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-➤I killed the team TDC , consisting of two people, in their opinion strong.

-➤These characters: @ssktkamxzxc , @DetroGraphics.

-➤ Brief information: This team started with threats towards me, when I gave them time to damage, they began to write that they were sitting on Virts and so on, in the end they really were not from their numbers, but if I managed to find this information.


†First mortal: @ssktkamxzxc

//Full name: Язынина Ирина Вячеславовна
//Number: 79821046440 (Physical number) Registered to another person 
//Virtual number: +79245426876
//Brittany: 16.03.2006
//Address: Россия, г. Саратов, Чкалова ул., д. 22 кв.35
//Email: Irina1965@gmail.com
//ИНН ФЛ\ИП: 914818646272
//ИНН юр. лицо: 8554268399
//СНИЛС: 43449912907
//ОМС: 9657003267109349
//ОГРН: 6132878163368
//КПП: 584451347
//БИК банка: 457869495
//Кор. счет: 40938721900000009430
//ИНН банка: 1473760874
//КПП банка: 985637836
//Номер счета: 50188481500000007811
//Имя держателя карты: Irina Yazinina
//Номер карты: 4203 8185 4319 8445
//Срок действия карты: 05/26
//CVC/CVV код: 904

//: The information on this tag is absolutely accurate,
 this person is pretending to be completely different, or rather Ksyusha, as I found out for scam.
//: At the moment, the account has a fake name, number,
 photo, Istria. There are two people on the account,
 a girl and a guy, the girl is responsible for voice messages,
 and the guy is responsible for communicating by text,
 I don’t know how much they earned, but the topic is as old as my grandmother.

†Second victim: @DetroGraphics

//Full name: Кузьмин Владимир Николаевич
//Number: +79538970886 (Physical fake number)
//Brittany: 29.08.2005
//Address: Россия, г. Мытищи, Садовая ул., д. 17 кв.93
//Email: GardenOffical2005@gmail.com

//: It’s difficult to find something about this person,
 but he is also participating in the scam.


//:!IMPORTANT INFORMATION - These people understood what they had done, they repent,
 a message was written in which they promised to make money in a white way,
 and not to weaken people on the Internet, as a form of punishment,
 I will salt this information, I will say right away, that in bots like the eye of God, 
the information is different because of the physical number, 
those people who will say linden - you are poor cocksuckers, come to your senses.
//: In case of threats from you, I will help them.

//: Dox by @Doom_DT