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LittelOsintTools Search Db and a search osint tool that will go faster than grep -r optimize for Windows Search Email

Install Github :https://github.com/syslinks/SearchTools
Direct Install : https://github.com/syslinks/SearchTools/releases/download/osint/SearchUpdate.rar
- osint
- Search by email
- IP search
- database researcher
- Intelligence X
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Comment Use SearchDB? This is very simple, you just have to put databases in the #Database folders created automatically when you launch searchdb, -After Doing this choose A Username Or An Email Or An Ip Or An Id Or A Number ect.. To search inside.
After doing this a searchdb.log file will automatically open where there will be the results. -After that, you just have to take an option among the 5 and put the info found on your target.
Comment Installer
[1] - you just need to run Start.bat
[2] - this will install you search for update
[3]-You just need to open SearchUpdate2.7z
[4]-You will have to extract the file after that launch
[5]-SearchUpdate and choose What You Want
Credits :
SysLinks 6x0.Az Kosan
#Requirements Windows 32 or 64, Require  Database

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