Doxx by SetBoN`

EpicFailure TGI moderator 913392125872332870

%3%HIM (EpicFailure):

Age : 16
Adress : HaTapuz 6 Be'er Ya'akov,
Full Name : Dror Cohen
Discord ID: 913392125872332870
Sex: Male
Personal Status: single
Country of birth: Israel

%3% MOTHER OF (EpicFailure): 

Full Name : Hilanit Cohen
Adress : HaTapuz 6 Be'er Ya'akov,
Age: 48
Sex: Female
Personal Status: Married
Country of birth: Israel

%3% FATHER OF (EpicFailure) : 

Full Name : Yossi Cohen
Adress : Ehud Manor St 6 Be'er Ya'akov, 7031710
Age: 55
Sex: Male
Personal Status: Married
Country of birth: ?????

%3% SISTER OF (EpicFailure) :

Full Name : Shira Cohen
Adress : HaTapuz 6 Be'er Ya'akov,
Age : 20
Sex: Female
Personal Status: Single
Country of birth: Israel

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&*& Revange Dox &*&

&*& Next Time, watch your mouth kid :C &*&