               DOX Dropped by ~ |L|y|e|F|e|r|

Purpose: Molchanov Georgy Dmitrievich. 08.13.2001 (August 8, 2001)

=================================================== ==============

* Snay
* SnayYT
* SnayChannel
* Zhorasuper
* Gora13
=================================================== ==============
Place of residence:

* Russia, Moscow (Moscow region)
* Possible address: Konenkova St. d.11 apt. 138
* Previously lived in Severodvinsk (Arkhangelsk region)
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A family:

* Father - ok.ru/profile/469959286485
* Mother - ok.ru/larisa.tomilova

Mother studied at school number 4 in Severodvinsk, as well as in school number 5 in Severodvinsk. Then she entered the Arkhangelsk College of Medicine (www.arhmedcolledg.ru)
My father studied at school number 24 in Severodvinsk from 1978 to 1985.
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Contact details:

* Phone number: +79523092011
* Operator: T2 Mobile
* City: Severodvinsk
* Latitude / Longitude: 64.53991 40.51575
=================================================== ==============
Educational institution:

* Secondary school No. 19, Severodvinsk
* Website - mbou19.1mcg.r
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* thesnaychannel@gmail.com
* jora13082001@yandex.ru
* jora13082001@mail.ru
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Electronic Wallets:

* Webmoney wallet: R237339338719
* Yandex wallet: 410011122221931
* QIWI Wallet: +79523092011
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Skype accounts:

* thesnaychannel
* snaydmitrievich
* jora13082001
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Social networks attached to number and mail:

* Twitter - twitter.com/SnayYouTube
* VKontakte - vk.com/georgiymolchanov (vk.com/id121543117)
* YouTube - www.youtube.com/channel/UCXkqIJIaTxcbu0jMlcrCJiA/about
* Instagram - instagram.com/standoffspinru
* Instagram2 - instagram.com/zhorasnay
* Classmates - ok.ru/profile/540430926575
* Ask.fm - ask.fm/zmolchanov
* icq.im - icq.im/jora13082001@yandex.ru
* linkedix - www.linkedin.com/in/george-molchanov-18b250191
* tamblr - snaycsgo-blog.tumblr.com
* bitbucket - bitbucket.org/%7Bef1da8db-ada6-4ff4-8322-dfdc08032819%7D/
* Adidas - www.runtastic.com/en/users/3622a70a-30be-ff1a-4c35-7cb554c8c559

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* 13082001gora
* 13082001g1
* 13082001g
* 10028031ARoJ
* 08 * 13 * 2001mafia
* jora13082001
* 08132001mafia
* zhoramolchanov89523092011
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Data from social networks:

Facebook: +79523092011: 13082001g
Twitter: snaygay@dfb55.com: snaygay123 / +79523092011: snaygay123
VKontakte (old account that is blocked): +79523092011: zhoramolchanov89523092011
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Twitter Archive

Archive: dropmefiles.com/0wVfe (works 14 days from 06/01/2020)

The reason for dox is the boorish attitude of George towards his subscribers and just the audience, as well as a cheap money divorce. At 18, he has a fortune of about 2M rubles.

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