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                      __/ |        

I just got bored one day, and was playing 2b and this guy started banter, then he just got annoying. So cut to 2 days later
and he challenges me to find him and so I rat him and basically he just gives me his address, from that I got the rest of this info


  _____        __        
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   | |  _ __ | |_ ___(_) 
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 |_____|_| |_|_| \___(_) 
Name: Felix Muangi
Age: 18
Parent's Names: Prisca Kibe (Mother), Genaro Kinyua (Father)
Other Relatives:
Address: 470 Sandhurst Rd
Other Relatives Addresses:
ZIP: 44333
City: Akron
State: Ohio
Country: United States
Phone Numbers: (636) 946-6337 (Home Phone), (314) 441-2688 (Felix's Number)
Discord ID: 752922732798279822
Additional Information:
