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Title:TGI October Karbi FULL
Created:Jul 27th, 2024
Created by: BananaMan
Views: 694
Comments: 9
Edited at: Jul 27th, 2024
Username: Anonymous - (Login)
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Rason For The Dox: October Fake Doxer. ╔──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗| _ _ _ _ _ | | ___ | |_ ___ | |__ ___ __ _ (_) _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ | |_ _ _ | |__ / -_) | _| (_-< | '_ \ / -_) / _` | | | | ' \ / _ \ | || | | '_| | '_ \ / _` | | '_| | _| | || | _ _ _ |____| \___| \__| /__/ |_.__/ \___| \__, | |_| |_||_| \___/ \_,_| |_| | .__/ \__,_| |_| \__| \_, | (_) (_) (_) |___/ |_| |__/ ╔──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗| ___ _ ___ _ | \ ___ __ __ __ __ ___ __| | | _ ) _ _ (_) | |) | / _ \ \ \ / \ \ / / -_) / _` | | _ \ | || | _ |___/ \___/ /_\_\ /_\_\ \___| \__,_| |___/ \_, | (_) |__/ ╔──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗| ___ ,-,--. _,.----. ,--.-,,-,--, .-._ .=-.-. ,--.--------. ,----. .-._ .'=.'\ .-.,.---. ,-.'- _\ .' .' - \ /==/ /|=| | /==/ \ .-._ /==/_ / /==/, - , -\ ,--,----. ,-.--` , \ _.-. /==/ \|==| | /==/ ` \ /==/_ ,_.' /==/ , ,-' |==|_ ||=|, | |==|, \/ /, / |==|, | \==\.-. - ,-./ /==/` - ./ |==|- _.-` .-,.'| |==|,| / - | |==|-, .=., | \==\ \ |==|- | . |==| ,|/=| _| |==|- \| | |==| | `--`\==\- \ `--`=/. / |==| `.-. |==|, | |==| \/ , | |==| '=' / \==\ -\ |==|_ `-' \ |==|- `-' _ | |==| , | -| |==|- | \==\_ \ /==/- / /==/_ , / |==|- | |==|- , _ | |==|- , .' _\==\ ,\ |==| _ , | |==| _ | |==| - _ | |==| ,| |==|- | /==/- /-. |==| .-' |==|, | |==| _ /\ | |==|_ . ,'. .=. /==/\/ _ | \==\. / |==| .-. ,\ |==| /\ , | |==|- | |==|, | /==/, `--`\ |==|_ ,`-._ |==|- `-._ /==/ / / , / /==/ /\ , ) :=; : \==\ - , / `-.`.___.-' /==/, //=/ | /==/, | |- | /==/. / /==/ -/ \==\- -, | /==/ , / /==/ - , ,/ `--`./ `--` `--`-`--`--' `=` `--`---' `--`-' `-`--` `--`./ `--` `--`-` `--`--` `--`.-.--` `--`-----`` `--`-----' And MiniSchnitzel ╔──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╗| ... . .... ..:. .:. . :. .:. .. ^. .^^: ^? .^^^ !J^ .. .:!? 7G^ .~?~!~:. .? 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Gershon's children: ================================= First name: Doron ================================= Last Name: Brettler ================================= Identify Card: 022520613 ================================= Age: 58 ================================= City: Petah Tikva ================================= Address: Natan Rapaport ================================= Number: 26 ================================= Apartment: 5 ================================= ================================= First name: Anat Hana Payne ================================= Last Name: Brettler ================================= Identify Card: 025476839 ================================= Age: 50 ================================= City: Herzliya ================================= Address: Pinsker ================================= Number: 10 ================================= Apartment: 3 ================================= Doron's sons/daughters: ================================= Phone Number: 0542766606 ================================= Marital status: married ================================= Work: Israel Defense Forces ================================= First name: Yuval ================================= Last Name: Brettler ================================= Identify Card: 207252149 ================================= Age: 25 ================================= City: Herzliya ================================= Address: Asher Barash ================================= Number: 8 ================================= Apartment: 4 ================================= ================================= First name: Roei ================================= Last Name: Brettler ================================= Identify Card: 212169155 ================================= Age: 22 ================================= City: Herzliya ================================= Address: Asher Barash ================================= Number: 8 ================================= Apartment: 4 ================================= Phone Number: 0547451234 ================================= First name: Liad ================================= Last Name: Brettler ================================= Identify Card: 318517182 ================================= Age: 26 ================================= City: Herzliya ================================= Address: Asher Barash ================================= Number: 8 ================================= Apartment: 4 ================================= Doron's wife/divorce: ================================= First name: Tali ================================= Last Name: Brettler ================================= Identify Card: 027887736 ================================= Age: 53 ================================= City: Herzliya ================================= Address: Asher Barash ================================= Number: 8 ================================= Apartment: 4 ================================= Lior's mother: ===================== First Name: Hava ===================== Last Name: Brettler ===================== Identify Card: 001180058 ====================== Age: 84 ====================== City: Giv'atayim ====================== Address: Gush Etzion ===================== Number: 18 ===================== Apartment: 3 ===================== Lior Brettler's children: =============================== First Name: Yafit =============================== Last Name: Brettler =============================== Age: 30 =============================== Identify Card: 312501943 =============================== City: Bnei Brak =============================== Address: HaRav Kook 35/9 =============================== First Name: Daniel =============================== Last Name: Brettler =============================== Age: 27 =============================== Identify Card: 315995928 =============================== City: Bnei Brak =============================== Address: HaRav Kook 35/9 =============================== Mother of Lior's children: ================================ First Name: Diana Pnina ================================ Last Name: Brettler ================================ Identify Card: 058682212 ================================ Age: 60 ================================ City: Bnei Brak =============================== Address: HaRav Kook 35/9 =============================== Diana Pnina's mother: ================================ First Name: Margarita ================================ Last Name: Maimon ================================ Age: 89 ================================ Identify Card: 042060095 ================================= City: Bat Yam ================================ Address: HaReshet ================================ Number: 3 ================================ Diana Pnina's father: ================================= First Name: Amos ================================= Last Name: Maimon ================================= Identify Card: 042194886 ================================= City: Bat Yam ================================ Address: HaReshet ================================ Number: 3 ================================ Margarita's children: ================================= First name: Amnon ================================= Last Name: Maimon ================================= Phone Number: 03-9389918 ================================= Identify Card: 024950123 ================================= City: Rosh Haayin ================================= Address: Mevtsa Hiram ================================= Number: 2 ================================= Apartment: 2 ================================= ================================= First name: Vera Vard ================================= Last Name: Ben Nun ================================= Identify Card: 056407307 ================================= Age: 64 ================================= City: Bnei Brak ================================= Address: HaAdmor Mivizhnitz ================================= Number: 13 ================================= Apartment: 9 ================================= ================================= First name: Rina ================================= Last Name: Aharon ================================= Identify Card: 057241796 ================================= Age: 62 ================================= City: Ra'anana ================================= Address: MHa Efroni ================================= Number: 17 ================================= ================================= First name: Shimon ================================= Last Name: Maimon ================================= Identify Card: 059206003 ================================= Age: 59 ================================= City: Haifa ================================= Address: Nahum Goldmann ================================= Number: 8 ================================= Apartment: 4 ================================= Amos' children: ================================= First name: Ori Amos Haim ================================= Last Name: Maimon ================================= Identify Card: 307886127 ================================= Age: 31 ================================= City: Haifa ================================= Address: Nahum Goldmann ================================= Number: 8 ================================= Apartment: 4 ================================= ================================= First name: Itay ================================= Last Name: Maimon ================================= Identify Card: 313597262 ================================= Age: 27 ================================= City: Haifa ================================= Address: Nahum Goldmann ================================= Number: 8 ================================= Apartment: 4 ================================= ================================= First name: Shir ================================= Last Name: Maimon ================================= Identify Card: 316136159 ================================= Age: 28 ================================= City: Haifa ================================= Address: Nahum Goldmann ================================= Number: 8 ================================= Apartment: 4 ================================= =============================================================================================================================================================================================== ,-,--. _,.----. ,--.-,,-,--, .-._ .=-.-. ,--.--------. ,----. ,--,---. ,--,---. ,--,---. ,--,---. ,--,---. ,--,---. ,--,---. ,-.'- _\ .' .' - \ /==/ /|=| | /==/ \ .-._ /==/_ / /==/, - , -\ ,--,----. ,-.--` , \ _.-. /==/ - ` \ /==/ - ` \ /==/ - ` \ /==/ - ` \ /==/ - ` \ /==/ - ` \ /==/ - ` \ /==/_ ,_.' /==/ , ,-' |==|_ ||=|, | |==|, \/ /, / |==|, | \==\.-. - ,-./ /==/` - ./ |==|- _.-` .-,.'| \==\/\ - | \==\/\ - | \==\/\ - | \==\/\ - | \==\/\ - | \==\/\ - | \==\/\ - | \==\ \ |==|- | . |==| ,|/=| _| |==|- \| | |==| | `--`\==\- \ `--`=/. / |==| `.-. |==|, | `--`/ `/ `--`/ `/ `--`/ `/ `--`/ `/ `--`/ `/ `--`/ `/ `--`/ `/ \==\ -\ |==|_ `-' \ |==|- `-' _ | 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======================== Address: Zvulun Hamer 5/5 ========================= Phone Number: 0544914031 ========================= Orly's mother: ========================== First Name: Aganta ========================== Last Name: Klein ========================== Age: 77 ========================== Identify Card: 067524058 ========================== City: Ashdod ========================== Address: HaGalim 10 ========================== Apartment: 1 ========================== Orly's Father: ========================== First Name: Jeremiah ========================== Last Name: Klein ========================== Identify Card: 067552620 ========================== City: Ashdod ========================== Address: HaGalim 10 ========================== Apartment: 1 ========================== ============================================================================================================================================================================================== .75GB&@@&@@&5:.. 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============================================================================================================================================================================================= Sister of Orly Klein Brettler: First Name: Vardit ============================== Last Name: Last Polak ============================== Identify Card: 028622769 ============================== settlement: Nir Chen ============================== Address: Nir Chen 38 ============================== Father of Oded and Nadav and husband/divorce of Verdit: ================================= First name: Mordechai Marcus ================================= Last Name: Last Polak ================================= Identify Card: 023660657 ================================= Age: 55 ================================= Settlement: Nir Chen ================================= Address: Nir Chen 38 ================================= Orly Verdit's sister's children =============================== First Name: Nadav =============================== Last Name: Last Polak =============================== Age: 21 =============================== Identify Card: 214485898 =============================== settlement: Nir Chen =============================== Address: Nir Chen 38 =============================== First Name: Oded =============================== Last Name: Last Polak =============================== Identify Card: 215243742 =============================== Age: 19 =============================== settlement: Nir Chen =============================== Address: Nir Chen 38 =============================== The parents of Doron's wife/ex-wife (probably deceased) ================================= First name: Itzhak ================================= Last Name: Yusifon ================================= Identify Card: 071898746 ================================= City: Ra'anana ================================= Address: Ahuza ================================= Number: 2317 ================================= Apartment: 269 ================================= ================================= First name: Shulamit ================================= Last Name: Yusifon ================================= Identify Card: 073625758 ================================= City: Ra'anana ================================= Address: Ahuza ================================= Number: 2317 ================================= Apartment: 269 ================================= Shulamit's children: ================================= First name: Galit ================================= Last Name: Vince ================================= Identify Card: 022985543 ================================= Age: 57 ================================= City: Herzliya ================================= Address: HaKedma ================================= Number: 5 ================================= First name: Adi ================================= Last Name: Yusifon ================================= Identify Card: 040288730 ================================= Age: 44 ================================= City: Herzliya ================================= Address: Malchi Yehuda ================================= Number: 5 ================================= Apartment: 10 ================================= Tali Galit's sister's children/nephews: ================================= First name: Ofir ================================= Last Name: Vince ================================= Identify Card: 208547307 ================================= Age: 27 ================================= City: Herzliya ================================= Address: HaKedma ================================= Number: 5 ================================= First name: Omri ================================= Last Name: Vince ================================= Identify Card: 212911614 ================================= Age: 21 ================================= City: Herzliya ================================= Address: HaKedma ================================= Number: 5 ================================= ================================= First name: Stav ================================= Last Name: Vince ================================= Identify Card: 212911622 ================================= Age: 21 ================================= City: Herzliya ================================= Address: HaKedma ================================= Number: 5 ================================= _____ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ _ ___ _ |_ _| | |_ (_) ___ | \ ___ __ __ |_ _| _ _ __ | | _ _ __| | ___ / __| ___ _ __ ___ | | (_) _ _ | |__ ___ | __| _ _ (_) ___ _ _ | | | ' \ | | (_-< | |) | / _ \ \ \ / | | | ' \ / _| | | | || | / _` | / -_) \__ \ / _ \ | ' \ / -_) | | | | | ' \ | / / (_-< _ | _| | ' \ | | / _ \ | || | |_| |_||_| |_| /__/ |___/ \___/ /_\_\ |___| |_||_| \__| |_| \_,_| \__,_| \___| |___/ \___/ |_|_|_| \___| |_| |_| |_||_| |_\_\ /__/ ( ) |___| |_||_| _/ | \___/ \_, | |/ |__/ |__/ 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