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(TIMOTHY MATTHEW CLOUGH has a charge of 3rd Degree Sexual Assault)

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Age: 57
DOB: 4/26/1967 
Race: White 
Weight: 212lbs 
Height: 6'3"
Hair Color: BROWN
Eye Color: BROWN
Sex: M
Phone Number:(304) 630-2208 Landline FiberNet LLC - WV -PROB NOT HIS ANYMORE


____ _  _ ____ _ _    ____       
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................................. ..::========================::....................................
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 |      |     | |       |_____|    |      |   |     | | \  | .
 |_____ |_____| |_____  |     |    |    __|__ |_____| |  \_| .
 ⤷Latitude: 39.090599
 ⤷Longitude: -80.008118

Address 2: 1281 Boulder Rd Buckhannon WV 26201 Upshur County
⤷Latitude: 39.072067
 ⤷Longitude: -80.089894

Address 3: 17 Congress St. Apt 18 Greenfield, MA 01301
⤷Latitude: 42.585300°
 ⤷Longitude: -72.595100°

 ____      _       _   _                
|  _ \ ___| | __ _| |_(_)_   _____  ___ 
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Christina Campbell
Age 52 (Dec 1972)
Ethel Clough
Age 66 (May 1958)
Gayle Clough
Age 53 (Dec 1971)
Heather Cavins
Age 33 (Mar 1991)
Marilyn Clough
Age 60 (Mar 1964)
Mary Clough
Age 32 (Jul 1992)
Mary Clough
Age 57 (Apr 1967)
Mary Clough
Age 32 (Jul 1992)
Matthew Clough
Age 32 (Jul 1992)
Maxine Clough
Age 92 (May 1932)
Timothy Clough
Age 33 (Jul 1991)
Timothy Clough
Age 59 (Dec 1965)
Timothy Clough
Age 57 (Apr 1967)
Timothy Clough
Age 46 (May 1978)
Carl Spencer
Age 50 (Nov 1974)
Carl Spencer
Age 28 (Nov 1996)
Christina Newlon
Age 58 (Oct 1966)
Clifford Compton
Age 81 (Jul 1943)
Clifford Compton
Age 59 (Dec 1965)
David Starcher
Age 68 (Sep 1956)
David Starcher
Age 68 (Sep 1956)
Eva Sneed
Age 91 (Nov 1933)
Gale Warner
Age 74 (Jul 1950)
James Vest
Age 62 (Mar 1962)
Jason Clough
Age 49 (Sep 1975)
Javier Lunamoguel
Age 50 (Oct 1974)
Javier Moguel
Age 50 (Oct 1974)
John Lawrence
Age 51 (Dec 1972)
Julia Anderson
Age 59 (Jul 1965)
Junior Timothy
Age 59 (Dec 1965)
Katlyn Clough
Age 31 (Nov 1993)
Katlyn Daszkiewicz
Age 31 (Nov 1993)
Keith Campbell
Age 53 (Apr 1971)
Leonard Sneed
Age 85 (May 1939)
Loretta Clough
Age 68 (Jun 1956)
Mark Compton
Age 56 (Nov 1968)
Mary Starcher
Age 60 (Sep 1964)
Pamela Britton
Age 69 (Feb 1955)
Pamela Compton
Age 69 (Feb 1955)
Penny Starcher
Age 62 (Nov 1962)
Roberta Gump
Age 64 (Dec 1960)
Thomas Kupp
Age 57 (Dec 1966)
Timothy Tate
Age 52 (Sep 1972)

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   / \   ___ ___  ___   ___(_) __ _| |_ ___  ___ 
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 / ___ \\__ \__ \ (_) | (__| | (_| | ||  __/\__ \
/_/   \_\___/___/\___/ \___|_|\__,_|\__\___||___/
Jessica Chavarria
Age 44(Jan 1980)
Julia Anderson
Age 59(Jul 1965)
Michael Vance
Age 70(Nov 1954)
Chad Judy
Age 49(Mar 1975)
David Huffman
Age 45(Mar 1979)
Edna Broschart
Age 69(Jan 1955)
Johnny Coberly
Age 70(Jul 1954)
Karen Vance
Age 70(May 1954)
Loretta Broschart
Age 55(Jan 1969)
Patricia Coberly
Age 60(Jun 1964)
Patrick Broschart
Age 76(Sep 1948)
Jerry Anderson
Age 70(May 1954)
Tennie Kennedy
Age 59(Jun 1965)
Angel Huffman
Age 53(Sep 1971)
Bobby Thomas
Age 85(Jan 1939)
Charles Wolford
Age 52(Oct 1972)
Christine Hedrick
Age 59(Dec 1965)
Dora Thomas
Age 62(Oct 1962)
Gary Phillips
Age 78(Nov 1946)
Genevieve Davis
Age 101(Apr 1923)
Glen Hedrick
Age 61(Jun 1963)
Joscelyn Meyer
Age 31(Apr 1993)
Joshua Waddell
Age 36(Jan 1988)
Justin Coberly
Age 35(Jan 1989)
Justin Hammonds
Age 39(Apr 1985)
Marla Wilson
Age 53(Apr 1971)
Melodee Wolford
Age 49(Oct 1975)
Regina Kennedy
Age 55(Jul 1969)
Tommy Weese
Age 70(Jan 1954)
Chad Judy
Age 49(Mar 1975)
Patricia Brown
Age 54(Sep 1970)
Regina Kennedy
Age 55(Jul 1969)
Tennie Kennedy
Age 33(Aug 1991)

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Conviction Date: 11/2/2006
Victim Relation: ACQUAINTANCE
Victim Sex: FEMALE
Offense: 3rd Degree Sexual Assault served approximately 2 years 6 months in a correctional facility and given 5 years probation.

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2532 Alfalfa Ln
North Chesterfield VA 23237
Chesterfield County

147 S Hice St
Belington WV 26250
Barbour County

303 White Oak Ln
Philippi WV 26416
Barbour County

130 Ruger St
Prince George VA 23875
Prince George County

2310 Marcum Ter
Huntington WV 25705
Cabell County

Po Box 454
Philippi WV 26416
Barbour County

4000 Tangle Dr
Richmond VA 23228
Henrico County

Po Box 1441
Elkins WV 26241
Randolph County

110 1st St
Elkins WV 26241
Randolph County

1233 Pineview Dr, Unit 7
Morgantown WV 26505
Monongalia County

460 Inglewood Blvd
Morgantown WV 26505
Monongalia County

213 S Walnut St
Philippi WV 26416
Barbour County

6436 Dalebrook Dr
North Chesterfield VA 23234
Chesterfield County

Po Box 124
Montrose WV 26283
Randolph County

2542 Alfalfa Ln
North Chesterfield VA 23237
Chesterfield County

2449 Holder Dr
Morristown TN 37814
Hamblen County

2501 Kaybridge Rd
Chester VA 23831
Chesterfield County

Hc 61, Unit 45G
Coalton WV 26257
Randolph County

1602 S Davis Ave
Elkins WV 26241
Randolph County

178 Rr 2
Montrose WV 26283
Randolph County

425 Randolph Ave
Elkins WV 26241
Randolph County

320 1/2 Crim Ave
Belington WV 26250
Barbour County

45 Hc 61
Coalton WV 26257
Randolph County

Po Box 45
Coalton WV 26257
Randolph County

Hc 61, Unit 45
Coalton WV 26257
Randolph County

2284 Buckhannon Pike
Coalton WV 26257
Randolph County

45G Hc 61
Coalton WV 26257
Randolph County

6811 Jefferson Davis Hwy
North Chesterfield VA 23237
Chesterfield County

508 Thompson Creek Rd, Unit 9
Morristown TN 37813
Hamblen County

107 Monath Rd
North Chesterfield VA 23236
Chesterfield County

7025 Wentworth St
North Chesterfield VA 23237
Chesterfield County

2268 Afton Ave
Richmond VA 23224
Richmond City County


 _______  _____  __   _ _______        _     _ _______ _____  _____  __   _  
 |       |     | | \  | |       |      |     | |______   |   |     | | \  | .
 |_____  |_____| |  \_| |_____  |_____ |_____| ______| __|__ |_____| |  \_| .

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 | |_ | | | | |   | |  | | | \ \ /\ / /  | | | |  _| | | | \___ \|  _|| |   | |
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 |_|   \___/|_____|_____\___/  \_/\_/    |____/|_____|____/|____/|_____\____|_|

Memes: No memes sadly :(

Credits: Template by de4dmau5_l0l

#OpChildSafety #OpPedoHunt #AntiAbuse