15 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Well our main site is Dark-ish Blue, the Concept is a Hacking Tutorials, Community & Information site... The design could be maybe a guy
Jan 23rd 2012 2:02 PM GMT

_sergh : Any clues on the colours/design/anything? I have pretty much no idea about the website,except that it's a hacking community
Jan 23rd 2012 2:01 PM GMT

_sergh : I see... I haven't done any graphics stuff at all since the last time we spoke, so can't vouch on the quality.
Jan 22nd 2012 10:05 PM GMT

TehWongZ : It's a Hacking Tutorials, News & Forums site :)
Jan 22nd 2012 10:05 PM GMT

TehWongZ : But we'd love a banner/poster for the site from you? :)
Jan 22nd 2012 10:05 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Actually my partner is making us a logo
Jan 22nd 2012 10:00 PM GMT

_sergh : I can try of course, but I don't know how well it would turn out. What do you want it to look like?
Jan 22nd 2012 8:27 PM GMT

TehWongZ : :( well it would be a good thing to learn ;)
Jan 22nd 2012 8:26 PM GMT

_sergh : Well I don't know, I don't really do logos...
Jan 22nd 2012 5:01 PM GMT

TehWongZ : I need a logo for Dark-Hacking :)
Jan 22nd 2012 1:38 PM GMT

_sergh : Hey, what is it gonna be? :P
Jan 30th 2012 3:15 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Hey, could u tweet this 4 me plz? https://t.co/zvxeClu
Jan 29th 2012 9:28 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Exactly.
Jan 29th 2012 9:25 PM GMT

AnonymousCenter : Lol you have calmed down bro >.> And yea lol, what other reason do people makes sites?
Jan 29th 2012 10:18 AM GMT

TehWongZ : That's because I want to grow it so I can earn money of it lol..
Jan 29th 2012 10:18 AM GMT

TehWongZ : I'm not a fucking attention whore lol.. I quit hacking anyways.. You see me begging for followers? I mean I advertise my DH site but
Jan 29th 2012 8:38 AM GMT

AnonymousCenter : Bro, your pretty cool. Its just the attention whore part. Das ist die antwort.
Jan 22nd 2012 11:45 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Hey, I know you dont particularly like me so may I ask why? I've stopped hacking BTW..
Jan 2nd 2012 2:28 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Its not identified though lol :)
Jan 2nd 2012 7:31 AM GMT

AnonymousCenter : yo, some1 has your real nick on irc.
Jan 26th 2012 5:18 AM GMT

AnonOctopus : *which
Jan 26th 2012 5:18 AM GMT

AnonOctopus : Maybe you could call, if an adult picks up, ask if they have a son names Luis who has an iphone and xbox, which could confirm ehoch address
Jan 26th 2012 5:16 AM GMT

AnonOctopus : Yeah. I did a whitepages lookup for him in stockton, brought up 2 results close to his school.
Jan 26th 2012 5:13 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Yeh there isn't really anything it's hard when they're Minors :
Jan 26th 2012 4:53 AM GMT

AnonOctopus : Sucks. Get his parents names or anything? From the pastebin seems you didn't get much sept for my info
Jan 21st 2012 10:55 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Well I was recording it but it didn't save with Camtasia for some reason... Might be cus it's cracked but dno :/
Jan 21st 2012 7:08 PM GMT

AnonOctopus : also, I do trust you, but.. proof?
Jan 21st 2012 10:54 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Touché xD I kinda forgot haha
Jan 21st 2012 4:00 AM GMT

AnonOctopus : nice. why not put that in pastebin?
Jan 18th 2012 9:16 AM GMT

TehWongZ : But I spam messages his Facebook and he deleted his account lol!
Jan 18th 2012 9:15 AM GMT

TehWongZ : It is him btw
Jan 18th 2012 9:14 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Oops lol
Jan 18th 2012 12:33 AM GMT

AnonOctopus : Dont see the dox? all i see is @LulzPirate DoX'd - as my last Good Bye. I leave you with the collapse of a Idiot. A thief and a Fame Whore.
Jan 17th 2012 4:40 PM GMT

TehWongZ : I dropped it already :D check ;) and I'm slowing down.... Dno about leaving fully
Jan 17th 2012 12:44 AM GMT

AnonOctopus : I saw your tweet about doxing him. When ya gonna drop it? Also, don't leave man...
Jan 30th 2012 3:16 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Hey, could u tweet this 4 me plz, https://t.co/zvxeClu
Jan 23rd 2012 2:01 AM GMT

GreekOphion : Kk, mine too.
Jan 23rd 2012 1:59 AM GMT

TehWongZ : No... It's legit paid for and not stolen content... It's educational purposes only ;)
Jan 23rd 2012 1:40 AM GMT

GreekOphion : And im assuming ur website is going to be illegal?
Jan 23rd 2012 1:38 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Yep but I have a lot of people behind me ;) + If I need anything eg Video, Logo, Music, Coding, Money, I have anyone for anything...
Jan 23rd 2012 1:35 AM GMT

GreekOphion : Sounds like ur going to have a lot on ur hands.
Jan 23rd 2012 1:34 AM GMT

TehWongZ : And I have a Network off sites lol... Dark-Hacking is just the start, launching a IRC Network soon :)
Jan 23rd 2012 1:32 AM GMT

GreekOphion : Ik. Lol.
Jan 23rd 2012 1:30 AM GMT

TehWongZ : lol fair enough but u kinda need ur own domain first LOL!
Jan 23rd 2012 1:29 AM GMT

GreekOphion : Well im awesome. And I actually believe in mine and I wont let it fail.
Jan 23rd 2012 1:24 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Week lol and I have a life as well but I write in my spare time & have a biz partner and 2 other writers on the News Section lol
Jan 23rd 2012 1:24 AM GMT

TehWongZ : lol! My content is custom made by either me, my biz partner or my friends... But it means we can churn out like 20+ detailed tutorials in a
Jan 23rd 2012 1:22 AM GMT

GreekOphion : Ohh so ur content isn't all yours? And mine is going to eventually get there. I actually have a life and I want mine to be perfect.
Jan 23rd 2012 1:19 AM GMT

TehWongZ : People making custom tutorials for me lol )
Jan 23rd 2012 1:19 AM GMT

TehWongZ : lol wut? Nah Brah... We have News, Forums, Pure Tutorials & I am probably 1 of the most well known people in the scene, got a LOADA
Jan 23rd 2012 1:17 AM GMT

GreekOphion : That's sounds a little gay... lol. And I think mine has more potential then yours.
Jan 23rd 2012 1:14 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Don't know why u don't just wna link up with me considering our shit is HAWT!
Jan 23rd 2012 1:10 AM GMT

GreekOphion : Alrighty.
Jan 23rd 2012 1:07 AM GMT

TehWongZ : kk lol.. Then again u cud just be using bots, we'll see who wins anyways, the comments & interaction speaks 4 it the most
Jan 23rd 2012 1:06 AM GMT

GreekOphion : Later
Jan 23rd 2012 1:05 AM GMT

GreekOphion : Ya, im at my girlfriends house right now but later ill send u a screen shot.
Jan 23rd 2012 1:03 AM GMT

TehWongZ : And our Dark Hacking twitter has grown to nearly 120 followers and our forum has 17 members lol..
Jan 23rd 2012 1:02 AM GMT

TehWongZ : lol proof? I've got Analytics to back ma shit up :)
Jan 23rd 2012 12:59 AM GMT

GreekOphion : Fyi. Today so far I have had 300 uniques and no marketing
Jan 22nd 2012 9:59 PM GMT

TehWongZ : lol! :)
Jan 22nd 2012 9:59 PM GMT

GreekOphion : Ok I can't wait.
Jan 22nd 2012 8:47 PM GMT

TehWongZ : lol well we have a secret PHP in the works oh and we have $398 in our Adwords just waiting to get spent
Jan 22nd 2012 8:40 PM GMT

GreekOphion : I launched Friday night and I am getting about 80 uniques a day and I haven't done any marketing yet so we'll see.
Jan 22nd 2012 8:27 PM GMT

TehWongZ : But I am a marketing god ;)
Jan 22nd 2012 8:27 PM GMT

TehWongZ : lol! Well our site is getting 350+ unique views already and we only launched 3 days ago haha
Jan 22nd 2012 8:22 PM GMT

GreekOphion : Ok, I wish you good luck on your website. May the best website win! lol
Jan 22nd 2012 7:34 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Nah dude we are doing custom 1s so our own written stuff... Not using other peoples work except fan written stuff :)
Jan 22nd 2012 7:31 PM GMT

GreekOphion : How bout this. Whenever I have a tut you like you can use it if you put a link to my site at the beginning and end of the tut nd same 4 me
Jan 22nd 2012 7:30 PM GMT

GreekOphion : How bout this. Whenever I have a tut you like you can use it if you put a link to my site at the beginning and end of the tut nd same for me
Jan 22nd 2012 7:19 PM GMT

TehWongZ : If I were to work, I'd rather it be on our site as it's already all set-up, the server is secure and ready to go & we have Adsense all setup
Jan 22nd 2012 7:18 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Well our site has already got a member base, the other person is a ex-hacker called Martin and we have a REALLY nice set-up tbh
Jan 22nd 2012 7:08 PM GMT

GreekOphion : Yes? No?
Jan 22nd 2012 6:45 PM GMT

GreekOphion : Who's the other person you are working with? Also, what do you think about writing content for my website?
Jan 22nd 2012 6:38 PM GMT

GreekOphion : I am getting domains and a host at the end of the month. I am getting about $3,000 from my old website.
Jan 22nd 2012 6:37 PM GMT

GreekOphion : I noticed that. I plan on making mine a multi-platform site too. I just don't want to move to fast and pay less attention to detail.
Jan 22nd 2012 6:34 PM GMT

TehWongZ : If you wrote us a few tutorials & cud work on a PHP thing 4 us, we'll grab u a domain & host your site 4 u :)
Jan 22nd 2012 6:34 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Well we're a multiple platform site, tutorials, news, forums etc and there's 2 of us behind it... We could really use some content
Jan 22nd 2012 6:31 PM GMT

GreekOphion : I'm haven't really touched PHP in a while
Jan 22nd 2012 6:30 PM GMT

GreekOphion : Your website seems to have a similar concept and I was wondering if you would like to collaborate on one website.
Jan 22nd 2012 6:30 PM GMT

GreekOphion : This is my website: http://t.co/L9wWk5M I just started it and I was just searching around this morning and I found your website.
Jan 22nd 2012 6:28 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Hey, sure we need a good PHP coder, you any good? :)
Jan 22nd 2012 1:36 AM GMT

TehWongZ : But wud like to hear how I cud possibly patch/see this? :)
Jan 22nd 2012 1:35 AM GMT

TehWongZ : hmmm... Won't get into my server lol
Jan 22nd 2012 1:16 AM GMT

BlastFrmThaPast : Wordpress 0day intrusion I seen think can be used on urs
Jan 22nd 2012 1:04 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Yeh I am :) and where? It's only HTML/Wordpress xD
Jan 22nd 2012 12:57 AM GMT

BlastFrmThaPast : Yo ur dark hacking yeah ?? Think I seen a vuln on there I'll keep u updated
Jan 16th 2012 7:46 AM GMT

TehWongZ : <3
Jan 16th 2012 1:42 AM GMT

BlastFrmThaPast : Think I'll pop down sometime ;) rather than saying goodbye on this
Jan 30th 2012 3:16 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Hey, could u tweet this 4 me plz, https://t.co/zvxeClu
Jan 18th 2012 11:44 AM GMT

TehWongZ : And tbh I never snitched, all that info was wrong lol... IPs fake, email is a council rep not Feds etc :)
Jan 18th 2012 11:43 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Yep :)
Jan 18th 2012 11:39 AM GMT

benbfranklin : Wb Charrie... lookZ like there wasn´t much on the d0x as ya still use this account. A snitch would change and establish trust as a "newfag"
Jan 9th 2012 3:48 AM GMT

R1chardCarr : You are about to go d o w n ...
Jan 7th 2012 12:27 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Meh I'd have to login 2 Facebook 2 view, now I have more pressing matters and frankly don't give a fuck about you...
Jan 7th 2012 12:08 AM GMT

R1chardCarr : Oh yeah, this guy https://t.co/kz4QQZb
Jan 6th 2012 10:16 PM GMT

TehWongZ : LOL! No he's not hahaha do I look brown? And Hex already found my dad WOW U FAIL.
Jan 6th 2012 11:39 AM GMT

R1chardCarr : This guy's your dad, at least: http://t.co/l5i3kyy
Jan 6th 2012 11:36 AM GMT

TehWongZ : lol wut? That's not my sister, she's a relative but she's like 30 something hahaha I'm 15, do the math idiot
Jan 6th 2012 11:32 AM GMT

R1chardCarr : http://t.co/3P4YMtc Old looking 7 year old.
Jan 6th 2012 10:49 AM GMT

TehWongZ : I haven't used LinkedIn 4 ages & my sister has a Facebook but she doesnt have a LinkedIn lol... How old do u think she is? Do the math
Jan 6th 2012 9:56 AM GMT

R1chardCarr : Your sister can't be 7, she has linkein and facebook. You logged into godaddy recently, and other things. This is just the start, anyway.
Jan 6th 2012 8:27 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Oh and FYI Hex has already done the sc2ish account lol... Be there done that, fake numbers, if ya don't believe me chek it ;)
Jan 6th 2012 8:20 AM GMT

TehWongZ : And BTW I don't know who you think my sister is considering she's 7 lol... Get your facts straight.
Jan 6th 2012 8:20 AM GMT

TehWongZ : lol SC2ish is a Gaming Clan (Ish Gaming) its a shared YT & email & Doc's I made it yet but I'm 1 of many who use it lol.
Dec 29th 2011 11:51 PM GMT

c0rrupt_net : http://t.co/AqLAI4D
Dec 29th 2011 11:45 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Hey what's the link to the carding section? :)
Dec 29th 2011 3:08 PM GMT

c0rrupt_net : Yeah sure. Add me on skype btw "venomanche"
Dec 29th 2011 2:24 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Dark-Hackers.com < + any tutorials you have to give would be GREAT! Also we're having a deface resource page so any deface templates u haz )
Dec 29th 2011 2:23 PM GMT

TehWongZ : lol! Kk, I'm working on a new tutorial website, wondering if you could promote it when it's live? :)
Dec 29th 2011 1:47 PM GMT

c0rrupt_net : Any? :p
Dec 28th 2011 2:48 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Which release is this? :) we have like 4 lol
Dec 28th 2011 12:56 AM GMT

c0rrupt_net : Would be great, as it requires 0 posts to view.
Dec 28th 2011 12:56 AM GMT

c0rrupt_net : Hey man, mind doing c0rrupt a favor? When the release is ready post a thread on c0rrupt and tweet the link? :) General Discussion section
Dec 28th 2011 4:08 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Lol
Dec 28th 2011 3:53 AM GMT

P0wd3r_ : Haha I shud be on tomorrow mate at th3 girlfriends ain't I sh3 don't like me on laptop when she's sleeping LaWL!!!!1
Dec 22nd 2011 7:09 PM GMT

TehWongZ : CharrieLong :)
Dec 22nd 2011 5:46 PM GMT

P0wd3r_ : lawl whats ur new skype?
Dec 23rd 2011 12:59 PM GMT

TehWongZ : We ordered loada stuff dude, if u didn't get anything I'll personally come & give u vouchers :D
Dec 23rd 2011 11:58 AM GMT

_Hybridize_ : Did you even order any iPhones or just smaller shit? And is there anyway to know if mine got ordered? :/ Let us know ASAP, thanks mate.
Jan 22nd 2012 12:40 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Hay I'll buy and host u a Wordpress blog: anondaily.com if u give me some shouts and a back link? :)
Jan 21st 2012 11:15 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Members misses the 4 other non-public members we have and the various other people I'm associated with.
Jan 21st 2012 11:14 PM GMT

TehWongZ : And no I was proven not to be a snitch... Check the so called PasteBin & trace the IPs = Fake, email isn't right & the "DoX" of DeSec
Jan 21st 2012 11:14 PM GMT

TehWongZ : ? lol
Jan 21st 2012 11:05 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Hey cud u give @Dark_Hacking a shout plz? :) we're releasing some great Tutorials & News content :)
Jan 6th 2012 4:28 AM GMT

TehWongZ : Hey man, any server support you can offer is great, our server isn't hit offline ATM, we just installed over 375gb of Software on to it ;)
Jan 5th 2012 9:39 PM GMT

TehWongZ : Yo Wasup?