Created this dox to put a end to this individual obtained his IP through him logging in on roblox 

https://www.paypal.com/authflow/password-recovery/change/  | Stiletohonmyfeet@protonmail.com     |  $:A192B7381 
https://discord.com/register  |  s1nzzzz  |  SpiritualsDemise
https://www.paypal.com/authflow/password-recovery/change/  | Stiletohonmyfeet@protonmail.com|  $:A192B7381 | -PAYPALBANNED-
https://www.roblox.com/Login  |  Sinfu1II1  |  Stiletoh9201
https://www.paypal.com/authflow/password-recovery/change/  |  Stiletohonmyfeet@protonmail.com  |  $:A192B7381 | - PAYPAL BANNED -

Real name: Adam Karimi

Used a fake picture of my own friend and though he was him lmfaoo your white nigga go act your race learning how to be someone els u kurdish fag boy LOOOL 
https://files.catbox.moe/pxmkoa.webp - he thought he looked good stop pretending to be your friends your not them 

Uses fake names and fake accounts showed proof of this as he botted a snapscore via snapchat and started talking to randoms with it i can confirm his name is Adam Karimi

He showed how he bought his roblox accounts and would scam kids out of these things so far his main roblox account is MoeKeepitLit
https://www.roblox.com/users/724762262/profile - had this stolen from him months back so he took another account which belonged to my friend

Bare in mind he has 1 home he lies about living in certain areas and has people go onto these snapchat accounts and send snaps just a bunch of wierd people icl
Adress: Connells, Luton North 1A Riddy Lane, Leagrave, Luton, LU3 2AD

last words go fuck yourself you dropped my familys info as a joke i dont take kindly to what you tried putting me thru fag