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The Official Tayex Dox

Reason of Dox: Tayex is a known ROBLOX Da Hood scripter or should I say (skid) that skids almost every script and even skidded Yun. He is a skid and tries to dox every single human being
on the planet whilst literally being 13 years old. He loves sending his close friends beams and ip logger downloads and then leaks them. He's truly a skid and this is why this dox was 
Personal Information Of Tayex - 

IP: 1.354.342.323

Country: United States Of America
State: California
City: Los Angeles

Address: 2707 W Avenue 30, Los Angeles, CA 90065

Face Pictures of Tayex -

Face 1: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1115843590426472529/1115857207930667008/image.png

Face 2: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1077806194288230510/1115859771753517137/image.png


Conclusion: Tayex is a skid and the reason I doxxed him is because he tried logging me and many other people who were his close homies/friends.
I hope he learns a lesson not to fuck around otherwise my nigga tayex is gonna get swatted.