he raped my little teen sister and he kept her under pressure for almost a year, publicly humiliated her, cheated, lying to her about everything just to get naked pics about my sis and shared them, she was under 18
weeb cunt molest teens on discord, steam and imvu, he want pics from everybody, and he promise love, caring, relationship, haha no
he is racist, specifically hates Jews and Slavic people (he call himself "Slav Subhuman Destroyer")


≫ Name: Richard Kispeti alias Sylerostus
≫ Age: 22 (2001.01.29)
≫ Lang: Hungarian
≫ Height: may 183 cm
≫ Weight: about 114 kg
≫ Hair colour: Bald, but ginger
≫ Eye colour: Green
≫ Address: Hungary, Somogy. City: 7517 Bolhás. Street: Kossuth Lajos 3.
≫ Phone number:  +36 70 297 3699 please blow it up with spams or something
≫ Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198062562877
≫ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/icsittcsatt/
≫ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kispeti.richard    /he has photos/
≫ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ricsi19811
he changed his discord, if i get it i will update
possible dc: Syler#9168 dc id: 144825584223125504

≫ Mother: Katalin Kiss
≫ Father: Gyula Kispeti
≫ Sister: Dorina Kispeti

His companions/friends name
-Irsik Emil
-Arild Hansen
-Mark Gargya
-Tibor Varga/Tibi Varga
-Florian Sipos
-Richard Pal
-Barnabas Sipos

his current gf fb:https://www.facebook.com/alexandra.fodor.7906
her ig: https://instagram.com/im_elex?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==


this is all what i know, if i get email or dc maybe ip, i will update
spam this rat or do with him anything u want, what he will do? saying no?