║                              NAME: Slyver                             ║

║                    FULLNAME: Slava(Slavic) Gadsazew                   ║
║                       BIRTHDAY : 3. August 2005                       ║
║           ADDRESS: Barvia (i saw many activity's in Ratisbon)         ║
║        EMAILS: gdemsl2005@gmail.com,  slyver.buisness@gmail.com       ║

║                                SOCIALS                                ║
║                       https://vk.com/id222131003                      ║
║                    https://www.twitch.tv/notslyver                    ║
║                 https://www.instagram.com/notslyver/                  ║
║        https://open.spotify.com/user/it601gmpgdvymqg5up5jfrx75        ║
║ https://www.facebook.com/SLAVA-3-3-210664726504083/?ref=page_internal ║

║                       SCREENSHOTS                    ║
║              https://prnt.sc/LspHbsYtBxHJ            ║
║              https://prnt.sc/fMglNiZTDfiq            ║
║              https://prnt.sc/4jvIV9GlaeOp            ║
║              https://prnt.sc/8O9rBxelB7w-            ║
║              https://prnt.sc/lmsTPGjhVnoL            ║
║              https://prnt.sc/jmOVzRbh2JWH            ║
║              https://prnt.sc/zObBRRTpdUOn            ║
║           (ALL OF THIS PICS ARE A BIT OLDER)         ║

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~ Vty

This is just a warning more will be coming soon
send me a message if u want to negotiate (Vatality#4789)