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 `Y88P'  `Y88P'  VP   V8P    YP    Y88888P VP   V8P    YP    `8888Y' 
                                                ║ → 0x10 | Introduction........................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x20 | Personal Information................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x30 | Social Media........................... ║
                                                ║ → 0x40 | Family................................. ║
                                                ║ → 0x50 | Outro.................................. ║

   ⛧ 0x10 -> Introduction   
  Hello, welcome to this dox. Today we will be destroying a fucking retarded egirl. This egirl is a fucking lgtbq faggot.


   ⛧ 0x20 -> Personal Information

   ⛧ Online Alias(s)

   ⛧ Full Name + Age
   Name -> Sofia Kennedy Lemos
   Age -> 15
   DOB -> 04/23/2005

   ⛧ Birth Location
   Hospital born in -> Kaiser Permanente
   Location -> Santa Rosa, California
   Weight at Birth -> 8 pounds, 9 ounces	

   ⛧ Faces
   ⛧ School
   ⛧ Mendocino K-8 School
    Address -> 44261 Little Lake RdMendocino, CA
    Phone Number -> (707) 937-0515
    School Email ->  k-8principal@mcn.org
    Students -> 309
    School Website -> https://www.mendocinousd.org/MES
    Principal -> Bronwyn Rhoades
    School Time -> N/A	
    School Picture -> https://i.imgur.com/WMT0aKp.png
   ⛧ Address                                                                        
  ⛧ Current Address
    Address -> 9350 N Highway 1, Mendocino, CA, 95460
    City -> Mendocino
    State ->  CA
    Zip Code -> 95460
  ⛧ Previous Address 1 
    Address -> 1350 Gold Way, Rohnert Park, CA 94928-1561
    City -> Rohnert Park
    State -> CA 
    Zip Code -> 94928
  ⛧ Previous Address 2
    Address -> 44725 Pine St, Mendocino, CA 95460-9701
    City -> Mendocino
    State -> CA
    Zip Code -> 95460
   ⛧ Ip Info
   IP -> 
   Decimal -> 838900475
   Hostname -> 50-0-154-251.dsl.dynamic.fusionbroadband.com
   ASN -> 46375
   ISP -> Sonic.net
   Type -> Broadband 
   Assignment -> Static IP
   ⛧ Passwords

   ⛧ House Info
  ⛧ Current Address Info
   Beds -> 4
   Baths -> 4
   sqft -> 6,153 sqf
   Cost -> $3,995,000
   Year build -> 2010
   Heating -> Forced air
   Lot -> 4.98 
   House picture -> 
   Type -> SingleFamily
   Total spaces -> 3
   Stories -> 2 
   House Picture -> https://i.imgur.com/g0T3Ts9.png
 ⛧ House Interior Pictures
 ⛧ Previous Address 1 Info
   Beds -> 3 
   Baths -> 1.5
   sqft -> 1,208 sqft
   Cost -> 1,208
   Rent -> $2,400/mo
   Year build -> 1985
   Heating -> None
   Lot -> N/A
   House picture -> N/A 
 ⛧ Previous Address 2 Info
   Property Type -> Single Family Home
   Lot ->  0.57 acres
   House picture -> https://i.imgur.com/xFqLNJc.png 

   ⛧ Phone Number(s)



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   ⛧ 0x30 -> Social Media
Here's her social media, go bully him . K thx <3

   ⛧ Discord
   quit#0005 | User id: 800205215159681092

   ⛧ Roblox
   https://www.roblox.com/users/190935286/profile | User id: 190935286
   ⛧  YouTube


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   ⛧ 0x40 -> Family

   ⛧ Mom
         +------ Personal Information -------------------------------------------------+

         ⛧ Full Name -> Debbie Leigh Lemos
         ⛧ Address -> 9350 N Highway 1, Mendocino, CA, 95460
         ⛧ Age -> 57 	
         ⛧ Dob -> 07/26/1963	
         ⛧ Occupation -> Brocken Wheel Produtions		 

         +------ Phone Numbers --------------------------------------------------------+
         (707) 937-2867 -> Landline (current)
         (707) 585-8004 -> landline
         (707) 586-0877 -> landline  

         +------ Email address --------------------------------------------------------+
   ⛧ Dad 
         +------ Personal Information -------------------------------------------------+
         ⛧ Full Name -> Derek Anthony Lemos 
         ⛧ Address -> 9350 N Highway 1, Mendocino, CA, 95460
         ⛧ Age -> 55
         ⛧ DOB -> 10/27/1965 	
         ⛧ Ethnicity -> Caucasian
         ⛧ Religion -> Christian
         ⛧ Net Worth -> $100,000 - $249,999

         +------ Email Addresses ------------------------------------------------------+

         +------ Phone Numbers---------------------------------------------------------+
         (707) 510-9088 -> Wirless (Current, call this one)
         (707) 586-0877 -> landline
         (707) 579-9313 -> landline 
   ⛧ Grandma 
         +------ Personal Information -------------------------------------------------+
         ⛧ Full Name ->  Barbara Elaine Compton
         ⛧ Address -> 14350 Prairie Way Mendocino, CA 95460  
         ⛧ Age -> 93
         ⛧ DOB -> 08/28/1927

         +------ Email addresses ------------------------------------------------------+
         +------Phone Numbers ---------------------------------------------------------+
         (707) 964-2856 -> landline 




  ⛧ 0x50 -> Outro
 We have successfully destroy the egirl, here's some more extra info to end the dox.