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                       you doxed by devil//we calls him - Russian Satan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            


info here: His name is Stepin Vitaly,
 he was extremely mercantile and also aggressive.
 he tried to manipulate people for his own benefit and pestered my family.
 this creature has a hand on me. He also worked at a 
 furniture factory and where it is associated with furniture.
 On April 24, 2019, closed its production

dox here:
x[Full name]x - x[Stepin Vitaly Sergeevich]x
x[Number]x - x[+79773152168]x
x[Operator]x - x[Tele2]x
x[Place home]x - x[Serpuhov, street Chernyshesky. Russia]x
x[Mother]x - x[Info not]x
x[Father]x - x[Info not]x
x[VK]x - x[http://vk.com/id492331110]x
x[OK]x - x[https://ok.ru/profile/444567673236]x
x[Photo]x - x[https://ibb.co/m9VvhVM]x
x[GeoLocation]x - x[https://geotree.ru/?lat=54.91307&lon=37.39032&z=15&mlat=54.911702&mlon=37.391024]x
x[INN]x - x[504307568274]x
x[ORGNIP]x - x[315504300007631]x
x[Telegram]x - x[not have login, but have Telegram]x
x[Whatsapp]x - x[https://wa.me/79773152168]x

Doxed and posted by - RusSatanDOX