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                       @&                                   Doxxed by Noti ^_-

Nickname: Lightweight
Name: Piotr Boba
Age: 23-25
Adress: 16 Stycznia 4 Konskie, Poland
Google maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/3QppF5CYUqeYMaYj9
Flat number: unknown
Family members: does not have any connected on the internet
Work: Presumably works on construction sites, physical worker (guessed from many of his messages)

Main Discord account: 773948777920593960
Alt Discord account: 1172921660576387153
Discord server: discord.gg/savetf2
Youtube: https://youtube.com/@lightweight-tf2
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199163466399
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piotr.boba.34/