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Philadelphia, PA
Age: 66
Full Name: Dorothea Ivern Holmes
Current Home Address:
2263 N 51st St, Philadelphia PA 19131
Sex: Female

Past Phone Numbers: 
(215) 879-0769
(215) 436-5445
(215) 879-0679
(215) 435-1522
(215) 879-7907
(410) 486-4396
(847) 577-9341

Current Phone Number:
(215) 435-5445

Ankha Stanley •
Stephen Stanley • 
Cassandra Lancaster • 
Donna Stanley •
Edith Stanley 
Brian Lancaster
Carole Knudsen
Charles Stanley
Chery Turo
Christopher Stanley
Deanna Knudsen

-----------------------------------------------------------------[Why She Was Doxxed]-----------------------------------------------------------
She's a big bitch who made me fail science on purpose, then lied to my mom saying she didn't say that and she did more horrible stuff.