this guy owns dog shit VPNs lol claims they are unhittable but can get downed by a skid like me with a free bypass off a free stresser lol he also gets very mad when you talk shit he is also a boomer ass nigger and hears things wrong when you talk shit to him he has dents in the side of his head you can see this in taco4.jpg and taco5.jpg ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ name : Zachary Hudson, Age 32 ----------------------------- mobile : 620-870-0924 ------------------------------ emails : ------------------------------- last 4 of card : 5966 ------------------------------ address : 914 West 6th Street, Coffeyville, KS 67337 ---------------------------------------------- picture of his house :,+Coffeyville,+KS+67337/@37.0382618,-95.6304413,3a,57y,340.42h,92.38t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sVaOCdqV39yLVjhfiX3rdnw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x87b78461799f5983:0x4830920a3ea7416c!8m2!3d37.0384347!4d-95.6305032 ----------------------------------------------------- last ssn : xxx-xx-xx04 ------------------------- checking bank account : COMMUNITY NATIONAL BANK & TRUSTChecking••••5966 ------------------------------------------------- Relatives: Ashley Hudson Billy Hudson Michelle Hudson Patricia Sanders Andra England Bruce Main Charles England Deborah Meek Terria Perrien ------------------------------------------------