___    ___  __  ____  __ ___  ___         ___ __   __   _
|   \  / _ \ \ \/ /\ \/ /| __||   \       | _ )\ \ / /  |_|
| |) || (_) | >  <  >  < | _| | |) |      | _ \ \   /    _
|___/  \___/ /_/\_\/_/\_\|___||___/       |___/  |_|    |_|
 AAAAA   N   N   OOO   N   N   Y   Y  M   M   OOO   U   U   SSSS     222    33333      666
A     A  NN  N  O   O  NN  N    Y Y   MM MM  O   O  U   U  S        2   2        3    6
AAAAAAA  N N N  O   O  N N N     Y    M M M  O   O  U   U   SSSS       2      333    66666
A     A  N  NN  O   O  N  NN     Y    M   M  O   O  U   U       S     2          3   6    6
A     A  N   N   OOO   N   N     Y    M   M   OOO    UUU    SSSS    222222  33333     6666
-+-                                       0x01 [ Reasons For Doxxing ]                                          -+-        
‣ Zoey is a slut bag who switches boys every week
‣ Zoey also gave  people child porn of her self
‣ Zoey is know to threaten to kill herself when things dont go her way
‣ Zoey uses her little minions to to do her dirty work
‣ Zoey also tried to poison someone using hand sanitizer
‣ When her first poison attempt failed she used bleach but got caught

-+-                                       0x02 [ General Information ]                                          -+-        

Victim's Legal Name: Zoey K Stowers
‣ First Name: Zoey
‣ Last Name: Stowers
‣ Middle Name: K
‣ Alias: "Zoey,zoey,Zoey Stowers,stowers,zoe,zs"
‣ Age: 16
Residence Information:
‣ Address: 2401 Cedar Rd Chesapeake, Virginia 23323
‣ Zip Code: 23323
‣ County: None
‣ City: Chesapeake

Victim's Selfies:
‣ Selfie 1: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1289360123625738324/1313303934898802768/IMG_9945.png?ex=674fa51a&is=674e539a&hm=065294280d6520b77da034da00c3e186fcd774343366da633d5b12c53b06f649&
‣ Selfie 2: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1289360123625738324/1313303994659246110/IMG_9946.png?ex=674fa528&is=674e53a8&hm=c50e76808b4bc59b530e9a52c1b0e2866bfdc36f8e78dc149b72901f18353e8e&
‣ Selfie 3: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1289360123625738324/1313303995028340816/IMG_9944.png?ex=674fa528&is=674e53a8&hm=9590cad77c97716e700b705b976252393af1097d66e9be5332057fd70c186132&
‣ Selfie 4: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1289360123625738324/1313303995271352390/IMG_9943.png?ex=674fa528&is=674e53a8&hm=96726c37621e6b2b36b3293af91660e68808d469a167558ad5eb945956916edb&

Phone Number(s) 
‣ +1 (805) 263-3652
Email (s)
‣ Unknown at the moment...

IP Address(es):
‣ Unknown at the moment...

Victim's Social Links:
‣ Facebook: Unknown at the moment...
‣ Snapchat: Unknown at the moment...
‣ Twitter: Unknown at the moment...
‣ Instagram: Unknown at the moment...
‣ TikTok: Unknown at the moment...

Victim's Schools:
‣ Elementary School: Grassfield Elementary, Chesapeake VA
‣ Middle School: Hugo A Owes Middle school, Chesapeake VA
‣ High School: Grassfield High School, Chesapeake VA
-+-                                         0x03 [ Family Information ]                                         -+-             


Victim's Father
‣ Legal Name: N/A
‣ First Name: N/A
‣ Last Name: N/A
‣ Middle Name: N/A

Father's Info:
‣ Address: N/A
‣ Zip Code: N/A
‣ County: N/A
‣ City: N/A

Phone Number(s) 
‣ N/A
‣ N/A
‣ N/A

Father's Birth Info:
‣ DOB: N/A
‣ POB: N/A
‣ Blood Type: N/A

Father's Social Links:
‣ Facebook: N/A
‣ Snapchat:N/A
‣ Twitter: N/A
‣ Instagram:N/A
‣ TikTok:N/A

Father's Schools:
‣ Elementary School: N/A
‣ Middle School:N/A
‣ High School:N/A

Victim's Mother:

‣ Legal Name: Dawna Stowers
‣ First Name: Dawna 
‣ Last Name: Stowers
‣ Middle Name:

Mother's Address: 2401 Cedar Rd Chesapeake, Virginia 23323
‣ Zip Code: 23323
‣ County: Chesapeake
‣ City: Chesapeake

Phone Number(s) 
‣ (740) 497-3390

Mother's Birth Info:
‣ DOB: 08/27/1987
‣ POB: United States, Alabama
‣ Blood Type: B

Mother's Social Links:
‣ Facebook: https://www.instagram.com/dawna.s?igsh=OGRhN2djamxma2tt
‣ Snapchat:
‣ Twitter: 
‣ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dawna.s?igsh=OGRhN2djamxma2tt
‣ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dawnagene?_t=8rtUyzHof6d&_r=1

Mother's Schools:
‣ Elementary School: 
‣ Middle School:
‣ High School:
-+-                                             0x04 [ Dox Credits ]                                            -+-             
‣ Info Fetcher 1: ANONYMOUS236
‣ Info Fetcher 2:
‣ Info Fetcher 3:
‣ Info Verifier 1: ANONYMOUS236
‣ Info Verifier 2:
‣ Info Verifier 3:
‣ Social Links: ANONYMOUS236
‣ Family Info: ANONYMOUS236
‣ General Info: ANONYMOUS236
‣ Dox Requester:
‣ Co-Doxxer:
‣ Doxxer: ANONYMOUS236
   ____   _____   ______   _____    __   _________     _________    _____      _
  / ___| |  __ \ |  ____| |  __ \  |__| |___   ___|   |___   ___|  / ___ \    |_|
 | |     | |__) || |____  | |  | |  __      | |           | |     | /   \ |
 | |     |  _  / |  ____| | |  | | |  |     | |           | |     | |   | |    _
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  \____| |_|  \_\|______| |_____/  |__|     |_|           |_|      \_____/
  AAAAA   N   N   OOO   N   N   Y   Y  M   M   OOO   U   U   SSSS     222    33333      666
 A     A  NN  N  O   O  NN  N    Y Y   MM MM  O   O  U   U  S        2   2        3    6
 AAAAAAA  N N N  O   O  N N N     Y    M M M  O   O  U   U   SSSS       2      333    66666
 A     A  N  NN  O   O  N  NN     Y    M   M  O   O  U   U       S     2          3   6    6
 A     A  N   N   OOO   N   N     Y    M   M   OOO    UUU    SSSS    222222  33333     6666
  FFFFF   OOO    RRRRR    TTTTT  H   H   EEEEE      DDDD    OOO    X   X
  F      O   O   R    R     T    H   H   E          D   D  O   O    X X
  FFFF   O   O   RRRRR      T    HHHHH   EEEE       D   D  O   O     X
  F      O   O   R  R       T    H   H   E          D   D  O   O    X X
  F       OOO    R   R      T    H   H   EEEEE      DDDD    OOO    X   X