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║  Szymon Bednarek is a fucking idiot who insulted the Arka Gydni club                            ║
║  and called younger people names.                                                               ║ 
║  He considers himself the best, he wanted to upload viruses that steal data to a younger girls. ║

║░░░║   INFORMATIONS        ║ + ║    54º 4' 38.327" N 18º 48' 9.703" E   ║ XYZ ║

Discord Nick: baboaave
First Name: Szymon
Last Name: Bednarek
Country: Poland
City: Tczew, 83-110
Current address: Stanisława Konarskiego 10, 83-110 Tczew, Niebieski Blok
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Skin: White
Discord ID: 817846868092387370
Phone Number: +48 535 562 711

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PingwinOfficial
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sb_ednarek/