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โ–“ โ–“โ–“     Intro       โ–“โ–“ โ•‘ โ–“โ–“                                          [ distraught ]     โ•‘    [ distraught ]                                                  โ–“โ–“ โ•‘  0x00  โ•‘  โ–“โ–“  โ–“

   A new rabbit hole has surfaced on the internet recently regarding a peculiar individual who goes by the alias "Smartschoolboy9". I was initially alerted to this by a 
   couple friends of mine (shoutout to; Julie, Letsly, Phaty and Lia the chink). Anyways looking thoroughly into this situation, and watching numerous videos on Youtube about 
   this, it is apparent that "Smartschoolboy9", whose real name is David London, has some sort of weird fetish for dressing up as a young school boy. This weird individual 
   also posts weird photos of other people's children with creepy edited makeup, and then accuses people of being "perverts" or "pedophiles" (quite ironic) if they comment 
   something negative about it. Creeps like this should not and have no space for being in this world at all. Parents should not be posting pictures of their children if they 
   want to protect them from sadistic people like this. It is a sad and cruel world that we live in, but there is only so much we can do to try and change it. A long but 
   adventurous 2 weeks was taken up from my time trying to find information on this sicko, but like always, it's worth it at the end. I do not have much more to say but if you 
   want proof on this weirdo, just simply type up "smartschoolboy9" on Youtube and there you go. Also before we get into how I found the leads for this dox to even be possible, 
   for all you faggot youtubers such as "dankyjabo" seriously stop milking this situation just because you have a coke addiction, or I will make sure you end up on here too. 

   Now let's talk about the leads to this dox. So the first and major lead was a sneaky way of obtaining information on Instagram accounts, as I will not state how, but if you 
   know then you know ;)
   The first account that this method was done to was the "smartschoolboy9" Instagram account. The email "londondavid826@gmail.com" was obtained from it along with some IP 
   addresses. Note that the IP addresses do not give exact location however it was used to prove that David was in fact using a number which is from the o2 network. Anyways 
   around 7-8 more accounts then had the same done to them, and even some troll accounts were done too, but I just ignored them and carried on with my investigation. The same 
   email that was attached to the "smartschoolboy9" Instagram account was indeed the same email used for the "lyricistdavid" Instagram account (which is now deleted and some 
   troll has the username), and the "David London" Facebook account. He can keep denying that it isn't him however you shouldn't really be using the same email over and over again 
   if you want to deny facts.

   Okay now for the last part before I give yall the dox, credits to nikegoth and realised for gathering accounts and spending countless hours trying to find information that 
   can be used for this dox. Farewell. 


โ–“ โ–“โ–“     Victim      โ–“โ–“ โ•‘ โ–“โ–“                                          [ distraught ]     โ•‘    [ distraught ]                                                  โ–“โ–“ โ•‘  0x01  โ•‘  โ–“โ–“  โ–“

 ›  Name:                       David London
 ›  Aliases:                    smartschoolboy9, lyricistdavid, David London, schoolgirltheresa, girl.chloe12, truth_sticks_11, stansfieldstefanie
 				 โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Instagram / Facebook usernames.

 ›  Age:		        55 Years old
 				 โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Date of birth: 11/11/1968 (11th November 1968)

 ›  Known Numbers:              +447936562284
 				 โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Carrier: o2
 				    โ”‚ Voice mail: https://files.catbox.moe/jh552i.m4a

 				 โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Carrier: o2
 				    โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Facebook: True
 				       โ”‚ Instagram: True
 				       โ”‚ Microsoft: True

 ›  Phone information:          Samsung Galaxy A20e

				Number PSA: These numbers may be deactivated

 ›  Address:                    35 Christ Church Road, Doncaster, DN1 2QD
 ›  Country:                    England
 ›  Time of Residence:          2021 - Current
 ›  Current Occupants:          Mr Sebastian Bogdol - 39
				Mr Grzegorz Prukop - 44
				Mr David W Gibson - 63
				Mr Graeme Varga - 63
				Miss Sandra Bonczyk - 34

 ›  Facebook:                   https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070669809067

 ›  TLO's:                      https://files.catbox.moe/v00fxa.pdf

โ–“ โ–“โ–“     Emails      โ–“โ–“ โ•‘ โ–“โ–“                                          [ distraught ]     โ•‘    [ distraught ]                                                  โ–“โ–“ โ•‘  0x02  โ•‘  โ–“โ–“  โ–“

 ›  Email 1:                    londondavid826@gmail.com
 				 โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Connections:
 				    โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCibsAsVw5plnD-Fp5967yQA
 				       โ”‚ Facebook: True
 				       โ”‚ Twitter: True
 				       โ”‚ Samsung: True
 				       โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Phone Hint: +4475**65**77
 				       โ”‚ Paypal: True
 				       โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Phone Hint: +44 7*** **4177

 ›  Email 2:                    stansfieldstefanie@gmail.com
 				 โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Connections:
 				    โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDnz_PnHOJEHXzfckWPKkng
 				       โ”‚ Picsart: True
 				       โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Id: 314288352273101
 				          โ”‚ Name: stansfieldstefani
 			              	  โ”‚ Username: stansfieldstefanie
 				          โ”‚ Profile Url: https://picsart.com/u/stansfieldstefanie
 				       โ”‚ Facebook: True
 				       โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Phone Hint: +44 **** ****77
 				     	  โ”‚ Spotify: True
 				     	  โ”‚ Samsung: True
 				     	  โ”‚ Instagram: True
 				     	  โ”‚ Vimeo: True
 				     	  โ”‚ Pinterest: True

โ–“ โ–“โ–“   Social Rape   โ–“โ–“ โ•‘ โ–“โ–“                                          [ distraught ]     โ•‘    [ distraught ]                                                  โ–“โ–“ โ•‘  0x03  โ•‘  โ–“โ–“  โ–“

 ›  Instagram account 1:       smartschoolboy9
 				 โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Registered Email Addresses: londondavid826@gmail.com
 				    โ”‚ Registration Date: 2021-03-10 05:53:54 UTC
 				    โ”‚ Registration IP:
 				    โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ City: Bristol
 				       โ”‚ ISP: o2 (UK)
 				       โ”‚ VPN/Proxy: False
 				    โ”‚ Account Closure Date: 2024-07-25 14:39:34 UTC
 				    โ”‚ Login IP:
 				    โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Login Time: 2024-07-25 14:37:52 UTC
 				       โ”‚ City: Liverpool
 				       โ”‚ ISP: o2 (UK)
 				       โ”‚ VPN/Proxy: False

 ›  Facebook account 1:       David London (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070669809067)
 				 โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Registered Email Addresses: londondavid826@gmail.com
 				    โ”‚ Registration Date: 2021-07-12 08:05:14 UTC
 				    โ”‚ Login IP:
 				    โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Login Time: 2024-07-25 14:33:24 UTC
 				       โ”‚ City: Liverpool
 				       โ”‚ ISP: o2 (UK)
 				       โ”‚ VPN/Proxy: False
 				    โ”‚ Login IP:
 				    โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Login Time: 2024-07-10 20:20:42 UTC
 				       โ”‚ City: Liverpool
 				       โ”‚ ISP: o2 (UK)
 				       โ”‚ VPN/Proxy: False
 				    โ”‚ Login IP:
 				    โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Login Time: 2024-07-10 20:20:42 UTC
 				       โ”‚ City: London
 				       โ”‚ ISP: o2 (UK)
 				       โ”‚ VPN/Proxy: False

 ›  Instagram account 2:       lyricistdavid (New username was: davids_quick_comedy_and_songs)
 				 โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Registered Phone Number: +447936562284
 				    โ”‚ Registration Date: 2020-04-08 12:06:49 UTC
 				    โ”‚ Registration IP:
 				    โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ City: Birmingham
 				       โ”‚ ISP: o2 (UK)
 				       โ”‚ VPN/Proxy: False
 				    โ”‚ Account Closure Date: 2024-08-27 01:43:44 UTC

 ›  Instagram account 3:       schoolgirltheresa (New username was: the_converted_girl)
 				 โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Registered Phone Number: Not found
 				    โ”‚ Registration Date: 2020-02-09 00:53:20 UTC
 				    โ”‚ Registration IP:
 				    โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ City: Birmingham
 				       โ”‚ ISP: o2 (UK)
 				       โ”‚ VPN/Proxy: False
 				    โ”‚ Account Closure Date: 2024-08-27 01:43:44 UTC

 ›  Facebook account 2:       	stefanie.schoolie
 				 โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ Registered Email Addresses: stansfieldstefanie@gmail.com
 				    โ”‚ Registration Date: 2020-03-01 07:26:03 UTC
 				    โ”‚ Registration IP:
 				    โ””โ”€โ”€โ”‚ City: Birmingham
 				       โ”‚ ISP: o2 (UK)
 				       โ”‚ VPN/Proxy: False
 				    โ”‚ Registered Number: +447596654177 (Cell was verified at 2020-03-01 07:27:40 UTC)

โ–“ โ–“โ–“    Credits      โ–“โ–“ โ•‘ โ–“โ–“                                          [ distraught ]     โ•‘    [ distraught ]                                                  โ–“โ–“ โ•‘  0x04  โ•‘  โ–“โ–“  โ–“

 Supa cool hakkaz >_^    -    Julie, Letsly, Phaty, Lia, nikegoth, realised
 OSINT/CSINT - Distraught
 Account gathering - Julie, Letsly, Phaty, Lia, nikegoth, realised