Slyde’s Dox | Jame's Ryall Jr
Slyde Is a Two Face Schizophrenic Bipolar Fag Who Like’s hitting On Underage Females & enjoy’s spending IRL money on these females. He lives in a house of 3 men & stay’s down in a basement 99% of his time & absolutely waste his life on a pc. Slyde has no IRL Girlfriend nor JOB & has Only Ever Had One "Job" & uses his roommates information for nearly everything due to him just being a un responsible gay man child, Before Slyde Moved in with Corey He Was Living With His Grandma around Pembina Due to the fact his mother & father Never Really Wanted a gay son i guess. slyde tends To Take Money from people & have them wait day’s to week’s at a time before giving them their items they paid for & even sometimes just straight scams them. He waste his customers money on weed & half finished MLO’s that he has to constantly send to other developers to work on cause he’s just fucking stupid. He’s a half ass lazy prick who’s the definition of worthless & psychotic. Slyde Uses Weed & pills to cope with his own mental illnesses & still end’s up being a worthless prick. Slyde think’s he’s the “shit” & is a IRL Blood because he’s been to jail one time. but in reality he’s a white boy from winnipeg who is 29 years old & has a son by the name of hunter but neglected him & now his child is in foster care.

Real Name: James,Theodore,Ryall
Age: 29 Year's Old
Last Known Job: Aluminum Sound
Location: Winnipeg Canada
Zip Code:r2k 2p7
Phone Number: 204-619-4916
Password: nipples
Password: nipples999
His Fivem Server’s IP:

His SoundCloud:

Both His Facebook's

His Father's Facebook

Picture’s of James: