Swyzzle DOX

   _____                         __        ____  ____ _  __                                   
  / ___/      ____  __________  / /__     / __ \/ __ \ |/ /                                   
  \__ \ | /| / / / / /_  /_  / / / _ \   / / / / / / /   /                                    
 ___/ / |/ |/ / /_/ / / /_/ /_/ /  __/  / /_/ / /_/ /   |                                     
/____/|__/|__/\__, /_/___/___/_/\___/  /_____/\____/_/|_|                                     

Reason for DOX: Suspected muslim extremist, spoke and threatened to bomb a local school. He can't actually be joking about this shit, especially since he's an Arab. He plays Minecraft so I doxed him through his Minecraft servers that he begs for staff on. What a clown.
Target's Alias [-]: Swyzzle
Full Name: Ahmed Ibrahim
Gender: Male
DOB: January 24, 2003
Age: 17 (As of August 3, 2020)
Address: 1830 Brando Dr
Country: United States
State: Florida
County: Orange County
City: Orlando
Zip Code: 32822
Discord: Swyzzle#2192
IP Address:
ISP: Spectrum / Charter
Call Phone Number(s): +1(407)802-0399
Email(s): ajibrahim2003@gmail.com , robloxfandom@gmail.com
School: Colonial High School (planning on attending a shitty community college called Valencia College since his grades are awful) (that school has a 6% transfer rate so there's no chance of him getting a bachelor's degree with his current academic work ethic) (will most likely drop out due to college being "too hard")

PHONE: +1(407)802-0399 (RING RING MOTHA FUCKA)

House Information:
House Address: 
1830 Brando Dr
Orlando FL 32822-4656

IP Address:

https://prnt.sc/ttllid what a clown lmao :clown: