______ ____ ____ _____ ____ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ ___|\ \ | | ____|\ \ ___|\ \ | ||\ \ |\ \ ___|\ \ ___|\ \ ____|\ \ _____ _____ | |\ \| | / /\ \ | |\ \ | | \\ \| \ \ / /\ \ | |\ \ / /\ \ \ \ / / | |/____/|| | | | | || | | | | | \| \ \ || | |____| | | | | / / \ \ \ \ / / ___| \| | || | ____ | |__| || |/____/| ____ | | | \ | || | ____ | | | || | | | \____\/____/ | \ \___|/ | | | || .--. || || ||| | | | | \ | || | | | | | | || | | | / /\ \ | |\ \ | | | || | | || ||____|/| | | | | |\ \| || | |_, | | | | ||\ \ / /| / / \ \ |\ ___\|_____| |____|/____/||____| |____||____| |\____\|____| |____||\_____/||\ ___\___/ /| |____|/____/|| \_____\/____/ |/____/ /\ \____\ | | | | | | ||| | | || | | | | | | |/ \| ||| | /____ / | | / | | \ | || | /| |/ \| | \|____|_____| |____|_____|/|____| |____||____| \|____|____| |____| |___|/ \|___| | / |____|____|/ \|____||____|/ |____| |____| \( )/ \( )/ \( )/ \( \( )/ \( )/ \( |____|/ \( )/ \( )/ \( )/ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' )/ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REASON FOR DOX: He exit scammed ScoobServicez and Atake.GG on Discord for keys and accounts He accuses everyone else in R6 Comm of scamming despite him being the one scamming He has to be media for free keys because hes unemployed and lives in his grandmas trailer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCORD INFO: Discord Username: Slapjng Discord Server: Discord.GG/SlapjngServicess Member ID: 1147448593310023700 Email: MichaelGrey657@gmail.com IP Address: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IP ADDRESS INFO: IP Address: Country: United States State/Region: Kentucky City: Louisville Latitude: 38.2541 (38° 15′ 14.76″ N) Longitude: -85.7594 (85° 45′ 33.95″ W) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL INFORMATION: Photo of face: https://imgur.com/a/uTUi1SO Name: Michael Grey Age: 21 Years of Age Address: Unknown, he doesn't own a house he lives with his Grandma Unemployed: Unknown, fired from last job and hasn't found one since City/State: Louisville, Kentucky ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Conclusion, Slaping did you know I was once in vc with Casper idk how it happened and I got banned as well he is a sound bloke I rate him?? Good luck being the joke of comm!