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 | |__| | |__| / . \| |____| |__| |
 |_____/ \____/_/ \_\______|_____/ 

║ Reason for DOX: Trying to be a roleplay hacker, get doxed dumbass. ║                                

                       /''''''''''(______O] ----------____  \______/]_                              _________________________________
    __...---'"""\_ --''   Q                               _________@-------------------------------|  DONT BE A SKID...              | 
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\ `--.   | |  | .  . || |_/ /\ `--.    | |  |  \| || |_   | | | |
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\____/  \___/ \_|  |_/\_|    \____/   \___/ \_| \_/\_|     \___/ 

║Swoon's Personal Shit:                  ║

Discord Username: swoon#3333

Full Name: Adrian Roberto Rodriguez  

irl's: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/633347260914204681/636416486134775829/image0.png

Phone Number: (813) 234-9687

Gender: Male
Age: 16

First Email: dripadrian88@gmail.com 
Second Email: swoon12god@yahoo.com

Alias: Swoon, "6ix" 
Passwords: Sprite255 , Fortnitex2456

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/\__/ / _| |_ | |  | || |    /\__/ / | |____\ \_/ /| \__/\| | | |  | |   _| |_ \ \_/ /| |\  |
\____/  \___/ \_|  |_/\_|    \____/  \_____/ \___/  \____/\_| |_/  \_/   \___/  \___/ \_| \_/

║Swoon's location info:                  ║

Address: 13522 Mango Bay Dr Riverview, Fl
Area Code: 813
Zip: 33579
City: Riverview
State: Florida
Country: United States Of America
Continent: North America
Time Zone: EST
IDD: +1

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\____/  \___/ \_|  |_/\_|    \____/  \_|    \_| |_/\_|  |_/ \___/ \_____/  \_/  

║Swoon's family info                     ║

Mom: Amalia Maria Rodriguez
Photo: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/633347260914204681/636423875449716747/hqdefault.jpg 
First Email: amalia15mex@gmail.com
Second Email: psych124x@yahoo.com

Dad: Carlos Julio Rodriguez
Photo: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/633347260914204681/636425908605157376/images.jpg

First Email: rodrig1carlos@gmail.com
Second Email: carlos1rodrig@gmail.com

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