Hostname: c1-3a-zen-6.hntvl.zs.ncren.net

ASN: 81

ISP: North Carolina Research and Education Network

Organization: North Carolina Research and Education Network

Services: None detected

Type: Corporate

Assignment: Likely Static IP

Continent: North America

Country: United States

State/Region: North Carolina

City: Charlotte

Javascript disabled or geolocation map not available.

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap Terms
Latitude: 35.2916  (35° 17′ 29.76″ N)

Longitude: -80.8201  (80° 49′ 12.36″ W)

Postal Code:28269

address: 3215 whamath drive Charlotte North Carolina

Dads name Robert
Moms name angeia 

Age 15

Moms age 53

Dads age 46

Couple emails sstephn87@gmail.com

he though he was the shit

ran\doxxed by bombthreats#7961 and Driixzyy#0001