I do not forgive. I do not forget. Fear me. ___ ./ _) O _.---._|____\__________________,-------.------------==-.____|] ____ / ##-|=======--------===-----==-|-----=|=-------------._______) (####L-.________________/ /___|__________________________ ______| )-------. \###| ________________) `--- |---------------------===== ,_____| _____/========" |##F-' | /\ --- | __mmmmm__________(======|...---''/ |###/ (_\ \ |_______ ' "-L nn [mf] | | |##| """" \__________________| | /##/ ) //(( // || _,-/ /##/ / /\\_V_// |,-" ( \#/ ./ / `---" \ \ v /_ / \ `. /_ `-.___/ \ `. `-.___/ ". `. ". `. ". _," ".-" Reason For The Dox -Being a fucking bitch -Talking to 5billion men just to suck some dick -Professional Scuba Diver Some words about Sofia: Sofia is a girl that lives in Greece, Thessaloniki, pylaia from a young age she couldn't make friends easily on the year 2019 she lost her friends and was alone for a year her best friend Thalia then proceeded to call her a bitch and a slut behind her back from the year 2019 to 2020 she was talking to random people on discord because she couldn't make friends between those 2 years she was sending nudes to everyone and two 18 years old guys fucked her with her consent ( while she was 15 ) moreover Sofia talks to random guys online cause she cant find any friends and after about 3 months she leaves them and proceeds to talk about them behind there back to other guys also before she got fucked she wanted to be bi because "she would have more opportunities to get fucked if she was bi" also she abused her dog once further more she is a scuba diver aka suicidal retard Proof about everything: https://prnt.sc/1viuc42 ( shared this on her private insta (the other kid is her friend) ) https://prnt.sc/1viv0xv ( one nude that got leaked ) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/820418805691056139/872353442935476284/VID_191401112_125554_297.mp4 ( leaked video of her playing her pussy ) https://prnt.sc/vztZs3iAIQJa ( Scuba Diving ) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/901835630290558976/937388580932825198/ONTOS_1.mp4?size=4096 ( fake crying on a video ) Proof about the animal abuse: https://prnt.sc/26li42m ( her touching her dog ) https://prnt.sc/26li5in ( animal abuse ) =========Sofia========= Name: Sofia Lioliou Address: Prasakaki 29, Pylaia, Thessaloniki Discord: S̷o̷f̷i̷a̷#3707 Discord ID: 478567764127383552 Insta: _.lioliou._ Priv Insta: lioliou_privvv LOL Account: dienuxx Snapchat: lioliouuuu Old Phone Number: 6909058465 New Phone Number: 6934179934 Email1: s*******p@gmail.com Email2: s*******u@gmail.com School: Πρωτο γενικο λυκειο πυλαιας Photos( when she was young ): https://prnt.sc/1ukzfkr https://prnt.sc/1ukzgmn https://prnt.sc/1ukzida https://prnt.sc/1ukzj7i https://prnt.sc/1whccgz https://prnt.sc/1ul08h8 Photos( recent ): https://prnt.sc/xXiv9Tj_FesG https://prnt.sc/1ukzt35 https://prnt.sc/1ukzvwy https://prnt.sc/1ul00d5 https://prnt.sc/1ul04dr https://prnt.sc/1ul05c2 https://prnt.sc/1ul0doi Semi Naked: https://prnt.sc/1ul06j2 https://prnt.sc/1viv0xv https://prnt.sc/26le5w6 https://prnt.sc/26le64o =========Sister========= Name: Marialena Lioliou Address: Prasakaki 29, Pylaia, Thessaloniki Insta: _liolioy Priv Insta: liolioy_priv TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@_liolioy Second TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@.liolioy_backup Phone Number: +30 690 *** **56 Email: kaisogloy@yahoo.gr Snapchat: liolioyy_9 School: Πρωτο γυμνασιο πυλαιας Photos( when she was young ): https://prnt.sc/1ul0h87 https://prnt.sc/1ul0i9k Photos( recent ): https://prnt.sc/26dopzp ( second slut of the family ) https://prnt.sc/1ul1bl8 https://prnt.sc/1ul1csa https://prnt.sc/1ul1dos TikTok Videos: https://vimeo.com/674826353 https://vimeo.com/674826865 https://vimeo.com/674826974 https://vimeo.com/674827036 =========Mother========= Name: Beta Kaisoglou ( ελισαβετ καισογλου ) Insta: kabetaki Snapchat: magdalenamanga ( not sure ) Twitter: https://twitter.com/kaisoglou TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kabetaki Email: kaisogloy@yahoo.gr Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beta.kaisoglou =========Job Information========= Location: Τσιμισκή 38,54623, Θεσσαλονίκη 5ος ΟΡΟΦΟΣ Site: https://gynaikologos-lioliou.gr/ Phone Numbers: 2310244071 / 6974469660 Email: pliolioy@gmail.com Photos: https://prnt.sc/1wh57nw ( nice boobs btw ) https://prnt.sc/1ul1zdl https://prnt.sc/1ul20v0 https://prnt.sc/1ul22e4 https://prnt.sc/1ul24kp https://prnt.sc/1ul25sv https://prnt.sc/1ul27i1 https://prnt.sc/1ul2939 https://prnt.sc/1ul2b5h =========Father========= Name: Liolios Apostolis Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/apostolis.liolios =========Job Information========= Nothing LOL he is a waste of oxygen he doesn't have a job he watches TV all day and he feeds some stupid fish with a hope to sell them one day Photos: https://prnt.sc/1ul2z16 https://prnt.sc/1ul317r https://prnt.sc/1ul327r https://prnt.sc/1ul37hl https://prnt.sc/1ul3afw =========House Info========= Address: 29 Πρασακάκη Πυλαία, Αποκεντρωμένη Διοίκηση Μακεδονίας - Θράκης Google Mpas: https://tinyurl.com/2846p4eb Front View: https://prnt.sc/1ul2kwr https://prnt.sc/1whbhne https://prnt.sc/1whbir5 https://vimeo.com/671435169 Indoors View: https://prnt.sc/26le2lg https://prnt.sc/26le2vh =========Cousin========= Name: Λενα Τσακιριδου Insta: _.lenatsakiridou._ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@_.lenatsakiridou._ Snapchat: lenatsakii Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100049336572483 Photo: https://prnt.sc/1ul2ta4 =========First Aunt========= Name: Xara Lioliou Address: Ιωαννίνων 37, Θεσσαλονικη [Δημος], Θεσσαλονικη, 54639 ( not sure about it ) Phone Number: 2310824009 ( not sure about it ) Insta: xara_lioliou Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ralou.lionel Photo: https://prnt.sc/1ul45dm =========Second Aunt========= Name: Kitsa Kaisoglou Insta: kitsa_kaisoglou Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008948828559 Photo: https://prnt.sc/1ul6ty9 https://prnt.sc/1ul6uyb https://prnt.sc/1ul6wft https://prnt.sc/1ul6xo2 =========Grandmother========= Name: Sofia Lioliou ( same as the kid ) Insta: lioliou.sofia / lioliousofia / liolioysofia Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sofia.liolioy Snap: s_lioliou21 Photos: https://prnt.sc/1ul4btp https://prnt.sc/1ul4cxg https://prnt.sc/1ul4f7v https://prnt.sc/1ul4gzv =========First Friend========= Name: Thalia Smyrni Insta: thalia.smr Photos: https://prnt.sc/1ul53og https://prnt.sc/1ul5521 https://prnt.sc/1ul563d =========Second Friend========= Name: Gabriella Savvidou Insta: __.savvidou._ Photos: https://prnt.sc/1ul64bl https://prnt.sc/1ul65wg https://prnt.sc/1ul66vr =========Third Friend========= Name: Xara Lazarou Insta: chara_lazarou Photo: https://prnt.sc/1ul6cb8 =========Random Things========= male irl friends: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/710424136060502092/847444880677535783/unknown.png favorite song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4YX28p7ysU&list=RDg4YX28p7ysU&start_radio=1 doing random shit: https://streamable.com/ftg3d6 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ,;;;;;;, ,;;;'""`;;\ ,;;;/ .'`',;\ ,;;;;/ | \|_ /;;;;; \ / .\ ,;;;;;;| '. \/_/ /;;;;;;;| \ _,.---._ /;;;;;;;;| ; _.---.,_ .;;/ `.;;;;;;;;;| ;' \;;, .;;;/ `;;;;;;;;;.._ .' \;;;. /;;;;| _;-"` `"-;_ |;;;;\ |;;;;;|.---. .' __.-"```"-.__ '. .---.|;;;;;| |;;;;;| `\/ .'/__\ /__\'. \/` |;;;;;| |;;;;;| |_/ // \\ // \\ \_| |;;;;;| |;;;;;| |/ |/ || || \| \| |;;;;;| \;;;;| __ || _ .-.\| |/.-. _ || __ |;;;;/ \jgs| / _\|/ = /_o_\ /_o_\ = \|/_ \ |;;;/ \;;/ |`.- ` ` ` ` -.`| \;;/ _|;' \ | _ _ _ _ | / ';|_ / .\ \\_ ( '--'( )'--' ) _// /. \ \/_/ \_/| /_ | | _\ |\_/ \_\/ | /|\\ \ / //|\ | | | \'._'-'_.'/ | | | ; '-.```.-' ; | | \ ``` / | __ ; '.-"""""-.' ; __ /\ \_ __..--\ `-----' /--..__ _/ /\ \_'/\`''---''`..;;;;.'.__, ,__.',;;;;..`''---''`/\'_/ '-.__'';;;;;;;;;;;,,'._ _.',,;;;;;;;;;;;''__.-' ``''--; ;;;;;;;;..`"`..;;;;;;;; ;--''`` _ .-. /,;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;,\ _.-' `\ .' /_ /,;;;;;;'/| ;;;;;;; |\';;;;;;,\ `\ '-'| / ) /,;;;;;',' | ;;;;;;; | ',';;;;;,\ \ .'-./ `'-..-' /,;;;;',' | ;;;;;;; | ',';;;;,\ `"` | ;;;',' | ;;;;;;; | , ', ;;;'| _\__.-' .-. ; ;;;;;;; ; |'-. 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