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                                                                                        ???? Scroll down ????

Author's words:
Some back story, we wrote this doxbin around the start of December because we was ready to leave the trans community around the Spring of 2023.
We wanted to give a gift back to the community that supported us throughout this time. We decided to do that through our OSINT work.

Love, two black trans queens and a king.

Reason for dox:
The people featured on this list are responsible for...
-The degradation in Women's rights (Abortions, surrogacy, contraception etc.)
-The degradation in Trans rights (Hormones, healthcare etc.)
-The racist beliefs that they hold.
-They are shitty grifters who have hate as a hobby that earns them money.

                                                                                        ???? Scroll down ????

                                                                       This is an OSINT practice with no malicious intent.                                                       
                                                                   All information in this dox was obtained through legal means.                                                  
                                                                 Nothing here is illegal under United States federal jurisdiction.                                                
                                                                             No information in this dox concerns minors.                                                           
                                                                  Everyone listed is over 18 years old at the time of writing.                                                  
                                             The authors are not responsible for anything that happens as a direct or indirect result of this dox.                             
                                                        Everything in this dox should be archived and shared around with the community.
                                                           Feel free to incorporate the information from this dox into any other doxes.     

                                                If you have any more information which you'd like to update this doxbin with please email us.
                                                                 ***       Our email is sendusinfo@torbox3uiot6wchz.onion       ***
                                                        or write the poster an email by Calvintbfh@torbox3uiot6wchz.onion to remove your name

                                                                                        ???? Scroll down ????

                                                                                  Note to the people on this list:
                                                           You are fucking human garbage, get another hobby you hateful fucking pensioners.
                                                                           Doxbin does not ID people who post on here.
                                                                                Doxbin does not take doxes down.
                                           Doxbin does not listen to LE requests but we've still gone ahead and taken massive steps to protect our IDs.

                                                                                       Here are the addresses :)
                                         (Did we forget to mention that (some mother's) maiden names and places of birth are included? Just scroll down!)
                                                                                     (Surnames are in CAPS btw)

List of TERF addresses -

Kellie-Jay Nyishie KEEN - 115 Hilperton Road, Trowbridge, England, BA14 7JJ

Katharine Rosemary HARRIS - 50 Copthall Gardens, Twickenham, United Kingdom, TW1 4HJ

Conrad ROEBER - 1-3, Brewer Street, LONDON, W1F 0RD

Robert Warren WINTEMUTE - 3 Woodlands, Clapham Common North Side, London, SW4 0RJ

Ann Marie SINNOTT - 18 Chatsworth Avenue, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, CB4 3LT

Stephanie DAVIES-ARAI - 3 South Street, Lewes, United Kingdom, BN7 2BT

Julia Denise CASIMO - 375 Eaton Road, West Derby, Liverpool, Merseyside, England, L12 2AH

Naomi Brigid CUNNINGHAM - 33 Cromwell Avenue, Highgate, London, N6 5HN

Maya FORSTATER - 34 Princess Road, London, England, NW6 5QU

Heather BINNING - The Carriage House, Manor Farm Barns, Burgh, Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom, NR11 6TP

Nicola Louise WILLIAMS - 12 Constance Street, London, United Kingdom, E16 2DQ

Sarah PHILLIMORE - 10 Trowbridge Rd, Bradford-on-Avon BA15 1EP

Caroline FARROW - 7, Beverley Close, CAMBERLEY, GU15 1HF

Darren BRADY - 1 Rowhill Cres, Aldershot GU11 3LT

Hassan Thomas MAMDANI - 18 Mill Road, Mill Road, Cambridge, England, CB1 2AD

Allison BAILEY - 116 Blurton Road, E5 0NH

Carl BENJAMIN - 176, Westcott Place, Swindon, SN1 5HT

Graham LINEHAN - 34, Cotman Road, Norwich, NR1 4AF

Laurence FOX - Flat 3, 106, Shenley Road, London, SE5 8NF

Keith Hamilton JORDAN - 18 Sandbed Lane, Mossley, Lancashire, United Kingdom, OL5 0PY

Arthur Christian CORNELL - 95 Willingdon Park Drive, Eastbourne, East Sussex, United Kingdom, BN22 0DB

Martin Wolfgang DOE - 63 Morpeth Avenue, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, WD6 4BW

Richard William LITTLEJOHN - 4 Greenoak Place, Cockfosters, London, EN4 0JB

Alexander BRAMHAM - Apartment 29 Venice Court, Samuel Ogden Street, Manchester, M1 7AX

Rhona HOTCHKISS - 13 Meadowfoot Road, West Kilbride, Scotland, KA23 9BX

Johann Macdougall LAMONT - 79 Courthill Avenue, Glasgow, Scotland, G44 5AB

Eileen Rosie GALLAGHER - 58 Aberdeen Park, London, N5 2BL

                                                                                          TERF's places of birth...

Kellie-Jay Nyishie KEEN - Born: Taunton, Somerset.

Katharine Rosemary HARRIS - Born: Solihull, Warwickshire

Conrad ROEBER - Born: Westminster, Greater London

Naomi Brigid CUNNINGHAM - Born: Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

Maya FORSTATER - Born: St Pancras, Greater London

Nicola Louise WILLIAMS - Born: Northampton, Northamptonshire

                                                                                              TERF's DOBs...
Kellie-Jay Nyishie KEEN - DOB 13/06/1974

Heather BINNING - DOB 05/05/1959

Julia Denise CASIMO - DOB 13/11/1963

Robert Warren WINTEMUTE - DOB 25/07/1957

Graham LINEHAN - DOB 22/05/1968

Keith JORDAN - DOB 15/05/1965

Martin Wolfgang DOE - 02/11/1966

Richard William LITTLEJOHN - 18/01/1954

                                                                                         TERF's mobile numbers...

Kellie-Jay Nyishie KEEN - +44 7828 096895 

Stephanie DAVIES-ARAI - +44 7707 026595

Venice ALLAN - +44 7952 912758

                                                                                      TERF's mother's maiden names...

Kellie-Jay Nyishie KEEN - Mother's Maiden name: Foley

Katharine Rosemary HARRIS - Mother's Maiden name: Peill

Conrad ROEBER - Mother's Maiden name: Schubart

Naomi Brigid CUNNINGHAM - Mother's Maiden name: Lavell

Maya FORSTATER - Mother's Maiden name: Phillips

Nicola Louise WILLIAMS - Mother's Maiden: Rust

                                                                                              Merry Christmas

TAGS: LGB Alliance , Standing for Women , Conservatives for Women , Speaker's corner , Posie Parker , Minshull , Fair Play for Women , CitizenGo , LGBA , Citizen Go , HazteOir .
Fuck TERFs. Fuck Grifters. Black trans lives matter.