Name: Levi Campbell
Age: 15
Dob: June 12, 2009
Height: 6'1
Hair color: dirty blond
Eye color: brown
Race: White/Caucasian
Address: 5518 Sunfield Way.
City: Salida
State: California 
Zip: 95368
Mother's name: Janell Campbell
Address: 5518 Sunfield Way.
City: Salida
State: California 
Zip: 95368
Fathers Name: Thomas Campbell 
Age: 49
Address: 5518 Sunfield Way.
City: Salida
State: California 
Zip: 95368
Reason for dox:
Raping minors, sexual harassment to multiple women, sending nudes to minors, sending nudes to multiple women, grooming, made comments about multiple womens bodies, made multiple uncomfortable, begged multiple for sex