reason dox asking for my location  ]
0x1 network info   0x2 age         ]
0x3 discord       0x4 location     ]
         0x5 face pic              ]
__________________________________ ]
Also credits for Kareox helping me ]                                

network info 
IP Address
internet company WorldStream B.V.
just this network info              ]
Country Netherlands
Continent Europe
Region/State South Holland
City Naaldwijk
Postal Code	2671
Suzui#9476=927009570554019891 discord id
face pic
discord member since jan 01 2022
age 18
fucked by Kareox and dark  ]
  _______/]_________[\_______________]__              | ================ |
|    ____     ___|---------------|========== ###### [ The get fucked gun]
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