TG LORSKI DOXXES GANG MEMBER --------------------------------------------------- [+] Personal Information: Edgy shit head who acts big when he gets others to do shit for him, also hes a noodle haired spaz fuck. Dox cred: FaZe_Keem and RePils Full Name:Josef Campbell Phone Number: Not Yet Gotten sorry DOB: Jan,16 2004 making him about 15 rn Picture: VERY OUTDATED (hes the one to the left) Alias: Lazyboy986, Purj, RealPurj --------------------------------------------------- [+] Location Information: He Lives in a Pleb House :D Address: 1332 Oak Patch Rd Apt 76 Area Code: 97402 Zip Code: 97402 City: Eugene State: Orgeon Country: US Continent:NA --------------------------------------------------- [+] IP Information: DDoS if you want not encoraging IP Address: ISP: ISP Contact Information: --------------------------------------------------- [+] Mommies Information: Shes old af just sayin Facebook: Full Name: Ketha Mae Campbell Age: 51 Years Old Phone Number: 541-844-1152 Email: Job Information: --------------------------------------------------- [+] Dads Information: idk if he has one cuz i cant find it :/ sry... --------------------------------------------------- [+] Relatives Info: these are all brothers and sisters Javen Campbell: Older Brother Emeliee: Younger Sister --------------------------------------------------- [+]