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                                                                                          |  $$$$$$/                                    
-Name: Steve Wang
Picture ( https://upload.vaa.red/27Q8m5#43f6137e50d987863a6858509e7a8a6c )

- adress: 
Street: Van oorstraat 15
Postalcode: 8044RJ 
City: Zwolle 
Province: Overijsel
Country: The Netherlands

-Phone number : 0684517246
-Email : Stevewang2005@hotmail.com
-Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/steve_w_038/?hl=nl
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010009750587
-Spotify https://open.spotify.com/user/steve_wang2005

Mother: Zhengzheng Tang 
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/weizheng.tang 

Father: ??

Timmy (little Brother): 
-Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/timmy.wang.9887 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010015600585 https://www.facebook.com/timmy.wang.9465
-instagram: (Main) https://www.instagram.com/lingetja/    (old) https://www.instagram.com/protimmy/
-spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/muhcm2xet0zlo82g0dt8kjlxw
-Discord: ymmit#0357
-Family Business
Name of Business: Wok&Go
Phone number: 038 422 8505
Website: http://www.wok-go.nl/
Adress: Grote Markt 17 
Postalcode 8011 LW
Province: Overijsel 
City: Zwolle
Country: The Netherlands

__________                                                      _____    ________                   
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        \/      \/      \/      \/              \/                               \/               \/
 He raped a girl, yes litterly raped

 ____   _____  _  _    ____  _  _    __  __  _  _  ____  _____  _  _  ____    __     ___  _  _ 
(  _ \ (  _  )( \/ )  (  _ \( \/ )  (  \/  )( \/ )(  _ \(  _  )( \( )(  _ \  /__\   / __)( )/ )
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