[!]    Steely (Admin at Baitedcommunity.com) Dox    [!]

Nickname: Steely
Also known as: TwizzSteely

First name: Noah Luke
Last name: Steele

Born: 2000
Location: Halifax, Yorkshire, England

Steamprofile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199006272863
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TwizzSteely
Discord ID: 349978787963731970

Some general information:

- He started streaming when he was 17 (back in 2018)
- He likes Leeds United which apparently is a football team in UK

First name: Karen
Last name: Steele
Her instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ksteely2509/

Here is a picture of his mom to the left, dad to the right and little Steely in the middle. It looks like the picture was taken long ago, ain't he cute: https://bit.ly/3jia6tq

Information from: https://www.findmypast.co.uk/search/results?firstname=noah&lastname=steele&sourcecountry=great%20britain

Dox by himself, I love internet, everything is there