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                                                                    1.: Reason  
                                                                    2.: Personal Info
                                                                    3.: Social Media
                                                                    4.: Final Notes
                                                                    5.: Credits      

1. Promising that he will buy me a lego set but never did.
2. Tried rizzin up my ekitten.
3. Selling illegal stuff on the dark web. 
First name: Josh
Last name : William
Age : 18
Address : 129 Glen Willow Ct 29650
State : South Carolina
City: Greer
Birthdate : 02/21/05
Discord : ghost ˞ #9355
Bikes: 2 H2R's, 1 H2 Kawasaki, 1 Pingale V4, 2 BMW S1000RR, 3 Ducati Legacy (red carbon fiber)
Car: 1 Lamborghini EVO 2021, 1 Ford Shelby 2003(collectors edition)
Owns 3 houses, 2 Valley Glen Ct, 129 glen willow Ct, and other one is unknown.
Photo's of houses: https://ibb.co/ZWphYLw https://ibb.co/G9wB1GG


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