reason// this person posted an innocent girl here on doxbin and accused her of being pedo (https://doxbin.com/upload/UKGIRLWHOLIKESLITTLEKIDS)
but if you check the minor in question, they have their age added on their bio and is NOT a minor. this person is accusing that girl of being the
pedo and even threatened her that they will kill her, according to the girl. 

this person blackmails minors apparently and has been posted here many times. they also lied about being dead which further proves they

short info

name: Delisa K Alexander
they are hiding behing the name "Andrew"
birthday:  August 29, 1999
Address: 592 Remsen Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11236 <-------------------- swat this lying kid toucher

more info: https://doxbin.com/upload/SERIALEDATEREXTORTERPEDODELISADOXX