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First, why i doxxed she? Because she is broke up with me and then mocking me for nothing in my social media and whatsapp and doxxed me before, that's why i want to doxxed today 

- Introduction
(-) Name : Almira khanza haryadi
(-) Age : 16 years old
(-) Year of birth : 2007
(-) Race : Indonesian
(-) Ethnicity : -
(-) Relationship Status : Taken 
(-) Gmail : almiraharyadi69@smp.belajar.id (school gmail, the real one i still searching)
(-) Gmail password : 4HAKi2xD Or Balebat@51
(-) Phone number (Current) : 0878-6005-7128 (indonesian girl and i tell you if she change the phone number XD)

- Boyfriend (Current)
(-) Boyfriend name : Revie Pratistha
(-) Phone number : 0818-0847-0047

- Home
(-)Ip address : (Still searching because every ip address i found not accurate)
(-)Home address : 9 Jl. R. H. Moh. Tohir, Bogor City, Jawa Barat 
(-)Link to google street view : https://www.google.com/maps/@-6.5915008,106.8155851,3a,75y,305.92h,61.03t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s_i4JUcswtZuoD7cSr4gvtQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=id&entry=ttu
(-)Home picture : https://ibb.co/RDgDwGC (Sorry it's laggy, cause i use anti-blur camera)

- School
(-) Type : Public, High school
(-) Address : Jl. Taman Malabar No.6, RT.6/RW.09, Tegallega, Kecamatan Bogor Tengah, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16129 
(-) School leader : Warsadi

- Social media
(-) Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/alrakhanza/
(-) Instagram 2nd account : https://www.instagram.com/tchaik0vsky/
(-) Sister Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/elvlunaaa

-Picture (Sorry if laggy a little bit :( )
(1). https://ibb.co/S3KhgwL
(2). https://ibb.co/B2x5kYX
(3). https://ibb.co/6NHTTM7
(4). https://ibb.co/Jkj3rWG
(5). https://ibb.co/qmJBVfY
(6). https://ibb.co/hBtftHN
