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d8" 8 8 "8b  888b         d888   d8"'    `"8b       88      "8b        d88b        888b         d888  
Y8, 8 8      88`8b       d8'88  d8'        `8b      88      ,8P       d8'`8b       88`8b       d8'88  
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  `"8"8"8b,  88  `8b   d8'  88  88          88      88""""""8b,     d8YaaaaY8b     88  `8b   d8'  88  
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Y8a 8 8 a8P  88    `888'    88   Y8a.    .a8P       88      a8P   d8'        `8b   88    `888'    88  
 "Y88888P"   88     `8'     88    `"Y8888Y"'        88888888P"   d8'          `8b  88     `8'     88  
    8 8                                                                                               
 Reason - none provided                                                                                                  
Name: Stephen Carter
Age: 36
Address: 260 Cherokee Trce Dahlonega GA 30533 (length of residence - 3 Years) 
Old Addresses: 4453 Ford Pl Snellville GA 30039
9110 Century Trl Gainesville GA 30506
1417 Arblay Pl Loganville GA 30052
3834 Pin Oak Cir Doraville GA 30340
3422 Bayshore Dr Doraville GA 30340
Phone numbers: (770) 363-6166 (primary) | others - (770) 929-9135 | (706) 864-4251 | (770) 709-2803 | (770) 554-3656
ZIP Code: 30503
Town: Gainesville
Service Provider: Verizon
Emails: stephencarter1@gmail.com | stephencarter1@gmail.com | optimo84@yahoo.com | optimo84@hotmail.com
Relationship status: 
Occupation: Clerical/white Collar
Education: Completed High School
Race: Black
Net worth: $50,000 - 99,999
Income: $100,000 - 149,999
Longitude/latidude: 34.526680 (lat) | -83.925800 (long)
IP: nothing found ~ 
Relatives:Amanda Carter
Age 42 (Feb 1979)
Bridgett Burns
Age 45 (Apr 1975)
Cathy Carter
Age 68 (Feb 1953)
David Carter
Age 43 (Jan 1978)
James Carter
Age 44 (Sep 1976)
James Carter
Age 69 (Dec 1951)
Mary Carter
Age 94 (Jan 1927)
Stacy Cooper
Age 36 (Dec 1984)
Trina Carter
Age 37 (Jul 1983)
Trina Carter
Age 35 (Feb 1986)
Amanda Carter
Age 42 (Feb 1979)
Carlton Carter
Age 66 (Feb 1954)
Charlton Carter
Age 41 (May 1979)
Cheryl Thompson
Age 42 (May 1978)
Elizabeth Carter
Age 62 (Jul 1958)
Jenell Carter
Age 51 (Mar 1969)
Jimmy Wotten
Age 40 (Feb 1981)
John Mcdowell
Age 50 (Jan 1971)
Michael Cosper
Age 50 (Feb 1971)
Patti Knox
Age 67 (Apr 1953)
Ashley Carter
Age 31 (Sep 1989)
Show Less...
Ayanna Nataki Wotten
Age 41 (Oct 1979)
Ayanna Wotten
Age 41 (Jan 1980)
Ayanna Wotten
Age 41 (Oct 1979)
Brandie Carter
Age 26 (Nov 1994)
Carl Thompson
Age 44 (Dec 1976)
Carrie Allen
Age 47 (Mar 1973)
Casey Frederick
Age 45 (Nov 1975)
Chandrell Carter
Age 46 (Feb 1975)
Gary Mcdowell
Age 71 (Mar 1949)
Jeffrey Lazor
Age 53 (Mar 1967)
John Brown
Age 84 (Dec 1936)
Kelly Mcdonald
Age 46 (Sep 1974)
Leann Tyler
Age 49 (Jun 1971)
Lori Newman
Age 47 (Apr 1973)
Marilyn Carter
Age 51 (Oct 1969)
Mary Carter
Age 72 (Jan 1949)
Raenell Carter
Age 69 (Jan 1952)
Shavella Maxwell
Age 34 (Nov 1986)
Shirley Brown
Age 84 (Oct 1936)
Tariq Akram
Age 53 (Aug 1967)
Tiffany Paige
Age 43 (Feb 1978)
Nicknames/Aliases: Stephen M Carter | Mr Stephen Monroe Carter | Mr Stephen M Carter | Steve Carter 
Credit Card info: nothing found ~ 
SSN: nothing found ~ 
Photos of victim: nothing found ~ 
Twitter: nothing found ~ 
Instagram: nothing found ~ 
YouTube: nothing found ~ 
Snapchat: nothing found ~ 
TikTok: nothing found ~ 
Twitch: nothing found ~ 
Reddit: nothing found ~ 
Steam: nothing found ~ 
Friends: Amber Ridgeway
Age 35 (Jun 1985)
Alex Lilavois
Age 52 (Dec 1968)
Amare Mamo
Age 45 (Jan 1976)
Beryl Black
Age 48 (Jul 1972)
Dorothy Tatem
Age 84 (Nov 1936)
Gerald Hall
Age 63 (Aug 1957)
Gina Lilavois
Age 54 (Mar 1966)
Gisela Ridgeway
Age 82 (Dec 1938)
Jack Ridgeway
Age 60 (Sep 1960)
Kimberly Call
Age 56 (May 1964)
Lorri Preston
Age 60 (Nov 1960)
Matthew Marzocchi
Age 40 (Mar 1980)
Mohd Chowdhury
Age 58 (Dec 1962)
Nikki Grote
Age 44 (Jul 1976)
Rahel Mezegebe
Age 44 (Apr 1976)
Robert Ridgeway
Age 34 (Jul 1986)
Ronald Townsend
Age 79 (Sep 1941)
Susan Barlow
Age 48 (May 1972)
Vanessa Hall
Age 61 (Jul 1959)
William Hammett
Age 53 (Nov 1967)
Brent White
Age 52 (Dec 1968)
Jameel Cloud
Age 43 (Jul 1977)
Credit Scores/etc: Wealth Score = 63 | Green Score = 46 | Donor Score = 60 | Travel Score = 49 | Tech Score = 49 | Shopping Score = 54 |
88888888ba,      ,ad8888ba,    8b        d8      88888888ba   8b        d8      88888888ba          db         88b           d88  
88      `"8b    d8"'    `"8b    Y8,    ,8P       88      "8b   Y8,    ,8P       88      "8b        d88b        888b         d888  
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88aaaaaa8P'  88  88aaaaaa8P'      88aaaaaa8P'  88          88       ,88"     88          88  
88""""88'    88  88""""""'        88""""""8b,  88          88     ,88"       88          88  
88    `8b    88  88               88      `8b  Y8,        ,8P   ,88"         Y8,        ,8P  
88     `8b   88  88               88      a8P   Y8a.    .a8P   88"            Y8a.    .a8P   
88      `8b  88  88               88888888P"     `"Y8888Y"'    888888888888    `"Y8888Y"'    
