part one: brought to you by visnukzone... enjoy o $""$o $" $$ $$$$ o "$o o" "$ oo"$$$" oo$"$ooo o$ "$ ooo"$oo $$$"o o o o o oo" o" "o $$o$" o o$"" o$ "$ "oo o o o o "$o ""$$$" $$ $ " o "" o" $ "o$$" o$$ ""o o $ $" $$$$$ o $ ooo o"" "o $$$$o $o o$ $$$$$" $o " $$$$ o" ""o $$$$o oo o o$" $$$$$" "o o o o" "$$$ $ "" "$" """"" ""$" """ """ " "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo$ "$$$$"$$$$" $$$$$$$"$$$$$$ " "$$$$$"$$$$$$" $$$""$$$$ $$$oo$$$$ $$$$$$o$$$$$$o" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ o$$$$o$$$" $"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""$ $" "$ $"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$"$ `7MMF' `7MF'`7MMF' .M"""bgd `7MN. `7MF'`7MMF' `7MF'`7MMF' `YMM' `MA ,V MM ,MI "Y MMN. M MM M MM .M' VM: ,V MM `MMb. M YMb M MM M MM .d" MM. M' MM `YMMNq. M `MN. M MM M MMMMM. `MM A' MM . `MM M `MM.M MM M MM VMA :MM; MM Mb dM M YMM YM. ,M MM `MM. VF .JMML.P"Ybmmd" .JML. YM `bmmmmd"' .JMML. MMb. /* >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< *\ FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES DONALD J. TRUMP DOX PART TWO: Trump Administration BY VISNUKZONE ╔════════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ════════╗ == ➳ Credits == == ➳ Trump Administration == == ➳ Inauguration == == ➳ Properties == == ➳ Transactions == == ➳ Filings == == ➳ Financial Reports == == ➳ Appointees == == ➳ Lobbyists == ╚════════ ≪ °❈° ≫ ════════╝ CREDITS _____________________________ NOTES _____________________________ should've never been president part two and part one are 9,000 lines each so in total... an 18,000 line dox \* >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< - >< */ __________ ________ ____ ______ ___________ _ ________ ___ __________ _______ ____ __________ ________ _ __________ ____ ____ ___ ___ MMMMMMMMMM `MMMMMMMb.`MM' `M'`MMb dMM'`MMMMMMMb. dM. `MMMMMMMb.`MMb dMM'`MM'`MM\ `M'`MM' 6MMMMb\MMMMMMMMMM `MMMMMMMb. dM. 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Committee Party Amount --------------------------------------------- Donald J Trump for President R $15,439,091 Trump Victory R $4,944,568 Republican National Cmte R $2,841,153 America First Action $564,761 Great America Cmte R $237,731 Protect the House R $232,838 Senate Leadership Fund $94,627 National Republican Congressional Cmte R $86,010 Women Vote Smart $54,877 Rudy Giuliani Presidential Cmte R $53,686 ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< Money spent at Trump properties............. Property Committee Amount Date -------------------------------------------------------------- Trump National Doral Republican Party of Tennessee $952 12/30/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Gardner for Senate $673 12/18/2020 TRUMP TOWER COMMERCIAL LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 12/16/2020 TRUMP RESTAURANTS Donald J Trump for President $3,000 12/16/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Dasha for Congress $1,502 12/12/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Mike Bost for Congress Cmte $1,999 12/11/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Bergman for Congress $771 12/11/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Star PAC $1,290 12/11/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Star PAC $313 12/11/2020 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Jim Marchant for Congress $603 12/11/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Louisiana $820 12/10/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Scalise for Congress $941 12/03/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Greg Pence for Congress $1,551 12/03/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $1,473 12/02/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel McCaul for Congress $1,200 12/01/2020 TRUMP TOWER COMMERCIAL LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 12/01/2020 TRUMP RESTAURANTS Donald J Trump for President $3,000 11/25/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $4,598 11/24/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $370 11/24/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $20,409 11/20/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Friends Of Matt Gaetz $426 11/19/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $110 11/18/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $79 11/18/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $220 11/17/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $1,250 11/17/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $641 11/17/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $110 11/16/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Marjorie Greene for Congress $717 11/16/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Mark Green for Congress $3,000 11/13/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $294,020 11/12/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bikers for the President PAC $957 11/12/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $10,950 11/05/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bikers for the President PAC $4,598 11/05/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC McCaul for Congress $230 11/03/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bikers for the President PAC $598 11/03/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $287 11/02/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $287 11/02/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $270 11/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $270 11/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $2,056 10/30/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $1,881 10/30/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $47 10/29/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $848 10/29/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $687 10/29/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $318 10/29/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $268 10/29/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $220 10/29/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $13,451 10/28/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $164 10/27/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $86,213 10/27/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $10,000 10/27/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $3,451 10/27/2020 TRUMP TOWER COMMERCIAL LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 10/26/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $3,807 10/26/2020 TRUMP RESTAURANTS Donald J Trump for President $3,000 10/26/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $1,605 10/26/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $246 10/26/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $106 10/26/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $213 10/25/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $107 10/25/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $209 10/24/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $263 10/23/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Reinventing a New Direction $396 10/23/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $150,000 10/23/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $268 10/22/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $988 10/21/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $360 10/21/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $323 10/21/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $323 10/21/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $321 10/21/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $40 10/21/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $323 10/21/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $323 10/21/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $197 10/20/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $21 10/20/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $51,045 10/20/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $37,918 10/20/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $317 10/19/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $155,496 10/19/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $4,245 10/19/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $15,746 10/19/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $5,830 10/19/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $180 10/18/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $163 10/18/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $1,291 10/16/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $311 10/16/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $12 10/16/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $34 10/16/2020 Trump National Doral Joe Collins for Congress $3,576 10/16/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $703 10/15/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $269 10/15/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $37 10/15/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $23 10/15/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $29 10/15/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $6 10/15/2020 Trump National Doral Joe Collins for Congress $3,760 10/15/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $269 10/14/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $208 10/14/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $202 10/14/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $166 10/14/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $51 10/14/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President -$202 10/14/2020 Trump National Doral Friends Of Matt Gaetz $657 10/14/2020 Trump National Doral Friends Of Matt Gaetz $23 10/14/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $129,399 10/14/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $18,602 10/14/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $10,000 10/14/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $7,813 10/14/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $16 10/14/2020 Trump National Doral Joe Collins for Congress $1,466 10/14/2020 Trump National Doral Joe Collins for Congress $1,446 10/14/2020 Trump National Doral Joe Collins for Congress $1,373 10/14/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Congressional Cmte $406 10/13/2020 Trump National Doral Friends Of Matt Gaetz $893 10/13/2020 Trump National Doral Friends Of Matt Gaetz $196 10/13/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Friends Of Matt Gaetz $126 10/13/2020 Trump National Doral Friends Of Matt Gaetz $117 10/13/2020 Trump National Doral Friends Of Matt Gaetz $78 10/13/2020 Trump National Doral Friends Of Matt Gaetz $41 10/13/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $2,120 10/13/2020 Trump National Doral Joe Collins for Congress $1,420 10/13/2020 Trump National Doral Joe Collins for Congress $1,209 10/13/2020 Trump National Doral Joe Collins for Congress $252 10/13/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $360 10/12/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $859 10/12/2020 BLT Prime - Trump National Doral Donald J Trump for President $958 10/11/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $192 10/11/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $117 10/11/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Trump Victory $958 10/11/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $260 10/11/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $192 10/11/2020 Trump National Doral Joe Collins for Congress $108 10/11/2020 Trump National Doral Joe Collins for Congress $29 10/11/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Florida $338 10/10/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $120 10/10/2020 Trump National Doral Joe Collins for Congress $101 10/10/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $97,418 10/09/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $295 10/09/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $145 10/09/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $117 10/09/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $115,685 10/09/2020 Trump National Doral Joe Collins for Congress $488 10/09/2020 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Rik for New Jersey $187 10/09/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Republican National Cmte $286 10/08/2020 Trump National Doral Joe Collins for Congress $839 10/08/2020 Opo Lounge at Trump Hotel Trump Victory $108 10/07/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $160 10/07/2020 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Gade for Virginia $4,405 10/07/2020 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Rik for New Jersey $644 10/07/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $240 10/06/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $103 10/05/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Friends Of Matt Gaetz $201 10/02/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $65,285 10/02/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $767 10/02/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Texans for Jodey Arrington $204 10/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $13,260 10/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $102 10/01/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $50,740 09/30/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $240 09/30/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $50 09/30/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $15 09/29/2020 Opo Lounge at Trump Hotel Trump Victory $138 09/28/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Star PAC $386 09/28/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Ted Yoho for Congress $105 09/25/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $287 09/25/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $210 09/25/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $22 09/25/2020 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 09/24/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $3,807 09/24/2020 TRUMP RESTAURANTS Donald J Trump for President $3,000 09/24/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Kim Klacik for Congress $3,856 09/24/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Kim Klacik for Congress $603 09/24/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Kim Klacik for Congress $330 09/24/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $617 09/23/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $76 09/23/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $25,000 09/23/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Congressional Cmte $3,547 09/22/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $992 09/22/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $210 09/20/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $117 09/20/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $206 09/19/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $255 09/18/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $162 09/18/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $28,945 09/18/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Florida $153 09/17/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $964 09/17/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $253 09/17/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $153 09/17/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $143 09/17/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $62 09/17/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $172 09/16/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Meadows for Congress $393 09/15/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $640,477 09/15/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $1,353 09/15/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $371 09/15/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory -$192 09/15/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory -$192 09/15/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory -$192 09/15/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $2,702 09/14/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $951 09/14/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $268 09/14/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $152 09/14/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $135 09/14/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $51 09/14/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $41 09/14/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $152 09/13/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $327 09/12/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $175 09/12/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $175 09/12/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $175 09/12/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $175 09/12/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $175 09/12/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $152 09/12/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $152 09/12/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $152 09/12/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $152 09/12/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $152 09/12/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $152 09/12/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $152 09/12/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory -$175 09/12/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory -$175 09/12/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory -$349 09/12/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC American Victory PAC $684 09/11/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $397 09/11/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $306 09/10/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $152 09/10/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $152 09/10/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $1,050 09/09/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $175 09/09/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $957 09/09/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $653 09/09/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $501 09/09/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $501 09/09/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $501 09/09/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $501 09/09/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $501 09/09/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $1,070 09/08/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $113 09/07/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $14,617 09/04/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Tuberville for Senate $736 09/04/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $247 09/02/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $3,494 09/02/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $397 09/02/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $9,548 08/29/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $55,081 08/28/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $177 08/28/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 RNC $188 08/28/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $154 08/26/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $1,150 08/25/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $15 08/25/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $15 08/25/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $58 08/24/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC McCaul for Congress $819 08/21/2020 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 08/21/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Kim Klacik for Congress $704 08/21/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Kim Klacik for Congress $110 08/21/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Kim Klacik for Congress $20 08/21/2020 TRUMP RESTAURANTS Donald J Trump for President $6,000 08/18/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $180 08/18/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $158 08/18/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $150 08/18/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $47 08/18/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President -$22 08/18/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $286 08/16/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $286 08/16/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $110 08/16/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $107 08/16/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $75 08/15/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,377 08/13/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $45,137 08/13/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $93,000 08/11/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $110 08/11/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $110 08/11/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $110,000 08/07/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $285 08/05/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Friends Of Matt Gaetz $261 08/01/2020 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Jeff Dove for Congress $2,176 07/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $5,822 07/30/2020 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster New Jersey Republican State Cmte $4,318 07/29/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Friends Of Matt Gaetz $238 07/29/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Friends Of Matt Gaetz $216 07/28/2020 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 07/27/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $4,917 07/27/2020 TRUMP RESTAURANTS Donald J Trump for President $3,000 07/27/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Friends Of Matt Gaetz $261 07/27/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $18,746 07/27/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $341 07/27/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory -$2,721 07/27/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Kim Klacik for Congress $374 07/27/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $93 07/23/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Minnesota $68 07/21/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $25,184 07/21/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Minnesota $188 07/20/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $973 07/20/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $81 07/18/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $24 07/11/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $187 07/09/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $3,412 07/08/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $1,924 06/21/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $1,751 06/20/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $1,712 06/20/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $371 06/19/2020 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 06/17/2020 TRUMP RESTAURANTS Donald J Trump for President $3,000 06/17/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $148 06/17/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $367 06/15/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $453 06/12/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $3,481 06/05/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Captain Higgins for Congress $1,992 06/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $446 05/29/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $165 05/29/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $3,492 05/21/2020 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 05/19/2020 TRUMP RESTAURANTS Donald J Trump for President $3,000 05/19/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $1,100 05/12/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $6,722 05/07/2020 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 04/27/2020 TRUMP RESTAURANTS Donald J Trump for President $3,000 04/27/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Citizens for Turner $56 04/15/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Greg Pence for Congress $205 04/08/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Washington $674 04/07/2020 Trump National Doral VIGOP $608 04/02/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $10,000 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,900 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,800 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,700 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,600 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,500 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,400 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,300 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,200 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,100 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,000 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $8,900 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $8,800 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $8,700 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $8,600 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $8,500 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $8,400 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $8,300 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $8,200 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $8,100 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $2,671 04/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $10,000 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,900 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,800 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,700 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,600 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,500 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,400 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,300 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,200 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,100 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $9,000 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $8,900 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $8,800 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $8,700 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $8,600 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $8,500 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $8,400 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $8,300 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $8,200 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $8,100 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $8,000 03/31/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $7,821 03/31/2020 Trump National Doral William Timmons for Congress $441 03/30/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC William Timmons for Congress $190 03/30/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $3,494 03/27/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $1,624 03/27/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $471 03/27/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $903 03/27/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $438 03/23/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Drew Ferguson for Congress $207 03/19/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $126,091 03/19/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel New York Republican Federal Campaign Cmte $396 03/18/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory -$429 03/17/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel National Republican Senatorial Cmte $3,405 03/16/2020 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 03/16/2020 TRUMP RESTAURANTS Donald J Trump for President $3,000 03/16/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $207 03/15/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Washington $912 03/13/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $654 03/12/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory -$226 03/12/2020 Trump International Hotel - New York Chele Farley for Congress $73 03/12/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $111 03/11/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory -$777 03/11/2020 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Republican National Cmte $969 03/10/2020 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Donald J Trump for President $644 03/10/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $226 03/10/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Scalise for Congress $805 03/09/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $509 03/09/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Jason Lewis for Senate $3,408 03/09/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Jason Lewis for Senate $3,408 03/09/2020 Trump International Golf Club - Florida Team Graham $136 03/08/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $777 03/06/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $523 03/04/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $26 03/04/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Washington $1,102 03/04/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Meadows for Congress $502 03/03/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Mr Southern Missourian in the House $360 03/02/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Ted Budd for Congress $179 03/02/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $19,335 03/02/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Georgia $1,938 02/29/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Friends of Jeff Jordan $75 02/29/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Alabama $912 02/27/2020 Trump National Doral New York Republican Federal Campaign Cmte $1,902 02/27/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Brian Fitzpatrick for Congress $54 02/27/2020 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Friends Of Matt Gaetz $816 02/27/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Trump Victory $681 02/27/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Trump Victory $164 02/27/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $1,197 02/26/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $18 02/26/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $15 02/26/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Texas $939 02/26/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Texas $35 02/26/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Freedom Fund $387 02/26/2020 Trump National Golf Club - West Palm Beach Christian F Acosta for Congress $19,764 02/26/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Building America's Republican Representation $40 02/25/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $27 02/24/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $201 02/22/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $172 02/22/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $46 02/22/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Tom Reed for Congress $10,237 02/21/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $220 02/21/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $220 02/21/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $130 02/21/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Minnesota $996 02/20/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $198 02/20/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $40 02/20/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $251 02/20/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $198 02/20/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Minnesota $456 02/19/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $37 02/19/2020 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Fund for America's Future $305 02/19/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $259 02/19/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $138 02/19/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $37 02/19/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $26 02/19/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $4,084 02/19/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $627 02/19/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $259 02/19/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $1,507 02/18/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $10,285 02/18/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $1,507 02/18/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $171 02/18/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $159 02/18/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $159 02/18/2020 Trump International Hotel - New York Chele Farley for Congress $208 02/18/2020 Trump International Hotel - New York Chele Farley for Congress $114 02/18/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President -$277 02/17/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $159 02/17/2020 Trump National Doral Team Huizenga $431 02/16/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $1,008 02/15/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $277 02/15/2020 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Tom Kean for Congress $1,372 02/14/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $47,047 02/13/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $1,952 02/12/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $20 02/12/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Wyoming $1,500 02/12/2020 Trump National Doral Senate Leadership Fund $411 02/12/2020 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 02/12/2020 TRUMP RESTAURANTS Donald J Trump for President $3,000 02/12/2020 Trump National Doral National Republican Congressional Cmte $677 02/11/2020 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Jeff Dove for Congress $773 02/11/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $5,360 02/10/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $1,464 02/10/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Weber for Congress $230 02/10/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jason Smith for Congress $181 02/10/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bergman for Congress $185 02/07/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Chris Cox for Congress Cmte $32 02/06/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $2,544 02/05/2020 BLT Prime - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $721 02/05/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $189 02/05/2020 Palm Grill - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $183 02/05/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $7 02/05/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $2 02/05/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bilirakis for Congress $138 02/05/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Lee PAC $288 02/05/2020 Trump National Doral National Republican Senatorial Cmte $333 02/04/2020 Trump National Doral National Republican Senatorial Cmte $36 02/04/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jason Smith for Congress $115 02/04/2020 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Friends Of Matt Gaetz $1,266 02/04/2020 Trump National Doral Friends Of Matt Gaetz $72 02/04/2020 Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $491,702 01/31/2020 TRUMP NATIONAL DORAL Texans for Senator John Cornyn $1,188 01/31/2020 TRUMP NATIONAL DORAL Texans for Senator John Cornyn $1,188 01/31/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Thom Tillis Cmte $184 01/31/2020 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Tom Kean for Congress $1,209 01/31/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Minnesota $31 01/30/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Davidson for Congress $4,328 01/30/2020 Trump National Doral Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 RNC $312 01/30/2020 Trump National Doral Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 RNC $307 01/30/2020 Trump National Doral Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 RNC $86 01/30/2020 Trump National Doral Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 RNC $12 01/30/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $431 01/29/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Minnesota $990 01/28/2020 Trump National Doral VIGOP $1,445 01/28/2020 Trump National Doral Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 RNC $400 01/28/2020 Trump National Doral Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 RNC $20 01/28/2020 Trump National Doral Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 RNC $8 01/28/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Minnesota $122 01/27/2020 Trump National Doral Missouri Republican State Cmte $3,054 01/27/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Connecticut $608 01/27/2020 Trump National Doral Colorado Republican Cmte $608 01/27/2020 Trump National Doral Colorado Republican Cmte $608 01/27/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of North Carolina $912 01/27/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Massachusetts $1,323 01/27/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Citizens for Turner $172 01/27/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of West Virginia $912 01/27/2020 Trump National Doral Concerned Citizens Coming to a Consensus $965 01/27/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Mr Southern Missourian in the House $361 01/27/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Enrique Tarrio for Congress $920 01/27/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $293 01/25/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bill Cassidy for US Senate $194 01/24/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bill Cassidy for US Senate $194 01/24/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $320 01/24/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Iowa $912 01/23/2020 Trump National Doral Leadership Connecticut PAC $1,114 01/23/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bill Cassidy for US Senate $2,247 01/23/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bill Cassidy for US Senate $2,247 01/23/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Trump Victory $1,055 01/23/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $3,337 01/22/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $1,721 01/22/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $572 01/22/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $187 01/22/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $182 01/22/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $83 01/22/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Trump Victory $103 01/22/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $71 01/22/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $20 01/22/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $16 01/22/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $16 01/22/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Lamborn for Congress $73 01/21/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Duffy for Wisconsin $644 01/21/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bill Cassidy for US Senate $2,600 01/21/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bill Cassidy for US Senate $2,600 01/21/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $1,143 01/21/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Brian Fitzpatrick for Congress $572 01/21/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $60,396 01/21/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Cindy Hyde-Smith for US Senate $98 01/21/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Cindy Hyde-Smith for US Senate $98 01/21/2020 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Minnesota $1,404 01/20/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $47 01/20/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $16 01/20/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $16 01/20/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $1,316 01/19/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Friends of John Thune $3,170 01/17/2020 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $1,684 01/17/2020 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 01/16/2020 TRUMP RESTAURANTS Donald J Trump for President $3,000 01/16/2020 Trump National Golf Club - West Palm Beach Christian F Acosta for Congress $4,615 01/16/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $76,000 01/15/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $46 01/15/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bill Cassidy for US Senate $3,447 01/15/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bill Cassidy for US Senate $3,447 01/15/2020 Trump International Hotel - New York Chele Farley for Congress $60 01/15/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Scalise for Congress $1,015 01/12/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $855 01/10/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Cotton for Senate $183 01/10/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Cotton for Senate $183 01/10/2020 Trump International Hotel - New York Chele Farley for Congress $397 01/10/2020 Trump International Hotel - New York Chele Farley for Congress $62 01/10/2020 Trump Old Post Office LLC Friends Of Matt Gaetz $2,001 01/09/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $1,418 01/09/2020 Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $18,015 01/08/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $158 01/08/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Republican National Cmte $105 01/08/2020 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $91 01/08/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jim Banks for Congress $104 01/03/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Building a National Knowledgeable Security PAC $603 01/03/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $176 01/02/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Cindy Hyde-Smith for US Senate $256 01/01/2020 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Cindy Hyde-Smith for US Senate $256 01/01/2020 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $1,430 12/31/2019 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 12/30/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $8,632 12/30/2019 TRUMP RESTAURANTS Donald J Trump for President $3,000 12/30/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $2,049 12/30/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great New York Fund $1,731 12/30/2019 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Illinois $977 12/24/2019 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Illinois $862 12/24/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Elise for Congress $65 12/19/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Republican National Cmte $135 12/18/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $91 12/18/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $61 12/18/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican Party of San Diego County $1,826 12/18/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel National Republican Senatorial Cmte $325 12/17/2019 Trump National Doral Perdue Victory $317 12/17/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Cathy McMorris Rodgers for Congress $436 12/16/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Meadows for Congress $2,098 12/16/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Meadows for Congress $100 12/16/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC E-PAC $27 12/16/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $3,893 12/16/2019 Opo Lounge at Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $377 12/14/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bill Cassidy for US Senate $2,000 12/13/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bill Cassidy for US Senate $2,000 12/13/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Senate Leadership Fund $52,002 12/13/2019 Opo Lounge at Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $121 12/13/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC William Timmons for Congress $793 12/13/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel William Timmons for Congress $48 12/13/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great New York Fund $7,117 12/13/2019 Opo Lounge at Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $47 12/12/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $165,460 12/12/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $165,460 12/12/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Guthrie for Congress $353 12/11/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $455 12/11/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $2,500 12/10/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Pete Stauber for Congress $305 12/10/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $25,500 12/05/2019 Opo Lounge at Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $63 12/05/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC John Cummings for Congress $454 12/05/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Take Back the House 2020 $214 12/04/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Ax PAC $257 12/03/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jim Banks for Congress $176 12/03/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Balderson for Congress $1,612 12/03/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $44 12/02/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $40,650 12/02/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC LaHood for Congress $93 12/01/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $364 11/27/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $35 11/27/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Freedom Fund $515 11/27/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Citizens for Turner $98 11/26/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Sam Graves for Congress $108 11/25/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America PAC $454 11/25/2019 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Tom Reed for Congress $536 11/22/2019 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 11/22/2019 TRUMP RESTAURANTS Donald J Trump for President $3,000 11/22/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jenniffer for Congress $313 11/22/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Chris Cox for Congress Cmte $125 11/22/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $100 11/20/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $10 11/20/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Westerman for Congress $417 11/20/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Chris Cox for Congress Cmte $52 11/20/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Senatorial Cmte $60 11/19/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Senatorial Cmte $5 11/19/2019 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC McKinley for Congress $27 11/18/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $25,500 11/18/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $3,291 11/18/2019 Trump International Hotel - New York Chele Farley for Congress $54 11/18/2019 Trump National Golf Club - West Palm Beach Team Graham $3,442 11/16/2019 Trump National Golf Club - West Palm Beach Team Graham $100 11/16/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $35 11/15/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Reinventing a New Direction $203 11/14/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Mike Bost for Congress Cmte $101 11/14/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Senate Leadership Fund $222 11/14/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $920 11/13/2019 BLT Prime - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $116 11/13/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $34 11/13/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Congressional Cmte $2,159 11/13/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Drew Ferguson for Congress $140 11/13/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $2,859 11/12/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Tim Scott for Senate $46 11/12/2019 The Trump Corp Joe Collins for Congress $89 11/12/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $624 11/11/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $14,689 11/08/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory -$13,689 11/08/2019 The Trump Corp Joe Collins for Congress $1,513 11/07/2019 Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $169,763 11/06/2019 BLT Prime - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $40 11/06/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $7,309 11/06/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Pete Stauber for Congress $122 11/06/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $13,689 11/05/2019 Trump International Hotel - New York Chele Farley for Congress $600 11/04/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $23 10/30/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $3,291 10/30/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $3,286 10/30/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Carol for Congress $1,609 10/30/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $6,049 10/29/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $310 10/26/2019 Trump National Golf Club - Charlotte 13th Cong Dist Republican Party $3,942 10/25/2019 Trump National Doral Friends Of Matt Gaetz $801 10/25/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $85,996 10/25/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $85,996 10/25/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Meadows for Congress $58 10/24/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $70 10/24/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $70 10/24/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $761 10/23/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $761 10/23/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $572 10/23/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $572 10/23/2019 Trump National Golf Club - Charlotte 13th Cong Dist Republican Party $4,000 10/22/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Brian Fitzpatrick for Congress $120 10/22/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory -$226 10/22/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel John James for Senate $942 10/22/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel John James for Senate $942 10/22/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $192 10/22/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $192 10/22/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Joe Collins for Congress $530 10/22/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $14,589 10/21/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory -$2 10/21/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Joe Collins for Congress $234 10/21/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Joe Collins for Congress $106 10/21/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Joe Collins for Congress $76 10/21/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $226 10/19/2019 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 10/18/2019 TRUMP RESTAURANTS Donald J Trump for President $3,000 10/18/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $1,356 10/18/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Joe Collins for Congress $243 10/18/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Greg Pence Victory $1,028 10/17/2019 The Trump Corp Joe Collins for Congress $593 10/17/2019 The Trump Corp Joe Collins for Congress $48 10/17/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Congressional Cmte $15,742 10/15/2019 Trump National Doral Joe Collins for Congress $529 10/15/2019 Trump National Doral Ghassali for Congress $253 10/15/2019 Trump National Doral Ghassali for Congress $253 10/15/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Trump Victory $703 10/12/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Trump Victory $638 10/12/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Trump Victory $241 10/12/2019 Trump National Doral Jessi Melton for Congress $12 10/12/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Pat Roberts for Senate $234 10/11/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $5,813 10/11/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel William Timmons for Congress $1,082 10/10/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $56 10/09/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Reinventing a New Direction $106 10/03/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $6,049 09/27/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC McCarthy Victory Fund $342 09/26/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Joey Nations for Congress $275 09/26/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Olson for Congress Cmte $335 09/25/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Kevin McCarthy for Congress $220 09/24/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Howard Steele for Congress $238 09/24/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $368 09/23/2019 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $75,083 09/23/2019 TRUMP RESTAURANTS Donald J Trump for President $6,000 09/23/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Congressional Cmte $2,500 09/18/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Chris Cox for Congress Cmte $83 09/18/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Citizens for Turner $410 09/17/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jason Smith for Congress $209 09/17/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bergman for Congress $179 09/16/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $40,650 09/16/2019 Trump International Hotel - New York Chele Farley for Congress $570 09/16/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bobby Jeffries for Congress $58 09/14/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bobby Jeffries for Congress $54 09/14/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $761 09/13/2019 The Trump Corp Joe Collins for Congress $182 09/13/2019 The Trump Corp Joe Collins for Congress $98 09/13/2019 The Trump Corp Joe Collins for Congress $68 09/13/2019 The Trump Corp Joe Collins for Congress $47 09/13/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Robert Aderholt for Congress $24 09/12/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Senate Leadership Fund $8,630 09/12/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $1,297 09/12/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $46 09/12/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $90 09/11/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jenniffer for Congress $236 09/11/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Trump Victory $101 09/11/2019 Opo Lounge at Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $298 09/10/2019 Trump Grill Chris Cox for Congress Cmte $60 09/09/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $479 09/06/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $2,308 09/06/2019 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Reinventing a New Direction $152 09/05/2019 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Reinventing a New Direction $71 09/05/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Patriots for Perry $2,656 08/27/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $4,150 08/27/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $890 08/23/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $4,558 08/23/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America PAC $62 08/23/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $254 08/23/2019 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Reinventing a New Direction $102 08/19/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $17 08/14/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $20 08/14/2019 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Team Graham $367 08/12/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Senate Leadership Fund $17,260 08/12/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $1,000 08/09/2019 BLT Prime - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $99 08/07/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $16 08/07/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America Cmte $11,209 08/06/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Great America Cmte $169 08/06/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Maverick PAC $206 08/05/2019 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Trump Victory $75,222 08/02/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Congressional Cmte $7,500 08/01/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Republican National Cmte $82 07/31/2019 Trump Plaza Donald J Trump for President $3,491 07/31/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Mike Rogers for Congress $897 07/30/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Tenn PAC $1,447 07/30/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $2,659 07/29/2019 The Trump Corp Joe Collins for Congress $8,460 07/29/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Gardner for Senate $77 07/24/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Gardner for Senate $77 07/24/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Alaskans for Dan Sullivan $4,010 07/24/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $38 07/24/2019 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 07/23/2019 TRUMP RESTAURANTS Donald J Trump for President $3,000 07/23/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $101 07/22/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $40 07/22/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Peter Meijer for Congress $222 07/22/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $5,287 07/17/2019 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Tom Reed for Congress $536 07/17/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel True North PAC $2,369 07/16/2019 Benjamin Bar & Lounge Ted Yoho for Congress $311 07/15/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Peggy for Congress $224 07/12/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $417 07/11/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $64 07/10/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $20 07/10/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $12 07/10/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Friends of Hagedorn $239 07/10/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Friends of Hagedorn $238 07/10/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $66 07/10/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Omar Navarro for Congress $64 07/09/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $60 07/09/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $52 07/08/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Texans for Jodey Arrington $927 07/08/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $95 07/08/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Omar Navarro for Congress $52 07/08/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Omar Navarro for Congress $44 07/08/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Omar Navarro for Congress $32 07/08/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Scalise for Congress $376 07/05/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Omar Navarro for Congress $47 07/05/2019 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Great America Cmte $800 07/05/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Ax PAC $332 07/03/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Ax PAC $103 07/03/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel House Freedom Fund $1,058 07/03/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $43,155 07/03/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $5,033 07/02/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Duffy for Wisconsin $17,179 07/02/2019 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 07/02/2019 Trump Plaza Donald J Trump for President $3,850 07/02/2019 TRUMP RESTAURANTS Donald J Trump for President $3,000 07/02/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $1,505 06/27/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Rounds for Senate $6,397 06/26/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $81,300 06/26/2019 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Trump Victory $380 06/26/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Tim Scott for Senate $383 06/25/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Friends of Hagedorn $112 06/25/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $25,729 06/25/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $23 06/25/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $21 06/25/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $42,607 06/24/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Gardner for Senate $601 06/21/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Gardner for Senate $601 06/21/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Friends of Hagedorn $234 06/21/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jim Jordan for Congress $7,028 06/20/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $2,673 06/19/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Mike Bost for Congress Cmte $493 06/19/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jason Smith for Congress $366 06/18/2019 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $185 06/17/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $74,000 06/17/2019 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Trump Victory $49,089 06/17/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Rely on Your Beliefs $3,540 06/13/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Reinventing a New Direction $309 06/13/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Cotton Victory $11,755 06/13/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Cotton Victory -$2,835 06/13/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $6,425 06/13/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Alex Mooney for Congress $79 06/13/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Republican National Cmte $525 06/12/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Team Holcomb $684 06/12/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Trump Victory $184 06/11/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $109 06/10/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $73 06/10/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Friends of Bill Posey $474 06/07/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Kenny Marchant for Congress $106 06/04/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $9,407 06/04/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Reinventing a New Direction $321 06/03/2019 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Reinventing a New Direction $61 06/03/2019 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Reinventing a New Direction $28 06/03/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jim Banks for Congress $411 06/03/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Show-me PAC $74 06/02/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC LaHood for Congress $492 06/01/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jenniffer for Congress $810 05/31/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $25,948 05/30/2019 The Trump Corp Trump Victory $5,016 05/30/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $24 05/29/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $357 05/24/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Duffy for Wisconsin $3,600 05/22/2019 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $123 05/22/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $119 05/22/2019 The Trump Corp Louie Gohmert for Congress Cmte $995 05/17/2019 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 05/17/2019 Trump Plaza Donald J Trump for President $3,850 05/17/2019 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $3,000 05/17/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $5,860 05/15/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Mike Rogers for Congress $194 05/15/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Chris Collins for Congress $295 05/15/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Omar Navarro for Congress $40 05/15/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jim Jordan for Congress $4,859 05/14/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Cotton Victory $1,688 05/14/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Omar Navarro for Congress $52 05/14/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Omar Navarro for Congress $50 05/14/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Robert Aderholt for Congress $455 05/13/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Omar Navarro for Congress $230 05/13/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Omar Navarro for Congress $127 05/13/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Omar Navarro for Congress $65 05/13/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Omar Navarro for Congress $24 05/13/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Omar Navarro for Congress $22 05/13/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $13,000 05/13/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $4,779 05/10/2019 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Trump Victory $14,983 05/10/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Westerman for Congress $25 05/09/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $20,259 05/09/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $505 05/09/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Kevin McCarthy for Congress $2,591 05/07/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Steve Daines for Montana $178 05/07/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Westerman for Congress $249 05/07/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Westerman for Congress $111 05/07/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $126 05/07/2019 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $26 05/07/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Trump Victory $22,293 05/07/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Trump Victory $22,200 05/07/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Trump Victory $317 05/07/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Trump Victory $247 05/07/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Trump Victory $241 05/07/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Trump Victory $177 05/07/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Trump Victory $25 05/07/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Tom Rice for Congress $3,020 05/06/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Tom Rice for Congress $296 05/06/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $119 05/06/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $117 05/06/2019 Opo Lounge at Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $71 05/06/2019 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $51 05/02/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $853 05/01/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $68 05/01/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Meadows for Congress $45 05/01/2019 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Trump Victory $65,485 04/26/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $79 04/26/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $317 04/25/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $310 04/24/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $5,541 04/17/2019 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 04/17/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $5,453 04/17/2019 Trump Plaza Donald J Trump for President $3,850 04/17/2019 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $3,000 04/17/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC William Timmons for Congress $119 04/17/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Senatorial Cmte $1,960 04/15/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Mike Rogers for Congress $201 04/12/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $228 04/10/2019 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Family-PAC $1,716 04/10/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Heartland Values PAC $3,352 04/10/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Rick W Allen for Congress $3,249 04/10/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Rick W Allen for Congress $452 04/10/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $91 04/10/2019 Opo Lounge at Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $90 04/10/2019 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Family-PAC $440 04/09/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Friends of Bill Posey $255 04/09/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Robert Aderholt for Congress $476 04/08/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Trump Victory $9,075 04/08/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Thom Tillis Cmte $302 04/05/2019 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC America First Action $2,151 04/05/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Buddy Carter for Congress $383 04/03/2019 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Family-PAC $2,151 04/02/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel McCarthy Victory Fund $5,269 04/02/2019 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Reinventing a New Direction $50 04/01/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Doug Collins for Congress $3,461 04/01/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Brian Fitzpatrick for Congress $164 04/01/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Trump Victory $27,225 04/01/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Jam PAC $294 04/01/2019 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Donald J Trump for President $177 03/31/2019 Trump Restaurants Trump Victory -$953 03/29/2019 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 RNC $1,913 03/29/2019 Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $84,822 03/28/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jenniffer for Congress $372 03/28/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Sam Graves for Congress $3,521 03/26/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Sam Graves for Congress $133 03/26/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Sam Graves for Congress $76 03/26/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jason Smith for Congress $310 03/26/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America PAC $169 03/26/2019 Opo Lounge at Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $69 03/25/2019 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Trump Victory $214,944 03/25/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $308 03/20/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $208 03/20/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Trump Victory $10,343 03/18/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Duncan D Hunter for Congress $449 03/15/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jenniffer for Congress $444 03/15/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Cotton Victory $5,063 03/14/2019 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 03/14/2019 Trump Plaza Donald J Trump for President $7,700 03/14/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $6,419 03/14/2019 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $3,000 03/14/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $290 03/14/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Roger Williams for US Congress Cmte $97 03/13/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $397 03/13/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Trump Victory $14,024 03/13/2019 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC America First Action $18,355 03/13/2019 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Team Graves $2,100 03/11/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Ax PAC $777 03/11/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC William Timmons for Congress $3,938 03/10/2019 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Donald J Trump for President $1,491 03/06/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $263 03/05/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Scalise for Congress $1,257 03/04/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Graves for Congress $2,100 03/04/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Omar Navarro for Congress $203 03/04/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $56 03/04/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $51 03/04/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican Party of Louisiana $228 03/01/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC LaHood for Congress $208 03/01/2019 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Family-PAC $1,250 02/28/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Omar Navarro for Congress $193 02/28/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Ron Estes for Congress $3,554 02/28/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel One Georgia PAC $478 02/27/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $611 02/27/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $51 02/27/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Mr Southern Missourian in the House $284 02/26/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $108 02/25/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $84 02/25/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America Cmte $50,808 02/25/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $102 02/22/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $84 02/22/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $90 02/21/2019 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 02/20/2019 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $3,000 02/20/2019 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC American Principles $275 02/19/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $291 02/19/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $40 02/19/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Women Vote Smart $869 02/16/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $5,606 02/15/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $104 02/15/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $84 02/15/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $341 02/14/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Guthrie for Congress $1,691 02/13/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $846 02/12/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jason Smith for Congress $410 02/11/2019 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $19 02/11/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $500 02/08/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $350 02/08/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $92 02/08/2019 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Team Graves $3,245 02/07/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $26,902 02/07/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Republican National Cmte $144 02/06/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $20 02/06/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Tom Rice for Congress $304 02/05/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $704 02/05/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $109 02/05/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $17 02/05/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $4,190 02/05/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Graves for Congress $3,245 02/04/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Graves for Congress $1,828 02/04/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America PAC $728 02/01/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America PAC $45 02/01/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Kenny Marchant for Congress $230 01/31/2019 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $35 01/30/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $168 01/30/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $1,271 01/30/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $1,271 01/30/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel One Georgia PAC $678 01/29/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $529 01/29/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $18 01/29/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $747 01/29/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $747 01/29/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $374 01/29/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $374 01/29/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Great America Cmte $267 01/27/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America Cmte $32,013 01/24/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $6,500 01/22/2019 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Reinventing a New Direction $190 01/18/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Reinventing a New Direction $176 01/18/2019 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Reinventing a New Direction $27 01/18/2019 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 01/18/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $9,211 01/18/2019 Trump Plaza Donald J Trump for President $3,850 01/18/2019 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $3,000 01/18/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America Cmte $4,297 01/18/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Friends of John Thune $2,615 01/17/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jim Banks for Congress $200 01/16/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $274 01/16/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $219 01/16/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $1,612 01/10/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $750 01/10/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Greg Pence for Congress $1,140 01/10/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Republican National Cmte $696 01/09/2019 Tag Air Inc Donald J Trump for President $2,746 01/09/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Lamborn for Congress $384 01/08/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $3,276 01/07/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bergman for Congress $204 01/04/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $91 01/02/2019 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $4,200 01/02/2019 Trump Plaza Donald J Trump for President $3,850 01/02/2019 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $158 01/02/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $5,897 01/02/2019 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican Party of Wyoming $562 12/31/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Texas $709 12/31/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Roger Williams for US Congress Cmte $382 12/28/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Steve Knight for Congress $442 12/26/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Gregg Harper for Congress $2,022 12/24/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $250 12/20/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $454 12/20/2018 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $75,083 12/19/2018 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $3,000 12/19/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Women Vote Smart $385 12/19/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $734 12/19/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $119 12/19/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Gregg Harper for Congress $889 12/17/2018 Opo Lounge at Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $149 12/17/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $15 12/17/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Friends of Dennis Ross $1,087 12/16/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Roger Williams for US Congress Cmte $303 12/14/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $156 12/14/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Great America Cmte $90 12/14/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America Cmte $47 12/14/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $512 12/14/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Virginia $945 12/13/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Friends of Jim Inhofe $48 12/13/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Friends of Jim Inhofe $28 12/13/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $517 12/13/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $517 12/13/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $517 12/13/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $517 12/13/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $517 12/13/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $517 12/13/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $517 12/13/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $517 12/13/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President -$517 12/13/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President -$517 12/13/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $121 12/13/2018 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $584 12/12/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $547 12/12/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $211 12/12/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $42 12/12/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $722 12/12/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $722 12/12/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $286 12/11/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $52 12/11/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America Cmte $4,106 12/11/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $7,811 12/10/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $690 12/10/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Meadows for Congress $4,975 12/10/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Dr Brian Babin for Congress $685 12/09/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Austin Scott for Congress $4,768 12/07/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Beehive PAC $2,452 12/07/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $6,000 12/07/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Duncan D Hunter for Congress $483 12/06/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Friends of Dennis Ross $1,925 12/06/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Friends of Dennis Ross $170 12/06/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Beehive PAC $430 12/06/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $1,234 12/06/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Gregg Harper for Congress $1,881 12/05/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Steve Daines for Montana $295 12/05/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $559 12/05/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action -$1,851 12/05/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $1,901 12/05/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Reinventing a New Direction $185 12/04/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $1,851 12/03/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $1,350 11/30/2018 Trump National Doral America First Action $10,000 11/30/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $783 11/29/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $783 11/29/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $242 11/28/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $40 11/28/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bilirakis for Congress $234 11/27/2018 Trump Plaza Donald J Trump for President $3,850 11/27/2018 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $3,000 11/27/2018 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC American Pro-Israel PAC $28,530 11/24/2018 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC American Pro-Israel PAC $342 11/24/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $1,067 11/19/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $474 11/19/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $36 11/19/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jim Jordan for Congress $1,462 11/16/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $3,000 11/16/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America Cmte $9,449 11/16/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Friends of John Thune $2,595 11/15/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Republican National Cmte $42 11/14/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $869 11/14/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $56 11/14/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $739 11/14/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $3,365 11/13/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America Cmte $142 11/13/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Win In 2018 $1,049 11/13/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America Cmte $127 11/11/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Congressional Cmte $4,023 11/10/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $24,727 11/09/2018 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Republican National Cmte $515 11/09/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $24,804 11/09/2018 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC American Pro-Israel PAC $10,000 11/09/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Miller Spano Webber Victory $23,452 11/09/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $874 11/06/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $56 11/06/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $27 11/06/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Balderson for Congress $3,647 11/06/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bill PAC (Shuster) $960 11/05/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $3,000 11/02/2018 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $55 10/29/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $5,320 10/26/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Senatorial Cmte $1,183 10/25/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel National Republican Senatorial Cmte $163 10/25/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $785 10/25/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $669 10/25/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $47 10/25/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel National Republican Indian Coalition $335 10/25/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Miller Spano Webber Victory $16,500 10/25/2018 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 10/24/2018 Trump Plaza Donald J Trump for President $3,850 10/24/2018 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $3,000 10/24/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $2,123 10/24/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $93 10/24/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Senatorial Cmte $2,140 10/23/2018 Trump National Doral Oklahoma Leadership Council $723 10/23/2018 Trump National Doral Oklahoma Leadership Council $209 10/23/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Congressional Cmte $126 10/22/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $6,000 10/22/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Conservative Roundtable $141 10/20/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Congressional Cmte $13,558 10/19/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Byrne for Congress $111 10/19/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Women Vote Smart $48,623 10/19/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $547 10/16/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $101 10/16/2018 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Jet PAC $168 10/15/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $21,754 10/15/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $1,568 10/12/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Balderson for Congress $3,300 10/12/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Balderson for Congress $2,344 10/12/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Scalise for Congress $294 10/11/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Win In 2018 $6,106 10/11/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $5,078 10/10/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $2,648 10/10/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $1,195 10/10/2018 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Friends of John Barrasso $320 10/08/2018 Trump Restaurants Trump Victory $13,595 10/08/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $1,286 10/05/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America Cmte $3,731 10/04/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $12,760 10/03/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel McCaul for Congress $78 10/01/2018 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 10/01/2018 Trump Plaza Donald J Trump for President $3,850 10/01/2018 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $3,000 10/01/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $26 10/01/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America Cmte $80 10/01/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Win Nevada $891 09/30/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $315 09/29/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Walker for North Carolina $283 09/28/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Trump Victory $1,077 09/27/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $59 09/26/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Tim Scott for Senate $283 09/26/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $8,500 09/26/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $3,515 09/26/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $151 09/26/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas National Republican Senatorial Cmte $60 09/25/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Steve Daines for Montana $258 09/25/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Protect the House $154,500 09/25/2018 Trump National Doral New Hampshire Republican State Cmte $1,048 09/24/2018 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $21 09/24/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $409 09/24/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $407 09/24/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $381 09/24/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $51 09/24/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Women Vote Smart $5,000 09/24/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $75 09/24/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Donald J Trump for President $218 09/21/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $10,017 09/21/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $1,601 09/21/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Trump Victory $81,699 09/20/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC NRSC Targeted State Victory Fund $8,549 09/20/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC NRSC Targeted State Victory Fund $8,000 09/20/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Donald J Trump for President $169 09/18/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Citizens for Turner $150 09/17/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Cresent Hardy for Congress $423 09/14/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Stewart for Senate $160 09/13/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $146 09/13/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Stewart for Senate $43 09/13/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Republican National Cmte $1,071 09/12/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Trump Victory $16,227 09/12/2018 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Republican National Cmte $1,188 09/10/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Kevin McCarthy for Congress $9,257 09/10/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Meadows for Congress $32 09/10/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Donald J Trump for President $216 09/10/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Donald J Trump for President $43 09/09/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $440 09/08/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Reinventing a New Direction $42 09/07/2018 Trump Grill America First Action $25 09/07/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Justice for All $4,279 09/07/2018 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Donald J Trump for President $9,992 09/06/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Scott Taylor for Congress $209 09/06/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Sanborn for New Hampshire $785 09/06/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $647 09/05/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Congressional Cmte $7,500 09/04/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Tom Rice for Congress $2,116 09/04/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Trump Victory $47,500 09/04/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $99 09/04/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Stand With POTUS $3,900 09/01/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $460 08/31/2018 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Upton for All of Us $1,601 08/30/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $4,125 08/30/2018 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Protect the House $7,499 08/30/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Building America's Republican Representation $292 08/29/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $1,609 08/29/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $449 08/28/2018 Trump Plaza Donald J Trump for President $3,850 08/27/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $900 08/27/2018 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster NRSC Targeted State Victory Fund $2,020 08/27/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Protect the House $1,516 08/24/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Senatorial Cmte $991 08/22/2018 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 08/22/2018 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $3,000 08/22/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $320 08/22/2018 Opo Lounge at Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $186 08/21/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $1,024 08/21/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $36 08/21/2018 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster NRSC Targeted State Victory Fund $1,320 08/20/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $1,920 08/17/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Gregg Harper for Congress $585 08/16/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $925 08/16/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $28 08/16/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Campaign Cmte of New Mexico $709 08/13/2018 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Jet PAC $30 08/13/2018 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Donald J Trump for President $849 08/12/2018 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Donald J Trump for President $109 08/11/2018 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Donald J Trump for President $64 08/11/2018 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Donald J Trump for President $41 08/11/2018 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Donald J Trump for President $33 08/11/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $209 08/10/2018 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Donald J Trump for President $342 08/10/2018 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Donald J Trump for President $216 08/10/2018 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Donald J Trump for President $84 08/10/2018 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Donald J Trump for President $29 08/10/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $4,134 08/10/2018 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster NRSC Targeted State Victory Fund $1,880 08/10/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $354 08/09/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $121 08/09/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Congressional Cmte $20,047 08/07/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $117,921 08/07/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Antonio Sabato Jr for Congress $117 08/07/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Republican National Cmte $289 08/01/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $402 08/01/2018 Opo Lounge at Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $9 08/01/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Washington $934 07/30/2018 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Graves for Congress $15 07/27/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Peace Through Strength PAC $157 07/27/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $1,074 07/27/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $142 07/27/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $111 07/25/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Tennessee $773 07/24/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Brian Fitzpatrick for Congress $821 07/24/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Ivan Raiklin for Us Senate $74 07/24/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Arkansas for Leadership $2,151 07/23/2018 Trump Plaza Donald J Trump for President $3,850 07/23/2018 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $3,000 07/23/2018 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 07/20/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Antonio Sabato Jr for Congress $1,796 07/20/2018 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Team Graves $925 07/19/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Senatorial Cmte $292 07/18/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $683 07/18/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $15 07/18/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $3,940 07/18/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Citizens for Turner $186 07/17/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $40 07/17/2018 Trump National Doral Montana Republican State Central Cmte $472 07/16/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Congressional Cmte $525 07/16/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $1,821 07/16/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $2,500 07/16/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $1,404 07/16/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $20 07/16/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas McMorris Rodgers American Dream Project $294 07/13/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Senate Leadership Fund $4,594 07/13/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $475 07/12/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America Cmte $3,469 07/12/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $32,270 07/11/2018 Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $513 07/11/2018 Trump National Doral Vermont Republican Federal Elections Cmte $709 07/11/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Jim Jordan for Congress $5,977 07/10/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action -$65 07/09/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action -$5,740 07/09/2018 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Graves for Congress $925 07/05/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $118 07/05/2018 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $127 07/03/2018 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Graves for Congress $881 07/02/2018 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 07/02/2018 Trump Plaza Donald J Trump for President $3,850 07/02/2018 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $3,000 07/02/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $1,014 07/02/2018 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $208 06/27/2018 BLT Prime - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $36 06/27/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Friends of Dennis Ross $905 06/27/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Steve Daines for Montana $294 06/27/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC House Freedom Fund $402 06/27/2018 Opo Lounge at Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $25 06/26/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Antonio Sabato Jr for Congress $962 06/26/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Stewart for Senate $193 06/26/2018 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Kansans for Marshall $88 06/25/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $40 06/25/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Stewart for Senate $163 06/25/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $42 06/25/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Protect the House $51,523 06/25/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $470 06/23/2018 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Jet PAC $244 06/22/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $721 06/21/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Team Holcomb $257 06/21/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Team Holcomb $178 06/21/2018 Palm Grill - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $25 06/20/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Arizona $1,178 06/20/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Brian Fitzpatrick for Congress $245 06/20/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $261 06/20/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $89 06/20/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $65 06/20/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $256 06/19/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $127 06/19/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Stewart for Senate $425 06/19/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $90 06/19/2018 Trump National Doral Oklahoma Leadership Council $222 06/18/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $97 06/18/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $26 06/18/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $187 06/18/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $300 06/16/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $706 06/15/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Roger Williams for US Congress Cmte $726 06/15/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $845 06/15/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,332 06/14/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Kansas Leadership PAC $180 06/14/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $167 06/14/2018 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $117 06/13/2018 Champions Bar & Grill - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $87 06/13/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC McMorris Rodgers American Dream Project $118 06/13/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Senate Leadership Fund $11,508 06/13/2018 Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $367,365 06/12/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $371 06/12/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $236 06/12/2018 Opo Lounge at Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $96 06/12/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $33,800 06/08/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $1,451 06/08/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $144 06/07/2018 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $250 06/06/2018 BLT Prime - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $156 06/06/2018 Palm Grill - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $89 06/06/2018 Champions Bar & Grill - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $33 06/06/2018 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $3 06/06/2018 Trump National Doral National Republican Congressional Cmte $3,659 06/06/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $513 06/06/2018 Trump National Doral New Jersey Republican State Cmte $709 06/05/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Louisiana $1,958 06/05/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Washington $1,049 06/01/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Washington $709 06/01/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Tennessee $728 06/01/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Tennessee $27 06/01/2018 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC House Majority Trust $17,551 05/31/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $27,208 05/31/2018 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $308 05/30/2018 BLT Prime - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $156 05/30/2018 Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $87 05/30/2018 Champions Bar & Grill - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $62 05/30/2018 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $20 05/30/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Illinois $214 05/30/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Iowa $945 05/30/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas McMorris Rodgers American Dream Project $173 05/30/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $446 05/30/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $1,763 05/29/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $4,287 05/26/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,088 05/26/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $129 05/25/2018 BLT Prime - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $954 05/23/2018 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $794 05/23/2018 Champions Bar & Grill - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $191 05/23/2018 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $85 05/23/2018 Champions Bar & Grill - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $32 05/23/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Wyoming $508 05/23/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $442 05/23/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Duncan D Hunter for Congress $244 05/21/2018 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 05/21/2018 Trump Plaza Donald J Trump for President $3,850 05/21/2018 TRUMP RESTAURANTS Donald J Trump for President $3,000 05/21/2018 Trump National Doral New Hampshire Republican State Cmte $1,079 05/20/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Minnesota $709 05/18/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Minnesota $354 05/17/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Nebraska $988 05/17/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of West Virginia $800 05/17/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Protect the House $13,500 05/17/2018 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $1,342 05/16/2018 Palm Grill - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $403 05/16/2018 BLT Prime - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $180 05/16/2018 Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $111 05/16/2018 Champions Bar & Grill - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $95 05/16/2018 Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $60 05/16/2018 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $48 05/16/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jim Jordan for Congress $3,133 05/16/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $442 05/15/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Mike Johnson for Louisiana $684 05/15/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $205 05/14/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Cotton Victory $8,184 05/14/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $220 05/14/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $1,337 05/14/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $78 05/14/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $508 05/12/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Congressional Cmte $419 05/11/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Michael Burgess for Congress $4,645 05/11/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Cotton Victory $10,399 05/11/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Cotton Victory $327 05/11/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $215 05/11/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC MAGA Coalition $557 05/11/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC MAGA Coalition $226 05/11/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Alex Mooney for Congress $269 05/10/2018 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $1,638 05/09/2018 BLT Prime - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $698 05/09/2018 Champions Bar & Grill - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $456 05/09/2018 Palm Grill - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $376 05/09/2018 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $114 05/09/2018 Marketplace Cafe - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $99 05/09/2018 Marketplace Cafe - Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $28 05/09/2018 Trump International Hotel - New York Greg Pence for Congress $781 05/09/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Minnesota $891 05/08/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $21,836 05/08/2018 TRUMP NATIONAL DORAL Rick Scott for Florida $20 05/08/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Connecticut $945 05/07/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of North Carolina $800 05/07/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of North Carolina $20 05/07/2018 Trump National Doral Republicans for Choice $267 05/07/2018 Trump National Doral Massachusetts Victory Cmte $1,326 05/07/2018 Trump National Doral Donald J Trump for President $484 05/06/2018 Trump National Doral Donald J Trump for President $257 05/06/2018 Trump National Doral Donald J Trump for President $12 05/06/2018 Trump National Doral Donald J Trump for President $43 05/05/2018 Trump National Doral Republican Party of Washington $709 05/04/2018 Trump National Doral Republicans for Choice $670 05/04/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Tom Rice for Congress $671 05/04/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Tom Rice for Congress $376 05/04/2018 THE TRUMP Corp Donald J Trump for President $5,544 05/04/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $807 05/03/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $792 05/03/2018 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Kansas Leadership PAC $1,102 03/26/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $86 03/24/2018 Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $29,289 03/21/2018 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Kansas Leadership PAC $1,113 03/21/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $1,375 03/19/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $30 03/19/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jet PAC $709 03/16/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,949 03/16/2018 Trump International Hotel - New York America First Action $524 03/15/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $43 03/15/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $16,112 03/12/2018 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Republican National Cmte $2,073 03/09/2018 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Republican National Cmte $713 03/09/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $120 03/09/2018 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 03/09/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $85 03/09/2018 Trump Plaza Donald J Trump for President $7,700 03/02/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $65,396 03/01/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte -$65,396 03/01/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $1,814 03/01/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $56 03/01/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America Cmte $93,252 03/01/2018 Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $87,866 02/28/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Tom Macarthur for Congress $3,280 02/27/2018 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $3,000 02/26/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $55 02/26/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $224 02/26/2018 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Protect the House $508 02/26/2018 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Protect the House $3,792 02/21/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $127 02/15/2018 Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $117,155 02/14/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $65,396 02/14/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Brady for Congress $499 02/09/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Congressional Cmte $1,211 02/08/2018 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $606 02/07/2018 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $72 02/07/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Citizens for Turner $211 02/05/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Roger Williams for US Congress Cmte $2,935 02/05/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Committee to Defend the President $687 02/02/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Conservative Roundtable $289 02/02/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Conservative Roundtable $134 02/02/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $650 02/02/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $68 02/01/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $2,268 02/01/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bergmann for Congress 2018 $305 02/01/2018 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Republican National Cmte $37,541 01/31/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bill Shuster for Congress $3,112 01/31/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $42 01/30/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Chris Collins for Congress $401 01/29/2018 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $2,000 01/29/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $1,850 01/29/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $400 01/29/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $343 01/29/2018 Benjamin Bar & Lounge America First Action $249 01/29/2018 Benjamin Bar & Lounge America First Action $47 01/29/2018 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas America First Action $940 01/27/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Robert Aderholt for Congress $358 01/26/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Mr Southern Missourian in the House $785 01/26/2018 The Trump Corp Republican National Cmte $1,278 01/24/2018 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Republican National Cmte $62,774 01/19/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Duncan D Hunter for Congress $632 01/19/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $697 01/18/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $197 01/18/2018 Trump Plaza Donald J Trump for President $3,850 01/18/2018 Trump Plaza Donald J Trump for President $3,850 01/18/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Gibbons for Ohio $715 01/18/2018 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $7,928 01/17/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $18 01/17/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America Cmte $23,675 01/17/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $57,201 01/16/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $790 01/16/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $197 01/16/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Freedom Fund $239 01/11/2018 Trump National Doral One Georgia PAC $360 01/11/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $39 01/11/2018 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Republican National Cmte $37,541 01/10/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $399 01/10/2018 Benjamin Bar & Lounge America First Action $20 01/10/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Congressional Cmte $112 01/08/2018 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Peter Norbeck Leadership PAC $3,423 01/08/2018 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $96 01/03/2018 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $13,750 01/02/2018 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Randy Hultgren for Congress $291 12/27/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Duncan D Hunter for Congress $328 12/26/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $27,500 12/18/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $99 12/18/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Robert Aderholt for Congress $1,791 12/18/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Citizens for Turner $63 12/18/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $415 12/14/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $182 12/13/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $70 12/13/2017 Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $3,000 12/12/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $324 12/12/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $117 12/12/2017 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Family-PAC $454 12/11/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Gregg Harper for Congress $1,697 12/11/2017 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $9,510 12/11/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $640 12/09/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Duncan D Hunter for Congress $56 12/07/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Meadows for Congress $689 12/07/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $13,750 12/06/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $173 12/06/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Congressional Cmte $907 12/05/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $426 12/05/2017 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Family-PAC $2,079 12/04/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $419 12/04/2017 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $11,000 12/01/2017 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $9,510 12/01/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bill Shuster for Congress $19,572 11/30/2017 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Republican National Cmte $37,541 11/29/2017 Opo Lounge at Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $362 11/29/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $217 11/29/2017 Opo Lounge at Trump Hotel Donald J Trump for President $144 11/29/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Palazzo for Congress $394 11/27/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Greg Pence for Congress $1,525 11/27/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $1,130 11/22/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Alex Mooney for Congress $104 11/20/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $19,000 11/17/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $3,750 11/17/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $3,750 11/17/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $3,750 11/17/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel America First Action $94 11/17/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Committee to Re-Elect Trent Franks to Congress $2,154 11/14/2017 Trump Plaza Donald J Trump for President $3,850 11/13/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $223 11/09/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $76 11/09/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Republican National Cmte $42 11/08/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel HellerHighWater PAC $186 11/08/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Kenny Marchant for Congress $144 11/07/2017 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Family-PAC $650 11/03/2017 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Republican National Cmte $37,541 11/02/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Reinventing a New Direction $441 11/02/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $355 11/02/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC John James for Senate $478 10/31/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $310 10/30/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $3,144 10/26/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Claudia Tenney for Congress $790 10/26/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC America First Action $1,238 10/26/2017 Benjamin Bar & Lounge America First Action $74 10/26/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Chris Collins for Congress $394 10/25/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Biggs for Congress $268 10/25/2017 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Tom Rooney for Congress $7 10/24/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Handel for Congress $41 10/20/2017 Trump Cafe Republican National Cmte $66 10/19/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $1,416 10/19/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $1,251 10/19/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Republican National Cmte $113 10/18/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $300 10/17/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Duffy for Wisconsin $290 10/16/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel MAGA Coalition $277 10/16/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $798 10/13/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $131 10/12/2017 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Kinzinger for Congress $937 10/10/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Reinventing a New Direction $784 10/10/2017 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $9,510 10/10/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $251 10/10/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Stewart for Senate $77 10/10/2017 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $218 10/09/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Tom Reed for Congress $242 10/06/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Assn of Royalty Owners $849 09/29/2017 Benjamin Bar & Lounge America First Action $475 09/28/2017 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Republican National Cmte $75,083 09/27/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Great America PAC $78 09/27/2017 Benjamin Bar & Lounge John Carter for Congress $229 09/22/2017 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Jet PAC $434 09/20/2017 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Jet PAC $70 09/20/2017 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $259 09/20/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $3,322 09/18/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Citizens for Turner $53 09/15/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $253 09/14/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Jeff Denham for Congress $874 09/13/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $1,821 09/08/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $1,821 09/08/2017 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $25,885 09/07/2017 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Omar Navarro for Congress $360 09/06/2017 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Tom Rooney for Congress $352 09/01/2017 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Yoder for Congress $354 08/30/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Ax PAC $974 08/21/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $46,966 08/19/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $27 08/19/2017 BLT Prime - Trump National Doral Citizens for Turner $344 08/15/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Citizens for Turner $276 08/15/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Sam Graves for Congress $85 08/05/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Walorski for Congress $649 08/03/2017 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $4,550 08/03/2017 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $2,000 08/03/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President -$452 08/03/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Republican National Cmte $257 08/02/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $452 08/02/2017 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $37,542 08/01/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $452 07/27/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Texans for Lamar Smith $479 07/26/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Great America PAC $281 07/26/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Tenn PAC $268 07/25/2017 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $39,817 07/25/2017 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $1,000 07/25/2017 Benjamin Bar & Lounge Frank Lucas for Congress $350 07/20/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $121,250 07/19/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $954 07/19/2017 Benjamin Bar & Lounge Duncan D Hunter for Congress $137 07/19/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican Party of Washington $905 07/14/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $965 07/13/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Trump Make America Great Again Cmte $1,145 07/13/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $1,592 07/10/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Handel for Congress $230 07/07/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Rohrabacher for Congress $573 07/06/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Rohrabacher for Congress $973 07/05/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Alex Mooney for Congress $69 07/05/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $4,487 07/01/2017 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $89,561 06/30/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $910 06/29/2017 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster MacArthur Victory $15,221 06/28/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Mike Kelly for Congress $203 06/26/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Friends of Dennis Ross $3,185 06/22/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Walorski for Congress $623 06/21/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $528 06/20/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $244 06/20/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Alex Mooney for Congress $437 06/19/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican Party of Washington $807 06/17/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Rohrabacher for Congress $6,825 06/15/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Walden for Congress $366 06/15/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Ted Yoho for Congress $1,259 06/14/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Culberson for Congress $701 06/09/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Tom Rice for Congress $1,268 06/06/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Reinventing a New Direction $350 06/01/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Rohrabacher for Congress $4,175 05/31/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $588 05/25/2017 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $40,817 05/24/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Brady for Congress $1,391 05/21/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $55 05/19/2017 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Kansans for Marshall $371 05/17/2017 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Kansans for Marshall $26 05/17/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $567 05/15/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Roger Williams for US Congress Cmte $3,286 05/10/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Bill Shuster for Congress $390 05/04/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Bill Johnson for Congress $333 05/03/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $1,105 05/03/2017 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $39,817 04/26/2017 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $1,000 04/26/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Ken Calvert for Congress $320 04/24/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $910 04/18/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Graves for Congress $845 04/11/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $452 04/10/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $205 04/08/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bill Shuster for Congress $6,038 04/07/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Bill Shuster for Congress $150 04/07/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $239 04/07/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bold Conservatives PAC $214 04/07/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC National Republican Congressional Cmte $701 04/05/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $1,134 04/05/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $567 04/05/2017 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $39,817 04/01/2017 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $1,000 04/01/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Mike Kelly for Congress $748 03/31/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Elect Blake Farenthold Cmte $268 03/28/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Duffy for Wisconsin $492 03/20/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $796 03/20/2017 TRUMP NATIONAL DORAL Donald J Trump for President -$11,541 03/16/2017 TRUMP ICE LLC Donald J Trump for President $828 03/15/2017 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $39,893 03/13/2017 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $1,000 03/13/2017 TRUMP ICE LLC Donald J Trump for President $941 03/13/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Valadao for Congress $1,744 03/09/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $313 03/09/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC One Georgia PAC $218 03/06/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $1,357 03/04/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Kansans for Marshall $286 03/02/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $396 03/01/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Walden for Congress $6,342 03/01/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Bill Shuster for Congress $2,700 03/01/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bold Conservatives PAC $874 03/01/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bold Conservatives PAC $198 03/01/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bold Conservatives PAC $23 03/01/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bold Conservatives PAC $14 03/01/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $395 02/27/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Bold Conservatives PAC $1,723 02/27/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Continuing America's Strength & Security $75 02/26/2017 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $1,796 02/24/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $2,559 02/23/2017 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $158,996 02/22/2017 TRUMP ICE LLC Donald J Trump for President $828 02/22/2017 Trump Cafe Republican National Cmte $69 02/21/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $452 02/21/2017 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President -$429 02/21/2017 TRUMP ICE LLC Donald J Trump for President -$828 02/21/2017 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $5,912 02/17/2017 Trump Restaurants Trump Victory $2,806 02/17/2017 Trump Cafe Republican National Cmte $391 02/16/2017 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Donald J Trump for President $452 02/15/2017 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Donald J Trump for President $13,828 02/10/2017 Trump International Hotel - New York Donald J Trump for President $1,937 02/10/2017 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Donald J Trump for President $581 02/10/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Jeff PAC $506 02/09/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Pat Meehan for Congress $225 02/07/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Crawford for Congress $1,560 02/06/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $395 01/30/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $452 01/26/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $47 01/24/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Keeping America Rolling PAC $1,204 01/24/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Pete King for Congress Cmte $118 01/23/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Pompeo for Congress $257 01/23/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Rebuilding America Now $353 01/23/2017 Trump Cafe Republican National Cmte $702 01/19/2017 Trump Soho New Jersey Republican State Cmte $789 01/16/2017 Trump Soho New Jersey Republican State Cmte $455 01/16/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Kevin McCarthy for Congress $230 01/13/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Rebuilding America Now $90 01/13/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $444 01/12/2017 Trump National Doral One Georgia PAC $150 01/10/2017 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $75,124 01/10/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $452 01/10/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $395 01/10/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $395 01/10/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Great America PAC $100 01/07/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Great America PAC $9 01/07/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $663 01/04/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Friends of Dennis Ross $829 01/03/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $395 01/03/2017 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Rebuilding America Now $562 01/03/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Rebuilding America Now $76 01/03/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Rebuilding America Now $70 01/03/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $452 01/02/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $395 01/02/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Texans for Jodey Arrington $6,363 01/02/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Texans for Jodey Arrington $3,315 01/02/2017 Trump Old Post Office LLC Citizens for Turner $249 12/28/2016 Trump Old Post Office LLC Texans For Jodey Arrington $6,925 12/23/2016 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Rebuilding America Now $857 12/22/2016 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $56,450 12/21/2016 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Republican National Cmte $1,100 12/21/2016 Trump International Golf Club - Florida Republican National Cmte $307 12/21/2016 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $186 12/21/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $130,888 12/21/2016 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $6,092 12/20/2016 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $3,647 12/20/2016 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $790 12/20/2016 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Rebuilding America Now $1,223 12/20/2016 Trump National Doral Republican National Cmte $99 12/16/2016 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Rebuilding America Now $299 12/16/2016 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Rebuilding America Now $105 12/16/2016 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Rebuilding America Now $78 12/16/2016 Trump Old Post Office LLC Neugebauer Congressional Cmte $524 12/15/2016 Trump Old Post Office LLC Tenn PAC $659 12/15/2016 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $11,635 12/15/2016 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Rebuilding America Now $103 12/15/2016 Trump International Hotel - New York Carly for America $2,816 12/14/2016 Trump International Hotel - New York Carly for America $1,558 12/14/2016 Trump International Hotel - New York Carly for America $1,507 12/14/2016 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Rebuilding America Now $184 12/14/2016 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel Rebuilding America Now $120 12/14/2016 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Donald J Trump for President $21,844 12/13/2016 Trump International Hotel - New York Marino for Congress $410 12/10/2016 Trump International Hotel - New York Marino for Congress $175 12/10/2016 TRUMP NATIONAL DORAL Donald J Trump for President $1,936 12/08/2016 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $54,562 12/07/2016 Trump International Hotel - New York Committee on Arrangements for the 2016 Republican $282 12/07/2016 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $586 12/03/2016 BLT Prime - Trump Hotel McCaul for Congress $7,586 12/02/2016 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $395 12/01/2016 Tag Air Inc Donald J Trump for President $1,271,944 11/28/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $283,500 11/28/2016 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Donald J Trump for President $139,616 11/28/2016 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $49,277 11/28/2016 Trump National Golf Club - Washington Dc Donald J Trump for President $480 11/28/2016 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $395 11/28/2016 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $395 11/28/2016 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Donald J Trump for President $18,585 11/23/2016 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Republican National Cmte $529 11/22/2016 Trump National Golf Club - Jupiter Donald J Trump for President $24,147 11/22/2016 Trump National Doral Donald J Trump for President $11,541 11/22/2016 Trump Soho Donald J Trump for President $7,896 11/22/2016 Eric Trump Wine Manufacturing Donald J Trump for President $6,850 11/22/2016 Trump International Golf Club - Bedminster Donald J Trump for President $4,275 11/22/2016 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Donald J Trump for President $3,347 11/22/2016 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $2,460 11/22/2016 Trump Old Post Office LLC Trump Victory $759 11/18/2016 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Republican National Cmte $8,192 11/17/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $1,030 11/17/2016 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Republican National Cmte $36 11/15/2016 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $12,266 11/14/2016 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $6,991 11/12/2016 Trump Soho New Jersey Republican State Cmte $918 11/10/2016 Trump Soho New Jersey Republican State Cmte $491 11/10/2016 Trump Old Post Office LLC American Bridge 21st Century $731 11/10/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 11/10/2016 Trump National Doral Donald J Trump for President $21,141 11/08/2016 Trump National Doral Donald J Trump for President $11,541 11/08/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 11/03/2016 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $627 11/03/2016 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $9,246 11/02/2016 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $683 11/02/2016 Trump Plaza - New York Donald J Trump for President $9,000 11/01/2016 Tag Air Inc Donald J Trump for President $783,842 10/31/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $169,758 10/31/2016 Eric Trump Wine Manufacturing Donald J Trump for President $14,314 10/31/2016 Trump National Golf Club - Washington Dc Donald J Trump for President $11,600 10/31/2016 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $8,897 10/31/2016 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $1,000 10/31/2016 Trump Old Post Office LLC Republican National Cmte $101 10/28/2016 Trump National Doral Donald J Trump for President $31,821 10/28/2016 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $7,402 08/20/2016 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Donald J Trump for President $3,127 08/20/2016 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Donald J Trump for President $899 08/19/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 08/18/2016 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Donald J Trump for President $601 08/18/2016 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Donald J Trump for President $927 08/15/2016 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Donald J Trump for President $927 08/15/2016 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Donald J Trump for President $927 08/15/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 08/11/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $169,758 08/10/2016 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $10,419 08/06/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 08/04/2016 Trump Plaza - New York Donald J Trump for President $9,000 08/01/2016 Trump National Golf Club - Westchester Donald J Trump for President $48,240 07/29/2016 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Donald J Trump for President $8,656 07/29/2016 Trump National Doral Donald J Trump for President $3,596 07/29/2016 Trump Ice LLC Donald J Trump for President $429 07/29/2016 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $3 07/29/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 07/28/2016 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $23,776 07/23/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 07/21/2016 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $307 07/19/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 07/14/2016 Tag Air Inc Donald J Trump for President $495,070 07/13/2016 Trump International Hotel - New York Donald J Trump for President $1,937 07/13/2016 Trump National Doral Donald J Trump for President $216 07/13/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $169,758 07/10/2016 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $1,000 07/10/2016 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $539 07/10/2016 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $9,752 07/09/2016 Trump National Doral Donald J Trump for President $3,550 07/09/2016 Trump National Doral Donald J Trump for President $1,169 07/09/2016 Trump Soho New Jersey Republican State Cmte $991 07/08/2016 Trump Soho New Jersey Republican State Cmte $773 07/08/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 07/07/2016 Trump Plaza - New York Donald J Trump for President $9,000 07/01/2016 Trump National Golf Club - Jupiter Donald J Trump for President $21,330 06/30/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 06/30/2016 Tag Air Inc Donald J Trump for President $466,464 06/27/2016 Trump Soho Donald J Trump for President $671 06/27/2016 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $399 06/27/2016 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $9,106 06/25/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 06/23/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 06/16/2016 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Trump Victory $1,153 06/15/2016 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $9,651 06/11/2016 Trump Restaurants Trump Victory $953 06/10/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $110,684 06/09/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 06/09/2016 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $1,000 06/09/2016 Trump Ice LLC Donald J Trump for President $429 06/08/2016 Trump Soho New Jersey Republican State Cmte $639 06/06/2016 Trump Soho New Jersey Republican State Cmte $600 06/06/2016 Trump National Golf Club - Jupiter Marino for Congress $214 06/04/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 06/02/2016 Trump Plaza - New York Donald J Trump for President $9,000 06/01/2016 Trump Cps LLC Donald J Trump for President $6,000 06/01/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $72,800 05/31/2016 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $11,023 05/28/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 05/26/2016 Tag Air Inc Donald J Trump for President $349,540 05/25/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 05/19/2016 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Donald J Trump for President $423,372 05/18/2016 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $125,080 05/18/2016 Trump National Golf Club - Jupiter Donald J Trump for President $35,845 05/18/2016 Trump International Golf Club - Florida Donald J Trump for President $29,715 05/18/2016 Eric Trump Wine Manufacturing Donald J Trump for President $2,651 05/16/2016 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $3,707 05/14/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 05/12/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 05/05/2016 Eric Trump Wine Manufacturing Donald J Trump for President $1,288 05/04/2016 Trump Virginia Acquisitions LLC Donald J Trump for President $984 05/04/2016 Trump Plaza - New York Donald J Trump for President $9,000 05/01/2016 Trump Cps LLC Donald J Trump for President $6,000 05/01/2016 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $5,297 05/01/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $35,458 04/30/2016 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $1,000 04/30/2016 Tag Air Inc Donald J Trump for President $585,470 04/29/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 04/28/2016 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Donald J Trump for President $8,366 04/25/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 04/21/2016 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $3,707 04/16/2016 Trump International Hotel - New York America's Liberty PAC $58 04/14/2016 Trump International Hotel - New York America's Liberty PAC $41 04/14/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 04/14/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 04/07/2016 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $3,707 04/06/2016 Trump Plaza - New York Donald J Trump for President $9,000 04/01/2016 Trump Cps LLC Donald J Trump for President $6,000 04/01/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,536 03/31/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $35,458 03/29/2016 Eric Trump Wine Manufacturing Donald J Trump for President $1,053 03/29/2016 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $1,000 03/29/2016 Tag Air Inc Donald J Trump for President $476,426 03/24/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,536 03/24/2016 Trump International Hotel - New York Donald J Trump for President $1,844 03/22/2016 Trump Ice LLC Donald J Trump for President $400 03/18/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,536 03/17/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $35,458 03/10/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,536 03/10/2016 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Donald J Trump for President $2,452 03/07/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,536 03/03/2016 Trump Plaza - New York Donald J Trump for President $9,000 03/01/2016 Trump Cps LLC Donald J Trump for President $6,000 03/01/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,587 02/25/2016 Tag Air Inc Donald J Trump for President $641,840 02/24/2016 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $3,348 02/24/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,587 02/18/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,587 02/11/2016 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $3,360 02/10/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,587 02/04/2016 Trump Plaza - New York Donald J Trump for President $9,000 02/01/2016 Trump Cps LLC Donald J Trump for President $6,000 02/01/2016 Tag Air Inc Donald J Trump for President $537,436 01/31/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $35,458 01/30/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,679 01/28/2016 Trump National Doral Donald J Trump for President $25,927 01/26/2016 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $2,372 01/23/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,693 01/21/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,694 01/14/2016 Trump Old Post Office LLC Donald J Trump for President $5,000 01/12/2016 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $240 01/12/2016 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $2,621 01/09/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,694 01/07/2016 Trump Soho Donald J Trump for President $810 01/05/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $35,458 01/04/2016 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $3,000 01/04/2016 Trump Plaza - New York Donald J Trump for President $9,000 01/01/2016 Trump Cps LLC Donald J Trump for President $6,000 01/01/2016 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,427 12/31/2015 Tag Air Inc Donald J Trump for President $530,160 12/30/2015 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $2,529 12/26/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,427 12/24/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,531 12/17/2015 Trump National Doral National Republican Congressional Cmte $392 12/14/2015 Trump National Doral National Republican Congressional Cmte $293 12/14/2015 Trump National Doral National Republican Congressional Cmte $6 12/14/2015 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $2,544 12/12/2015 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $2,574 12/10/2015 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $3,000 12/03/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 12/03/2015 Tag Air Inc Donald J Trump for President $37,500 12/01/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $35,458 12/01/2015 Trump Plaza - New York Donald J Trump for President $9,000 12/01/2015 Trump Cps LLC Donald J Trump for President $6,000 12/01/2015 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $2,544 11/28/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 11/25/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $32 11/23/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $4,931 11/19/2015 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $2,544 11/18/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $16 11/16/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,991 11/12/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $44 11/11/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $7 11/11/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $35,458 11/09/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $19 11/09/2015 Tag Air Inc Donald J Trump for President $258,930 11/06/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $6,250 11/05/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $14 11/05/2015 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $2,544 11/04/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $11 11/03/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $15 11/02/2015 Trump Plaza - New York Donald J Trump for President $9,000 11/01/2015 Trump Cps LLC Donald J Trump for President $6,000 11/01/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $5,575 10/29/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $20 10/27/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $9 10/27/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $21 10/26/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $7,991 10/22/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $11 10/22/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $9 10/22/2015 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $2,461 10/21/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $174 10/20/2015 Trump Soho Donald J Trump for President $100 10/19/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $10 10/16/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $1,216 10/15/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $10 10/13/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $3,499 10/08/2015 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $2,461 10/07/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $15 10/06/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $5 10/05/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $10 10/02/2015 Trump Soho $851 10/02/2015 Trump Plaza - New York Donald J Trump for President $9,000 10/01/2015 Trump Cps LLC Donald J Trump for President $6,000 10/01/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $3,548 10/01/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $18 10/01/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $7 10/01/2015 Tag Air Inc Donald J Trump for President $300,696 09/25/2015 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $35,458 09/25/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $4,592 09/24/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $94 09/24/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $10 09/24/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $4 09/23/2015 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Donald J Trump for President $336 09/21/2015 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $2,461 09/19/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $7 09/18/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 09/17/2015 Trump Grill Donald J Trump for President $16 09/17/2015 Trump Cafe Donald J Trump for President $10 09/11/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 09/10/2015 Trump Cafe Donald J Trump for President $14 09/10/2015 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $2,461 09/05/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $35,458 09/03/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $3,955 09/03/2015 Trump Cafe Donald J Trump for President $6 09/03/2015 Trump International Hotel - New York Donald J Trump for President $287 09/02/2015 Trump Plaza - New York Donald J Trump for President $9,000 09/01/2015 Trump Cps LLC Donald J Trump for President $6,000 09/01/2015 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $702 08/31/2015 Trump Cafe Donald J Trump for President $7 08/28/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $4,165 08/27/2015 Trump Restaurants Donald J Trump for President $1,483 08/26/2015 Trump Cafe Donald J Trump for President $25 08/24/2015 Trump Cafe Donald J Trump for President $14 08/24/2015 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $3,063 08/22/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $35,458 08/20/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $4,127 08/20/2015 Trump Cafe Donald J Trump for President $9 08/19/2015 Trump Cafe Donald J Trump for President $9 08/18/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 08/13/2015 Tag Air Inc Donald J Trump for President $422,730 08/12/2015 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $1,713 08/08/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $4,958 08/06/2015 Trump Plaza - New York Donald J Trump for President $9,000 08/01/2015 Trump Cps LLC Donald J Trump for President $6,000 08/01/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 07/30/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $25,874 07/29/2015 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $4,050 07/25/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 07/23/2015 Trump Payroll Corp Donald J Trump for President $4,050 07/11/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $2,574 07/09/2015 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $9,583 07/06/2015 Trump International Hotel - New York Donald J Trump for President $516 07/03/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $515 07/02/2015 Trump Plaza - New York Donald J Trump for President $9,000 07/01/2015 Trump Cps LLC Donald J Trump for President $6,000 07/01/2015 Trump Soho Donald J Trump for President $814 06/17/2015 Tag Air Inc Donald J Trump for President $506,486 06/16/2015 The Trump Corp Donald J Trump for President $37,993 06/16/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $9,583 06/16/2015 Trump Soho Donald J Trump for President $3,241 06/16/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Donald J Trump for President $9,583 05/05/2015 Trump Tower Commercial LLC Texas Patriots PAC $1,303 05/03/2015 Trump International Hotel - New York Donald J Trump for President $1,381 04/30/2015 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Forbes for Congress $2,761 11/03/2014 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Secure PAC $6,028 11/03/2014 Trump International Hotel - Chicago GOP Generation Y Fund $462 08/22/2014 Trump International Golf Club - Florida Carl Domino for Congresss $900 06/11/2014 Trump International Beach Resort Chris Coons for Delaware $314 05/05/2014 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Allen West Guardian Fund $12,604 04/09/2014 Trump International Beach Resort Richard E Neal for Congress Cmte $1,668 04/01/2014 Trump International Beach Resort Chris Coons for Delaware $363 03/14/2014 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Cantor Victory Fund $308 02/16/2014 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Allen West Guardian Fund $3,260 02/06/2014 Eric Trump Wine Manufacturing Robert Hurt for Congress $17 11/12/2013 Eric Trump Wine Manufacturing Robert Hurt for Congress $1,053 11/04/2013 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster SCOTT PAC $4,188 06/20/2013 Trump National Doral Richard E Neal for Congress Cmte $18 03/21/2013 Trump National Doral Richard E Neal for Congress Cmte $1,552 02/24/2013 Trump Grill Allen West for Congress $1,029 10/12/2012 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Kevin Mccarthy for Congress $744 10/09/2012 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Supporting Conservatives of Today & Tmrw $2,037 09/13/2012 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Supporting Conservatives of Today & Tmrw $399 09/06/2012 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Menendez for Senate $37 08/16/2012 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Menendez for Senate $5,415 07/02/2012 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Priorities USA Action $18 06/28/2012 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Romney Victory $13,894 06/20/2012 Trump National Golf Club - Hudson Valley Friends of Nan Hayworth $636 05/24/2012 Trump Grill Romney for President $82 05/21/2012 Trump International Hotel - Chicago GOP Generation Y Fund $299 04/19/2012 Trump Grill Romney for President $5,865 04/16/2012 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Montanans for Rehberg $913 03/27/2012 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Montanans for Rehberg $322 03/13/2012 Trump International Hotel - Chicago GOP Generation Y Fund $953 03/12/2012 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Romney for President $24 03/09/2012 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $150 03/05/2012 Trump International Hotel - Chicago GOP Generation Y Fund $1,164 02/02/2012 Trump International Hotel - Chicago GOP Generation Y Fund $338 01/03/2012 Trump International Hotel - Chicago GOP Generation Y Fund $473 12/06/2011 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Republican National Cmte $39,123 07/14/2011 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Supporting Conservatives of Today & Tmrw $250 07/14/2011 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Supporting Conservatives of Today & Tmrw $627 07/01/2011 Trump International Beach Resort Richard E Neal for Congress Cmte $1,535 04/06/2011 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Mike Pence Cmte $895 04/06/2011 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas EMILY's List $525 03/17/2011 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas EMILY's List $175 03/17/2011 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $12 11/10/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $12 11/10/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $770 11/04/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $770 11/04/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Western Representation PAC $1,325 11/02/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $337 10/29/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $337 10/29/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $517 10/25/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $517 10/25/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $60 10/25/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $60 10/25/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $5,376 10/23/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $5,376 10/23/2010 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Allen West Guardian Fund $12,604 04/09/2014 Trump International Beach Resort Richard E Neal for Congress Cmte $1,668 04/01/2014 Trump International Beach Resort Chris Coons for Delaware $363 03/14/2014 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Cantor Victory Fund $308 02/16/2014 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Allen West Guardian Fund $3,260 02/06/2014 Eric Trump Wine Manufacturing Robert Hurt for Congress $17 11/12/2013 Eric Trump Wine Manufacturing Robert Hurt for Congress $1,053 11/04/2013 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster SCOTT PAC $4,188 06/20/2013 Trump National Doral Richard E Neal for Congress Cmte $18 03/21/2013 Trump National Doral Richard E Neal for Congress Cmte $1,552 02/24/2013 Trump Grill Allen West for Congress $1,029 10/12/2012 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Kevin Mccarthy for Congress $744 10/09/2012 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Supporting Conservatives of Today & Tmrw $2,037 09/13/2012 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Supporting Conservatives of Today & Tmrw $399 09/06/2012 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Menendez for Senate $37 08/16/2012 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Menendez for Senate $5,415 07/02/2012 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Priorities USA Action $18 06/28/2012 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Romney Victory $13,894 06/20/2012 Trump National Golf Club - Hudson Valley Friends of Nan Hayworth $636 05/24/2012 Trump Grill Romney for President $82 05/21/2012 Trump International Hotel - Chicago GOP Generation Y Fund $299 04/19/2012 Trump Grill Romney for President $5,865 04/16/2012 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Montanans for Rehberg $913 03/27/2012 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Montanans for Rehberg $322 03/13/2012 Trump International Hotel - Chicago GOP Generation Y Fund $953 03/12/2012 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Romney for President $24 03/09/2012 Trump International Hotel - Chicago Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $150 03/05/2012 Trump International Hotel - Chicago GOP Generation Y Fund $1,164 02/02/2012 Trump International Hotel - Chicago GOP Generation Y Fund $338 01/03/2012 Trump International Hotel - Chicago GOP Generation Y Fund $473 12/06/2011 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC Republican National Cmte $39,123 07/14/2011 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Supporting Conservatives of Today & Tmrw $250 07/14/2011 Trump National Golf Club - Bedminster Supporting Conservatives of Today & Tmrw $627 07/01/2011 Trump International Beach Resort Richard E Neal for Congress Cmte $1,535 04/06/2011 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC Mike Pence Cmte $895 04/06/2011 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas EMILY's List $525 03/17/2011 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas EMILY's List $175 03/17/2011 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $12 11/10/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $12 11/10/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $770 11/04/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $770 11/04/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Western Representation PAC $1,325 11/02/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $337 10/29/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $337 10/29/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $517 10/25/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $517 10/25/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $60 10/25/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $60 10/25/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $5,376 10/23/2010 Trump International Hotel - Las Vegas Friends of Sharron Angle $5,376 10/23/2010 ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< Donor Company* Industry 2017 Inauguration total Awards in 2016 Awards in 2017 Change from 2016 to 2017 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fidelity National Financial Title Insurance $500,000 $17,314,317 $16,326,376 -5% AT&T Inc Telephone Utilities $2,082,483 $855,701,991 $1,707,791,122 99% Verizon Communications Telephone Utilities $100,000 $736,108,794 $767,146,518 4% Global TelLink Corp Telephone Utilities $35,000 $0 $2,000 - Qualcomm Inc Telecommunications Devices $1,000,000 $166,890 $2,719,522 1529% SSAB Enterprises Steel $10,000 $4,711 $0 -100% PepsiCo Inc Soft Drinks & Juices $257,295 $3,227,733 $2,750,409 -14% Black Knight Lending Solutions Securities & Investment Brokers $250,000 $4,999 $113,650 2173% Google Inc Search Engine & Email $285,000 $582,225 $147,363 -74% Fluor Corp Public Works/Comml Construction $250,000 $1,656,538,280 $1,649,950,809 0% MacAndrews & Forbes Private Equity/Investment Firms $500,000 $728,757,940 $782,801,337 7% Lee Supply Co Plumbing & Pipe Products $20,000 $0 $9,843 - Pfizer Inc Pharmaceutical manufacturing $1,000,000 $1,167,602,078 $1,093,748,797 -6% Amgen Inc Pharmaceutical manufacturing $500,000 $37,675,456 $0 -100% Clear Defense LLC Pest Control $20,000 $119,249 $0 -100% Online Vendors $57,746 $525,071 $736,997 40% Valero Services Oil Refining/Marketing $100,000 $0 $20,432 - PBF Energy Oil Refining/Marketing $25,000 $6,485,169 $0 -100% JH Fletcher & Co Mining services & equipment $1,000 $0 $184,365 - Chevron Products Co Major Oil & Gas Producers $525,000 $36,642,508 $66,519,423 81% Exxon Mobil Major Oil & Gas Producers $500,000 $242,459,379 $160,144,003 -33% BP America Major Oil & Gas Producers $500,000 $72,615,338 $30,187,643 -58% MetLife Inc Life Insurance $100,000 $391,796,987 $92,440,046 -76% Kelley, Drye & Warren Lawyers $2,500 $1,019,195 $0 -100% C&C Pumps Industrial/Commercial Equipment $7,000 $16,109 $26,791 66% United Central Industrial Supply Industrial/Commercial Equipment $5,000 $110,377 $76,237 -30% Santa Ynez Band of Mission Indians Indian Gaming $25,000 $0 $40,969 - Continental Resources Independent Oil/Gas Producers $100,000 $35,974 $135,808 277% Hunt Consolidated Independent Oil/Gas Producers $33,200 $60,722,665 $52,575,284 -13% Centene Corp HMOs $250,000 $3,478,331,466 $3,715,442,907 7% Aetna Inc HMOs $100,000 $17,555 $0 -100% Private Jet Services Genl Aviation (Private Pilots) $25,000 $3,556,700 $159,596 -95% Southern Co Services Gas & Electric Utilities $100,000 $1,727,386 $468,326 -72% Vectren Corp Gas & Electric Utilities $25,000 $26,412,637 $27,715,517 4% Xcel Energy Gas & Electric Utilities $25,000 $23,617,115 $11,124,265 -52% Geo Corrections Holdings For-profit Correctional Svcs $250,000 $553,791,071 $532,330,894 -3% CoreCivic Inc For-profit Correctional Svcs $250,000 $37,541,577 $388,918,158 935% Union Supply Group For-profit Correctional Svcs $25,000 $111,732 $132,958 18% FedEx Corp Express Delivery $502,320 $572,401,591 $379,168,863 -33% United Parcel Service Express Delivery $250,000 $156,318,821 $148,952,092 -4% Trc Companies Environmental Svcs/Equipment $100,000 $3,789,418 $2,130,512 -43% DLZ Corp Engineers/Construction Mgmt $25,000 $315,802 $33,175 -89% Samsung Group Electronics Manufacturing, Misc $100,000 $2,552,038 $4,355,779 70% NextEra Energy Electric Utilities $250,000 $13,715,371 $9,621,799 -29% Caremark Pharmacy Services Drug Stores $25,000 $366,291 $458,313 25% Lockheed Martin Defense Aerospace $1,000,000 $40,446,183,477 $46,376,992,877 14% Boeing Co Defense Aerospace $1,000,000 $24,461,370,104 $19,248,935,671 -21% Northrop Grumman Defense Aerospace $100,000 $11,413,573,305 $9,133,949,304 -19% Microsoft Corp Computer Software $500,000 $328,678,783 $331,244,397 0% Sts International Computer Services $1,000 $67,868,192 $81,331,972 19% Intel Corp Computer Hardware $500,000 $2,981,120 $5,081,039 70% Bank of America Commercial Banks $1,000,000 $4,733,326 $4,744,691 0% JPMorgan Chase & Co Commercial Banks $500,000 $9,340,994 $8,866,153 -5% CSE Corp Coal Mining $1,500 $913,732 $48,680 -94% Cintas Corp Clothing & Accessories $12,500 $971,235 $1,052,963 8% Dow Chemical Chemicals $1,000,000 $1,041,288 $0 -100% Air Liquide Chemicals $25,000 $18,915,828 $15,159,767 -19% US Chamber of Commerce Chambers of Commerce $25,000 $8,100 $0 -100% IGT Global Solutions Casinos/Gambling $100,000 $24,526 $0 -100% Mars Inc Candy $1,827 $500,126 $549,043 9% Liberty Media Corp Cable TV $250,000 $119,344 $92,039 -22% Charter Communications Cable distributors $250,000 $1,115,656 $1,303,487 16% Freeman Expositions Business Services $11,300 $337,682 $274,717 -18% Anheuser-Busch InBev Beer $250,000 $68,204 $53,808 -21% General Motors Auto Manufacturers $498,650 $300,716,513 $376,041,908 25% Ford Motor Co Auto Manufacturers $250,000 $379,358,110 $430,287,473 13% Ernst & Young Accountants $50,000 $155,818,275 $147,291,599 -5% PricewaterhouseCoopers Accountants $10,000 $295,640,121 $359,894,212 21% ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< d888888b d8b db .d8b. db db d888b db db d8888b. .d8b. d888888b d888888b .d88b. d8b db .o88b. .d88b. d8b db d888888b d8888b. d888888b d8888b. db db d888888b .d88b. d8888b. .d8888. `88' 888o 88 d8' `8b 88 88 88' Y8b 88 88 88 `8D d8' `8b `~~88~~' `88' .8P Y8. 888o 88 d8P Y8 .8P Y8. 888o 88 `~~88~~' 88 `8D `88' 88 `8D 88 88 `~~88~~' .8P Y8. 88 `8D 88' YP 88 88V8o 88 88ooo88 88 88 88 88 88 88oobY' 88ooo88 88 88 88 88 88V8o 88 8P 88 88 88V8o 88 88 88oobY' 88 88oooY' 88 88 88 88 88 88oobY' `8bo. 88 88 V8o88 88~~~88 88 88 88 ooo 88 88 88`8b 88~~~88 88 88 88 88 88 V8o88 8b 88 88 88 V8o88 88 88`8b 88 88~~~b. 88 88 88 88 88 88`8b `Y8b. .88. 88 V888 88 88 88b d88 88. ~8~ 88b d88 88 `88. 88 88 88 .88. `8b d8' 88 V888 Y8b d8 `8b d8' 88 V888 88 88 `88. .88. 88 8D 88b d88 88 `8b d8' 88 `88. db 8D Y888888P VP V8P YP YP ~Y8888P' Y888P ~Y8888P' 88 YD YP YP YP Y888888P `Y88P' VP V8P `Y88P' `Y88P' VP V8P YP 88 YD Y888888P Y8888P' ~Y8888P' YP `Y88P' 88 YD `8888Y' Inaugural Contributor ContribType Orgname Parent Company City State Inaug 2017 Total Total 1989-2017 Repubs & Conservatives Dems & Liberals Trump 2016 Other 2016 Pres ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADELSON, SHELDON, G Top Donor Las Vegas Sands LAS VEGAS NV $5,000,000 $190,443,724 $190,133,124 $183,000 $20,005,400 $21,400 ANSARY, HUSHANG & SHAHLA Top Donor Stewart & Stevenson HOUSTON TX $2,000,000 $6,029,474 $5,996,890 $32,584 $0 $1,781,600 RUFFIN, PHILLIP & OLESANDRA Treasure Island LAS VEGAS NV $1,025,000 $1,394,280 $1,069,220 $319,860 $5,400 $0 AYCOX, RODERICK & LESLIE Top Donor Select Management Resources ATLANTA GA $1,000,000 $1,420,550 $1,137,550 $268,000 $2,700 $0 BEAL, ANDREW Top Donor Beal Bank Beal Financial PLANO TX $1,000,000 $6,747,205 $6,349,405 $7,000 $105,400 $255,200 BESSENT, SCOTT Key Square Group NEW YORK NY $1,000,000 $734,869 $510,215 $234,654 $0 $361,015 CLINE, CHRISTOPHER Top Donor Cline Group BECKLEY WV $1,000,000 $1,204,445 $1,156,995 $42,700 $2,700 $10,800 COHEN, STEVEN, A. Top Donor SAC Capital Advisors GREENWICH CT $1,000,000 $7,271,159 $7,019,359 $198,150 $0 $505,100 FORREST, CLIFFORD J. Rosebud Mining PITTSBURGH PA $1,000,000 $744,969 $589,894 $52,750 $11,062 $2,500 HESS, JOHN B. Top Donor Hess Corp NEW YORK NY $1,000,000 $1,528,930 $964,900 $552,825 $0 $17,500 HUGHES JR, BRADLEY WAYNE Malibu Management LEXINGTON KY $1,000,000 $7,500 $2,000 $0 $0 $0 JOHNSON IV, ROBERT W Top Donor New York Jets/Johnson Co NEW YORK NY $1,000,000 $2,553,666 $2,486,841 $32,825 $5,400 $509,729 JWCIII REVTRUST Top Donor Craft, Joseph III (JWCIII Rev Trust) Alliance Resource Partners TULSA OK $1,000,000 $8,775,036 $8,506,636 $118,900 $755,400 $14,900 KAHN, SHAHID R. Jacksonville Jaguars NAPLES FL $1,000,000 $249,419 $183,700 $50,400 $0 $0 KRAVIS, HENRY R. Top Donor KKR & Co NEW YORK NY $1,000,000 $2,347,421 $2,192,151 $100,700 $0 $2,200 KROENKE, E. STANLEY Los Angeles Rams COLUMBIA MO $1,000,000 $457,558 $342,472 $105,086 $0 $2,700 KUMAR FAMILY LTD Kumar, Shalabh (Kumar Family Ltd) Kumar Family Partnership BETTENDORF lA $1,000,000 $200,847 $195,847 $0 $0 $5,400 LUTNICK, HOWARD W. Top Donor Cantor Fitzgerald NEW YORK NY $1,000,000 $620,167 $346,475 $273,692 $0 $32,873 MCNAIR, ROBERT C. Top Donor Houston Texans HOUSTON TX $1,000,000 $21,591,204 $21,458,329 $15,675 $2,010,800 $3,065,150 MERCER, ROBERT L. Top Donor Renaissance Technologies NEW YORK NY $1,000,000 $41,658,579 $41,154,679 $15,500 $2,010,800 $16,762,900 ORY, RONNIE J. Cyprexx Services BRANDON FL $1,000,000 $70,900 $70,900 $0 $0 $0 PAPA DOUG TRUST Manchester, Doug (Papa Doug Trust) Manchester Financial Group LA JOLLA CA $1,000,000 $123,550 $123,550 $0 $0 $21,750 PARSONS, ROBERT R. Go Daddy Group SCOTTSDALE AZ $1,000,000 $1,296,000 $1,210,300 $39,700 $0 $0 REVERE, CLAUDINE Relish Caterers NEW YORK NY $1,000,000 $29,890 $22,000 $7,890 $0 $3,790 RICKETTS, MARLENE M. Top Donor Chicago Cubs OMAHA NE $1,000,000 $39,545,768 $38,851,568 $17,200 $1,000,000 $1,111,729 SCHWAB, CHARLES Top Donor Charles Schwab & Co Charles Schwab Corp SAN FRANCISCO CA $1,000,000 $6,811,970 $6,531,070 $109,100 $0 $1,347,750 SHUSTOROVICH, ALEXANDER IMG Artists NEW YORK NY $1,000,000 $350,500 $349,500 $1,000 $0 $0 SIEGEL, JEANNE, SORENSEN Top Donor Retired NEW YORK NY $1,000,000 $3,833,270 $3,695,860 $26,550 $10,800 $428,595 SINGER, PAUL ELLIOTT Top Donor Elliott Management NEW YORK NY $1,000,000 $44,850,929 $44,706,029 $15,550 $250,000 $5,061,242 SNYDER, DANIEL M. Top Donor Washington Redskins POTOMAC MD $1,000,000 $716,274 $638,524 $17,750 $534 $88,290 HABBOUSH, R.W. Habboush Group MCLEAN VA $666,000 $334,000 $334,000 $0 $0 $0 BLANCHARD, JOE D. Top Donor Aspen Apartment Alliance MONTGOMERY AL $553,500 $587,750 $587,750 $0 $2,700 $0 BUZBEE, ANTHONY G. Top Donor Buzbee Law Firm HOUSTON TX $500,000 $684,748 $514,400 $170,348 $2,700 $10,400 DOUGLASS, WILLIAM, A. III K2 Advisors FT. LAUDERDALE FL $500,000 $3,900 $500 $3,000 $0 $0 ESTEY, CRAIG Top Donor Nevada Restaurant Services LAS VEGAS NV $500,000 $2,016,500 $1,998,100 $17,400 $8,100 $5,400 HAFFEY, GERALD Ambrosia Treatment Center JUPITER FL $500,000 $5,700 $2,700 $3,000 $0 $0 HAYDE, MICHAEL K. Top Donor Western National Group IRVINE CA $500,000 $1,683,900 $1,623,200 $4,500 $0 $2,400 HERBSTER, CHARLES W. Top Donor Conklin Co FALLS CITY NE $500,000 $1,000,150 $997,650 $0 $5,400 $0 KHOURI, LAURA Western National Property Management IRVINE CA $500,000 $610,150 $608,900 $0 $0 $2,700 UIHLEIN, RICHARD & ELIZABETH Top Donor Uline Inc LAKE FOREST IL $500,000 $33,667,960 $33,368,110 $106,300 $108,100 $3,374,558 LIM, KHOONMIN KL Capital NEW YORK NY $440,000 $113,975 $113,975 $0 $2,700 $0 JOHN, ISABEL T. First-Time Donor NEW YORK NY $400,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LEBOW, BENNETT B. Top Donor Vector Group NEW YORK NY $300,000 $1,613,732 $384,282 $1,208,850 $5,400 $0 CHOKSI, ASIT Apollo Hospital System THE WOODLANDS TX $275,000 $25,100 $25,100 $0 $5,400 $0 FISCHER, DAVID T. Top Donor Suburban Collection TROY Ml $250,000 $1,882,415 $1,734,735 $33,900 $10,800 $13,500 GILLAM, ROBERT B. McKinley Capital Management ANCHORAGE AK $250,000 $179,315 $125,615 $50,300 $0 $0 GLAZER, EDWARD Tampa Bay Buccaneers LOS ANGELES CA $250,000 $5,400 $0 $5,400 $0 $5,400 GRIMM, BARBARA Top Donor Grimmway Farms BAKERSFIELD CA $250,000 $1,405,620 $1,395,660 $1,000 $16,200 $93,690 INTRATER, ANDREW Columbus Nova NEW YORK NY $250,000 $2,600 $2,600 $0 $0 $0 JENNIFER N. PRITZKER REV TRUST Pritzker, Jennifer (Jennifer N Pritzker Rev Trust) Tawani Enterprises IDAHO FALLS ID $250,000 $704,010 $646,410 $8,300 $3,500 $5,500 KANTE, BENNIE First-Time Donor SAPULPA OK $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 KELTNER, BRAD First-Time Donor REMBERT SC $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 MAFFEI, GREGORY Top Donor Liberty Media CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE CO $250,000 $1,056,483 $959,183 $17,300 $0 $0 MAHAN, JAMES S. Live Oak Bank WILMINGTON NC $250,000 $34,800 $32,300 $2,000 $0 $2,700 MALONE, JOHN C. Top Donor Liberty Media ENGLEWOOD CO $250,000 $755,626 $684,496 $20,500 $0 $20,000 MCLEAN JR., J K Retired POINT CLEAR AL $250,000 $12,500 $12,500 $0 $0 $0 PAULSON, JOHN Top Donor Paulson & Co NEW YORK NY $250,000 $2,329,701 $2,215,201 $103,500 $5,400 $129,745 RAKOLTA JR., JOHN Top Donor Walbridge Aldinger Co DETROIT Ml $250,000 $1,130,571 $1,095,221 $20,550 $5,400 $13,800 ROTHMAN, ROBERT Black Diamond Group TAMPA FL $250,000 $895,276 $865,026 $7,250 $0 $181,980 SCHWARZMAN, STEPHEN A. Top Donor Blackstone Group NEW YORK NY $250,000 $6,635,942 $6,545,292 $64,325 $0 $97,600 STEARNS, GLENN Top Donor Stearns Lending SANTA ANA CA $250,000 $767,333 $749,600 $2,600 $5,400 $16,800 THE KOHORST FAMILY Top Donor Kohorst, W. Robert (Kohorst Family) Everest Properties PASADENA CA $250,000 $932,800 $931,800 $0 $5,400 $5,400 WARREN, KELCY L Top Donor Energy Transfer Partners Energy Transfer Equity DALLAS TX $250,000 $2,458,600 $2,436,000 $20,200 $3,000 $1,510,000 THE ROCK HOLLOW 2013 TRUST Rock Hollow 2013 Trust (Firestone Family) BUELLTON CA $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 FERTITTA, FRANK J. Top Donor Station Casinos Station Casinos LAS VEGAS NV $207,000 $2,852,550 $2,523,150 $157,900 $5,660 $15,000 SHERRILYN, KENNETH First-Time Donor CAMAS WA $200,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SAUL, ANDREW Top Donor Saul Partners KATONAH NY $180,000 $1,654,839 $1,630,339 $10,000 $0 $22,073 SEXTON, G. MARLYNE Sexton Companies INDIANAPOLIS IN $166,000 $746,213 $740,413 $2,800 $5,000 $303 PHILLIPS, ANGELA Middletown Tube Works MIDDLETOWN OH $160,000 $233,124 $233,124 $0 $6,400 $0 LEIDEL, PETER A. Yorktown Partners DIME BOX TX $155,000 $206,760 $205,760 $0 $2,700 $5,400 BRAL, JOUBIN Element Lifestyle STUDIO CITY CA $150,000 $4,600 $0 $4,600 $0 $0 KASBE, TIMOTHY First-Time Donor RALEIGH NC $150,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LEFRAK, RICHARD Lefrak Organization NEW YORK NY $150,000 $502,677 $402,777 $99,900 $2,700 $2,700 MIZEL, LARRY A. Top Donor MDC Holdings DENVER CO $150,000 $2,861,792 $2,703,679 $74,250 $13,500 $18,900 PETERFFY, THOMAS P. Interactive Brokers GREENWICH CT $150,000 $668,692 $601,400 $7,292 $5,400 $5,400 SCHNABEL, MARNA Del Mar Avionics LOS ANGELES CA $150,000 $1,045,105 $1,032,747 $1,000 $0 $101,790 BERKOWITZ, BRUCE R. Top Donor Fairholme Capital Management MIAMI FL $125,000 $836,317 $559,855 $276,462 $2,700 $387,835 BINDER FAMILY TRUST Top Donor Binder, Gordon (Binder Family Trust) Coastview Capital PASADENA CA $125,000 $1,490,936 $1,424,926 $31,400 $2,700 $6,950 JENKINS, TY Docutech Corp IDAHO FALLS ID $125,000 $249,200 $249,200 $0 $0 $10,800 SHAH, GIRA P4 Healthcare JUPETER FL $125,000 $18,100 $2,700 $15,400 $0 $2,700 VALLEY FAMILY TRUST Valley, Kent (Valley Family Trust) Majestic Realty WASHINGTON DC $125,000 $28,941 $23,041 $5,900 $2,201 $6,400 ALEXANDER, BUFORD Investor GREENWICH CT $100,000 $24,200 $24,200 $0 $0 $5,400 BOLINGER, DONALD Top Donor Bollinger Shipyards NEW ORLEANS LA $100,000 $1,661,820 $1,529,200 $39,270 $2,700 $143,073 CANIZARO, JOSEPH C. Top Donor Corporate Capital LLC NEW ORLEANS LA $100,000 $3,240,925 $3,158,325 $64,500 $2,700 CHANDI, NACHHATTAR Changi Group Usa INDIO CA $100,000 $215,200 $207,500 $7,700 $0 $0 CLAYCOMB, LLOYD BENJAMIN United Builders Service SCOTTSDALE AZ $100,000 $21,600 $21,600 $0 $0 $0 CRAIG. STEVEN L. Craig Realty Group NEWPORT COAST CA $100,000 $539,557 $512,247 $27,310 $2,700 $0 CRANBERG, ALEX Aspect Management Corp HOUSTON TX $100,000 $482,770 $456,220 $21,550 $0 $9,250 DEAN, BILL McDean Inc STERLING VA $100,000 $213,492 $166,792 $38,700 $0 $2,700 DEJOY REVOCABLE TRUST Dejoy, Louis (Dejoy Revocable Trust) New Breed Inc GREENBORO NC $100,000 $1,412,437 $1,410,507 $0 $2,700 $125,800 DURRANT, DAVID First-Time Donor ANAHEIM CA $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 DUSSICH, JOSEPH A. Jad Corp of America NEW YORK NY $100,000 $23,300 $18,100 $5,200 $0 $0 FORCHT, TERRY & MARION Top Donor Forcht Group of Kentucky CORBIN KY $100,000 $1,306,989 $1,226,339 $30,000 $10,800 $2,700 FRIEDMUTTER, BRAD Friedmutter Group HENDERSON NV $100,000 $214,700 $96,600 $113,300 $0 $11,800 GHAZI, AFSHIN G. Ghazi Co CHARLOTTE NC $100,000 $6,950 $4,750 $2,200 $0 $0 GOULD, GEORGE A. Retired SAN DIEGO CA $100,000 $234,924 $234,924 $0 $10,800 $5,300 GRIFFIN, KENNETH Top Donor Citadel LLC CHICAGO IL $100,000 $21,729,880 $21,466,680 $201,700 $250,000 $5,205,390 GUMOWITZ, ARNOLD B. Aag Management KINGS POINT NY $100,000 $11,400 $5,000 $6,400 $0 $5,000 GUNTER, JEFFREY R. Av Dermatology LOS ANGELES CA $100,000 $323,493 $321,493 $0 $5,400 $5,400 HASLAM, JAMES A. Top Donor Pilot Travel Centers Pilot Corp KNOXVILLE TN $100,000 $2,679,333 $2,592,033 $9,800 $5,400 $46,618 HASLAM, SUSAN B. Top Donor Rivr Media KNOXVILLE TN $100,000 $1,886,921 $1,747,221 $7,000 $0 $57,873 HERBERT, JAMES & CECILIA Investor SAN FRANCISCO CA $100,000 $741,050 $734,250 $4,550 $0 $40,800 HERNANDEZ, MARGARITA P. Hemandez Ventures PASADENA CA $100,000 $126,249 $119,900 $2,349 $0 $31,400 HILBERT, TOMISUE S. Conseco Inc CARMEL IN $100,000 $533,600 $399,050 $89,550 $2,700 $0 HUNT, WOODY L. Top Donor Hunt Building Hunt Companies EL PASO TX $100,000 $2,271,991 $2,043,406 $177,800 $0 $59,945 KAFTA, JANET First-Time Donor DALLAS TX $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LA CORTE, WILLIAM Physician METAIRIE LA $100,000 $50,200 $49,200 $1,000 $2,700 $500 LANGONE, KENNETH, G. Top Donor Invemed Assoc NEW YORK NY $100,000 $1,811,547 $1,610,421 $81,326 $5,400 $273,300 LIAUTAUD, JAMES Top Donor Jimmy John's CHAMPAIGN IL $100,000 $1,093,650 $1,087,650 $0 $2,700 $0 MALONEY, MARGARET C. 1929 Productions PALO ALTO CA $100,000 $157,099 $134,799 $3,300 $10,800 $0 MARION, ANNE W. Top Donor Burnett Ranches/Burnett Oil Co FORT WORTH TX $100,000 $2,283,125 $2,176,293 $38,000 $5,400 $131,263 MASTROIANNI III, NICHOLAS A. US Immigration Fund PALIt/1 BEACH GARDENS FL $100,000 $29,088 $2,700 $26,388 $0 $2,700 MOSIER, F Kazimir Partners ST. MICHAELS MD $100,000 $378,468 $373,168 $5,300 $267 $22,051 OSTERGARD, TONN Crete Carrier Corp LINCOLN NE $100,000 $50,632 $50,632 $0 $0 $5,400 PATEL, NAYAN S. MCCLEAN VA $100,000 $10,700 $8,000 $2,700 $5,400 $2,700 PEFANIS, HARRY Plains All American Pipeline HOUSTON TX $100,000 $244,900 $201,400 $7,750 $0 $5,400 PELTZ, NELSON Trian Partners NEW YORK NY $100,000 $762,996 $454,663 $301,800 $5,400 $0 PHILLIPS, CRAIG BlackRock Inc NEW CAANAN CT $100,000 $440,550 $0 $440,550 $0 $5,400 PREVITI, JAMES L. Previti, James (James Previti Family Trust) Frontier Enterprises RANCHO CUCAMONDO CA $100,000 $275,898 $215,450 $2,700 $2,000 $0 RAFF, THOMAS C. Greenberg & Rapp Financial Group EAST HANOVER NJ $100,000 $40,950 $36,250 $3,500 $2,950 $2,700 RIESCHEL, GARY Qiming Venture Partners SCOTTSDALE AZ $100,000 $206,940 $202,190 $2,000 $0 $93,690 ROGERS, DALE C. Rogers Wealth Group FORT WORTH TX $100,000 $497,660 $446,910 $750 $5,400 $2,700 SABIN, ANDREW Top Donor Sabin Metal EAST HAMPTON NY $100,000 $1,696,697 $1,603,147 $66,000 $2,700 $87,076 SAMSON, LEE C. SNF Management WEST HOLLYWOOD CA $100,000 $361,470 $340,970 $20,500 $0 $10,100 SANDS FAMILY TRUST Top Donor Sands Family Trust (Lenny Sands) Capital Brands ENCINO CA $100,000 $536,900 $526,900 $0 $0 $13,500 SANDS, CARLA H. Top Donor Vintage Capital Group LOS ANGELES CA $100,000 $1,189,921 $1,167,921 $2,000 $5,400 $29,500 SATTER, MUNEER A. Top Donor Satter Investment Management OAKBROOK IL $100,000 $4,061,445 $3,897,695 $47,200 $0 $516,595 SLAUGHTER FAMILY LIMITED Slaughter, James (Slaughter Family Ltd) S&B Group PEARLAND TX $100,000 $29,500 $15,500 $2,000 $0 $0 SOBEL, CLIFFORD Retired MIAMI BEACH FL $100,000 $2,700 $0 $2,700 $0 $0 STATLER, BONNIE JO Gulf Coast Capital Partners NAPLES FL $100,000 $197,519 $194,169 $0 $2,700 $0 TAPIA, DON Essco Group Management PARADISE VALLEY AZ $100,000 $610,154 $605,154 $0 $8,100 $58,100 THIEL, PETER Top Donor Thiel Capital SAN FRANCISCO CA $100,000 $9,685,768 $9,621,625 $13,000 $1,002,700 $2,000,000 TROESH, DENNIS Top Donor Retired LAS VEGAS NV $100,000 $1,408,420 $1,399,670 $3,250 $5,400 $10,800 WAHID, RON Lobbyist RJI Capital WASHINGTON DC $100,000 $437,783 $425,683 $12,100 $0 $202,700 WICKSTROM, PER Best Drug Rehabilitation BATTLECREEK MI $100,000 $60,867 $48,988 $0 $2,600 $0 ZENNI, JAMES J. Black Diamond Capital WELLINGTON FL $100,000 $29,600 $0 $29,600 $0 $0 DEASON, DARWIN Top Donor Deason Capital Services DALLAS TX $98,500 $2,381,250 $2,158,800 $5,000 $10,800 $600 KEMMERER III, JOHN L Kemmerer Resources CHATHAM NJ $81,400 $117,300 $117,300 $0 $0 $0 BARRETT, JONATHAN D. Luminus Management HOUSTON TX $80,000 $12,998 $12,998 $0 $0 $0 KAHN, WENDY J. Empire Distributors CHARLOTTE NC $75,200 $440,201 $380,201 $0 $10,665 $2,700 BARWICK, BRENDA Jones Public Relations OKLAHOMA CITY OK $75,000 $79,815 $75,315 $0 $2,700 $0 BOICH, WAYNE M. Top Donor Boich Companies COLUMBUS OH $75,000 $1,476,750 $1,275,150 $131,600 $0 $20,000 FLATLEY FAMILY TRUST Flatley, Jay (Flatley Family Trust) Illumina Inc RANCHO SANTA FE CA $75,000 $75,100 $75,100 $0 $2,700 $27,000 RESCHINI, JOSEPH Top Donor Reschini Group INDIANA PA $75,000 $1,003,350 $992,550 $500 $5,400 $47,700 NIXON, JOHN MICHAEL BALL GOUND GA $70,000 $11,500 $11,500 $0 $5,000 $0 MCCOURT, JAMIEE First-Time Donor BEVERLY HILLS CA $50,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BEST, ROBERT, T. Westar Assoc COSTA MESA CA $50,000 $64,025 $64,025 $0 $10,800 $0 BOENKER, ALVIN H. Insurance FORT WORTH TX $50,000 $145,458 $114,458 $0 $2,700 $0 CLEVELAND JR, JAY W Cleveland Brothers MURRYSVILLE PA $50,000 $192,200 $183,800 $8,400 $2,700 $0 DAY, ROBERT Top Donor Oakmont Corp LOS ANGELES CA $50,000 $4,224,996 $3,990,245 $165,720 $5,400 $0 FENNEBRESQUE, JOHN C. McGuireWoods LLP CHARLOTTE NO $50,000 $303,570 $291,021 $5,500 $0 $5,400 LEFRAK, HARRISON T. Lefrak Organization WILMINGTON DE $50,000 $965,444 $675,244 $284,200 $2,700 $10,200 LEFRAK, JAMES Lefrak Organization WILMINGTON DE $50,000 $305,984 $220,384 $85,600 $0 $16,033 MAGINN, ROBERT Jenzabar Inc BOSTON MA $50,000 $532,528 $530,128 $2,400 $0 $9,770 QAZI, MOHAMMAD Ciena Healthcare Management WEST BLOOMFIELD Ml $50,000 $898,709 $523,311 $315,198 $0 $16,200 TOUSSIE, ROBERT I. Robert I Toussie Lp BROOKLYN NY $50,000 $54,845 $54,845 $0 $2,700 $0 YING, JOHN J. Peak Capital STATELINE NV $50,000 $376,392 $376,392 $0 $0 $25,758 DRAKE, PETER P. DALLAS TX $37,500 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $0 $1,000 MOROSS, DAVID SIMON M. Falconhead Capital NEW YORK NY $36,000 $56,100 $44,600 $11,500 $2,700 $2,700 RASTIN, THOMAS Top Donor Ariel Corp MT. VERNON OH $35,000 $4,199,345 $4,183,345 $0 $2,700 $1,908,100 WRIGHT, KAREN Top Donor Ariel Corp MT. VERNON OH $35,000 $3,364,541 $3,304,541 $0 $2,700 $480,200 BENNETT, BEA Utility Trailer Manufacturing Co SAN MARINO CA $33,200 $168,616 $167,200 $366 $6,200 $6,300 ACKLIE, PHYLLIS Crete Carrier Corp LINCOLN NE $30,000 $850,176 $749,601 $500 $0 $2,700 CHENEY, ROBERT ALBANY NY $30,000 $750 $0 $0 $0 $0 CZUKER, EDWARD M. Legado Companies BEVERLY HILLS CA $30,000 $636,354 $635,354 $1,000 $0 $0 GAO, CHENG Dharma Joy NEW YORK NY $30,000 $67,949 $67,749 $200 $2,700 $0 HAGE, CHARLES Worldpoint Communication WHITE PLAINS NY $30,000 $42,500 $42,500 $0 $0 $0 PAYIAVLAS, JOHN A. Avi Food Systems WARREN OH $30,000 $184,550 $130,050 $54,500 $0 $2,700 POTTER, MARGUERITE M. Retired BOCA RATON FL $30,000 $105,115 $96,785 $0 $2,700 $10,460 BENNETT JR., ARCHIE Ashford Hospitality Trust DALLAS TX $26,750 $148,300 $125,800 $0 $5,400 $21,200 BENNETT, MONTY Ashford Hospitality Trust DALLAS TX $26,750 $783,986 $711,186 $4,300 $5,400 $43,100 ALVAREZ, LUIS Harbinger Capital PINECREST FL $26,600 $34,750 $34,750 $0 $2,700 $0 WARREN, CHARLES Silver Bullet LLC FORT MYERS FL $25,200 $156,383 $154,538 $0 $0 $10,350 ADAM E. BEREN REVOCABLE TRUST Beren, Adam E. (Adam E Beren Revocable Trust) Berexco Inc WICHITA KS $25,000 $648,160 $608,060 $33,000 $5,400 $1,000 ANDERSON, STEVEN E. Fastservers CHICAGO IL $25,000 $3,159 $0 $1,055 $0 $265 ARGYROS, GEORGE NEWPORT BEACH CA $25,000 $1,628,193 $1,616,593 $6,000 $0 $5,400 ARMSTRONG, ELIZABETH M. Epoch Estate Wines DALLAS TX $25,000 $20,800 $20,800 $0 $2,700 $0 BASS, JONATHAN PTM Images BEVERLY HILLS CA $25,000 $48,200 $48,200 $0 $0 $2,700 BEAVER, DONALD Beaver Sports Properties CONOVER NC $25,000 $26,750 $26,250 $500 $2,700 $0 BERGH, KJEL Borton Volvo STILLWATER MN $25,000 $620,732 $229,550 $391,142 $0 $8,100 BESERRA, ROBERT San Saba Construction Services DALLAS TX $25,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $0 $0 BREAUX, WARD Breaux Brothers Enterprises LOREAUVILLE LA $25,000 $160,921 $152,921 $5,000 $9,222 $11,100 CARR, KATHERINE B Howie Carr Show WELLESLEY MA $25,000 $25,975 $25,975 $0 $5,400 $38,073 CERONE, CYNTHIA PALM BEACH FL $25,000 $500 $500 $0 $500 $0 CHAVIS, LAUREN First-Time Donor THE WOODLANDS TX $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CLAYMAN, BENJAMIN J. First-Time Donor BEACHWOOD OH $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 COOK JR., RODNEY M. Designer ATLANTA GA $25,000 $4,000 $4,000 $0 $0 $40,800 DAMADIAN, TIMOTHY Self-Employed MELVILLE NY $25,000 $1,650 $1,650 $0 $1,400 $33,900 DANIELS, KEVIN Retired ALBUQUERQUE NM $25,000 $132,600 $131,600 $1,000 $5,400 $0 DE SOMBRE, MICHAEL GEORGE Sullivan & Cromwell NEW YORK NY $25,000 $218,715 $218,715 $0 $0 $1,150,124 DOVNER, EDWARD Lockwood Development Partners LLC DELRAY BEACH FL $25,000 $2,700 $2,700 $0 $0 $0 FRERES, ROBERT Freres Lumber LYONS OR $25,000 $263,671 $230,977 $15,450 $5,400 $0 GAIL A. JAQUISH LIVING TRUST Jaquish, Gail (Gail A Jaquish Living Trust) Jurix Inc AUSTIN TX $25,000 $344,225 $342,225 $0 $5,400 $1,000 GIOIA, ANTHONY Retired BUFFALO NY $25,000 $887,341 $865,741 $20,500 $0 $17,900 GREENBERG, MARTIN F. Group Practice BOCA RATON FL $25,000 $12,202 $7,002 $5,200 $102 $5,400 HAHN, S. DOUGLAS Cr Communications NEW YORK NY $25,000 $66,150 $66,150 $0 $0 $6,650 HOLLAND, HANK J. Merrill Lynch Bank of America BELVEDERE CA $25,000 $5,400 $5,400 $0 $2,700 $2,700 HUTCHINSON, THOMAS J. First-Time Donor WINTER SPRINGS FL $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 HYDE, ROB F. Rf Landscaping & Construction LLC AVON CT $25,000 $31,212 $31,212 $0 $1,500 $0 JOHNSON, JERRY First-Time Donor FORT LAUDERDALE FL $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 JOHNSON, KATHERINE First-Time Donor HAMPTON VA $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 KALB, STUART 4747 Investments MIAMI FL $25,000 $2,700 $0 $2,200 $0 $0 KLOTE, JAMES James D Klote & Assoc FALLS CHURCH VA $25,000 $189,728 $189,728 $0 $8,100 $22,153 KRAMER, RONALD Griffon Corp NEW YORK NY $25,000 $60,917 $35,067 $25,850 $0 $0 KREITLER, THOMAS, S. Eaton Partners FAIRFIELD CT $25,000 $4,250 $4,250 $0 $0 $0 LEVY, LEORA Retired GREENWICH CT $25,000 $923,824 $918,074 $500 $3,700 $35,315 LEWIS, KIM Lewis Energy Group SAN ANTONIO TX $25,000 $5,400 $5,400 $0 $0 $5,400 LOCKARD, RON Top Donor Transaction Application Group MCKINNEY TX $25,000 $406,016 $406,016 $0 $2,700 $0 LONG, ROBERT E. Granville Capital GREENSBORO NC $25,000 $226,845 $178,245 $46,400 $0 $49,545 MITTLEMAN, ARYEH Keystone Strategic Advisers BALTIMORE MD $25,000 $500 $0 $500 $0 $0 MOSING, GREG Top Donor Dove Transportation BROUSSARD LA $25,000 $1,060,684 $1,033,184 $0 $2,700 $78,000 MOSLER, BRUCE Cushman & Wakefield NEW YORK NY $25,000 $340,505 $107,508 $225,497 $2,687 $78,003 NATHANSON, DAVID F. FOX Broadcasting 21st Century Fox LOS ANGELES CA $25,000 $90,450 $0 $89,450 $0 $4,400 NORCOM, DAVID Norcorp Advisors BRYAN TX $25,000 $8,500 $3,500 $0 $0 $0 NUNN, DEBORAH J. Self-Employed APEX NC $25,000 $515 $515 $0 $0 $0 PASTOR, RAFAEL Retired RANCHO SANTA FE CA $25,000 $13,110 $11,100 $1,000 $0 $2,000 PEEK, ELIZABETH M. Fiscal Times NEW YORK NY $25,000 $160,730 $153,330 $4,900 $1,215 $4,415 POLHILL, LARRY Retired PHOENIX AZ $25,000 $3,951 $3,951 $0 $200 $2,950 PORTER, GRANT R. Porter Inc ATUR IN $25,000 $51,245 $41,740 $0 $2,000 $0 RASOR III, JAKE Restaurant GRENVILLE SC $25,000 $27,000 $27,000 $0 $5,400 $0 RAZIN, SHELDON Quality Systems Inc LAGUNA BEACH CA $25,000 $116,000 $115,500 $500 $0 $0 RODRIGUEZ, FRANK A. First-Time Donor SINGAPORE ZZ $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SARGEANT, HARRY Sargeant Marine BOYNTON BEACH FL $25,000 $9,200 $9,200 $0 $0 $0 SHORE, JAMES Artist YORK SC $25,000 $96,940 $96,940 $0 $2,700 $0 SIMMONS, DAVID Atkins North America WS Atkins PLC WiLMiNGTON NC $25,000 $1,280 $1,280 $0 $280 $0 SINGH, MAHIPAL(GINNI) Singh Semiconductors & Systems FREEMONT CA $25,000 $5,000 $0 $5,000 $0 $0 STERN, B.H. Stern & Stern COLUMBIA SC $25,000 $2,500 $2,500 $0 $0 $0 TANNE, LAURA MOORE First-Time Donor WEST PALM BEACH FL $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOBIN II, JOSEPH O San Francisco Chronicle SAN FRANCISCO CA $25,000 $80,450 $78,200 $2,250 $3,660 $0 TRIVEDI, ASHOK SWAT Capital MOON TOWNSHIP PA $25,000 $10,574 $2,700 $7,874 $0 $0 VECHIA, LOUIS First-Time Donor MEDFORD NY $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 WALDROM, JOSHUA First-Time Donor WEST VALLEY CITY UT $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 WEBB, PHILLIP Webb Concrete Building Materials ANNISTON AL $25,000 $22,450 $22,450 $0 $0 $2,700 WEINER, JEFFREY Jeffrey S Weiner PA AVENTURA FL $25,000 $33,587 $22,250 $10,812 $0 $0 WEISS, RICHARD Top Donor Wells Capital Management Wells Fargo HINSDALE IL $25,000 $1,430,895 $1,323,995 $0 $5,000 $28,500 WEITZMAN, JAY Park America - Resorts HAVERFIELD PA $25,000 $7,550 $5,250 $2,300 $0 $0 WERNER-ROBERTSON, GAIL Gwr Investments OMAHA NE $25,000 $80,385 $80,385 $0 $0 $0 WILF, LEONARD A. Garden Homes JUPITER FL $25,000 $175,850 $43,500 $90,350 $0 $2,700 WILLIAMS, LEE First-Time Donor HOUSTON TX $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 WILLS, DAVID J. United Medical Providers NEW ORLEANS LA $25,000 $1,879 $1,879 $0 $879 $0 WINSLOW, JUDI Retired SUMMIT NJ $25,000 $2,500 $2,500 $0 $2,000 $500 YANG, JIANLI Initiatives for China BROOKLINE MA $25,000 $20,300 $6,600 $13,700 $0 $2,700 YOUNG, RODGER D. Young & Assoc FARMINGTON HILLS MI $25,000 $156,650 $156,650 $0 $0 $0 GLASS, GEORGE Retired LAKE OSWEGO OR $22,500 $183,780 $150,780 $33,000 $5,400 $5,400 STEWART, ROLAND Retired SOUTHLAKE TX $21,500 $17,100 $17,100 $0 $5,700 $0 BUFFY CAFRITZ TRUST Cafritz, Buffy (Buffy Cafritz Trust) Buffy & William Cafritz Family Fund BETHESDA MD $20,000 $234,350 $102,450 $128,100 $0 $8,100 O'KEEFE, MICHAEL O'Keefe Group ATTLEBORO MA $20,000 $16,920 $15,450 $750 $3,700 $0 WALLACE, DAVID Top Donor Wallace Electrical Systems WEST FRANKFORT IL $20,000 $651,765 $643,015 $2,300 $5,400 $23,700 MCCARTHY, MARCI Ten Inc BROOKHAVEN GA $19,600 $5,399 $5,399 $0 $5,399 $0 MITCHELL. JAY D. Piedmont Hospital ATLANTA GA $18,600 $9,400 $9,400 $0 $5,400 $250 JACKSON, STEVEN Real Estate Development ALBUQUERQUE NM $17,500 $8,700 $8,700 $0 $5,400 $0 EINHORN, NANCY Einhorn Assoc MILWAUKEE WI $17,000 $483,787 $481,487 $2,000 $2,700 $7,700 LAUGHERY, HELEN H. Investments ROCKY MOUNT NC $16,600 $116,675 $116,675 $0 $0 $0 THORNHILL, BARBARA Impact Design Inc LOS ANGELES OA $16,600 $139,400 $138,400 $1,000 $0 $4,700 ANGELO, CRAIG Al Angelo Co VANCOUVER WA $15,000 $14,275 $11,275 $3,000 $0 $0 ARGENBRIGHT JR, FRANK Secureamerica ATLANTA GA $15,000 $30,552 $30,552 $0 $0 $0 CHAWLA, ASH Pmd Healthcare WESTLAKE OH $15,000 $28,300 $27,800 $500 $0 $0 CURRAN, GREG, SV Wolf Creek Group HOUSTON TX $15,000 $112,500 $112,500 $0 $2,700 $0 ELLIOTT, KRIS Troppo's LANSING MI $15,000 $21,000 $21,000 $0 $0 $0 MOTZKIN, JAMES R. Jrm Hauling & Recycling Services GEORGETOWN MA $15,000 $15,500 $10,000 $5,500 $2,700 $0 PUCKETT, STEPHEN Arbitrage Medical NORTH PALM BEACH FL $15,000 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $2,700 $0 NOVAK, MEGAN First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $14,950 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SNIEGON, VIRGINIA A. Institute for Defense Analyses ALEXANDRIA VA $14,000 $342,534 $335,034 $2,500 $2,700 $11,100 BRINKER, NANCY G. Susan G Komen for the Cure PALM BEACH FL $13,000 $212,854 $211,104 $1,750 $0 $67,203 BARRY, LISA Lobbyist Chevron Corp BETHESDA MD $12,500 $205,926 $145,265 $11,800 $0 $10,065 BUDKER, ANN First-Time Donor FOREST HILLS NY $12,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 GALE, JAMES E. Opic BETHESDA MD $12,500 $31,750 $31,750 $0 $0 $5,650 LEWIS, TERESA Workforce Unlimited LEVEL CROSS NC $10,200 $47,498 $46,998 $0 $3,332 $1,150 ARMSTRONG, KAY Retired GALVESTON TX $10,000 $15,121 $15,121 $0 $2,700 $0 BADZIN, ELLIOTT Elliott Auto Supply Co EAGAN MN $10,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 $0 $0 DIAB, MOHAMED K. Masimo Corp LADERA RANCH CA $10,000 $145,350 $10,300 $116,250 $0 $0 FOGEL, APRYL MARIE 60 Plus Assn BIRMINGHAM AL $10,000 $10,200 $10,200 $0 $0 $0 FURMAN, WILLIAM, A. Greenbrier Companies LAKE OSWEGO OR $10,000 $479,041 $197,923 $276,118 $0 $24,773 GARBER, SYMON Yellow Cab NEW YORK NY $10,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000 $0 $0 HENDRICKS, KEVIN J. Real Estate JANESVILLE WI $10,000 $246,711 $235,011 $0 $5,400 $0 HEWITT, RICHARD Drucker & Falk CHARLOTTESVILLE VA $10,000 $109,551 $87,151 $22,400 $0 $1,000 MICHAEL W. HALEY REVOCABLE TRUST Haley, Michael (Michael W Haley Revocable Trust) Triton Management WASHINGTON DC $10,000 $142,800 $142,300 $0 $10,000 $3,650 PAPPAJOHN, JOHN Venture Capital DES MOINES FL $10,000 $285,725 $245,925 $39,800 $0 $0 SAKELLARIS, GEORGE P. Ameresco Inc MILTON MA $10,000 $249,700 $69,200 $180,500 $0 $2,000 SCHLOTT, ROBERT Administrator OMAHA NE $10,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $0 $0 STRATAKIS, JOHN C. Poles Tublin Stratakis & Gon MANHASSET NY $10,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $0 $0 KOTHARI, SP Massachusetts Institute of Technology LEXINGTON MA $8,200 $32,300 $32,300 $0 $0 $2,700 FADHLI, ZAID A. First-Time Donor ORLANDO FL $8,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 HOWARD, RONALD E. Iomax Usa DENVER NC $8,000 $67,391 $67,391 $0 $3,580 $0 PAYANT, TOM Payant Wealth Management Group NAPLES FL $7,500 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $2,700 $0 RAYANT, ROBIN First-Time Donor NAPLES FL $7,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 DOWD JR, RODDEY Charlotte Pipe & Foundry CHARLOTTE NC $6,900 $145,947 $139,697 $6,250 $5,400 $0 GILMAN, THOMAS F. Automotive Capital Services SCOTTSDALE AZ $6,600 $234,753 $234,753 $0 $10,800 $5,400 BLOMQUIST, RICHARD Retired SEA RANCH LAKES FL $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 BURKE, KATHERYN, M. Burke Properties MILWAUKEE WI $5,000 $602,861 $600,859 $2,000 $2,700 $16,313 CHRYSANTHY T. DEMOS INVESTMENTS Demos, Chrysanthy (Chrysanthy T Demos Investments) AKT Development SACRAMENTO CA $5,000 $54,000 $45,900 $8,100 $0 $750 GLOVER, TONY American Mine Power MORGANTOWN WV $5,000 $50,800 $50,200 $0 $5,000 $7,900 HARKINS, JOSEPH P. Retired BELLE HARBOR NV $5,000 $20,000 $20,000 $0 $2,700 $0 HURD. THOMAS E. Pain Solutions KENNESAW GA $5,000 $41,710 $38,710 $0 $5,400 $0 JEBARA, ZIAD Jean Design Ltd WASHINGTON DC $5,000 $56,700 $0 $56,700 $0 $2,700 KOUDOUNIS, JOHN Calamos Investments CHICAGO IL $5,000 $13,380 $5,280 $8,100 $280 $2,700 LAMPROPOULOS, ANTONIO Retired ROSYLN NY $5,000 $2,790 $2,790 $0 $2,000 $350 MANOS, JOHN G. Bank Financial BLOOMINGDALE IL $5,000 $9,110 $4,450 $4,660 $2,700 $0 MIRRA, JOANNE Mirra Co HAMPTON NH $5,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $0 $0 MORRELL, GARY L. Royal Hydraulic Service & Manufacturing ELLSWORTH PA $5,000 $25,400 $25,400 $0 $5,000 $2,500 MOSA-BASHA, ISMAEL Tss Inc BLOOMFIELD HILLS MI $5,000 $9,700 $250 $9,450 $0 $0 PABLECAS, GUS M. Pab Core Equity PROSPECT HEIGHTS IL $5,000 $6,350 $5,700 $650 $5,200 $0 PHELPS, EDWIN Phelps Enterprises International MCLEAN VA $5,000 $471,296 $466,296 $4,000 $0 $13,148 ROGER WILLIAM NORMAN TRUS Norman, Roger W. (Roger William Norman Trust) Investor RENO NV $5,000 $193,965 $192,465 $1,500 $2,700 $0 SCHWARTZ, MELANIE A. Harbaugh Power Products MCMURRAY PA $5,000 $110,080 $110,080 $0 $5,000 $6,500 SILVERMAN, GARY Greenberg Traurig LLP CHICAGO IL $5,000 $56,080 $8,000 $31,800 $0 $3,700 STEARNS, ROBERT First-Time Donor TROY MI $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CAGNON, CHARLES Individual Investor SAN FRANCISCO CA $4,000 $122,835 $122,835 $0 $0 $6,250 BORING, ANDY R. Kentucky Rivers & Wood Products BREMEN KY $3,000 $58,200 $57,800 $0 $0 $7,700 BORING, JACK Retired LEBANON OH $3,000 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 GEORGE, W. PEYTON Attorney SANTA FE NM $3,000 $1,100 $1,100 $0 $0 $600 KUDAIMI MD, MUHAMMAD M. Physician MUNSTER IN $3,000 $9,500 $0 $9,500 $0 $1,000 MUFTAH, AZZAM Azzam Muftah Md SPRING HILL FL $3,000 $15,100 $1,000 $12,600 $0 $2,700 PHELPS, RHONDA S. NULL LEBANON OH $3,000 $2,500 $2,500 $0 $0 $0 TAYEB, GHIATH Ghiath Tayeb Md Pc BLOOMFIELD HILLS MI $3,000 $2,250 $0 $2,250 $0 $1,000 URSTADT, CHARLES J. Top Donor Urstadt Biddle Properties BRONXVILLE NY $3,000 $1,181,725 $1,173,075 $0 $250 $750 COLONNETTA, JOE. Hbc Investments DALLAS TX $2,800 $195,688 $193,188 $2,500 $5,400 $6,003,559 AKBIK, BASMA R. First-Time Donor CINCINNATI OH $2,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 AL SAGHIR, FAHD Michigan Kidney Consultants BLOOMFIELD HILLS Ml $2,500 $9,750 $250 $9,000 $0 $2,000 ANDERSON, RODNEY Anderson Excavating MORGANTOWN WV $2,500 $39,740 $39,740 $0 $5,465 $5,400 AZZAWI. ZAHER Inland Empire Extra Care RANCHO CUCAMONGA CA $2,500 $4,700 $0 $3,700 $0 $2,700 BAKDASH, TARIF FLOWOOD MS $2,500 $3,500 $3,500 $0 $0 $0 BOETTNER, EDWARD Hri Properties NEW ORLEANS LA $2,500 $59,999 $50,199 $9,800 $0 $2,700 GORE SUSAN, W. Top Donor Retired CHEYENNE WY $2,500 $692,230 $682,230 $0 $1,500 $12,900 HARVEY, TRISHA Harvey Services SCENERY HILL PA $2,500 $165,650 $164,450 $0 $0 $7,200 HAZZOURI, AHMED AL Florida Cancer Specialists LAKE MARY FL $2,500 $4,700 $2,000 $2,700 $0 $0 HERRAKA, IHAB Physician FORT SMITH AR $2,500 $18,200 $4,500 $13,200 $0 $3,200 HUSAINY, TAHER MD Physician SEBASTIAN FL $2,500 $6,100 $0 $6,100 $0 $2,700 KABACOFF, MAURICE PRES Hri Properties NEW ORLEANS LA $2,500 $14,833 $13,833 $1,000 $0 $0 KLEIN, MICHAEL Lobbyist M Klein & Co STATEN ISLAND NY $2,500 $129,216 $20,016 $99,200 $16 $3,400 LEONHARD JR, ALAN T. Hri Properties METAIRIE LA $2,500 $10,966 $1,400 $9,566 $0 $0 MARDINI, NAMEER Swedish American Health System CALEDONIA IL $2,500 $7,400 $0 $7,400 $0 $2,700 MONLA-HASSAN, JABER Blount Memorial Hospital MARYVILLE TN $2,500 $10,700 $750 $6,450 $0 $5,400 MOROSS, DOMINIC H. Cotton Hall Asset Management GREENWICH CT $2,500 $6,704 $6,704 $0 $0 $0 MOUSHMOUSH, BASSAM Cardiovascular Consultant CHARLESTON WV $2,500 $11,250 $3,000 $8,250 $0 $3,700 MUBARAK, HASHEM MD PANAMA CITY FL $2,500 $11,703 $1,750 $9,450 $0 $5,200 MURAD, LINA Z. Metropolitan Access Center WASHINGTON DC $2,500 $8,700 $0 $7,700 $0 $5,400 RADDAWI, HARETH GI Assoc OAK BROOK IL $2,500 $13,900 $2,500 $11,400 $0 $2,700 RIFAI MD, M. HYTHAM Pinnacle Healthcare FISHERS IN $2,500 $10,910 $300 $10,610 $0 $5,400 SABOUNI, AHMAD Covenant Medical Group LUBBOCK TX $2,500 $6,200 $0 $5,700 $0 $2,700 SAKKAL MD, AHMED M. Charleston Heart Clinic CHARLESTON WV $2,500 $11,850 $1,750 $9,100 $0 $5,400 SHAMMAA, IMAD CHARLESTON WV $2,500 $9,900 $4,250 $4,150 $0 $2,000 TAYLOR, KENNETH E. Ohio Cat ROCKY RIVER OH $2,500 $433,670 $377,860 $7,150 $0 $11,400 TERMANINI, BASEL NULL STEUBENVILLE OH $2,500 $2,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 ZANABLI MD, ABDUL R. Charleston Nephrology Hypertension SOUTH CHARLESTON WV $2,500 $11,200 $3,700 $6,700 $0 $4,700 FOLEY, LINDA First-Time Donor IRVING TX $2,300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 MCCORMICK, LIAM First-Time Donor BETHESDA MD $2,050 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BROWN, SARAH First-Time Donor CLARENCE NY $2,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 DWEYDARI, OMAR Star Motor Sales BURR RIDGE IL $2,000 $10,525 $750 $9,275 $0 $3,000 JEBRINI, AMRA First-Time Donor YUBA CITY CA $2,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 KANNAN, WAEL First-Time Donor PEARLAND TX $2,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 MARTINI, SHADIA Builder FRANKLIN MI $2,000 $6,750 $200 $6,050 $0 $3,750 RIFAI, AYA First-Time Donor BLOOMFIELD HILLS MI $2,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 URBANEK, FREDERICK Retired LAS VEGAS NV $2,000 $750 $750 $0 $750 $0 BONANNO, PHILIP C. Physician CHAPPAQUA NH $1,500 $14,200 $13,200 $1,000 $0 $0 HAWK, DIANE L. FREMONT. OH $1,500 $16,560 $16,560 $0 $0 $0 SYLVESTRI JR., RONALD J. Hudson Valley Bank NEW YORK NY $1,500 $5,275 $3,475 $800 $240 $150 BARLETTA, LOU Member of Congress/First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $1,300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 O'CONNOR, PATRICK NULL WASHINGTON DC $1,300 $350 $250 $0 $0 $250 CARTER, JOHN Member of Congress/First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $1,250 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 NICHOLSON, LEWIS E. Missco Inc VALLEY GROVE WV $1,200 $62,000 $61,350 $0 $1,500 $5,000 PORTER, AMY First-Time Donor SALUDA VA $1,150 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 METSCH, AUSTIN First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $1,100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SULILIVAN, BRIAN First-Time Donor CRANFORD NJ $1,100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BROWN, SAMARA First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $1,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CLARK, MICHAEL, J. Retired CORALVILLE lA $1,000 $40 $40 $0 $40 $0 DELBALSO, DOMENIC Aj Gallagher Risk Management HUNTINGTON NY $1,000 $8,700 $8,700 $0 $0 $30,173 EASTWOOD, ROGER L. K&E Technical WEST FRANKFORT IL $1,000 $95,000 $95,000 $0 $1,000 $8,300 GALANIS, JOHN W. Galanis Pollack & Jacobs ELM GROVE WI $1,000 $2,284 $0 $1,784 $0 $0 GIFFIN, ROBERT TODD First-Time Donor SAN ANTONIO TX $1,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 HORIATES, LISA First-Time Donor MOORESTOWN NJ $1,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 KOKOTAS, PARASKEVAS First-Time Donor BROOKLYN NY $1,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 KOPEC, JOHN R. K&E Recharge WEST FRANKFORT IL $1,000 $203,200 $201,700 $0 $1,000 $7,700 LOUCAS, SANDRA J. Loucas Law Llp NOVELTY OH $1,000 $14,250 $0 $13,250 $0 $0 LYMAN, APRIL First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $1,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PONEROS, EVANGELIA Attorney NEW YORK NY $1,000 $750 $750 $0 $0 $0 WINSTEAD, DAVID L. Lobbyist Winco LLC CHEVY CHASE MD $1,000 $12,700 $5,250 $4,600 $0 $2,750 PLESHA, ADRIAN Lobbyist Promia Inc WASHINGTON DC $800 $13,300 $13,300 $0 $0 $0 BRUNNER, PATRICIA A. Advance Mining Sources PITTSBURGH PA $750 $17,050 $15,100 $0 $2,000 $3,500 PERDUE, DAVID Member of Congress/First-Time Donor ATLANTA GA $750 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BRANGERS, DEANNA Homemaker PROSPECT KY $700 $9,562 $9,562 $0 $0 $0 ALLEN, RICK Member of Congress/First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $600 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 FRITH, SAMANTHA First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $600 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SMITH, ADRIAN US Congress WASHINGTON DC $600 $750 $750 $0 $0 $0 SYNHORST, THOMAS Dci Group WASHINGTON DC $600 $101,377 $80,577 $7,800 $0 $0 MAI, MARY THROGS NECK NY $550 $1,650 $0 $0 $0 $0 WHICKER, CARI First-Time Donor UNIONDALE IN $550 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 DEMERITT, KEVIN Lear Captial MALIBU CA $500 $16,250 $7,500 $3,750 $0 $0 DORMAN, CAITLIN First-Time Donor NEW YORK NY $500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 DOVE, TROY First-Time Donor SIERRA MADRE CA $500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 FINNERTY, MARYELLIS Interior Designer WASHINGTON DC $500 $8,600 $3,000 $5,600 $0 $0 HARTLEY, GREG Consultant SALT LAKE CITY UT $500 $1,750 $1,750 $0 $0 $0 KARACOSTAS, NICHOLAS A. Arch Insurance Group Arch Capital Group BAYSIDE NY $500 $7,000 $2,750 $4,250 $0 $0 KOUBA, KATHERINE First-Time Donor RALEIGH NC $500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LODS, SCOTT American Suburban Utilities LAFAYETTE IN $500 $7,767 $7,767 $0 $0 $0 ORTIZ, J. Consultant ATLANTA GA $500 $2,750 $2,250 $500 $0 $1,000 RAFFERTY, CAROLINE First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SHELBY, SHELLEY Continental Resources OKLAHOMA OK $500 $11,160 $1,500 $0 $0 $0 SIDDIQUI, SHOAIB A. Florida Infectious Disease Specialist ORLANDO FL $500 $2,000 $500 $1,500 $0 $0 SPADY, DAVID Americans for Prosperity CAMARILLO CA $500 $3,360 $2,860 $0 $0 $0 SPECK, KELLEY Owner GLEN ELLYN IL $500 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 $0 TAMASI, DAVID Lobbyist Rasky Baerlein Strategic Communications WASHINGTON DC $500 $143,649 $143,149 $250 $5,000 $10,400 TUBAUGH, BRUCE E. Tubaugh Remodeling LANCASTER OH $500 $80,600 $79,400 $0 $3,000 $8,000 VELTMAN, ERIN Republican State Leadership Committee WASHINGTON DC $500 $1,800 $1,500 $0 $0 $0 ZENOZ, MARIA. Miami International University Of Art CORAL GABLES FL $500 $4,600 $0 $4,600 $0 $0 ALLRED, HANNA First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $450 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 HENTGES, MICHAEL Hentges Consulting WASHINGTON DC $450 $6,694 $6,144 $0 $3,854 $1,750 KLEFFNER, LAURA First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $450 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TORRES, RALPH First-Time Donor SAIPAN MP $450 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 WARAVDEKAR, NEIL Fmpa FREDERICK MD $450 $250 $250 $0 $0 $0 BEHAN, LINDA Lindale Pipeline FT WORTH TX $400 $243,485 $240,515 $0 $3,700 $1,000 FORNSHELL, GREG First-Time Donor RALEIGH NC $400 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 FOSTER, BRADLEY Mge Wholesale GRANGER IN $400 $21,700 $20,700 $1,000 $0 $0 HALL, GRAHAM First-Time Donor PORTLAND ME $400 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 KOHN, JOYCE Consultant RALEIGH NC $400 $500 $500 $0 $0 $0 MATHEWS, JAMES Lawn Guard PINSON AL $400 $10,959 $10,959 $0 $0 $0 O'BRIEN, ROBERT First-Time Donor BROWN POINT IN $400 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 POLLARD, PAM Accountant OKLAHOMA CITY OK $400 $8,702 $8,702 $0 $0 $0 SPOONER. JACK Spooner Law CRESTWOOD MO $400 $1,246 $1,246 $0 $0 $0 STRUNK, JEFFREY Lobbyist Forbes-Tate WASHINGTON DC $400 $89,850 $88,100 $1,500 $0 $1,250 VAKERICS, MITCHELL Lobbyist Prime Policy Group WPP Group WASHINGTON DC $400 $3,800 $3,800 $0 $0 $0 WIDMER-EBY, MICHELLE Widmer-Eby & Assoc MORGANTOWN WV $400 $250 $0 $250 $0 $0 WILLIAMS, KATELYN First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $400 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CHONG, PETER First-Time Donor NEWTOWN PA $350 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,100 FISKEN, LESLIE Retired LITTLE ROCK AR $350 $2,300 $2,300 $0 $0 $0 GRAHAM. JULIA Rg Capital PHOENIX AZ $350 $45,755 $45,755 $0 $0 $0 HAGERTY, BRIDGET CMI Event Planning & Fundraising MIDDLETON WI $350 $600 $600 $0 $0 $0 HAYES, JONATHAN First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $350 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 HODGINS, DEREK First-Time Donor FARMINGTON HILLS MI $350 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 MINDOCK, PAUL First-Time Donor CRYSTAL FALLS MI $350 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SCOTT, DARRELL First-Time Donor AURORA OH $350 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SPRATT, TOM First-Time Donor HILLSDALE MI $350 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BAR, EMANUELA First-Time Donor OZONE PARK NY $300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BLISS, SHERWOOD Retired WESTON CT $300 $4,350 $3,950 $0 $0 $0 BROWNING, JOHN Business Consultant SAN MATEO FL $300 $64,825 $60,125 $0 $0 $0 BRYANT, FREDERICK BB Sporting Aviation CAMBRIDGE MD $300 $250 $250 $0 $0 $0 COOK, THOMAS Retired HYATTSVILLE MD $300 $5,785 $4,625 $0 $0 $0 FATTMAN, RYAN Commonwealth of Massachusetts WELLESLEY MA $300 $1,035 $1,035 $0 $0 $1,035 FEINGOLD, MICHAEL Wristband POMPANO BEACH FL $300 $500 $500 $0 $0 $0 FREAR, DAVID First-Time Donor HERMOSA BEACH CA $300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 FUNK, BOB Express Employment Professionals PIEDMONT OK $300 $296,750 $245,850 $3,900 $2,700 $10,400 GRAVES, GARRET Member of Congress/First-Time Donor BATON ROUGE LA $300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 JUKUS, JOEL First-Time Donor HARRISBURG PA $300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 MANNIX, PATRICK Leonardo State Marina WESTBOROUGH MA $300 $478 $228 $250 $28 $0 MARTIN, LESLEY OKLAHOMA CITY OK $300 $494 $0 $0 $0 $0 MCMASTER, HENRY State of South Carolina Town of Moncks Corner, SC COLUMBIA SC $300 $3,750 $3,750 $0 $0 $0 MUELLER, GREG Crc Public Relations SPOTSYLVANIA VA $300 $26,700 $26,200 $0 $0 $750 OLSEN, REY LONG ISLAND CITY NY $300 $6,000 $6,000 $0 $0 $0 PATTEN, CINDY Brian Patten & Assoc BADEN PA $300 $797 $797 $0 $797 $0 REID, MARILYN First-Time Donor BEAVERCREEK OH $300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 RIEDEL, DAFFNEI First-Time Donor SIOUX FALLS SD $300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SMITH, THOMAS KSA Industries HOUSTON TX $300 $400,636 $392,098 $3,000 $5,400 $22,340 SYMS, MARIA Attorney PHOENIX AZ $300 $7,600 $7,600 $0 $0 $0 THOMAS, PATRICIA Retired CONWAY SC $300 $300 $300 $0 $0 $0 TSE, MANCHUN MARINA University of Southern California TUJUNGA CA $300 $19,800 $19,800 $0 $2,700 $0 VAUGHAN, ELIZABETH First-Time Donor CORONA DEL MAR CA $300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 WALTRIP, MARK Westgate Resorts ORLANDO FL $300 $10,500 $500 $10,000 $0 $0 WALUKEVICH, ASHLEY First-Time Donor KINGSTON NH $300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 WIATT, LEIGH MONTGOMERY AL $300 $500 $0 $0 $0 $0 WICKER, ROGER Member of Congress US Government WASHINGTON DC $300 $1,900 $1,900 $0 $0 $0 WREN, CAROLINE Bluebonnet Fundraising WASHINGTON DC $300 $2,750 $2,750 $0 $0 $0 ANDERSON, SARAH Avalonproject Inc BELLEVUE WA $250 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $1,000 $0 BADER, JILL First-Time Donor LOS ANGELES CA $250 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BRANDON, CHRISTINE First-Time Donor FARMINGDALE NY $250 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CHRISTY, MICHAEL Christy Machine Inc FAIRMONT WV $250 $20,550 $17,300 $3,250 $500 $0 FERRARI, JOHN Beacon Insurance Group HOPKINTON MA $250 $15,105 $15,005 $0 $0 $600 FINKBEINER. ERIC Right Policy & Media WASHINGTON DC $250 $4,775 $4,775 $0 $0 $0 FINMAN, LORNA Centimark Corp POST FALLS ID $250 $146,951 $146,451 $500 $900 $1,000 HARARY, REBECCA S. Propel Network NEW YORK NY $250 $250 $250 $0 $0 $0 JOHNSON, PAUL First-Time Donor BLOOMINGTON IN $250 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 KARAS, MAUREEN Retired HESPERIA CA $250 $375 $375 $0 $30 $0 KEPI, MARKO First-Time Donor STATEN ISLAND NY $250 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LIU, QUN First-Time Donor STONY BROOK NY $250 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LOUD, JOHN Loud Security Systems KENNESAW GA $250 $750 $750 $0 $0 $0 MUNISTERI, STEPHEN Rand Paul for President HOUSTON TX $250 $29,101 $29,101 $0 $0 $2,500 NANCE, MICHAEL First-Time Donor SUWANEE GA $250 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 NOBLE, BRIAN First-Time Donor LAKEWOOD CO $250 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 O'MEARA, KEVIN Devry University DeVry Inc ALEXANDRA VA $250 $300 $0 $0 $0 $300 PIRRO, JEANINE Westchester County, NY RYE NY $250 $7,100 $7,100 $0 $0 $0 PRIEVE, JOEL LAGUNA NIGUEL CA $250 $1,798 $0 $0 $0 $0 ROUPPAS, LAUREN First-Time Donor PORT CLINTON OH $250 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 WELLS, ROB Young Wells RIDGELAND MS $250 $110,750 $106,450 $4,300 $0 $0 WILLIAMS, ALLAIRE Retired ALEXANDRIA VA $250 $80 $80 $0 $0 $0 WINSLOS, THERESA First-Time Donor CORONADO CA $250 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ZIPPERER, ANITRA Homemaker TACOMA WA $250 $500 $500 $0 $0 $0 ABAD, ANDREA General Trading Co CLOSTER NJ $200 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $2,700 $0 ABRAHAM, RALPH Member of Congress/First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ALMGREN, ROBIN Real Estate PITTSFIELD MA $200 $300 $300 $0 $0 $0 ANDREINI, DEREK Orthopaedic Surgery Inc WHEELING WV $200 $500 $500 $0 $0 $0 ARCHER, THOMAS Archer Financial Group BRENTWOOD NY $200 $5,500 $5,500 $0 $0 $0 AUCLAIR, SHERI Homemaker WAYZATA MN $200 $9,280 $9,280 $0 $80 $500 BAKER, DOUG Monument Capital Group SILVER SPRING MD $200 $17,629 $11,950 $825 $0 $7,225 BARBUTO, ROBERT Merrill Lynch POTOMAC MD $200 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $0 $0 BARCHI, MICHAEL Retired MAYS LANDING NJ $200 $460 $460 $0 $0 $0 BARTIG, MARK First-Time Donor GROVER MO $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BARTON, VICTORIA Commercial Real Estate DALLAS TX $200 $6,400 $5,400 $1,000 $0 $6,400 BECKER, STEVEN Physician EVANSViLLE IN $200 $38,884 $38,884 $0 $3,700 $300 BEHLER, DANIELLE First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BENITEZ, JUAN CARLOS Woodington Pacific Economic Development HAGATNA GU $200 $3,975 $2,975 $0 $0 $0 BERNSTEIN, SETH Empower Software Solution LAKE MARY FL $200 $115,600 $106,000 $0 $0 $75,000 BERRIOS, EDGAR SARASOTA FL $200 $300 $300 $0 $0 $0 BOGGS, JEANA Boggs Reporting & Video LLC MONTGOMERY AL $200 $980 $980 $0 $0 $0 BONNER, LEE First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BRANDON, RITA First-Time Donor RANDLEMAN NC $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BREENE, SAM First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BROWN, ELIZABETH Retired GRAND PRAIRIE TX $200 $39 $39 $0 $0 $25 BROWN, ERIK Erik Brown LAKE FOREST CA $200 $500 $500 $0 $0 $0 BURNS, ROBERT Nh Executive Council BEDFORD NH $200 $1,985 $1,985 $0 $0 $0 CALLAHAN, KENNETH Retired NORTH CANTON OH $200 $2,750 $2,750 $0 $0 $0 CELTRUDA, CHRISTOPHER First-Time Donor CORONA CA $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CLARK, BLAIR First-Time Donor KINGSPORT TN $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,400 COONS-REICHMUTH, PATRICIA First-Time Donor RENSSALAER IN $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,375 CRICKS, ALISON First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,600 CUCCIO, WILLIAM Chef NORTH CONWAY NH $200 $1,007 $1,007 $0 $357 $0 CUSHING, ANDRE NEWPORT ME $200 $3,152 $3,152 $0 $0 $0 DELEON GUERRERO, MATTHEW First-Time Donor SAIPAN MP $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 DIDONATO, EDWARD Campus Eye Group PRINCETON NJ $200 $65,599 $58,849 $6,750 $0 $5,900 DOOLEY, SHAWN Town of Norfolk NORFOLK MA $200 $750 $750 $0 $0 $2,700 DUARTE, JOHN Duarte Nursery HUGHSON CA $200 $97,212 $96,212 $0 $1,000 $0 EDMONSON, LAUREL First-Time Donor ALLENTOWN PA $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 EDWARDS, STEVE Edwards Firm TULSA OK $200 $10,500 $10,500 $0 $0 $3,700 EISEN, DAVID Caucus Digital WASHINGTON DC $200 $493 $493 $0 $243 $0 ELLISON, ROBERT First-Time Donor WAKE FOREST NC $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ELMORE, MICHAEL Physician INDIANAPOLIS IN $200 $4,800 $4,800 $0 $0 $0 ESTI, JEANNE First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ESTRADA, WILL First-Time Donor LOVETTSVILLE VA $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 FOCARINO, BENEDICT A. Passaic Leather GARFIELD NJ $200 $1,100 $1,100 $0 $0 $0 FOPPOLI, DOMINIC Christopher Creek Winery WINDSOR CA $200 $900 $900 $0 $0 $0 FORD, CHRISTOPHER Gm Financial DALLAS TX $200 $300 $300 $0 $150 $0 FREIJE, FRED. Mohawk Fine Papers TROY NY $200 $10,922 $10,922 $0 $1,000 $0 FRENZEL, ALLEN Retired WAIANAE HI $200 $2,504 $2,504 $0 $4 $0 FYLER, WADSWORTH T Commodites & Securities DAVIDSON SC $200 $29,050 $29,050 $0 $5,400 $0 GALT, ERROL Rancher MARTINSDALE MT $200 $127,840 $127,840 $0 $0 $10,800 GEROW, CHARLIE Quantum Communications HARRISBURG PA $200 $44,730 $39,230 $0 $0 $2,700 GIGANTE, PETER International Trade JERSEY CITY NJ $200 -$3,116 -$3,516 $0 -$4,800 $0 GILBERT, ROBERT First-Time Donor ELK GROVE VILLAGE IL $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 GOODRICH, CHARLES Gaylor Electric NOBLESVILLE IN $200 $60,650 $35,150 $0 $5,000 $0 GOSS, CARY Industrial Fabrics BATON ROUGE LA $200 $8,700 $7,700 $1,000 $0 $0 GRANTHAM, CRYSTAL Consultant EAST LANSING MI $200 $350 $350 $0 $0 $0 GRAVES, TODD Graves Garrett LLC JEFFERSON CITY MO $200 $44,500 $44,500 $0 $0 $16,200 GRAY, BRYAN First-Time Donor GLENFORD OH $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 GRENELL, RICHARD First-Time Donor CHESTER SC $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 GRIFFIN, ANGELA Reliant Medical Group FRAMINGHAM MA $200 $1,508 $1,508 $0 $958 $0 GRILLO, CHARLES Constable NEWTON MA $200 $3,750 $3,750 $0 $0 $0 GRINSHPUN, EMMANUIL First-Time Donor SUNNY ISLES BEACH FL $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 GUZMAN, JOSEPH Michigan State University OKEMOS Ml $200 $1,400 $1,400 $0 $400 $1,000 GWYN, OWEN Independent Contractor CHAPEL HILL NC $200 $3,890 $3,640 $250 $40 $0 HART, JULIE First-Time Donor WEST COLUMBIA SC $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 HART, ROBERT First-Time Donor CARLISLE OH $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 HATTON, BRYAN First-Time Donor LEXINGTON KY $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 HOANG, JOSEPH First-Time Donor CHARLOTTE IL $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 HOPLIN, ERIC Young America's Foundation WASHINGTON DC $200 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $0 $0 HOWE, WILLIAM ROCKLIN CA $200 $3,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 HRKMAN, LOU First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 HUCKABAY, MARTHA First-Time Donor BATON ROUGE LA $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 HURT, SHERRY PBP Fabrication ODESSA TX $200 $5,050 $5,050 $0 $0 $0 HURTIK, DANA First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 JACINTO, ORESTES First-Time Donor NEW YORK NY $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 JONES, WILLIAM Mericle Commercial Real Estate CLARKS SUMMIT PA $200 $220 $220 $0 $220 $0 KACZMAREK, LUKAS Phoenix Engineering BEL AIR MD $200 $811 $811 $0 $811 $0 KHORRAM, HOSSEIN Khorram Properties CLYDE HILL WA $200 $58,693 $58,693 $0 $2,700 $10,008 KIDD, LAWRENCE Reliable Services JACKSON OH $200 $2,250 $2,250 $0 $0 $0 KILGORE, JERRY McGuireWoods LLP RICHMOND VA $200 $11,100 $11,100 $0 $0 $0 KING, PETER Member of Congress Nassau County, NY WASHINGTON DC $200 $2,700 $2,700 $0 $0 $0 KOCH, JILL First-Time Donor OLDENBURG IN $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 KORNS, MICHAEL First-Time Donor GREENSBURG PA $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 KORTOKRAX, CHRISTY First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 KOUTS, ALEXANDER First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 KRESS, SCOTT Advent Power Protection Systems JACKSONVILLE FL $200 $1,346 $1,346 $0 $653 $0 KULBACK, JACQUELINE Gautier Steel JOHNSTOWN PA $200 $12,889 $11,639 $1,250 $0 $0 KUSEK, PATRICIA Kusek Financial Group WILMINGTON NC $200 $1,100 $1,100 $0 $0 $0 LARIMER, DOUGLAS First-Time Donor PHOENIX AZ $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LEE, RICHARD Save the Earth NEW YORK NY $200 $9,799 $2,000 $6,784 $0 $0 LEISING, JEFFREY First-Time Donor EVANSVILLE IN $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LEWIS, CARMELLA A Lewis Tickets DENVER CO $200 $13,916 $3,166 $7,850 $0 $0 LOTOCKI, RYAN First-Time Donor CHICAGO IL $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LOULAKIS, KAREN First-Time Donor RESTON VA $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LUCAS, STEVEN Nielsen Merksamer ORINDA CA $200 $3,850 $2,050 $0 $0 $0 MALANEY, SANDY Big Hairy Dog EL DORADO HILLS CA $200 $5,250 $5,250 $0 $0 $0 MARQUIS, GARRETT Prism Geoup WASHINGTON DC $200 $1,600 $1,000 $0 $0 $450 MARSICANO, CHRIS DELAVAN WI $200 $2,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 MASSAD, NICK American Liberty Hospitality HOUSTON TX $200 $7,900 $7,900 $0 $2,700 $0 MAY, LISA Daycare Provider LINCOLN NE $200 $1,550 $1,550 $0 $0 $0 MCDONALD, MICHAEL Alpha Omega Strategies LAS VEGAS NV $200 $2,600 $2,600 $0 $0 $0 MCGOWAN, CASSIDY First-Time Donor CHINO VALLEY AZ $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 MCLACHLAN, MICHAEL Hat City Real Estate DANBURY CT $200 $4,990 $4,990 $0 $40 $0 MEAD, RANDY First-Time Donor HOLYOKE MA $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 MILLER, SID Texas Dept of Agriculture State of Texas STEPHENVILLE TX $200 $3,550 $3,550 $0 $0 $500 MORFESSIS, IOANNA Io Inc PHOENIX AZ $200 $6,500 $1,500 $5,000 $0 $0 MURKOWSKI, LISA Member of Congress US Government WASHINGTON DC $200 $4,663 $4,663 $0 $0 $0 NEUMAN, MARK Limited Brands BLOOMINGTON IL $200 $64,326 $60,076 $4,000 $0 $2,750 NEWHOUSE, KRISTINE L&H Gyr Excavating FOND DU LAC Wl $200 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $250 $0 NICHOLS, WHITNEY First-Time Donor PEWAUKEE Wl $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 NORRIS, GRACE First-Time Donor HOLT Ml $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 NOVACHEK, BRENDA First-Time Donor OSHKOSH Wl $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 OMBONI, MICHAEL First-Time Donor OSSINING NY $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PAIVA, ANNETTE First-Time Donor GREENVILLE Rl $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PARKER, DALE ED Parker Corp BENSON NC $200 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000 $0 PASCUCCl, ARETE SWAMPSCOTT MA $200 $200 $200 $0 $0 $0 PERIC, NICK Jj Enterprises BLOOMINGDALE IL $200 $1,528 $1,528 $0 $1,528 $0 PLANK, JAYNE Retired WASHINGTON DC $200 $92,660 $91,385 $0 $2,700 $0 POLICASTRO, PETER Hotelier DELRAY BEACH FL $200 $1,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 POLLARD, JEFFREY Filtroglobal LLC BATON ROUGE LA $200 $1,702 $1,702 $0 $2 $0 PYCHA, MARIA Retired BALTIMORE MD $200 $309 $309 $0 $0 $0 CONWAY AR $200 RAPPAPORT, JOSHUA First-Time Donor BOSTON MA $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 REDMOND, MATTHEW LAWRENCEVILLE NJ $200 $2 $2 $0 $2 $0 REED, RICK Rick Reed Media ALEXANDRIA VA $200 $17,875 $14,250 $3,625 $2,700 $0 REGALADO, LUCIA First-Time Donor EDINBURG TX $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 REGIS, JOHN Business SAN JUAN PR $200 $36,280 $34,580 $400 $280 $3,000 RITCHIE, ELIZABETH Retired BRENTWOOD CA $200 $3,397 $3,397 $0 $1,072 $0 RODRIGUEZ, MARCO First-Time Donor EL PASO TX $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ROEGNER, KRISTINA Ohio House of Representatives HUDSON OH $200 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $0 $0 RYAN, LYNNE Delta Air Lines NEW CASTLE PA $200 $1,400 $1,400 $0 $0 $0 RYUN, NED Voter Gravity PURCELLVILLE VA $200 $750 $750 $0 $0 $0 SANDERS, LINDSEY First-Time Donor BIRMINGHAM AL $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SAPP, JIMMY First-Time Donor MADISON WI $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SASNETT, PERRY First-Time Donor VIRGINIA BEACH VA $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SAVAGE, DON Retired PARK CITY UT $200 $80 $80 $0 $80 $0 SCHLAGENHAUF, JEFFREY Smokeless Tobacco Council CLIFTON VA $200 $7,752 $5,752 $0 $0 $0 SCHULTZ, ABIGAIL First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SHAW, JOHN Retired WASHINGTON DC $200 $3,750 $1,750 $1,000 $1,250 $0 SHELDON, CHRISTOPHER Manager NEW BEDFORD MA $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SHERIDAN, PETER Nj Republican State Cmte TRENTON NJ $200 $500 $500 $0 $0 $500 SINAY, RICHARD First-Time Donor CEDAR KNOLLS NJ $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SINGH, GURINDER Sikh Guru FISHERS IN $200 $12,750 $10,050 $2,700 $0 $0 SINNERS, ROBERT First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SKOWRONSKI-LANGWORTHY, ANNETTE Dentist SHELBY TOWNSHIP MI $200 $200 $200 $0 $200 $0 SMITH, GRANT Gmp Companies FORT LAUDERDALE FL $200 $26,553 $14,303 $9,550 $0 $0 SODREL, MICHAEL Sodrel Logistics COLUMBUS IN $200 $10,200 $10,200 $0 $0 $0 SOLSRUD, GREGORY First-Time Donor DORAVILLE GA $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SPINA, MICHAEL First-Time Donor WYCKOFF NJ $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 STUART, MICHAEL Step Toe & Johnson Pllc CHARLESTON WV $200 $6,703 $6,703 $0 $2,700 $0 SUDER, LINDA First-Time Donor PENNDEL PA $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TACKETT, SUSIE P. Homemaker GREENWOOD MS $200 $250 $250 $0 $0 $0 TALLAJ, RAMON St Clare's Family Health Center PARAMUS NJ $200 $218,386 $45,000 $173,386 $0 $5,400 TAN, HENRY Tan Holdings SAIPAN MP $200 $2,400 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOMASELLO, JAMES Real Estate BOCA RATON FL $200 $5,400 $5,400 $0 $2,700 $0 TOOMEY, BEVERLY Retired HONOLULU HI $200 $10,198 $10,148 $0 $50 $1,517 TRIVETTE, LAURA Mimedx Group MARIETTA GA $200 $6,750 $1,750 $0 $250 $1,000 URBAN, KEITH DALLAS TX $200 $327 $327 $0 $327 $0 VANDER POEL, NICK Capitol Partners Inc RENO NV $200 $3,175 $2,325 $0 $0 $0 VAUGHN, RICHARD First-Time Donor ROCKVILLE MD $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 VICINO, AUDREY Dr Brown AVON CT $200 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $0 $0 WALLOS, BRIAN Bench Warmer Intn WEST HOLLYWOOD CA $200 $900 $900 $0 $0 $0 WARD, MICHAEL First-Time Donor LUTHERVILLE MD $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 WARDA, MICHAEL Warda & Yonano TURLOCK OA $200 $4,800 $3,300 $1,000 $0 $0 WASINGER, DAVID David G Wasinger PC ST LOUIS MO $200 $751 $751 $0 $0 $0 WATERMAN, DIANA Lobbyist Coldwell Banker Waterman Realty CENTREVILLE MD $200 $79,340 $35,340 $44,000 $0 $0 WEAVER, SPENCER T&G Constructors DEXTER MI $200 $750 $750 $0 $0 $0 WEBER, RANDY First-Time Donor WASHINGTON DC $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 WOLFE, MICHAEL Hcdco HOUSTON TX $200 $690 $500 $0 $0 $500 WONG, SOPHIE Chinese for Christ MONTEREY PARK CA $200 $10,250 $3,150 $1,000 $0 $0 WRIGHT, MICHELLE Lemon Peel Facial CHESTERFIELD MO $200 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000 $0 WRIGHT, ORA Self-Employed YPSILANTI MI $200 $399 $399 $0 $0 $399 YOUNG, JOANNE Lobbyist Kirstein & Young WASHINGTON DC $200 $56,819 $53,219 $1,000 $1,000 $4,000 BACIGALUPI, RICHARD E3 Energy Partners LLC LANGLEY WA $150 $1,325 $1,325 $0 $250 $0 RASMUSSEN, CHARLOTTE Retired NEENAH WI $150 $3,622 $3,622 $0 $0 $0 SCHUROTT, MICHAEL Retired PORT JEFFERSON STATION NY $150 $640 $640 $0 $640 $0 GREENSTONE, ADAM F. First-Time Donor BETHESDA MD $120 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CHAFFIN, RHONDA K. Putnam County, TN BUDA TX $100 $250 $250 $0 $0 $0 EPSON, NIKKI First-Time Donor CASPER WY $100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ZCHARIADES, ANDREW O. First-Time Donor BRICK NJ $100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 WHEELER, CARLA, L. First-Time Donor HIGHLAND CA $58 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Contributor (Raw) Orgname_CRP Parent Company City State Inaug 2017 Total Total 1989-2017 Repubs & Conservatives Dems & libs Trump 2016 Other 2016 Pres AT&T AT&T Inc WASHINGTON DC $2,082,483 $15,035,595 $9,808,948 $5,173,791 $0 $0 ACCESS INDUSTRIES, INC. Access Industries NEW YORK NY $1,000,000 $4,785,000 $4,785,000 $0 $0 $2,600,000 ALLIED WALLET, INC. Allied Wallet LOS ANGELES CA $1,000,000 $550,000 $0 $550,000 $0 $0 AMERICAN ACTION NETWORK American Action Network WASHINGTON DC $1,000,000 $1,503,217 $1,503,217 $0 $0 $0 BANK OF AMERICA CORP. Bank of America EAST PROVIDENCE RI $1,000,000 $2,591,415 $1,395,250 $1,194,080 $0 $0 BH GROUP. LLC BH Group LLC ARLINGTON VA $1,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BOEING COMPANY Boeing Co ST. LOUIS MO $1,000,000 $2,855,025 $1,615,375 $1,239,650 $0 $50,000 GLENSTONE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Glenstone LP FRISCO TX $1,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 GREEN PLAINS RENEWABLE ENERGY INC. Green Plains Renewable Energy OMAHA NE $1,000,000 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 HFNWA, LLC HFNWA LLC (Franklin L Haney) Franklin L Haney Co CHATTANOOGA TN $1,000,000 $2,641,865 $103,280 $2,538,082 $0 $12,832 KRAFT GROUP LLC Kraft Group FOXBOROUGH MA $1,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LMC IP LMC IP BETHESDA MD $1,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 MACNEIL AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS LTD MacNeil Automotive Products BOLINGBROOK IL $1,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 MADISON SQUARE GARDEN COMPANY Madison Square Garden NEW YORK NY $1,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PFIZER, INC. Pfizer Inc NEW YORK NY $1,000,000 $4,905,021 $4,208,021 $694,500 $0 $0 QUALCOMM INC. Qualcomm Inc SAN DIEGO CA $1,000,000 $358,875 $193,375 $165,500 $0 $0 RAI SERVICES COMPANY RAI Services Co Reynolds American WINSTON-SALEM NC $1,000,000 $2,138,000 $2,115,000 $11,000 $0 $0 THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY Dow Chemical MIDLAND MI $1,000,000 $1,924,540 $1,451,240 $472,300 $0 $1,700 AVENUE VENTURES Avenue Ventures (Imaad Zuberi) SOUTH EL MONTE CA $900,000 $2,225,458 $715,000 $1,510,458 $0 $0 QUICKEN LOANS Quicken Loans Rock Holdings DETROIT Ml $750,000 $67,361 $67,361 $0 $0 $0 WYNN RESORTS Wynn Resorts LAS VEGAS NV $729,217 $540,000 $540,000 $0 $0 $0 AGGREGATE UNITEMIZED DONATIONS Contributions Under $200 WASHINGTON DC $653,602 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A CHEVRON PRODUCTS COMPANY Chevron Products Co Chevron Corp SAN RAMON CA $525,000 $250,000 $250,000 $0 $0 $0 FEDEX FedEx Express FedEx Corp MEMPHIS TN $502,320 $2,903,125 $1,754,748 $1,147,577 $0 $0 ALTRIA CLIENT SERVICES LLC Altria Client Services Altria Group RICHMOND VA $500,000 $871,000 $811,000 $60,000 $0 $0 AMERICAN FINANCIAL GROUP, INC. American International Group CINCINNATI OH $500,000 $3,089,650 $1,915,150 $1,174,500 $0 $0 AMGEN Amgen Inc WASHINGTON DC $500,000 $1,292,100 $992,300 $299,800 $0 $0 BP CORPORATION NORTH AMERICA BP America BP NAPERVILLE IL $500,000 $423,329 $340,329 $83,000 $0 $0 CITGO PETROLEUM CORP. Citgo Petroleum PDVSA HOUSTON TX $500,000 $313,450 $142,050 $171,400 $0 $0 EXXON Exxon Mobil WASHINGTON DC $500,000 $1,111,298 $1,011,298 $100,000 $0 $0 FERTITTA ENTERTAINMENT Fertitta Entertainment HOUSTON TX $500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 FIDELITY NATIONAL FINANCIAL, INC. Fidelity National Financial LAS VEGAS NV $500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 FLORIDA CRYSTALS CORP Florida Crystals Fanjul Corp WEST PALM BEACH FL $500,000 $2,726,500 $1,388,500 $1,334,500 $0 $350,000 INTEL Intel Corp HILLSBORO OR $500,000 $42,515 $16,515 $7,500 $0 $0 JP MORGAN CHASE & CO. JP Morgan & Chase COLUMBUS OH $500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LEUCADIA NATIONAL CORP. Leucadia National NEW YORK NY $500,000 $98,923 $250 $98,673 $0 $0 MACANDREWS & FORBES GROUP, LLC MacAndrews & Forbes NEW YORK NY $500,000 $201,000 -$4,000 $205,000 $0 $0 MICROSOFT Microsoft Corp REDMOND WA $500,000 $7,555,327 $5,517,449 $2,027,878 $0 $329 TAHL-PROPP MANHATTAN Tahl-Propp Manhattan Tahl-Propp Equities NEW YORK NY $500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 GENERAL MOTORS General Motors WASHINGTON DC $498,650 $1,015,776 $891,220 $124,556 $0 $0 BUENA VISTA INVESTMENTS LLC Buena Vista Investments Provenence Hotels (Gordon Sondland) PORTLAND OR $350,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BV-2 LLC BV-2 Provenence Hotels (Gordon Sondland) PORTLAND OR $350,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 COCA COLA NORTH AMERICA Coca-Cola Co CHARLOTTE NC $335,638 $3,922,539 $1,491,489 $1,012,170 $0 $0 IMPALA ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC Impala Asset Management NEW CAANAN CT $325,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 KASOWITZ, BENSON Kasowitz, Benson et al NEW YORK NY $300,000 $27,700 $27,700 $0 $0 $2,700 MURRAY ENERGY CORPORATION Murray Energy ST. CLAIRSVILLE OH $300,000 $2,223,000 $2,073,000 $0 $210,000 $125,000 PILOT TRAVEL CENTERS LLC Pilot Travel Centers Pilot Corp KNOXVILLE TN $300,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 THE WITKOFF GROUP,LLC Witkoff Group NEW YORK NY $300,000 $14,200 $4,200 $10,000 $0 $0 GOOGLE, INC. Google Inc Alphabet Inc MOUNTAIN VIEW OA $285,000 $1,250,711 $738,218 $512,493 $0 $0 RYAN LLC Ryan LLC DALLAS TX $275,000 $25,000 $25,000 $0 $0 $0 PEPSI PepsiCo Inc PLANO VA $257,296 $2,115,279 $1,820,779 $294,500 $0 $0 ADVANCE AMERICA Advance America Cash Advance Centers Grupo Salinas SPARTANBURG SC $250,000 $193,251 $134,251 $59,000 $0 $2,500 ANHEUSER BUSCH Anheuser Busch WASHINGTON DC $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BLACK NIGHT INFOSERV, LLC Black Knight Infoserv Black Knight Capital LAS VEGAS NV $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BROWN LEGACY GROUP Brown Legacy Group CHICAGO IL $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CCA OF TENNESSEE, LLC CCA of Tennessee CoreCivic Inc NASHVILLE TN $250,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $0 $0 CENTENE MANAGEMENT COMPANY, LLC. Centene Management Co ST. LOUIS MO $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS Charter Communications ST. LOUIS MO $250,000 $300,533 $154,864 $132,435 $0 $5,107 COMCAST CORP Comcast Corp PHILADELPHIA PA $250,000 $6,807,674 $690,638 $6,083,941 $0 $647 CV STARR & CO., INC. CV Starr & Co Starr Companies NEW YORK NY $250,000 $12,757,300 $12,757,300 $0 $0 $12,500,000 FIDELITY NATIONAL FINANCIAL VENTURE Fidelity National Financial Venture LAS VEGAS NV $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 FLUOR CORPORATION Fluor Corp ALISO VIEJO CA $250,000 $355,313 $296,688 $58,625 $0 $0 FORD MOTOR COMPANY Ford Motor Co DEARBORN Ml $250,000 $479,745 $446,720 $33,025 $0 $0 GEO CORRECTIONS HOLDING INC. Geo Corrections GEO Group BOCA RATON FL $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 HERITAGE MGA, LLC Heritage MGA LLC CLEARWATER FL $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 HGI DB FUND LLC HGI DB Fund HARVEY LA $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 HGIM LLC CORPORATE HGIM LLC NEW ORLEANS LA $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 INTERNATIONAL BANK SHARES CORP. International Bancshares Corp LAREDO TX $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LIBERTY INTERACTIVE Liberty Interactive ENGLEWOOD CO $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LIBERTY MEDIA CORPORATION Liberty Media Corp ENGLEWOOD CO $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LIVE OAK BANK Live Oak Bank WILMINGTON NC $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 NEXTERA ENERGY,INC. Nextera Energy JUNO BEACH FL $250,000 $1,572,000 $1,571,000 $1,000 $0 $1,125,000 SAN MANUEL BAND MISSION INDIANS San Manuel Band of Mission Indians HIGHLAND CA $250,000 $3,679,813 $1,481,290 $2,196,123 $0 $2,700 THE VILLAGES The Villages THE VILLAGES FL $250,000 $310,200 $310,200 $0 $0 $0 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE United Parcel Service ROSWELL GA $250,000 $2,485,908 $2,077,094 $408,814 $0 $0 WHITE STALLION ENERGY, LLC White Stallion Energy EVANSVILLE IN $175,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CONSOL ENERGY INC. Consol Energy CANONSBURG PA $150,000 $690,500 $688,000 $2,500 $0 $0 DUNSON INVESTMENTS LLC Dunson Investments LLC Provenence Hotels (Gordon Sondland) PORTLAND OR $150,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 DUNSON CORNERSTONE LLC Dunson Cornerstone LLC Provenence Hotels (Gordon Sondland) PORTLAND OR $150,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 WALMART Wal-Mart Stores BENTONVILLE AK $150,000 $783,711 $753,711 $29,000 $0 $0 MANAGED CARE OF NORTH AMERICA, INC. McNa Dental Plans FORT LAUDERDALE FL $135,000 $250,000 $250,000 $0 $0 $100,000 MILLFIELD GLOBAL STRATEGIES, LLC Millfield Global Strategies WASHINGTON DC $120,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 AETNA INC. AETNA Inc HARTFORD CT $100,000 $1,686,279 $1,056,751 $629,528 $0 $0 AFLAC INC. AFLAC Inc COLUMBUS GA $100,000 $3,350,324 $1,999,712 $1,350,612 $5,000 $0 ANADARKO PETROLEUM CORP Anadarko Petroleum THE WOODLANDS TX $100,000 $865,273 $865,273 $0 $0 $0 ANNANDALE FALLS LLC Annandale Falls LLC FLEMINGTON NJ $100,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $5,000 ANTHEM,INC. Anthem Inc Blue Cross/Blue Shield CINCINNATI OH $100,000 $536,000 $6,000 $530,000 $0 $0 Benjerome Trust Benjerome Trust WOODSIDE CA $100,000 $434,000 $434,000 $0 $0 $0 CAPITALKEYS, LLC Capitalkeys LLC WASHINGTON DC $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CHENIERE ENERGY SHARED SERVICES Cheniere Energy Shared Services HOUSTON TX $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CHIQUITA BRANDS Chiquita Brands International FORT LAUDERDALE FL $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CHRISTOPHER D. SMITHERS FOUNDATION, INC. Christopher D Smithers Foundation MILL NECK NY $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CLEAN ENERGY CALIFORNIA Clean Energy Califorina NEWPORT BEACH CA $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CONTINENTAL RESOURCES Continental Resources ENID OK $100,000 $45,000 $30,000 $0 $0 $0 GLM DEVELOPMENT LLC GLM Development ATLANTA GA $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 GRAY & CO. INC. Gray & Co METAIRIE LA $100,000 $404,000 $404,000 $0 $0 $25,000 HJK LLC HJK LLC HJ Kalikow & Co NEW YORK NY $100,000 $252,500 $252,500 $0 $0 $225,000 HOLLAND & KNIGHT, LLP Holland & Knight LAKELAND FL $100,000 $517,557 $295,975 $220,582 $0 $95,000 IGT GLOBAL SOLUTIONS IGT Global Solutions B&D Holding Di Marco Drago e C Sapa WEST GREENWICH Rl $100,000 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 JACKSON NATIONAL LIFE Jackson National Life LANSING MI $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LEAF MANAGEMENT LLC Leaf Management LOS ANGELES CA $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 METLIFE Metlife Inc TAMPA FL $100,000 $199,650 $81,150 $118,500 $0 $0 NEW CENTAUR LLC New Centaur LLC Centaur Gaming INDIANAPOLIS IN $100,000 $15,500 $15,500 $0 $0 $2,000 NFL VENTURES LP NFL Ventures National Football League NEW YORK NY $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 NORTHROP GRUMMAN Northrop Grumman IRVING TX $100,000 $1,475,400 $1,035,350 $440,050 $0 $0 NORTHWEST BUSINESS PARK LLC Northwest Business Park CHATSWORTH CA $100,000 $15,000 $15,000 $0 $0 $0 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF BASEBALL Major League Baseball Commissioner's Ofc NEW YORK NY $100,000 $170,000 $75,000 $95,000 $0 $0 SAMSUNG Samsung RIDGEFIELD PARK NJ $100,000 $200,000 $100,000 $100,000 $0 $0 SELECT MILK PRODUCERS, INC. Select Milk Producers ARTESIA NM $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SKYBRIDGE CAPITAL. LLC Skybridge Capital NEW YORK NY $100,000 $275,000 $275,000 $0 $0 $0 SOUTHERN COMPANY SERVICES. INC. Southern Co ATLANTA GA $100,000 $1,605,409 $1,152,909 $452,500 $0 $0 SUMMER HILL CASH MANAGEMENT Summer Hill Cash Management MASON OH $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 THE TRAVELERS INDEMNITY COMPANY Travelers Indemnity Co HARTFORD CT $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TRC COMPANIES INC. TRC Companies NORTH WINDSOR CT $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 UNITED STATES SUGAR CORPORATION US Sugar CLEWISTON FL $100,000 $2,955,900 $1,996,100 $738,800 $0 $605,000 VALERO SERVICE INC. Valero Service SAN ANTONIO TX $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 VERIZON Verizon Communications TULSA OK $100,000 $3,136,120 $2,109,955 $1,026,165 $0 $0 WAYNE ROSEN INC. Wayne Rosen Inc CORAL GABLES FL $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 WINGS OF TIME, LLC Wings of Time LLC LOS ANGELES LA $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BROWN RUDNICK FEDERAL PAC Brown Rudnick LLP ENGLEWOOD NJ $75,000 $15,000 $0 $15,000 $0 $0 JORDACHE ENTERPRISES Jordache Enterprises NEW YORK NY $60,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 AMAZON WASHINGTON DC $57,746 $22,313 $2,682 $17,213 $0 $182 BMO HARRIS BANK BMO Harris Bank Bank of Montreal CHICAGO IL $50,000 $12,500 $0 $12,500 $0 $0 COPART Copart Inc FAIRFIELD CA $50,000 $545,000 $540,000 $5,000 $0 $355,000 DIBC HOLDING DIB Holding WARREN Ml $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ERNST & YOUNG Ernst & Young WASHINGTON DC $50,000 $3,124,604 $1,932,344 $1,190,060 $0 $0 HERBALIFE INTERNATIONAL OF AMERICA Herbalife International TORRANCE CA $50,000 $4,600 $4,600 $0 $0 $0 IV CAPITAL LLC IV Capital LLC NEW ORLEANS LA $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LYONS-MAGNUS Lyons-Magnus FRESNO CA $50,000 $25,000 $25,000 $0 $0 $0 OFF THE RECORD STRATEGIES LLC Off the Record Strategies WASHINGTON DC $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SB INTERNET & MEDIA, INC. SB Internet & Media Inc SAN CARLOS CA $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 VISA Visa USA Visa Inc AUSTIN TX $50,000 $947,295 $618,295 $329,000 $0 $0 MJ WALLACE ASSOCIATES LLC MJ Wallace Assoc ANNAPOLIS MD $42,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ABBOTT LABS Abbott Laboratories WASHINGTON DC $35,000 $712,546 $700,546 $12,000 $0 $0 CORPOREX REALTY & INVESTMENT, LLC Corporex Realty & Investment CINCINNATI OH $35,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 GLOBAL TEL LINK CORPORATION Global Tel Link Corp MOBILE AL $35,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 RESCHINI AGENCY, INC. Reschini Agency INDIANA PA $35,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 HUNT CONSOLIDATED INC. Hunt Consolidated Hunt Companies DALLAS TX $33,200 $341,167 $341,167 $0 $0 $0 DATE MINING SERVICE, LLC Date Mining Services HARRISBURG IL $30,000 $62,500 $62,500 $0 $0 $0 GREENSBORO AUTO AUCTION, INC. Greensboro Auto Auction GREENSBORO NC $30,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 AFFLECK-MIDDLETON PROJECT Affleck-Middleton Project BEVERLY HILLS CA $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 AIR LIQUIDE Air Liquide HOUSTON TX $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ALPS SOUTH LLC Alps South LLC SAINT PETERSBURG FL $25,000 $11,790 $11,790 $0 $0 $0 AMERICAN FUNDS American Funds Capital Group Companies SAN ANTONIO TX $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ANOTHER WAY PRODUCTIONS, LLC Another Way Productions CENTURY CITY CA $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 APOLLO EDUCATION GROUP Apollo Education Group PHOENIX AZ $25,000 $161,292 $161,292 $0 $0 $0 BUCKEYE PARTNERS Buckeye Partners BREINIGSVILLE PA $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CAMPBELL'S Campbell's Soup CAMDEN NJ $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CAREMARK RX INC. CVS Health LINCOLN RI $25,000 $201,000 $1,000 $200,000 $0 $0 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THE USA US Chamber of Commerce WASHINGTON DC $25,000 $3,891,738 $3,871,703 $20,035 $0 $0 CHECKS INTO CASH, INC. Checks into Cash Inc CLEVELAND TN $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CINTAS CORPORATE PROFESSIONALS Cintas Corp MASON OH $25,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 DLZ CORPORATION DLZ Corp INDIANAPOLIS IN $25,000 $46,000 $15,000 $31,000 $0 $0 ENGINEERED TAX SERVICES, INC. Engineered Tax Services Inc WEST PALM BEACH FL $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ENOVA INTERNATIONAL INC. Enova International CHICAGO IL $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 FLORIDA EAST COAST INDUSTRIES Florida East Coast Industries Fortress Investment Group CORAL GABLES FL $25,000 $8,202 $6,702 $1,500 $0 $6,702 FROG FITNESS, INC. Frog Fitness THE WOODLANDS TX $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 HOLLYFRONTIER CORP. Hollyfrontier Corp DALLAS TX $25,000 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 HQ-CHUNK NATION Ho-Chunk Nation BLACK RIVER FALLS Wl $25,000 $1,707,361 $239,150 $1,468,211 $0 $5,400 JAN CASTLE, LLC Jan Castle LLC ATLANTA GA $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 KENT CORPORATION Kent Corp MUSCATINE lA $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LEELA R BOLLA TRUST Leela R Bolla Trust NAPLES FL $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 MAPLE LEAF FARMS, INC. Maple Leaf Farms LEESBURG IN $25,000 $10,500 $10,500 $0 $0 $0 MERCURIA ENERGY TRADING, INC. Mercuria Energy Trading HOUSTON TX $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 MINTZ LEVIN COHN FERRIS GLOVSKY & POPEO, PC Mintz, Levin et al BOSTON MA $25,000 $103,000 $36,250 $66,750 $0 $0 MONSANTO SAP Monsanto Co WASHINGTON DC $25,000 $490,653 $453,153 $37,500 $0 $0 NATIONAL ASSET DIRECT, INC. National Asset Direct SYOSSET NY $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 NEW YORK STATE PROPERTY MGMT CORP. New York State Property Management Corp HEWLETT NY $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PBF HOLDING COMPANY PBF Holding Co PARSIPPANY NJ $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PRIVATE JET SERVICES GROUP Private Jet Services Group SEABROOK NH $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 RVK REALTY LLC RVK Realty NORTH BILLERICA MA $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SANTA YNEZ BAND OF MISSION INDIANS Santa Ynez Band of Mission Indians SANTA YNEZ CA $25,000 $389,600 $182,900 $206,700 $0 $2,700 SIERRA VISTA, LLC Sierra Vista LLC WAYNE PA $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 STANLEY BLACK & DECKER Stanley Black & Decker NEW BRITAIN CT $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SUNTERRACE CASUAL FURNITURE,INC. Sunterrace Casual Furniture STANLEY NC $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 TITLESMART INC. Titlesmart Inc MAPLEWOOD MN $25,000 $1,600 $1,600 $0 $1,600 $0 TRANSOCEAN OFFSHORE DEEPWATER DRILLING, INC. Transocean Offshore Deepwater Drilling HOUSTON TX $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 UNION SUPPLY GROUP Union Supply Group RANCHO DOMINGUEZ CA $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 VANIR CONTRUCTION MANAGEMENT, INC. Vanir Construction Management SACRAMENTO CA $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 VECELLIO GROUP,INC. Vecellio Group WEST PALM BEACH FL $25,000 $50,000 $50,000 $0 $25,000 $25,000 VECTREN Vectren Corp EVANSVILLE IN $25,000 $44,220 $44,220 $0 $0 $0 XCEL ENERGY Xcel Energy WASHINGTON DC $25,000 $228,800 $198,800 $30,000 $0 $0 CLEAR DEFENSE LLC Clear Defense LLC NSBORO NV $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 FRANK CALANDRA, INC. Frank Calandra Inc Jennmar Corp PITTSBURGH PA $20,000 $262,000 $262,000 $0 $150,000 $55,000 LEE SUPPLY CO. Lee Supply Co CHARLEROI PA $20,000 $25,000 $25,000 $0 $0 $0 MAU WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS Mau Workforce Solutions AUGUSTA GA $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 J-LOK CORPORATION J-Lok Corp Jennmar RALEIGH PA $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 THE GEORGIA INSTITUTE Georgia Insititute SAVANNAH OA $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PANZOR, LLC Panzor LLC TEQUESTA FL $12,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 FREEMAN EXPOSITIONS Freeman Expositions DALLAS TX $11,300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 AZA Ahmad, Zavitsanos et al HOUSTON TX $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 GLOBAL MINE SERVICE, INC. Global Mine Service FAYETTE CITY PA $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 HB ARRISON OF WV. INC. HB Arrison of WV Inc MOUNT MORRIS PA $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 JENNCHEM, LLC Jennchem LLC Jennmar Corp PITTSBURGH PA $10,000 $20,000 $20,000 $0 $0 $20,000 JENNMAR SANSHELL, LLC Jennmar Sanshell LLC Jennmar Corp OAK HILL WV $10,000 $3,750 $3,750 $0 $0 $3,750 JOE MORRIS EXCAVATING LLC Joe Morris Excavating GALATIA IL $10,000 $5,100 $5,100 $0 $0 $0 LARROL SUPPLY, INC. Larrol Supply BETHESDA OH $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 MARSHALL HOLDINGS, LP Marshall Holdings ATLANTA GA $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PRICE WATERHOUSE COOPER PricewaterhouseCoopers TAMPA FL $10,000 $1,175,576 $974,526 $187,550 $0 $0 SALLC SALLC MARTINEZ GA $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SSAB ENTERPRISES. LLC SSAB Enterprises LISLE IL $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 C&C PUMPS C&C Pumps MARION IL $7,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 D&G MACHINE COMPANY. INC. D&G Machine Co MANNINGTON WV $7,000 $250 $250 $0 $0 $0 BRANDYWINE VENTURES LLC Brandywine Ventures WILMINGTON DE $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CHEMSTREAM, INC. Chemstream Inc STOYSTOWN PA $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 LINCOLN CONTRACTING & EQUIPMENT CO., INC. Lincoln Contracting & Equipment BOSWELL PA $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 MASSETT BUILDING COMPANY Massett Build Co PLEASANTVILLE NJ $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 RM WILSON CO. RM Wilson Co WHEELING WV $5,000 $37,000 $37,000 $0 $0 $0 ROYAL HYDRAULIC SERVICE Royal Hyrdaulic Service COKEBURG PA $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SOSH ARCHITECTS Sosh Architects ATLANTIC CITY NJ $5,000 $6,000 $6,000 $0 $0 $0 STRATA PRODUCTS WORLDWIDE, LLC Strata Products Worldwide SANDY SPRINGS GA $5,000 $60,000 $60,000 $0 $0 $20,000 UNITED CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL CO., LLC United Central Industrial Co BRISTOL TN $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 GMS MINE REPAIR & MAINT INC. GMS Mine Repair & Maintence MT. LAKE PARK MD $4,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 AVANT GLOBAL,LLC Avant Global SANTA BARBARA CA $3,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 AMERICAN HELLENIC INSTITUTE FOUNDATION American Hellenic Institute Foundation WASHINGTON DC $2,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CMDI CMDI TYSONS CORNER VA $2,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 GREEK DREAM INC. Greek Dream Inc CLEARWATER FL $2,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP Kelley, Drye & Warren WASHINGTON DC $2,500 $4,799 $4,799 $0 $0 $0 MANATOS & MANATOS, INC. Manatos & Manatos WASHINGTON DC $2,500 $16,250 $2,000 $14,250 $0 $0 MOUNTAINEER EXCAVATING INC. Mountaineer Excavating MOUNDSVILLE WV $2,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PAUL MILLER CONSTRUCTION, INC. Paul Miller Construction THOMPSONVILLE IL $2,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 SOUTH JERSEY PAPER SOURCE South Jersey Paper Source VINELAND NJ $2,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 C&P ADVISORS C&P Advisors BEACHWOOD OH $2,000 $4,500 $4,000 $0 $0 $2,000 WARWOOD ARMATURE REPAIR CO. Warwood Armature Repair WHEELING WV $2,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 MARS, INC. Mars Inc MT OLIVE NJ $1,827 $52,406 $45,800 $6,606 $0 $0 BENNOC, INC. Bennoc Inc MORRISTOWN OH $1,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CSE CORPORATION CSE Corp MONROEVILLE PA $1,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 MEMMO CONTRACTING INC. Memmo Contracting BRIDGEVILLE PA $1,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ALLIANCE CONSULTING INC. Alliance Consulting BEAVER WV $1,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 BABCOX MEDIA INC. Babcox Media Babcox Publishing AKRON OH $1,000 $23,900 $6,200 $17,700 $0 $0 INTERNATIONAL BELT SALES International Belt Sales FORT MYERS FL $1,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 J.H. FLETCHER CO. JH Fletcher Co HUNTiNGTON WV $1,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 MA. HESTON, INC. MA Heston Inc FAIRMONT WV $1,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 STS INTERNATIONAL STS International BERKELEY SPRINGS WV $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $0 $0 NRSC National Republican Senatorial Cmte WASHINGTON DC $850 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 A. SEBULSKY STEEL, INC. A Sebulsky Steel ST. CLAIRSVILLE OH $500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 DIRT DESIGNS Dirt Designs BELMONT OH $500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 CHRISTY MACHINE, INC. Christy Machine FAIRMONT WV $250 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 QUALITY ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, INC. Quality Enviromental Services BELMONT OH $200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Cycle Viewpoint Organization Parent Street City State Zip Date Amount Recipient Supported Candidate Specific Page 2016 Conservative Access Industries 730 5th Ave 20 NEW YORK NY 10019 2/24/2016 $1,000,000 Conservative Solutions PAC Rubio, Marco 2016 Conservative Access Industries 730 5TH AVE NY NY 10019 6/23/2015 $1,000,000 Unintimidated PAC Walker, Scott 2016 Conservative Access Industries NEW YORK NY 10019 12/8/2015 $1,000,000 Senate Leadership Fund 2016 Conservative Access Industries 730 Fifth Ave NEW YORK NY 10019 5/13/2015 $500,000 Security Is Strength 2016 Conservative Access Industries 730 5TH AVE NY NY 10019 8/18/2015 $500,000 Unintimidated PAC Walker, Scott 2016 Conservative Access Industries 730 Fifth Ave NEW YORK NY 10019 10/7/2015 $300,000 Security Is Strength 2016 Conservative Access Industries 730 Fifth Ave NEW YORK NY 10019 4/20/2016 $250,000 New Day for America Kasich, John 2016 Conservative Access Industries 730 Fifth Ave NEW YORK NY 10019 10/27/2016 $250,000 Florida First Project Rubio, Marco 2016 Conservative Access Industries 730 5th Ave 20 NEW YORK NY 10019 12/8/2015 $250,000 Conservative Solutions PAC Rubio, Marco 2016 Conservative Access Industries 730 5th Ave NEW YORK NY 10019 5/10/2016 $200,000 Arizona Grassroots Action McCain, John 2016 Conservative Access Industries NY NY 10019 11/5/2015 -$400,000 Unintimidated PAC Walker, Scott 2016 Conservative Access Industries NY NY 10019 11/5/2015 -$800,000 Unintimidated PAC Walker, Scott 2016 Conservative Altria Client Services Altria Group RICHMOND VA 23285 10/19/2016 $100,000 Congressional Leadership Fund 2016 Conservative Altria Client Services Altria Group PO 85088 RICHMOND VA 23285 6/30/2016 $75,000 Congressional Leadership Fund 2016 Conservative Altria Client Services Altria Group PO 85088 RICHMOND VA 23285 6/30/2016 $75,000 Senate Leadership Fund 2016 Liberal Altria Client Services Altria Group 101 Constitution Ave NW WASHINGTON DC 20001 6/30/2016 $50,000 Center Forward 2016 Conservative Altria Client Services Altria Group PO 85088 RICHMOND VA 23285 10/25/2016 $25,000 Grow NC Strong Burr, Richard 2016 Conservative Altria Client Services Altria Group 3601 Commerce Rd RICHMOND VA 23234 11/15/2016 $10,000 Heartland Resurgence 2016 Conservative Apollo Education Group 4025 S RIVERPOINT PKWY PHOENIX AZ 85040 11/3/2016 $50,000 Congressional Leadership Fund 2016 Conservative Apollo Education Group 4025 S Riverpoint Pkwy PHOENIX AZ 85040 8/19/2016 $25,000 Arizona Grassroots Action McCain, John 2016 Conservative Apollo Education Group 4025 S Riverpoint Pkwy PHOENIX AZ 85040 11/3/2016 $25,000 Arizona Grassroots Action McCain, John 2016 Conservative Avenue Ventures 10166 Rush St SOUTH EL MONTE CA 91733 9/14/2015 $25,000 Security Is Strength 2016 Conservative Avenue Ventures SOUTH EL MONTE CA 91733 10/1/2015 -$25,000 Security Is Strength 2016 Conservative Consol Energy PO 305 CANONSBURG PA 15317 10/19/2016 $100,000 Prosperity for Pennsylvania Toomey, Pat 2016 Conservative Consol Energy PO 305 CANONSBURG PA 15317 11/4/2016 $25,000 Grow WV 2016 Unknown Continental Resources PO 268835 OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73126 8/19/2016 $15,000 Liberty 2.0 2016 Conservative Copart Inc 14185 DALLAS PARKWAY STE 400 DALLAS TX 75254 8/18/2015 $150,000 Unintimidated PAC Walker, Scott 2016 Conservative Copart Inc 4610 WESTAMERICA DR FAIRFIELD CA 94534 4/2/2015 $100,000 Believe Again Jindal, Bobby 2016 Conservative Copart Inc FAIRFIELD CA 94534 8/20/2015 $100,000 Believe Again Jindal, Bobby 2016 Conservative Copart Inc 4610 WEST AMERICA Dr FAIRFIELD CA 94534 10/21/2016 $50,000 Congressional Leadership Fund 2016 Conservative Copart Inc 14185 DALLAS PARKWAY DALLAS TX 75254 12/27/2016 $10,000 America Rising PAC 2016 Conservative CV Starr & Co Starr Companies 399 PARK AVE NEW YORK NY 10022 10/21/2015 $10,000,000 Right To Rise USA Bush, Jeb 2016 Conservative CV Starr & Co Starr Companies 399 Park Ave 8FL NEW YORK NY 10022 2/25/2016 $2,500,000 Conservative Solutions PAC Rubio, Marco 2016 Conservative CV Starr & Co Starr Companies 399 PARK Ave NEW YORK NY 10022 9/23/2016 $150,000 Congressional Leadership Fund 2016 Conservative CV Starr & Co Starr Companies 399 Park Ave NEW YORK NY 10022 12/9/2015 $50,000 Fighting For Ohio Fund Portman, Rob 2016 Conservative CV Starr & Co Starr Companies 399 PARK AVE NEW YORK NY 10022 7/6/2016 $25,000 American Crossroads 2016 Conservative CV Starr & Co Starr Companies 1601 SEPTA Market-Frankford Line PHILADELPHIA PA 19103 5/31/2016 $15,000 Arizona Grassroots Action McCain, John 2016 Conservative Date Mining Services 1400 SOUTH MAIN SREET HARRISBURG IL 62946 10/7/2016 $13,000 Senate Leadership Fund 2016 Conservative Date Mining Services 1400 S Main St HARRISBURG IL 62946 10/7/2016 $6,500 Florida First Project Rubio, Marco 2016 Conservative Date Mining Services 1400 SOUTH MAIN ST HARRISBURG IL 62946 10/8/2016 $6,500 Let America Work Johnson, Ron 2016 Conservative Date Mining Services 1400 S MAIN ST HARRISBURG IL 62946 10/10/2016 $6,500 Independent Voice For Illinois Kirk, Mark 2016 Conservative Florida Crystals Fanjul Corp 1 N Clematis St WEST PALM BEACH FL 33401 12/30/2015 $250,000 Conservative Solutions PAC Rubio, Marco 2016 Liberal Florida Crystals Fanjul Corp 1 N Clematis St WEST PALM BEACH FL 33401 9/9/2016 $100,000 Senate Majority PAC 2016 Liberal Florida Crystals Fanjul Corp 1 N Clematis St WEST PALM BEACH FL 33401 9/30/2016 $100,000 House Majority PAC 2016 Conservative Florida Crystals Fanjul Corp 626 N Dixie Highway WEST PALM BEACH FL 33401 6/29/2015 $100,000 Conservative Solutions PAC Rubio, Marco 2016 Conservative Florida Crystals Fanjul Corp 1 N Clematis St WEST PALM BEACH FM 33401 5/12/2016 $50,000 Grow NC Strong Burr, Richard 2016 Liberal Florida Crystals Fanjul Corp One N Clematis St WEST PALM BEACH FL 33401 7/21/2016 $25,000 Patriot Majority 2016 Conservative Florida Crystals Fanjul Corp One North Clematis St WEST PALM BEACH FL 33401 5/5/2016 $25,000 Heartland Resurgence 2016 Conservative Florida Crystals Fanjul Corp 1 N Clematis St WEST PALM BEACH FL 33401 10/29/2016 $10,000 Liberty & Leadership Fund 2016 Conservative Florida Crystals Fanjul Corp 1 N Clematis St WEST PALM BEACH FL 33401 5/3/2016 $5,000 America Ascendant PAC Boozman, John 2016 Conservative Florida Crystals Fanjul Corp One N Clematis St WEST PALM BEACH FL 33401 5/2/2016 $5,000 AG America 2016 Conservative Frank Calandra Inc 258 KAPPA DR PITTSBURGH PA 15238 7/29/2016 $150,000 Rebuilding America Now Trump, Donald 2016 Conservative Frank Calandra Inc 258 Kappa Dr PITTSBURGH PA 15238 3/28/2016 $55,000 Trusted Leadership Pac Cruz, Ted 2016 Conservative Frank Calandra Inc 258 Kappa Dr PITTSBURG PA 15238 10/14/2016 $19,000 Florida First Project Rubio, Marco 2016 Conservative Frank Calandra Inc 258 KAPPA DR PITTSBURGH PA 15238 10/24/2016 $19,000 Independent Voice For Illinois Kirk, Mark 2016 Conservative Frank Calandra Inc 258 KAPPA DR PITTSBURGH PA 15238 10/18/2016 $19,000 Let America Work Johnson, Ron 2016 Conservative Gray & Co PO 6202 METAIRIE LA 70009 11/12/2015 $50,000 Fund for Louisiana's Future 2016 Conservative Gray & Co PO 6202 METAIRIE LA 70009 10/28/2015 $50,000 Fund for Louisiana's Future 2016 Conservative Gray & Co PO 6202 METAIRIE LA 70009 5/8/2015 $25,000 Believe Again Jindal, Bobby 2016 Conservative Hjk LLC HJ Kalikow & Co 101 Park Ave NEW YORK NY 10178 3/31/2016 $100,000 New Day for America Kasich, John 2016 Conservative HJK LLC HJ Kalikow & Co 101 Park Ave NEW YORK NY 10178 10/15/2015 $50,000 New Day for America Kasich, John 2016 Conservative HJK LLC HJ Kalikow & Co 101 Park Ave NEW YORK NY 10178 8/11/2015 $50,000 New Day for America Kasich, John 2016 Conservative HJK LLC HJ Kalikow & Co 101 Park Ave NEW YORK NY 10178 11/20/2015 $25,000 New Day for America Kasich, John 2016 Conservative Hjk LLC HJ Kalikow & Co 101 Park Ave NEW YORK NY 10178 8/11/2016 $10,000 Arizona Grassroots Action McCain, John 2016 Liberal Holland & Knight 524 Grand Regency Blvd BRANDON FL 33510 12/2/2016 $85,000 For Our Future 2016 Conservative Holland & Knight 201 NORTH FRANKLIN St TAMPA FL 33602 6/29/2015 $75,000 Right To Rise USA Bush, Jeb 2016 Conservative Holland & Knight 524 Grand Regency Blvd BRANDON FL 33510 1/20/2016 $10,000 Conservative Solutions PAC Rubio, Marco 2016 Conservative Holland & Knight 524 Grand Regency Blvd BRANDON FL 33510 11/14/2015 $10,000 Conservative Solutions PAC Rubio, Marco 2016 Conservative Holland & Knight 524 Grand Regency Blvd BRANDON FL 33510 11/7/2016 $5,000 Florida First Project Rubio, Marco 2016 Conservative Igt Global Solutions B&D Holding Di Marco Drago e C Sapa 55 TECHNOLOGY WAY WEST GREENWICH RI 2817 10/7/2016 $10,000 Senate Leadership Fund 2016 Conservative Jennchem LLC PO 111253 PITTSBURGH PA 15238 3/28/2016 $20,000 Trusted Leadership Pac Cruz, Ted 2016 Conservative Jennmar Sanshell LLC 230 Industrial Dr OAK HILL WV 25901 3/28/2016 $3,750 Trusted Leadership Pac Cruz, Ted 2016 Conservative Lee Supply Co PO 35 CHARLEROI PA 15022 10/14/2016 $25,000 Prosperity for Pennsylvania Toomey, Pat 2016 Conservative Maple Leaf Farms 101 E Church St LEESBURG IN 46538 4/4/2016 $10,000 Rampart PAC Stutzman, Marlin 2016 Conservative McNa Dental Plans 200 West Cypress Creek Rd FORT LAUDERDALE FL 33309 10/28/2015 $50,000 Fund for Louisiana's Future 2016 Conservative McNa Dental Plans 200 West Cypress Creek Rd FORT LAUDERDALE FL 33309 4/8/2015 $50,000 Fund for Louisiana's Future 2016 Conservative McNa Dental Plans 200 West Cypress Creek Rd FORT LAUDERDALE FL 33309 9/1/2015 $50,000 Fund for Louisiana's Future 2016 Conservative McNa Dental Plans 200 W CYPRESS CREEK RD FORT LAUDERDALE FL 33309 5/29/2015 $50,000 Believe Again Jindal, Bobby 2016 Conservative McNa Dental Plans 200 W CYPRESS CREEK RD FORT LAUDERDALE FL 33309 6/22/2015 $50,000 Believe Again Jindal, Bobby 2016 Conservative Monsanto Co CREVE COUER MO 63167 11/10/2016 $15,000 AG America 2016 Conservative Monsanto Co 800 N Lindbergh CREVE COUER MO 63167 12/9/2015 $15,000 AG America 2016 Conservative Murray Energy 46226 National Rd ST. CLAIRESVILLE OH 43950 6/30/2015 $100,000 Independent Voice For Illinois Kirk, Mark 2016 Conservative Murray Energy 46226 National Rd ST. CLAIRSVILLE OH 43950 5/4/2016 $100,000 Republican Super PAC 2016 Conservative Murray Energy ST CLAIRSVILLE OH 43950 6/29/2016 $100,000 Rebuilding America Now Trump, Donald 2016 Conservative Murray Energy 46226 NATIONAL RD ST CLAIRSVILLE OH 43950 6/29/2016 $100,000 Rebuilding America Now Trump, Donald 2016 Unknown Murray Energy 46226 NATIONAL Rd ST. CLAIRSVILLE OH 43950 10/1/2015 $100,000 New Generation PAC 2016 Conservative Murray Energy 46226 National Rd ST CLAIRSVILLE OH 43950 9/30/2016 $90,000 Prosperity for Pennsylvania Toomey, Pat 2016 Conservative Murray Energy 46226 National Rd ST CLAIRSVILLE OH 43950 4/15/2016 $70,000 Trusted Leadership Pac Cruz, Ted 2016 Unknown Murray Energy 46226 NATIONAL Rd ST. CLAIRSVILLE OH 43950 8/26/2016 $50,000 Liberty 2.0 2016 Conservative Murray Energy 29325 Chagrin Blvd PEPPER PIKE OH 44122 2/22/2016 $50,000 New Day for America Kasich, John 2016 Conservative Murray Energy 46226 National Rd ST. CLAIRVILLE OH 43950 10/5/2016 $40,000 Citizen SuperPAC 2016 Conservative Murray Energy 46226 National Rd ST. CLAIRSVILLE OH 43950 10/7/2016 $38,000 Florida First Project Rubio, Marco 2016 Conservative Murray Energy 46226 National Rd ST. CLAIRVILLE OH 43950 8/29/2016 $30,000 Citizen SuperPAC 2016 Conservative Murray Energy 46226 National Rd ST. CLAIRSVILLE OH 43950 10/28/2016 $30,000 Grow NC Strong Burr, Richard 2016 Conservative Murray Energy 46226 NATIONAL RD ST CLAIRSVILLE OH 43950 10/4/2016 $29,000 Independent Voice For Illinois Kirk, Mark 2016 Conservative Murray Energy 46226 NATIONAL RD ST CLAIRSVILLE OH 43950 10/8/2016 $24,000 Let America Work Johnson, Ron 2016 Conservative Murray Energy 46226 NATIONAL Rd ST. CLAIRSVILLE OH 43950 10/7/2016 $24,000 Senate Leadership Fund 2016 Conservative Murray Energy 46226 NATIONAL Rd ST. CLAIRSVILLE OH 43950 10/7/2016 $23,000 Senate Leadership Fund 2016 Conservative Murray Energy 46226 National Rd ST CLAIRSVILLE OH 43950 10/14/2016 $20,000 Prosperity for Pennsylvania Toomey, Pat 2016 Conservative New Centaur LLC 10 W MARKET ST INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 11/25/2015 $2,000 CARLY for America Cmte Fiorina, Carly 2016 Conservative NextEra Energy 700 UNIVERSE BOULEVARD JUNO BEACH FL 33408 2/17/2015 $1,000,000 Right To Rise USA Bush, Jeb 2016 Conservative NextEra Energy 700 UNIVERSE BOULEVARD JUNO BEACH FL 33408 6/30/2015 $250,000 Senate Leadership Fund 2016 Conservative NextEra Energy 700 Universe Blvd JUNA BEACH FL 33408 3/11/2016 $100,000 Conservative Solutions PAC Rubio, Marco 2016 Conservative NextEra Energy 700 Universe Blvd JUNO BEACH FL 33408 7/28/2016 $25,000 Conservative Congress Now! Negron, Rebecca 2016 Conservative NextEra Energy 700 UNIVERSE BOULEVARD JUNO BEACH FL 33408 2/17/2015 $25,000 Right To Rise USA Bush, Jeb 2016 Conservative Rai Services Co Reynolds American PO 464 WINSTON-SALEM NC 27102 10/27/2016 $1,000,000 Grow NC Strong Burr, Richard 2016 Conservative RAI Services Co Reynolds American PO 464 WINSTON-SALEM NC 27102 10/13/2016 $100,000 Grow NC Strong Burr, Richard 2016 Conservative Rai Services Co Reynolds American PO 464 WINSTOM-SALEM NC 27102 8/8/2016 $10,000 Conservative Congress Now! Negron, Rebecca 2016 Conservative RAI Services Co Reynolds American PO 464 WINSTON NC 27102 10/13/2016 $10,000 Grow WV 2016 Conservative Rai Services Co Reynolds American PO 464 WINSTON-SALEM NC 27012 10/15/2015 $2,500 Fund for Louisiana's Future 2016 Conservative Rm Wilson Co 3434 MARKET ST WHEELING WV 26003 10/4/2016 $5,000 Independent Voice For Illinois Kirk, Mark 2016 Conservative RM Wilson Co 3434 Market St WHEELING WV 26003 10/7/2016 $5,000 Florida First Project Rubio, Marco 2016 Conservative Strata Products Worldwide 8995 Roswell Rd SANDY SPRINGS GA 30350 5/1/2015 $20,000 Keep The Promise PAC Cruz, Ted 2016 Conservative US Sugar 111 Ponce Del Leon Ave CLEWISTON FL 33440 11/7/2016 $25,000 Heartland Resurgence 2016 Conservative US Sugar 111 Ponce Del Leon Ave CLEWISTON FL 33440 5/2/2016 $25,000 Heartland Resurgence 2016 Conservative Vecellio Group 101 SANSBURYS WAY WEST PALM BEACH FL 33411 8/11/2016 $25,000 Rebuilding America Now Trump, Donald 2016 Conservative Vecellio Group 101 SANSBURY'S WAY WEST PALM BEACH FL 33411 2/17/2015 $25,000 Right To Rise USA Bush, Jeb 2016 Conservative Wal-Mart Stores 702 SW 8th St BENTONVILLE AR 72716 1/21/2016 $15,000 AG America 2014 Conservative Advance America Cash Advance Centers Grupo Salinas 135 N Church St SPARTANBURG SC 29306 12/9/2014 $10,000 Fund for Louisiana's Future Vitter, David 2014 Conservative Advance America Cash Advance Centers Grupo Salinas 135 N Church St SPARTANBURG SC 29306 10/21/2014 $10,000 Americans for Growth, Opportunity & Prosperity 2014 Conservative Alps South LLC 2895 42nd ave North ST. PETERSBURG FL 33714 6/5/2014 $500 Americans for Legal Immigration 2014 Conservative Apollo Education Group 4025 S RIVERPOINT PKWY PHOENIX AZ 85040 5/6/2013 $50,000 Congressional Leadership Fund 2014 Conservative Apollo Education Group 4025 S Riverpoint Pkwy PHOENIX AZ 85040 3/13/2013 $10,000 Jan PAC 2014 Conservative Apollo Education Group 4025 S Riverpoint Pkwy PHOENIX AZ 85040 2/25/2013 $1,292 Jan PAC 2014 Conservative Benjerome Trust 3993 Howard Hughes Parkway 250 LAS VEGAS NV 89169 9/27/2014 $100,000 John Bolton Super PAC 2014 Conservative CONSOL Energy PO 305 CANONSBURG PA 15317 9/23/2014 $25,000 Kentuckians for Strong Leadership McConnell, Mitch 2014 Conservative Copart Inc 4665 Business Center Dr FAIRFIELD CA 94534 7/15/2014 $10,000 Jan PAC 2014 Conservative Copart Inc 4665 Business Center Dr FAIRFIELD CA 94534 1/1/2013 $10,000 Jan PAC 2014 Conservative Copart Inc 4665 Business Center Dr FAIRFIELD CA 94534 10/31/2013 $5,000 Jan PAC 2014 Conservative Date Mining Services 1400 SOUTH MAIN St HARRISBURG IL 62946 8/4/2014 $30,000 Congressional Leadership Fund 2014 Conservative Florida Crystals Fanjul Corp 1 N Clematis St #200 WEST PALM BEACH FL 33401 4/7/2014 $25,000 Liberty & Leadership Fund Benacquisto, Lizbeth 2014 Conservative Gray & Co PO 6202 METAIRIE LA 70009 4/10/2013 $50,000 Fund for Louisiana's Future Vitter, David 2014 Conservative Gray & Co PO 6202 METAIRIE LA 70009 11/19/2014 $50,000 Fund for Louisiana's Future Vitter, David 2014 Liberal Hfnwa LLC 1601 E Pump Station Rd FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 9/5/2014 $1,000,000 Senate Majority PAC 2014 Conservative HJK LLC HJ Kalikow & Co 101 PARK Ave NEW YORK NY 10178 6/30/2014 $10,000 Kentuckians for Strong Leadership McConnell, Mitch 2014 Conservative Hollyfrontier Corp 2828 N Harwood St Ste 1300 DALLAS TX 75201 4/24/2013 $5,000 Jan PAC 2014 Conservative Hunt Consolidated Hunt Companies 1900 N Akard St DALLAS TX 75201 9/12/2014 $5,000 Fund for Louisiana's Future Vitter, David 2014 Conservative Murray Energy 46226 NATIONAL Rd ST. CLAIRSVILLE OH 43950 9/11/2014 $300,000 Kentuckians for Strong Leadership McConnell, Mitch 2014 Conservative Murray Energy 46226 NATIONAL RD ST. CLAIRSVILLE OH 43950 7/31/2014 $140,000 Congressional Leadership Fund 2014 Conservative Murray Energy 46226 NATIONAL Rd ST. CLAIRSVILLE OH 43950 10/31/2014 $30,000 Kentuckians for Strong Leadership McConnell, Mitch 2014 Conservative Nextera Energy 700 UNIVERSE BOULEVARD JUNO BEACH FL 33408 10/15/2013 $100,000 Kentuckians for Strong Leadership McConnell, Mitch 2014 Conservative RAI Services Co Reynolds American PO 464 WINSTON NC 27102 8/19/2014 $50,000 Grow WV 2014 Conservative Rm Wilson Co 3434 MARKET ST WHEELING WV 26003 7/30/2014 $15,000 Congressional Leadership Fund 2014 Conservative Rm Wilson Co 3434 Market St WHEELING WV 26003 12/30/2013 $3,000 Arkansas Horizon Cotton, Tom 2014 Conservative Rm Wilson Co 3434 MARKET ST WHEELING WV 26003 12/31/2013 $3,000 Congressional Leadership Fund 2014 Conservative RM Wilson Co 3434 Market St WHEELING WV 26003 1/27/2014 $3,000 Texans for a Conservative Majority Cornyn, John 2014 Conservative Rm Wilson Co WHEELING WV 26003 1/3/2014 $3,000 Montana Solutions 2014 Conservative Skybridge Capital 527 MADISON Ave FLOOR 16 NEW YORK NY 10022 2/4/2013 $100,000 American Crossroads 2014 Conservative Strata Products Worldwide 8995 ROSWELL RD SANDY SPRINGS GA 30350 7/14/2014 $40,000 Congressional Leadership Fund 2014 Conservative The Villages 2608 AYALA WAY THE VILLAGES FL 32162 7/25/2014 $200 National Draft Ben Carson for President Cmte 2014 Conservative US Chamber of Commerce 1615 H St NW WASHINGTON DC 20062 5/5/2014 $100,000 Mississippi Conservatives Cochran, Thad 2014 Conservative US Sugar 111 Ponce De Leon Ave CLEWISTON FL 33440 3/24/2014 $25,000 Liberty & Leadership Fund Benacquisto, Lizbeth 2014 Conservative US Sugar 111 Ponce De Leon Ave CLEWISTON FL 33440 1/29/2014 $25,000 Liberty & Leadership Fund Benacquisto, Lizbeth 2014 Conservative US Sugar 111 Ponce De Leon Ave CLEWISTON FL 33440 3/7/2014 $25,000 Liberty & Leadership Fund Benacquisto, Lizbeth 2014 Conservative US Sugar 111 Ponce De Leon Ave CLEWISTON FL 33440 4/11/2014 $25,000 Liberty & Leadership Fund Benacquisto, Lizbeth 2012 Conservative Access Industries 730 Fifth Ave NEW YORK NY 10019 5/31/2012 $10,000 Prosperity First Altschuler, Randy 2012 Conservative Advance America Cash Advance Centers Grupo Salinas PO 3058 SPARTANBURG SC 29304 2/6/2012 $25,000 Restore Our Future Romney, Mitt 2012 Liberal AT&T Inc SACRAMENTO CA 95814 8/1/2012 $10,000 African Am Voter Regis/Edu/Participation Project 2012 Liberal AT&T Inc SACRAMENTO CA 95814 7/18/2011 $10,000 African Am Voter Regis/Edu/Participation Project 2012 Conservative Buena Vista Investments 1531 7th Ave SEATTLE WA 98101 1/31/2012 $50,000 Restore Our Future Romney, Mitt 2012 Conservative Consol Energy PO 305 CANONSBURG PA 15317 7/31/2011 $150,000 Restore Our Future Romney, Mitt 2012 Conservative Consol Energy PO 305 CANONSBURG PA 15317 10/19/2012 $100,000 Restore Our Future Romney, Mitt 2012 Conservative Consol Energy PO 305 CANONSBURG PA 15317 10/24/2012 $25,000 Citizens for a Working America PAC 2012 Conservative CV Starr & Co 399 PARK Ave 8TH FLOOR NEW YORK NY 10022 7/11/2012 $12,500 Congressional Leadership Fund 2012 Conservative HJK LLC HJ Kalikow & Co 101 Park Ave NEW YORK NY 10178 10/15/2012 $2,500 Tipping Point 2012 Conservative Hollyfrontier Corp 2828 N Harwood St Ste 1300 DALLAS TX 75201 9/7/2012 $5,000 JAN PAC 2012 Conservative Hunt Consolidated Hunt Companies 1900 North Akard St DALLAS TX 75201 8/27/2012 $10,000 JAN PAC 2012 Conservative Murray Energy 153 HIGHWAY 7 SOUTH POWHATAN POINT OH 43942 9/14/2012 $100,000 American Crossroads 2012 Conservative New Centaur LLC 10 W MARKET St Ste 200 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 11/2/2012 $10,000 Congressional Leadership Fund 2012 Conservative Northwest Business Park 9592 Topanga Canyon Blvd CHATSWORTH CA 91311 7/27/2011 $5,000 Restore Our Future Romney, Mitt 2012 Conservative Ryan LLC 13155 Noel Rd Ste 100 DALLAS TX 75240 7/30/2012 $25,000 Texas Conservatives Fund Dewhurst, David H 2012 Conservative Skybridge Capital 570 Madison Ave Floor 16 NEW YORK NY 10022 9/11/2012 $75,000 Restore Our Future Romney, Mitt 2012 Conservative Sosh Architects 1020 Atlantic Ave ATLANTIC CITY NJ 8401 9/14/2012 $5,000 Patriot Prosperity PAC 2012 Conservative The Villages 1020 Lake Sumter Landing THE VILLAGES FL 32162 6/30/2011 $250,000 Restore Our Future Romney, Mitt 2012 Conservative The Villages 1020 Lake Summer Landing THE VILLAGES FL 32162 5/24/2012 $50,000 Freedom PAC 2012 Conservative The Villages 1020 Lake Sumter Landing THE VILLAGES FL 32162 11/1/2012 $10,000 America on the Move d88888b d888888b d8b db .d8b. d8b db .o88b. d888888b .d8b. db d888888b d8888b. .d8b. d8b db .d8888. .d8b. .o88b. d888888b d888888b .d88b. d8b db .d8888. 88' `88' 888o 88 d8' `8b 888o 88 d8P Y8 `88' d8' `8b 88 `~~88~~' 88 `8D d8' `8b 888o 88 88' YP d8' `8b d8P Y8 `~~88~~' `88' .8P Y8. 888o 88 88' YP 88ooo 88 88V8o 88 88ooo88 88V8o 88 8P 88 88ooo88 88 88 88oobY' 88ooo88 88V8o 88 `8bo. 88ooo88 8P 88 88 88 88 88V8o 88 `8bo. 88~~~ 88 88 V8o88 88~~~88 88 V8o88 8b 88 88~~~88 88 88 88`8b 88~~~88 88 V8o88 `Y8b. 88~~~88 8b 88 88 88 88 88 V8o88 `Y8b. 88 .88. 88 V888 88 88 88 V888 Y8b d8 .88. 88 88 88booo. 88 88 `88. 88 88 88 V888 db 8D 88 88 Y8b d8 88 .88. `8b d8' 88 V888 db 8D YP Y888888P VP V8P YP YP VP V8P `Y88P' Y888888P YP YP Y88888P YP 88 YD YP YP VP V8P `8888Y' YP YP `Y88P' YP Y888888P `Y88P' VP V8P `8888Y' Name Position/Agency Date Organization Action Minimum Amount Maximum Amount Lighthizer, Robert E. United States Trade Representative White House 11/24/17 Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund Purchase $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Lighthizer, Robert E. United States Trade Representative White House 11/24/17 Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Purchase $500,001 $1,000,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 11/17/17 Guggenheim Bulletshares 2018 High Yield Corporate Bond ETF Sale $50,001 $100,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 11/16/17 Guggenheim Bulletshares 2018 High Yield Corporate Bond ETF Sale $15,001 $50,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 11/15/17 Guggenheim Bulletshares 2018 High Yield Corporate Bond ETF Sale $100,001 $250,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 11/14/17 Guggenheim Bulletshares 2018 High Yield Corporate Bond ETF Sale $15,001 $50,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 11/13/17 Guggenheim Bulletshares 2018 High Yield Corporate Bond ETF Sale $15,001 $50,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 11/09/17 Guggenheim Bulletshares 2018 High Yield Corporate Bond ETF Sale $15,001 $50,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 11/08/17 Guggenheim Bulletshares 2018 High Yield Corporate Bond ETF Sale $15,001 $50,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 11/06/17 Guggenheim Bulletshares 2018 High Yield Corporate Bond ETF Sale $50,001 $100,000 Pizzella, Patrick Member Federal Labor Relations Authority 11/01/17 DFA US Small Cap Value Fund Sale $15,001 $50,000 Brouillette, Dan R Deputy Secretary Dept of Energy 10/31/17 Austin, TX Electric Utility System Bond Sale $15,001 $50,000 Brouillette, Dan R Deputy Secretary Dept of Energy 10/31/17 JEA Florida Electric System Revenue Bond Sale $15,001 $50,000 Brouillette, Dan R Deputy Secretary Dept of Energy 10/31/17 Omaha, NE Power District Bond Sale $15,001 $50,000 Brouillette, Dan R Deputy Secretary Dept of Energy 10/31/17 Salt River Project Agricultural Bond Sale $15,001 $50,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/31/17 Signal Hill Capital Sale $15,001 $50,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 10/25/17 Jos A Magnus & Co Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 10/24/17 Blackstone Alt Multi Strategy Fund Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 10/24/17 Diamond Hill Long Short Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 10/24/17 Harding Loevner Inst Emerging Markets Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 10/24/17 iShares Core 500 ETF Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 10/24/17 iShares Core S&P Small-Cap ETF Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 10/24/17 Schwab Fundamental International Large Co Index Purchase $100,001 $250,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 10/16/17 Jos A Magnus & Co Purchase $15,001 $50,000 Shulkin, David J. Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs 10/12/17 Xerox Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 10/10/17 American Funds Growth Fund of America Sale $250,001 $500,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 10/10/17 Fiam Small Cap Core Sale $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 10/10/17 Hotchkis & Wiley Mid Cap Value Fund Sale $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 10/10/17 T Rowe Price Mid Cap Growth Sale $50,001 $100,000 Fischer, Stanley Vice Chairman Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 10/03/17 Diageo PLC Sale $1,001 $15,000 Fischer, Stanley Vice Chairman Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 10/03/17 Estee Lauder Cos Sale $1,001 $15,000 Lighthizer, Robert E. United States Trade Representative White House 10/03/17 Cornerstone Concentrated 30 Investment Account Sale $250,001 $500,000 Lighthizer, Robert E. United States Trade Representative White House 10/03/17 London Company Large Cap Value Account Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 3M Co Sale $100,001 $250,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Abbott Laboratories Sale $100,001 $250,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 AbbVie Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 American Water Works Co Sale $50,001 $100,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Astrazeneca Sale $50,001 $100,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 AT&T Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Baxter Intl Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Caterpillar Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Chevron Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Cisco Systems Sale $50,001 $100,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Deere & Co Sale $50,001 $100,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 DowDupont Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Duke Energy Sale $50,001 $100,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Exxon Mobil Sale $50,001 $100,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Genuine Parts Co Sale $100,001 $250,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Illinois Tool Works Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Intel Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Johnson & Johnson Sale $100,001 $250,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Merck & Co Sale $50,001 $100,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Microsoft Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 NextEra Energy Sale $100,001 $250,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 PepsiCo Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Pfizer Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Procter & Gamble Sale $50,001 $100,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Stanley Black & Decker Sale $100,001 $250,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Sysco Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 United Technologies Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 UtilitiesSector SPDR Sale $100,001 $250,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 Verizon Communications Sale $50,001 $100,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 10/02/17 WGL Holdings Sale $100,001 $250,000 Fischer, Stanley Vice Chairman Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System 09/26/17 Axalta Coating Systems Sale $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 09/22/17 Boston Partners Long Short Fund Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 09/22/17 Diamond Hill Long Short Fund Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 09/22/17 Harding Loevner Insitutional Emerging Markets Fund Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 09/22/17 Oakmark International Small Cap Fund Purchase $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 09/22/17 Schwab Fundamental US Large Co Index Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Lighthizer, Robert E. United States Trade Representative White House 09/22/17 Vanguard Total International Stock Index Fund Purchase $500,001 $1,000,000 Lighthizer, Robert E. United States Trade Representative White House 09/22/17 Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Carson, Ben Secretary Dept of Housing & Urban Development 09/18/17 Morgan Stanley Buffered Plus Structured Note Purchase $250,001 $500,000 Shulkin, David J. Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs 09/15/17 GE Bond Sale $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 09/14/17 Texas Transportation Bond Purchase $250,001 $500,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 09/13/17 Pasadena, TX Bond Sale $250,001 $500,000 Pizzella, Patrick Member Federal Labor Relations Authority 09/11/17 Thornburgh Limited Term Municipal Fund Sale $1,001 $15,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 09/11/17 Ocwen Sale $1,001 $15,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 08/30/17 LexTM3 LLC Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 08/29/17 Broadband Proliferation Partners Sale $5,000,001 $25,000,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 08/29/17 RFR/K Dumbo Hotel LLC Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Long, Brock FEMA Administrator Dept of Homeland Security 08/28/17 AbbVie Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Long, Brock FEMA Administrator Dept of Homeland Security 08/28/17 Merck & Co Sale $1,001 $15,000 Long, Brock FEMA Administrator Dept of Homeland Security 08/28/17 Pfizer Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 08/24/17 iShares Silver Trust Sale $1,001 $15,000 Carson, Ben Secretary Dept of Housing & Urban Development 08/24/17 Costco Wholesale Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Navarro, Peter Director of the National Trade Council White House 08/21/17 Canadian Natural Resources Sale $1,001 $15,000 Navarro, Peter Director of the National Trade Council White House 08/21/17 Potash Corp of Saskatchewan Sale $1,001 $15,000 Navarro, Peter Director of the National Trade Council White House 08/21/17 Salesforce Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 iShares Russell 1000 Growth Index Purchase $15,001 $50,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 iShares Russell 1000 Value Index Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 SPDR Barclays Capital High Yield Bond Purchase $15,001 $50,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 Align Technology Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 Coca Cola Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 Costco Wholesale Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 Facebook Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 FedEx Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 Google Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 iShares Barclays TIPS Bond Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 iShares MSCI Japan Index Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 iShares MSCI United Kingdom Index Sale $15,001 $50,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 JP Morgan Chase & Co Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 Kimberly-Clark Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 Kraft Foods Group Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 Mondelez International Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 Occidental Petroleum Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 PowerShares EM Sovereign Bond ETF Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 TJX Cos Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/18/17 Transcanada Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 08/17/17 Edwards Lifesciences Sale $15,001 $50,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 08/17/17 Coppercraft Distillery Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 08/16/17 Electronics for Imaging Sale $15,001 $50,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 08/16/17 Heritage Crystal Clean Sale $50,001 $100,000 Carson, Ben Secretary Dept of Housing & Urban Development 08/15/17 Kellogg Co Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 08/11/17 Jos A Magnus & Co Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 08/10/17 Schwab Dividend Equity Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 08/10/17 Fidelity Stock Selector Sm Cp Sale $15,001 $50,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/09/17 Estee Lauder Cos Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/09/17 Priceline Group Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/09/17 Priceline Group Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/09/17 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 08/09/17 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 08/04/17 Comcast Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 08/04/17 Leucadia National Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 08/03/17 Boston Partners Long Short Fund Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 08/03/17 BP PLC Sale $50,001 $100,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 08/03/17 Diebold Nixdorf Sale $15,001 $50,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 08/03/17 Emerson Electric Co Sale $15,001 $50,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 08/03/17 First Energy Sale $15,001 $50,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 08/03/17 Frontier Communications Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 08/03/17 General Electric Sale $15,001 $50,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 08/03/17 Glaxosmithkline Plc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 08/03/17 iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology Sale $15,001 $50,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 08/03/17 Kinder Morgan Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 08/03/17 Royal Dutch Shell PLC Sale $15,001 $50,000 Spencer, Richard V. Secretary Dept of the Navy 08/03/17 Sanofi Contingent Value Rights Sale $15,001 $50,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 08/03/17 Nuance Commun Sale $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 08/03/17 Verizon Communications Sale $1,001 $15,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 08/03/17 Logistics Common Co-Investment Holdings Purchase $250,001 $500,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 08/02/17 JP Morgan Alerian ETN MLP Index Sale $1,001 $15,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 08/01/17 Coppercraft Distillery Purchase $15,001 $50,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 07/28/17 LexTM3 LLC Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 07/27/17 Schwab Fundamental US Large Co Index Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 07/27/17 Vanguard 500 Index Fund Purchase $15,001 $50,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 07/27/17 Raven Industries, Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 Lighthizer, Robert E. United States Trade Representative White House 07/24/17 Granite Small Cap Core Equity Fund Sale $250,001 $500,000 Lighthizer, Robert E. United States Trade Representative White House 07/24/17 TODD LARGE CAP INTRINSIC VALUE FUND Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 07/09/17 Gateway Fund Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 07/09/17 Newmont Mining Corp Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 07/09/17 Schwab Fundamental US Large Co Index Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 07/06/17 Schwab Fundamental US Large Co Index Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 07/06/17 Vanguard 500 Index Fund Purchase $15,001 $50,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 07/06/17 Coppercraft Distillery Purchase $15,001 $50,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 07/06/17 Neurocore LLC Purchase $1,000,001 $5,000,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 07/06/17 OfferCraft LLC Purchase $1,001 $15,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 06/30/17 CICPI Holdings Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 06/30/17 TSIO Holdings Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 06/30/17 PAN MULTI STRATEGY Sale $1,000,000 $5,000,000 Pitcock, Josh Chief of Staff to the Vice President White House 06/29/17 American Beacon Bridgeway Large Cap Value Fund Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 06/29/17 Wisconsin St GO Bond Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 06/29/17 Toledo Properties Owner LLC Sale $5,000,001 $25,000,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 06/29/17 LexTM3 LLC Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Navarro, Peter Director of the National Trade Council White House 06/28/17 Canadian Natural Resources Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 06/27/17 CSX Corp Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 06/27/17 CSX Corp Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 06/27/17 Intercontinental Exchange Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 06/27/17 Intercontinental Exchange Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 06/27/17 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 06/27/17 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Spicer, Sean Press Secretary White House 06/23/17 AT&T Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Spicer, Sean Press Secretary White House 06/23/17 Coca Cola Sale $15,001 $50,000 Spicer, Sean Press Secretary White House 06/23/17 McDonalds Sale $50,001 $100,000 Spicer, Sean Press Secretary White House 06/23/17 Verizon Communications Sale $15,001 $50,000 Pitcock, Josh Chief of Staff to the Vice President White House 06/22/17 Ingredion Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/21/17 Schwab Fundamental US Large Co Index Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/21/17 Vanguard 500 Index Fund Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/19/17 Coca Cola Sale $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/19/17 Intel Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 McFarland, Kathleen "KT" Deputy National Security Advisor White House 06/19/17 Schlumberger Ltd Sale $15,001 $50,000 McFarland, Kathleen "KT" Deputy National Security Advisor White House 06/19/17 Schlumberger Ltd Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 06/19/17 Vanguard Index Funds Vanguard Growth ETF Purchase $15,001 $50,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 06/19/17 Vanguard Index Funds Vanguard Value ETF Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 06/19/17 Vanguard Index Funds Vanguard Value ETF Purchase $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/16/17 Gateway Fund Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/16/17 Gateway Fund Class Y Purchase $250,001 $500,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/16/17 Schwab Fundamental US Large Co Index Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/16/17 Vanguard 500 Index Fund Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/16/17 iShares Silver Trust Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 06/15/17 Lord Abbett Intermed Tax Free Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 06/15/17 MFS Value Fund Sale $50,001 $100,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 06/15/17 MFS Value Fund Sale $50,001 $100,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 06/15/17 Riverpark/Wedgewood Fund Sale $15,001 $50,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 06/15/17 Riverpark/Wedgewood Fund Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 06/15/17 Riverpark/Wedgewood Fund Sale $1,001 $15,000 Powell, Dina Deputy National Security Advisor White House 06/14/17 Syracuse, NY GO Bond Purchase $250,001 $500,000 Powell, Dina Deputy National Security Advisor White House 06/13/17 Dorm Authority of the State of NY Purchase $250,001 $500,000 Powell, Dina Deputy National Security Advisor White House 06/13/17 JAMESTOWN NY CITY SCH DIST GO Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/13/17 Las Vegas, NV Bond Sale $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/13/17 PA ST TPK COMMN Sale $15,001 $50,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 06/13/17 Neurocore LLC Purchase $250,001 $500,000 Powell, Dina Deputy National Security Advisor White House 06/12/17 Guilderland NY Cent GO Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/09/17 Coca Cola Sale $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/09/17 Merck & Co Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 06/09/17 District Columbia Income Tax Rev Bond Purchase $250,001 $500,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 06/09/17 Florida St Dept Transit Bond Purchase $250,001 $500,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/08/17 General Electric Sale $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/07/17 Sale $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/07/17 Bristol-Myers Squibb Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 06/07/17 Cordish Hedged Investments Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 06/07/17 Cordish Private Ventures Sale $5,000,001 $25,000,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/07/17 Duke Energy Sale $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/07/17 Intel Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/07/17 Procter & Gamble Sale $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/06/17 Apple Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 McFarland, Kathleen "KT" Deputy National Security Advisor White House 06/06/17 Ford Motor Co Sale $15,001 $50,000 McFarland, Kathleen "KT" Deputy National Security Advisor White House 06/06/17 Gilead Sciences Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 McFarland, Kathleen "KT" Deputy National Security Advisor White House 06/06/17 Gilead Sciences Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 McFarland, Kathleen "KT" Deputy National Security Advisor White House 06/06/17 Qualcomm Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 06/05/17 Johnson & Johnson Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 06/05/17 Air Lease Corp Sale $250,001 $500,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 06/05/17 Artwork (Sale by Fourcade LLC) Sale $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Munisteri, Steven Deputy Director, Office of Public Liaision White House 06/01/17 Munisteri Exploration Sale $50,001 $100,000 Perry, Rick Secretary Dept of Energy 06/01/17 Grey Rock Energy Fund Sale $100,001 $250,000 Perry, Rick Secretary Dept of Energy 06/01/17 Grey Rock Energy Fund II-B Holdings Sale $100,001 $250,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 05/31/17 Orlando Solar Bears LLC Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/31/17 BankUnited Sale $1,001 $15,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/31/17 Greenbrier Companies Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/31/17 Navigator Holdings Ltd Sale $15,001 $50,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/31/17 Ocwen Financial Corp Sale $250,001 $500,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 05/30/17 First Solar Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 05/30/17 Coppercraft Distillery Purchase $50,001 $100,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 05/30/17 LexTM3 LLC Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 05/26/17 Blackrock Strategic Income Opportunities Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 05/26/17 Goldman Sach Strategic Inc Fund Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 05/24/17 Dormitory Authority, NY Bond Purchase $15,001 $50,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 05/20/17 First Solar Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 05/19/17 Move Systems International Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/18/17 Amphenol Corp Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/18/17 CDW Corp Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/18/17 CME Group Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/18/17 HSBC Holdings PLC Perp Sub Cap Secs Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/18/17 SVB Financial Group Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/18/17 Wells Fargo & Co New Dep SHS REPSTG Sale $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 05/17/17 Apple Inc Sale $250,001 $500,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 05/17/17 BHP Billiton LTD Sale $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 05/17/17 Duke Energy Sale $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 05/17/17 General Mills Sale $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 05/17/17 Netgear Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 Amphenol Corp Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 Amphenol Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 Atara Biotherapeutics Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 Atara Biotherapeutics Sale $1,001 $15,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 CDW Corp Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 CDW Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 CDW Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 CDW Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 Chevron Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 CME Group Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 CME Group Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 CME Group Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 CME Group Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 MSCI Inc Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 MSCI Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 MSCI Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 SVB Financial Group Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 SVB Financial Group Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 SVB Financial Group Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 Verisk Analytics Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 Verisk Analytics Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 Verisk Analytics Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 Wex Inc Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 Wex Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/17/17 Wex Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Lighthizer, Robert E. United States Trade Representative White House 05/16/17 AmerisourceBergen Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Lighthizer, Robert E. United States Trade Representative White House 05/16/17 Bank of America Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Lighthizer, Robert E. United States Trade Representative White House 05/16/17 American International Group Sale $1,001 $15,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 Amphenol Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 Amphenol Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 Amphenol Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 Atara Biotherapeutics Sale $15,001 $50,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 Atara Biotherapeutics Sale $15,001 $50,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 Bank of America Corp Note Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 Bear Stearns Co. Inc 6.4 % Oct. 2, 2017 Sale $5,000,001 $25,000,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 CDW Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 CDW Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 CDW Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 Chevron Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 CME Group Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 CME Group Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 CME Group Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 Merck & Co Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 MSCI Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 MSCI Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 MSCI Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 SVB Financial Group Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 SVB Financial Group Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 SVB Financial Group Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 SVB Financial Group Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 Verisk Analytics Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 Verisk Analytics Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 Verisk Analytics Sale $15,001 $50,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 Wex Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 Wex Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 Wex Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/16/17 Wex Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 05/15/17 Honeywell International Sale $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 05/15/17 IBM Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 05/15/17 Intel Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 05/15/17 KKR & Co Sale $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 05/15/17 Medtronic PLC Sale $1,001 $15,000 Lighthizer, Robert E. United States Trade Representative White House 05/15/17 Kinsale Cap Group Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 Amphenol Corp Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 Amphenol Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 Amphenol Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 CDW Corp Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 CDW Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 CDW Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 Chevron Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 CME Group Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 CME Group Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 CME Group Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 HSBC Holdings PLC Perp Sub Cap Secs Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 Merck & Co Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 MSCI Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 SVB Financial Group Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 SVB Financial Group Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 SVB Financial Group Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 SVB Financial Group Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 Verisk Analytics Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 Verisk Analytics Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 Verisk Analytics Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 Verisk Analytics Sale $15,001 $50,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 Wex Inc Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 Wex Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 Wex Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 Wex Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/15/17 Zoetis Inc Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/12/17 Amphenol Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/12/17 Amphenol Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/12/17 CDW Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/12/17 CME Group Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/12/17 CME Group Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/12/17 CME Group Sale $15,001 $50,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/12/17 EXCO Resources Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/12/17 Moody's Corp Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/12/17 MSCI Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/12/17 MSCI Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/12/17 Verisk Analytics Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/12/17 Verisk Analytics Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/12/17 Verisk Analytics Sale $15,001 $50,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/12/17 Wex Inc Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/12/17 Wex Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/12/17 Wex Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/12/17 Wex Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 05/11/17 Ecolab Inc Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 05/11/17 Estee Lauder Cos Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Powell, Dina Deputy National Security Advisor White House 05/11/17 BRIDGE STREET 2011 Sale $100,001 $250,000 Powell, Dina Deputy National Security Advisor White House 05/11/17 BRIDGE STREET 2015 Sale $100,001 $250,000 Powell, Dina Deputy National Security Advisor White House 05/11/17 BRIDGE STREET 2016 Sale $50,001 $100,000 Powell, Dina Deputy National Security Advisor White House 05/11/17 Broad Street Senior Credit Partners Employee Fund Sale $15,001 $50,000 Powell, Dina Deputy National Security Advisor White House 05/11/17 CIP 2011 PARTNERS Sale $100,001 $250,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 05/11/17 Maryland Apartment Holdings 10-Pack JV LLC Purchase $5,000,001 $25,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 05/11/17 Berry Ventures Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 05/11/17 Dune Capital Partners III LLC Sale $5,000,001 $25,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 05/11/17 Dune Capital Partners III LLC - DT Sale $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 05/11/17 Dune Entertainment Partners LLC Sale $100,001 $250,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 05/11/17 Dune Entertainment Partners LLC - DT Sale $100,001 $250,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 05/11/17 Dune Real Estate Partners II LLC Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 05/11/17 Dune Real Estate Partners II LLC - DT Sale $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 05/11/17 Dune Real Estate Partners LLC Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 05/11/17 Dune Real Estate Partners LLC - DT Sale $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 05/11/17 Seritage Growth Properties Class A Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 05/11/17 Seritage Growth Properties Class A - 2000 Trust Sale $250,001 $500,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 05/10/17 Estee Lauder Cos Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 05/10/17 Netflix Inc Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 05/10/17 Netflix Inc Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 05/10/17 Apple Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 05/10/17 Halo WeWin II LLC Sale $100,001 $250,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 05/10/17 Halo WeWin II LLC - DT Sale $100,001 $250,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 05/10/17 Seritage Growth Properties Class A Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 05/10/17 Seritage Growth Properties Class A - 2000 Trust Sale $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 05/09/17 Stormchaser Partners LLC Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 05/09/17 Stormchaser Partners LLC - DT Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 05/08/17 Seritage Growth Properties Class A Sale $100,001 $250,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 05/08/17 Seritage Growth Properties Class A - 2000 Trust Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/05/17 Citigroup Inc. Bond Perpetual 6.25000% Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/05/17 IntercontinentalExchange Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/05/17 Zoetis Inc Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 05/04/17 Missouri St Bd Pub Bldg Bond Sale $250,001 $500,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 05/04/17 New Milford, CT Bond Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Katz, Jeremy Deputy Director of the National Economic Council White House 05/03/17 4C Insights Sale $50,001 $100,000 Katz, Jeremy Deputy Director of the National Economic Council White House 05/03/17 Keyence Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 05/03/17 Newmont Mining Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 Katz, Jeremy Deputy Director of the National Economic Council White House 05/02/17 Estee Lauder Cos Sale $100,001 $250,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 05/01/17 B Monmouth Mall LLC Sale $250,001 $500,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 05/01/17 Monmouth Mall 2 LLC Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 05/01/17 Monmouth Mall LLC Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 05/01/17 Boeing Co Sale $1,000,000 $5,000,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 04/27/17 Husky Energy Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/27/17 Blackrock Large Cap Equity Index Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/27/17 Concentrated Growth Equity Fund - Jackson Square Partners Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 04/26/17 Hillsborough County, FL Schools Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/26/17 Sears Holding Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 04/25/17 LexTM3 LLC Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/25/17 Sears Canada Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/25/17 Sears Holding Corp Sale $250,001 $500,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/25/17 Sears Holding Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/25/17 Sears Holding Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/25/17 Sears Holding Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/25/17 Sears Holding Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/25/17 Sears Holding Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/24/17 Sale $50,001 $100,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/24/17 Affiliated Managers Group Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/24/17 Bank of America Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/24/17 Blackrock Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/24/17 Capital One Financial Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/24/17 CBRE Group Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/24/17 Conduent Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/24/17 Discover Financial Services Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/24/17 Goldman Sachs Group Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/24/17 JP Morgan Chase & co Sale $15,001 $50,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/24/17 Lear Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/24/17 Mastercard Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/24/17 Powershares S&P 500 High Quality Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/24/17 Signet Jewelers Lmtd Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/24/17 Synchrony Financial Sale $1,001 $15,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 04/24/17 Ver-Cap III Investors Sale $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/24/17 AT&T Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/24/17 Comcast Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/24/17 IBM Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/21/17 AXIS CAPITAL Sale $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/21/17 Entergy Mississippi Sale $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/20/17 Blackstone Alt Multi Strat Fund Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/20/17 Gateway Fund Class Y Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/20/17 Vaughan Nelson Value Opportunity Fund Purchase $250,001 $500,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/20/17 Entergy Arkansas Sale $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/20/17 Entergy Louis Sale $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/20/17 Qwest Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 04/20/17 Regal Bank Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 04/20/17 Schulze Global Mongolia GP Purchase $500,001 $1,000,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 04/20/17 NXP Semiconductors NV Sale $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/19/17 First Trust NASDAQ-100- Technology Index Fund Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 First Trust Large Cap Core Alphadex Fund Sale $15,001 $50,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 FQF TR OShares FTSE US Quality Divid ETF Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 Guggenheim S&P Equal Weighted Index Fund Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 Guggenheim S&P Equal Weigthed Index Fund Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 iShares Core S&P Smallcap Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 iShares Core US Aggregate Bond Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 iShares Core US Aggregate Bond Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 iShares Edge MSCI Min Vol USA ETF Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 iShares High Dividend Equity Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 JP Morgan ETF Diversified Intl Eq ETF Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 Powershares DB Base Metals Funds Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 Powershares DB Base Metals Funds Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 Powershares DB Energy Fund Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 Powershares DB Energy Fund Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 SPDR Blackstone/GSO Senior Loan Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 SPDR Blackstone/GSO Senior Loan Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 SPDR Bloomberg Barclays Short Term High Yield Bond ETF Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 SPDR Bloomberg Barclays Short Term High Yield Bond ETF Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 Wisdomtree TR Bloomberg US Dollar Bullish Fund Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/18/17 Wisdomtree TR Bloomberg US Dollar Bullish Fund Sale $1,001 $15,000 McFarland, Kathleen "KT" Deputy National Security Advisor White House 04/17/17 General Electric Sale $50,001 $100,000 McFarland, Kathleen "KT" Deputy National Security Advisor White House 04/17/17 Manhattan Assoc Sale $50,001 $100,000 McFarland, Kathleen "KT" Deputy National Security Advisor White House 04/17/17 Manhattan Assoc Sale $15,001 $50,000 McFarland, Kathleen "KT" Deputy National Security Advisor White House 04/17/17 Manhattan Assoc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/13/17 Angel Oak Funds TR Multi-Strategy Income Fund Purchase $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 04/13/17 Nexeo Solutions Sale $25,000,001 $50,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/12/17 CIT Group Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/12/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/11/17 Boston Partners Long Short Fund Purchase $250,001 $500,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/11/17 Diamond Hill Long Short Fund Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/11/17 Oakmark International Small Cap Fund Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/11/17 PARAMETRIC TAX MGD EMRG MKTS INST Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/11/17 Vanguard 500 Index Fund Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/11/17 Wastach International Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/11/17 Powershares DB Energy Fund Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/11/17 iShares Core US Aggregate Bond Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/11/17 CIT Group Sale $5,000,001 $25,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/11/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Powell, Dina Deputy National Security Advisor White House 04/10/17 Goldman Sachs Group Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Shulkin, David J. Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs 04/10/17 ING US Inc Note Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Shulkin, David J. Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs 04/10/17 Prudential Financial JR Sub Note Fixed Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/10/17 CIT Group Sale $5,000,001 $25,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/10/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $1,000,000 $1,000,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 04/07/17 Neurocore LLC Purchase $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/07/17 AT&T Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/07/17 CIT Group Sale $5,000,001 $25,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/07/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/07/17 Citigroup Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/07/17 Citigroup Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/07/17 Lands End Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/07/17 Lands End Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/07/17 Lands End Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/07/17 Microsoft Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/07/17 Microsoft Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/07/17 Microsoft Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/07/17 Seritage Growth Properties Class A Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/07/17 Seritage Growth Properties Class A Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/07/17 Seritage Growth Properties Class A Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/07/17 Verizon Communications Sale $15,001 $50,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/07/17 Verizon Communications Sale $15,001 $50,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/07/17 Verizon Communications Sale $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/06/17 Gateway Fund Class Y Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/06/17 ishares Core S&P 500 Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/06/17 Schwab Fundamental US Large Co Index Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/06/17 Vanguard Russell 2000 ETF Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 04/06/17 Vaughan Nelson Value Opportunity Fund Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/06/17 AQR Equity Market Neutral FD CL I Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/06/17 AQR Equity Market Neutral Fund Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/06/17 The Merger Fund Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/06/17 The Merger Fund Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/06/17 The Merger Fund Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/06/17 The Merger Fund Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/06/17 iShares Russell 2000 Growth ETF Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/06/17 JP Morgan Research Market Neutral Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/06/17 JP Morgan Research Market Neutral Class Sale $15,001 $50,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/06/17 JP Morgan Research Mkt Neutral Sale $15,001 $50,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/06/17 JP Morgan Research Mkt Neutral Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/06/17 JP Morgan Research Mkt Neutral Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 04/06/17 Wells Fargo Absolute Return Inst Sale $50,001 $100,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/06/17 CIT Group Sale $5,000,000 $25,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/06/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 04/05/17 Wood Group Sale $1,001 $15,000 Shulkin, David J. Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs 04/05/17 M&T Bank Corp Bond Sale $100,001 $250,000 Shulkin, David J. Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs 04/05/17 Morgan Stanley Repstg 1/25th non Cuml Fxd/Var Bond Sale $100,001 $250,000 Shulkin, David J. Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs 04/05/17 Wells Fargo & Co Bond Sale $100,001 $250,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/04/17 CIT Group Sale $5,000,001 $25,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/04/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Shulkin, David J. Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs 04/03/17 Southern Co Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/03/17 ESL Partners LP - 2002 Trust Exchange $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/03/17 ESL Partners LP - STM Exchange $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/03/17 Seritage Growth Properties Class A - 2002 Trust Exchange $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/03/17 Seritage Growth Properties Class A - STM Exchange $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/03/17 CIT Group Sale $5,000,001 $25,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/03/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/03/17 ESL Partners LP - 2002 Trust Sale $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 04/03/17 ESL Partners LP - STM Sale $5,000,001 $25,000,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 04/01/17 Freedom Asset Management LP II Sale $1,001 $15,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 04/01/17 Freedom Capital Management LP Sale $50,001 $100,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 04/01/17 G3 Capital II, LP Sale $100,001 $250,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 04/01/17 Lakeshore Capital Management Sale $50,000,000 $50,000,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 04/01/17 LMF WF Holdings I LLC Sale $15,001 $50,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 04/01/17 Ottawa Avenue Partners, LLC Sale $250,001 $500,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 03/31/17 HSPCx Finl Ins Emerald Sale $50,001 $100,000 Sessions, Jeff US Attorney General Dept of Justice 03/31/17 Petrobras Global Finance Corp Bond Sale $15,001 $50,000 Sessions, Jeff US Attorney General Dept of Justice 03/31/17 Petrobras Intl Financial Co Corporate Bond Sale $15,001 $50,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 03/31/17 Dumbo WT Venture LLC Purchase $5,000,001 $25,000,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 03/31/17 Greenbrier Companies Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/31/17 HF Renaissance EQ LLC Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/31/17 CIT Group Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/31/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Munisteri, Steven Deputy Director, Office of Public Liaision White House 03/30/17 Bristol-Myers Squibb Sale $1,001 $15,000 Munisteri, Steven Deputy Director, Office of Public Liaision White House 03/30/17 Consolidated Edison Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Munisteri, Steven Deputy Director, Office of Public Liaision White House 03/30/17 Pfizer Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/30/17 CIT Group Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/30/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $250,001 $500,000 Watt, Melvin L. Director Federal Housing Finance Agency 03/29/17 Netflix Inc Purchase $15,001 $50,000 Watt, Melvin L. Director Federal Housing Finance Agency 03/29/17 Tempur Sealy Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Sessions, Jeff US Attorney General Dept of Justice 03/29/17 OPI Steelpath MLP SEL 40C Sale $15,001 $50,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 03/29/17 Metlife Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 03/29/17 50 Monroe II LLC Purchase $1,000,000 $1,000,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 03/29/17 Ridge Cider LLC Purchase $1,001 $15,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 03/29/17 CWD 50 Monroe LLC Sale $1,000,000 $1,000,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 03/29/17 GBI Holdings I Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 03/29/17 Summertime Holding Corp Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 03/29/17 Bear Stearns Co Sale $5,000,001 $25,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/29/17 CIT Group Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/29/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 McFarland, Kathleen "KT" Deputy National Security Advisor White House 03/28/17 JP Morgan Chase & Co Purchase $15,001 $50,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 03/28/17 Round Rock Tex Util Rev Sys Int Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Meyer, Joyce Y. Deputy Assistant to the President White House 03/28/17 Harley-Davidson Sale $1,001 $15,000 Sessions, Jeff US Attorney General Dept of Justice 03/28/17 Center Coast MLP Focus C Fund Sale $15,001 $50,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 03/28/17 RC Investors LLC Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/28/17 CIT Group Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/28/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 03/27/17 Oregon ST ARTICLE XI-P SCH DIST CAP PROJS-SER Purchase $15,001 $50,000 McFarland, Kathleen "KT" Deputy National Security Advisor White House 03/27/17 Akamai Technologies Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 03/27/17 Archer-Daniels-Midland Co Sale $250,001 $500,000 McFarland, Kathleen "KT" Deputy National Security Advisor White House 03/27/17 ConocoPhillips Sale $1,001 $15,000 McFarland, Kathleen "KT" Deputy National Security Advisor White House 03/27/17 ConocoPhillips Sale $1,001 $15,000 Munisteri, Steven Deputy Director, Office of Public Liaision White House 03/27/17 First Energy Sale $50,001 $100,000 Powell, Dina Deputy National Security Advisor White House 03/27/17 GS MLP Energy Infrastructure I Sale $100,001 $250,000 McFarland, Kathleen "KT" Deputy National Security Advisor White House 03/27/17 Manhattan Assoc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 03/27/17 Western Union Co Sale $100,001 $250,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 03/27/17 LexTM3 LLC Purchase $250,001 $500,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 03/27/17 Sun Life Financial Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 03/27/17 Aperam NY registry Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 03/27/17 ArcelorMittal Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 Adobe Systems Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 Allergan PLC Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 Alphabet Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 Apple Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 Biogen Idec Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 Bristol-Myers Squibb Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 Celgene Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 Gilead Science Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 Goldman Sachs Group Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 JP Morgan Chase & Co Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 Kraft Heinz Co Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 Kroger Co Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 Mastercard Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 Medtronic PLC Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 Microsoft Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 Paypal Holdings Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 Starbucks Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 TJX Cos Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 Unitedhealth Group Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/24/17 Walt Disney Co Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 03/24/17 Sun Bancorp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/24/17 CIT Group Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/24/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $250,001 $500,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 03/23/17 Oconee Cnty SC Sch Dist Int Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 03/23/17 PepsiCo Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/23/17 CIT Group Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/23/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $1,000,000 $1,000,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Activision Blizzard Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Acuity Brands Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Adobe Systems Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Alphabet Inc Sale $250,001 $500,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Sale $250,000 $500,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Amphenol Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Apple Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Applied Materials Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Becton Dickinson & Co Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Boston Scientific Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Broadcom Ltd Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Celgene Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Charles Schwab Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Comcast Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Constellation Brands Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Delta Air Lines Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 DexCom Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Ecolab Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Electronic Arts Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Equinux Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Facebook Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Gildead Sciences Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Home Depot Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Honeywell International Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Humana Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Illumina Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Incyte Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Intercontinental Exchange Group Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Intuitive Surgical Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Las Vegas Sands Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Lyondellbasell NV Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Mastercard Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Mercadolibre Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Microsoft Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Monster Beverage Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Morgan Stanley Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Netflix Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Newell Brands Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Northrop Grumman CP Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Nvidia Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 NXP Semiconductors Sale $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Paypal Holdings Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Pioneer Natural Resources Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Priceline Group Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Rockwell Automation Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Roper Technologies Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Ross Stores Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 S&P Global Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Servicenow Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Sherwin-Williams Co Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Snap Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Southwest Airlines Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Splunk Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Starbucks Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 SVB Financial Group Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Tesla Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Thermo Fisher Scientific Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Ulta Beaty Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 United Rentals Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Unitedhealth Group Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Vantiv Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Verisign Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Visa Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/22/17 Vulcan Materials Sale $15,001 $50,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/22/17 Berkshire Hathaway Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/22/17 CIT Group Sale $5,000,001 $25,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/22/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/22/17 General Electric Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/22/17 Microsoft Corp Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/22/17 The Goldman Sachs Group Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/22/17 Verizon Communications Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 03/21/17 Kraft Foods Group Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 03/21/17 Wells Fargo & Co Sale $1,001 $15,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 03/21/17 OXX Inc Exchange $250,001 $500,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 03/21/17 OXX Inc Purchase $1,000,001 $5,000,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 03/21/17 Berkshire Hathaway Sale $250,001 $500,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/21/17 CIT Group Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/21/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 03/20/17 Aperam NY registry Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 03/20/17 Aperam NY registry Sale $15,001 $50,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 03/20/17 Aperam NY registry Sale $1,001 $15,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 03/20/17 ArcelorMittal Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 03/20/17 ArcelorMittal Sale $250,001 $500,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 03/20/17 ArcelorMittal Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 03/20/17 ArcelorMittal Sale $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 03/20/17 ArcelorMittal Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 03/20/17 ArcelorMittal Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 03/20/17 ArcelorMittal Sale $15,001 $50,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/20/17 CIT Group Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/20/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $1,000,000 $1,000,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/17/17 Vantiv Inc Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 03/16/17 Nuance Commun Sale $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/16/17 Alphabet Inc Purchase $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/16/17 Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/16/17 Applied Materials Inc Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/16/17 Charles Schwab Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/16/17 Goldman Sachs Group Purchase $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/16/17 Mastercard Inc Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/16/17 S&P Global Inc Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/16/17 Bioverativ Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/16/17 Comcast Corp Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/16/17 Illumina Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/16/17 CIT Group Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/16/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $250,001 $500,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 03/15/17 First Trust NASDAQ-100- Technology Index Fund Purchase $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 03/15/17 iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF Sale $15,001 $50,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 03/15/17 American Water Works Sale $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 03/15/17 Sanofi Spond ADR Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 03/15/17 First Trust Large Cap Core Alphadex Fund Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 03/15/17 iShares Core S&P Total US Stock Market ETF Sale $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/15/17 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/15/17 Gilead Science Sale $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/15/17 Vulcan Materials Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/15/17 CIT Group Sale $100,001 $250,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/15/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $50,001 $100,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 03/14/17 Guggenheim S&P 500 Equal Weighted Index Fund Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 03/14/17 Guggenheim S&P Equal Weighted Index Fund Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 03/14/17 iShares High Dividend Equity Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 03/14/17 Powershares DB Agriculture Fund Sale $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/14/17 Boston Scientific Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Perry, Rick Secretary Dept of Energy 03/14/17 Adeptus Health Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Perry, Rick Secretary Dept of Energy 03/14/17 Fairmount Santrol Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/10/17 Apple Inc Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/10/17 Becton Dickinson & Co Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/10/17 Boston Scientific Corp Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/10/17 Broadcom Ltd Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/10/17 Constellation Brands Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/10/17 DexCom Inc Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/10/17 Electronic Arts Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/10/17 Equinux Inc Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/10/17 Interncontinetal Exchange Group Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/10/17 Intuitive Surgical Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/10/17 Monster Beverage Corp Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/10/17 Priceline Group Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/10/17 Ross Stores Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/10/17 Servicenow Inc Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Shulkin, David J. Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs 03/10/17 BNSF Railway Bond Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Shulkin, David J. Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs 03/10/17 Dominion Resources Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Shulkin, David J. Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs 03/10/17 Prudential Fundemental love inc Ju sub note Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Shulkin, David J. Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs 03/10/17 Southern Co Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Shulkin, David J. Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs 03/10/17 Viacom subordinated note fix/var Purchase $100,001 $250,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 03/10/17 Summertime Holding Corp Purchase $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/09/17 Southwest Airlines Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/09/17 United Rentals Inc Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/09/17 Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/09/17 CIT Group Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/09/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/08/17 CIT Group Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/08/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/07/17 SNAP Inc Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 03/07/17 K One Journal Square LLC Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/07/17 CIT Group Sale $15,001 $50,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/07/17 CIT Group Inc (DT I) Sale $15,001 $50,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/07/17 iHeart Communications Bond Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 03/06/17 Apple Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/06/17 SNAP Inc Purchase $15,001 $50,000 Mnuchin, Steven T. Secretary Dept of Treasury 03/06/17 Blackstone Group Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Perry, Rick Secretary Dept of Energy 03/03/17 Microsoft Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Perry, Rick Secretary Dept of Energy 03/03/17 Tesla Motors Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/02/17 Accenture PLC Sale $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 03/02/17 NXP Semiconductors Sale $15,001 $50,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 03/02/17 News Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 03/02/17 Twenty-First Century Fox Sale $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 03/01/17 Raytheon Co Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 AbbVie Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Accenture PLC Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Airbus Group Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Alaska Air Group Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 American Express Co Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Amgen Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Anhui Conch Cement Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Apple Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Apple Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 AT&T Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Atlantia SPA Unspons Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 AXA Ads Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Baidu Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Blackrock Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 BNP Paribas SP Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Boeing Co Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Bristol-Myers Squibb Sale $15,001 $50,000Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Byd Co Ltd Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Carnival CP Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Carrefour SA Sponsored Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Caterpillar Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 CDN Pacific Ry LTD Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Celgene Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Chevron Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 China Mobile LTD Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 China Mobile LTD Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 China Pete & Chem CP Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Chubb Ltd Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Cisco Systems Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Cisco Systems Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Citigroup Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Coca Cola Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Colgate Palmolive Co Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Compagnie De St Gobain Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Compagnie Fin Richemontag Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Intl Ltd Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Cummins Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 CVS Health Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 CVS Health Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Daimler AG Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Deere & Co Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Delta Air Lines Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Deutsche Telekom Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Discover Financial Services Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Dr Horton Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 East Japan RY co Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Eaton Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Electricite de France Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Extra Space Storage Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Exxon Mobil Sale $15,000,001 $50,000,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Fedex Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Ferrovial SA Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Fidelity NAtional Information Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Ford Motor Co Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Fresenius SE & Co Spn Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 General Mills Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 General Motors Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 General Motors Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Glaxosmithkline Plc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Glaxosmithkline Plc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Goldman Sachs Group Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Heineken NV Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Honda Motor Co Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Honeywell International Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Honeywell International Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Hong Kong Exchanges & clearing Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Howden Japan RY Co Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Iberdrola Sa Spon Adr Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 IBM Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Infineon Technologies Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 ING Groep NV Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Ingenico Group Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Ingersoll-Rand PLC Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Intel Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Intesa Sanpaolo SPA Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Japan Arpt Term Co Ltd Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Japan Exchange Group Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 JD Com Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Johnson & Johnson Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Johnson & Johnson Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 JP Morgan Chase & Co Sale $100,001 $250,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 JP Morgan Chase & Co Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Komatsu LTD Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Koninklijke Phil EL Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 LafargeHolcim Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Legal & General PLC Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Lennar Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Line Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Lloyds Banking Group PLC Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Lockheed Martin Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Lowes Companies Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Lowes Companies Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Magna International Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Marsh & McLennan Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Masco Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Medtronic PLC Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Medtronic PLC Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Metlife Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Microsoft Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Microsoft Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Mitsubishi UFJ Fincl Grp Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Mondelez International Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Mondelez International Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Monsanto Co Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Natl Grid Transco Plc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Nestle Spon ADR Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 NextEra Energy Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Nielsen Holdings Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Nike Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Nike Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Nippon Shinyaku Co Ltd Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Novartis Ag Adr Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Novartis Ag Adr Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Novo Nordisk AVS ADR Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Packaging Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Pepsico Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Pepsico Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Pfizer Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Phillips 66 Co Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Potash Corp of Saskatchewan Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Praxair Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Procter & Gamble Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Prudential Financial Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Qualcomm Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Reckitt Benckiser PLC Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Royal Dutch Shell PLC Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Sanofi ADR Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Schlumberger Ltd Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Seven & I Holdings Co Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Shin Etsu Chem Co Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Shire PLC Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Sony Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Southwest Airlines Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 State Street Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Target Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 TE Connectivity Ltd Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Time Warner Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Total SA Spon ADR Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Toyota Motor Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Travelers Companies Inc Com Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 UBS Group Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Union Pacific Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Union Pacific Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 United Technologies Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Unitedhealth Group Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Verizon Communications Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 VF Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Vinci SA ADR Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Walmart Stores Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Walt Disney Co Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Walt Disney Co Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 WEC Energy Group Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Wells Fargo & Co Sale $50,001 $100,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Wells Fargo & Co Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Whirlpool Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Whirlpool Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Yandex NV Sale $15,001 $50,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 Yum China Holdings Sale $1,001 $15,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 03/01/17 ZTO Express Cayman Sale $1,001 $15,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 02/28/17 Tidi Products Holdings Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 02/27/17 NXP Semiconductors Sale $1,001 $15,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 02/27/17 GBI Holdings I Corp Purchase $5,000,001 $25,000,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 02/24/17 Accenture PLC Sale $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 02/24/17 Starbucks Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Powell, Dina Deputy National Security Advisor White House 02/23/17 New York Metropolitan Transit Bond Purchase $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 02/23/17 United Rentals Inc Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Shulkin, David J. Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs 02/23/17 Bank of America Corp Note Sale $100,001 $250,000 Shulkin, David J. Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs 02/23/17 Citigroup Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 Shulkin, David J. Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs 02/23/17 JP Morgan Chase & Co Sale $100,001 $250,000 Shulkin, David J. Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs 02/23/17 UBS Jersey Branch Euro Issue CPN Sale $50,001 $100,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 02/22/17 Accenture PLC Sale $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 02/22/17 Gilead Sciences Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 02/22/17 DB Financial LLC Sale $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Tillerson, Rex Wayne Secretary Dept of State 02/21/17 Exxon Mobil Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 02/17/17 JCK Cadre LLC Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 02/17/17 JCK Cadre LLC Sale $100,001 $250,000 Shulkin, David J. Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs 02/17/17 Citigroup Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 02/17/17 Bimini Capital Management Sale $1,001 $15,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 02/16/17 Israel Bonds Sale $100,001 $250,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 02/15/17 Ohio State TPK Comm TPK Rev Jr Lien PJS-A-1 Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 02/15/17 Schwab US Broad Market ETF Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 02/15/17 Schwab US Large Cap ETF Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 02/15/17 Schwab US Large-Cap Growth ETF Purchase $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 02/15/17 Schwab US Mid-Cap Purchase $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 02/15/17 Home Depot Sale $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 02/15/17 Stratasys Ltd Sale $15,001 $50,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/15/17 Arch Capital Group Sale $1,000 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/15/17 Athena Health Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/15/17 Bristol-Myers Squibb Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/15/17 Cognizant Technology Solutions Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/15/17 CVS Health Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/15/17 Kansas City Southern Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/15/17 L Brands Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/15/17 McKesson Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/15/17 Sempra Energy Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/15/17 Verizon Communications Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/15/17 Xerox Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 02/15/17 Mercadolibre Inc Purchase $1,001 $15,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 02/15/17 Accenture PLC Sale $15,001 $50,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 02/15/17 Summertime Holding Corp Purchase $250,001 $500,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 02/14/17 Schwab US Dividend Equity ETF Purchase $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 02/14/17 Schwab US Large Cap Value ETF Purchase $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 02/14/17 Schwab US Small Cap ETF Purchase $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 02/14/17 Spectra Energy Corp Sale $15,001 $50,000 McMahon, Linda Administrator Small Business Administration 02/14/17 Vulcan Materials Sale $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 02/13/17 iShares China Large Cap ETF Sale $1,001 $15,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 02/10/17 Finisar Corp Sale $50,001 $100,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 Aetna Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 Alphabet Inc Sale $1,000 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 American Tower Reit Com Sale $1,000 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 Amgen Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 Apple Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 Arris International Inc Sale $1,000 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 Biogen Idec Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 Calpine Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 CBS Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 Crown Castle International Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 Delta Air Lines Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 Honeywell International Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 HP Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 Innate Immunotherapeutics Sale $250,000 $500,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 Innate Immunotherapeutics Sale $15,001 $50,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 Jazz Pharmaceuticals plc - Ordinary Shares Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 Lilly Eli & Co Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 LyondellBasell Industries NV Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 NextEra Energy Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 Northrop Grumman Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 Pfizer Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 PG&E Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 Starbucks Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 United Technologies Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 Whitewave Foods Sale $1,001 $15,000 Price, Tom Secretary Dept of Health & Human Services 02/10/17 Zimmer Biomet Holdings Sale $1,001 $15,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 02/10/17 Citizens Finl Group Inc Com Sale $250,001 $500,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 02/09/17 Apple Inc Sale $1,001 $15,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 02/09/17 Cliffs Natural Resources Sale $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 02/09/17 PACCAR Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 02/09/17 Signature Bank Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 02/09/17 Signature Bank Sale $15,001 $50,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 02/09/17 Signature Bank Sale $15,001 $50,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 02/09/17 Signature Bank Sale $15,001 $50,000 DeVos, Elisabeth P Secretary Dept of Education 02/09/17 LexTM3 LLC Purchase $250,001 $500,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 02/08/17 Fidelity Stock Selector Sm Cp Purchase $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 02/08/17 Lockheed Martin Sale $100,001 $250,000 Cairncross, Sean DAP & Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff White House 02/07/17 Intercontinental Exchange Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 02/07/17 QORVO Sale $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 02/07/17 Skyworks Solutions Sale $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 02/06/17 ONEOK Partners Sale $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 02/01/17 iPath Cotton Commodity Linked Note Sale $1,001 $15,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 02/01/17 JK IV LLC Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 02/01/17 JKM Capital LLC Sale $250,001 $500,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 02/01/17 Thrive Partners II GP Sale $1,000,001 $5,000,000 Kushner, Jared C. Senior Adviser to the President White House 02/01/17 Thrive Partners III GP Sale $5,000,001 $25,000,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 01/26/17 Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 01/26/17 Atara Biotherapeutics Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 01/25/17 Intel Corp Sale $250,001 $500,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 01/25/17 Intel Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 01/25/17 Johnson & Johnson Sale $100,001 $250,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 01/25/17 Johnson & Johnson Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 01/25/17 Microsoft Corp Sale $250,001 $500,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 01/25/17 Microsoft Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 01/25/17 NetApp Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 01/25/17 Raytheon Co Sale $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 01/25/17 Splunk Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 01/25/17 Verizon Communications Sale $1,001 $15,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 01/25/17 Walmart Stores Sale $250,001 $500,000 Cordish, Reed Assistant to the President White House 01/25/17 Walmart Stores Sale $1,001 $15,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 01/24/17 Blackrock Inc Sale $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 01/24/17 Home Depot Sale $15,001 $50,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 01/24/17 Neustar Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 01/23/17 Spectra Energy Corp Purchase $15,001 $50,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 01/23/17 Sale $50,001 $100,000 Katsas, Gregory Deputy Assistant to the President White House 01/23/17 Apple Inc Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 01/23/17 Atara Biotherapeutics Purchase $1,001 $15,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 01/23/17 Wex Inc Purchase $100,001 $250,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 01/23/17 Neustar Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 Shulkin, David J. Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs 01/21/17 Nelnet Sale $50,001 $100,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 01/20/17 Neustar Inc Sale $500,001 $1,000,000 Ross, Wilbur Jr. Secretary Dept of Commerce 01/09/17 Neustar Inc Sale $100,001 $250,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 12/22/16 Proshares Ultrashort EURO ETF Sale $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 12/21/16 ISHARES US Insurance ETF Sale $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 12/20/16 Westn Gas Partners Sale $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 12/19/16 Vulcan Materials Sale $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 12/18/16 Marvell Tech Group Sale $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 12/17/16 Universal Corp Sale $1,001 $15,000 Wilson, Heather Secretary Dept of the Air Force 12/16/16 Brookfield Asset MGM Sale $1,001 $15,000 .d8b. d8888b. .88b d88. d888888b d8b db d888888b .d8888. d888888b d8888b. .d8b. d888888b d888888b .d88b. d8b db d88888b d888888b db d888888b d8b db d888b d8' `8b 88 `8D 88'YbdP`88 `88' 888o 88 `88' 88' YP `~~88~~' 88 `8D d8' `8b `~~88~~' `88' .8P Y8. 888o 88 88' `88' 88 `88' 888o 88 88' Y8b 88ooo88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88V8o 88 88 `8bo. 88 88oobY' 88ooo88 88 88 88 88 88V8o 88 88ooo 88 88 88 88V8o 88 88 88~~~88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 V8o88 88 `Y8b. 88 88`8b 88~~~88 88 88 88 88 88 V8o88 88~~~ 88 88 88 88 V8o88 88 ooo 88 88 88 .8D 88 88 88 .88. 88 V888 .88. db 8D 88 88 `88. 88 88 88 .88. `8b d8' 88 V888 88 .88. 88booo. .88. 88 V888 88. ~8~ YP YP Y8888D' YP YP YP Y888888P VP V8P Y888888P `8888Y' YP 88 YD YP YP YP Y888888P `Y88P' VP V8P YP Y888888P Y88888P Y888888P VP V8P Y888P REPORTED ASSETS Filing Year Total Assets Aircraft Book Deals Licensing Deals Real Estate & DevelopmentGolf Courses Hotels & ResortsVineyards Entertainment VenturesOther Stocks, Funds & Cash Accounts 2017 $1,690,282,881 $59,000,003 $500 $116,004 $856,204,527 $562,675,011 $103,140,004 $16,500,002 $6,407,502 $6,008,502 $80,230,826 2016 $1,747,575,334 $59,000,003 $500 $102,505 $873,390,527 $562,517,513 $103,075,003 $16,500,002 $9,175,002 $6,041,003 $117,773,279 2015 $1,606,020,676 $74,000,003 $8,001 $575,510 $688,946,027 $562,691,014 $65,375,002 $16,500,002 $24,266,004 $18,041,002 $155,618,114 REVENUE GENERATED OFF REPORTED ASSETS Filing Year Total Income Aircraft Book Deals Licensing Deals Real Estate & DevelopmentGolf Courses Hotels & ResortsVineyards Entertainment VenturesOther Stocks, Funds & Cash AccountsSpeaking Deals 2017 $635,065,892 $3,550,202 $4,153,508 $14,087,412 $168,562,388 $299,854,521 $60,556,839 $1,175,002 $16,307,044 $5,567,864 $61,251,115 $0 2016 $733,349,677 $3,032,702 $3,701,508 $27,144,675 $161,440,233 $398,332,363 $33,848,061 $1,175,002 $21,423,516 $4,820,364 $77,631,256 $800,000 2015 $407,242,381 $3,550,202 $151,108 $22,228,691 $103,045,119 $190,556,296 $16,704,600 $657,502 $18,956,275 $4,262,986 $45,379,605 $1,750,000 LIABILITIES Filing Year Total Liabilties Mortgages Loans Secured Lease Bonds 2017 $393,500,011 $205,250,007 $187,500,004 $750,001 2016 $408,050,006 $205,550,007 $187,500,004 $15,000,001 2015 $358,050,004 $255,550,003 $87,500,001 $15,000,001 POSITIONS ID # PFD Page Organization Name City, State Organization Type Position Held From To 7 2 3126 Corporatron New York, NY Corporation President/Director 6/1/1999 1/19/2017 1 2 4 Shadow Tree Lane LLC New York, NY LLC President 9/26/2012 1/19/2017 2 2 4 Shadow Tree Lane Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 9/26/2012 1/19/2017 3 2 40 Wall Development Associates LLC New York, NY LLC Member & President 4/11/95 & 8/11/03 1/19/2017 4 2 40 Wall Street Commercial LLC New York, NY LLC President 8/27/2009 1/19/2017 5 2 40 Wall Street LLC New York, NY LLC President 4/23/1998 1/19/2017 6 2 40 Wall Street Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Presideni/Director 4/29/1998 1/19/2017 8 2 401 Mezz Venture LLC New York, NY LLC President 10/1/2004 1/19/2017 9 2 401 North Wabash Venture LLC New York, NY LLC Member & President 5/22/02 & 10/1/04 1/19/2017 12 2 809 North Canon LLC New York, NY LLC President 12/13/2006 1/19/2017 13 2 809 North Canon Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director 12/13/2006 1/19/2017 14 2 81 Pine Note Holder Inc New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Secretary 6/30/1999 1/19/2017 241 6 Ace Entertainment Holdings Inc (f/ka Trump Casinos Inc & Formerly Trum Taj Mahal Inc) Atlantic City, NJ Corporation Chairrnan/Treasurer 8/3/1988 1/19/2017 15 2 Aviation Payroll Company New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Secretary 8/9/2012 1/19/2017 16 2 B Plaza Realty Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/President 7/14/1981 11/10/2016 17 2 Bedford Hills Corp New York, NY Corporation Director & President/Treasurer/Secretary 8/3/1995 & 4/16/96 1/19/2017 18 2 Briar Hall Operatlons LLC New York, NY LLC Member 1/9/1997 1/19/2017 19 2 Briarcliff Properties New York, NY Corporation Director & President/Treasurer/Secretary 1/17/1996 & 4/16/96 1/19/2017 561 13 C Development Ventures LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 4/6/2016 To Date 562 13 C Development Ventures Memeber Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 4/6/2016 To Date 20 2 Carlbusiness MRE LLC New York, NY LLC Member 3/13/2013 1/19/2017 22 2 Chelsea Hall LLC New York, NY LLC Member 11/22/1995 1/19/2017 23 2 Chicago Unit Acquisition LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 12/15/2005 1/19/2017 24 2 China Trademark LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 6/17/2008 1/19/2017 25 2 Coronet Hall Inc New York, NY Corporation Director/Vice President 8/1/1969 1/19/2017 28 2 D B Pace Accquisition Member Corp NewYork, NY Corporation Chairman/President/Director 11/7/2014 1/19/2017 27 2 D B Pace Acquisition LLC South Carolina LLC Member/President 11/12/2014 1/19/2017 26 2 Development Member Inc New York, NY Corporation President/Secretary & Director 10/24/1996 & 11/4/96 1/19/2017 30 2 DJ Aerosoace Bermuda Limited Bermuda Foreign Corporation President/Director 3/9/1994 1/19/2017 29 2 DJT Aerospace LLC Atlantic Citv, NJ LLC Member/President 6/2/2010 1/19/2017 32 2 DJT Entreoreneur Member LLC (f/k/a DJT Universltv Member LLC) New York, NY LLC Member & President 10/25/2004 1/19/2017 31 2 DJT Entrepreneur Managing Member LLC (f/k/a DJT University Managing Member LLC) New York, NY LLC Member & President 10/25/2004 1/19/2017 33 2 DJT Holdings LLC New York, NY LLC Member & President 11/29/2010 & 12/2/2010 1/19/2017 34 2 DJT Holdings Managing Member LLC New York, NY LLC Member & President 12/2/2010 1/19/2017 35 2 DJT Land Holdings Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director 1/16/2012 1/19/2017 38 2 DJT Operations CX LLC Waterbury, CT LLC Member/President 9/12/2012 1/19/2017 36 2 DJT Operations I LLC Palm Beach, Fiortda LLC Member/President 7/15/2010 1/19/2017 37 2 DJT Operatlons II LLC Palm Beach Flortda LLC Member/President 7/15/2010 1/19/2017 39 2 DSN Licensing LLC (fka Trump Marks Networks LLC) New York, NY LLC Member/President 2/26/2009 1/19/2017 40 2 DSN Licensing Member Corp (fka Trump Marks Network Member Inc) New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman & President 1/14/2009 &2/26/09 1/19/2017 41 2 DT APP Warrant Holding LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 3/2/2012 1/19/2017 42 2 DT APP Warrant Holding Managing Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Dlrector/Chairman/President 3/2/2012 1/19/2017 517 12 DT Bali Golf Manager LLC New York, NY LLC President 6/23/2015 1/19/2017 518 12 DT Bali Golf Manager Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 6/23/2015 1/19/2017 519 12 DT Bali Hotel Manager LLC New York, NY LLC President 6/23/2015 1/19/2017 520 12 DT Bali Hotel Manager Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 6/23/2015 1/19/2017 522 12 DT Bali Technical Services Manaaer Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 6/23/2015 1/19/2017 521 12 DT Bali Technical Services Manager LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 6/23/2015 1/19/2017 523 12 DT Connect Europe Limited Turnberry, Scotland Foreign Entity Director 2/13/2015 1/19/2017 43 2 DT Connect II LLC Palm Beach Florida LLC Member/President 7/31/2014 1/19/2017 44 2 DT Connect II Member Corp Palm Beach Florida Corporation Director/Chairman/President 7/31/2014 1/19/2017 45 2 DT Connect LLC Palm Beach Florida LLC Member/President 2/27/2012 10/26/2015 46 2 DT Connect Managing Member Corp Palm Beach Florida Corporation Director/Chairman/President 2/27/2012 10/22/2015 47 2 DT Dubai Golf Manager LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 3/20/2013 1/19/2017 48 2 DT Dubai Golf Manager Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 3/20/2013 1/19/2017 49 3 DT Dubai II Golf Manager LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 10/30/2014 1/19/2017 50 3 DT Dubai II Golf Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 10/30/2014 1/19/2017 524 12 DT Endeavor I LLC New York, NY LLC President 1/4/2016 1/19/2017 525 12 DT Endeavor I Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 1/4/2016 1/19/2017 51 3 DT Home Marks International LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 7/12/2013 1/19/2017 52 3 DT Home Marks International Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 7/12/2013 1/19/2017 53 3 DT India Venture LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 1/9/2012 1/19/2017 54 3 DT India Venture Managing Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 1/9/2012 1/19/2017 526 12 DT Jeddah Technical Services Advisor LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 8/21/2015 10/26/2015 527 12 DT Jeddah Technical Services Advisor Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 8/21/2015 10/22/2016 528 12 DT Jeddah Technical Services Manaaer LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 8/31/2015 11/15/2016 529 12 DT Jeddah Technical Services Manaaer Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 8/31/2015 11/15/2016 530 12 DT Lido Golf Manager LLC New York, NY LLC President 6/23/2015 1/19/2017 531 12 DT Lido Golf Manager Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 6/23/2015 1/19/2017 532 12 DT Lido Hotel Manager LLC New York, NY LLC President 06/23/15 1/19/2017 533 12 DT Lido Hotel Manager Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 6123115 1/19/2017 534 12 DT Lido Technical Services Manager LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 08/23/15 1/19/2017 535 12 DT Lido Technical Services Manager Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 06/23/15 1/19/2017 55 3 DT Marks Baku LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 4/10/2012 1/19/2017 56 3 DT Marks Baku Managing Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 4/10/2012 1/19/2017 536 12 DT Marks Bali LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 6/23/2015 1/19/2017 537 12 DT Marks Ball Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 06/23/15 1/19/2017 59 3 DT Marks Dubai II LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 10/30/2014 11/20/2015 60 3 DT Marks Dubai II Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 10/30/2014 11/20/2015 57 3 DT Marks Dubai LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 9/5/2013 1/19/2017 58 3 DT Marks Dubai Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 9/5/2013 1/19/2017 61 3 DT Marks Gurgaon LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 10/28/2014 1/19/2017 62 3 DT Marks Gurgaon Managing Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 10/30/2014 1/19/2017 63 3 DT Marks Jersey City LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 10/30/2014 1/19/2017 64 3 DT Marks Jupiter LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 8/29/2014 1/19/2017 538 12 DT Marks Lido LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 6123115 1/19/2017 539 12 DT Marks Lido Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 06/23/15 1/19/2017 67 3 DT Marks Products International LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 9/13/2013 1/19/2017 68 3 DT Marks Products International Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 9/13/2013 1/19/2017 71 3 DT Marks Pune II LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 6/18/2014 1/19/2017 72 3 DT Marks Pune II Managing Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 6/16/2014 1/19/2017 69 3 DT Marks Pune LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 1/9/2012 1/19/2017 70 3 DT Marks Pune Managing Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 1/9/2012 1/19/2017 65 3 DT Marks Qatar LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 10/30/2014 1/19/2017 66 3 DT Marks Qatar Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 10/30/2014 1/19/2017 73 3 DT Marks Rio LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 3/9/2012 1/19/2017 74 3 DT Marks Rio Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 3/9/2012 1/19/2017 75 3 DT Marks Vancouver LP New York, NY Partnership Partner/President 1/22/2013 1/19/2017 76 3 DT Marks Vancouver Managing Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 1/22/2013 1/19/2017 77 3 DT Marks Worli LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 5/21/2013 1/19/2017 78 3 DT Marks Worli Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 5/21/2013 1/19/2017 542 12 DT Tewer II LLC New York, NY LLC President 1/4/2016 1/19/2017 79 3 DT Tower Gurgaon LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 3/9/2015 1/19/2017 80 3 DT Tower Gurgaon Managing Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 3/9/2015 1/19/2017 540 12 DT Tower I LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 1/4/2016 1/19/2017 541 12 DT Tower I Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 01/04/16 1/19/2017 543 12 DT Tower II Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 1/4/2016 1/19/2017 544 12 DT Tower Kolkata LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 11/25/15 1/19/2017 545 12 DT Tower Kolkata Managing Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 11125115 1/19/2017 546 12 DT Venture I LLC New York, NY LLC President 1/4/2016 1/19/2017 547 12 DT Venture I Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 1/4/2016 1/19/2017 548 12 DT Venture II LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 1/4/2016 1/19/2017 549 12 DT Venture II Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 1/4/2016 1/19/2017 550 12 DTTM Operations LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 01/15/16 1/19/2017 551 13 DTTM Operations Managing Member New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 01/15/16 To Date 81 3 DTW Venture LLC New York, NY LLC Member 3/14/2014 1/19/2017 82 3 DTW Venture Managing Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/President 3/14/2014 1/19/2017 85 3 EID Venture I Corporation New York, NY Corporation President/Director 5/1/2013 1/19/2017 84 3 EID Venture I LLC New York, NY LLC Member 5/1/2013 1/19/2017 552 13 EID Venture II LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 01/04/16 To Date 553 13 EID Venture II Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 01/04/16 To Date 87 3 Excel Venture I Corp St Martin Corporation Director/Chairman/President 7/1/2013 1/19/2017 86 3 Excel Venture I LLC St Martin LLC President/Secretary/Treasurer/Member 7/1/2013 1/19/2017 88 3 Fifty Seven Management Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman 8/23/2012 1/19/2017 89 3 Fifty Seventh Street Associates LLC New York, NY LLC President 11/30/1995 1/19/2017 90 3 First Member Inc New York, NY Corporation President 9/26/1996 1/19/2017 91 3 Flights Inc (Formerly Trump Flights Inc) New York, NY Corporation President/Treasurer/Director 7/1/1999 1/19/2017 92 3 Florida Properties Management Palm Beach Florida LLC Member 12/17/2001 1/19/2017 93 3 Fontainbleu Apartments LLC New York, NY LLC Member 11/22/1995 1/19/2017 509 12 Fred C Trump, GRAT Trust- F/B/O Elizabeth Trump Grau New York, NY Trust Trustee November-97 1/19/2017 94 3 Golf Productions LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 6/16/2009 1/19/2017 95 4 Golf Productions Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 6/16/2009 1/19/2017 96 4 Golf Recreation Scotland Limited Tumberry, Scotland Foreign Entity Director 4/16/2014 1/19/2017 97 4 Hellcorrler Air Services Inc New York, NY Corporation President 8/16/1988 1/19/2017 98 4 Highlander Hall Inc New York, NY Corporation Director/Vice President 8/1/1969 10/15/2015 107 4 Indian Hills Holdings LLC (f/k/a Indian Hills Development LLC) New York, NY LLC Member/President 2/5/1998 & 8/2000 1/19/2017 108 4 Jupiter Golf Club LLC (Trump National Golf Club - Jupiter) New York, NY LLC President 9/28/2012 1/19/2017 109 4 Jupiter Golf Club Managing Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chainnan 9/28/2012 1/19/2017 110 4 Lamington Family Holdings LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 7/7/2011 & 7/16/2011 1/19/2017 565 13 Lamington Farm Club LLC (TRUMP NATIONAL GOLF CLUB - BEDMINSTER) Bedminster, NJ LLC President 2/11/2000 1/19/2017 111 4 Lawrence Towers Apartments LLC New York, NY LLC Member 11/22/1995 1/19/2017 112 4 LFB Acquisition LLC New York, NY LLC President 8/29/2002 1/19/2017 113 4 LFB Acquisition Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 11/9/2011 1/19/2017 114 4 Mar A Lago Club Inc Palm Beach Florida Corporation President/Treasurer/Secretary 4/16/1996 1/19/2017 115 4 Mar A Lago Club LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 1/14/2010 1/19/2017 511 12 Maryanne Trump GRAT Trust- F/B/O Elizabeth Trump Grau New York, NY Trust Trustee November-97 1/19/2017 116 4 Midland Associates New York, NY Partnership Partner 6/15/1988 1/19/2017 117 4 Miss Universe LP LLLP (Formerly Trump Pagents) New York, NY Partnership Partner Oct-96 1/19/2017 555 13 Mobile Payroll Construction Manager Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 06/04/15 To Date 554 13 Mobile Payroll Construction LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 6/4/2015 To Date 118 4 Nitto Wortd Co Limited Turnberry, Scotland Foreign Entity Director 6/11/2014 1/19/2017 119 4 Ocean Development Member Inc New York, NY Corporation President/Director 3/8/2007 1/19/2017 120 4 Ocean Development Services LLC New York, NY LLC Member 3/8/2007 10/28/2015 121 4 OPO Hotel Manaaer LLC New York, NY LLC President 6/12/2013 1/19/2017 122 4 OPO Hotel Manacier Member Coro New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 6/12/2013 1/19/2017 123 4 OWO Developer LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 11/5/2014 1/19/2017 124 4 Panama Ocean Club Management LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 8/5/2010 1/19/2017 125 4 Panama Ocean Club Management Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Chairman/Director 8/5/2010 1/19/2017 126 4 Paramount RPV Holdlnas LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 11/7/2011 & 1/3/13 10/14/2016 127 4 Paramount RPV Holdlnas Manager Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 1/3/2013 10/14/2016 128 4 Parc Consulting Inc New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Secretary 6/1/1999 1/19/2017 129 4 Park Briar Associates New York, NY Partnership Partner 6/24/1969 1/19/2017 131 4 Pine Hill Development LLC New York, NY LLC President/Director/Chairman 4/15/2014 1/19/2017 130 4 Pine Hill Development Manging Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director & Chairman/President 4/19/14 & 4/15/14 & 4/15/14 1/19/2017 132 4 Plaza Consulting Corp New York, NY Corporation President 10/22/1986 1/19/2017 133 4 Poker Venture LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 3/19/2012 1/19/2017 134 4 Poker Venture Managing Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/President/Chairman 3/19/2012 1/19/2017 135 4 Reg Tru Equities LTD New York, NY Corporation Director/President/Secretary/Treasurer 8/7/90 & 8/26/77 1/19/2017 148 4 Restaurant 40 LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 12/21/2011 & 12/24/11 11/9/2016 149 4 Restaurant 40 Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman/Treasurer/Secretary 12/24/2011 11/9/2016 136 4 RPV Development LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 8/6/2002 1/19/2017 137 4 Scotland Acquisitions LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 3/21/2006 1/19/2017 138 4 Sentient Jets LLC (Now/Known/As Trump Jets LLC) New York, NY LLC Member 9/25/2008 11/9/2016 139 4 Sentient Jets Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director 9/25/2008 11/9/2016 140 4 Seven Springs LLC New York, NY LLC President 12/1/1995 1/19/2017 142 4 Shore Haven Apt#1 lnc New York, NY Corporation Director/Vice President 8/1/1969 1/19/2017 143 4 Shore Haven Shopping Center LLC New York, NY LLC Member 11/22/1995 1/19/2017 144 4 SLC Turnbberry Limited (Trump Turnberry) Turnberry, Scotland Foreign Entity Director/Chairman 6/11/2014 1/19/2017 147 4 Sussex Hall Inc New York, NY Corporation Director/Vice President 8/1/1969 1/19/2017 150 4 T International Really LLC (dba Trump International Realty) New York, NY LLC Member/President 9/12/2012 1/19/2017 151 4 Tag Air Inc New York, NY Corporation President/Director 8/24/2010 1/19/2017 563 13 TC Marks Buenos Aires LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 04/20/16 To Date 153 5 THC Baku Hotel Manager Services LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 12/19/2014 1/19/2017 154 5 THC Baku Hotel Manager Services Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 12/19/2014 1/19/2017 156 5 THC Baku Seivices Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 12/10/2014 1/19/2017 155 5 THC Baku Services LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 12/10/2014 1/19/2017 157 5 THC Barra Holelaria LTDA Brazil Foreign Entity Member 4/15/2014 1/19/2017 158 5 THC Central Reservations LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 9/16/2013 1/19/2017 159 5 THC Central Reservations Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Chairman/Director/President 9/16/2013 1/19/2017 160 5 THC China Development LLC (fka Trump China Development LLC) New York, NY LLC President 2/20/2012 1/19/2017 175 5 THC China Technical Services LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 5/16/2014 1/19/2017 174 5 THC China Technical Services Manager Corp New York, NY Corporation Chairman/Director/President 5/16/2014 1/19/2017 556 13 THC DC Restsurent Hospitality LLC New York, NY LLC President 8/17/2015 To Date 163 5 THC Development Brazil LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 5/15/2013 1/19/2017 162 5 THC Development Brazil Managing Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Chairman/Director/President 5/15/2013 1/19/2017 164 5 THC Dubai II Hotel Manager LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 10/30/2014 11/20/2015 165 5 THC Dubai II Hotel Manager Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Chairman/Director/President 10/30/2014 11/20/2015 166 5 THC Hotel Development LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 10/11/2012 1/19/2017 167 5 THC IMEA Development LLC New York, NY LLC President 1/16/2012 1/19/2017 558 13 THC Jeddah Hotel Advisor Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 8121115 10/22/15 560 13 THC Jeddah Hotel Manager Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 8/31/2015 To Date 557 13 THC Jeddeh Hotel Advisor LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 6/21/2015 10/26/15 559 13 THC Joddah Hotel Manager LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 08/31/15 To Date 169 5 THC Miami Restaurant Hospitality LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 2/1/2013 1/19/2017 168 5 THC Miami Restaurant Hospitality Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Chairman/Director/President 2/1/2013 1/19/2017 176 5 THC Qatar Hotel Manager LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 10/30/2014 1/19/2017 177 5 THC Qatar Hotel Manager Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Chairman/Director/President 10/30/2014 10/18/2016 171 5 THC Rio Manager LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 4/11/2013 1/19/2017 170 5 THC Rio Managing Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Chairman/Director/President 4/11/2013 1/19/2017 172 5 THC Sales & Marketing LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 9/17/2013 1/19/2017 173 5 THC Sales & Marketing Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Chairman/Director/President 9/17/2013 1/19/2017 178 5 THC Services Shenzhen LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 11/25/2014 1/19/2017 179 5 THC Services Shenzhen Member Com New York, NY Corporation Chairman/Director/President 11/25/2014 1/19/2017 180 5 THC Shenzhen Hotel Manager LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 11/25/2014 1/19/2017 181 5 THC Shenzhen Hotel Manager Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Chairman/Director/President 11/25/2014 1/19/2017 182 5 THC Vancouver Management Corp New York, NY Corporation Chairman/Director/President 1/23/2013 1/19/2017 183 5 THC Vancouver Payroll ULC British Columbia, Canada Director/President 2/20/2015 1/19/2017 184 5 THC Venture I LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 3/14/2014 1/19/2017 187 5 THC Venture I Managing Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Chairman/Director/President 3/14/2014 1/19/2017 185 5 THC Venture II LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 3/14/2014 1/19/2017 188 5 THC Venture II Managing Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Chairman/Director/President 3/14/2014 1/19/2017 186 5 THC Venture III LLC N/K/A TTTT Vetnure LLC New York, NY LLC President 10/27/2014 1/19/2017 189 5 THC Venture Ill Member Corp - N/K/A TTTT Venture Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Chairman/Director/President 10/27/2014 1/19/2017 21 2 The Caribusiness RE Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 3/12/2015 1/19/2017 190 5 The Donald J Trump Foundation Inc New York, NY Non Profit Director 2/18/1987 1/19/2017 514 12 The Donald J Trump grantor Trust - DJT is the Trustee Successor - Trustee is Donald J Trump Jr New York, NY Trust Trustee November-97 1/19/2017 515 12 The Donald J Trump Revocable Trust New York, NY Trust Trustee April-14 12/31/2016 387 9 The Donald J. Trump Company LLC New York, NY LLC Manager 04/07114 1/19/2017 83 3 The East 61 St Co LP New York, NY Partnership Partner 12/6/1996 1/19/2017 502 12 The Fred C Trump December 16, 1976 Trust- F/B/O Donald J Trump New York, NY Trust Trustee December-76 1/19/2017 505 12 The Fred C Trump December 16, 1976 Trust- F/B/O Elizabeth J Trump New York, NY Trust Trustee December-76 1/19/2017 504 12 The Fred C Trump December 16, 1976 Trust- F/B/O Robert S Trump New York, NY Trust Trustee December-76 1/19/2017 516 12 The Police Athletic League Inc New York, NY Non Profit Member of the Board July-86 1/19/2017 191 5 The Trump Corporation New York, NY Corporation Director/President/Chairman 7/30/1980 1/19/2017 193 5 The Trump Equitable Fifth Avenue Company New York, NY Partnership Partner 1/30/1980 1/19/2017 280 7 The Trump Follies LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 12/14/2006 1/19/2017 192 5 The Trump Follies Member Inc New York, NY Corporation Chairman/Director/President 12/13/2010 1/19/2017 388 9 The Trump Marks Real Estate Corp New York, NY Corp Chairman/Director & President 02/23107 1/19/2017 425 10 The Trump Organization Inc New York, NY Corporation Director/President/Chairman 5/1/1981 1/19/2017 194 5 TIGL Common Area Management Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director 2/21/2014 1/19/2017 195 5 TIGL Common Area Management Holdings LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 2/21/2014 12/30/2015 196 5 TIGL Ireland Enterprises Limited (Trump International Golf Links - Doonberg) Doonberg, Ireland Foreign Entity Director/President 2/24/2014 1/19/2017 197 5 TIGL Ireland Management Limited Doonberg, Ireland Foreign Entity President/Director 2/24/2014 1/19/2017 198 5 TIHC Reservations LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 8/9/2010 1/19/2017 199 5 TIHH Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director 9/10/2009 1/19/2017 200 6 TIHH Member LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 9/10/2009 1/19/2017 201 6 TIHM Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director 8/13/2006 1/19/2017 202 6 TIHT Chicago Member Acquisition LLC New York, NY LLC President 6/3/2004 1/19/2017 203 6 TIHT Commercial LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 12/30/1998 1/19/2017 204 6 TIHT Holdlng Company LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 1/18/2005 1/19/2017 205 6 TIHT Member LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 7/20/2006 1/19/2017 206 6 Tipperary Realty Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Treasurer/Director 11/13/1975 1/19/2017 420 10 Tlllmn Ocean Managing Member LLC New York, NY LLC President 8/31/2006 10/27/2015 207 6 TMG Member LLC New York, NY LLC Member 1/15/1999 1/19/2017 208 6 TNGC Charlotte LLC New York, NY LLC President 10/20/2011 1/19/2017 209 6 TNGC Charlotte Manager Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Chairman/Director 10/20/2011 1/19/2017 210 6 TNGC Dutchess County LLC (fka Trump Marks Classic Cars LLC) New York, NY LLC President 11/17/2009 1/19/2017 211 6 TNGC Dutchess County Member Corp (fka Trump Marks Classic Cars Member Corp) New York, NY Corporation President/Chairman/Director 11/17/2009 1/19/2017 212 6 TNGC Jupiter Management LLC New York, NY LLC President 6/26/2014 1/19/2017 213 6 TNGC Jupiter Managing Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Chairman/Director 6/26/2014 1/19/2017 214 6 TNGC Pine Hill LLC (fka Crest Court LLC) (Trump National Golf Club - Philadelphia) New York, NY LLC President 11/17/2009 1/19/2017 215 6 TNGC Pine Hill Member Corp (fka Crest Court Member Corp) New York, NY Corporation President/Chairman/Director 11/17/2009 1/19/2017 216 6 Toronto Development LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 6/28/2001 1/19/2017 217 6 TP CFD LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 11/28/2012 10/18/2016 218 6 TP CFD Manager Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Chairman/Director 11/28/2012 10/18/2016 219 6 Travel Enterprises Management Inc (Formerly Toys at Trump Inc) New York, NY Corporation President/CEO 3/24/1986 1/19/2017 225 6 Trumo845 UN MGR Corp New York, NY Corporation President 10/14/1998 1/19/2017 220 6 Trump 106 CPS LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 3/28/1997 1/19/2017 223 6 Trump 845 LP LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 9/19/2003 1/19/2017 224 6 Trump 845 UN GP LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President/Treasurer 8/20/1997 1/19/2017 226 6 Trump 845 UN MGR LLC (F/K/A 845 UN LLC) New York, NY LLC President/Treasurer/Member 5/14/1997 1/19/2017 227 6 Trump AC Casino Marks LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 8/3/2010 1/19/2017 228 6 Trump AC Casino Marks Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Chairman/Director 8/3/2010 1/19/2017 229 6 Trump Acquisition Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Chairman/Director 2/6/2008 1/19/2017 230 6 Trump Acquisition LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 2/6/2008 1/19/2017 231 6 Trump Books LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 10/3/2011 1/19/2017 232 6 Trump Books Manager Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Chairman/Director 10/3/2011 1/19/2017 233 6 Trump Brazil LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 9/8/2003 1/19/2017 234 6 Trump Briarcliff Manor Development LLC (formerly Briar Hall Development LLC) New York, NY LLC President 3/4/1996 1/19/2017 235 6 Trump Canadian Services Inc New York, NY Corporation President/Secretary 3/3/2016 1/19/2017 236 6 Trump Canouan Estate LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 12/19/2007 1/19/2017 237 6 Trump Canouan Estate Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Chairman/Director 12/19/2007 1/19/2017 238 6 Trump Caribbean LLC New York, NY LLC Member 8/27/2001 1/19/2017 239 6 Trump Carousel LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 2/18/2010 1/19/2017 240 6 Trump Carousel Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Chairman/Director 2/18/2010 1/19/2017 242 6 Trump Central Park West Corp New York, NY Corporation President September-94 1/19/2017 244 6 Trump Chicago Commercial Manager LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 6/28/2010 1/19/2017 243 6 Trump Chicago Commercial Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Chairman/Director 7/8/2010 1/19/2017 245 6 Trump Chicago Development LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 12/26/2001 1/19/2017 246 6 Trump Chicago Hotel Manager LLC New York, NY LLC President/Chairman/Director 7/8/2010 1/19/2017 247 6 Trump Chicago Hotel Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Member 6/28/2010 1/19/2017 248 7 Trump Chicago Managing Member LLC New York, NY LLC President 10/1/2004 1/19/2017 249 7 Trump Chicago Member LLC New York, NY LLC President 10/4/2016 1/19/2017 250 7 Trump Chicago Residential Manager LLC New York, NY LLC President/Chairman/Director 7/8/2010 1/19/2017 251 7 Trump Chicago Residential Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Member 6/28/2010 1/19/2017 252 7 Trump Chicago Retail LLC New York, NY LLC President 10/16/2012 1/19/2017 253 7 Trump Chicago Retail Manager LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 10/23/2012 1/19/2017 254 7 Trump Chicago Retail Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Chairman/Director 10/23/2012 1/19/2017 255 7 Trump Classic Cars LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 6/24/2010 10/17/2016 256 7 Trump Classic Cars Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Chairman/Director 6/24/2010 10/17/2016 257 7 Trump Commercial Chicago LLC New York, NY LLC President 8/29/2007 1/19/2017 260 7 Trump CPS Corp New York, NY Corporation Director 11/6/1996 1/19/2017 261 7 Trump CPS LLC New York, NY LLC Member & President 11/6/1996 & 11/16/06 1/19/2017 262 7 Trump Delmonico LLC New York, NY LLC Member 11/21/2001 1/19/2017 263 7 Trump Development Services LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 9/28/2009 1/19/2017 264 7 Trump Development Services Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director 9/28/2009 1/19/2017 265 7 Trump Drinks Israel Holdings LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 5/25/2011 10/26/2015 266 7 Trump Drinks Israel Holdings Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 5/25/2011 10/22/2015 267 7 Trump Drinks Israel LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 5/25/2011 1/19/2017 268 7 Trump Drinks Israel Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chainnan 5/25/2011 1/19/2017 269 7 Trump Education ULC Nova Scotia, Canada Chairman/Director 5/28/2009 1/19/2017 270 7 Trump Empire State Inc New York, NY Corporation President/Treasurer/Director 4/18/1994 1/19/2017 271 7 Trump Endeavor 12 LLC New York, NY LLC President 10/6/2011 1/19/2017 272 7 Trump Endeavor 12 Manager Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 10/6/2011 1/19/2017 275 7 Trump Entrepreneur Initiative LLC (f/k/a Trump University CA LLC) New York, NY LLC Member 5/14/2009 1/19/2017 273 7 Trump EU Marks LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President/Secretary/Treasurer 8/4/2011 1/19/2017 274 7 Trump EU Marks Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 8/4/2011 1/19/2017 276 7 Trump Ferry Point LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 6/4/2010 1/19/2017 277 7 Trump Ferry Point Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 6/4/2010 1/19/2017 278 7 Trump Florida Management LLC New York, NY LLC Member 6/13/2005 1/19/2017 279 7 Trump Florida Manager Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/President 6/10/2005 1/19/2017 283 7 Trump Golf Acquisition LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 4/23/2010 1/19/2017 284 7 Trump Golf Coco Beach LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 12/11/2007 1/19/2017 285 7 Trump Golf Coco Beach Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/President 12/11/2007 1/19/2017 286 7 Trump Golf Management LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 1/28/2005 1/19/2017 287 7 Trump Home Marks LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 11/19/2009 1/19/2017 288 7 Trump Home Marks Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director 11/19/2009 1/19/2017 290 7 Trump Ice Inc New York, NY Corporation Director/President 3/3/1999 1/19/2017 289 7 Trump Ice LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 3/25/2004 1/19/2017 293 7 Trump International Development LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 11/29/2010 1/19/2017 294 7 Trump International Development Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 11/29/2010 1/19/2017 297 7 Trump International Golf Club Inc Palm Beach, FL Corporation President/Director/Secretary/Treasurer 12/9/1996 1/19/2017 295 7 Trump International Golf Club LC (Trump International Gold Club - Florida) Palm Beach, FL LLC Member/President 5/3/1997 & 11/1/13 1/19/2017 296 7 Trump International Golf Club Scotland Limited Aberdeen, Scotland Foreign Entity Director/Chairman 1/24/06 & 3/13/06 1/19/2017 298 7 Trump International Hotel and Tower Condominium New York, NY Condominium Association President September-98 1/19/2017 299 7 Trump International Hotel Hawaii LLC New York, NY LLC President 9/10/2009 1/19/2017 300 8 Trump International Hotels Management LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 6/13/2006 1/19/2017 301 8 Trump International Management Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director 7/2/1996 1/19/2017 304 8 Trump Korean Projects LLC New York, NY LLC Member 5/4/1999 1/19/2017 312 8 Trump Las Member LLC Las Vegas, NV LLC President/Member 10/1/2002 1/19/2017 305 8 Trump Las Olas LLC New York, NY LLC Member 8/10/2005 1/19/2017 306 8 Trump Las Olas Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/President 6/10/2005 1/19/2017 307 8 Trump Las Vegas Corp Las Vegas, NV Corporation Director/President 12/4/2009 1/19/2017 308 8 Trump Las Vegas Development LLC Las Vegas, NV LLC President/Member 10/10/2002 1/19/2017 309 8 Trump Las Vegas Managing Member LLC Las Vegas, NV LLC President/Member 10/10/2002 1/19/2017 314 8 Trump Las Vegas Sales & Marketing Inc Las Vegas, NV Corporation President 10/8/2004 1/19/2017 316 8 Trump Lauderdale Development 2 LLC New York, NY LLC Member 9/8/2004 1/19/2017 317 8 Trump Lauderdale Development LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 1/12/04 & 9/22/2003 1/19/2017 318 8 Trump Management Inc New York, NY Corporation Director/VP 4/22/1969 1/19/2017 319 8 Trump Marketing LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 2/10/2011 1/19/2017 320 8 Trump Marks Asia Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Chairman/Director 3/3/2006 1/19/2017 321 8 Trump Marks Asia LLC New York, NY LLC President 2/29/2008 11/14/11 & 2/29/06 1/19/2017 322 8 Trump Marks Atlanta LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 5/1/2006 1/19/2017 323 8 Trump Marks Atlanta Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Chairman/Director 5/1/2006 1/19/2017 324 8 Trump Marks Baja Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director 6/13/2007 10/22/2015 325 8 Trump Marks Baja LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 6/13/2007 10/26/2015 326 8 Trump Marks Batumi LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 3/3/11 & 3/9/11 1/19/2017 327 8 Trump Marks Batumi Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 3/9/2011 1/19/2017 328 8 Trump Marks Beverages Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 9/25/2007 10/22/2015 329 8 Trump Marks Beverages LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 9/25/2007 10/26/2015 330 8 Trump Marks Canouan Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 5/17/2007 1/19/2017 331 8 Trump Marks Canouan LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 5/17/2007 1/19/2017 332 8 Trump Marks Chicago LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 04/14/10 1/19/2017 333 8 Trump Marks Chicago Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 4/14/2010 1/19/2017 336 8 Trump Marks Dubai Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 6/13/2007 1/19/2017 337 8 Trump Marks Dubai LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 06/13/07 1/19/2017 338 8 Trump Marks Egypt Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 09/17/07 1/19/2017 339 8 Trump Marks Egypt LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 09/17/07 1/19/2017 340 8 Trump Marks Fine Foods LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 9/11/2009 1/19/2017 341 8 Trump Marks Fine Foods Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 9/11/2009 1/19/2017 342 8 Trump Marks Ft Lauderdale LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 11/6/2007 1/19/2017 343 8 Trump Marks Ft Lauderdale Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 11/6/2007 1/19/2017 346 8 Trump Marks GP Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 7/12/2005 1/19/2017 347 8 Trump Marks Holding LP (FKA Trump Marks LP) New York, NY Partnership Partner 5/25/2005 1/19/2017 348 8 Trump Marks Hollywood Corp New York, NY Corporation Dlrector/Chairman/President 4/10/2007 1/19/2017 349 8 Trump Marks Hollywood LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 4/9/2007 1/19/2017 350 8 Trump Marks Istanbul II Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 03/19/08 1/19/2017 351 8 Trump Marks Istanbul II LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 03/18/08 1/19/2017 353 8 Trump Marks Jersey City LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 06/22/07 1/19/2017 352 8 Trump Marks Jersey Clty Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/President 6/27/2007 1/19/2017 354 8 Trump Marks Las Vegas Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/President 09/10/07 1/19/2017 355 8 Trump Marks Las Vegas LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 09/10/07 1/19/2017 356 9 Trump Marks LLC New York, NY LLC President 02/28/05 1/19/2017 357 9 Trump Marks Magazine Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/President 09/11/07 1/19/2017 358 9 Trump Marks Magazine LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 09/11/07 1/19/2017 359 9 Trump Marks Mattress LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 8/7/2008 1/19/2017 360 9 Trump Marks Mattress Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 08/07/08 1/19/2017 361 9 Trump Marks Menswear LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 6/24/2009 1/19/2017 362 9 Trump Marks Menswear Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/President 8/24/2009 1/19/2017 363 9 Trump Marks Mortgage Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director 6/19/2007 1/19/2017 364 9 Trump Marks Mtg LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 8/23/2007 1/19/2017 365 9 Trump Marks Mumbai LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 10/11/10 1/19/2017 366 9 Trump Marks Mumbai Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 10/11/2010 1/19/2017 369 9 Trump Marks New Rochelle Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/President 6/13/2007 1/19/2017 370 9 Trump Marks New Rochelle LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 06/13/07 1/19/2017 371 9 Trump Marks Palm Beach Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/President 6/12/2007 1/19/2017 372 9 Trump Marks Palm Beach LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 6/12/2007 1/19/2017 373 9 Trump Marks Panama Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/President 4/26/2007 1/19/2017 374 9 Trump Marks Panama LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 4/26/2007 1/19/2017 375 9 Trump Marks Philadelphia Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/President 4/18/2007 1/19/2017 376 9 Trump Marks Philadelphia LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 4/18/2007 1/19/2017 378 9 Trump Marks Philippines Corp New York, NY Corp Director/President 3/3/2008 1/19/2017 377 9 Trump Marks Philippines LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 3/3/2008 1/19/2017 379 9 Trump Marks Products LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 9/13/2010 1/19/2017 380 9 Trump Marks Products Member Corp New York, NY Corp President/Director/Chairman 9/13/2010 1/19/2017 381 9 Trump Marks Puerto Rico I LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 12/11/2007 1/19/2017 382 9 Trump Marks Puerto Rico I Member Corp New York, NY Corp Director/President 12/11/2007 1/19/2017 383 9 Trump Marks Puerto Rico II LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 7/8/2008 1/19/2017 384 9 Trump Marks Puerto Rico II Member Corp New York, NY Corp President/Chairman/Director 7/8/2008 11/10/2016 385 9 Trump Marks Punta del Este LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 1/5/2012 1/19/2017 386 9 Trump Marks Punta del Este Manager Corp New York, NY Corp President/Director/Chairman 1/5/2012 1/19/2017 389 9 Trump Marks Real Estate LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 8/1/2007 1/19/2017 390 9 Trump Marks SOHO License Corp New York, NY Corp President/Chairman/Director 6/11/2007 1/19/2017 391 9 Trump Marks SOHO LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 6/11/2007 1/19/2017 394 9 Trump Marks Stamford Corp New York, NY Corp Director/President 6/13/2007 1/19/2017 395 9 Trump Marks Stamford LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 6/13/2007 1/19/2017 396 9 Trump Marks Sunny Isles I LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 11/6/2007 1/19/2017 397 9 Trump Marks Sunny Isles I Member Corp New York, NY Corp Director/President 11/6/2007 1/19/2017 398 9 Trump Marks Sunny Isles II LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 11/6/2007 1/19/2017 399 9 Trump Marks Sunny Isles II Member Corp New York, NY Corp Director/President 11/6/2007 1/19/2017 400 9 Trump Marks Tamoa Corp New York, NY Corp Director/President 10/26/2007 1/19/2017 401 9 Trump Marks Tamoa LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 10/26/2007 1/19/2017 402 9 Trump Marks Toronto Corp New York, NY Corp Director/President 8/9/2007 1/19/2017 403 9 Trump Marks Toronto LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 8/9/2007 1/19/2017 404 9 Trump Marks Toronto LP (FormalyTrump Toronto Management LP) New York, NY Partnership Partner 3/19/2008 1/19/2017 405 9 Trump Marks Waikiki Corp New York, NY Corp Director/President 4/10/2007 1/19/2017 406 10 Trump Marks Waikiki LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 4/9/2007 1/19/2017 407 10 Trump Marks Westchester Corp New York, NY Corp Director/President 6/13/2007 1/19/2017 408 10 Trump Marks Westchester LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 6/13/2007 1/19/2017 409 10 Trump Marks White Plains Corp New York, NY Corp President/Director 6/13/2007 1/19/2017 482 11 Trump Marks White Plains Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director 6/13/2007 1/19/2017 410 10 Trump Marks White Plains LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 6/13/2007 1/19/2017 411 10 Trump Miami Resort Management LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 3/22/2012 1/19/2017 412 10 Trump Miami Resort Management Member Corp New York, NY Corp President/Director/Chairman 3/22/2012 1/19/2017 413 10 Trump Nallonal Golf Club Colts Neck LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 7/10/2008 1/19/2017 414 10 Trump National Golf Club Colts Neck Member Corp New York, NY Corp President/Director/Chairman 7/10/2008 1/19/2017 415 10 Trump National Golf Club LLC (Trump National Golf Club - Westchester) New York, NY LLC President 8/2/2000 1/19/2017 416 10 Trump National Golf Club Member Corp New York, NY Corp Director/President/Chairman 11/9/2011 1/19/2017 417 10 Trump National Golf Club Washington DC LLC New York, NY LLC President 2/3/2009 1/19/2017 418 10 Trump National Golf Club Washington DC Member Corp New York, NY Corp President/Chairman/Director 2/3/2009 1/19/2017 419 10 Trump Ocean Manager Inc New York, NY Corp President 9/14/2006 11/10/2015 421 10 Trump Old Post Office LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 6/30/2011 1/19/2017 422 10 Trump Old Post Office Member Corp New York, NY Corp President/Director/Chainnan 6/30/2011 1/19/2017 423 10 Trump On the Ocean LLC New York, NY LLC President 9/14/06 & 2/27/2007 10/28/2015 424 10 Trump Organization LLC New York, NY LLC Chairman and President/Member 2/1/09 & August, 2000 1/19/2017 426 10 Trump Pageants Inc New York, NY Corporation Director & Chairman/President 10/16/96 & 5/1/06 1/19/2017 427 10 Trump Palace Condominium New York, NY Condominium Association President 03/27/91 1/19/2017 428 10 Trump Palace/Parc LLC New York, NY LLC Member 10/01/96 1/19/2017 429 10 Trump Panama Condominium Management LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 12/13/2010 1/19/2017 430 10 Trump Panama Condominium Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 12/13/2010 1/19/2017 431 10 Trump Panama Hotel Management LLC New York, NY LLC Member 8/5/2010 1/19/2017 432 10 Trump Panama Hotel Management Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 08/05/10 1/19/2017 433 10 Trump Parc East Condominium New York, NY Condominium Association President 04/30/98 1/19/2017 434 10 Trump Park Avenue Acquisition LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President Nov. 2004 1/19/2017 435 10 Trump Park Avenue LLC New York, NY LLC President 1/31/2002 1/19/2017 436 10 Trump Payroll Chicago LLC New York, NY LLC President 8/29/2007 1/19/2017 437 10 Trump Payroll Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Treasurer/Secretary/Director 04/16/96 1/19/2017 438 10 Trump Phoenix Development LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 8/28/2003 1/19/2017 439 10 Trump Plaza LLC New York, NY LLC Member 10/27/1997 1/19/2017 440 10 Trump Plaza Member Inc (F/K/A Trump Plaza Corp) New York, NY Corporation Director/President/Treasurer 8/2/2004 1/19/2017 443 10 Trump Production Managing Member Inc New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President/Treasurer/Secretary 5/18/2006 1/19/2017 442 10 Trump Productions LLC (former Rancho Lien LLC) New York, NY LLC Member/President 5/18/2006 1/19/2017 444 10 Trump Project Management Corp New York, NY Corporation President 4/16/1996 11/10/2016 446 10 Trump Realty Services LLC (f/k/a Trump Mortgage Services LLC (03) & Tower Mortgage Services LLC) Palm Beach, FL LLC President/Member 5/9/2000 1/19/2017 447 10 Trump Restaurants LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 07/31/12 1/19/2017 449 10 Trump Riverside Management LLC New York, NY LLC Member 9/26/2000 1/19/2017 450 10 Trump Ruffin Commercial LLC New York, NY LLC President 7/25/2007 1/19/2017 451 10 Trump Ruffin LLC Las Vegas, NV LLC President 10/22/2002 1/19/2017 452 10 Trump Ruffin Tower 1 LLC Las Vegas, NV LLC President & Director 4/8/2005 & 7/12/05 1/19/2017 453 10 Trump Sales & Leasing Chicago LLC Chicago, IL LLC Member/President 10/20/09 & 10/21/09 1/19/2017 454 11 Trump Sales & Leasing Chicago Member Corp Chicago, IL Corporation Member/Director/President 10/20/09 & 10/21/09 & 10/21/09 1/19/2017 455 11 Trump Scotland Member Inc Aberdeen, Scotland Corporation Director/President/Chalnman 3/1/2006 1/19/2017 456 11 Trump Scotsborough Square LLC Scotsborough Sq., VA LLC President 7/7/2011 1/19/2017 457 11 Trump Scotsborough Square Member Corp Scotsborough Sq., VA Corporation President/Chairman/Director 7/7/2011 1/19/2017 458 11 Trump SoHo Hotel Condominium New York New York, NY Condominium Association Member of the Board 6/3/2007 1/19/2017 459 11 Trump SoHo Member LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 04/24/06 1/19/2017 460 11 Trump Toronto Development Inc New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Secretary 4/2/2003 1/19/2017 461 11 Trump Toronto Hotel Management Corp Toronto, CA Corporation President 5/30/2008 1/19/2017 462 11 Trump Toronto Member Corp (formally Trump Toronto Management Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman 03/19/08 1/19/2017 463 11 Trump Tower Commercial LLC New York, NY LLC President 12/22/1997 1/19/2017 464 11 Trump Tower Condominium Residential Section New York, NY Condominium Association President 3/23/1983 1/19/2017 465 11 Trump Tower Managing Member Inc New York, NY Corporation President 12/22/1997 1/19/2017 466 11 Trump Village Construction Corp New York, NY Corporation Director Vice President 8/1/1969 1/19/2017 467 11 Trump Vineyard Estates LLC New York, NY LLC President 3/18/2011 1/19/2017 469 11 Trump Vineyard Estates Lot 3 Owner LLC (fka Eric Trump Land Holdings LLC) New York, NY LLC President 8/15/2011 1/19/2017 468 11 Trump Vineyard Estates Manager Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 3/18/2011 1/19/2017 470 11 Trump Vineyard Estates Manager Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 3/18/2011 1/19/2017 471 11 Trump Virginia Acquisitions LLC (fka Virginia Acquisitions LLC) New York, NY LLC Member/President 3/14/11 & 1/25/11 1/19/2017 472 11 Trump Virginia Acquisitions Manger Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 3/15/2011 1/19/2017 473 11 Trump Virginia Lot 5 LLC New York, NY LLC President 6/26/2011 1/19/2017 474 11 Trump Virginia Lot 5 Manager Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director/Chairman 6/26/2011 1/19/2017 475 11 Trump Wine Marks LLC New York, NY LLC President/Secretary/Treasurer 6/21/2011 1/19/2017 476 11 Trump Wine Marks Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director & Chalnman/President 6/21/11 & 6/21/08 1/19/2017 477 11 Trump World Productions LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 9/29/11 1/19/2017 478 11 Trump World Productions Manager Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Chairman/President 9/29/11 1/19/2017 479 11 Trump World Publications LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 9/29/11 1/19/2017 481 11 Trump's Castle Management Corp Atlantic City, NJ Corporation President 3/24/1992 1/19/2017 480 11 Trump/New World Property Management LLC New York, NY LLC President 11/22/2000 1/19/2017 510 12 Trust U/W/O Fred C Trump- F/B/O Elizabeth Trump Grau New York, NY Trust Trustee 4/1/2016 1/19/2017 512 12 Trust U/W/O Fred C Trump- F/B/Othe grandchildren of Fred C Trump New York, NY Trust Trustee 4/1/2016 1/19/2017 485 11 Turnberry Scotland LLC Turnberry, Scotland LLC President 4/9/2014 1/19/2017 484 11 Turnberry Scotland Managining Member Corp Turnberry, Scotland Corporation Director/Chairman/President 4/9/2014 1/19/2017 486 11 TW Venture I LLC Palm Beach, Florida LLC President 11/19/2013 1/19/2017 488 11 TW Venture I Managing Member Corp Palm Beach, Florida Corporation President/Director/Chairman 11/19/2013 1/19/2017 487 11 TW Venture II LLC Doonberg, Ireland LLC President 1/31/2014 1/19/2017 489 11 TW Venture II Managing Member Corp Doonberg, Ireland Corporation President/Director/Chairman 1/31/14 1/19/2017 490 11 Ultimate Air Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Treasurer/Secretary/Director 4/16/96 & 12/9/1993 1/19/2017 491 11 Unit 2502 Enterprises Corp Chicago, IL Corporation President/Director 7//21/08 1/19/2017 492 11 Unit 2502 Enterprises LLC Chicago, IL LLC Member/President 7/16/08 &7/16/08 1/19/2017 493 11 VH Property Corp (Trump National Golf Club - Los Angeles) Los Angeles, CA Corporation Secretary/President/Director 9/22/00 &12/2/02 11/26/02 & 11/25/02 1/19/2017 494 11 VHPS LLC Los Angeles, CA LLC President/Member 5/28/08 & 12/01/04 1/19/2017 495 11 West Palm Operations LLC WPB, Florida LLC Member/President 5/27/10 & 9/1/10 1/19/2017 496 11 Wexford Hall Inc New York, NY Corporation Director/Vice President 6/1/1969 1/19/2017 497 11 White Course LLC Miami, Florida LLC President 3/20/2012 1/19/2017 498 11 White Course Managing Member Corp Miami, Florida Corporation Director/Chairman/President 3/20/2012 1/19/2017 499 11 Wilshire Hall LLC New York, NY LLC Member 11/22/1995 1/19/2017 564 13 WMTMF LLC New York, NY LLC President/Secretary/Treasurer/Managing Member 09/24/15 To Date 500 11 Wollman Rink Operations LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 9/24/01 & 11/1/01 1/19/2017 501 12 Yorktown Real Estate LLC (F/K/A Yorktown Development Associates LLC) New York, NY LLC Member/President 8/30/1997 1/19/2017 ASSETS & INCOME 2017_ID # New 2017 Asset 2017_Page 2017_Description 2017_Underlying Assets 2017_Location 2017_EIF 2017_attached schedule 2017_Min Value 2017_Max Value 2017_Income Type 2017_Min Income 2017_Max Income 2017_Income Exact 2 14 40 Wall Street LLC commercial real estate New, York, NY N/A 5 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 rent $5,000,001 $5,000,001 4 14 401 North Wabash Venture LLC residential & commercial real estate Chicago,IL N/A 8 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 rent/condo sales $5,000,001 $5,000,001 $90,249 5 14 809 North Canon LLC residential real estate Beverly Hills, CA N/A 9 $5,000,001 $25,000,000 $0 $201 7 14 845 UN LP commercial real estate New, York, NY N/A 12 $5,000,001 $25,000,000 rent $1,000,001 $5,000,000 8 14 Caribusiness Investments SRL land Domincan Republic N/A 25 $1,000,001 $5,000,000 $0 $201 10 14 Country Apartments LLC bank account New, York, NY N/A 32 $1,001 $15,000 $0 $201 11 14 Country Properties LLC residential real estate Norfolk, VA N/A 34 $50,001 $100,000 $0 $201 12 14 DB Pace Acquisition LLC land, building & ff&e New York, NY N/A 36 $1,000,001 $5,000,000 $0 $201 13 15 DJT Aerospace LLC aircraft New York, NY N/A 39 $1,000,001 $5,000,000 rent $0 $201 14 15 DJT Holdings LLC holding company New York, NY N/A 42 $1,000,001 $5,000,000 interest $15,000 $50,000 17 15 DJT Operations I LLC aircraft New York, NY N/A 46 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 rent $1,000,001 $5,000,000 18 15 DT Connect II LLC aircraft Palm Beach, FL N/A 55 $1,000,001 $5,000,000 $0 $201 20 15 DT Dubai Golf Manager LLC bank account/management deal Dubai,UAE N/A 59 $1,001 $15,000 management fees $12,984 21 15 DT Home Marks International LLC bank account/license deal New York, NY N/A 63 $1,001 $15,000 royalties $100,001 $1,000,000 24 15 Excel Venture I LLC residential rental property St Martin, French West Indies N/A 98 $25,000,001 $50,000,000 rent $100,001 $1,000,000 26 15 Fifty-Seventh Street Associates LLC commercial real estate New York, NY N/A 100 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 rent $5,000,001 $5,000,001 30 16 Trump National Golf Club - Jupiter golf club Jupiter, FL N/A 117 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 golf related revenue $20,131,872 31 16 Lamington Family Holdings LLC land Besminister, NJ N/A 119 $100,001 $250,000 $0 $201 32 16 Trump National Golf Club - Bestminster golf club Besminister, NJ N/A 120 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 gold related revenue $19,752,500 34 16 Mar-A-Lago Club LLC resort Palm Beach, FL N/A 126 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 resort related revenue $37,251,635 36 16 Pine Hill Development LLC golf club Pine Hill, NJ N/A 142 $100,001 $250,000 $0 $201 37 16 Seven Springs LLC real estate Mt Kisco, NY N/A 153 $25,000,001 $50,000,000 interest $2,501 $5,000 38 16 Trump Turnberry golf courses & resort Turnberry, Scotland N/A 157 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 golf related revenue $14,487,619 39 16 T International Realty LLC bank account/brokerage company New York, NY N/A 160 $250,001 $500,000 commissions $3,374,860 40 16 THC Central Reservations LLC hotel company New York, NY N/A 167 $50,001 $100,000 $0 $201 41 17 THC China Develoment LLC developer New York, NY N/A 169 $1,001 $15,000 $0 $201 42 NEW 17 THC Sales & Marketing LLC management co New York, NY N/A 184 $100,001 $250,000 $0 $201 43 17 The East 61 Street Company LP residential real estate New York, NY N/A 199 $5,000,001 $25,000,000 $0 $201 44 17 The Trump Corporation management co New York, NY N/A 200 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 management & releated fees $18,045,141 45 17 The Trump-Equitable Fifth Avenue Company bank account New York, NY N/A 208 $1,001 $15,000 rent $100,001 $1,000,000 46 17 Trump International Golf Links - Doonbeg golf course & resort Doonberg, Ireland N/A 211 $5,000,001 $25,000,000 golf related revenue $12,498,172 47 17 TIHT Commercial LLC commercial real estate New York, NY N/A 218 $5,000,001 $25,000,000 rent $1,000,001 $5,000,000 48 17 TIHT Holding Comapny LLC hotel condo unit New York, NY N/A 219 $1,000,001 $5,000,000 rent $100,001 $1,000,000 49 17 Trump National Golf Club - Charlotte golf club Charlotte, NC N/A 223 $5,000,001 $25,000,000 golf related revenue $15,016,404 50 17 Trump National Golf Club- Hudson Valley golf club Hopewell Junction, NY N/A 225 $5,000,001 $25,000,000 golf related revenue $5,323,573 51 18 Trump National Golf Club - Philadelphia golf club Pine Hill, NJ N/A 229 $5,000,001 $25,000,000 golf related revenue $5,258,866 52 18 Trump 106 CPS LLC bank account New York, NY N/A 234 $15,001 $50,000 $0 $201 55 18 Trump 845 UN MGR Corp bank account New York, NY N/A 237 $1,001 $15,000 $0 $201 57 18 Trump Books LLC The Midas Touch bank account/book deal New York, NY N/A 243 $0 $1,000 royalties $5,001 $15,000 59 18 Trump Carousel LLC bank account/operating agreement New York, NY N/A 250 $15,001 $50,000 admissions $671,728 61 18 Trump CPS LLC commercial & residential real estate New York, NY N/A 269 $25,000,001 $50,000,000 rent/condo sales $1,000,001 $5,000,000 $3,170,000 64 18 Trump National Doral golf courses & resort Miami, FL N/A 279 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 golf resort related revenues $115,865,590 65 18 Trump Ferry Point LLC operating agreement/golf course New York, NY N/A 283 $5,000,001 $25,000,000 golf related revenue $7,300,157 66 19 Trump Golf Acquisitions LLC bank account New York, NY N/A 287 $1,001 $15,000 golf related revenue $17,539 67 19 Trump Home Marks LLC bank account/license deal New York, NY N/A 291 $0 $1,000 royalties $15,001 $50,000 68 19 Trump Ice LLC bank account/wholesale company New York, NY N/A 294 $1,001 $15,000 sales $396,161 69 19 Trump International Golf Links - Scotland golf course Aberdeen, Scotland N/A 297 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 golf related revenue $3,803,033 70 19 Trump International Golf Club - Florida golf club West Palm Beach, FL N/A 299 $25,000,001 $50,000,000 golf related revenue $18,411,472 71 19 Trump International Hotel Hawaii LLC bank account/management & license agreements Waikiki, HI N/A 300 $1,001 $15,000 royalties/management fees $100,001 $1,000,000 $2,538,973 72 19 Trump International Hotels Management LLC management co New York, NY N/A 301 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 management fees $2,888,093 73 NEW 19 Trump Las Vegas Devlopment LLC develpment deal with Trump Ruffin Tower I LLC Las Vegas, NV N/A 308 $1,000,001 $5,000,000 development fees $8,154,142 74 NEW 19 Trump Las Vegas Member LLC bank account Las Vegas, NV N/A 310 $0 $1,001 sponser fee $2,631,300 76 20 Trump Marks Asia LLC residential real estate Water Park Place, VA N/A 316 $500,001 $1,000,000 $0 $201 78 20 Trump Marks Instanbul II LLC bank account/license deal New York, NY N/A 342 $15,001 $50,000 royalties $1,000,001 $5,000,000 79 20 Trump Marks LLC bank account/license deal New York, NY N/A 347 $15,001 $50,000 royalties $50,001 $100,000 80 20 Trump Marks Matress LLC bank account/license deal New York, NY N/A 350 $0 $1,000 royalties $100,001 $1,000,000 81 20 Trump Marks Menswear LLC bank account/license deal New York, NY N/A 352 $0 $1,000 royalties $100,001 $1,000,000 82 20 Trump Marks New Rochelle LLC bank account/license deal New York, NY N/A 359 $0 $1,000 royalties $5,001 $15,000 83 20 Trump Marks Panama LLC bank account/license deal New York, NY N/A 363 $0 $1,000 royalties $100,001 $1,000,000 87 21 Trump Marks Waikiki LLC bank account/license deal New York, NY N/A 391 $0 $1,000 royalties $100,001 $1,000,000 90 21 Trump Miami Resort Management LLC bank account Miami, FL N/A 396 $1,000,001 $5,000,000 $0 $201 91 21 Trump Model Management LLC modeling agency New York, NY N/A 398 $250,001 $500,000 commissions $1,870,632 92 21 Trump National Golf Club - Colts Neck golf club Colts Neck, NJ N/A 399 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 golf related revenue $7,708,047 93 21 Trump National Golf Club - Westchester golf club Briarcliff Manor, NY N/A 401 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 golf related revenue $9,771,428 94 21 Trump National Golf Club - Washington DC golf club Potomac Falls, VA N/A 403 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 golf related revenue $17,508,270 95 21 Trump Old Post Office LLC hotel Washington DC N/A 408 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 hotel related revenue $19,666,129 97 21 Miss Universe LLLP bank account N/A 413 $50,001 $100,000 beauty pagent related revenue $10,973,722 98 21 Trump Palace/Parc LLC commercial real estate New York, NY N/A 414 $1,000,001 $5,000,000 rent $100,001 $1,000,000 99 22 Trump Park Avenue LLC residential & commercial real estate New York, NY N/A 420 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 rent/condo sales $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $29,943,500 100 22 Trump Plaza LLC residential & commercial real estate New York, NY N/A 424 $25,000,001 $50,000,000 rent $1,000,001 $5,000,000 101 22 Trump Prodcutions LLC production company New York, NY N/A 426 $1,000,001 $5,000,000 production revenue $1,103,161 103 22 Trump Restaurants LLC restaurant New York, NY N/A 430 $1,000,001 $5,000,000 food & beverage related sales $4,830,768 104 22 Trump Ruffin Tower I LLC commercial real estate Las Vegas, NV N/A 434 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 condo sales/hotel related revenue $41,519,037 106 22 Trump Scotsborough Square LLC residential real estate Scotsborough Square, VA N/A 438 $500,001 $1,000,000 rent $5,001 $15,000 108 22 Trump Tower Commercial LLC commercial real estate New York, NY N/A 444 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 rent $5,000,001 $5,000,001 109 22 Trump Tower Managing Member Inc bank account New York, NY N/A 445 $1,001 $15,000 $0 $201 110 22 Trump Vineyard Estates LLC vineyard Charlottesville, VA N/A 447 $5,000,001 $25,000,000 rent $100,001 $1,000,000 111 22 Trump Vineyard Estates Lot 3 Owner LLC vineyard Charlottesville, VA N/A 448 $500,001 $1,000,000 rent $100,001 $1,000,000 112 22 Trump Virginia Acquistions LLC commercial real estate Charlottesville, VA N/A 450 $5,000,001 $25,000,000 hotel related revenue $1,015,752 113 23 Trump Virginia Lot 5 LLC vineyard Charlottesville, VA N/A 452 $500,001 $1,000,000 rent $50,001 $100,000 116 23 Trump National Golf Club - Los Angeles golf course & unsold lots Los Angeles, CA N/A 469 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 golf related revenue/land sales $27,017,417 119 23 Wollman Rink Operations LLC operating agreement New York, NY N/A 476 $1,000,001 $5,000,000 ice skating rink operation $12,661,523 120 23 HWA 555 Owners LLC commercial real estate San Francisco, CA N/A 478 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 rent $5,000,001 $5,000,001 121 23 1290 Avenue of the Americas, a Tenancy-In-Common commercial real estate New York, NY N/A 479 $50,000,001 $50,000,001 rent $5,000,001 $5,000,001 122 23 4% partnership interest Starrelt City Associates LP residential real estate Brooklyn, NY N/A 18,141,154,446 $5,000,001 $25,000,000 rent $5,000,001 $5,000,001 123 23 4% partnership interest Spring Creek Plaza LLC commercial real estate Brooklyn, NY N/A 18,141,154,446 $500,001 $1,000,000 rent $100,001 $1,000,000 124 23 Trump Tower Triplex residential real estate New York, NY N/A $50,000,001 $50,000,001 $0 $201 125 23 DT Venture I LLC residential real estate Palm Beach, FL N/A 533 $5,000,001 $25,000,000 $0 $201 126 24 DTW Venture LLC residential real estate Palm Beach, FL N/A 93 $1,000,001 $5,000,000 rent $50,001 $100,000 127 24 DT Marks Worli LLC license deal New York, NY N/A 89 royalties $1,000,001 $5,000,000 130 24 THC Vancouver Management Corp management co Vancouver, Canada N/A 190 management fees $21,576 131 24 The Trump Entrepreneur Initiative LLC seminar program New York, NY N/A 201 resdiual income $38,542 132 24 TNGC Jupiter Management LLC management co Jupiter, FL N/A 227 management fees $468,346 133 24 Trump Chicago Commercial Manager LLC management co New York, NY N/A 254 management fees $1,292,392 134 24 Trump Chicago Hotel Manager LLC management co New York, NY N/A 256 $15,001 $50,000 management fees $2,198,295 135 24 Trump Chicago Residential Manager LLC management co New York, NY N/A 260 management fees $677,122 136 24 Trump Marks Fine Foods license deal New York, NY N/A 333 $1,001 $15,000 royalties $5,001 $15,000 137 25 Trump Marks Philippines LLC license deal New York, NY N/A 367 $1,001 $15,000 royalties $1,000,001 $5,000,000 139 25 Trump Marks Stamford LLC license deal New York, NY N/A 380 royalties $100,001 $1,000,000 140 25 Trump Marks Sunny Isles I LLC license deal New York, NY N/A 381 royalties $100,001 $1,000,000 141 25 Trump Panama Hotel Management LLC management agreement New York, NY N/A 417 $15,001 $50,000 management fees $810,795 142 25 Trump Toronto Hotel Management Corp license deal New York, NY N/A 442 $1,001 $15,000 management fees $559,904 143 25 TW Venture I LLC transportation services Palm Beach, FL N/A 462 operating income $185,601 144 25 Trump Management Inc management co Manhasset, NY N/A 480 $15,001 $50,000 management fees $30,000 145 25 Ritz Carlton Hotel at 112 Central Park South management agreement New York, NY N/A 535 $15,001 $50,000 management fees $286,125 146 26 Think Like A Champion book New York, NY N/A royalties $15,001 $50,000 147 26 The Art of The Deal book New York, NY N/A royalties $100,001 $1,000,000 148 26 Time to Get Tough book New York, NY N/A royalties $100,001 $1,000,000 149 26 Think Like a Billionaire book New York, NY N/A $0 $201 150 26 The Art of the Comeback book New York, NY N/A $0 $201 151 26 Why We Want You to be Rich book New York, NY N/A $0 $201 152 26 Trump 101: The Way to Success book New York, NY N/A $0 $201 153 27 The America We Deserve book New York, NY N/A $0 $201 154 27 Never Give Up book New York, NY N/A $0 $201 155 27 The Best Real Estate Advice I Ever Recieved book New York, NY N/A $0 $201 156 27 The Way to the Top book New York, NY N/A $0 $201 157 27 How to Get Rich book New York, NY N/A royalties $5,001 $15,000 158 27 Think Big and Kick Ass book New York, NY N/A $0 $201 159 27 Surviving at the Top book New York, NY N/A $0 $201 160 27 Screen Actors Guild Pension pension Burbank, CA N/A pension $84,292 169 28 THC Miami Restaurant Hospitality LLC bank account Miami, FL N/A 178 $500,001 $1,000,000 food & beverage related sales $7,390,861 172 28 40 Wall Street Commercial LLC bank account New York, NY N/A 4 $15,001 $50,000 $0 $201 173 28 DT Dubai II Golf Manager LLC bank account/management deal Dubai, UAE N/A 61 $15,001 $50,000 royalties $0 $201 174 28 DT Tower Gurgaon LLC bank account/license deal Gurgaon, India N/A 91 $1,001 $15,000 royalties $100,001 $1,000,000 176 28 Tag Air Inc bank account New York, NY N/A 161 $15,001 $50,000 aircraft related revenue/expense reimbursements $7,727,674 178 28 THC IMEA Development LLC developer New York, NY N/A 177 $15,001 $50,000 $0 $201 181 28 DT Bali Technical Services Manager LLC bank account/management deal Bali, Indonesia N/A 497 $1,001 $15,000 management fees $190,476 182 28 DT Connect Europe Limited aircraft Turnberry, Scotland N/A 499 $1,000,001 $5,000,000 rent $100,001 $1,000,000 183 29 DT Endeavor I LLC bank account/management deal Palm Beach, FL N/A 500 $5,000,001 $25,000,000 $0 $201 184 29 DT Lido Technical Services Manager LLC bank account/management deal Lido, Indonesia N/A 509 $0 $1,001 management fees $83,333 187 29 Mobile Payroll Construction LLC bank account Bedminister, NJ N/A 523 $50,001 $100,000 $0 $201 188 29 Crippled America book New York, NY N/A royalties $1,000,001 $5,000,000 189 NEW 29 DTTM Operations LLC bank account New York, NY N/A 519 $15,001 $50,000 $0 $201 190 NEW 29 Trump Las Vegas Managing Member bank account Las Vegas, NV N/A 309 $0 $1,001 sponser fee $53,700 191 NEW 29 Trump Las Vegas Sales & Marketing Inc bank account Las Vegas, NV N/A 311 $1,001 $15,000 commissions $14,078,526 192 NEW 29 DT Tower Kolkata LLC bank account Kolkata, India N/A 517 $0 $1,001 royalties $100,001 $1,000,000 193 NEW 30 DT Marks Vancouver LP bank account Vancouver, Canada N/A 193 $0 $1,001 royalties $5,000,001 $5,000,001 194 NEW 30 Storage 106 LLC commercial real estate New York, NY N/A 194 $5,000,001 $25,000,000 rent $100,001 $1,000,000 AGREEMENTS ID # Employer/Party City/State Status & Terms Date 1 Screen Actors Guild - Producers Burbank, CA Pension Plan for Motion Picture Actors; payments on a monthly basis July 2011 SPOUSE ASSETS & INCOME ID # Page Description Underlying Assets Location EIF Value Min Value Max Income Type Income Exact Income Min Income Max 1 33 Melania LLC inactive New York, NY N/A $0 $1,001 $0 $201 2 33 Melania Marks Accessories LLC licensing agreement New York, NY N/A $0 $201 3 33 Melania Marks Accessories Member Corp pass-thru company New York, NY N/A $0 $201 4 33 721 33H LLC resdidential real estate New York, NY N/A $1,000,001 $5,000,000 $0 $201 5 33 721 33H Holdings LLC pass-thru company New York, NY N/A $0 $201 OTHER ASSETS & INCOME New 2017 Asset # ID Page Source Description EIF Min Max Interest Dividend Capital Gain Rent Income Min Income Max 1 34 Baron Real Estate Fund Yes $0 $1,001 $100,001 $1,000,000 2 34 Baron Growth Fund Yes $0 $1,001 $100,001 $1,000,000 3 34 Baron Partners Fund Yes $0 $1,001 $100,001 $1,000,000 4 34 AG Diversified Income Fund Plus, LP (fka AG Diversified Credit Strategies Fund LP) (Angelo Gordon) Yes $0 $1,001 $100,001 $1,000,000 5 34 Midocean Credit Opportunity Fund LP (Midocean Credit Partners) Yes $1,000,001 $5,000,000 $100,001 $1,000,000 6 34 JP Morgan Chase - Checking & savings Accounts N/A $1,000,001 $5,000,000 y $1,001 $2,500 7 34 Capital One Bank - Checking & Savings N/A $5,000,001 $25,000,000 y $100,001 $1,000,000 8 34 Signature Bank - Checking N/A $100,001 $250,000 y $1,001 $2,500 9 34 Bank United, NA - Money Market N/A $100,001 $250,000 y $1,001 $2,500 10 34 First Republic Bank - Checking N/A $15,001 $50,000 y $0 $201 11 34 Investment in Gold N/A $100,001 $250,000 $0 $201 12 34 WMTMF LLC (US Bank Cash Account) N/A $50,001 $100,000 $0 $201 1 34 Barclays Bank - Brokerage Account AT&T Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 NEW 2 34 Barclays Bank - Brokerage Account Astrazenca PLC N/A $0 $1,001 y $201 $1,000 NEW 3 34 Barclays Bank - Brokerage Account Crown Castle Intl N/A $0 $1,001 y y $201 $1,000 4 34 Barclays Bank - Brokerage Account General Electric N/A $0 $1,001 y y $1,001 $2,500 5 35 Barclays Bank - Brokerage Account Halliburton Co N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 6 35 Barclays Bank - Brokerage Account iShares Euro Finls Index ETF Yes $0 $1,001 $201 $1,000 7 35 Barclays Bank - Brokerage Account Kinder Morgan Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 NEW 8 35 Barclays Bank - Brokerage Account Kraft Heinz Co N/A $0 $1,001 y $201 $1,000 9 35 Barclays Bank - Brokerage Account Metlife Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 NEW 10 35 Barclays Bank - Brokerage Account Philip Morris Intl N/A $0 $1,001 y $201 $1,000 11 35 Barclays Bank - Brokerage Account Pfizer Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $201 $1,000 12 35 Barclays Bank - Brokerage Account Prudential Financial N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 13 35 Barclays Bank - Brokerage Account Raytheon Co N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 NEW 14 35 Barclays Bank - Brokerage Account SPDR S&P Bank ETF Yes $0 $1,001 $1,001 $2,500 15 35 Barclays Bank - Brokerage Account Swiss Re Ltd N/A $0 $1,001 y y $1,001 $2,500 NEW 16 35 Barclays Bank - Brokerage Account US Bancorp DE N/A $0 $1,001 y y $1,001 $2,500 NEW 17 35 Barclays Bank - Brokerage Account Vanguard High Yield ETF Yes $0 $1,001 $201 $1,000 18 35 Barclays Bank - Brokerage Account Verizon Communications N/A $0 $1,001 y y $201 $1,000 1 35 Oppenheimer Brokerage Account Altria Group N/A $0 $1,001 y y $100,001 $1,000,000 2 35 Oppenheimer Brokerage Account Amgen Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $50,001 $100,000 3 36 Oppenheimer Brokerage Account Apple Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $100,001 $1,000,000 4 36 Oppenheimer Brokerage Account AT&T Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $100,001 $1,000,000 5 36 Oppenheimer Brokerage Account Bristol Myers Squibb Co N/A $0 $1,001 y y $100,001 $1,000,000 6 36 Oppenheimer Brokerage Account General MLS Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 7 36 Oppenheimer Brokerage Account Gilead Sciences N/A $0 $1,001 y $100,001 $1,000,000 8 36 Oppenheimer Brokerage Account JPMorgan Chase & Co N/A $0 $1,001 y y $100,001 $1,000,000 9 36 Oppenheimer Brokerage Account Philip Morris International N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 10 36 Oppenheimer Brokerage Account Regeneron Pharmaceuticals N/A $0 $1,001 y $50,001 $100,000 11 36 Oppenheimer Brokerage Account United Parcel Service Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y $15,001 $50,000 12 36 Oppenheimer Brokerage Account Verizon Communications N/A $0 $1,001 y y $100,001 $1,000,000 13 36 Oppenheimer Brokerage Account Visa Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y $100,001 $1,000,000 14 36 Oppenheimer Brokerage Account Waste Mgmt Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y $15,001 $50,000 15 36 Oppenheimer Brokerage Account Wells Fargo & Co N/A $0 $1,001 y y $50,001 $100,000 16 36 Oppenheimer Brokerage Account Yahoo Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y $50,001 $100,000 17 36 Oppenheimer Brokerage Account Advantage Advisors Xanthus Fund Yes $0 $1,001 $100,001 $1,000,000 1 36 The Fred C Trump December 16, 1976 Trust- F/B/O Donald J. Trump JP Morgan Chase - Savings Account N/A $1,000,001 $5,000,000 y $1,001 $2,500 1 37 JP Morgan Clearing Corp - Brokerage Account Apple Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $100,001 $1,000,000 2 37 JP Morgan Clearing Corp - Brokerage Account Caterpillar Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 3 37 JP Morgan Clearing Corp - Brokerage Account Microsoft Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y y $100,001 $1,000,000 4 37 JP Morgan Clearing Corp - Brokerage Account Pepsico Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 5 37 JP Morgan Clearing Corp - Brokerage Account ECO TEK 360 INC (fka Global Fashion Technologies) N/A $1,000 $15,000 $0 $201 6 37 JP Morgan Clearing Corp - Brokerage Account Halliburton Co N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 7 37 JP Morgan Clearing Corp - Brokerage Account Phillips 66 N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 NEW 1 37 The Donald J Trump Revocable Trust Capital One Bank - Checking & Savings (Account funded 4/12/2017) N/A $50,000,001 $50,000,001 $0 $201 1 37 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Advance Auto Parts Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 2 37 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Invesco European Growth Fund Yes $0 $1,001 $2,501 $5,000 3 37 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Alphabet Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y $15,001 $50,000 4 37 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Alphabet Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y $15,001 $50,000 5 37 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Amazon Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y $15,001 $50,000 6 38 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 American Water Works N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 7 38 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Ameriprise Financial N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 8 38 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Ametek Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 9 38 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Amgen Inc DTD 5/12/2012 N/A $0 $1,001 y y $1,001 $2,500 10 38 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Apple Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $50,001 $100,000 11 38 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Apple Inc DTD 5/12/2012 N/A $0 $1,001 y y $1,001 $2,500 12 38 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Boeing Co N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 13 38 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Broadcom Ltd N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 14 38 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Burlington North Santa Fe Bond N/A $0 $1,001 y y $1,001 $2,500 15 38 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Celgene Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y $50,001 $100,000 16 38 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Cisco System Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $201 $1,000 17 38 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Citigroup Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 18 38 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Coca Cola Co Bond N/A $0 $1,001 y y $1,001 $2,500 19 38 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Comcast Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 20 38 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Conagra Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $1,001 $2,500 21 38 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Costco Wholesale Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 22 38 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Crown Castle International N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 23 38 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Discover Financial Services N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 24 39 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Ecolab Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 25 39 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 EOG Resources Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 26 39 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Express Scripts Holding Co N/A $0 $1,001 y $15,001 $50,000 27 39 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Extra Space Storage Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 28 39 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 General Electric Cap Corp Bond N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 29 39 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 General Elec Co Com N/A $0 $1,001 y y $50,001 $100,000 30 39 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 General Motors Finl Co Bond N/A $0 $1,001 y y $201 $1,000 31 39 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Gilead Sciences N/A $0 $1,001 y y $100,001 $1,000,000 32 39 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 HCA Holdings N/A $0 $1,001 y $2,501 $5,000 NEW 33 39 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 HCA INC DTD 81112011 6.5 N/A $0 $1,001 y y $1,001 $2,500 34 39 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Home Depot N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 35 39 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Intuit Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 36 39 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 JP Morgan Chase & Co Co N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 37 39 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Jarden Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y $201 $1,000 38 39 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Johnson & Johnson N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 39 39 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 JP Morgan Chase Bond N/A $0 $1,001 y y $201 $1,000 40 39 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Kraft Heinz Co N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 41 39 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 L Brands Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 42 40 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 McKesson HBOC N/A $0 $1,001 y y $50,001 $100,000 43 40 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Mead Johnson Nutrition Co N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 44 40 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Medivation Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y $15,001 $50,000 45 40 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Merck & Co N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 46 40 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Microsoft Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y y $50,001 $100,000 47 40 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Morgan Stanley Bond N/A $0 $1,001 y y $201 $1,000 NEW 48 40 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Newell Brands Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y $201 $1,000 49 40 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Nextera Energy N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 50 40 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Nike Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $50,001 $100,000 51 40 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Norfolk Southern Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 52 40 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Parker Hannifin Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 53 40 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Pepsico Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 54 40 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Pepsico Inc Bond N/A $0 $1,001 y y $1,001 $2,500 55 40 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Pfizer Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $1,001 $2,500 56 40 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Philip Morris International N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 57 40 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Procter & Gamble N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 58 40 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Prudential Financial N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 59 40 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Roper Technologies Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 60 41 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Salesforce Co N/A $0 $1,001 y $5,001 $15,000 61 41 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Charles Schwab Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y $5,001 $15,000 62 41 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Sealed Air Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y y $201 $1,000 63 41 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Smucker JM Co N/A $0 $1,001 y y $1,001 $2,500 64 41 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 T Mobile US Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y $1,001 $2,500 65 41 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 66 41 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 TJX Cos Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $50,001 $100,000 67 41 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Twenty First Century Fox N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 68 41 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 US Treasury Notes/Bonds N/A $0 $1,001 y y $1,001 $2,500 69 41 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 VF Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 70 41 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Visa Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $50,001 $100,000 71 41 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 1 Wells Fargo & Co N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 1 41 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 American Express Credit N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 NEW 2 41 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Anheuser-Bush N/A $0 $1,001 y y $1,001 $2,500 3 41 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Apple Inc DTD 5/3/2013 N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 4 41 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 AT&T Inc DTD 8/18/2011 N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 5 42 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Bank of Nova Scotia N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 6 42 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Berkshire Hathaway Financial N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 7 42 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 BHP Billiton Financial USA N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 8 42 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Caterpillar Financial SE N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 9 42 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Chevron Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 10 42 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Citigroup Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 11 42 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Conagra Foods N/A $0 $1,001 y y $201 $1,000 NEW 12 42 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Credit Suisse New York N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 13 42 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Deutsche Government Money Market N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 14 42 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Deutsche Money Market Series N/A $0 $1,001 y y $201 $1,000 15 42 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Ecolab Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 NEW 16 42 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Exxon Mobil Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 17 42 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Fed Home LN DTD 7/25/2016 N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 18 42 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Ford Motor Credit Co DTD 8/7/2012 N/A $0 $1,001 y y $201 $1,000 19 42 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Fannie Mae DTD 1/29/1999 N/A $0 $1,001 y y $201 $1,000 20 42 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 3 Ford Motor DTD 12/18/2006 N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 21 42 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Goldman Sachs Group N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 22 42 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 IBM Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 23 43 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 International Bank Recon & Develop N/A $0 $1,001 y y $1,001 $2,500 24 43 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 JP Morgan Chase & Co N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 25 43 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 John Deere Capital Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 26 43 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 McDonald's Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y y $1,001 $2,500 NEW 27 43 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 McKesson Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y y $201 $1,000 28 43 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Morgan Stanley N/A $0 $1,001 y y $15,001 $50,000 29 43 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 NBC Universal N/A $0 $1,001 y y $201 $1,000 30 43 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 New York City N/A $0 $1,001 y y $201 $1,000 31 43 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Oracle Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y y $201 $1,000 32 43 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Pepsico Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $1,001 $2,500 NEW 33 43 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 PNC Bank NA N/A $0 $1,001 y y $1,001 $2,500 34 43 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Royal Bank of Canada N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 35 43 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Shell International N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 36 43 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Thermo Fisher Scientific N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 37 43 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Toronto Dominion Bank N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 38 43 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Total Capital International SA N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 39 43 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Toyota Motor Credit Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 40 43 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 United States Treasury Bills/Notes N/A $0 $1,001 y y $5,001 $15,000 41 44 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Verizon Communications N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 42 44 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Wal-Mart Stores Inc N/A $0 $1,001 y y $201 $1,000 43 44 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Wells Fargo & Co N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 44 44 Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management A/C 2 Westpac Banking Corp N/A $0 $1,001 y y $2,501 $5,000 0 44 Family Trust 1 Family Trust 1 N/A y y $5,001 $15,000 1 44 Family Trust 1 iShares MSCI EAFE Index Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 NEW 2 44 Family Trust 1 Dodge & Cox Income Fund Yes $1,001 $15,000 NEW 3 44 Family Trust 1 iShares Inc MSCI Japan New Yes $1,001 $15,000 4 44 Family Trust 1 Dodge & Cox International Stock Fund Yes $1,000 $15,000 NEW 5 44 Family Trust 1 AMG Managers Pictet International Fund Class I Yes $1,001 $15,000 NEW 6 44 Family Trust 1 John Han II-ABS ret Curr-I Yes $1,001 $15,000 7 44 Family Trust 1 Blackrock High Yield Point Yes $1,001 $15,000 NEW 8 44 Family Trust 1 Chilton Strategic European Equities Fund Yes $1,001 $15,000 NEW 9 44 Family Trust 1 AQR Managed Futures STR-R6 Yes $1,001 $15,000 10 44 Family Trust 1 Primecap Odyssey Stock Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 NEW 11 44 Family Trust 1 US Cash Bank Cash Account N/A $1,001 $15,000 12 44 Family Trust 1 iShares Russell Midcap Index Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 13 45 Family Trust 1 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust Yes $15,001 $50,000 14 45 Family Trust 1 FMI Large Cap Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 15 45 Family Trust 1 JPM US Large Cap Core Plus Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 16 45 Family Trust 1 Neuberger Ber MU/C Opp Yes $1,000 $15,000 NEW 17 45 Family Trust 1 MFS Emerging Markets Debt Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 NEW 18 45 Family Trust 1 PIMCO Unconstrained Bond-INS Yes $1,000 $15,000 19 45 Family Trust 1 Artisan International Value Fund Yes $1,000 $15,000 20 45 Family Trust 1 JPM Mid Cap Value Fund Yes $1,000 $15,000 21 45 Family Trust 1 JPM SH Int Muni Bond Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 NEW 22 45 Family Trust 1 AQR Long-Short Equity-R6 Yes $1,000 $15,000 23 45 Family Trust 1 Prudential Total Return Bond Yes $0 $201 24 45 Family Trust 1 Vanguard INTM TRM Inv G Yes $0 $201 0 45 Family Trust 2 Family Trust 2 Yes y y $5,000 $15,000 NEW 1 45 Family Trust 2 iShares Inc MSCI Japan New Yes $1,000 $15,000 2 45 Family Trust 2 JPM US Large Cap Core Plus Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 NEW 3 45 Family Trust 2 Chilton Strategic European Equities Fund Yes $1,000 $15,000 4 46 Family Trust 2 JPM SH Int Muni Bond Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 NEW 5 46 Family Trust 2 Dodge & Cox Income Fund Yes $1,000 $15,000 6 46 Family Trust 2 iShares Russell Midcap Index Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 7 46 Family Trust 2 Artisan International Value Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 8 46 Family Trust 2 Ishares MSCI EAFE Index Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 NEW 9 46 Family Trust 2 US Cash Bank Cash Account N/A $15,001 $50,000 NEW 10 46 Family Trust 2 AMG Managers Pictet International Fund Class I Yes $1,001 $15,000 11 46 Family Trust 2 Primecap Odyssey Stock Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 NEW 12 46 Family Trust 2 John Han II-ABS ret Curr-I Yes $1,001 $15,000 13 46 Family Trust 2 JPM Global Resources ENH Index Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 14 46 Family Trust 2 Equinox Funds TR IPM Systmatc Yes $1,001 $15,000 NEW 15 46 Family Trust 2 PIMCO Unconstrained Bond-INS Yes $1,001 $15,000 16 46 Family Trust 2 Blackrock High Yield Point Yes $15,001 $50,000 17 46 Family Trust 2 FMI Large Cap Fund Yes $1,001 $15,000 NEW 18 46 Family Trust 2 MFS Emerging Markets Debt Fund Yes $1,001 $15,000 19 46 Family Trust 2 JPM Mid Cap Value Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 NEW 20 46 Family Trust 2 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust Yes $15,001 $50,000 21 46 Family Trust 2 AQR Long-Short Equity-R6 Yes $1,001 $15,000 22 47 Family Trust 2 Dodge & Cox International Stock Fund Yes $1,001 $15,000 23 47 Family Trust 2 Neuberger Ber MU/C Opp Yes $15,001 $50,000 24 47 Family Trust 2 Prudential Total Return Bond Yes $0 $201 25 47 Family Trust 2 Vanguard Internim TRM Inv G Yes $0 $201 0 47 Family Trust 3 Family Trust 3 Yes y y $5,001 $15,000 1 47 Family Trust 3 iShares Russell Midcap Index Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 2 47 Family Trust 3 Primecap Odyssey Stock Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 3 47 Family Trust 3 Blackrock High Yield Point Yes $15,001 $50,000 4 47 Family Trust 3 JP SH Int Muni Bond Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 5 47 Family Trust 3 iShares MSCI EAFE Index Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 6 47 Family Trust 3 JPM US Large Cap Core Plus Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 NEW 7 47 Family Trust 3 MFS Emerging Markets Debt Fund Yes $1,001 $15,000 NEW 8 47 Family Trust 3 AQR Managed Futures STR-R6 Yes $1,001 $15,000 9 47 Family Trust 3 NEW Yes $15,001 $50,000 10 47 Family Trust 3 SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust Yes $50,001 $100,000 11 47 Family Trust 3 Dodge & Cox Income Fund Yes $1,001 $15,000 NEW 12 47 Family Trust 3 AMG Managers Pictet International Fund Class I Yes $1,001 $15,000 NEW 13 48 Family Trust 3 iShares Inc MSCI Japan New Yes $1,001 $15,000 14 48 Family Trust 3 Neuberger Ber MU/C Opp Yes $15,001 $50,000 15 48 Family Trust 3 Artisan International Value Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 NEW 16 48 Family Trust 3 PIMCO Unconstrained Bond-INS Yes $1,001 $15,000 NEW 17 48 Family Trust 3 John Han II-ABS ret Curr-I Yes $1,001 $15,000 NEW 18 48 Family Trust 3 AQR Long-Short Equity-R6 Yes $1,001 $15,000 19 48 Family Trust 3 JPM Mid Cap Value Fund Yes $15,001 $50,000 20 48 Family Trust 3 JPM Global Resources ENH Index Fund Yes $50,001 $100,000 21 48 Family Trust 3 Chilton Strategic European Equities Fund Yes $1,001 $15,000 22 48 Family Trust 3 US Cash Bank Cash Account N/A $15,001 $50,000 23 48 Family Trust 3 Prudential Total Return Bond Yes $0 $201 24 48 Family Trust 3 Vanguard Intm TRM Inv Yes $0 $201 25 48 Family Trust 3 FMI Large Cap Fund Yes $0 $201 ADDITIONAL LIABILITIES Page # Creditor Name Type Min Max Year Incurred Rate Term 50 1 Ladder Capital Finance Trump Tower Commercial LLC - mortgage $50,000,001 $50,000,001 2012 4.20% 2022 50 2 Ladder Capital Finance I LLC 40 Wall Street LLC - loan $50,000,001 $50,000,001 2015 3.67% 2025 50 3 Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas Trump National Doral - mortgage $50,000,001 $50,000,001 2012 LIBOR+1.75% or Prime minus .75% 2023 50 4 Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas Trump National Doral - mortgage $5,000,001 $25,000,000 2012 LIBOR+1.75% or Prime minus .75% 2023 50 5 The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company NA as trustees Fifty-Seventh Street Assoc/issuer of bonds $500,001 $1,000,000 1996 7.13% 2017 50 6 Investors Savings Bank Trump Park Avenue LLC - mortgage $5,000,001 $25,000,000 2010 3.25% 2020 50 7 Ladder Capital Finance LLC Trump Plaza LLC - mortgage $5,000,001 $25,000,000 2014 3.85% 2024 50 8 Amboy Bank Trump National Golf Club Colts Neck Mortgage $5,000,001 $25,000,000 2008 5.25% 2028 50 9 Chevy Chase Trust Holdings Ic as successor in interest to Bondy Way Development Trump National Gold Club Washington DC Mortgage $5,000,001 $25,000,000 2009 5.50% 2029 50 10 Royal Bank America Seven Springs - mortgage $5,000,001 $25,000,000 2000 4.00% 2019 50 11 UBS Real Estate Investments Inc TIHT Commercial LLC - mortgage $5,000,001 $25,000,000 2006 6.18% 2016 50 12 Merrill Lynch Credit Corp 1094 S Ocean Blvd - mortgage $100,001 $250,000 1994 Six month LIBOR + 1.50% 2019 50 13 Merrill Lynch Credit Corp 124 Woodbridge Road - mortgage $50,001 $100,000 1993 Six month LIBOR + 1.75% 2019 50 14 Chicago Unit Acquisition LLC TIHT Chicago springing loan $50,000,001 $50,000,001 2012 Pime + 5% springing loan 50 15 Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas TIHT Chicago - term loan $25,000,001 $50,000,000 2012 LIBOR + 2.00% or Prime minus .50% 2024 50 16 Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas Trump Old Post Office - loan $50,000,001 $50,000,001 2015 LIBOR or Prime + 2.00% 2024 2016 POSITIONS ID Page ORG CITY, STATE ENTITY TYPE POSITION HELD FROM TO 10 2 55 Wall Development Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director 9/18/1996 10/14/2014 11 2 767 Manager LLC New York, NY LLC Member & President 5/28/1998 & 8/2000 11/10/2014 99 4 Hudson Waterfront Associates l LP New York, NY Partnership Partner 11/30/1994 To Date 100 4 Hudson Waterfront Associates II LP New York, NY Partnership Partner 11/30/1994 To Date 101 4 Hudson Watertront Associates Ill LP New York, NY Partnership Partner 12/1/1994 To Date 102 4 Hudson Waterfront Associates IV LP New York, NY Partnership Partner 12/2/1994 To Date 103 4 Hudson Waterfront Associates V LP New York, NY Partnership Partner 12/3/1994 To Date 104 4 Hudson Waterfront Associates LP New York, NY Partnership Partner 6/30/1994 To Date 105 4 ldentity Theft Productions LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 4/2/2009 5/11/2014 106 4 ldentity Theft Productions Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director 4/2/2009 5/11/2014 141 5 Shore Haven Manegement Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/Vice President 8/1/1969 To Date 161 5 THC China Development Management Corp (fka Trump China Development Management Corp) New York, NY Corporation Chairman/Director/President 9/20/2012 To Date 221 6 Trump 55 Wall Corp New York, NY Corporation President 12/20/1996 10/14/2014 222 6 Trump 767 Management LLC New York, NY LLC Member/President 8/1/2000 11/18/2014 291 8 Trump Identity LLC New York, NY LLC Member 3/30/2009 10/20/2014 292 8 Trump Identity Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director 3/30/2009 10/20/2014 302 8 Trump Kelowna LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 7/31/2008 10/3/2014 303 8 Trump Kelowna Member Corp New York, NY Corporation President/Director 7/31/2008 10/3/2014 344 9 Trump Marks Golf Swing LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 3/13/2008 9/30/2014 345 9 Trump Marks Golf Swing Member Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/President 3/13/2008 9/30/2014 367 9 Trump Marks New Orleans Corp New York, NY Corporation Director/President 6/13/2007 9/30/2014 368 9 Trump Marks New Orleans LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 6/13/2007 9/30/2014 392 10 Trump Marks South Africa LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 40087 41912 393 10 Trump Marks South Africa Member Corp New York, NY Corp Member 39706 41960 445 11 Trump Properties LLC New York, NY LLC President/Member 12/29/2004 & 1/4/05 4/2/2014 d88888b d888888b d8b db .d8b. d8b db .o88b. d888888b .d8b. db d8888b. d88888b d8888b. .d88b. d8888b. d888888b .d8888. 88' `88' 888o 88 d8' `8b 888o 88 d8P Y8 `88' d8' `8b 88 88 `8D 88' 88 `8D .8P Y8. 88 `8D `~~88~~' 88' YP 88ooo 88 88V8o 88 88ooo88 88V8o 88 8P 88 88ooo88 88 88oobY' 88ooooo 88oodD' 88 88 88oobY' 88 `8bo. 88~~~ 88 88 V8o88 88~~~88 88 V8o88 8b 88 88~~~88 88 88`8b 88~~~~~ 88~~~ 88 88 88`8b 88 `Y8b. 88 .88. 88 V888 88 88 88 V888 Y8b d8 .88. 88 88 88booo. 88 `88. 88. 88 `8b d8' 88 `88. 88 db 8D YP Y888888P VP V8P YP YP VP V8P `Y88P' Y888888P YP YP Y88888P 88 YD Y88888P 88 `Y88P' 88 YD YP `8888Y' Name Current Official? Date Joined Date Left Position Office Ethics Agreement 2017 Filing 2018 Filing Term Report Acosta, R. Alexander Yes 04/28/2017 Secretary Dept of Labor N/A Bannon, Steven No 01/20/2017 08/18/2017 Chief Strategist White House N/A N/A N/A Barr, William Nominee Attorney General Dept of Justice N/A N/A Bernhardt, David Acting/Nominee 01/03/2019 Secretary Dept of Interior N/A N/A N/A Bolton, John Yes 04/09/2018 National Security Advisor White House N/A N/A N/A N/A Carson, Benjamin S Yes 03/02/2017 Secretary Dept of Housing & Urban Development N/A Chao, Elaine L Yes 01/31/2017 Secretary Dept of Transportation N/A Cohn, Gary No 01/20/2017 04/02/2017 National Economic Council Director White House N/A N/A N/A Conway, Kellyanne Yes 01/20/2017 Counselor to the President White House N/A N/A N/A DeVos, Elisabeth P Yes 02/07/2017 Secretary Dept of Education N/A Flynn, Michael No 01/23/2017 02/13/2017 National Security Advisor White House N/A N/A N/A Huckabee Sanders, Sarah Yes 07/26/2017 Press Secretary White House N/A N/A N/A N/A Kelly, John Francis No 01/20/2017 07/31/2017 Secretary Dept of Homeland Security N/A N/A Kelly, John Francis No 07/31/2017 01/02/2019 Chief of Staff White House N/A N/A N/A N/A Kushner, Jared C. Yes 01/20/2017 Senior Adivsor to the President White House N/A N/A N/A Lighthizer, Robert E. Yes 05/15/2017 United States Trade Representative Office of the U.S. Trade Representative N/A Mattis, James N No 01/20/2017 12/31/2018 Secretary Dept of Defense N/A McGahn, Donald No 01/20/2017 10/17/2018 Counsel White House N/A N/A N/A McMaster, H.R. No 02/20/2017 04/09/2018 National Security Advisor White House N/A N/A N/A N/A Miller, Steven Yes 01/20/2017 Senior Adivsor to the President White House N/A N/A N/A Mnuchin, Steven T Yes 02/13/2017 Secretary Dept of Treasury N/A Mulvaney, Mick Acting 01/02/2019 Chief of Staff White House N/A N/A N/A N/A Mulvaney, Mick Yes 02/17/2017 Director Office of Management & Budget N/A Pence, Mike Yes 01/20/2017 Vice President White House N/A N/A N/A N/A Perdue, George E. Yes 04/25/2017 Secretary Dept of Agriculture N/A Perry, James Richard Yes 03/02/2017 Secretary Dept of Energy N/A Pompeo, Mike Yes 04/26/2018 Secretary Dept of State N/A N/A Pompeo, Mike No 01/23/2017 04/26/2018 Director Central Intelligence Agency N/A Price, Tom No 02/10/2017 09/29/2017 Secretary Dept of Health N/A Priebus, Rience No 01/20/2017 07/31/2017 Chief of Staff White House N/A N/A N/A Pruitt, Edward Scott No 02/17/2017 07/06/2018 Administrator Environmental Protection Agency N/A Ross, Wilbur Jr. Yes 02/28/2017 Secretary Dept of Commerce N/A Sessions, Jefferson B No 02/09/2017 11/07/2018 Attorney General Dept of Justice Shulkin, David J. No 02/14/2017 03/28/2018 Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs N/A Spicer, Sean No 01/20/2017 07/21/2017 Press Secretary White House N/A N/A N/A Tillerson, Rex Wayne No 02/01/2017 03/31/2018 Secretary Dept of State N/A Trump, Donald Yes 01/20/2017 President White House N/A N/A Wheeler, Andrew Acting/Nominee 07/07/2018 Administrator Environmental Protection Agency N/A N/A Wilkie, Robert Yes 07/30/2018 Secretary Dept of Veterans Affairs N/A N/A Zinke, Ryan No 03/01/2017 01/02/2019 Secretary Dept of Interior N/A .d8b. d8888b. d8888b. .d88b. d888888b d8b db d888888b d88888b d88888b .d8888. d8' `8b 88 `8D 88 `8D .8P Y8. `88' 888o 88 `~~88~~' 88' 88' 88' YP 88ooo88 88oodD' 88oodD' 88 88 88 88V8o 88 88 88ooooo 88ooooo `8bo. 88~~~88 88~~~ 88~~~ 88 88 88 88 V8o88 88 88~~~~~ 88~~~~~ `Y8b. 88 88 88 88 `8b d8' .88. 88 V888 88 88. 88. db 8D YP YP 88 88 `Y88P' Y888888P VP V8P YP Y88888P Y88888P `8888Y' Name/Former Position Agency/Title Total to Trump & Allies* Total to Repub/Conservs 1990-2016 Total to Dem/Liberals 1990-2016 Linda McMahon World Wrestling Entertainment Small Business Administration Head $6,002,700 $15,051,824 $39,100 Peter Thiel Thiel Capital Transition Team Executive Cmte Member $1,002,700 $9,618,925 $13,000 Carl Icahn Icahn Assoc Executive Office of the President Special Advisor on Regulatory Reform $10,800 $919,515 $206,600 Wilbur Ross WL Ross & Co Dept of Commerce Secretary $5,400 $961,879 $49,800 Reed Cordish Cordish Co Executive Office of the President Assistant to the President $5,400 $249,010 $14,000 Veronica Birkenstock Practical Employee Solutions Transition Team Dept of Labor $5,400 $77,311 $1,500 Rebekah Mercer Mercer Family Foundation Transition Team Executive Cmte Member $5,400 $652,400 $0 Steven Mnuchin Goldman Sachs Dept of Treasury Secretary $5,400 $474,200 $81,050 David Friedman Kasowitz, Benson et al Dept of State US Ambassador to Israel $5,400 $106,400 $42,700 Harlan Watson US House/Cmte on Science, Space & Technology Transition Team Environmental Protection Agency $2,700 $14,200 $0 Ray Washburne Charter Holdings Transition Team Dept of Commerce $2,700 $606,861 $0 Jeff Eisenach NERA Economic Consulting Transition Team Federal Communications Commission $2,700 $44,625 $0 Dan DiMicco Nucor Corp Transition Team US Trade Representative $2,700 $365,846 $20,090 Greg Katsas Jones Day Executive Office of the President Deputy Assistant & Deputy Counsel to the President $2,700 $19,000 $0 Ralph Ferrara Proskauer Rose LLP Transition Team Federal Reserve Board $2,700 $18,000 $5,000 Bradley Bondi Cahill, Gordon & Reindel Transition Team Export-Import Bank $2,700 $11,350 $1,200 Rex Tillerson ExxonMobil Dept of State Secretary $2,700 $420,820 $0 Katy Talento US Senate Domestic Policy Council Healthcare Policy $2,500 $2,750 $0 Charles Glazer Fieldpoint Private Transition Team Dept of State $2,000 $186,697 $1,000 Richard Spencer Fall Creek Management Dept of Defense Secretary of the Navy $2,000 $53,933 $333 James Hoskins Scitor Corp Transition Team Office of the Director of National Intelligence $1,600 $112,869 $0 Hugo Teufel Raytheon Co Dept of Homeland Security Chief Privacy Officer $1,000 $10,720 $0 Kristine L. Svinicki U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Chairman $1,000 $6,300 $0 Chris Hassler Syndetics Inc Transition Team Dept of Defense $1,000 $44,350 $0 Thomas Wheeler Frost Brown Todd LLC Dept of Justice Acting Assistant Attorney General $1,000 $64,255 $0 Loren Smith Capital Alpha Partners Transition Team Dept of Labor $1,000 $1,300 $0 Doug Domenech Texas Public Policy Foundation Dept of the Interior Assistant Secretary $800 $15,000 $0 Tom Price US House/Member Dept of Health & Human Services Secretary $800 $31,694 $0 Robert Lighthizer Skadden, Arps et al Executive Office of the President US Trade Representative $800 $25,200 $2,700 Newt Gingrich Former US Speaker Transition Team Executive Cmte Vice Chair $800 $26,985 $0 John Barsa Goldbelt Inc Dept of Homeland Security Assistant Secretary/Partnership & Engagement $502 $1,138 $0 Keith Noreika Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett Dept of the Treasury Acting Comptroller/Office Comptroller of Currency $488 $44,238 $0 Lora Ries CSRA Inc Transition Team Dept of Homeland Security $450 $2,785 $0 Kenneth Braithwaite Vizient Inc Transition Team Dept of Defense $400 $4,900 $0 Sharon Brown-Hruska NERA Economic Consulting Transition Team Farm Credit Administration $369 $3,769 $250 Mike Pompeo US House/Member Central Intelligence Agency Director $273 $18,034 $0 Earl Matthews US Army Transition Team Dept of Defense $250 $7,450 $0 Mark Robbins US Merit Systems Protection Board Merit Systems Protection Board Vice Chairman $200 $16,550 $0 Casey Coleman Unisys Corp Transition Team General Services Administration $200 $5,450 $0 Maggie Maddox Knights of Columbus Transition Team Dept of Health & Human Services $40 $5,090 $0 Rolf Lundberg Lundberg Group Executive Office of the President Deputy Director of the National Trade Council $2 $14,002 $1,500 Anthony Parker Parker Tide Corp Transition Team Small Business Administration $0 $142,229 $0 Scott Cameron Koniag Inc Transition Team Dept of the Interior $0 $2,650 $0 Daniel Jorjani Freedom Partners Dept of The Interior Principal Deputy Solicitor/Office of the Solicitor $0 $7,750 $0 Rob Goad Luke Messer Domestic Policy Council Education Policy $0 $9,900 $0 Ja’Ron K. Smith Generation Opportunity Domestic Policy Council Urban Affairs and Revitalization $0 $0 $0 John Zadrozny Dept of State Domestic Policy Council Justice and Homeland Security Policy $0 $0 $0 Alexander Angelson Republican National Cmte Executive Office of the President Special Assistant to the President $0 $0 $0 Alexander Acosta Florida International University Dept of Labor Secretary $0 $9,100 $0 Jen Pavlik Office of Gov. Mike Pence Office of the Vice President Deputy Chief of Staff $0 $0 $0 John McEntee Trump for America Executive Office of the President Special Assistant to the President $0 $5,000 $0 Shawn Krause Quicken Loans Transition Team Dept of Housing & Urban Development $0 $0 $0 Madeleine Westerhout Republican National Cmte Executive Office of the President Executive Assistant to the President $0 $0 $0 Steven Cheung Donald J. Trump for President White House Office of the Press Secretary/Comms Special Assistant to the President $0 $0 $0 Terry Branstad Governor of Iowa Dept of State US Ambassador to China $0 $26,215 $1,250 Dan Brouillette Ford Motor Co Dept of Energy Deputy Secretary $0 $173,397 $4,750 CJ Jordan Jordan Management Group Transition Team Consumer Financial Protection Bureau $0 $6,750 $0 David Bernhardt Brownstein, Hyatt et al Dept of Interior Deputy Secretary $0 $3,750 $0 Pamela Hughes Patenaude J. Ronald Terwilliger Foundation Dept of Housing and Urban Development Deputy Secretary $0 $12,400 $0 Heather Wilson South Dakota School of Mines & Technology Dept of Defense Secretary of the Air Force $0 $1,900 $0 Ellen Lord Textron Systems Dept of Defense Under Secretary/Acquisition Technology & Logistic $0 $500 $0 Mark Andrew Green International Republican Institute U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator $0 $250 $0 John J. Sullivan Mayer Brown LLP Dept of State Deputy Secretary $0 $43,515 $0 Charles James Williams Mullen Transition Team General Services Administration $0 $0 $0 Kurt Stout Colliers International Transition Team General Services Administration $0 $0 $0 Don Williams Donald Williams Group Transition Team General Services Administration $0 $1,250 $0 Juan Zarate Center for Strategic & International Studies Transition Team Office of the Director of National Intelligence $0 $15,250 $0 Justin Bogie Heritage Foundation Transition Team Office of Management & Budget $0 $0 $0 Karen Evans KE&T Partners Transition Team Office of Management & Budget $0 $1,800 $0 Pat Pizzella Federal Labor Relations Authority Federal Labor Relations Authority Chairman $0 $40,425 $0 Amy Bradshaw Boston Consulting Group Transition Team Dept of State $0 $0 $0 Michael Friedman Boston Consulting Group Transition Team Dept of the Treasury $0 $0 $0 Bo Denysyk Global USA Inc Transition Team Dept of Transportation $0 $55,800 $1,000 T. Finch Fulton VOX Global Transition Team Dept of Transportation $0 $0 $0 Brigham McCown Kilgore McCown PLLC Transition Team Dept of Transportation $0 $3,700 $0 Philip Spencer Boston Consulting Group Dept of the Navy Secretary $0 $0 $0 Ronald Thomas ThomasRiley Strategies Transition Team Dept of Veterans Affairs $0 $4,304 $0 David Kreutzer Heritage Foundation Transition Team Environmental Protection Agency $0 $1,500 $200 Austin Lipari Federalist Society Transition Team Environmental Protection Agency $0 $0 $0 David Schnare Energy & Environment Legal Institute Transition Team Environmental Protection Agency $0 $1,250 $0 George Sugiyama Sugiyama Group Transition Team Environmental Protection Agency $0 $500 $250 Paul Winfree Heritage Foundation Executive Office of the President Director of Budget Policy $0 $0 $0 John Mullins Millennium Group International Transition Team Office of Personnel Management $0 $0 $0 Stephen A. Schwarzman Blackstone President's Strategic & Policy Forum Chairman $0 $6,754,192 $64,275 Mary Barra General Motors President's Strategic & Policy Forum Member $0 $3,000 $5,500 Toby Cosgrove Cleveland Clinic President's Strategic & Policy Forum Member $0 $0 $0 Jamie Dimon JPMorgan Chase & Co President's Strategic & Policy Forum Member $0 $93,000 $625,600 Larry Fink BlackRock President's Strategic & Policy Forum Member $0 $27,900 $155,700 Rich Lesser Boston Consulting Group President's Strategic & Policy Forum Member $0 $2,000 $76,162 Doug McMillon Wal-Mart Stores President's Strategic & Policy Forum Member $0 $6,350 $0 Jim McNerney Boeing President's Strategic & Policy Forum Member $0 $71,300 $17,500 Adebayo “Bayo” Ogunlesi Global Infrastructure Partners President's Strategic & Policy Forum Member $0 $11,025 $198,600 Ginni Rometty IBM President's Strategic & Policy Forum Member $0 $0 $0 Kevin Warsh Hoover Institute President's Strategic & Policy Forum Member $0 $20,000 $0 Mark Weinberger Ernst & Young President's Strategic & Policy Forum Member $0 $47,029 $9,000 Stephanie Grisham Arizona House of Representatives White House Office of the Press Secretary/Comms Special Assistant to the President $0 $0 $0 Cliff Sims Yellowhammer News White House Office of the Press Secretary/Comms Special Assistant to the President $0 $0 $0 George Sifakis Ideagen Office of Public Liaison Director $0 $6,200 $2,500 David Higbee Hunton & Williams Transition Team Dept of Justice $0 $2,500 $0 Robert Blau US Dept of State Transition Team Dept of State $0 $0 $0 Pam Bondi Florida Attorney General Transition Team Executive Cmte Member $0 $0 $0 Chris Collins US House/Member Transition Team Executive Cmte Member $0 $18,500 $5,000 Jared Kushner Kushner Properties Executive Office of the President Senior White House Adviser $0 $88,000 $206,550 Tom Marino US House/Member Transition Team Executive Cmte Member $0 $0 $0 John Sanders Pramantha Solutions Transition Team Dept of Homeland Security $0 $22,500 $8,500 Jonathan Spaner McKinsey & Co Transition Team Dept of Homeland Security $0 $1,100 $0 Devin Nunes US House/Member Transition Team Executive Cmte Member $0 $1,750 $0 Anthony Scaramucci SkyBridge Capital Executive Office of the President White House Communications Director $0 $7,300 $9,000 Rudy Giuliani Greenberg Traurig Transition Team Executive Cmte Vice Chair $0 $32,750 $0 Rick Dearborn Chief of Staff/Jeff Sessions Executive Office of the President Deputy Chief of Staff $0 $450 $0 Richard Bagger Celgene Corp Transition Team Executive Cmte Transition Team Executive Cmte $0 $91,920 $1,000 Bill Palatucci Gibbons PC Transition Team Executive Cmte Advisor $0 $98,531 $1,000 Kellyanne Conway Trump for America Executive Office of the President Counselor to the President $0 $132,850 $0 David Bossie Citizens United Transition Team Executive Cmte Deputy Executive Director $0 $8,100 $0 Stephen Miller Trump for America Executive Office of the President Senior Policy Advisor $0 $0 $0 Jason Miller Trump for America Transition Team Executive Cmte Communications Director $0 $46,528 $305 Hope Hicks Trump for America Executive Office of the President Strategic Communications Director $0 $0 $0 Dan Scavino Trump for America Transition Team Executive Cmte Director of Social Media $0 $0 $0 Nick Ayers Target Enterprises Office of Vice President Chief of Staff $0 $0 $0 Josh Pitcock Chief of Staff/Mike Pence Office of the Vice President Chief of Staff $0 $200 $0 Marc Short Koch Industries White House Legislative Affairs Director $0 $36,700 $0 Mark Albrecht US Space LLC Transition Team Dept of Defense $0 $2,000 $0 Craig Duehring United States Air Force Transition Team Dept of Defense $0 $5,226 $0 David Trachtenberg Shortwaver Consulting Transition Team Dept of Defense $0 $0 $0 Dakota Wood Heritage Foundation Transition Team Dept of Defense $0 $500 $0 Williamson Evers Hoover Institution Transition Team Dept of Education $0 $18,470 $250 Travis Fisher Institute for Energy Research Dept of Energy Senior Advisor $0 $0 $0 Marie Meszaros Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget Transition Team Dept of Health & Human Services $0 $0 $0 John Brooks MITRE Corp Dept of Health & Human Services Counselor for Health Policy $0 $0 $0 Thomas DiNanno International Assessment & Strategy Center Dept of Homeland Security Assistant Administrator/FEMA $0 $0 $0 Katharine Gorka Council on Global Security Dept of Homeland Security Advisor to Chief of Staff $0 $0 $0 Jack Welch General Electric President's Strategic & Policy Forum Member $0 $16,500 $14,000 Daniel Yergin IHS Markit President's Strategic & Policy Forum Member $0 $5,400 $19,400 James Mattis FWA Consultants Dept of Defense Secretary $0 $0 $0 Brian Klippenstein Protect the Harvest Transition Team Dept of Agriculture $0 $18,880 $4,500 David McCracken Oak Ridge Strategies Group Transition Team Dept of Defense $0 $366 $0 Whitney Meyers Defense Intelligence Agency Transition Team Dept of Defense $0 $500 $0 Kathleen Madigan Rebarber AccountabilityWorks Transition Team Dept of Education $0 $0 $0 Kent Talbert AccountabilityWorks Transition Team Dept of Education $0 $6,650 $0 William Greene Safari Club International Transition Team Dept of Energy $0 $0 $0 Mark Maddox Livingston Group Dept of Energy Assistant to the Secretary $0 $98,725 $1,000 Daniel Simmons Institute for Energy Research Dept of Energy Head/Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy $0 $0 $0 Bradley Buswell Morpho Detection LLC Transition Team Dept of Homeland Security $0 $1,650 $1,774 Mary Bomar National Park Service Transition Team Dept of the Interior $0 $0 $0 Karen Budd-Falen Budd-Falen Law Offices Transition Team Dept of the Interior $0 $0 $0 Ned Mamula Cato Institute Transition Team Dept of the Interior $0 $0 $0 Michael Battle Barnes & Thornburg Transition Team Dept of Justice $0 $3,000 $250 Edmund Searby BakerHostetler Transition Team Dept of Justice $0 $13,800 $0 Diana Furchtgott-Roth Manhattan Institute for Policy Research Transition Team Dept of Labor $0 $3,000 $0 F. Vincent Vernuccio III Mackinac Center for Public Policy Transition Team Dept of Labor $0 $701 $0 Elaine Chao Heritage Foundation Dept of Transportation Secretary $0 $195,960 $0 Edward O'Callaghan Clifford Chance LLP Transition Team Dept of the Treasury $0 $7,600 $250 Kimberly Reed International Food Information Council Foundation Transition Team Dept of the Treasury $0 $19,775 $39,781 Todd Steggerda McGuireWoods LLP Transition Team Dept of the Treasury $0 $20,725 $0 Mark Woolway Zenefits Transition Team Dept of the Treasury $0 $0 $0 Christopher Horner Competitive Enterprise Institute Transition Team Environmental Protection Agency $0 $2,250 $800 Donald Trump Jr. Trump Organization Transition Team Executive Cmte Member $0 $102,200 $42,500 Eric Trump Trump Organization Transition Team Executive Cmte Member $0 $82,300 $1,000 Ivanka Trump Trump Organization Executive Office of the President Advisor $0 $88,000 $206,550 Mike Pence Governor of Indiana Transition Team Executive Cmte Vice President $0 $6,960 $0 Ben Carson Retired Surgeon Dept of Housing & Urban Development Secretary $0 $6,250 $1,050 Chris Christie Governor of New Jersey Transition Team Executive Cmte Vice Chair $0 $41,400 $0 George Nesterczuk Nesterczuk & Assoc Office of Personnel Management Director $0 $750 $0 Robert Tompkins Holland & Knight Transition Team General Services Administration $0 $161,541 $500 Greg Autry University of Southern California Transition Team National Aeronautics & Space Administration $0 $1,650 $0 Jack Burns University of Colorado Transition Team National Aeronautics & Space Administration $0 $0 $0 Steve Cook Dynetics Inc Dept of Justice Associate Deputy Attorney General $0 $0 $0 Rodney Liesveld National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Aeronautics & Space Administration Special Assistant to the Administrator $0 $2,000 $0 Sandra Magnus American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics Transition Team National Aeronautics & Space Administration $0 $0 $0 Jeff Waksman US House National Aeronautics & Space Administration Special Assistant to the Administrator $0 $600 $0 Jennifer Arangio Command Consulting Group National Security Council Spokeswoman $0 $400 $0 David Burton Heritage Foundation Transition Team Office of Management & Budget $0 $3,000 $0 Matthew Lusco Regions Financial Corp Transition Team Office of the Comptroller of the Currency $0 $7,550 $0 Rob Porter US Senate Executive Office of the President Staff Secretary $0 $0 $0 Keith Schiller Trump Organization Executive Office of the President Deputy Assistant to the President $0 $0 $0 Bill McGinley Jones Day Executive Office of the President Deputy Assistant to the President $0 $0 $0 Justin Clark Davis, Clark & Bonafonte Executive Office of the President Deputy Assistant to the President $0 $1,200 $0 Mick Mulvaney US House/Member Office of Management and Budget Director $0 $15,535 $0 Amata Coleman Radewagen US House/Member Transition Team Executive Cmte Member $0 $1,325 $0 Adrian "Butch" Anderson Dutchess County, NY Sheriff Transition Team Executive Cmte Member $0 $1,450 $0 Safra Catz Oracle Corp Transition Team Executive Cmte Member $0 $252,600 $112,100 Tom Dadey Onondaga County Republican Committee Transition Team Executive Cmte Member $0 $0 $0 Nick Langworthy Erie County Republican Committee Transition Team Executive Cmte Member $0 $0 $0 Omarosa Manigault Trump for America Office of Public Liaison Director of Communications $0 $0 $0 Mike McCormack Dutchess County Republican Committee Transition Team Executive Cmte Member $0 $0 $0 Joe Mondello Nassau County Republican Committee Transition Team Executive Cmte Member $0 $0 $0 John Sweeney Trump for America Transition Team Executive Cmte Member $0 $0 $0 Mary Fallin Governor of Oklahoma Transition Team Executive Cmte Vice Chair $0 $2,250 $500 Cynthia Lummis US House/Member Transition Team Executive Cmte Vice Chair $0 $10,193 $0 Tom Reed US House/Member Transition Team Executive Cmte Vice Chair $0 $4,750 $0 Cathy McMorris Rodgers US House/Member Transition Team Executive Cmte Vice Chair $0 $9,310 $0 Tim Scott US House/Member Transition Team Executive Cmte Vice Chair $0 $0 $0 Rick Perry Governor of Texas Dept of Energy Secretary $0 $0 $0 Joe Hagin Jet Support Services Executive Office of the President Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations $0 $70,050 $500 Travis Kalanick Uber Technologies President's Strategic & Policy Forum Member $0 $0 $0 Jessica Ditto Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin White House Office of the Press Secretary/Comms Deputy Director of Communications $0 $500 $0 Dan Coats US Senate/Member Office of the Director of National Intelligence Office of the Director of National Intelligence $0 $28,500 $0 Jimmy Kemp Jack Kemp Foundation Transition Team Dept of Housing & Urban Development $0 $8,750 $750 Elon Musk SpaceX President's Strategic & Policy Forum Member $0 $307,600 $269,750 Indra Nooyi Pepsico Inc President's Strategic & Policy Forum Member $0 $0 $28,500 Jason D. Greenblatt Trump Organization Executive Office of the President Special Representative for Intl Negotiations $0 $2,500 $5,750 Thomas P. Bossert Civil Defense Solutions Executive Office of the President Assistant to the President for Homeland Security $0 $6,750 $0 David Shulkin Dept of Veterans Affairs Dept of Veterans Affairs Secretary $0 $750 $2,250 Michael Ambrosini Republican National Cmte Office of Chief of Staff Director of the Office of Chief of Staff $0 $0 $0 Avi Berkowitz Trump for America Executive Office of the President Special Assistant to the President $0 $0 $0 Carlos Diaz-Rosillo Harvard University Executive Office of the President Director of Policy and Interagency Coordination $0 $0 $0 Vince Haley Gingrich Productions Office of Senior Advisor to President for Policy Advisor for Policy, Strategy and Speechwriting $0 $5,300 $0 Ross Worthington Gingrich Holdings Office of Senior Advisor to President for Policy Advisor for Policy, Strategy and Speechwriting $0 $250 $0 Ryan Jarmula Donald J. Trump for President Office of Senior Advisor to President for Policy Advisor for Policy Development and Speechwriting $0 $0 $0 Dina Powell Goldman Sachs Office of Senior Advisor to President for Policy Advisor for Policy $0 $49,950 $450 Robert Gabriel Trump for America Office of Senior Advisor to President for Policy Special Assistant to the Senior Advisor $0 $0 $0 Chris Liddell General Motors Company Office of Senior Advisor to President for Policy Director of Strategic Initiatives $0 $0 $0 Bert Mizusawa US Army Transition Team Dept of Defense $0 $8,250 $250 Sergio de la Pena De la Pena Consulting Dept of Defense Deputy Assistant $0 $0 $0 Erin Walsh Goldman Sachs Dept of Commerce Assistant Secretary/US & Foreign Commercial Servic $0 $4,750 $0 Alexander Gray Trump for America Executive Office of the President Director/Natl Trade Council/Defense Indust Base $0 $3,800 $0 Jackie Wolcott US Commission on International Religious Freedom Transition Team Dept of State $0 $6,650 $0 Ashley Bell Republican National Cmte Peace Corps Associate Director $0 $3,575 $250 Betsy DeVos Windquest Group Dept of Education Secretary $0 $8,180,466 $12,000 Stephen K. Bannon Breitbart News Executive Office of the President Chief Strategist/Senior Counselor to the President $0 $42,500 $1,500 Reince Priebus Republican National Cmte Executive Office of the President White House Chief of Staff $0 $18,314 $0 Jeff Sessions US Senate/Member Dept of Justice Attorney General $0 $2,375 $0 H.R. McMaster US Army Executive Office of the President Assistant to the President for Natl Sec Affairs $0 $0 $0 Mira Ricardel M. Ricardel LLC Export Administration Undersecretary of Commerce $0 $9,750 $0 Keith Kellogg Cubic Corp National Security Council Chief of Staff & Executive Secretary $0 $14,427 $0 Thomas Carter Elbit Systems of America Transition Team Dept of Defense $0 $42,445 $1,500 Michael Duffey Republican Party of Wisconsin Dept of Defense Special Assistant $0 $0 $0 William Hartzog Burdeshaw Assoc Transition Team Dept of Defense $0 $250 $0 Justin Johnson Heritage Foundation Transition Team Dept of Defense $0 $0 $0 Christopher Burnham Cambridge Global Capital Transition Team Dept of State $0 $28,800 $1,000 Marshall Billingslea Deloitte Dept of Treasury Assistant Secretary for Terrorist Financing $0 $9,300 $0 Mark Scraba 29K Leaders Transition Team National Security Council $0 $500 $0 Thomas Higgins First Data Transition Team National Security Council $0 $2,543 $6,500 Sven Kraemer Dept of Defense Transition Team National Security Council $0 $6,618 $0 Tera Dahl Trump for America National Security Council Deputy Chief of Staff $0 $0 $0 Kiron Skinner Carnegie Mellon University Transition Team National Security Council $0 $10,250 $0 Brian Benczkowski Kirkland & Ellis Dept of Justice Assistant Attorney General $0 $9,467 $0 Zina Bash Doctors’ Hospital at Renaissance Executive Office of the President Domestic Policy Council $0 $500 $0 David Bohigian Pluribus Ventures Overseas Private Investment Corporation Executive Vice President $0 $5,975 $0 Joan Maginnis US Dept of Commerce Transition Team Dept of Commerce $0 $0 $0 Tom Leppert Kaplan Inc Transition Team Dept of Commerce $0 $18,281 $3,000 William Walton Rappahannock Ventures Transition Team Dept of the Treasury $0 $278,550 $13,174 Curtis Dubay Heritage Foundation Transition Team Dept of the Treasury $0 $1,400 $0 Judy Shelton Self-Employed Economist Transition Team Dept of the Treasury $0 $16,450 $0 Mauricio Claver-Carone Cuba Democracy Advocates Transition Team Dept of the Treasury $0 $1,075 $500 Kendell Pease Kendell LLC Transition Team Dept of Defense $0 $11,818 $20,850 Scott Gottlieb American Enterprise Institute Food & Drug Administration Commissioner $0 $33,700 $0 Eric Hargan Greenberg Traurig LLP Dept of Health & Human Services Deputy Secretary $0 $32,700 $0 Nina Owcharenko Schaefer Heritage Foundation Transition Team Dept of Health & Human Services $0 $0 $0 Martin Dannenfelser Jr Energy Innovation Reform Project Transition Team Dept of Energy $0 $5,250 $0 Nathan Mehrens Americans for Limited Govt Research Foundation Transition Team Dept of Labor $0 $750 $0 Kristal Quarker Hartsfield Executive Office of the Governor of Maryland Transition Team Dept of State $0 $0 $0 Andrew Peek Claremont McKenna College Transition Team Dept of State $0 $1,750 $0 Herman Pirchner American Foreign Policy Council Transition Team Dept of State $0 $11,725 $0 Bill Chatfield Consultant Transition Team Dept of Veterans Affairs $0 $0 $0 Amy Oliver Cooke Independence Institute Transition Team Environmental Protection Agency $0 $1,750 $0 Lisa Marie Cheney Innovative Business Group Transition Team National Security Council $0 $6,780 $0 Yleem Poblete Catholic University of America Transition Team National Security Council $0 $0 $0 Russ Vought Heritage Action for America Office of Management and Budget Deputy Secretary $0 $1,300 $0 James Imoehl Gloucester Institute Transition Team Office of Personnel Management $0 $0 $0 Jeff Gerrish Skadden, Arps et al Transition Team Office of the US Trade Representative $0 $0 $500 Richard Manning Americans for Limited Government Transition Team Dept of Labor $0 $10,800 $0 Paul Becker Becker T3 Group Transition Team Office of the Director of National Intelligence $0 $0 $0 Bryan Smith Beacon Global Strategies Transition Team Office of the Director of National Intelligence $0 $175 $2,867 Roger Fink, Jr. Noblis Transition Team Office of the Director of National Intelligence $0 $0 $0 Brad Hansell Boston Consulting Group National Security Council Directory of Transnational Threats $0 $0 $0 Benjamin Powell WilmerHale Transition Team Office of the Director of National Intelligence $0 $3,250 $0 Kathy Benedetto Bioxy Research Transition Team Dept of the Interior $0 $1,509 $0 A. Mark Neuman L Brands Inc Transition Team Dept of Commerce $0 $60,076 $4,000 David Jonas Fluet, Huber & Hoang Dept of Energy General Counsel $0 $0 $0 Jack Spencer Heritage Foundation Transition Team Dept of Energy $0 $0 $0 Kamran Daravi United Nations Transition Team Dept of Health & Human Services $0 $0 $0 Ed Haislmaier Heritage Foundation Transition Team Dept of Health & Human Services $0 $0 $0 Sarah Huckabee Sanders America Takes Action White House Office of the Press Secretary/Comms Press Secretary $0 $3,425 $0 Helen Aguirre Ferre Republican National Cmte White House Office of the Press Secretary/Comms Special Assistant to the President $0 $1,750 $0 Paul Atkins Patomak Global Partners Transition Team Federal Deposit Insurance Cooperation $0 $102,000 $0 Timothy Bitsberger BNP Paribas Transition Team Federal Housing Finance Agency $0 $2,250 $2,500 Gary D. Cohn Goldman Sachs National Economic Council Director $0 $191,301 $352,600 John Kelly US Southern Command Dept of Homeland Security Secretary $0 $0 $0 Scott Pruitt State of Oklahoma Environmental Protection Agency Administrator $0 $1,000 $0 Ryan Zinke US House/Member Dept of Interior Secretary $0 $0 $0 Peter Navarro University of California/Irvine Executive Office of the President Director of National Trade Council $0 $0 $0 Walter "Jay" Clayton Sullivan & Cromwell Securities & Exchange Commission Agency Executive $0 $22,700 $12,500 Alex Pollock R Street Institute Transition Team Federal Trade Commission $0 $15,100 $2,500 Robert Mackichan Holland & Knight Transition Team General Services Administration $0 $6,295 $0 Michael Fryzel Michael E Fryzel & Assoc Transition Team National Credit Union Administration $0 $12,500 $1,000 Lou Barletta US House/Member Transition Team Executive Cmte Member $0 $2,800 $0 Dan Kowalski US Senate/Budget Cmte Dept of Treasury Advisor to the Treasury Secretary $0 $0 $0 Linda Springer Ernst & Young Transition Team Office of Management & Budget $0 $0 $0 Trae Stephens Founders Fund Transition Team Dept of Defense $0 $0 $0 Paul Conway Consultant Transition Team Office of Personnel Management $0 $1,000 $0 Geof Kahn US House/Intellience Cmte Transition Team Office of the Director of National Intelligence $0 $0 $0 David Black Social Security Administration Transition Team Social Security Administration $0 $0 $0 Marsha Blackburn US House/Member Transition Team Executive Cmte Member $0 $13,789 $0 Lizette Benedi Herraiz Strayer University Transition Team Dept of Justice $0 $0 $0 Steven Engel Dechert LLP Dept of Justice Assistant Attorney General/Office of Legal Counsel $0 $8,500 $0 Stefani Carter Stefani Carter & Assoc Transition Team Dept of Justice $0 $250 $0 Kelly Mitchell Multi-Automatic Tool & Supply Co Transition Team Dept of Energy $0 $0 $0 Renee Amoore Amoore Group Transition Team Dept of Health & Human Services $0 $163,574 $0 John Bravacos Law Office of John G Bravacos Transition Team Dept of Housing & Urban Development $0 $2,250 $0 Elvis Solivan Philadelphia Parking Authority Transition Team Dept of Housing & Urban Development $0 $7,600 $0 Shirley Ybarra Reason Foundation Transition Team Dept of Transportation $0 $4,350 $0 Deanna Bass Bass Public Affairs Transition Team Small Business Administration $0 $0 $0 Lolita Zinke Volunteer Transition Team Dept of Veterans Affairs $0 $0 $0 Nikki Haley Governor of South Carolina Executive Office of the President US Ambassador to the United Nations $0 $500 $0 Kathleen Troia “KT” McFarland FOX News Executive Office of the President Deputy National Security Advisor $0 $9,275 $0 Donald F. McGahn Jones Day Executive Office of the President Assistant to the President & White House Counsel $0 $13,025 $0 Raj Shah Republican National Cmte White House Office of the Press Secretary/Comms Deputy Assistant to the President $0 $0 $0 Sonny Perdue Perdue Partners Dept of Agriculture Secretary $0 $10,240 $0 Patrick Shanahan Boeing Dept of Defense Deputy Secretary $0 $6,250 $5,000 William Gaynor Rock Creek Advisors Transition Team Dept of Commerce $0 $24,851 -$50 James Manning Consultant Transition Team Dept of Education $0 $0 $0 Thomas Pyle Institute for Energy Research Transition Team Dept of Energy $0 $24,600 $0 Andrew Bromberg Right Policy LLC Executive Office of the President Director/White House Domestic Policy Council $0 $1,250 $0 Paula Stannard Alston & Bird Transition Team Dept of Health & Human Services $0 $61,757 $0 James Carafano Heritage Foundation Transition Team Dept of Homeland Security $0 $0 $0 Michael Dougherty Secure Identity & Biometrics Assn Transition Team Dept of Homeland Security $0 $0 $0 James Burnham Jones Day Executive Office of the President Senior Associate Counsel $0 $2,250 $0 Seema Verma SVC Inc Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Administrator $0 $3,151 $0 Michael Egan Boston Consulting Group Transition Team Dept of Defense $0 $0 $0 William Cleveland City of Alexandria Public Schools Transition Team Dept of Justice $0 $3,034 $0 Eileen O'Connor Law Office of Eileen J O'Connor Transition Team Dept of the Treasury $0 $7,100 $0 Nancy Butler AECOM Transition Team Dept of Transportation $0 $0 $0 Michael Meese American Armed Forces Mutual Aid Assn Transition Team Dept of Veterans Affairs $0 $0 $0 Myron Ebell Competitive Enterprise Institute Transition Team Environmental Protection Agency $0 $0 $0 Mark Jamison University of Florida Transition Team Federal Communications Commission $0 $4,200 $0 Mary Anne Bradfield Accelerated Development & Support Corp Transition Team Small Business Administration $0 $275 $0 Greg Gardner NETApp Transition Team Dept of Defense $0 $0 $1,010 Steven Groves Heritage Foundation Transition Team Dept of State $0 $2,500 $0 J. Patrick Rowan McGuireWoods LLP Transition Team Dept of Justice $0 $250 $0 Jessie Liu Morrison & Foerster Transition Team Dept of Justice $0 $15,950 $0 Ronald Tenpas Morgan, Lewis & Bockius Transition Team Dept of Justice $0 $3,550 $0 Catharine O'Neill US House/Foreign Affairs Cmte Transition Team Dept of State $0 $0 $0 Thomas Feddo Alston & Bird Transition Team Dept of Treasury $0 $0 $0 Steve Buyer Steve Buyer Group Transition Team Dept of Veterans Affairs $0 $15,589 $0 Lynda Davis Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors Dept of Veterans Affairs Chief Veterans Experience Officer $0 $24,840 $1,250 Ellen Embrey Stratitia Inc Transition Team Dept of Veterans Affairs $0 $500 $0 Darin Selnick Consultant Transition Team Dept of Veterans Affairs $0 $0 $0 Amber Smith Author Transition Team Dept of Veterans Affairs $0 $0 $0 Roslyn Layton Aalborg University Transition Team Federal Communications Commission $0 $0 $0 Christopher Shank US House/Cmte on Science, Space & Technology Transition Team National Aeronautics & Space Administration $0 $13,300 $7,000 Nova Daly Wiley Rein LLP Transition Team Office of the US Trade Representative $0 $15,600 $0 Stephen Vaughn King & Spalding United States Trade Representative Office of the US Trade Representative $0 $0 $0 Sean Cairncross Republican National Cmte Executive Office of the President Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff $0 $500 $0 Marcia Lee Kelly Trump for America Executive Office of the President Director of White House Management $0 $0 $0 Brock Long Hagerty Consulting Dept of Homeland Security Administrator/FEMA Rod J. Rosenstein U.S. Attorney Dept of Justice Deputy Attorney General Derek Kan Lyft Inc Dept of Transportation Undersecretary Transportation for Policy Gina Farrisee Dept of Veterans Affairs Dept of Veterans Affairs Deputy Secretary Jonathan Nash Millenium Challenge Corporation Millenium Challenge Corporation Chief Executive Officer Claire Grady Dept of Defense Dept of Homeland Security Undersecretary for Management Susan Gordon National Geospacial Intelligence Agency Office of the Director of National Intelligence Principal Deputy Director Elaine Duke Elaine Duke & Associates, LLC Dept of Homeland Security Deputy Secretary Steve Censky American Soybean Assn Dept of Agriculture Deputy Secretary DETAILED DONATIONS Cycle Total Hard Money Soft/Outside Dems/Liberals Repubs/Conservatives %DemLib %RepubCon 2016 $15,507,041 $3,431,843 $12,075,198 $19,350 $15,421,861 0% 99% 2014 $5,017,404 $1,392,375 $3,625,029 $4,150 $4,966,029 0% 99% 2012 $1,289,104 $1,014,104 $275,000 $12,900 $1,256,284 1% 97% 2010 $610,320 $420,320 $190,000 $17,300 $574,270 3% 94% 2008 $401,093 $400,983 $110 $39,500 $333,593 10% 83% 2006 $321,200 $261,200 $60,000 $33,950 $267,600 11% 83% 2004 $2,323,580 $323,580 $2,000,000 $51,000 $2,255,080 2% 97% 2002 $62,145 $62,145 $0 $10,550 $37,345 17% 60% 2000 $221,145 $171,145 $50,000 $12,500 $161,345 6% 73% 1998 $88,010 $88,010 $0 $2,500 $48,760 3% 55% 1996 $95,430 $55,430 $40,000 $0 $82,180 0% 86% 1994 $60,850 $60,850 $0 $26,500 $32,350 44% 53% 1992 $51,831 $51,831 $0 $10,250 $38,431 20% 74% 1990 $33,214 $33,214 $0 $2,250 $30,714 7% 92% ALL $26,082,367 $7,767,030 $18,315,337 $242,700 $25,505,842 1% 98% Contributions to Confirming Senators (from all nominees*) Politician Total To Cand Cmte To Lead PAC Outside Distinct Contributors Marco Rubio (R-Fla) $462,323 $42,323 $20,000 $400,000 4 Rob Portman (R-Ohio) $383,800 $33,800 $0 $350,000 4 Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) $102,700 $2,700 $0 $100,000 1 John McCain (R-Ariz) $94,600 $34,600 $10,000 $50,000 5 Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) $58,900 $42,400 $6,500 $10,000 6 Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) $39,050 $36,350 $2,700 $0 3 Roy Blunt (R-Mo) $29,800 $29,800 $0 $0 3 Pat Toomey (R-Pa) $28,800 $28,800 $0 $0 2 Bill Cassidy (R-La) $28,600 $28,600 $0 $0 3 Thom Tillis (R-NC) $28,600 $28,600 $0 $0 2 Richard Burr (R-NC) $27,000 $27,000 $0 $0 2 Ron Johnson (R-Wis) $24,000 $24,000 $0 $0 2 Rand Paul (R-Ky) $23,500 $23,500 $0 $0 2 Cory Gardner (R-Colo) $21,800 $21,800 $0 $0 3 Tom Cotton (R-Ark) $20,900 $20,900 $0 $0 2 Steven Daines (R-Mont) $20,800 $20,800 $0 $0 2 Charles E Schumer (D-NY) $20,300 $20,300 $0 $0 4 Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) $19,900 $19,900 $0 $0 3 Tim Scott (R-SC) $18,000 $18,000 $0 $0 2 Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) $15,600 $15,600 $0 $0 2 David Perdue (R-Ga) $15,600 $15,600 $0 $0 3 John Cornyn (R-Texas) $14,900 $14,900 $0 $0 3 Mark Warner (D-Va) $14,300 $4,300 $10,000 $0 2 Susan Collins (R-Maine) $11,400 $11,400 $0 $0 2 Todd Young (R-Ind) $10,800 $10,800 $0 $0 2 Mike Rounds (R-SD) $10,400 $10,400 $0 $0 1 John Thune (R-SD) $9,000 $9,000 $0 $0 2 Ted Cruz (R-Texas) $7,050 $7,050 $0 $0 2 Pat Roberts (R-Kan) $5,850 $5,850 $0 $0 2 Ben Sasse (R-Neb) $5,200 $5,200 $0 $0 1 Johnny Isakson (R-Ga) $5,200 $5,200 $0 $0 3 Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich) $5,000 $5,000 $0 $0 1 Bill Nelson (D-Fla) $4,800 $4,800 $0 $0 1 Robert Menendez (D-NJ) $3,100 $3,100 $0 $0 2 Jeff Sessions (R-Ala) $3,000 $3,000 $0 $0 2 Shelley Moore Capito (R-WVa) $3,000 $3,000 $0 $0 1 John A Barrasso (R-Wyo) $2,500 $2,500 $0 $0 1 Kamala D Harris (D-Calif) $2,000 $2,000 $0 $0 1 Lindsey Graham (R-SC) $2,000 $2,000 $0 $0 1 Richard C Shelby (R-Ala) $2,000 $2,000 $0 $0 1 Mike Lee (R-Utah) $1,300 $1,300 $0 $0 2 Cory Booker (D-NJ) $1,000 $1,000 $0 $0 1 Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn) $1,000 $1,000 $0 $0 1 Maria Cantwell (D-Wash) $1,000 $1,000 $0 $0 1 Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) $1,000 $1,000 $0 $0 1 Michael F Bennet (D-Colo) $500 $500 $0 $0 1 Jerry Moran (R-Kan) $250 $250 $0 $0 1 ALL $1,612,123 $652,923 $49,200 $910,000 NOMINEE DONATIONS TO SENATE COMMITTEES Company Senator State Party Total To Cand Cmte To LeadPAC Amway/Alticor Inc Alexander, Lamar Tennessee R $4,500 $4,500 $0 Amway/Alticor Inc Burr, Richard North Carolina R $19,200 $19,200 $0 Amway/Alticor Inc Cassidy, Bill Louisiana R $26,000 $26,000 $0 Amway/Alticor Inc Collins, Susan M Maine R $5,000 $5,000 $0 Amway/Alticor Inc Enzi, Mike Wyoming R $1,000 $1,000 $0 Amway/Alticor Inc Hatch, Orrin G Utah R $9,000 $7,500 $1,500 Amway/Alticor Inc Murkowski, Lisa Alaska R $22,600 $22,600 $0 Amway/Alticor Inc Paul, Rand Kentucky R $2,000 $2,000 $0 Amway/Alticor Inc Roberts, Pat Kansas R $3,000 $3,000 $0 Amway/Alticor Inc Sanders, Bernie Vermont D $399 $399 $0 Amway/Alticor Inc Scott, Tim South Carolina R $35,400 $35,400 $0 Amway/Alticor Inc Young, Todd Indiana R $15,500 $15,500 $0 Windquest Group Burr, Richard North Carolina R $16,200 $16,200 $0 Windquest Group Cassidy, Bill Louisiana R $7,800 $7,800 $0 Windquest Group Murkowski, Lisa Alaska R $10,800 $10,800 $0 Windquest Group Scott, Tim South Carolina R $12,800 $12,800 $0 Windquest Group Young, Todd Indiana R $0 $0 $0 RDV Corp Burr, Richard North Carolina R $4,800 $4,800 $0 The DeVos family is a major funder of several super PACs, which support members of the Senate HELP committee. cycle cmtename candname Contributions from DeVos Spending in Candidate's Race 2014 Ending Spending Action Fund Roberts, Pat $50,000 $85,404 2014 Freedom Partners Action Fund Roberts, Pat $500,000 $17,507 2014 Freedom Partners Action Fund Cassidy, Bill $500,000 $223,167 2016 Ending Spending Action Fund Sanders, Bernie $20,000 $804,319 2016 Senate Leadership Fund Burr, Richard $300,000 $89,204 2016 Ending Spending Action Fund Young, Todd $20,000 $134,086 2016 Senate Leadership Fund Young, Todd $300,000 $290,578 2016 Ending Spending Action Fund Hassan, Maggie $20,000 $498,576 2016 Senate Leadership Fund Hassan, Maggie $300,000 $57,292 db .d88b. d8888b. d8888b. db db d888888b .d8888. d888888b .d8888. 88 .8P Y8. 88 `8D 88 `8D `8b d8' `88' 88' YP `~~88~~' 88' YP 88 88 88 88oooY' 88oooY' `8bd8' 88 `8bo. 88 `8bo. 88 88 88 88~~~b. 88~~~b. 88 88 `Y8b. 88 `Y8b. 88booo. `8b d8' 88 8D 88 8D 88 .88. db 8D 88 db 8D Y88888P `Y88P' Y8888P' Y8888P' YP Y888888P `8888Y' YP `8888Y' Lobbyist Trump Admin Job Lobbying Job Adcock, Rebeckah Freeman Dept of Agriculture, Senior Advisor CropLife America Ambrosini, Michael Executive Office of the President, Director, Office of the Chief of Staff Michael, Best & Friedrich Anderson, Byron Dept of Labor, Special Assistant to the Secretary Transamerica Appleton, Brooke Shupe Dept of Agriculture, Chief of Staff, Office of Secretary National Corn Growers Assn Arangio, Jennifer Executive Office of the President, National Security Council Director Command Policy Group Arbes, Sarah Dept of Health & Human Services, Legislative Assistant Business Roundtable Ashooh, Richard Bureau of Industry & Security, Assistant Secretary of Commerce BAE Systems Averill, Christopher General Services Administration, Regional Advisor New England Council Bailey, Bradley Dept of the Treasury, Asst. Secretary, Legislative Affairs American Investment Council Ballard, Brian D Presidential Transition Finance Cmte, Member Ballard Partners Baptist, Erik Environmental Protection Agency, Senior Deputy General Counsel American Petroleum Institute Barber, Stewart Executive Office of the President, Trade Representative Corley Consulting Barbic, Kenneth Dept of Agriculture, Assistant Sec for Cong Relations Western Growers Assn Barnes, Riley Dept of State, Senior Advisor Akin, Gump et al Barrett, Peter International Trade Administration, Senior Advisor National Assn of State Treasurers Barsa, John US Agency for International Development, Asst Admin, Bureau for Latin Am/Carib MRIGlobal Batta, Todd Farm Credit Administration, Schedule C Appointee Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corp Baum, Erika Dept of Transportation, Executive Assitant to the Secretary General Mills Bedell, Anthony R Dept of Transportation, Deputy Assistant Secretary RedFive Strategies Beek, Dirk Vande Dept of Energy, Director, Office of Public Affairs Travelport Operations Benczkowski, Brian A Dept of Justice, Assistant AG for Criminal Div Kirkland & Ellis Benevento, Douglas Environmental Protection Agency, Regional Administrator, Region 8 Greenberg Traurig LLP Berkovitz, Dan Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Commissioner WilmerHale LLP Bernhardt, David L Dept of the Interior, Secretary of the Interior Brownstein, Hyatt et al Blank, Tom US Immigration & Customs Enforcement, Chief of Staff Belvedere Strategies Bodine, Susan Environmental Protection Agency, Asst Admin, Enforcement/Compliance Barnes & Thornburg Bolton, Dwayne Office of Environmental Management, Sr Advisor, Field Operations Edison International Bondi, Pam White House, Senior Advisor Ballard Partners Boswell, Kristi Dept of Agriculture, Senior Advisor to the Secretary American Farm Bureau Brace, Conner Dept of Energy, Assoc Deputy Asst Sec for House Affairs Akin, Gump et al Bradshaw, Tara Presidential Transition Team, Dept of Treasury, Transition advisor Ernst & Young Brand, Rachel Dept of Justice, US Associate Attorney General Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering Brandt, Kim Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Principal Deputy Administrator for Ops Alston & Bird Branstad, Eric Dept of Commerce, Senior White House Advisor Mercury Brouillette, Dan Dept of Energy, Secretary of Energy Ford Motor Co Brown, Byron Environmental Protection Agency, Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy Crowell & Moring Brown, Christopher C Federal Aviation Administration, Assistant Administrator Airlines for America Buckman, Emily Dept of Agriculture, Assistant, Ofc of Undersec for Food Kentucky Farm Bureau Burnison, Melissa Dept of Energy, Asst Sec for Cong & Intergovt Affairs Nuclear Energy Institute Burns, Faith Dept of Agriculture, Policy Advisor National Pork Producers Council Burr, Geoff Dept of Labor, Special Assistant to Secretary Brownstein, Hyatt et al Calio, Jessica Dept of Defense, Special Asst to Asst Sec for Leg Affairs Textron Inc Campau, Alex Pryor White House, Special Assistant to the President Cozen O'Connor Campbell, Christopher Food & Drug Administration, Intergovernmental Affairs Specialist American Art Therapy Assn Canfield, Ryan White House, Special Assistant to the President Guidepost Strategies Caputo, Annie Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Commissioner Nuclear Energy Strategies Carey, Brittany Dept of Treasury, Special Assistant Hilton Worldwide Carpentier, Kristen US Agency for International Development, Legislative Assistant CH Fisher LLC Carroll, Jim Office of National Drug Control Policy, Director Ford Motor Co Carter, James Presidential Transition Team, Team Leader, Tax Policy Implementation Emerson Electric Carter, Thomas L Dept of State, US Rep, Intl Civil Aviation Org Elbit Systems Cassidy, Ben J Dept of the Interior, Senior Deputy Director National Rifle Assn Catanzaro, Michael J White House, Special Asst, Domestic & Environmental CGCN Group Charrow, Robert Dept of Health & Human Services, General Counsel Greenberg Traurig LLP Chatterjee, Neil Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Chair National Rural Electric Cooperative Assn Chung, Jason Dept of the Treasury, Deputy Assistant Secretary Gateway Consulting Ciccone, Christine Dept of State, Senior Advisor USEC Inc Clark, Timothy Dept of Health & Human Services, WH Liaison for Political Personnel Eisai Inc Claussen, Cory Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Senior Advisor Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Claver-Carone, Mauricio Dept of the Treasury, US Rep to Intl Monetary Fund Cuba Democracy Public Advocacy Corp Cleary, Kelly M Dept of Health & Human Services, Deputy General Counsel Akin, Gump et al Coats, Dan National Security Council, Director of National Intelligence King & Spalding Cobaugh, Christina Office of US Trade Representative, Executive Secretary, Off of Ambassador Brownstein, Hyatt et al Cobb, Ty Executive Office of the President, Special Counsel to the President Hogan & Hartson Comstock, Earl W Dept of Commerce, Director Eckert, Seamans et al Cox, Chris C White House, Deputy Assistant for Legislative Affairs Navigators Global Cunningham, Sean Dept of Energy, Executive Director Hunton & Williams Daly, Nova Presidential Transition Team, Office of US Trade Rep, Tranistion adv Wiley Rein LLP Davidson, Peter Dept of Commerce, General Counsel Verizon Communications Davis, Patrick (PDC) Environmental Protection Agency, Senior Advisor Public Engagement Patrick Davis Consulting Delrahim, Makan Antitrust Division, Assitant Attorney General Brownstein, Hyatt et al Dendas, Michael Dept of Housing & Urban Development, Senior Advisor Home Depot Dinh, Uyen Dept of Homeland Security, Deputy Asst Sec, Legislative Affairs GeoEye Inc Domenech, Doug Dept of the Interior, White House Senior Advisor Artemis Strategies Doyle, Emma King Office of Management & Budget, Chief of Staff Ford Motor Co Dunlap, David D Environmential Protection Agency, Dep Asst Administrator, Research & Dev Uniform & Textile Service Assn Eitel, Robert Dept of Education, Special Assistant to the Secretary Talbert & Eitel Ekmark, Kim Dept of Commerce, Cong Affairs, Bureau of Industry & Sec Armitage Consulting Elliott, Erica Commodity Futures Trading Commission, Director of Public Affairs Crowell & Moring Elwell, Dan Federal Aviation Administration, Administrator (Acting) American Airlines Esper, Mark Dept of Defense, Acting Secretary of Defense Raytheon Co Falvo, Nicholas Environmental Protection Agency, Special Assistant to Senior Advisor Akerman LLP Faulkner, Charles Dept of State, Deputy Assistant Secretary BGR Group Felder, Emily Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Director, Office of Legislation Brownstein, Hyatt et al Fitzgerald, Trina Board of Veterans' Appeals, Attorney Advisor Military Officers Assn of America Fitzsimons, Maura Dept of Health & Human Services, Legislative Analyst Strategic Health Care Flowers, Darien Dept of Transportation, Special Assistant to the Secretary Brownstein, Hyatt et al Freeman, Lindsey Dept of Justice, Counsel Women's Edge Coalition Frideres, Taryn Dept of State, Advisor, Office of Policy Planning Squire Patton Boggs Garrish, Theodore J Dept of Energy, Senior Advisor Bechtel National Gerrish, Jeff Office of US Trade Representative, Deputy US Trade Representative Skadden, Arps et al Giambastiani, Pete Dept of Defense, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Textron Inc Glick, Rich Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Commissioner Avangrid Inc Greene, William Dept of Energy, Assistant to the Secretary Safari Club International Greenwood, Sheila M Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Policy Director Consumer Education Prudential Financial Grogan, Joseph Office of Management & Budget, Associate Director, Health Programs Gilead Sciences Gunasekara, Mandy Environmental Protection Agency, Principal Deputy Assistant Administrator National Assn of Chemical Distributors Haddad, Zead Dept of Energy, Assistant to Deputy Chiefs of Staff B&D Consulting Hall, Heath Dept of Transportation, Deputy Administrator American Investment Council Hall, Hunter Dept of Commerce, Special Asst to the Secretary Picard Group Harbin Hanson, Christine Dept of Energy, Sr Advisor External Affairs, Electricity Americans for Prosperity Hargan, Eric D Dept of Health & Human Services, Acting Secretary of HHS McDermott, Will & Emery Hart, Brian Federal Communications Commission, Director, Office of Media Relations H&R Block Hart, Jack Steven Presidential Transition Team, Head of Labor Dept transition (Trump) Williams & Jensen Hayes, Bradley US Customs & Border Protection, Executive Dir, Office of Trade Relations US Chamber of Commerce Healy, Jenifer Dept of Health & Human Services, Chief of Staff, Office of Global Affairs Dentons US Hershey, Mike Small Business Administration, Associated Administrater Columbia Strategies Hess, Christopher D Dept of Transportation, Director, Governmental Affairs Eaton Electrical Heyl, Dean Dept of Labor, Public Liason Direct Selling Assn Hiler, Jonathan Pence, Mike, Director of Legislative Affairs Miller Strategies Hoekstra, Peter US Diplomatic Missions, Ambassador to the Netherlands Hoekstra Global Strategies Hommel, Scott Dept of the Interior, Special Asst to the Secretary Peduzzi Assoc Hoskins, Dudley Dept of Agriculture, Chief of Staff, Marketing & Regulatory American Horse Council Huber, Valerie Dept of Health & Human Services, Chief of Staff, Asst Sec for Health National Abstinence Education Assn Hutchinson, Randi Dept of Transportation, Chief Counsel Greenberg Traurig LLP Jacobs, Elizabeth Dept of Homeland Security, Sr Advisor to the Chief Counsel, CIS Federation for Amer Immigration Reform Jennings, Jessica General Services Administration, Spec Asst, Congress & Intergovt Affairs Van Scoyoc Assoc Johnson, Virginia H Dept of the Interior, Deputy Asst Sec, Fish Wildlife Parks United Service Organizations Jones, Diane A Dept of Labor, Senior Advisor to the Secretary Career Education Corp Kalavritinos, Jack Dept of Health & Human Services, Director of Intergoverment Relations Covidien Ltd Kaplan, Gilbert B Dept of Commerce, Under Secretary for Commerce King & Spalding Kearns, Jason US International Trade Commission, Commissioner Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering Kelley, Michael Dept of Housing & Urban Development, Deputy Asst Sec for Congressional Rel Moffett Group Kels, Charles Dept of Air Force, Office of Airmen's Counsel American Medical Assn Kemper, Laura Dept of Health & Human Services, Deputy Asst Secretary for Legislation Fresenius Medical Care North America Kirchner, Julie Dept of Homeland Security, Ombudsman Federation for Amer Immigration Reform Krug, Peter Dept of Commerce, Associate Director of Government Affairs Hamilton Station Consulting Lanza, Bryan Presidential Transition Team, Communications Director (Trump) Mercury Lara, Juan Dept of Justice, Legislative Affairs American Legion Laroski, Joseph International Trade Administration, Senior Advisor for Policy King & Spalding Larrabee, Jason Dept of the Interior, Assistant Secretary Van Ness Feldman Lasseter, David Dept of Justice, Deputy Assistant Attorney General United Technologies Lawrence, Courtney Dept of Health & Human Services, Deputy Asst Secretary for Legislation Cigna Corp Leggitt, Lance B White House, Dep Asst to President, Domestic Policy Baker, Donelson et al Lenihan, Brian J Dept of Commerce, Deputy Asst Sec, Leg & Intergovt Affairs Associated General Contractors Lenihan, Keagan R Dept of Health & Human Services, Senior Advisor, Tom Price McKesson Corp Lighthizer, Robert E Office of US Trade Representative, US Trade Representative Skadden, Arps et al Lyons, Troy Environmental Protection Agency, Associate Admin for Cong/Intergovt Rel Jim Massie & Partners MacGregor, Kate Dept of the Interior, Principal Deputy Assistant Alcalde & Fay Machida, Ado Presidential Transition Team, Director of Policy Implementation Navigators Global Maddox, Lauren Presidential Transition Team, Dept of Education Advisor (Trump) Holland & Knight Maddox, Mark Dept of Energy, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Interculture Magallanes, Downey Dept of the Interior, Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy BP America Makin, Sarah Vice President's Office, Dir, Public Engagement/Intergovt Affairs Wise Public Affairs Marshall, Michael J Dept of Housing & Urban Development, Senior Advisor Marshall Consulting Martin, John Food & Drug Administration, Prinicpal Associate Commissioner CRISPR Therapeutics Mashburn, John Dept of Labor, Deputy Assistant Secretary for OCIA Womble, Carlyle et al Mason, Scott D Presidential Transition Team, Congressional Relations (Trump) Holland & Knight McBride, Maren Food & Drug Administration, Top Legislative Official American Assn for Justice McFaul, Dan Presidential Transition Team, Presidential Appointments Team Member Ballard Partners McGahn, Shannon Dept of the Treasury, Counselor National Assn of Realtors Mcginley, William White House, Deputy Assistant to the President Patton Boggs LLP McGuire, Katherine Dept of Labor, Asst Sec for Cong & Intergovt Affairs Business Software Alliance Meekins, Christopher Dept of Health & Human Services, Assistant Secretary American Society of Anesthesiologists Meeks, Daris Vice President's Office, Director of Domestic Policy Venable LLP Menezes, Mark W Dept of Energy, Under Secretary of Energy Berkshire Hathaway Energy Mikolay, Justin Dept of Defense, Director of Communications Palantir Technologies Miller, Nathan J Small Business Administration, Senior Advisor/Regulatory Fairness Public Strategies Washington Mirani, Viraj M Director of National Intelligence, Chief of Staff Liberty Partners Group Mitton, Christopher Dept of Transportation, Government Affairs Officer American Forest & Paper Assn Morgan, Erica Dept of Air Force, Contract Specialist Battelle Memorial Institute Morgan, Matthew E Vice President's Office, Counsel to the Vice President Barnes & Thornburg Morse, Sara Dept of Health & Human Services, Deputy Asst Secretary for Legislation American College of Surgeons Murphy, Emily General Services Administration, White House Liason/Senior Advisor Miller & Chevalier Nahigian, Ken Presidential Transition Team, Executive Director (Trump) Nahigian Strategies Nauert, Heather Dept of State, Under Secretary of State, Public Affairs Conseco Inc Newman, Andrea Fischer Federal Labor Relations Authority, FSIP Member Delta Air Lines Noronha, Maya Dept of Health & Human Services, Special Advisor Federation for Amer Immigration Reform O'Scannlain, Kevin Executive Office of the President, Special Asst & Assoc Counsel to POTUS DLA Piper Olmem, Andrew White House, Special Asst for Financial Policy, NEC Venable LLP Oppenheim, Peter Dept of Education, Asst Secretary for Leg & Cong Affairs Carmen Group Palmer, Ashley Dept of Health & Human Services, Deputy Asst Sec, Congressional Relations Health Industry Distributors Assn Palmer, Wayne Dept of Labor, Senior White House Advisor Fontheim International Palmieri, Rosario Office of Management & Budget, Senior Counselor to the Administrator National Assn of Manufacturers Paoletta, Mark Vice President's Office, Chief Counsel to Vice President Pence DLA Piper Pavlick, Steve Dept of the Treasury, Deputy Assistant Secretary Cypress Advocacy Peacock, Marcus Office of Management & Budget, Senior White House budget adviser Business Roundtable Pearce, Drue Dept of Transportation, Deputy Administrator Crowell & Moring Piggott Lyons, Margaret Dept of Agriculture, Chief of Staff, Undersec for Food/Nutri National Grocers Assn Pitcock, Joshua White House, Chief of Staff to the Vice President Oracle Corp Pizzella, Patrick Dept of Labor, Secretary of Labor (acting) Kirkpatrick & Lockhart Renkes, Gregg Dept of the Interior, Deputy Solicitor for Indian Affairs Ryan, Phillips et al Richardson, James L US Agency for International Development, Senior Advisor Collins & Co Richardson, Julia Consumer Product Safety Commission, Dir, Office of Congressional Relations National Assn for Behavioral Healthcare Ries, Lora Dept of Homeland Security, Senior Advisor Monument Policy Group Rodrick, Christian Environmental Protection Agency, Special Assistant to Deputy Innovative Federal Strategies Roget, Gisele Dept of Housing & Urban Development, Dep Asst Sec, Single Family Housing MetLife Inc Rubinstein, Reed Dept of the Treasury, Senior Advisor Dinsmore & Shohl Sailor, Elroy Presidential Transition Team, Advisor (Trump) JC Watts Companies Sands, Jeff Environmental Protection Agency, Senior Agricultural Advisor Agricultural Retailers Assn Sawyer, Jared Dept of the Treasury, Deputy Assistant Secretary Rich Feuer Anderson Scalia, Eugene Dept of Labor, Secretary of Labor Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher Schall, Brandon Federal Communications Commission, Legislative Policy Counsel Chwat Group Schoeneman, Brian W Dept of Transportation, Sr Advisor for Labor Relations/Outreach Seafarers International Union Shank, Christopher Dept of Defense, Director, Strategic Capabilities Office Van Scoyoc Assoc Siegrist, Ben Dept of Transportation, Special Asst, Scheduling & Advance Watts Partners Slemrod, Jonathan Office of Management & Budget, Associate Director, Legislative Affairs Harbinger Strategies Steff, Ian Dept of Commerce, Dep Asst Sec for Manufacturing Semiconductor Industry Assn Stirrup, Heidi H Dept of Health & Human Services, Special Assistant Venable LLP Stoick, Jordan Dept of the Treasury, Office of Legislative Affairs National Assn of Manufacturers Sullivan, Adam Dept of Transportation, Assistant Secretary for Govt Affairs Harris Corp Sutton, Kirsten Mork Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Chief of Staff Federal Strategy Group Sweeney, John E Presidential Transition Team, Executive Committee (Trump) SMW Partners Swonger, Amy White House, Deputy Assistant, Legislative Affairs Invariant LLC Szabo, Aaron Council on Environmental Quality, Senior Counsel CGCN Group Tahsuda, John Dept of the Interior, Deputy Asst Sec, Indian Affairs Navigators Global Tkacz, Kailee Marie Dept of Agriculture, Policy Advisor Corn Refiners Assn Tucker, Brooks Dept of Veterans Affairs, Senior Advisor Continental Consulting Group Ueland, Eric White House, Director of Legislative Affairs Duberstein Group Vaughn, Stephen Office of US Trade Representative, General Counsel Skadden, Arps et al Volker, Kurt Office of Foreign Missions, US Special Rep, Ukraine Negotiations BGR Group Wasinger, Robert White House, State Department liaison McGuireWoods LLP Wehrum, William Environmental Protection Agency, Assistant Administrator for Air Hunton & Williams Wheeler, Andrew Environmental Protection Agency, Administrator Faegre Baker Daniels Consulting Whiton, Christian Dept of State, Senior Advisor, Communications, State Banner Public Affairs Wilkinson, Emily Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Sr Advisor to the Administrator Capitol Hill Consulting Group Willens, Todd Dept of the Interior, Assistant Deputy Secretary Willens, Todd Wilson, William P Dept of Commerce, Director, Office of Business Liaison Cummins Inc Wolf, Chad Dept of Homeland Security, Secretary of Homeland Security (Nominee) Wexler & Walker Public Policy Assoc Wolfe, William Dept of State, Congressional Advisor, Leg Affairs Heritage Action for America Wolfson, Leonard Dept of Housing & Urban Development, Assistant Secretary Mortgage Bankers Assn Wood, Jeff Dept of Justice, Asst AG, Environmental/Natural Resources Balch & Bingham Zelden, Mark Dept of Labor, Assistant to Secretary of Budget/Finance Adams & Reese Zoeller, Thomas E US Chemical Safety & Hazard Investigation Board, Sr Policy Advisor/General Counsel National Air Carrier Assn Zorc, Beth Dept of Housing & Urban Development, Principal Deputy General Counsel Wells Fargo o $""$o $" $$ $$$$ o "$o o" "$ oo"$$$" oo$"$ooo o$ "$ ooo"$oo $$$"o o o o o oo" o" "o $$o$" o o$"" o$ "$ "oo o o o o "$o ""$$$" $$ $ " o "" o" $ "o$$" o$$ ""o o $ $" $$$$$ o $ ooo o"" "o $$$$o $o o$ $$$$$" $o " $$$$ o" ""o $$$$o oo o o$" 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